Congratulations on the day of the Russian customs officer. Poems to the customs officer, congratulations on the day of the customs officer

October 25, 2018 - Day of the Customs Officer of the Russian Federation. Traditionally, all customs officers of the Russian Federation celebrate their professional holiday on a grand scale. On this day, they receive congratulations from management, government and business representatives, colleagues and friends. We have prepared the best congratulations in prose for any occasion: official congratulations, congratulations in prose in your own words, short congratulations in prose for SMS messages and much more. Choose!

Congratulations on Customs Day official

Dear employees and veterans of the customs service!
Over the years of its existence, the Russian Customs Service has made a worthy contribution to strengthening economic security and protecting the country's national interests. Today it is rightfully one of the most effective mechanisms of state regulation of foreign trade, replenishment of budget revenues. High professionalism, utmost attention, responsibility, adherence to principles and diligence distinguish employees of your divisions and truly deserve respect from colleagues. I wish you good health, family well-being, optimism and patience in solving everyday problems! Good luck and new achievements in the service for the good of Russia!

Official congratulations in prose on the Day of the Customs Officer of the Russian Federation

Dear customs officers!
Congratulations on your professional holiday - Customs Day! Historically, customs authorities appeared together with states. In Russia, duties on the import of goods were levied a thousand years ago. On October 25, 1653, by decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the Unified Customs Charter was introduced. From this day, the history of Russian customs is officially counted. Along with the border guards and the army, you keep the borders of our Motherland inviolable. Your weapon is law, experience and reason, your enemy is everything that undermines the economic security of Russia. Centuries pass, state formations and borders change, but customs invariably stands in the way of attempts from outside to deceive, weaken, and rob our state.
Thank you for your hard work! We wish you health, prosperity and inexhaustible strength for successful service for the benefit of the Fatherland!
Please accept my most sincere congratulations on your professional holiday - the Day of the Customs Officer of the Russian Federation!
Your high professionalism and competence, unquestioning observance of the letter of the Law are a reliable guarantor of the protection of the economic interests of the state. Working in one of the most intensive foreign trade areas, you effectively organize the movement of goods across the state border, reliably suppress attempts at smuggling, smuggling of drugs, weapons, theft of cultural property, and actively work to prevent foreign economic crimes, violations of currency and export laws. The social stability and well-being of the Vyborgsky District largely depends on your well-coordinated work.
We wish all the personnel of the Vyborg Customs to effectively fulfill their official duties, professional growth, good health, good spirits and further fruitful activities for the benefit of the Fatherland.

Congratulations on Customs Day in prose in your own words

Russian Customs Day 2017 - congratulations in prose

Congratulations on the day of the customs worker! And on your professional holiday, we want to wish you calm work, so that the days go on as usual without unpleasant incidents. We are proud of you and respect your work. Thank you for the responsible attitude to work, for courage and courage! Be happy and healthy!
I congratulate you on a wonderful professional holiday, Happy Customs Officer's Day! I wish you victories, calm shifts in the service and simple family happiness! You have great wisdom and insight, which means that you will not let any enemies or worthless goods into the country! Thank you for the fact that we can sleep peacefully, because the border is protected by you!

Today I want to sincerely congratulate you on the Day of the Customs Officer of the Russian Federation! May your work always bring you great pleasure, positive emotions, significant earnings and just a good mood. Let there be as little squabbles, troubles, disappointments and conflicts as possible in your life. Never get sick, do not get upset over trifles and do not think about the bad. Let there be less risk and danger around you. And of course, I wish you to sincerely love and be also dearly loved by someone.
I congratulate the first-class customs officer of Russia on the holiday! I wish that your work, which is of great benefit to the country, brings only pleasure to you personally, may there be no emergency situations with illegal goods and people on your shift, may the duties be collected in large amounts and this has a positive effect on wages and prosperity, may the authorities highly appreciate your human qualities, ability to work with people, sharp eyes and amazing flair that do not allow smuggling to cross the border.
Customs friends, one day a year it is not a sin to raise a glass for us, customs officers. You and I are a single brotherhood, every minute keeping watch to protect our beloved country. Health, family well-being, success in a difficult profession. Happy holiday! Happy Customs Day!
A customs officer is not just a profession, but a “key” to the country. It is able to stop any illegal entry or import of goods. Only a selfless person like you could choose such a noble profession. I wish you a career take-off, easy changes, prosperity and family well-being. Let everything in your life go according to the thumb, without tricks and surprises. Work honestly and selflessly. Rest fun and interesting. Let everything be perfect in your destiny! Happy Customs Day!
Day of the customs officer of the Russian Federation is celebrated today - October 25! On this day, I want to congratulate all the workers of this irreplaceable service. I wish you not to lose your working spirit, vigilantly calculate the criminals, because sometimes the peace of the country is in your hands. And as long as you carry out your service with dignity and courage, we are calm about the purity and quality of imported goods. We know that control is adamant and reliable! Thank you for your work! Happiness, health and success in all matters.
Today, not the customs, but the whole country gives the go-ahead to the stormy and protracted celebration of the day of the customs officer, cheers! Please accept warm congratulations and gratitude for high-quality imports and profitable exports! Let only good things come into your life and do not take duties for this from you! And, of course, may all material and spiritual dreams come true, and we will always help you in their implementation! Happy holiday!

Congratulations on Customs Day in your own words

Do you know the rules and laws well? Not even a mouse will run through your reliable guard? Then you are a customs officer of the highest rank - brave and skillful. Happy holiday to you!
The work of a customs officer is not easy. But on this day, you should at least be a little distracted and relax in the circle of colleagues and relatives.
I congratulate you on the day of the customs officer. Success and good luck in work, happiness and joy in life, and, of course, good health.
Please accept our heartfelt congratulations on the day of the customs officer. I wish you and your family health, success and fulfillment of all desires. Happy holiday!
Customs Day is a professional holiday of brave and hardy people. Let each work shift go quietly and calmly, so that you always return to your family, for whom you are so dear. Thank you for your work, which helps us feel safe. Happy holiday!
I would like to wish people of this honorable and wonderful profession health, joy from every day they live and family well-being. But most importantly, I wish you a quiet service, endurance and career growth. Let all your dreams come true!

Happy Customs Day!

Congratulations to veterans of the customs service
Dear veterans of the customs service, workers, colleagues! We sincerely congratulate you on the Russian Customs Day! You are the pride of our country, and these are not just words. You easily cope with any tasks, your work is of particular value and importance for the development of the social and economic sphere of the country. We thank you for everything and wish you good health, success and new achievements in your work, personal happiness! Happy holiday!

Customs Day: short congratulations in prose

On the Day of the Customs Officer of the Russian Federation, let toasts be distributed around glorifying the valor, competence, confidence and dedication of all customs officers! May gifts be given to them today, awards and prizes solemnly presented, all sincere and heartfelt wishes be sent!
Congratulations on your professional date, our guardian angels, our dear customs officers! May your service always be safe, may you never have to sip the bitterness of loss, and may the fire of goodness always burn in your eyes. We wish you happiness and faith in beauty!
May the Lord keep all the customs officers who protect us and our heirs from the invasion of evil. May your efforts always be justified, the service goes well, and your loved ones support you with their prayers and care! Happy holiday to you! Happy Customs Day of the Russian Federation!
We would like to wish happiness to the employees of the customs control service on this day, because each of them deserves the greatest concentration of this happiness in their life! Thank you for the glorious work in protecting our homeland from harm! Happy professional holiday!
Dear customs officers, thank you for the round-the-clock vigil of the borders of our beautiful state! And even if the evil does not leave its attempts to penetrate into our homes, souls and hearts across the border, we believe that you will still defeat it! Happy Customs Day of the Russian Federation!
A stream of passengers flows past you, some on business, some on vacation ... And everyone has countless things, and everything needs to be taken into account! On Customs Day, I suggest you take a little break and accept congratulations and heartfelt wishes for a happy life, in which everything you desire flows like from a cornucopia, and love warms your heart day and night!
You will help fill out the declaration, you will save the poor lemur from smuggling ... Happy Holidays to you, customs officer! Smile, stand up freely and think that you are a very happy person, and then it will be better! Love will come and turn your head, replenish your account with wealth and honest work will decorate your chest with new awards!
Congratulations on Customs Day! Your sensitive attention helps to keep the national interests of the country in the fortress, and, perhaps, with your service you fully deserve the wish that all dreams come true, life be long and happy, life beautified by true love and strong friendship!
You are strict only at first sight, and even then - the instructions oblige. But we know that in your heart you are the kindest and most wonderful person, whose attention we steal today for a good reason - to congratulate you on Customs Day! Be always collected and strong, and may your happiness be enough to hang another star in the sky!
Comrade customs officer, on his professional holiday, we wish patience and attentiveness, so that, having said “no!” to smuggling, to take it away from our borders with a strong hand! And, since one cannot live with only one service, we wish family happiness, solid savings in banks and regular vacations in hot countries!
Congratulations on the Day of the customs officer to her husband
My dear customs officer, I want to congratulate you on your professional holiday - Customs Officer's Day! You have been working in this field for many years, you know how to solve certain problems and issues, so you often help out your friends and acquaintances. I want to wish you a pleasant holiday! May this day show you that we all really need such professionals, such wonderful people who do everything to prevent the collapse of our economy. I want you to feel that all the citizens of our country thank you for the work done. Today you have every right to rest and relax. You really have a very difficult job that requires tremendous concentration of energy and patience. May the forces never leave you, because without your work we cannot. Happy holiday!
Congratulations on Customs Day to a friend in prose
I really want to congratulate you, my dear friend, on a holiday that is professional for you. On the Day of the Customs Officer, I would like to wish you all the most positive and positive that a customs officer needs to enjoy his work. I want your every working day to be productive and successful. Let all your relatives and friends be proud of what a strong and responsible son and brother they have, who works in such an important industry. I remember how a few years ago you said that you wanted to work in this area, but no one could even imagine that you would achieve such unprecedented success. Keep it that way, because you deserve it. May this unique day remain in your memory for many years to come. I wish you to receive as many congratulations as possible today. May your day be pleasant and successful!
Congratulations on the Day of the customs officer to colleagues

Official congratulations in prose on the Day of the Customs Officer

The twenty-fifth of October is an important day for all those involved in customs. In fact, it is quite difficult to work in this area, but there are a lot of workers, so they will all congratulate each other today. Personally, I want to congratulate you, because among my acquaintances, it is you who work in this industry. I want to express my admiration, because I know that it is very difficult for you at times. You face big challenges, but you handle them well. On this holiday, I want to wish you only what you need so that you do not get tired at work for as long as possible. Of course, you miss your household because you rarely see them, but trust that they know what important activities you are engaged in. I wish you as few problems as possible at work, fewer conflicts and inadequate people.
Today is just wonderful weather outside, it doesn’t look like autumn at all, but I think that the sun didn’t just come out like that. It wants to please all those people who will celebrate their professional holiday today. We are talking about customs officers who protect our borders day in and day out. No prohibited goods will cross the border, because they will not allow it. I want to congratulate you on the Day of the Customs Officer, and also wish you good health, a lot of joy and happiness. Let your duty pass without any problems and conflicts. Let everything be calm so that your family and friends do not worry about you. I wish you to enjoy your holiday, because a professional holiday is a special day, because it took you so long to become a real professional. Congratulations!

SMS congratulations on the Day of the customs officer in prose

Accept congratulations on the day of the customs officer! I wish you to confidently stand guard over the interests of our beloved country, enjoy life and strive for the best! May faith in miracles, luck, success never leave you, and may health always be strong and never fail!
Please accept my most sincere congratulations on the day of the customs officer! On this holiday, I wish the customs service to work like clockwork, because you stand guard over your native country and its property! May you always have a wonderful mood, and the desire to make this world a better place never goes away!
Please accept my congratulations on the day of the customs officer! From the bottom of my heart I want to wish you to be the best of all your colleagues! Let your ingenuity, ingenuity and striving for excellence help you identify violations, and let life give you all the best!
I want to congratulate you with all my heart on the day of the customs officer! I wish you that in your life there is not only a place for work, but also for rest, so that you always have the strength to be attentive, because without this there is nowhere in your business! And in life I wish you good health and a wonderful mood!
I congratulate you on your professional holiday - Happy Customs Day! From the bottom of my heart, I want to wish you only the very best! Let work bring joy and satisfaction with the fruits of your labor, let luck and good mood accompany you at all times!
Happy Customs Day! Thank you for your hard work! Remember - the main thing in life is not material well-being, because money comes and goes. The most important thing is the people who were with you in difficult times. Let everything be good in your life! I wish you happiness!

Precious customs!
I ask you to forgive me:
Absolutely impossible
Skip this holiday!
And now he will close his arms
You have a womanizer on your neck -
I really want to tell you:
Happy Customs Day to you!

Happy customs day
We are employees of everyone, everyone!
Your laws are immutable
Therefore, eternal success awaits here!
Strictly, strictly everyone will be examined,
Through the detector will be carried out!
And in the face, well, they will look,
That they won’t let you lie for anything.

The entire customs service, which carried the patrol all year,
In October, meets a holiday - the 25th.
They will give them gifts, congratulate them on Customs Day,
And to present especially distinguished ones for awards.
With lawbreakers, the demand is harsh and steep,
Drug smuggling will not pass through the border.

Congratulations on customs day to everyone,
I'm in a hurry for the umpteenth time.
Get the service right
And have a keen eye for everyone!
See all the dishonest at once,
Stop them all at the door.
Well, do not offend the honest,
And celebrate go quickly!

Funny congratulations on customs day

Customs Day is often a sad holiday ...
After all, sometimes this holiday is a working day.
The day is hard and not a day off!
But today everything is different, we are lucky today!
Happiness joy good luck with this day brought you!
Let today at work, but in the native circle,
We congratulate you, hug you, and then,
We wish you happiness with the increase in shoulder straps!

On Customs Day, I send you absolutely non-smuggling greetings, as well as a wish to work famously - putting a seal with one hand, and catching violators with the other! And of course, do not detain anyone extra time and show eagle vigilance!

We are in the day of the customs officer
We wish you fun, easy
Live-live in the world of white
Happy, joyful and bold.
We wish you comfort in the house,
And no worries, except
Love that makes you happy.
On life's sunny path
We want less smuggling
So that you always have order,
And smiled so that fate.
For customs day! For you!

Congratulations, customs officers!
Your hard work!
But smugglers will not pass by!
We know: only by law can they be imported
Foreign goods to the borders of the native country!
And outside the homeland do not carry corsairs
Goods prohibited for export by law!

We are you, veterans of the customs service,
Today we want to congratulate the whole world.
You have served for a long time, and there is no stronger friendship,
And now we will devote a couple of lines to her.
Friendship forever connected you with the service
And you were able to develop the infrastructure,
And the shift came and learned everything from you
And he is serving, so that they can be proud.

Everything is fine at customs.
And the order is complete there,
After all, only pros work,
Smuggling will not be allowed

Smelling her a mile away,
Hands will be given to the bandits!
Congratulations on customs day
And we wish you all excellent service!

It has always been difficult at the borders -
Every merchant is cunning with goods!
But the employees of the glorious customs,
Having worked at least a month, at least three -
They know that - even in winter, even in summer -
There will be no smuggling!
After all, not without reason - and also for this! -
The people respect you for a long time!
Anyone here - everyone can see it! -
Knows the business, ready to work
Not for a penny, - "It's a shame for the state!", -
This slogan, though not new,
In general, true, since we are talking about customs.
On your holiday, we want to wish
Good luck to you in your difficult work,
Do not be sad, do not grieve, do not get sick!

Today is a holiday at customs
We hasten to congratulate everyone with him.
You can wish today
Great success from the bottom of my heart.
Stand guard unwaveringly
Keep goods, duties account,
And only in legal cases

The customs officer is the hero of dashing plots:
He protects the borders of the powers,
And wholeheartedly cares about the budget,
And strives to live honestly, not by lies.
No one is surprised
Your talent to avoid temptations ...
My honest friend! Congratulations!
You are the pride of all customs! Keep it up!

May customs flourish
The holiday is merrily met,
Let the problems recede
And let everyone understand you!

For customs officer
Wrote a couple of lines:
He works hard
Must earn on time.
My wife needs a new Lexus
Mother-in-law - cottage to heaven,
And an apartment for my daughter,
My son wanted a cut yesterday.
You rather bear bribes,
And fives and twenties
Euro, rubles, dolyars,
Put everything in my closet.
You can also bring vodka
To wet my throat
To make the holiday a success
You can also drink wine!

Poems to a customs officer, congratulations on the Day of the customs officer

Serving at customs is not an easy task,
You need to watch vigilantly, carry the patrol boldly.
After all, you look outwardly - that's like a tourist,
Check it out properly - a smuggler.
Today is your holiday, we congratulate you,
We wish you love, patience and happiness,
So that your hard work is always respected,
After all, you are performing a very important service.

Funny congratulations on customs day

Customs is a strict border.
She is the stronghold, she is the law.
Flashing passports and faces
Spashlyapil - damage to the Motherland.
And the border guard looks vigilantly
Clean before his country.
There is no sense in criminal attempts -
A smuggler won't get through here.

There are many different jokes
About customs and their work.
But today is a holiday, after all,
And here the jokes will not work.

Everyone who gives us "good",
We are happy to congratulate
You are the country of our core,
Happy holiday, hard workers!

Customs has no time to be bored,
Customs officers keep guard:
What is someone carrying - hand luggage
Or an item obtained by theft?
Customs service is not easy,
It comes with a lot of risk.
So let the dream come true
Those who are in combat with the smuggler!

The customs officer is our protection!
From external enemies the country will be closed.
Neither a thief will get through, nor a drug dealer,
They will end immediately at the border.

Quietly let the guard town sleep
While such a person is in office.
Please accept a small gift from us,
May the service be calm forever.

Happy Customs Day!
We can congratulate you
Wish you freedom
In life, at home, at work.
Wish you peace.
Smuggling? What?
Defuse everyone quickly!
To avoid interference.
Let the gold coins ring in your hands,
More beautiful than summer, brighter than the sun,
Our toast turned out to rhyme,
And it came in handy for the holidays.

Being a customs officer is responsible and difficult,
We can't live without you,
Ready to save us from smuggling
And always guard our cordons.

Serve in harmony and faithfully,
Accept our congratulations on the holiday!
So that everything in life is easy for you,
And there was less smuggling!

Happy Customs Day to you -
The border is always on the castle!
Past your stern eyes
Even the midge will not rush.
country's economy
From Amur to Vyatka
Take care. She is faithful.
And you are not susceptible to bribery.
And keep it clean!
Be happy, love
So that there are no duties at the post
The load "left" did not pass by !!!

Poems to a customs officer, congratulations on the Day of the customs officer

We praise customs officers
And we can't live without them
We congratulate them on the holiday
And we'll sing ditties.
You can lead a camel
Through the eye of a needle
But Russian customs
It's not easy to skip.
Making money is hard
It's easy to get lost along the way:
We need cargo through customs
Move a couple of times.
The guys here have a great sense of smell,
All - bloodhounds, as one.
The powder was brought egg,
It turned out to be heroin.
Becoming a customs officer is difficult,
There's a lot to know
Forces to give everything to customs
And don't take too much!
Happy Customs Day!

Dear Customs Inspector,
Let me congratulate you on your holiday.
No famous lecturer
It won't say what you say

About goods allowed for import,
And about those who transport goods,
Let everyone understand you further
Appreciate, love, respect!

Customs officer, military officer,
Keep cordons from dashing intrusions,
To keep order in service
And in your open hearts,
Let the borders find peace
And customs posts
Let the smile on your faces
Accompany in difficult times!

We congratulate all customs officials,
And day and night they protect the cordon of their native country.
Their work is difficult, sometimes disturbing,
Friends, we appreciate you, and we know how much we need you.

Please accept warm words and congratulations,
Have fun with all your might today
Let customs clearance do not spoil your mood,
Sadness and trouble let go away.

We wish you health, happiness and bestowal,
You can smell smugglers a mile away,
May Lady Luck be good
When you are on duty.

Win disputes with the cunning,
And the one who carries the permitted,
He knows perfectly well: everything is just in the green corridor, -
Customs without problems "good gives".

Poems to a customs officer, congratulations on the Day of the customs officer

Oh, customs you, customs,
Oh, customs uniform!
Impossible to carry here
No cutlet, no sapphire.

You do not hide money in a sole;
In that border line
You can carry vodka.
Vodka? Only in the stomach!

Happy customs day, friend,
You honor the laws
Be happy all around
Happiness in the path of life
Never know worries
And do not know sadness,
Also, don't be discouraged
Let dreams come true!

Customs officer! Today is your day!
And today we are not too lazy to celebrate.
We wish you good luck at work,
Good luck, luck, glad you
Was in life, in work, in the house and in destiny.
Today all songs and toasts are for you!
Today everything will be calm and okay.
And they won't bother you with smuggling.
Today fate smiled at you.
So let's drink and we'll say a toast: For you!

SMS congratulations on customs day

Even though it's hard these days,
We control the flow of goods!
The beauty and pride of all customs,
We congratulate you today!

Grip, experience, sharp eyes -
Here is what is hidden, of course, fart:
You will search everyone, you will find everything,
Don't miss it, stop it!
respect, know you
And I wish you happiness!

Happy customs day, friend!
Break the familiar circle
Celebrate a legal holiday
Super duper good fantastic!

As a guardian of order throughout our country
I congratulate you on the Day of the customs officer!
May your pockets always be full
I wish you success in your service!

Happy Customs Day, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
Import, export, contracts, checks, taxes...
I wish you a successful and easy career
So that you find your way to happiness!

The customs officer is a force, and business is not for the weak,
Therefore, we will do without pretentious superfluous words.
I wish you and your family health and happiness,
Let only good cargo meet your destiny!

Customs officer, you are truly serving,
You will not be deceived and you will not be fooled,
You know about honor not in words,
We wish you to collect only good luck in business!

Let the country of heroes know by name!
On the day of the native customs, everyone wishes you
So that goods come without smuggling,
To be loved and appreciated in the service!

This holiday is not vulgarized -
He is desired every time:
Less breakdowns! More fees!
Happy Customs Day to you!

Happy Customs Day, friend!
Let happiness walk around
Brings joy and love
And in a career, a quick take-off!

On the day of the customs officer - burn!
With the right morning, get up,
Smile and shine
Let the holiday be all my life!

Customs control is a serious business,
Everyone needs to be checked and checked very carefully.
And on this wonderful holiday my handshake
And congratulations to you! Everything will be great!

Holiday customs service today!
Be always happy and satisfied!
Let everything work as it should:
Positions, awards, well - and awards!

Customs day is a serious holiday,
As serious as your business as a whole.
We wish you many different gifts,
And life so that the strip is white!

A country like you can be proud of
After all, you are a customs officer with a huge letter "T",
Let the borders remain unshakable
All those that are so important in your destiny!

Accept, customs, an urgent cargo of kindness, love and happiness!
Let troubles and bad weather always bypass you!
For the good of your Motherland, you honestly serve -
Fate will give you warmth of love and friendship in return!

Every year on the twenty-fifth of October, employees of the customs services of the Russian Federation celebrate their professional holiday in our country. Surely, among your friends there are those who have something to do with this specialty. You will definitely need to congratulate these people in order to express all your respect for the representatives of this complex and such a responsible profession. You will need to prepare special congratulations that will be appropriate on this particular day. On this page you can find the best and most appropriate congratulations only for representatives of this specialty, which you will give them on the day of their professional holiday. Be sure that you will be exactly appreciated. So do not forget to mark this day on your calendar to congratulate your friends. Good luck! We celebrate Customs Day in Russia on October 25, in the world on January 26.

It's customs day
All wickedness - beware!
To get somewhere -
You must be patient.
Maybe on this day, you will slip,
And you won't lie to your face
If you want in poetry
Congratulations to everyone!

Happy customs day
We are employees of everyone, everyone!
Your laws are immutable
Therefore, eternal success awaits here!
Strictly, strictly everyone will be examined,
Through the detector will be carried out!
And in the face, well, they will look,
That they won’t let you lie for anything.

We send congratulations today
To honest customs officers, to all employees!
And we wish you patience today
And there are fewer problems on checks!
Passport will be checked, all luggage will be examined,
Honest people - health to all of you!
Let all the visitors do not argue with you,
And you be kinder today at least to us!

And at the customs, and at the customs,
Noise is worth, din, but positive!
After all, it celebrates its holiday,
Our entire customs team!
Congratulations to all employees
From the heart, sincerely and soul I send.
May you remember these moments
I give you a positive mental gift!

What's there? What happened there?
On the border, noise, fun!
Maybe something happened?
Not! Just congratulations!
Happy Customs Officer's Day,
Everyone who passes by!
And bosses, and bosses,
Congratulations to everyone from the bottom of my heart!

Happy customs officer day
Congratulations to all of you!
And the work is easy for you,
I wish as true friends.
Be vigilant in the service
As long as you are serving.
We all need your work very much,
And God help you in your work!

Congratulations on customs day to everyone,
I'm in a hurry for the umpteenth time.
Get the service right
And have a keen eye for everyone!
See all the dishonest at once,
Stop them all at the door.
Well, do not offend the honest,
And celebrate go quickly!

Happy World Customs Day,
Let it go smoothly, without flaws,
You guys can easily today
Let yourself relax and be a little drunk.
Let joy be above the roof,
And let success - more than enough,
Let heaven hear your prayers
From him we will begin to congratulate
We will go to you with postcards, flowers,
We are glad to celebrate the holiday with you,
We respect customs officers ourselves.

We are in the day of the customs officer
We wish you fun, easy
Live-live in the world of white
Happy, joyful and bold.
We wish you comfort in the house,
And no worries, except
Love that makes you happy.
On life's sunny path
We want less smuggling
So that you always have order,
And smiled so that fate.
For customs day! For you!

Good for customs.
And that means you can
By completing the declaration
Cross the border.
Thanks for this service
For what is very necessary
Does the job -
Beware of violations.

Today is a holiday at customs
We want to wish
Stand guard relentlessly
And protect the state!
Customs - strict border
Let it work easy
Let them not be disturbed by smuggling
Let every day be a holiday!

Oh, God, what a customs officer!

Your honor, mister customs officer!

Happy Customs Day to you!
Your hard work is respected.
Day and night you are on the border
You are serving faithfully.

Happiness to you, recognition in business,
Salary increase.
Let life be a success
And full of surprises. ©

Do not pass the smuggler
After all, customs is on the way,
Not possible dangerous goods
Pass through your point.

On the day of the customs officer glorious
Accept congratulations.
I wish you success
And for promotion. ©

Happy customs day to you
Faithful border guard.
The mouse will not slip past
The bird won't fly.

I wish you a glorious service,
Bright and big victories,
So that, as before, smuggling
Strictly said "no"!

Let it scan all imports
Your gaze is vigilant, vigilant,
Goods will not enter the country
Defective, suspect. ©

There are many different jokes
About customs and their work.
But today is a holiday, after all,
And here the jokes will not work.

Everyone who gives us "good",
We are happy to congratulate
You are the country of our core,
Happy holiday, hard workers!

greeting card

I brightly congratulate you on the Day of the customs officer,
The country is calm, because it is protected!
And I send you congratulations
Wishing strength and blessings to all of you in full!

Faithfully guarding the border countries,
You give prosperity to everyone!
Thank you! I only wish you happiness
God bless you from all worldly problems!

We congratulate you joyfully
From the customs officer Happy!
Let everything be fabulous
Pay is in full swing!

Let the intruder fidget
And he surrenders himself,
To have a strong will
Do not know the problems on the way!

While you are at the border, the insidious violators cannot slip through, even if they turn into a mouse! Accept my congratulations, customs officer! Live well, with taste, be in a close circle of relatives who wish you well, and let strict service not cool your heart!

Customs officer, military officer,
Keep cordons from dashing intrusions,
To keep order in service
And in your open hearts,

Let the borders find peace
And customs posts
Let the smile on your faces
Accompany in difficult times!

Became immutable
Truth for a long time
What do you want, customs officer,
Much is given:
Knowledge of your army
Heart in unison
Valor, honor, dignity,
Wisdom and Law.
Congratulations hard worker
Happy holiday.
We really need you
You are truly loved!

Customs is serious
And quite responsibly
And the customs is floating
On the worldwide wave!

On Customs Day you
We heartily congratulate
And health and love
We wish you different happiness!

For everything to be fine
And the career went well
Life went its own way
And fate smiled at you!

Happy customs day
And the determination of iron, fighting,
We wish you wise vigilance
In the service of a strict state!

We wish you a worthy life,
Peaceful shifts, peaceful dreams,
So that your work at customs
She deserves a lot of good words!

Cool voice cards for customs officers

Who said - gives the go-ahead customs?
All goodness is for your Motherland!
We congratulate you, customs officer,
May everything be okay with you!

House, salary, higher level,
Holidays on overseas islands,
In the heart of joy from love and happiness,
Positive - beyond words!

Let's fight smuggling!
On guard day, night
There is a soldier, there is a hero,
Our customs officer is powerful!

You are pure in heart, strong in soul,
You are wise, smart, tactful,
You honestly bear the holy duty
And you serve great!

Our customs is closed
For all dishonest people.
And who planned evil in the distance,
Let him give up tricky ideas.

We remember from childhood "I do not take bribes",
And for the powers they will be able to stand up for honor
Customs officers at the post.
Smugglers better not waste time.

Are you fighting smuggling?
Border is locked tight.
Counterfeit goods will not enter the country.
Customs officer - they need to be born,
He will always find everything everywhere.
We congratulate customs on the holiday,
We want to wish you good health.
Let everything that is possible be imported into the country,
And all that is not, do not let into the country!

Smuggling will not be allowed through and the laws will be preserved,
Being a customs officer is difficult and not everyone will be happy
Risking your health for quality food
Forbidding import dangerous, collecting duties.

Let the service be a joy, the matter is easy to argue,
Comfort and sweetness await at home, cheerful laughter and love,
Let the career aspire into the distance, and the world will be stable,
And the desires of your fiery soul come true.

I hasten to congratulate you on the Day of the customs officer,
You are the ones who fight tirelessly
For maintaining order, importing rules,
On guard, if something happens suddenly!

Let your work not be without risk,
And often there is no time for rest,
For faithful service, a low bow to you!
Let life pass in happiness and without troubles!

Customs Day is often a sad holiday ...
After all, sometimes this holiday is a working day.
The day is hard and not a day off!
But today everything is different, we are lucky today!

Happiness joy good luck with this day brought you!
Let today at work, but in the native circle,
We congratulate you, hug you, and then,
We wish you happiness with the increase in shoulder straps!

Being a customs officer is responsible and difficult,
We can't live without you,
Ready to save us from smuggling
And always guard our cordons.

Serve in harmony and faithfully,
Accept our congratulations on the holiday!
So that everything in life is easy for you,
And there was less smuggling!
