The program of the circle "skillful hands" (manual labor). Abstract of the lesson of the circle "Skillful hands" (introductory lesson) Perspective work plan of the circle "Skillful hands"

Lesson summary


"Skilled Hands"

Topic of the lesson : Introductory lesson

Target :

the formation of artistic culture as an integral part of material and spiritual culture, the development of artistic and creative activity, mastering the figurative language of decorative and applied art.

Tasks :

Educational :

Contribute to the formation of children's ideas about the work of the circle;

To introduce students to the types of handicrafts;

Generalize and expand children's ideas about needlework;

Familiarization with safety precautions in the classroom when working with tools.

Educational :

Development of interest inmanual labor

Development of creative thinking;

Educational :

To educate in students the qualities of accuracy and composure when performing labor methods, diligence, listening skills, sociability, accuracy, activity, work culture, the ability to work in a team.

Methodical equipment:

    Samples of objects of labor

    phonogram with music recording.

    Microsoft Office PowerPoint Presentation

Equipment and tools: templates, scissors, pencils, PVA glue, natural material, pieces of fabric.

Used techniques, methods, teaching technologies:


    Demonstration of finished works

    Conversation with explanation of new material

    Independent work

Teaching methods :

Conversation, sample show, discussion, dialogue, slideshow.

Lesson type : learning new material (introductory lesson)

Lesson form: creative workshop (frontal, individual, work in small groups),

Predicted result: interest

Relationship with other areas (subjects): environment, music.


    Organizing time .

Psychological mood.

Teacher: -Hello guys! Today I will conduct a lesson of the “Skillful Hands” circle at your place.

I am glad to welcome you to our lesson.

Let's smile, to each other, so that everyone becomes warmer on this cold winter day!

Guys, I want to introduce you to the work of the "Skillful Hands" circle, that is. e.

with what you can do in the classes of this circle and what this circle is about.

2. Introduction to the topic.

And the roots of the circle go deep into the ancient history of mankind.

Everything that has come to us from time immemorial, we call folk art.Folk art originated a very, very long time ago. This happened, most likely, when the first thinking human ancestor with the poetic name Petya Kantrop, having covered up a mammoth with a stone club, expressively said with a certain Cenozoic accent:

Petya Kantrop

mammoth clap!

This was the beginning.

Along with the development of mankind, folk art also developed. In a certain year of the next century(even during the reign of King Peas) Russian folk tales began to appear. And in order to make interesting fairy tales when telling children, the ancient man first drew the heroes of fairy tales on a stone in a cave, then molded them from clay, carved them from wood, sewed them from the skin of animals, and then from fabric. This is how needlework came about.

What is needlework?(children's answers: Needlework is what you can do yourself from paper, from fabric, from natural material.)

Correctly.Needlework is a type of human activity, in a different way, employment . You can also say that needlework is a hobby, creativity with your own hands or in another way a hobby. Each of you has ever done something with your own hands. For example, he painted nature outside the window. And even if you don’t know how to draw, but you conveyed with your work what you see, how you understand the beauty of this world. Through our work we convey all the love, beauty and kindness.

Tell me, it's more pleasant to give gifts made with your own hands than those that you bought in a store. So in the classes of the “Skillful Hands” circle, we will make various crafts with our own hands. And already you can give your work to your loved one for some holiday or just to do something nice.

And now I will show what crafts can be made in the classes of the circle, what crafts do the guys who already attend this circle.

3. Circle "Skillful hands". View slides about the circle.

4. Practical task. Group work.

1. - And now, guys, you will be in the role of Russian masters. You will work in groups. Each group will make their own craft.

Can you work in groups?

How should you work in groups?

Let's remember the rules of working in groups

Rules for working in groups:

1. Choose a group commander.

2. We work together, together.

Now, after conferring, each group will choose its commander.(children choose)


Then feel free to get to work.

2. - Group commanders go out and choose a sample of crafts that will be made.(choice)

What else do you need for your work?(answers)

Right. All material you choose on the next table according to your sample.

You can dream up, add something of your own to the manufactured item.


(To the motive of the song "It's fun to walk across the open spaces together").

Together it's fun to walk across the expanses, across the expanses, across the expanses,

And of course, it's better to sing in chorus, better in chorus, better in chorus.

Once sat down, two sat down, rested,

Once they got up, two got up, stretched.

One to the right, two to the left turned

And friend, friend smiled good-naturedly.

5. Practical work. (music plays)

Each group begins to complete the assigned task. We work quickly and together.

6. Exhibition of children's works.

7. Summing up.

- Look at the amazing crafts you've made.
- Today you saw how much your hands can do. You have been in the role of Russian masters and you have succeeded.
Each group completed the task and did very well.

But there are so many things in the world that you can still learn, and this can be taught by the classes of the “Skillful Hands” circle.

This is where our lesson comes to an end.

Thank you all for the activity and communication. I wish you success.

- Who enjoyed making crafts with their own hands?

- Why?

State educational institution

"Sokolnichsky educational and pedagogical complex

Kindergarten-Secondary School»


Director of the State Educational Institution "Soklnichsky Educational and Pedagogical Complex Kindergarten-Secondary School"

E.S. Belausova

Educational program

interest groups

"Skilled Hands"

Program implementation period - 1 year


Head of Education Department,

sports and tourism Krychevsky

district executive committee


Explanatory note

The world in which a person lives today makes people look for clear guidelines, overcome the contradictory nature of many ideas and knowledge that are formed as a result of the flow of information. In search of wholeness, a person turns his gaze to history, seeks to comprehend himself in complex connections not only with the present, but also with the past. His attention is drawn to everything that gives rise to a sense of enduring values. It is to these values ​​that he refers the ageless, never losing its attractiveness artistic thinking.

Decorative and applied art fosters a sensitive attitude to beauty, contributes to the formation of a harmoniously developed personality. Based on deep artistic traditions, folk art goes deep and has a beneficial effect on the formation of a person of the future. Increasingly, works of arts and crafts penetrate into the life of people.

To see the beauty of objects of arts and crafts, to try to make them with your own hands, is it not important, is it not interesting for a child?

Classes in an association of interests can significantly influence the labor and aesthetic education, rationally use the free time of students. Working with paper, natural and waste materials, fabrics are the most common types of arts and crafts among schoolchildren. The simplicity of the equipment, the availability of tools and fixtures, materials, the availability of work allow everyone to engage in arts and crafts.

Particular attention is paid to the creation of a friendly creative environment in the children's team, which helps to identify the individuality of each.

The “Skillful Hands” association of interests attracts children with the possibility of making products from different materials: paper, thread, fabric, beads, etc. All products are used in everyday life, can be used for interior decoration, many can be given as a souvenir. From the very first lessons, children begin to understand that the concept of "garbage" does not exist for an artist. Any object, any random find can be transformed by him and become a work of art.

The commonality of many works from different materials with the products of craftsmen has a multifaceted significance. First of all, children get acquainted with Belarusian folk crafts and crafts of other peoples of the world. This is also the history of our ancestors, which has centuries-old traditions, bears the imprints of folk wisdom, skill, artistic taste, inexhaustible imagination and creativity.

The relevance of the program is that a child, especially a modern one, acutely feels the need to create his own world, mysterious, unusual and unique.

A significant element in the work of the association is the expansion of the horizons of children, their knowledge of materials and tools. Diverse in appearance, in technological features, materials create inexhaustible opportunities for the development of children's creativity, imagination, an impulse to search for something new, equip children with the skills and abilities to process various materials, help to realize their power as a creator who is able to subordinate these materials to his will.

The choice of materials is determined by the material and technical base of the educational institution, the development of folk art crafts in their region, region, republic, as well as the interests of children.

The program of the association of interests "Skillful Hands" was developed on the basis of a standard program of additional education for children and youth of the Ministry of Education of the Republic (artistic profile).

The term for obtaining additional education under the program of the association of interests "Skillful Hands" is 1 year. The program is implemented in full-time education and is designed for students of primary school age (6-10 years). The educational process in the implementation of the interest association program is carried out taking into account the age characteristics of students:

6-10 years old - classes are held once a week for 2 hours.

The main form of organization of the educational process in the implementation of the program of associations of interest "Skillful Hands" is a lesson. The duration of one training hour is 45 minutes. The duration of one lesson does not exceed 2 hours for 6-10 years old.

The number of hours released in the program for each topic may be changed by the head of the association depending on the time that must be spent on the manufacture of the product selected for this topic. When students visit the association for several years, the subject of the program may change depending on the needs and interests of the children.

The passage of the program involves the mastery of a set of knowledge, skills and abilities by students, which, in general, ensure its practical implementation.

The program provides for the teaching of material in an "ascending spiral", that is, from simple to complex. All tasks correspond in complexity to children of a certain age. This guarantees the success of each child and, as a result, fosters self-confidence.

Classes for students are held with the obligatory observance of breaks and ventilation of the room.

The program is based on modern pedagogical ideas, values, principles of education and upbringing:

The principle of the national-cultural basis of education and upbringing. In the association's classes, special attention is paid to the cultural heritage of the Belarusian people, the need to preserve and enhance the traditions of arts and crafts;

The principle of personality-oriented approach. It assumes the opportunity for each pupil to identify and develop their individual inclinations and abilities with skillful pedagogical guidance from the teacher on the basis of dialogue, freedom of choice, meaning creation, reflection;

The principle of creativity and success. The program provides for differentiated individual creative tasks. The participation of students in exhibitions stimulates creative activity, creates a situation of success, gives rise to a desire to improve themselves. Builds self-confidence;

The principle of continuity and consistency of acquired knowledge and skills. The study of the material is built from simple to complex, based on previously acquired knowledge and skills.

The principle of mastering knowledge through activity. Children learn theoretical material in the process of working on their products.

Purpose: aesthetic education, development of artistic taste, creative activity, fantasy, mastery of students by means of arts and crafts.

    to create conditions for the self-realization of the child in creativity, the embodiment in artistic work of their own unique features, their individuality;

    to teach the skills and ability to work with different tools, materials, observing safety rules;

    to introduce students to various types of arts and crafts;

    to acquaint students with a variety of folk crafts;

    develop the creative abilities and inclinations of students, labor skills, artistic taste;

    to introduce students to Belarusian folk art, culture, history;

    cultivate respect for folk customs and traditions

Logistics of the circle:

Paper, cardboard, foil;

Scissors, rulers, patterns, templates;

Pencils, paints, brushes, glue, eraser;

Beads, threads, wire.

To implement the program, it is necessary to comply with the following sanitary and hygienic standards, fire safety standards:

The presence of a well-lit office, furniture appropriate for the age of children;

Availability of cabinets for storing tools and materials;

Availability of instructions on labor protection and safety, fire safety;

Availability of a medical kit;

Availability of exhibition space.

Students should be provided with the necessary tools and materials on the topic of the lesson.

Educational and thematic plan



Introductory lesson. Safety engineering.

paper fantasies

In the realm of thread

Bead Magic

Final lesson

Introductory lesson (2)

Acquaintance with arts and crafts and products made using various techniques.

The purpose and objectives of the association. The content of the work in the process of studying the program.

Art crafts, a variety of art crafts. Workplace organization. Tools and materials.

Rules for safe work, industrial sanitation and personal hygiene. Rules of conduct in the association.

Paper fantasies (30).

Brief information from the history of paper plastics. Demonstration of finished products. Acquisition of initial skills, techniques and ways of working with paper. Technology of work with different paper.

Tools, materials and devices for work. Techniques and ways of working with paper.

Practical work.

Making crafts: postcards "Daisies", "Bells", "Poppies", etc. Making products in various ways. Formulation of finished products.

In the kingdom of threads (20).

From the history of threads. Properties of the materials used. Technology for the manufacture of products from threads. Materials, tools and devices for work. Rules for safe work.

Practical work.

Production of soft toys based on pompons: "Bird", "Caterpillar", Christmas balls. Decorative design of finished products.

Magic of beads (16).

From the history of beads. Types of beads. Fundamentals of color science. Selection of colors.

Tools, materials and devices for work. Rules for safe work.

The main beading techniques used for flowers, trees: parallel, looped, needle. Beadwork technology.

Practical work.

Making simple beadwork: flowers, insects, small trees. Compilation of compositions, panels. Formulation of the finished product.

Final lesson (2).

Summing up the activities of the association for the year. Organization of an exhibition of students' works. Summer assignment.

Predicted results:

By the end of the academic year, students should

The technology of making souvenirs in various techniques of arts and crafts;

Safety precautions when working with scissors, glue, wire, paper;

The main types of DPI, materials, tools and methods of working with them.

To make the simplest products of arts and crafts;

Apply the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in practice;

Work in a group, jointly seek solutions to the tasks;

Learn the rules for working with each type of material;

Compare and analyze.

Forms and methods of program implementation.

When implementing the “Skillful Hands” interest association program, both traditional teaching methods and innovative technologies are used: the reproductive method (the teacher explains the material himself); explanatory and illustrative method (illustrations, demonstrations, including showing videos, presentations); problematic (the teacher helps in solving the problem); search (students solve the problem themselves, and the teacher draws a conclusion); heuristic (teacher's presentation + students' creative search), developmental learning methods, mutual learning method, time constraints method, full load method (turns a lesson into a chain of expedient exercises arising from one another), a stepwise increase in load method (involves a gradual increase in load as you master technology), game content method, improvisation method.

The use of various forms of education increases the productivity of classes, increases the interest of students in the educational process.

Depending on the goal (teaching, educating, developing), various forms of work in the classroom are used: group, individual, game, etc. Classes can also be held in the form of creative tasks, competitions, competitions, excursions, travels, and final classes - in the form tests, exhibitions, creative reports.

For the successful implementation of the program, it is necessary to have: samples, templates, pictures, as well as the following materials: threads, glue, paper, brushes, scissors, paints, cardboard, beads, etc.

Expected results

Upon completion of the Skillful Hands course, students should:

Various types of DPI, folk art crafts;

The sequence of execution of any product in any studied technique;

The main types and properties of the materials with which they worked;

To make products for various purposes in any studied technique.

Literature and information resource

For teachers

    Magazines "Ksyusha for lovers of needlework"

    Magazines "Skillful Hands"

    Internet resources

Literature for students

    Magazines "Skillful Hands"

Explanatory note

The “Skillful Hands” mug is focused on the active familiarization of children with artistic creativity and is educational in nature.

The circle program "Skillful Hands" refers to the artistic and aesthetic orientation.

The novelty of the program lies in the fact that children learn in depth several basic techniques at once: working with paper, with natural material, with salt dough, with plasticine, with matches. This technical versatility helps the child to reach a high level in mastering the art of creating crafts from almost any material. Classes in the circle also have a cultural and psychological significance: children learn how to make such an object that can be presented as a gift, and additionally learn the ceremonial of donation.

The relevance of the circle is due to the fact that in modern conditions, not all features of social life are unconditionally positive, and appropriating them to the younger generations becomes a pedagogical problem, since children learn not only the positive qualities of adults. The opportunity to gain this necessary experience is the unique value of the “Skillful Hands” circle.

It should be borne in mind that the program is aimed at:

Creation of conditions for the development of the child;

Familiarization with the technological operations with which you can make crafts from various materials;

Participation in the creation of collective compositions, thematically and ideologically connected with certain events, topics;

Study of etiquette, ethics of behavior in situations of giving and accepting a gift;

Development of motivations for knowledge and creativity;

Introducing children to universal values;

Strengthening mental and physical health.

The pedagogical expediency of the program is that on the basis of the skills and knowledge acquired in the “Skillful Hands” circle, the child strengthens his sociality, belonging to a certain system of positive social values. He has increased self-esteem, because it is based on the child's understanding that there are things, objects that he can make himself, and in such a way that it gives joy to others.

One of the most interesting forms of stimulating children to study is the organization of exhibitions.

Such forms of classes are used as: conversation, lecture, game, group and combined classes, competition. Evaluation of the results of classes for this circle program is carried out in the course of classes with the participation of the children themselves and includes criteria (motivational-personal, activity-practical) and relevant indicators. The results of the work are held in the form of an exhibition.

The structure of the program includes two educational blocks. All educational blocks provide not only the assimilation and formation of practical experience activities. Practical tasks contribute to the development of children's creative abilities, the ability to create crafts from various materials.

When implementing the program, various methods are used:

Verbal - lectures, conversations, quizzes;

Visual - viewing reproductions, photo-plots, samples of products;

Practical - making visual aids. Samples and layouts of products.

The circle program provides for the formation of students' general educational skills, universal methods of activity and key competencies:

Informational (the ability to analyze, transform, apply information to solve problems);

Communicative (the ability to work effectively with other people);

Self-organizational (the ability to set goals, plan, treat health responsibly, make full use of personal resources);

Self-educational (willingness to design and implement their own educational trajectory, ensuring success and competitiveness).

Purpose of the program- to cultivate interest and love for manual creativity, to involve children in active creative activity, to form the skills and abilities to work with materials of various origins; learn to make crafts from various materials

Circle tasks:

Teach children the basic techniques for making crafts;

To develop in children attention to their creative abilities and consolidate it in the process of individual and collective creative activity;

Contribute to solving the problems of aesthetic education, development, imagination, artistic taste through the understanding of beauty;

To educate the beauty of the inner world of the child through creativity;

To cultivate diligence, respect for others, independence and accuracy;

To teach children the specifics of the technology for making crafts, taking into account the possibilities of materials;

It is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of child psychology, namely the instability of the interests of students. To do this, you need to use a variety of forms of classes and include interesting entertaining information and facts in their content.

To conduct classes, a permanent room is required, equipped with a blackboard, with fixtures for demonstrating visual aids. It is desirable to use technical teaching aids, methodological literature.

Expected result.

In terms of the formation of personal qualities of children, this is the development, depending on the inherent potential of the following qualities: self-esteem and respect for another person, psychological stability, imagination, creative inclinations, the ability to act independently, make decisions.

Diagnostic results.

About the diversity and beauty of the surrounding world;

About the semantic meaning of words;

On the influence of creativity on the physical and spiritual health of a person;

The influence of beauty on the development of the inner world of man;

What is the basis of human activity is creativity;

That good deeds make a person better.

Express the knowledge gained and their feelings with the help of words, drawings, crafts;

Create beauty.

In the program of the circle, attention is paid to the age characteristics of students. The effectiveness of educational work directly depends on the age capabilities, temperament, character, abilities of pupils, which must be relied upon in the course of classes.

Work in the circle is aimed at labor and aesthetic education. Children acquire the skills of artistic creativity, get ideas about proportions, expressiveness of form, decoration, decorative properties of materials. In the manufacture of crafts, children master a variety of technological techniques that serve to develop fine motor skills, which means they stimulate speech and mental activity.

Working with paper and cardboard products, children gain additional knowledge and practical skills, get acquainted with the properties and features of paper in various industrial products, while expanding their horizons.

In the “Working with Natural Materials” section, members of the circle get acquainted with the varieties of natural materials, the main methods of working with non-traditional natural materials are semolina, sawdust, eggshells.

"Crafts from salt dough" require perseverance, patience, diligence. Working with salt dough develops the ability to see the beautiful, to try to create something bright, unusual. In the course of systematic work, the hand acquires confidence, accuracy, and the fingers become flexible. Gradually, a system of special skills and abilities is formed. Children learn to make their own creative composition.

In the "Working with plasticine" section, members of the circle get acquainted with various techniques for creating plasticine panels, learn to choose a more harmonious color scheme for their creative work.

"Crafts from matches" suggest a high concentration of patience, perseverance, accuracy. The guys learn the basic technique of making a panel of matches. This type of creativity contributes to the development of accuracy and eye in work.

Paperwork (2 hours)

Theory - initial information about the properties of paper, technology for the manufacture of relief and volumetric forms. Practice - making crafts using the origami technique and three-dimensional forms.

Work with natural materials (6 hours)

Theory - initial information about materials of plant origin. Practice - making crafts from semolina, sawdust, eggshells.

Salt dough work (3 hours)

Theory - acquaintance with the recipe and method of kneading salt dough, with its properties. Practice - making creative work in the technique of stretching, extrusion, overlaying details.

Work with plasticine (2 hours)

Theory - acquaintance with the properties of plasticine and various techniques for performing creative work. Practice - making creative work in the "balls" technique.

Work with waste material (2 hours)

Theory - acquaintance with different techniques of working from waste materials. Practice - making works from waste materials.

Working with fabric. (2 hours).

Theory - familiarity with the different properties of the fabric. Fabric brooch making.

The structure of the classes of the circle.

The lesson of the circle is designed to work with children of two age categories.

  1. preschoolers
  2. junior schoolchildren

Classes are held on Saturdays, once or twice a month. The duration of the lessons is 30-35 minutes. The total number of classes during the months is 15.

Work plan for the year


Subject: Introductory lesson. Safety precautions during classes.

Introduce children to the history of origami.

Purpose: To introduce children to a new way of making flowers in the origami style.

Purpose: To consolidate ideas about the application, to continue acquaintance with the concept of "symmetry"


Subject: Working with semolina. Creative work "Butterfly-beauty"

Target: Satisfy the child's need to create something new, to explore the properties and possibilities of non-traditional material.

Topic: Working with eggshell "Amanita"

Purpose: To teach students how to make an eggshell mosaic, develop speech, fine motor skills of fingers, and creative imagination.


Topic: Making from natural materials "Bouquet"

Purpose: To teach children to see and understand the beauty of all flowers and herbs, to explain to them. That there are no ugly flowers, each is beautiful in its own way.

Topic: Making a fake from colored paper "Mushroom Hedgehog"

Purpose: To teach children to see figures of various animals (for example, a hedgehog) in a pine and spruce cone, to supplement natural material with the necessary details to obtain the intended sample.


Topic: How to make salt dough. Its features"

Purpose: To develop fine motor skills of the hands, the accuracy of fine movements, the ability to regulate the force of pressure, strengthen the muscles of the hands.

Topic: Making a fake from salt dough "Snowman"

Purpose: To introduce children to a new technique - modeling from salt dough, development of motor skills.

Topic: Making New Year's fakes for the New Year "New Year's toys".

Purpose: To arouse interest in this type of creativity, making panels with your own hands.

Topic: “Panel decoration with figures from salt dough” “Sunflowers”

Purpose: To make a panel using the "Salty Dough" technique.


Topic: “Working with a plasticine ball. Creative work.

Purpose: Plasticine has the properties of wrinkling, rolling, flattening, tearing, acquiring varying degrees of softness depending on temperature. Rolling a ball from plasticine is more difficult than from dough.

Purpose: To consolidate the skills of symmetrical cutting out parts from colored paper, twisting balls using cotton wool.

Topic: Making fakes from junk material "Merry Clown"

Purpose: To introduce children to the profession of a clown. Consolidate knowledge about waste material.

Subject: Making a fake from waste material "Wonder Men"

Purpose: Development of fine motor skills of hands.

Purpose: Development of patriotic feeling.

Perspective work plan of the circle "Skillful Hands"



Introductory lesson. Safety during classes

Theory about the properties of paper.

Show illustrations where applicable

Topic: Making flowers from origami "Chrysanthemums"

Display and story about flowers.

Showing illustrations, performing creative work.

Theme: Application from colored paper "Palms"

Listening to Chunga-chang's song.

Showing and doing work.

Introductory lesson.

How to make salt dough. Its features.

Making fakes from salt dough "Snowman"

Acquaintance with the recipe and method of kneading salt dough, with its properties.

Salt dough preparation demonstration.

Demonstration of the correct execution of figures from salt dough.

Production of creative work in the technique of stretching, extrusion, overlaying details.

Making salt dough.

Making New Year's fakes for the New Year "New Year's toys".

Demonstration of the correct execution of figures from the salt dough of New Year's toys.

Making figures from salt dough.


A.M. Gusakova "Needlework in primary school"

G.I. Turnover "Homemade from different materials"

T.A. Chernukha "Your little workshop"

F.P. "Fimenko "Crafts from natural materials"

N.P. Nikolenko "Compositions of flowers"
