Funny stories of children from the life of older brothers and sisters. Step sister - a story from life

With the appearance of a second child in the family, there often comes a turbulent period when the established order changes. Many parents have questions - what reactions can a child have? Do I need to prepare the soil in advance? Will anything change at all? Will he react to the change in his “status”? How to prepare a child for the arrival of another family member? We have already given answers to some questions in our boring selection about large families. One of the best ways to prepare is to read the right books together and have a friendly discussion about what you have read.

"My little sister"

This book, published by the Samokat publishing house, is a naive, childish and therefore very honest story about why being an older brother is great. This is a continuation of the popular French book "My Love", which was invented by Astrid Debord and Pauline Martin.
The main character Leva has a sister, and in simple words he talks about his feelings associated with this: curiosity, jealousy, annoyance, care and love forever. “And sometimes we have a war with her forever! But not for long". " My little sister"Is a great way to discuss all the difficult moments in the relationship between children and parents, doing it in a gentle and beautiful way.

The Exchange by Jen Ormerod and Andrew Joyner A warm and funny story about childhood jealousy. Crocodile Carolina is terribly jealous of her mother for her younger brother. She goes to the store, determined to exchange her brother for a more suitable one. Mom exchanges a hat that doesn’t fit her! After all, it is quite obvious that this cub is not suitable - he drools, he needs to change diapers, and he also takes up all the space on his mother's lap ...
When all the goods have been tried, Carolina understands that no one will fit better than her brother. And mom loves him so much because he has the same lovely snout, small claws and yellow eyes as hers ... which means that mom has not forgotten about Caroline at all!

"Alone in the whole wide world A funny and instructive story about childhood fears and brotherly love, told from the perspective of a child. The main character, as it seems to him, has learned to tell the time, but we understand that he was mistaken. It seems to him that if the parents did not come on time, then they were hit by a red truck, and nothing else. Therefore, he takes his younger brother, and together they begin to "survive". The hero surrounds the younger with care and attention. He builds a house out of planks, makes a TV out of a box (because what's a house without a TV?) and a smaller remote control out of a box. And also a sofa made of spruce branches and moss, all the while saying: “Everything will be as before. Do not worry". So they survive for about an houruntil their parents find them.

"Surprise for Carlchen" by Susanne Berner Rotraut

Books about the little bunny Karlhen, invented by Andersen Prize (children's Nobel Prize) winner Rotraut Susanne Berner, are kind and warm family stories in simple and concise dialogues for kids.
Karlchen has become an older brother, but he doesn't know it yet. He returns home, but together with his dad, his grandmother meets him, who all the time hints at some kind of surprise. With the help of clues, Karlchen tries to guess what kind of surprise it is, and his grandmother prepares him for the fact that he will eventually discover ... a mother with a baby! And also - your new status, underlined by an invitation to drink juice, “after all, carrot juice is only for the big ones”.
In Susanne Berner's Rotraut books, children are not fawned over, no one is required to "prepare the ground", and the world is not turned upside down. Children like them because of the recognizability of situations; adults, on the other hand, will appreciate the interesting (sometimes non-standard) answers and decisions of the Karlchen family.

“Where is my sister? » Sven Nordqvist Travel to fantastic places with the help of images.
If you are planning to introduce your child to the work of Bosch, but have not yet decided when and how to do it, then pay attention to this phantasmagoria book.
A brother in a balloon goes in search of a restless sister, a dreamer and dreamer. In addition, she loves heights, understands the language of birds and says that she and her brother can fly too. My sister wants to climb the whole world, but it won't take long to get lost...
This is the author's poetic debut - the text with an unusual rhythm appeared later than the illustrations in order to connect the images a little and give a guide to the reader. At each spread, Nurdqvist (and we know and love him for his stories about Petson and Findus!) plays with space and reality - the landscape becomes more and more amazing. The pages are filled with humor and boundless imagination, they immerse you in yourself, forcing you to consider, peer and look for new details.

Alone on Stage by Ulf Nilsson and Eva Erickson

This is the story of an ordinary boy who is afraid of public speaking: his class is preparing for a spring concert where they will have to say a few words on stage. And it’s not the timid quiet one who is afraid, no, he’s an ordinary active child who loves to put on performances for his younger brother at home and entertain him by singing songs of his own composition. As a result, the main character realizes how stupid it is to hide alone and deprive himself of the joy of the holiday, finally overcoming his fear - thanks to help and love. "One on Stage" is written with humor and understanding, it can have a real therapeutic effect on those who are afraid to perform. And coupled with illustrations that accurately convey emotions and mood, the book will be interesting even to those who do not experience such fear.

18 chose

Now no one will remember how my brother and I hated each other as kids. We didn't just fight we made whole wars, rolling on the floor in a fight, snitching and constantly snapping. It is difficult to determine exactly when it all began: maybe at the age of five, when instead of playing with peers, my older brother had to babysit my sister, maybe at ten, when he occupied the only study room, and I was left to play the violin and draw the first letters in the kitchen. Different ages, different interests and different gender - it seemed that mutual understanding would never be reached!

What actually it was childish jealousy, it became clear to us much later, when we encountered the first real problems. But I remember that beautiful day when I first realizedthe importance and significance of family ties . It was probably one of the most touching moments of my life.

In the middle of the school year, I had to go to the hospital. I waited two years for my turn to be operated on for an enchondroma on my hand (a growth on a bone after a childhood injury). Of course, I was scared. And it's hard to be in a cold hospital room, for the first time in my life away from my parents. Only bedridden people were allowed to visit, and they only brought me packages, daily, right on schedule. The programs included hot potatoes, sausages, cheesecakes, tangerines and...bananas. I couldn't understand why they were giving them to me: Andrei, my brother, loves them, but I don't! How could my parents be confused?

There was no time to even think about my mother (not to miss my brother) for a long time - they constantly took blood from me, they came to inspect, then cut my nails, then shave my arm. In the meantime, I gave food and textbooks to other girls in the ward, and I also happily handed out bananas. We all studied diligently, hoping to return to our school in a month.

Before the day of the operation, my mother bribed the nurse to let us have an hour together. And I was already ready to go through everything, just to get home faster. There was only one thought in my head - as soon as it all ended. And so I did not immediately understand what my mother said to me:

- Andryusha worries so much about you! He even refuses his favorite bananas. We buy him - and he again insists that we give them to you.

Well, how else could a boy show his love? To express such difficult and new feelings for him? Only giving up your favorite things. He simply could not rejoice and enjoy when he knew how bad his sister was at that moment ...

Can you imagine the power of brotherly love! When I woke up from anesthesia, with my free hand (the other was in a cast and tied to a table) I opened the bedside table ... It was literally all over, filled from top to bottom with ripe, yellow bananas smiling with their yellow lips!

I understood everything without further ado. Since then, my brother and I have never disagreed on anything. We began to just live side by side and enjoy this life. Yes, in close quarters - but together! We no longer rolled each other on the floor - we arranged "picnics" on the carpet. We didn’t call names - we told each other all the jokes in the world. And until now we share everything with each other, and stand for each other "mountain".

The birth of a younger child is not a weak test in the life of an older one. And even though his position has its advantages, all the same, now he will definitely need strong nerves and a good portion of humility. We have collected stories that many who happened to be born older will clearly recognize!

Change, change!

For some reason, I really wanted a brother, and for some reason my parents supported me in this thought until the very end. And I painted all the albums with images of a stick-stick-cucumber with the inscriptions “this is my brother Filepok” (the name Philip seemed to me the height of euphony and nobility - and I had no doubt that they would call my brother exactly at my suggestion). When mom from the window of the maternity hospital showed me and dad standing below some tiny monkey and they suddenly told me that this was my new sister, I yelled: “Hey, put it away, and where did you put my Filippka?!”

Your boobs are of poor quality

When the youngest was born, it was just a shock for me. Just now I was a superstar and the center of the universe - and then the center shifted! And she kept screaming. And I quite sincerely believed that there was some kind of malfunction in the mechanism inside. My baby doll was so cool, “wacking”, and by analogy I decided that the living baby doll was simply stuck. “Mom,” she repeated, “what store did you buy it in? Well, give it back, you see - broken ... "

A terrible prospect

Yes, and at the preparatory stage, in general, I told my mother that if there was a brother, and not a sister, I would throw him in the trash. She said foolishly, and in her thoughts there was nothing like that. I was five years old, already a reasonable young lady. Well, she blurted out in her heart. But my mother says: “Then we were so afraid, we even watched you! Suddenly the truth…”

Artificial intelligence

To prepare me mentally for the birth of my youngest, my parents went bankrupt and got me a super scarce doll that I could drink and who knew the word “mother”. I really liked the doll, and I played with it from morning to evening. At the same time, she did not approve of the behavior of the living sister at all (here the doll did not make noise, did not poop at the first opportunity on objects that were completely unsuitable for this! ..) - and set her an example of a plastic Varvara.

petty imp

My little sister was a terror to me, flying on the wings of the night. That is the day, but still. She loved to bite! I ran from her all over the house, but she ran after me in the belief that this was such a fun game. And if she did not catch up with me in order to bite, she broke my toys. In general, at least shoot a horror movie, I was really afraid of this small monster. But when we grew up, we became each other's best friends. And if suddenly something, I can always remember her childhood trauma! But she says she doesn't remember anything.

Found, but who?

My poor older sisters, they had a hard time with me. One day, the whole family went to visit relatives, and the children played in the yard. As soon as my sister was distracted for a moment, I quickly left the yard and resolutely rushed in search of adventure. I was three years old, but I was brave and stubborn. I walked about a kilometer and found myself knee-deep in the river ... How my older sister managed to find me before I plunged into the abyss, and how she, poor thing, did not have a heart attack - I don’t even know. By the way, I don’t know the answer to another, no less important question: was I, in fact, then found and saved?

Personal ponytail

The little one always followed me with her tail - she was terribly interested in everything that I do. She did not want to entertain herself in any way, it was simply impossible to captivate her with a toy or looking at a picture book. And this “control” really strained me! I could not enjoy either writing romantic stories about myself and the handsome prince, or communicating with my peers ... The little one stuck her curious nose into everything! And you won’t complain too much - she doesn’t seem to be doing anything wrong, on the contrary, she looks into her mouth, constantly climbs to hug, she has such sisterly love. I was so happy when it was finally time for her to go to school ... But there was only one school, and during breaks she came running to me!

Statuses about brother and sister - I’m sitting upset, my little brother comes up, sticks candy, I tell him: “Dima, I have adult problems and this can’t solve them.” After 5 minutes, he comes with a bottle of martini and asks: “So?”

My older brother is the best! I love him madly! He will always understand me, after his words I want to cry with happiness.

The way to my heart is through my brother (master of sports in freestyle wrestling).

In the evening, I felt uneasy, I buried my head in the shoulder of my older brother, and he quietly said: “You are very dear to me.” I burst into tears. Dear, do not forget to say such words to me, because you are also very dear to me!

Parents, I have a very serious conversation with you. I thought about it and decided that I urgently need a brother for experiments ... Oh, I wanted to say for experience: I need to learn how to mess around with children!

A sister for a brother is always a small, cute, harmful creature that you can’t help but love, even if you are offended by him.

The girls are standing on the sidelines. Nobody goes to dance because they are in Dagestan and each of them is watched by a brother...

My 5-year-old brother said that when he grew up he would be president and buy me a Bentley. Cool truth;) Now I'm waiting. . .

When my brother is at home, it is clear that he is at home. Rubbish and dirty dishes everywhere. And when I'm at home, it's audible that I'm at home!

The modesty of a sister is the wealth of a brother.

Let the sister choose her husband, parents bless them, but I, as an older brother, will check him.

How nice it is to go for a walk with my brother: I have him so handsome that all the girls envy me!

A brother without a sister is a body without a soul!

How will I live without my brother when he marries? He does not have enough strength and means for two women!

Forgive me sister for offending me sometimes, but know that no one in the world loves you like a brother.

Everyone wonders why I'm so caring and attentive. I just have a brother.

My requests are very simple: I want the same smart and economic husband as my dad, and as handsome and strong as my brother!

Brother to sister: Why are you crying? - I was cutting onions... - Come on, tell me the number of this Chippolino!

As children, my brother and I often fought, I sobbed, and he said that my eyes were always in a wet place. These words really hurt me. And since then no one has seen my tears. Brother, I thank you for this.

Thanks to my brother, who teased me with a roar as a child, I learned to hide my suffering and tears. Today I am grateful to him for this.

If my mother taught me to be sweet, gentle, cultured, this does not mean that I do not kick in the eye, as my brother taught me.

Yesterday it was so bad, I went up to my older brother, just hugged him ... And he whispered in his ear: “I love you” ... How touching it was, I already cried! Brothers, say this more often! We love you too!

I say to my brother - "I'm fat right?" He: "yes no." I'm so joyful. He - "you are a moderately well-fed Boar."

Therapeutic stories are great! They unobtrusively in an accessible form make it possible to set the children in the right way. I tried it with my kids. Suddenly, someone will come in handy - use it to your health.

In one good family in a beautiful house there lived a boy and a girl. They were brother and sister. The boy's name was Vanya, and the girl's name was Masha. Vanya was older than his sister. Mom always said: "You are a brother and sister. You are not allowed to swear!" Vanya sometimes thought that her mother loves Masha more, that she hugs her more often, that Masha's candy is tastier.
And Masha also thought that her mother kissed Vanya more tightly, played with him more and never scolded him.
No, you don’t think, and Masha and Vanya often played with each other and even shared sweets (when mom looked at them sternly). But Vanya sometimes really wanted to be an only child with her parents. And Masha even once had a dream that she was one daughter.
And then one day...
The children were playing in the garden looking for treasure. And found the treasure! The real treasure!!! Does it happen? Can you believe that a simple boy and girl found a real treasure? And the kids didn't believe it! But he stood in front of them - a beautiful real old chest.
- I found him - Vanya shouted !!
- I helped you, so we found him together! Masha began to argue.
- no, I found it!
- no together!!
- I got it!!
- I dug!!
- and I’m prince’s shoulder blade, if it weren’t for my shoulder blade, you wouldn’t have dug up to him!
- and you didn't want to dig at all!!

The children could not stop in any way, they continued to shout at each other.
They did not know that a tiny, mischievous old man was sitting in the chest. He had been waiting for a thousand years to be pulled out of the chest and really wanted them to be brother and sister. The old man, his name was Skandalchik, came to life only when children cursed near him.

And now he was full of energy:
"Hey," he shouted, "let me out of here!"

The children fell silent. But the chest was opened.
- Oh, how small you are! Masha exclaimed.
- yes, I am an old unfortunate old man, I sat in a chest for a thousand years! Thank you very much for getting me out!
- Wow! Can you speak? Can you do miracles? Vanya asked.
- yeah, do you want a car?
- certainly!
And then a car appeared in front of Vanya.
- and me? - upset Masha
- Do you have a doll? Will it fit?
And Masha got a beautiful doll in her hands!

The old man asked to leave it in the chest and not tell mom and dad about it. The children came home.
Mom cooked a delicious dinner. Everyone began to sit down at the table. And the argument started again.
- I'm sitting next to my dad! Vanya said
- No! Last time you sat with dad, today I will sit!! - shouted Masha
The argument lasted about 10 minutes. Mom was already so tired of the eternal disputes that she simply silently put the plates on the table. Finally everyone was seated.
- this is my bread!
- no it's mine!!
- this is my plate, I took it first!
- no I!
Masha and Vanya did not stop swearing for a minute. when after dinner they looked out into the garden, it turned out that the old man had grown up. His face no longer seemed so pretty and sweet. He began to look like the evil wizards children saw in fairy tales.
- how strange, he grew up - Vanya was surprised.
- Yes, maybe he ate apples and grew up? Mom always says that healthy food makes you grow fast. Masha argued.
5 days later. Mom noticed that the children now began to fight. And the old man grew and grew every day. And when the children went out into the garden in the morning, they were really scared.
- haha!!! Now I am full of energy!! Thank you Vanya and Masha!!! You raised me!! - said a terrible and nasty old man to them. He looked now like a terrible toothy monster. Huge nails grew on the fingers, teeth became sharp, ears large. The voice was rough and terribly nasty. It looked like he was about to grab the kids.
- how? - the boy murmured frightened
- only when relatives and close people swear, then I grow up. Now I can do all sorts of nasty things! Ha-ha- he laughed with a nasty laugh.
The children ran into the house and began to think what to do.
"Let's go tell mom," suggested Masha.
- exactly!!!
My sister and brother told my mother everything. She listened to them upset.
- what do we do? Mommy, we're afraid of this evil old man!
- well, he won’t come home to us, because we don’t quarrel with dad! And so that he becomes small again, I think you need to stop swearing ?! What do you think? - Mom looked at Vanya and Masha and waited for what they would say.
- Exactly! - the boy was delighted - we will not swear and the old man will not have the strength to grow up and do dirty tricks!
- I promise, I promise, I promise - Masha said happily.
Since then, the children have stopped yelling at each other, swearing, put the puzzle together, built a tower from the designer. They began to help each other do their homework and even shared sweets and buns themselves. At first it was difficult. I wanted to fight, be rude or shout. But the old man began to laugh when the children were about to quarrel. I immediately remembered how big and nasty he was. The children calmed down. They were so used to being friends that they soon completely forgot why scandals arose before.
The old man got smaller and smaller. And one day the children found him quite small. They hid it in a chest. And they buried the chest in the same place where they found it.
Mom was very happy. Her beloved children have become real brother and sister. Now she knew that no one would ever swear. Only laughter and joyful voices could be heard in the house. And it turned out that mom loves them absolutely equally! Very much!
