Garcon style is for self-confident girls.  Garcon

The interesting and sensual style of the garcon has practically disappeared from world fashion. It has been reborn as a unisex. What a pity! There is nothing more touching than a thin girl in a classic men's suit. This is the easiest way to emphasize your sexuality.

A bit of history

The end of the First World War brought changes in people's lives and a new style in the fashion world. Emancipation at its peak. Feminine images in skirts fade into the background, but trousers and strict masculine style features are becoming popular.

Coco Chanel and Marlene Dietrich are bright representatives of this new trend in fashion. And if until the 20s of the last century only elements of men's style appeared in fashion, then after that a new style was born, called Garson.

Garson is not for nothing translated as "boy." It contains all the details of men's classics - a straight, angular cut, strict lines. But, at the same time, it incredibly emphasizes femininity. This is a kind of sophistication in male details.

Over time, this interesting style was reborn as a well-known unisex. But he did not succeed in completely replacing Garzon's style.

How to create an image in the style of Garzon

Clothing in the Garcon style is not suitable for every type of figure. But if you are thin, you have a slightly angular shape and a small chest - men's clothing will look very feminine and interesting on you.

When creating an image in Garcon style, pay attention to jackets with wide shoulders and men's trousers. In this case, the clothes should be, as it were, a little too big. But only a little, so as not to look like a scarecrow.

All the attributes of clothing and accessories listed below are classic Garcon style.

What clothes to choose for Garcon style

  • Tuxedo in dark shades or black
  • White straight fit shirt
  • Blazers with wide shoulders
  • Classic waistcoats
  • Double-breasted, as if masculine, coat without fur

What accessories do you need?

  • Suspenders
  • Ties
  • Hats, top hats
  • Simple strict belts
  • Watch on a leather strap

The choice of shoes has its own nuances. Boots and shoes with a flat sole are considered classics of the Garcon style, with lacing. However, in order to emphasize the femininity and precision of the figure, designers often use a high hairpin. The main thing is classic colors and simplicity.

Color and print

Since this style originated at a time when classic trouser suits and tuxedos were the main clothes for men, it is better to use shades from the base colors. A deviation from the rules is also allowed - these are dark or calm tones of the palette.

But Garson does not really like the print style, and only for the sake of exception, a single-color cage, a thin strip and small peas are allowed.

A trifle, but nice!

How to emphasize your femininity in such a strict framework? You can do this thanks to long hair and makeup.

Here is where to roam. Men's clothing does not mean a haircut for a boy. Loose hair or casually pinned up in a bun is a great option. It is only worth refusing from very romantic hairstyles.

Yes, and the makeup is not inferior to the hair. Catchy, shining, with bright lips - everything is as usual in the first decades of the last century.

Considering the latest fashion trends and new collections of designers, it is impossible to say that the Garzon style has left us forever. Increasingly, elements of the classic masculine style are found in women's collections. And this is a great joy for fans of Coco Chanel and Marlene Dietrich.

The fact that this style is in trend today is perhaps not even surprising. If the people with a bang perceive the appearance of a young man on the world stage in the role of a “girl with a beard”, it's time to remind yourself and true femininity. Especially this way: it is intriguing to emphasize it ... with a tailcoat or a tuxedo, because the garcon style is nothing more than a masculine style in women's clothing.

However, if in the 20s of the last century, when it appeared, this fashion trend expressed a desire for emancipation, today its reading may turn out to be completely different. And this is perhaps the surest sign that his time has come.

To begin with, let's figure out what things are included in the wardrobe of a girl in the style of a garcon. And guessing this is not at all difficult: this name comes from the French word "garcon" - "boy". So, any men's clothing items go into business. Shirts, jackets, vests, tuxedos, trousers and, of course, purely male accessories - ties, bow ties, hats, cufflinks, belts, suspenders and even canes. The piquancy of the style is precisely in the fact that a woman put on men's things. So expressing yourself in the style of a garcon is not at all the same as simply taking away a wardrobe from a husband or dad. There are subtleties here!

Any elements of men's clothing go into business. Photo: Global Look Press

Pants with a secret

The secret is that men's things that a woman puts on, in our case, are just a way to emphasize her femininity. Therefore, a lady who decides to dress in the style of a garcon will not fit things of any color - only dark ones should be chosen. Point two: things must be a size larger than necessary. Broad shoulders, loose legs, long sleeves emphasize the fragility of a girl in a brutal men's outfit. And the third important point. Only absolute classics: straight lines, high collars, strict style of accessories. If trousers, then with arrows, if fabric, then wool, cotton, drape. The maximum that you can afford is lace-up shoes with small heels or pumps with a low heel-glass, and even, perhaps, a somewhat playful tie, not plain, but striped or polka dot.

Actress Liv Tyler. Photo: Global Look Press

Dangerous experiment

In addition to clothes, of course, the style of the garcon dictates the appropriate makeup and hairstyle. Styling should also resemble a man's as much as possible, hair should be short or tightly pulled into a ponytail. But makeup in the style of garcon plays a special role, since it is he who gives a woman in a men's outfit a fatal sound. Heavily lined eyes, dark cherry or burgundy lipstick - that's what you need. The curves of the female body, intriguingly hidden by loose-fitting men's clothing, will automatically come to mind when a man sees you, but it is mainly the face that should attract his attention. And that's all - he got into your networks. The reason is simple: the garcon style is nothing less than one of the most talented provocations in the fashion world. And by dressing in this way, you give a man a signal that a woman is on his way, ready for experiments, that is, brave and dangerous. And what could be more attractive for a man than danger? And this moment was very well understood by the most famous fans of the garcon style - the legendary femme fatales of the last century: Coco Chanel, Marlene Dietrich, Greta Garbo ...

The garçon style is a female trend in the fashion world that copies the male style. It appeared thanks to female emancipation. Marlene Dietrich and Coco Chanel can definitely be called the founders of the garçon style. Some time after its creation, it reincarnated into a unisex style.

The emergence of style
At all times, women wore beautiful dresses that emphasize the dignity of their figures, made chic hairstyles, and wore luxurious jewelry. But in the twentieth century, the world of fashion has changed dramatically. Everything familiar was forgotten and gave way to new traditions. At this time, the attitude of society towards the female sex and the attitude of the woman herself towards herself changed greatly.

Garcon style began to appear in the 20s of the twentieth century. The reason for its birth was the First World War, or to be more precise, the changes that took place in society after its completion. It was an extremely difficult and very difficult time. Almost everything was destroyed, the economy of many countries of the world suffered. All over the world there was a risk of falling into a financial crisis. Almost every family was poisoned by their grief, since almost all young and strong men died at the front. Many women at this time began to adopt masculine qualities in order to withstand this difficult period. Now the fair sex was not tender and fragile, they had to be persistent and strong. This is what caused the rethinking of the position of women in society. They became different, more free, independent, became equal to a man. At this time, courage, perseverance, skepticism were valued in a woman much more than refinement, tenderness, romance. Often a woman herself became a breadwinner and could feed her family, that is, she took on men's responsibilities. Since the attitude towards women has changed a lot in society, the time has come to change the image, to become and outwardly look like a man.

The main features of the style
This is how the garçon style, popular at that time, was born. It got its name from the French word "garcon", which means "boy" in translation. The style was named after Victor Marguerite's famous novel The Woman-Boy.

At that time, beauty standards had changed, now the teenage figure was in fashion. Basic standards: small breasts, flat hips, thin neck, thin legs, and, of course, a short garcon haircut. Some women specifically tightened their lush breasts to match the chosen ideal. Many of them went in for sports to achieve teenage thinness. Dresses no longer looked feminine and romantic, they became straight, did not emphasize the waist, a belt was put on the hips over the dress. Skirts were fashionable in such a length that it barely covered the knees. Femininity and romance completely left the image - only a triangular neckline and silk fabric remained.

The most important and main attribute of the garcon style was a man's haircut, a boyish hairstyle. At that time, women did not wear long hair, did not make beautiful curls, but preferred to cut their hair short and slightly lift it at the back of the head. Such a hairstyle was then called “bubikolf”, which means “children's head” in translation. As for make-up, the representatives of the Garcon style did not spare their efforts and cosmetics. They painted their eyes with black eyeliner, due to this their look became bold and very expressive. Lips were usually bright burgundy or dark cherry. One of the accessories of the garcon style of that time was a cigarette on a mouthpiece, which was exquisitely clamped in thin fingers. Smoking was not forbidden, and ladies with a cigarette were considered relaxed, attracting attention.

In addition to smoking, the girls were fond of such dances as "Charleston" and "Shimmy". Therefore, they chose comfortable shoes. Usually they wore pumps with short heels, as for the material, they could be suede, patent, crocodile skin. In these shoes, American fashionistas began to dance with might and main. Also in vogue at that time were women's bodily stockings.

Main representatives
As mentioned above, the main representatives and even the founders of this style were two famous people - Marlene Dietrich and Coco Chanel.

Marlene Dietrich - a famous actress and the standard of beauty of her time, completely dressed up in a men's suit. Despite the fact that she wore men's shirts, jackets, pants, hats, she always remained unusually feminine.

Coco Chanel began to look for comfortable clothes for women and found them in the men's wardrobe. In addition, Coco herself considered the “woman-boy” image to be unusually sexy and daring. Chanel herself set an example for women and wore men's shirts, jackets, sweaters. She cut her hair short, was a fan of riding and cars.

Garcon and unisex
In the 60s of the last century, fashion again returned popularity to thin teenage women with garcon haircuts. This happened thanks to a model named Twiggy. Then, in the 70s of the twentieth century, the famous fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent began to develop new conditions in world fashion. It was he who first created a collection of clothes that was equally suitable for both men and women. His things have become a real standard.

Unisex began to gain popularity in the 90s of the twentieth century, designer Calvin Klein contributes to the style. He released a promotional poster featuring Kate Moss and Marky Mark. They were half naked, but they did not differ much from each other. This advertisement simply shocked the public.

Jeans have become the main element of the unisex style, which suits both men and women.

Garcon style in our time
At the moment, fashion does not welcome the complete transformation of a woman into a man, she is looking for some kind of compromise between the sexes. Jackets, shirts - all this is done taking into account the female figure, such clothes emphasize all feminine virtues. Men's clothes for women are fitted, decorated with something original. It is considered very sexy if the fair sex wears men's accessories, such as a tie, a hat.

Garcon style is unusual, masculine features, originality.


You have probably noticed that experimenting with new styles and styles, you begin to feel different, your mood, communication style, even gait changes. It is especially interesting to try on a male image as a way to emphasize femininity. It is this opportunity that gives garcon style (or "boy" in French), which is based on imitation of classic men's suits and accessories.

The history of the appearance of style

Garzon was the answer to shocks experienced by Europe in the early 20th century. The First World War, the economic crisis, the difficult demographic situation - femininity and weakness faded into the background, giving way to strength and masculinity. The new way of thinking required the same changes in the women's wardrobe, which was replenished with men's outerwear, shirts and trousers.

The worldwide popularity of the garcon style was brought by its famous fans - Coco Chanel, Greta Garbo and Marlene Dietrich. Elegant, strict, and at the same time feminine and sexy images have entered the world heritage of fashion and have been inspiring women to experiment with menswear for decades.

Dress with a top hat in the style of Marlene Dietrich

Choosing women's clothing in men's style

Classic version of the image "woman-boy" involves vests, straight, single-breasted and double-breasted. It is best to go in search of men's departments, while choosing clothes one size larger - rolled shirt sleeves and wide shoulders will help to create a somewhat casual oversized outfit, as if you borrowed clothes from your man.

A garcon style outfit can be a little big, as if you put it on someone else's shoulder

If you go shopping in the department for women, then pay special attention to the style. The cut of the suit should be concise, without unnecessary details and decorations. Choose non-fitted shirts and trousers with arrows. should stretch the silhouette, hiding your forms and giving the impression of boyish angularity.

As for the color and material, give preference to costume fabrics: wool, tweed, drape. The suit should keep its shape well, while not fitting the figure.

Garcon style does not require brightness - combine no more than three colors in an image

Paying attention to details

The severity and some monochrome of men's clothing pays off with a variety of accessories:

  • Classic belts from genuine leather;
  • Ties- plain, striped and polka dot;
  • Suspenders- under an unbuttoned jacket or in combination with a shirt;
  • hats- cylinders, bowlers and fedoras;
  • Men's suede or patent leather on laces;
  • Retro accessories- mouthpiece, watch on a chain.

Hair and makeup will complete the look. Ideal option - women's haircuts "under the boy." In the 20s of the last century, in the wake of the popularity of the garcon style, even the haircut of the same name appeared. If you are not ready to part with the length, then smoothly comb your hair into a side parting, collect it in a low bun and fix your hair with a gel. Make-up should be catchy: wine lipstick, graphic arrows, well-defined cheekbones.

Catchy makeup will complete the image of a "woman-boy"

In the classic manifestation, the garcon is not even a fashion trend, but a symbol of emancipation, reflecting the desire of women in the early 20th century for independence and freedom in decision-making. But in the modern women's wardrobe, there is a place for him. Accessories and clothes in men's style will help you create a strict business look and emphasize your femininity at the same time.

Garcon style - women's clothing style, which is an imitation of men's. This trend in fashion is directly related to the development of the movement for women's emancipation. The creators of this look are Marlene Dietrich and Coco Chanel. Later, the "garcon" style was transformed into.

Prerequisites for the emergence of style

From time immemorial, women have worn, made all kinds of hairstyles and put on beautiful jewelry. However, the twentieth century came, which turned the whole habitual life of people, including fashion. First of all, the attitude of society towards women and the attitude of women towards themselves have changed dramatically.

In the 20s of the twentieth century, the “garcon” style arose and began to develop. The reason for the emergence of a new trend in fashion was the First World War, or rather, the processes that took place in society after its end. It was a difficult time for Europe: most of the infrastructure was destroyed, the economies of many countries were drained of blood. The world stood above the abyss of the financial crisis. Many strong and young men died at the fronts, grief touched almost every European family. Women had to take on male functions, they became strong and persistent. This led to the fact that previously fragile ladies took a fresh look at their role in society. They were now free, independent and equal to men. In the weak field, courage began to be valued instead of refinement, skepticism instead of romance, and looseness instead of submission. Now the woman from the decoration of the fashion salon has turned into a real earner. In connection with the new social role, she wanted to look in a new way, like a man.


So in Europe, the men's clothing style "garcon" appeared. From French, the word "garçon" is translated as "boy". The name of this style was borrowed from the popular novel by Victor Margueritte (Victor Margueritte) "La Garconne", which means "Woman-Boy". Indeed, at that time, almost boyish teenage beauty came into fashion: small breasts, flat hips, thin legs, a thin and long neck, short garcon haircut. Many even specifically tightened their breasts and went in for sports. Dresses lost their femininity, they became straight, without any hint of a waist, a belt was put on the hips. The length was also striking in its frankness compared to the models of the past, it barely covered the knees. From the former sensuality and femininity, only a triangular and black silk fabric, embroidered with glass beads, remained.

An indispensable attribute of the female style of that era is the boyish garcon hairstyle. No one wore lush curls any more, their hair was cut short and slightly raised at the back of the head. Such a haircut was called "bubikolf", that is, "children's head." True, the girls did not spare cosmetics "a la garcon". They generously summed up their eyes with dark shadows, which made the look bold and expressive. And her lips were decorated with lipstick of bright burgundy and dark cherry colors. The most fashionable decoration of that time was a cigarette on a long mouthpiece, gracefully clamped in thin fingers. The smoking lady was then considered relaxed and attractive.

The girls danced fashionable Charleston and shimmy dances until they dropped, so they wore the appropriate shoes. These were boats with a short heel-glass, they could be suede, patent leather, decorated with buttons and crocodile skin. American and European fashionistas danced with equal gusto in such shoes, without feeling any embarrassment. Also in fashion were flesh-colored.

Marlene Dietrich and Coco Chanel

Marlene Dietrich, who was considered the standard of beauty of that era, went even further. The actress is fully dressed in a men's suit. She wore men's shirts, jackets, trousers and hats with incredible femininity and elegance.

Chanel turned to the wardrobe of the stronger sex in search of comfortable and practical clothes for women. It was completely in the spirit of Mademoiselle Coco. However, among other things, she saw in the image of a "woman-boy" an incredible charge of sexuality. Chanel herself set an example for women with her appearance: Coco wore ties, jackets and even caps. She cut her hair, loved horseback riding and cars.

From "garcon" to "unisex"

The fashion for very thin, angular teenage women with short garcon haircuts returned in the 60s thanks to a model named (Twiggy). The next step in the development of the boyish style was the period of the 70s of the twentieth century. At that time, all the conditions in the fashion world were dictated by (Yves Saint Laurent). Of course, all his ideas instantly became the standard of style. French was the first to create a collection of clothes that was designed for both boys and girls at the same time. then he again returned fashion to the path of sexual unification, from which it turned before the onset of World War II.

A new peak in the popularity of unisex - the style of the third gender, falls on the 90s. During these years, the legendary fashion designer from the United States (Calvin Klein) became the trendsetter of sexless fashion. He releases a promotional poster featuring (Kate Moss) and Marky Mark (Mark Wahlberg) for his own. They were depicted half-dressed, while both the girl and the guy almost did not differ from each other. This ad caused shock among the public, given that Klein had already had more than one charge of "shooting minors in plots close to pornographic."

The first clothes that lost their gender are rightfully recognized.

"Garcon" today

Today, fashion tends to compromise between the sexes. There is no longer a complete transformation of a girl into a boy, even male silhouettes and styles in a women's wardrobe are not devoid of elegance and romance. Jackets, shirts, trousers tend to adapt to the features of the female figure and emphasize all its advantages. They amaze with a variety of styles and styles. Men's silhouettes for women in modern collections are now necessarily fitted and decorated with original trim. Incredibly sexy look on the ladies are typically masculine, like a tie, suspenders and a hat. In addition to a strict suit, brown or black and boots are suitable.

A minimal set of jewelry and accessories can perfectly add femininity to the “garcon” style. This will smooth out the external severity and masculinity of the image.

How to create an image in the style of garcon?

Garcon style is often confused with modern unisex. In many ways, these concepts are similar, but in practice there are much more differences between the directions than similarities.


  • The traditional garcon style involves the use of men's wardrobe items in an outfit: trousers, shirts, jackets, ties, suspenders and cufflinks. Moreover, clothes should have a cut that is characteristic of men's things. The easiest option would be to purchase a classic dark-colored suit and a white shirt. Things should be slightly large and look like you borrowed a suit from a man you know: elongated sleeves, fairly wide shoulders, trousers that fit loosely on the figure. The shirt should not be fitted.
  • You can also use vests and coats to create a garcon style. The vest should be made in a classic style and differ in color from the shirt. It is recommended to choose a double-breasted coat, without fur trim. The color of the coat is preferably dark. Things with a high collar and clear lines fit perfectly into the garcon style.
  • Despite the fact that in the classical view, the style of the garcon implies the dominance of dark shades in the suit, however, light colors are also appropriate. But the colors should be plain, without decorative elements.


  • Accessories such as belts, hats, ties and suspenders will be necessary to create a garcon style look. Each of the listed accessories should be designed in a classic, simple style. From headdresses fit,. The color of the hat depends on the main color of the suit or shoes.
  • Choose a belt made of quality genuine leather. The belt itself should not stand out too much from the image. Belts with large buckles are not suitable for the garcon style.
  • You can choose almost any tie, not only plain, but also models with polka dots and stripes. It's okay if the tie is a little out of line with the overall classic style. An unusual accessory can spice up the image.
  • Suspenders are one of the most interesting and necessary accessories when creating a garcon style look. Suspenders can be worn both under a jacket (in this case it should not be fastened), or simply under a shirt, which will add piquant sexuality.


  • Choosing shoes in the style of garcon is quite simple. This style is suitable for any shoes with laces and a small heel, outwardly similar to classic men's. If you do not find the right option in the women's collections, then, for sure, the necessary model of the right size will be found in the department of footwear for teenagers.
