A super open final lesson in the group will prepare. Integrated lesson in the preparatory group: “An unusual box with a fairy-tale world

Final lesson in the preparatory group.

Progress of the lesson

Vos-l: Hello dear guys! I want to congratulate you, because you are going to school. We learned a lot, learned a lot! Today is our last lesson and we invited guests to show what we have learned with you during our training. And I hope that you are ready to go to school and study with “good” and “excellent” marks.

You are ready?


Vos-l: Guys, in order for us to succeed, let’s stand in a circle and hold hands.

All the children gathered in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other.

I will smile at you, and you will smile at each other.

Vos-l: Guys, tell me, what time of year is it now?

- Spring

Vos-l: Right.

Vos-l: Remember what the spring months are called (March, April, May).

Vos-l: Guys, today we received an email at our kindergarten, let's open it and see who it is addressed to. (The teacher opens the email, the children read the address of the kindergarten and the name of the group on the screen).

Everything is clear, the letter is addressed to us, let’s open it.

“Hello dear guys! I urgently need your help. I can’t take over, I can’t warm the earth, I don’t have enough strength. The Snow Queen stole the sun's rays from my assistants and locked them in her castle. And without rays the sun is very sad. Look here. So I decided to ask you for help.The Snow Queen promised to return the sun's rays if you complete her tasks.If you complete the Snow Queen's tasks, you will reach her castle and find the sun's rays. Help me out, my friends."

(attach the sun to the board)

The teacher shows snowflakes with an assignment from the Snow Queen.

Vos-l: How far do you think it is to the Snow Queen's castle?

Children: Yes.

Vos-l: The road is long, we can’t reach it on foot. Guys, how can we get there?

Children: Your own suggestions.

Vos-l: Guys, first we will go to the Snow Queen by bus.To get a seat on the bus, you need to “earn” a ticket for it. You need to solve the example and find your place.

Our bus needs to find a driver, he will be the one who tells me a number consisting of one ten and five units (children's answers, the one who named first sits in the driver's seat).

We also need a conductor; he will be the one who tells me a number out of two tens (children’s answer).

Dear conductor, please check the passengers' tickets.

(children take their seats on the “bus”)

Vos-l: Well guys, let's start the journey? (one of the guys takes out a snowflake.)

To keep us from getting bored, we'll play a game "Name it in one word"
Oak, Poplar, Willow, Pine are trees.

Swallow, Owl, Woodpecker, Sparrow are birds.
Volga, Dnieper, Oka, Don - rivers.
Malvina, Carlson, Dunno are fairy-tale characters.

Day, night, morning, evening - parts of the day.

Winter, spring, summer, autumn - seasons.

A mosquito, a butterfly, a fly are insects.

Cranberries, currants, raspberries are berries.

Russia, England, Germany are countries.

Africa, Asia, Australia - continents.

Vos-l: We've arrived. We calmly get off the bus. Let's learn the first task from the Snow Queen.

They take out a snowflake.

1. Task. My ice floes will show the way to me and the castle. But they are not simple. Place the ice floes in a number line in order.

(Children complete the task in groups. Check with each other.)

Close your eyes, I will hide one number and you can guess.

Name a number that consists of one ten and three ones.

Name a number that consists of one ten and 7 ones.

Name a number that is greater than 6 but less than 8.

Name a number that is greater than 3 but less than 5.

Vos-l: Well done guys, you completed the first task. Let's see what next task the Snow Queen has prepared for us.

2. Task. "More, less, equal."

Determine which number is greater, which is less and which numbers are equal.Working with cards.

Vos-l: The next task is from the Snow Queen. Arrange the geometric shapes correctly.

3 task.

Place a circle in the middle of the sheet.

Square in the upper right corner of the sheet

Triangle in the lower left corner of the sheet

Rectangle in the lower right corner of the sheet

Diamond in the upper left corner of the sheet.

Children tell the location of the figures.

Vos-l: Guys, look, the path to the Snow Queen's castle is blocked by a gate. Maybe the next task will help us open them?

4. Assignment. The gate will open if you solve the problems correctly. (Standing).


Three little pigs were walking on the lawn. But autumn has come and it’s time to build our own houses. Naf-naf went to build his house and the rest stayed for a walk. How many piglets are left on the lawn?

There were 4 mushrooms growing under the Christmas tree. It rained and 2 more grew. How many mushrooms are there under the tree?

Six nuts mommy pig

I carried it in a basket for the children.

The hedgehog met a pig

And he gave four more.

How many nuts pig

Did you bring it to the kids in a basket?

Three bunnies, five hedgehogs

They go to kindergarten together.

How many kids are there in the garden?

Vos-l: Well done!

(The gate on the slide opens)

Vos-l: Guys,For our further journey, I suggest going by plane. Do you agree?

Physical exercise "Airplane".

Vos-l: So we arrived.

The teacher invites the children to come to the board.

(two houses are drawn on the board: 1 with a red roof, 2 with a blue-green roof and the letters are arranged according to the number of children)

The Snow Queen poured all the letters into the sea, they got mixed up. We need to quickly gather them into houses. Place all the letters on the board into your houses.

You and I know that a letter is a graphic representation of a sound.

What sounds do you know?

Children: vowels and consonants.

- - Vowel sounds? Why are they called that? What color do we use?

Consonant sounds? Why are they called that? What are the consonant sounds? What color do we use?

Children distribute the letters into houses.

Vos-l: Well done boys! Know vowel and consonant sounds.

Vos-l: Guys, we have one snowflake left, which means that very soon we will be able to return the Sun’s rays. We have one last task left to complete.

Vos-l: So, what kind of task do we have to complete?

"Guess a riddle"

The house is standing

Who will enter it?

That mind will gain.

Vos-l: In order to solve this riddle, you need to identify the first sounds in words - pictures and compose a word from them.

Vos-l: Now you will see pictures on the screen, determine the first sound of the word - the object depicted in the picture, find the letter corresponding to this sound and place it in front of you. Is the task clear?

(children lay out the word on the carpet).

The slide displays the following pictures in turn:

ball, kitten, hoop, lemon, watermelon.

Vos-l: Guys, what do you see on the screen?

Children. Ball.

Vos-l: What is the first sound in the word "Ball"?

Children. Sound [sh].

Vos-l: Find the letter that represents the sound [sh]. This is the first letter of the word - riddle.

We continue to complete the task.

Children perform similar actions with other pictures and place the letters in front of them: SH K O L A

Vos-l: What kind of word did we get, read it?

Children. School.

Vos-l: Yes, that’s the name of the house where everyone acquires knowledge: School.

And very soon you too will go to this wonderful world called SCHOOL.

The Snow Queen appears on the screen.

“Guys, you did great, you completed all my tasks, take your rays and goodbye.”

Children attach rays to the sun andThey say kind words to him. Say a kind word and put a ray of sunshine. (Bright, golden, hot, warm, spring, affectionate, radiant, kind, mischievous).

Bottom line.

The last page has been turned.

Tell me, did you enjoy our trip? Which task did you think was the easiest? Which one is the most difficult?

And now I ask you to draw a smiley face that will show how much you liked our trip.

If you don’t like it, draw a sad emoticon:

If you don’t know, a thoughtful emoticon:

If you liked it - a happy emoticon:

Children draw smiley faces on a table with sand.

Ceremonial presentation of a diploma to a future first-grader.

As knowledge about various objects, phenomena and processes deepened, people identified sciences responsible for describing a particular area. Thus, the formula of water began to be considered in chemistry, the answer to the question of why it flows will be given by physics, and geography will help to find out where the reservoirs are located. But nature is one, so it is very important, even before school, to instill in the child the understanding that any object or phenomenon is multifaceted, and it would be wrong to know only one side. In this regard, the kindergarten teacher will be helped by integrated classes, the features of which we will consider with children of the preparatory group.

What classes are called integrated?

An integrated lesson is based on an interdisciplinary connection of concepts. Examining an object from different angles makes it possible to form the acquired knowledge into a single system, teaches the child a meaningful attitude towards the world around him, develops imagination, creativity, and increases children’s motivation to learn new things.

The purpose of the integrated lesson is to reveal the essence of the topic being studied through its comprehensive analysis. Let us give an example of considering the concept of “summer” for a lesson in a preparatory group. You can discuss with your children:

  • summer as one of the seasons and the months of which it consists;
  • the position of the Earth and the Sun on summer days;
  • features of the life cycle of plants and animals;
  • growing crops;
  • rest and its types;
  • reflection of the theme of summer in fiction, painting and music.

The teacher’s task is to help structure children’s knowledge on a specific topic.

The chosen topic should be the basis for combining tasks from different types of activities. It should be remembered that children must use different systems for perceiving information (visual, auditory, tactile). In addition, there should be a logical connection between the selected exercises.

The integrated lesson “Red Summer” may include the following activities:

  • conversation “Why is summer called red?”;
  • demonstration of the movement of the Earth around the Sun;
  • reading the fairy tale “Mushroom Summer” by Eduard Uspensky;
  • selection of riddles on the topic “What birds visit us in the summer”;
  • physical education session: fun exercises to the musical composition “Radiant Sun”;
  • children's stories “How my family relaxes in the summer”;
  • grammatical analysis of the words “What grew in the garden”;
  • creative work “Draw Summer”;
  • solving simple arithmetic problems: “Over the summer, two chicks grew up in one family of starlings, and three in the second. How many more starlings have there become?

Topics of integrated classes

Although preparing an integrated lesson takes a lot of time, the greater impact is worth the effort. What topics are most often used for such classes? View a selection of lessons:

  • Ecology: “Such different autumns”, “Hello, winter - winter”, “Bees”, “Animals in winter”, “Journey through the seasons”, “Wintering birds”, “Adventures of a baby mammoth”.
  • Professions: “All professions are important, all professions are needed”, “Profession - engineer”, “Professions of my city”.
  • Patriotic theme: “Our Motherland is a vast country”, “Where the Motherland begins”, “Heroes of Rus'”, “Russian Army”.
  • Aesthetic education: “Beauty Lesson”, “Connoisseurs of Art”, “Visiting the Fairy of Flowers”, “Easter, Bright Easter”, “Magic Land of Fine Art”, “Kargopol Toy Bereginya”.
  • Studying mathematical concepts or literacy: “Problems from wizards”, “Cipollino visiting children”, “Journey to the land of knowledge”, “Journey to the forest school”, “Journey to the country of Sochinyayku”.
  • Socialization of children: “Going to school soon”, “Why do we need road signs”, “My family”, “Let’s talk about friendship”, “On the road of goodness”, “The whole family is together - so the soul is in the place”.

Conducting integrated classes on topics affecting different aspects of life helps to arouse in children a wide interest in the world around them

Of course, this is not a complete list of topics that are covered in classes in the preparatory group. You can always add something of your own.

How to Design an Integrated Lesson

An integrated lesson must be designed taking into account the following requirements:

  • presence of a core theme;
  • clear thinking through exercises for each phase of the lesson;
  • consistent formation of new knowledge and skills;
  • the use of various methods of motivating children's cognitive activity.

N. Gavrish, in his work “Modern Lesson,” dedicated to the study of preschool pedagogy, conducts a detailed analysis and classification of integrated lessons and calls them multidirectional. The main objectives of an integrated lesson include not only children gaining knowledge about some object, but also the comprehensive development of the child’s personality.

It must be taken into account that integrated education does not necessarily have to be organized as a cycle of classes. Integration is learning built on the combination of capabilities of different areas of knowledge. For example, during outdoor games, ordinal and quantitative counting is often used, which updates children’s knowledge of mathematics. This is integrated learning. Another example: while repeating the fairy tale “The Three Bears” with the children, the teacher draws the preschoolers’ attention to the sizes of the characters and invites them to compare them. Such techniques can be included in classes daily, which will increase the effectiveness of children’s learning. But, of course, full-fledged integrated classes are also necessary in the work of every educator.

A key concept is placed in the center of the structural-logical diagram, around which other, increasingly detailed concepts are located

In the preparatory group, the study of the topic can begin with the children, creating a structural and logical diagram before their eyes. The children will be happy to name associations associated with the object of their future lesson. To design your work, it is better to use pre-prepared pictures that will serve as an illustration of individual sections of the topic.

When developing an integrated math or literacy lesson, a slightly different approach to lesson design is used: other areas of knowledge are used to review material or learn something new. Musical accompaniment, outdoor games, creative tasks, riddles - all this will only help you complete exercises on the topic of the lesson. At the same time, the teacher must select the material in such a way that children receive an optimal load on different types of activities and ways of perceiving information. The planned exercises should be based on the material studied so that the child can easily perform them.

Examples of the development of structural and logical circuits can be found in more detail by referring to the following materials:

  • Sazonova Anastasia: “Integrated and comprehensive classes in kindergarten. What is the difference? .
  • Maltseva Marina: “Consultation for educators “Integrated and complex classes: similarities and differences.”

Time plan for an integrated lesson

The duration of the integrated lesson for the preparatory group is 40–45 minutes. Let's look at the correct distribution of time between parts of a lesson and their content using the example of a time plan for a literacy lesson.

Table: outline plan “Space travel”

Plan elementTimeDescription
Target Increasing children's motivation to learn and gain new knowledge
  • To repeat and consolidate children’s knowledge about speech units of the Russian language, determining the position of a sound in a word, conducting a sound analysis of a word; increase the vocabulary of preschoolers.
  • Develop attention, phonemic hearing, visual memory, fine motor skills.
  • Foster communication, responsibility and a sense of mutual assistance
  • Visual;
  • verbal;
  • practical
  • Equipment for organizing a group on the topic of the lesson;
  • posters and handouts for completing assignments;
  • selection of poems and audio recordings
Progress of the lesson.
Organizational part
2 minutesPreschoolers sit on the carpet in the middle of the classroom. In front of them is the teacher's desk and a poster stand. There are tables in the back so children can do their homework.
Introductory part8 minutesEmotional attunement of children (selection of poems). A phone call from an alien asking for help from earthlings
Main part25 minutesTraveling on a spacecraft, children read poetry in chorus and do articulation gymnastics.
Conversation “Planets of the Solar System”. The teacher asks questions about the composition of the solar system, combining them with word formation tasks.
Meeting an alien. The main character tests whether the children can cope with his problem. He asks questions to determine the position of a sound in a word. The children answered all the questions and receive an envelope with assignments from him.
Exercises from the envelope:
  • “Find the letter” (search for the same letter in different words);
  • “Write a letter on the cosmic sand”;
  • dictation (the teacher names the words, the children must identify the first letter and write it in the box on the assignment sheet).

It turns out that the word is the answer to the riddle.
Physical education minute.
Didactic game “Find the Animal”, the purpose of which is to identify by ear the vowels and consonants in the names of animals.
Exercise “Spread your friends.” Words are distributed into different houses depending on the number of syllables

Final part5 minutesThis part is for relaxation. It contains a summary and gratitude from the main character for his help.

This example helps illustrate the design of an integrated lesson: all the main parts are highlighted here. The topic, purpose and objectives of the lesson are determined according to calendar planning, although developmental and educational tasks may be repeated. The teacher selects the main storyline based on his or her capabilities. Children will love to take part in a fantasy adventure, but elements are needed to support the scenario: pictures, music, clothes, an envelope with tasks or something else. The teacher develops exercises based on the assigned learning objectives. For example, when planning a lesson to study new material, one part of the exercises should be aimed at repeating and consolidating the topics covered, the second - at mastering a new one.

Video: integrated lesson “Space” in the preparatory group

Similar activities can be used to develop elementary mathematical concepts (EMCs). This system presupposes an organization of learning in which mathematical concepts are presented in small portions using various means and methods.

Final integrated lesson in the preparatory group

All material in the final lesson should be aimed at testing the assimilation of knowledge and consolidating it. However, when gaps are identified, you should not immediately re-explain to children what they did not understand. The most important thing in such a lesson is summing up, that is, the attention of the teacher and children should be concentrated on what they have achieved during the training. Let's consider an example of a final integrated lesson in mathematics, which was developed by teacher Margarita Golovneva.

Table: final lesson “Train to the Magic Land of Knowledge”

Plan elementTimeDescription
Target Show and consolidate the knowledge of preschoolers in mathematics acquired at a preschool educational institution
  • Educational: consolidate children's knowledge of solving simple arithmetic problems, test their mastery of counting to ten, concepts of geometric shapes;
  • educational: to develop interest in mathematics, as well as such qualities as communication, independence;
  • developmental: develop logical thinking, develop fine motor skills
  • Verbal;
  • visual;
  • didactic games
  • Posters;
  • Handout;
  • colour pencils;
  • counting sticks;
  • magnetic board;
  • checkboxes
Progress of the lesson.
Organizational part
2 minutesEducator: Hello, guys! We sit correctly at the tables, keep our backs straight, and listen carefully. Is everyone ready for class?
Children: Ready!
Introductory part10 minutesEducator: Today we are going to the “Magic Land of Knowledge”, we will visit cities whose residents love mathematics.
Today we invite
Take a peek into wonderland
Where we measure everything in the world
From earth to heaven.
There are numbers, abacus, brackets!
And there’s a whole line of rulers.
Circle, square, rectangle -
We'll find that there too.
There are tasks and examples.
What kind of country is this?
We will introduce you to her,
Exciting adventures and interesting riddles await us, and two friends will help us on our journey. Guess who it is. That's right, these are the mathematical plus and minus signs.
We'll go on a journey on a fun train. (Attach a poster with a picture of a train to a magnetic board.)
Guys, let's count our cars. The one who comes to the board attaches the number to the trailer. We got four cars! Now let's count the wheels! Well done! Let's try the opposite. Everything is correct. Now let's buy train tickets. Today we are traveling through mathematical cities, and tickets are sold for correctly solving examples.
  1. Two sparrows were sitting on a branch. Two more arrived. How many sparrows are there on the branch?
  2. There were five apples in the vase. Ate two. How much is left?
  3. Two chickens were walking in the yard. How many legs do they have?
  4. Six ducks were swimming on the pond. Four flew away. How much is left?
  5. Masha ate eight sweets, and Dasha ate six. Who ate more?
  6. How many days are there in a week?
  7. How many letters are in the word TRAIN?
  8. Misha was with his grandmother for three days and was sick for two days. How many days was Misha away from kindergarten?
  9. How many colors does the rainbow have?
  10. How many summer months are there?

Children take turns answering the teacher's questions and for this they receive a ticket for the magic train.
Educator: Guys, your tickets have the carriage number written on them. We take our seats. (There are cards with carriage numbers on the tables.)

Main part25 minutesThe first stop is “Geometric City”.
Educator: Geometric shapes live at this stop. Guess what they are called.
The geometric figures are in trouble. A strong wind tore them to pieces. Let's help them and collect them correctly. (The handouts are made of thick colored paper, each table has its own color.)
Well done! Everyone helped the geometric shapes. We show where you got an oval, circle, square, rectangle, triangle. (Children point to the corresponding figures.) Everything was assembled correctly!
But the wind also destroyed their home. Our figures have nowhere to live. Let's draw them a lot of beautiful houses so that the city of "Geometric" becomes the best. (The teacher distributes paper in a box, pencils and tasks for graphic work.) On our pieces of paper we count seven boxes on the left and nine on the top, and put a dot. Then we complete the task. We built houses. Now let's color them in different colors.
Geometric shapes are very grateful to us. And to amuse us, they came up with puzzles - puzzles with counting sticks:
  1. From five sticks you need to fold two triangles.
  2. We have a rectangle. Add one stick to make two squares.
  3. You need to count how many squares there are. How many rectangles?
  4. Two squares have been built. Place two more sticks so that you get three squares.

Next stop is “Sportivny City”.
Any mathematician knows: “Both ingenuity is needed, and hardening is important.” In order for our problems and examples to be easily solved, we must remember about exercises.

  1. Game "Stream". We hand out cards with numbers from zero to ten to the children in duplicate. The guys are divided into pairs so that the sum of their numbers is ten. Couples stand facing each other and join their hands at the top to form a gate. The last pair runs under all the gates and stands in front, then the next one. We repeat several times.
  2. Game "Reverse Mirror". Children are divided into two lines. Along the teacher's right hand, facing him, numbers from one to ten are lined up in ascending order, and along the left hand - with numbers from ten to zero. Those playing from the right rank repeat the movements of the teacher, and the children from the left rank do the opposite. If the teacher raises their hands up, then the kids on the right repeat the movement, and the children on the left lower their hands down. And so on. After two minutes the ranks change places.

Stop "Arithmetic City".
The teacher reads Agnia Barto’s poem “Arithmetic”. Do you guys also like arithmetic? And you think it’s as good as Nastya from the poem, aren’t you mistaken? We'll check this now.

  1. Exercise “Arrange the arithmetic signs correctly.” Our brothers are twins, the plus and minus signs are so similar, we must be very careful and put each sign in its place. (Several versions of the task are distributed, so that there are no identical tasks at the table.) Has everyone completed the tasks? Let's check. Exchange cards with your neighbor and check the solution. Since all the examples are solved correctly, city residents will be happy to have such guests. And we will give them flowers.
  2. Exercise “Color the flowers.” Everyone's flowers turned out wonderful. But the residents of this city love solving problems more than anything else. Let's come up with more tasks for them.
  3. Exercise “Make up a problem.” Children come up with problems together in subgroups and solve them. Then each subgroup tells its condition of the problem.

The city residents thank you for the gifts and sent several humorous problems in response:

  • Two cyclists rode four kilometers. How far did the first cyclist travel?
  • A marsh heron, standing on one leg, weighs five kilograms. How much will she weigh if she stands on two legs?
  • What weighs more: one kilogram of sand or one kilogram of cotton wool?

(Examples of various mathematical tasks for preschoolers can be found on the website.)

Final part5 minutesEducator: Our journey is over. We're back home. This map shows the places we visited. Pin a red flag if you enjoyed the adventures in this city. If you don't like it, pin a black flag.
How wonderful that you enjoyed your trip. See how many more interesting cities you can visit in this magical land. And we will definitely visit there. Thanks to all.

Table: riddles about two assistants

Table: riddles about geometric shapes

The wheel rolled
After all, it looks similar
Like a visual nature,
Only for one figure.
Misha suddenly realized
Well, of course it is (a circle).
We stretched the square
And presented at a glance,
And what does he look like?
Or is it very similar to something?
Not a brick, not a triangle,
It became a square (rectangle).
Look at the figure
And draw it in your notebook.
Three corners. Three sides
Connect with each other.
The result was not a square,
A beautiful (triangle).
I am a figure - no matter where,
Always very smooth
All angles in me are equal
And four sides.
Kubik is my beloved brother,
Because I am (square).
He looks like an egg
Or on your face.
This is the circle -
Very strange appearance:
The circle became flattened.
Suddenly it turned out (oval).

Photo gallery: handouts used during the lesson

The task of drawing houses is carried out in the form of a graphic dictation. Tasks with counting sticks help to consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes and contribute to the development of logic. In this exercise, you need to correctly place the plus and minus signs. In order to give flowers to the residents of the city, children must color each petal in a color corresponding to the answer in the example. For each of the pictures you need to come up with a problem

Please note: since this is a final lesson, there are many individual exercises included. Based on the speed and correctness of their implementation, the teacher can determine the level of mastery of knowledge in mathematics by each child and then adjust his work.

Video: open integrated lesson “Treasures of the Old Castle”

The teacher confidently leads children along the path of knowledge, making a lot of effort to ensure that the children are prepared for the next stage on the path to personal development. Integrated classes are another assistant to the teacher in his complex and responsible work.

Open final integrated lesson in the preparatory group

"In Search of the Rainbow"

Target: consolidation of previously studied material.


1. Educational: continue to form mental operations (analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification)

2. Developmental: develop speech, mental activity, the ability to express and justify one’s judgments. To promote the development of auditory and visual attention, memory, logical thinking, constructive and creative abilities.

3. Educating: promote the formation of friendly relationships between children. Develop the habit of working together and strong-willed skills on the way to achieving your goal.

Progress of the program

Organizing time. "Rainbow Tale"

The teacher invites the children to go to a rainbow fairy tale. Children stand in a circle (music is turned on at this time).

Educator (whispers, intriguingly).Quiet! Don’t frighten away the fairy tale miracles... I will tell you a fairy tale, and you will show it to me. Once upon a time there lived in a rainbow country guys... . They were cheerful and hardworking. The girls are beautiful and kind at heart. The boys were strong, like heroes, and fair... And they had miracles in the rainbow land. The first is a rainbow, which appeared in the sky every time after rain. The second is rainbow bunnies. You've probably heard about sunbeams, and these were rainbow-colored bunnies. They appeared to the children when they did something good, answered correctly, or solved riddles. Would you like to see them? (children answer).And you will see them very soon. Come on, guess the riddle “After the rain, a miracle rocker hung in the sky.”

Educator: But trouble happened in the rainbow country: the miracle rainbow went out. She was gone. The girls started crying (The girls show how they cry.),and the boys began to console them (Show with gestures.):

"Do not Cry. We will get a new rainbow"

Educator: Magic words will help us find the rainbow: “Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting.”

Who knows what these words are? (Children answer.)

Educator: Let's all say these words together.

Then the children say the magic words in chorus.

Educator: And, of course, we need a map.

Educator: Guys, what is the top color of the rainbow? ? (red)Let's find a red bunny on the map and find out what we need to do to make the red color of our miracle rainbow appear.

Red stripe. "The world"

    In the envelope there are pictures: Crucian carp. Tit. Wolf.

Educator: Who is shown in these pictures? Let's play the game “Fish. Bird. Beast"

Ball game “Fish. Bird. Beast"

Children stand in a circle. In the center is a teacher with a ball. Throwing the ball to the children one by one, the teacher says: “Bird!” The one who received the ball must quickly name a bird. The players name animals and fish in the same way. Necessary condition: do not repeat yourself.

Educator: Now guess the riddles:

    The red nose has grown into the ground,

And the green tail goes out

We don't need a green tail.

All you need is a red nose. (Carrot)

2.Look at the bun,

He is ruddy and red-sided,

But don’t tear it up before it’s due -

It won't be any good.

And when the time comes,

Bite it and the juice will spray out. (Apple)

3.I'm red, I'm sour,

I grew up in a swamp

Ripened under the snow.

Come on, who knows me? (Cranberry)

4.Here are the berries, look

Like small thimbles.

All of them are the color of dawn:

Scarlet-scarlet. (Raspberries)

5. Worn by a boy

Green caftan,

Became a gentleman -

Got a red caftan. (Tomato)

Educator: What do all these riddles have in common? (Red color)

Educator: Well done ! So you have found the red color of the rainbow! Guys, what is the second color of the rainbow? ? (Orange)Let's find orange bunny.

Orange stripe. "Mathematics"

In the envelope there are cards with the task:

    Game “Write down the apartment number”

Educator: In front of you is house number 9. But the numbers of some apartments have disappeared. Guys, write down the missing apartment number on each floor.

Frontal check of the task.

    Educator: Guys, guess the riddle, but don’t say the answer out loud. This is your secret!

I held your tail in my hand.

You flew - I ran.(Balloon)

Find the answer in the drawing, color the answer with a pencil of the same color as the second color of the rainbow.

What shape did you circle? Why? How did you guess? What color did you use? Why orange? Now check each other’s completion of the task.

    Educator: The wind blew and the ball flew away. In which direction did the ball fly? (Right)

Balls with which numbers fly to the right? Left? Up? Down?

Educator: Now our rainbow has the color orange? What is the third color of the rainbow ? (Yellow)

Yellow stripe. "Bad - good deeds"

Educator: What do you think this is? To pass this stage you need to prove that you can distinguish between good and evil.

In front of you are two emoticons: a happy one and a sad one, and pictures with good and bad deeds and actions.

Girls put pictures of good deeds with a happy emoticon, and boys put pictures with bad deeds with a sad emoticon.

Educator: Explain why you put these pictures with the sad emoticon? Why fun?

Educator: Now does our rainbow have the color yellow? What is the fourth color of the rainbow ? (Green)What kind of bunny will you be looking for?

Green stripe. "Certificate"

In the envelope is the word RAINBOW.

Educator: Read the word. How many syllables are in the word RAINBOW?

Name the first syllable. Second. Third.

What sound does the word RAINBOW begin with?

I suggest you play the game "Cops"


Spring sun with rainBuild a rainbow together -Seven-color semicircleOf seven wide arcs.

No sun and no rainNot a single nailAnd they built it in no timeCelestial Gate.

Rainbow ArchBurned brightlyPainted the grassBloomed blue.

The rainbow-arc shines.Meadows are visible through it.And beyond the farthest meadow -A field plowed by a plow.And beyond the field through the fog -Only sea-oceanOnly the sea is blueWith white foam of the surf.

Here from the rainbow gateA round dance comes to us,Runs out from under the arch,He brings gifts to the whole earth.

And something is not here!The first leaf and the first color,The first mushroom and the first thunder,The rain flashed silverThe days are growing, and the nights areEvery day is shorter.

Now come up with and name words with sound [R].

Educator: Well done ! So you have found the green color of the rainbow! Guys, what is the fifth color of the rainbow? ? (Blue)Let's find blue bunny

Blue stripe. “The fourth one is extra”

There are cards in the envelope.

Educator: In order for the blue stripe to appear, you need to complete the tasks correctly. Look at the pictures and tell me what is odd. Explain why you think so.

Educator: Now does our rainbow have a blue color? Name the sixth color of the rainbow ? (Blue)What kind of bunny should we find?

Blue stripe. Game “On the contrary”, “What happens”

Educator: I suggest you play the game "On the contrary"

I'm telling you high

And you tell me......(low)

I'm telling you far

And you tell me......(close)

Long short)

Wide narrow)

Thick - ……..(thin)

Hot Cold)

Sweet sugar – lemon (sour)

The moon is visible at night, and the sun is visible (during the day)

The river is wide and the stream is narrow

The stone is heavy, but the fluff is light.

The envelope contains cards of seven colors of the rainbow according to the number of children. When choosing cards, children are divided into groups.

Educator: Game "What Happens". For the word - the name of the color of the rainbow - select as many words - objects as possible.

Green – crocodile, cucumber, color, fruit...

Red – dress, apple, banner... etc.

Each group selects words - objects to match its color.

Educator: Well done ! You have coped well with all the obstacles and found the blue color of the rainbow! Guys, what color is the seventh stripe of the rainbow? ? (Purple)All we have to do is find the purple bunny.

Purple stripe. "Origami Rainbow Bunnies"

The envelope contains colored paper in seven colors of the rainbow.

Educator: We have already found six colors of our miracle - the rainbow. And we don’t have a single rainbow bunny. Let's create the second miracle of our rainbow country - rainbow bunnies from colored paper.

Finale "Rainbow Bunnies" Now each of you has your own piece of our wonderful rainbow - your rainbow bunnies. They will remind you of the wonderful rainbow you found.

Bottom line. Look, guys, what a beautiful and big rainbow we have!

But what a rainbow! If you were lazy and often quarreled, then our magic wouldn’t work. But you are great! You were friendly and diligent! Always be like this and you will succeed!

This concludes our rainbow journey.

Be friends, guys, help each other, only together we will learn to create miracles! Both rainbow and real!

Reflection. What was your favorite thing to do? What was difficult to do?

Zoya Kolokolova
Summary of the final integrated lesson in the preparatory group “Journey to the Islands of Knowledge”

Target: Revealing knowledge, abilities, skills of pupils preparatory group, for the past academic year.

Tasks: Consolidate counting to 10; practice quantitative and ordinal counting; anwser the questions. How many? in which place?; strengthen the ability to work with a square "Voskobovich" arrange figures; consolidate the ability to solve and compose arithmetic problems; consolidate the ability to work in a squared notebook; secure knowledge children based on fairy tales and authors; secure knowledge about theaters.

Preliminary work: Looking at illustrations. Didactic games: "name your neighbors", "count how many", "find the answer"; departure to the theater "Ulger"; conversation about the theater; conversation about school.

Demo material: steering wheel, cap, binoculars, 3 signs with the name islands, casket with sweets.

Handout: squares "Voskobovich", cards, checkered pieces of paper, pencils, colored pencils.

Progress of the lesson:

I am very pleased to see your faces and kind eyes. Let's start our class game with a bright, friendly smile. Give your smile to the neighbor on the left, and then to the neighbor on the right, smile at me, and I will smile at you.

A letter was brought to our kindergarten today. Here it is. (The teacher shows the letter and opens it)

Vos-l: Let's read this letter and find out who it is from. Listen carefully children.

"Dear children, I invite you to voyage by sea to the islands of knowledge. When you complete all the tasks, you will receive gifts from me. They are waiting for you on the way interesting tasks. You must be attentive, judicious and quick-witted. Good luck. Mermaid"

Provocation: There is a green cloth on the floor with a ship on it. What is this? Guys, can we swim like this? (answers). Why not? (answers).What do you need to do to swim? (answers).Let's clear away this green field and sail across the sea.

Before you go to journey Let's charge first crazy:

If the table is higher than the chair, then the chair (below the table).If the road is wider than the path, then (the path is already on the road).If the ruler is longer than the pencil, then the pencil (shorter than a ruler).If the rope is thicker than the thread, then the thread (thinner than rope).If the sister is older than the brother, then the brother (younger than sister).

Anna than guys, you can go to journey? What types of transport do you know? (Air, water, land).

Vos-l: And in order to set sail, we need build a ship. Let's, let's build a ship. Take magic squares and build a ship. (Children are building). What geometric figure does the boat look like? (Answers). So the magic ship is ready, we are setting sail. Let's start the countdown. (Children count from 5 to 10 and back).

Guys, I see island"Merry Count".

A game "Count, color"

Questions and tasks: Write in the square. How many pencils (10) .What number did you write? (10) .Why? (Because there are 10 pencils in the picture. Color the third pencil blue, the fifth green, the seventh yellow, the ninth red. Which one is green? (On the fifth).Which place is the yellow pencil? (On the seventh).

Take a sheet of paper in square No. 2 and a simple pencil "Graphic dictation".What happened (Boat).

Vos-l: The fog of time has descended on the sea. To get out of the fog, you need to answer questions: What day of the week is today? What day of the week was yesterday? What day of the week will be tomorrow? What day of the week is before Tuesday? What day of the week is after Wednesday? Name Tuesday's neighbors? Name Thursday's neighbors? Name Sunday's neighbors? Name Monday's neighbors? Name Wednesday's neighbors? What day of the week did we go to? journey? Well done! You answered all the questions correctly. Here we are out of the fog.

And now for some fun puzzles. Let's think and solve them. To tasks there are: condition, question and answer. Is there a question in the problem? Answering the question - how much? (Pictures, two tasks are proposed).(Children's answers).Who can make up the problem? (answers).

A game “Correct the title of the fairy tale”

Vos-l: Give the correct name of the fairy tale and literary heroes:

The Indian Princess, Ivan the Tsarevich and the Green Wolf, Fear has Big Ears, Vasilisa the Stupid, Koschey the Fearless, Pashenka and the Bear, At the Dog's Command, Sister Alyonushka and Brother Nikitushka, Elena the Ugly, the Toad Princess, the Wolf and the Seven Tiger Cubs.

Soap, soap, soap He washed himself endlessly, washed away wax and ink From his unwashed face Who is he? (Moidodyr from the fairy tale by K. I. Chukovsky)

But the road is far and the basket is not easy, I wish I could sit on a stump and eat a pie. (Masha and the Bear)

A girl appeared in the cup of a flower And there was that girl, a little more than a marigold in a nutshell, that girl was sleeping The girl saved the swallow from the cold (Thumbelina from the fairy tale by H. H. Anderson)

Buckets come into the house with water. The stove goes by itself. What kind of miracle is this really? This tale is about... (At the behest of the pike, Russian folk tale)

In the fairy tale, a cat on two legs

Walks in red boots

Well done, the guys guessed all the riddles and completed all the tasks. Now let's play a game "We swam".

Water and I have all become friends

Learned to swim quickly

We can safely jump into the water

We can dive deep

(Raising your arms above your head, squat, lower your arms to your sides, down to your knees)

How can frogs swim?

(Walk around the room. Make swimmer’s arm movements).

Lie like a star on the water.

Well, now we have a rest.

Tell me guys, we can turn into a fairy-tale hero (answers).

Artists, where do we perform? (answers).

What else is there in the theater? (answers).

Who designs the scenery? (answers).

Who issues the suits? (answers).

What theaters do you know? (answers).

Name the theaters in our city (answers).

Who was in the theater (answers).Ask 2-3 children.

Children, take your seats, we're heading to the next one. island, I see island"Queens of Letters".

Sit down at the tables, there is a piece of paper on your table, take it. You need to determine how many sounds there are in a word. What sounds are there? (answers).Maxim, what is your word, tell me (answers). Balzhir now you, what word do you have (answers).

Next task. Guys, what does the proposal consist of? (from words).You need to make a sentence of two words. (answers).Now take a simple pencil, move two cells to the left and two cells from the top and put a dot. And write a sentence outline. Now make up a sentence of three words (answers).Step back from the top and to the left, two cells at a time, put a dot, and write down the outline of a three-word sentence.

Well, you have completed all the tasks. Tell me, what did we do today?

We were sailing on a ship (Maksim)

There were riddles in our minds (Dasha)

We made excellent mathematicians (Altana)

We were cute in the fairy tale (Masha)

And we turned out to be excellent literates (Zhenya)

But in this magic there is a hint,

Good lesson for all the guys (Yana)

Guys, look who came to us (Girl from groups dressed up as a little mermaid. Hello, have you found out who I am? (answers).For completing all the tasks in travel, get from me a chest with coins, not ordinary ones, but chocolate ones. Well done!

Publications on the topic:

Objectives: 1. Educational: in a fun way of traveling, repeat and generalize children’s knowledge on topics: grammatical structure of sentences;

Combined GCD according to the Federal State Educational Standard “Travel to the Islands of Knowledge” Combined GCD according to the Federal State Educational Standard “Travel to the Islands of Knowledge” Educational areas: - Cognitive development (cognitive - research.

Objectives: 1. Summarize the knowledge acquired during the year: consolidate counting and order of numbers (up to 10 and back, consolidate the composition of numbers, consolidate.

Summary of the final integrated lesson in the preparatory group “Journey through the islands of knowledge” Goal: To generalize and consolidate children’s knowledge in the educational field: cognition, communication, artistic creativity. Software tasks:.

Galina Klycheva
Summary of the open final lesson in the preparatory group “Fairytale Journey”

Program content:

To consolidate knowledge about the sequence of days of the week, seasons, months of the year.

Strengthen the ability to navigate in space. Strengthen the ability to determine spatial direction relative to another faces: left, right, in front, behind, above, below.

Strengthen your aural counting skills within 10.

Strengthen the ability to guess and make riddles based on visually perceived information.

Help make children participants fabulous events, give them the opportunity to feel a unique algorithm fairy tales, logic and interconnection of events.

To form in children ideas about the moral standards of relationships with those around: goodwill, mutual assistance, responsiveness.

Develop the ability to see and understand, empathize and sympathize.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment.

Greeting guests.

Good afternoon


First, let's stand in a circle,

So much joy around!

We'll all join hands

And let's smile at each other.

We're ready to play

The meeting can begin!

2. Educator:

Guys, today we will go travel through a fairy tale. And according to what fairy tale, you must guess:

IN in a fairy tale the sky is blue,

IN scary birds in a fairy tale.

Apple tree, save me

Rechenka, save me. (Swan geese)

Guys, we received a letter from Mashenka. She asks for help finding and saving her brother Ivanushka. The geese and swans carried him away to Baba Yaga. Shall we help her? To get started travel through a fairy tale, let's say the magic words

Ra-ra-ra the game begins.

Sa-sa-sa, miracles await us along the way.

We turned and turned and we found ourselves in a fairy tale(music sounds, birds singing).

Phonetic exercise:

In the forest the wolves howl ooooh

The leaves rustle shhhhh,

Snakes crawl and whistle ssss.

What did we say? (sounds)

What sounds are there? (vowels and consonants)

How are consonants different from vowels? (vowels can be sung)

3. B: How can we help Masha?

Children:1) You need to go in the direction where the swan geese flew.

2) We may meet someone on the way who saw where they flew.

3) Does anyone know where geese-swans take children?

IN: Then let's hit the road.

The sound of a flock of birds (goose)

IN: Guys, do you hear any sounds?

D: We hear.

IN: Where are they coming from?

D: It seems from under the clouds.

IN: Let's look at the sky. Several flocks of birds appeared high in the sky. Where should we go? For what flock? Do you know what kind of birds these are?

Silhouettes of three flocks of birds are placed on the glass.

D: We know. The first flock is of pigeons, the second is of ducks, the third is of swan. We need to follow a flock of swan geese flying below to the right.

4. B: Guys, what do you think will happen next on our way?

D: We think there will be a stove.

IN: Stove - my dear, tell us,

Where did the geese fly away?

Where did they dare take Vanya?

The stove will help us if you answer her questions.

Questions - answers:

What are the neighbors of the number 8? (7 and 9)

Name the neighbors of the number 5? (4 and 6)

How many seasons are there? (4)

Name the winter months (December January February)

What month is it now? (May)

How many days are there in a week? (7)

Name them.

What day of the week is it today? (Friday)

What is Friday? (fifth)

D: Tree.

IN: - Guys, who knows what kind of tree this is?

Children: This is an apple tree.

Apple tree - darling,

Be our friend

Tell me, where did the geese fly?

Where did they dare take Vanya?

IN: Guys, the apple tree will help us if you complete her task.

A task of ingenuity and ingenuity.

1) How many backs do six pigs have? (6)

2) How many ears do the three old ladies have? (6)

3) How many tails do four cats have? (4)

4) How many paws do two dogs have? (8)

5) How many noses do three elephants have? (3)

6) What is heavier than 1 kg of cotton wool or 1 kg of iron?

7) How many corners does the pillow have? (4)

IN: Now let's play with you.

Fizminutka "Find Your Place"

Material: cards with numbers from 1 to 10.

The children are given cards. They run around to the music group.

The music stops and the children line up, focusing on the neighbor's number. The game is repeated 2-3 times, with the children changing numbers.

6. B: You guys are great! They did an excellent job. Well, let's continue looking for Ivanushka? And what happened next on the Machine Road?

D: We think it’s a river.

IN: Let's ask her where the geese-swans flew?

D: River, river, tell me, where did the swan geese fly?

IN: The river also prepared tasks for you. Take a seat at the tables. (There are green and blue cards on the tables for each child)

Prompt word at the end of each poem, name the first sound in prompted word and show the corresponding card.

The bunny didn't listen to his dad -

They crushed the bunny's paw (sound l hard)

We didn't eat, we didn't drink,

Snowy woman... sculpted (l – soft)

Without a job, for the life of me

An ant cannot live (m – hard)

Our Tanya is crying loudly,

Dropped a ball into the river... (m – soft)

There's a big fight in the river:

Two... crayfish quarreled (r – solid)

Among the mountains from afar

A stormy river flows (рь – soft)

7. Slide No. 4

IN: Meanwhile, a flock of geese-swans led us to the edge of the forest, there is a hut on a chicken leg, about one window, turning around itself. Old Baba Yaga lives in a hut. Let's tell Baba Yaga what we know about her!

Physical exercise.

There is a hut in the dark forest (we walk)

Standing backwards (turn)

There is an old woman in that hut (tilts)

Grandma Yaga lives (turn back)

Crochet nose (show nose)

The eyes are big (show eyes)

Like embers are burning

Wow, how angry! (we shake our fingers)

My hair stands on end.

But Baba Yaga will not give up Ivanushka so easily. You must guess her tricky riddles. Guys, you know how to solve riddles.

D: Yes!

He stood in the forest

Nobody took him

In a fashionable red hat,

No good. (Amanita)

Over the water, over the river,

Standing with a red beard. (Kalina)

Lots of friendly guys

They sit on one pillar.

How they start to frolic -

Only dust swirls around. (Broom)

Our dough has arrived

To a hot place.

Hit - not lost,

It became a golden brown bun. (Bake)

I look a little like a table

There are in the kitchen and in the hallway,

I'm rarely in the bedroom

And my name is... (Stool)

Educator: - Guys, you know riddles, you know how to solve them!

Children: - Yes, we know riddles and know how to solve them.

Children's riddles:

I am in any bad weather,

I respect water very much

I'm staying away from the dirt

Clean gray (goose)

Not a sea, not a river,

Are you worried? (ears)

Hat on one side,

Hid behind a stump.

Who comes close

Bows low. (mushrooms)

Grits his teeth

Leads his nose

And I can’t stand the Russian spirit.

Old woman with a bone leg

It's called... (Baboy-Yaga)

They fly everywhere

Children are being selected.

They take me into the dark forest. (Swan geese)

White swans are swimming across the sky. (clouds)

8. Educator: - Well done boys! You coped well with Baba Yaga's tasks. But ours journey It didn't end there. Masha asks us to complete a few more tasks so that Baba Yaga and her geese and swans do not catch up with her.

IN: What kind of friendly guys are we?

Finger gymnastics "Friendly guys"

Fingers stretched out together,

Now you need to hook them up.

Which finger is stronger?

Who will squeeze others faster?

Task No. 1

In the upper rectangle, draw as many circles as there are in the square on the left. There are 3 more circles in the lower rectangle.

Task No. 2

Graphic dictation.

7 up, 2 left, 1 up, 1 right, 1 up, 1 right, 5 up, 1 right, 4 down, 1 right, 1 up, 1 right, 1 up, 1 right, 1 up, 1 right, 1 down, 1 right, 1 down, 1 right, 1 down, 2 right, 1 down, 1 right, 1 down, 1 right, 1 down, 2 left, 7 down, 9 left.

Well done boys! Ours is over journey. Thanks to us, Masha saved her brother. You did an excellent job with all the tasks.

9. Reflection:

Do you think we helped Masha?

Was it difficult to help Masha?

Guys, what was the most interesting? Cheerful?

Which one was the easiest?

Which task did you find most difficult?

Why do you think you completed all the tasks?

Children: - Because we are very friendly, we know how to solve difficult tasks, we help each other. We worked as a team.

I thank you all for your active participation.

Now each of you praise yourself, I say - Well done! (children pat themselves on the head) .

Publications on the topic:

Summary of the open final lesson in mathematics in the senior group “Journey to the Mathematical Kingdom” Summary of the open final lesson in mathematics in the senior group “Journey to the Mathematical Kingdom” I. Program content:.

Objectives: 1. Summarize the knowledge acquired during the year: consolidate counting and order of numbers (up to 10 and back, consolidate the composition of numbers, consolidate.

Summary of the final integrated lesson in the preparatory group “Journey through the islands of knowledge” Goal: To generalize and consolidate children’s knowledge in the educational field: cognition, communication, artistic creativity. Software tasks:.

Summary of the final open lesson on project activities, social, moral and cognitive development, in the preparatory group.
