Toasts for the 70th anniversary of my mother. And from the son, and from the daughter congratulatory lines ...

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Dear mother, you have no relatives!
You are 70 years old!
Throughout life, you have always been with us,
She could hold us both with a word and with a look.

She gave us her love without a trace,
I cooked a lot - both tasty and sweet.
I always found time to listen to everyone.
Now we understand how much you loved us.

Let me today, at a solemn hour,
For all that you have done for us mom,
Bow down to you from the bottom of my heart,
You warmed us with the light of the soul since childhood.

Health, dear, and many years ...
And our love will keep you warm.

My dear mother
The only one, beloved
Native, beautiful, smart,
Wonderful, kind, wonderful.

Attentive, responsive
Caring and smiling
charming, elegant,
Delicate and invisible.

Congratulations on your anniversary
I wish you all the best
Health, love and patience,
Joy, strength, inspiration.

Good luck, success, luck,
Hopes, dreams of fulfillment,
Gifts, friends, adventures,
And only good mood.

Dear mom, happy 70th birthday! Do not be sick, please us with your vigor and cheerfulness! Your love is enough for all children and grandchildren, stay the same kind and caring. We love and appreciate you very much, we wish you to celebrate more than one anniversary! Thank you for having us! Happy anniversary!

With age, you understand how important it is to know that your mother is healthy and happy, that everything is fine with the closest and dearest person. So, on your 70th birthday, my dear mother, may God give you longevity, save you from all diseases, and at home you will have only happiness and peace.

For me your age...
It just doesn't exist!
Mom you, period
Nothing else.

We won't think
How old is it today
It's darling
It will be our secret.

The years fly by
Waving the wing
We are with you, dear
We'll survive everyone!

Happy anniversary to you, dear,
After all, 70 years is not just a number.
This life is full of events,
Which is hard to say in a nutshell.

Let health not fail you
Every day gives new strength.
May happiness not depart from you
Holding your hand tightly.

Let worries and everyday life
They will get along with ease at times.
Let the sadness of pale fatigue,
Do not touch, mommy, your eyes.

Our dear mother has an anniversary,
We celebrate her seventy today
Our dear, never get sick,
You are not better, we know for sure.

We wish you happiness and warmth,
Love and affection, peace, kindness.
You are so beautiful, mom, and bright,
Let the flowers bloom for you!

Let, mother, you are already gray-haired,
May you already be 70
But you, beloved, dear,
One, one in our destiny.

We, congratulating on the anniversary,
"Thanks!" we tell you.
For the fact that you do not sleep at night,
I cared about the restless kids.

We love you endlessly
There is no better person!
Let it burn without fading
There is a distant light in your window!

And each, our dear mother,
Warmed by that maternal light.
Live longer, don't get sick
And wait for your children!

70? Excuse me, what is this date?!
The passport considers something a bit bad for years.
Our mom is only a little over 30.
Whatever she does, you can be proud of everything.

The beauty and grace of all men slays,
Experience and wisdom is simply amazing.
You will always be like this - for children so sure,
After all, you have always been a strong protection for us.

Smile, have fun, be always happy,
Only joy let the overflows bring life.
We love you very much, forever young,
On the centenary, we will dance!

The sun told me today
A very amazing thing:
It's like his daughter is my mother.
Well, how can you not believe this?
I'm so proud of you and admire you
And I appreciate you very much.
And it's like going back to my childhood...
When we are next to you.
Today you are 70, dear.
And from the bottom of my heart I wish for you:
Let your hitch
In a warm smile
Plays like a glass of wine.
And caress warms in the palms,
My own mother!

The more gray in your hair, the more I understand how wise you have always been, mom. You have a holiday, an anniversary, you are no longer there - you are as much as 70 years old! And this is a very impressive number. I know that your love and your wisdom will always be with me, as well as the life you gave me. Happy holiday, mom.

Congratulations on the anniversary,
beloved grandmother,
Even in my 70s
You are very beautiful.

Your hands are kind
Your tender heart
And in the eyes of a smiley
Young, old.

Be always healthy
Be always happy
The most gentle, kind,
The most beloved.

Dear, most beloved grandmother in the world! I congratulate you on your anniversary, for seven decades you have lived in the world, gained experience and wisdom, and raised the second generation of your heirs. I think this is something to be proud of. Happy birthday to you, happy holiday, and may everything in your life be as good as possible.

Beloved grandmother, bright tender,
I came to congratulate you on your anniversary.
May life give you boundless joy,
And a lot of smiles, kindness and warmth.

Let it be 70 years today
You are an energetic, dear person.
I want your life to be filled with happiness
And you stayed with me forever.

There is nothing better than my grandmother
I bring her a large bouquet of roses,
Today is her anniversary
Seventy years old!

Grandma, I love you
You are the sweetest person
And sincerely I say
Live for at least another century.

You nursed me from childhood
You haven't slept for hundreds of nights
Second mom for me
You replaced my doctors!

I will repay you in full
I will always be by your side,
You won't be alone
You are my best reward.

Grandma has another birthday today
The seventh decade of life behind,
Please, granny, goodbye all insults,
And flourish, you are like cognac over the years.

Thanks again for your advice
Which often saves
And life is easy for you, so that without troubles,
And do what you love.

Still dear, sincerely kind,
I wish you from the bottom of my heart today
To love loved ones always,
To not meet in life with pain.

Grandma, I wish you
Happiness, life without problems.
So that you drown in flowers
Let everything be like in a dream.

The sun shines brighter in your house,
Warming with warmth.
May there be no failure
They will go all the way.

You have always been my grandmother,
Always gray-haired, with a wrinkle, good-natured.
But you used to run like a girl.
And there were seven, and now it has become seventy.

And your pies are tastier than any,
And fairy tales are the most interesting.
And the hands are softer and kinder. You know,
After all, birthdays are for kids.

You are not so happy with gifts,
You worry about what to put on the table.
And there are no friends nearby, but only relatives,
But the house is filled with happiness here.

Let the years go, run, let them fly.
We will be close, hug, love.
Let seventy today, but sometime
And in my heart always - seventeen years.

I still rejoice
If you need to come
After all, such a grandmother
Not to be found in the whole world.

Let's be clear, let's just say
What is the calendar to flip through:
Seven tens - the very age
This one suits my grandmother.

We celebrate not weakly,
You cook more
And thank you, grandma
For great love.

Grandma, your wisdom and love has always helped me understand what is happening around me. Happy anniversary to you, may your 70 years be only the beginning of amazing and, of course, happy events. May every day please you and there will always be love around you. Happy holiday!

Mom's birthday is now
And at 70 the path has been passed.
Much has been done in life
And you can rest.

We wish you, mommy
Health, long years,
All the things that make me happy in life
And a happy person.

Good luck, happiness to you, mom,
On one of the best dates.
Let the heartfelt words
They sound just for you! ©

On the 70th anniversary
We wish mom in the life of bright days,
Good health, great luck,
And infinite happiness in addition.

Your family will congratulate you on the occasion,
Let the father's house be a full bowl.
And, regardless, mom, for years,
Stay as young as ever!

You - smiles, joyful chores
Today, tomorrow and all year round.
It's not worth it just to grieve about the past,
We wish you to live up to 100 years! ©

Let, mother, you are already gray-haired,
May you already be 70
But you, beloved, dear,
One, one in our destiny.
We, congratulating on the anniversary,
"Thanks!" we tell you.
For the fact that you do not sleep at night,
I cared about the restless kids.
We love you endlessly
There is no better person!
Let it burn without fading
There is a distant light in your window!
And each, our dear mother,
Warmed by that maternal light.
Live longer, don't get sick
And wait for your children!

I wish mom inspiration
Wishes of all fulfillment,
Health - so as not to get sick,
To warm everyone with its warmth.
Today you are 70
So let luck be in fate
Never leaves
Be proud of yourself!

Today you are 70 years old
Mom, happy birthday!
Still waiting for many true victories,
Health will be stronger and stronger!
Let the fire in the eyes of youth burn,
So that he was forever beyond the control of time,
And may fate itself bless
So that there is only one love and happiness!

Very hard to put into words

No songs, poems
I can't surprise you anymore.
How I love, how dear you are to me,
Can you pick up words about that?!
How I pray to God, how I want
Make your life without burdens.
So that the disease does not torment you,
The soul would not hurt for the children,
So that the eightieth anniversary
Also met in a circle of friends,
She didn’t sigh: “Life is all behind.”
There are many bright days ahead.
Meet your children with grandchildren,
Gather berries in the forest
Make jam for the winter
Give the whole family a fragrant gift,
Good to hear from people -
Life is made up of little things!
Enjoy life to the end
You have to, that's why she's good!

Very hard to put into words
What's on my mind right now...
No songs, poems
I can't surprise you anymore.
How I love, how dear you are to me,
Is there a line of such words somewhere?!
How I call to God, how I pray,
To make your life without hardships!
To live calmly, not in a hurry.
The soul would not hurt for the children.
So that the disease does not torment you.
I knew what to do with myself all day.
She did not lose interest in life.
After all, there is a park nearby, a little further - a forest,
To collect mushrooms and berries,
Meet grandchildren with treats.
Make jam for the winter -
Give the whole family a fragrant gift!
And sorrel, lemon balm, St. John's wort -
How much we dried with you!
In the evenings - read a book
And sigh over the series
Impose all mittens, socks -
It's not a couple of trifles, is it?
Do you have "everything behind"?
There are many bright days ahead!
Surround everyone with care, affection,
Children need to be constantly
Hear gratitude from people
Life is made up of little things!
From the bottom of my heart I would like to wish
Greet each day with a smile!

Mother is the only woman on the planet who will always love you. Her seventieth birthday will be a great occasion for you to express love, care and appreciation. Congratulations to your mother on her 70th birthday should be filled with sincerity and warmth, come from the very depths of your heart.

Congratulations to mom on her 70th birthday must be prepared with special care. They should be made bright, emotional, elegantly rhyming and at the same time respectful, tender, touching. On your birthday, your mom should feel happy, constantly smile and feel proud of her children.

And from the son, and from the daughter congratulatory lines ...

The seventieth anniversary of the birth of a woman is, of course, an event for both the birthday girl herself and for the guests invited to the celebration. And the anniversary of your mother and her age increase the importance of this event for you several times. In this case, you definitely won’t get by with a couple of warm lines, a few wishes and a gift - you will need to come up with and say such a congratulation to your mother at 70, which will pleasantly impress both her and everyone present.

Happy birthday greetings to your beloved mother should consist of beautiful phrases that you, as a child, are ready to say to her every day. It is important that they accurately express your most sincere feelings, and also be gratitude for the care and affection that a woman never ceases to bestow on you. Depending on your choice, congratulations on your 70th birthday to your mother can have a poetic or prose form.

Why are poems so good in order to please their mother on her 70th birthday? The benefits are:

  • Poetry is loved by all women without exception, and a lady of age, most likely, will even wait for a beautiful poem in her honor, recited by her son or daughter.
  • A poem for your mother for 70 years, written by you personally, will definitely become a real surprise and will pleasantly surprise the birthday girl.
  • This form is distinguished by special solemnity: verses always sound beautiful.

Today it will not be difficult to find ready-made congratulations to your beloved mother on her 70th birthday in verse, but do not rush to choose. Why not just peep the idea and remake the work in your own way, making it more personal and sincere, expressing exactly your feelings? Even in the absence of obvious poetic talent, try to do it, although, of course, some ready-made congratulations for seventy years to your mother are really good.

Congratulations to mom in prose are relevant at all times. Their main advantage lies in the fact that they make it possible to congratulate the hero of the occasion in their own words, and it is she who is the person to whom you want to say and wish very, very much. This form is perfect for expressing your emotions and feelings, but at the same time you will lose a little on solemnity.

If you are the son of the hero of the day, then surround your beloved mother with care and attention, once again express gratitude for your birth and upbringing, give her a couple of compliments, do not forget about the wish for good health and long life, and most importantly - hug and kiss her tightly - firmly, presenting before this a chic bouquet of flowers. The congratulation itself can be presented both in a poem and in prose, but the main thing is not the form, but the content.

Congratulations on 70 years to mom from her daughter are usually one of the most sincere and warmest words spoken on the anniversary. Don't leave anything for another time!

Tell your mother everything that has accumulated in your soul, do not be afraid of openness and sincerity - it will be much worse if you decide to lie or use common words. The birthday girl should positively meet your emotional message, rejoice at it, and the very congratulation from her daughter can turn into the most touching moment of the celebration.

Congratulations anniversary mom 60 years

We are happy to see the sparkle of beautiful eyes,
Your, Mommy, hands are holy to us!
Accept the words of children's love now,
You - pleasant hours and days!

Mom is 70 years old congratulations to mom 70 years old

There is no better, more beautiful in the world,
More elegant than you ladies!
Be healthy and loved
Our dear mother!

Mommy, beloved, dear,
We treasure your love.
You caressed us, understood -
For everything we say "thank you"

Live longer, not knowing old age,
May your dreams be calm and light
We love you dearly,
We wish you happiness, joy, love!

Congratulations godmother

You are like a flower, dear mother,
Always fabulously beautiful
I kiss your hands, congratulations,
Be happy, live to a hundred!

Mom is 70 years old congratulations to mom 70 years old

We wish to live for many years
Forever love and be loved
In life, care and grief do not know -
That's what we want to wish you.

Mom is 70 years old congratulations to mom 70 years old

Today is a birthday
At my mother's
We are preparing congratulations
And wishes to her!

From our wishes
We'll make a bouquet
It has a lot of good words -
There are simply no bad ones.

Flower of goodness and happiness
And a flower of joy
And will not fly off the bouquet
Even if it's a petal.

Congratulations mom and dad

Mommy, congratulations on the feeling
You are younger every year!
For happiness, because living is an art,
Good luck find you!

Mom is 70 years old congratulations to mom 70 years old

Congratulations to mom on her 50th birthday

Outside the window, a blizzard and a blizzard
But I'll stick with my mom!
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
You are my beauty!

Congratulations in verse to your beloved mother

When you are next to us
There seem to be no problems
Encourage with a warm look
And give you the right advice.

caring human
And patient hands
The son appreciates infinitely
Grandson loves them.

We all wish you
Live long, don't grow old
And, keeping vivacity,
Don't regret the past!

Comic congratulations to mom

As in childhood, I cling to you
And kiss gently.
I confess, mom, that I love
A hundred times stronger than before.

I wish you bright, clear days,
Health and good luck!
Take care of yourself and know
Which means a lot!

Congratulations on your 60th birthday to mom

Care, affection and excitement,
Anxiety in childhood for me,
It's your birthday today
My beloved mother!

Now I'm far from home
We see you less often
Only on the phone
I can hear your voice!

On your holiday, I want to say
To keep you beautiful
Wish you health, happiness
For everything, for everything - thank you!

For sleepless years, for crazy fears,
For the fact that I saved more than once,
for all your instructions smart
And the light of the most iridescent eyes.

For giving a piece of yourself
And life saved us more than once,
Because you prayed to God for us
And didn't sleep all night long.

Thank you, you are our bloodline!
Be happy with us always.
After all, only half lived seventy,
You are young again!

Your smile is clear
Dear mother,
The sun shines red on us,
Illuminating the road.

Your words are reasonable
And the hands are so tender
Let not get away from the noise and
From the first gray hair.

And whoever asked
We'll just say it!
There is no mother more beautiful
Even at seventy, at least a hundred!

Here are the grandchildren sitting on their knees,
Someone has already grown from their knees,
Life has passed both brightly and richly,
But it's time to wish for change.

Let everything that upset you
Dissolve in the warmth of our words
So that you don't get bored at night -
We wish you dreamy dreams.

Let health multiply three times,
The years will start counting down.
And we hope you will forgive the children,
What is so fragile is the shoulder.

Mom is our keeper of the hearth,
Age is imperceptible for her,
Under the feet forever small fry,
We always want a lot.

Mom will not refuse anyone
Forever all in worries and cooking,
If it's not clear why,
So mom knows a lot about this.

Mom will feed everyone, give advice,
And she always knew how to do everything.
Our mother is seven decades old -
So much happiness to give!

Mommy, honey, seventy -
This is the beginning of the beginning.
How many winds will change -
Your berth will be waiting for us.

You are our beauty
Good soul standard.
Just call and we'll go
We sit at a friendly table.

To bring us together
you gather all the power.
Let's drink for the name day
The one that gave us life!

Drawing at school in the classroom
For mommy on a postcard a fairy tale.
It seems like a few years have passed
Our children also threw paint.

How many generations have you collected
At the table on a beautiful quiet evening,
How many generations did you bring up
Who is ready to take your load on their shoulders!

And you sit, mommy, between us,
And smiles shine in your honor
Rainbow, warm words,
Like our baby postcards.

You set the table, as before,
You don't regret anything for us!
You are our happiness and hope

Be healthy, happy, mommy!
Rejoice us for many years.
Let the years fly faster than a bullet -
We are with you, you are with us - forever!

Our mom is the best in the world
We tell her the seventieth year.
Even if the children grow old -
Mom's love lives on for them.

Mom, we've seen so much
They grew up and grew wiser.
Just never understood
The depths of your beloved eyes.

You are for us - and the sun, and a mystery,
We so need happiness for you,
So live and healthy and sweet,
Well, we live, loving you.
