Victoria Bonya peeling with calcium chloride. How to cook peeling according to Victoria Boni's recipe

Before discovering the main secret of the "star" girl Victoria Boni, having learned that you can: rejuvenate the skin of the face, make it smooth and tender, eliminate black spots and say goodbye to age spots, forget what excessive greasy and enlarged pores are, we will tell and no less important secret. What is it - a mask-scrub from Boni, suitable for both the body and the face? Do you want to rid your skin of the stratum corneum (dead cells), smooth its surface, cleanse, tone, improve blood circulation? Go in search of eight magical components. Do not forget, the number one beauty recipe is still waiting for you - peeling from Boni, it is so simple and good that you will be surprised.

Video recipe from Victoria Boni

Mask and scrub in one bottle or what the stars honor

So, for the scrub mask you will need:

  • ground coffee - smoothes wrinkles, nourishes and cleanses the skin, has tonic properties;
  • cocoa powder - will bring the mixture to the desired consistency;
  • macadamia nut oil - in addition to the nutritional effect, it has a moisturizing and softening effect;
  • shea butter - gives elasticity, stimulates the production of collagen, makes the skin soft and moisturized;
  • cocoa butter - gives the skin radiance, improves metabolic processes;
  • palm oil - elasticity, firmness, toning;
  • cane sugar - exfoliates dead cells, tightens and cleanses the skin, smoothes wrinkles;
  • coconut oil.

I know the secret

All ingredients are mixed, solid oils should be pre-softened, the scrub mask should be stored in a fairly cool place. As for the proportions, there is only one rule here - you will need cane sugar in triple volume, while one part is enough for other components.

Coffee body scrub

Bonya also knows how to prepare a wonderful body scrub that not only exfoliates, but also moisturizes, plus it gives the skin an amazing aroma. To do this, you will need coarse coffee beans and cream (20 percent). Coffee is poured with cream and allowed to stand for about 15-20 minutes - the scrub is ready.

Choosing a chemical effect

Now you can already look behind the veil that separates you from the secret, which we promised to open at the beginning of the article. Amazing peeling from Victoria Boni, sometimes called Hollywood, is carried out with calcium chloride. The girl does not like mechanical peels, because they injure the skin too much, and also require a long recovery period, which is not the case with the above-mentioned chemical treatment.

What you need

We go shopping and buy calcium chloride ampoules at any pharmacy, you will also need baby soap and cotton pads. Upon returning home, carefully open the ampoule and, moistening the sponge with calcium chloride, wipe the face with it, this should be done slowly and without strong pressure. After distributing the substance over the skin, you should immediately rub it with a cotton pad (you can use the same one) over wet soap. When it is covered with a soap solution, starting from the chin and moving to the forehead, you need to wipe off the calcium chloride. During these actions, pellets appear on the face, as it should be. A similar process is also called Hollywood rolling.

Only baby soap

How is Boni's peeling different from Hollywood's?

As you can see, Boni's peeling is a little different from the well-known Hollywood one, carried out with soap and calcium chloride. It is usually done in several ways:

  • first - the face is wiped with a cotton pad soaked in calcium chloride, and after the substance dries completely, the second layer should be applied, after a while - the third, and only after 15 minutes you can take up the soap that you rub your fingers with and the applied main component rolls off together with the stratum corneum;
  • the second - soap foam is prepared and distributed over the face (there should also be three layers), after 20 minutes the solution is washed off with a sponge richly moistened with calcium chloride.

The nuances of the procedure

Bonya also applies calcium chloride to her face three times, but she does it in her own way. Having distributed the active substance in one layer, she immediately proceeds to remove it. After the first rolling, you should take a clean disk and apply calcium chloride again, after distributing it again on the face, you should walk with soapy water. Such manipulations should be done three times, between stages the skin of the face should not come into contact with water and other cleansers. You can wash yourself only after the end of the procedure. The face must be treated with a moisturizer, this will prevent an undesirable reaction - the occurrence of reddening of the skin, and if this has already happened, then the cosmetic will remove it.

Give you youth

Do not overdo it

Peeling from Boni should be done no more than once a week. The procedure is repeated weekly for a month. Then you should definitely give the skin a rest - take a break for several months. You will certainly be pleased with the result - renewed, clean, healthy, smooth skin. It is best to contact the cosmetologists and do such a chemical peel in the salon.

This is not fiction: the method really works

Many should trust the experience of the TV presenter and discover the peeling from Victoria Boni, because the famous mother, who often appears on the screen, really sparkles with health, beauty and boasts beautiful, well-groomed skin. Using a number of cosmetic products that Bonya buys only in France, she remains true to her peeling, considering it the best of its kind. No foreign cosmetic products could convince the beauty that Boni's peeling is a miracle that many girls are looking for, striving to be young, beautiful, dazzling and satisfied with their appearance.

Everything ingenious is simple!

Peeling is a procedure for cleansing the upper layer of the skin from keratinized and dead cells. When performed correctly, it is absolutely safe and highly effective.

The misconception that this service can only be obtained in beauty salons, while giving a tidy sum of money, dispels peeling from Boni. Victoria assures that this event can be easily held at home without spending a lot of money and effort.

All you need is ordinary baby soap and calcium chloride in ampoules. You can buy ampoules at any pharmacy, and their cost will not exceed 50 rubles.

Such a peeling is suitable for absolutely everyone, but it will become especially indispensable for acne, oily skin and enlarged pores.

Peeling from Victoria Boni will not only relieve you of the unwanted keratinized layer of the epidermis, but also moisturize the skin, making it smooth and soft, like a child's.

The set of components for its implementation is extremely simple:

  • calcium chloride is a liquid used in medicine for intravenous administration. One package contains 10 ampoules of 10 ml. You can use both a 5% solution and a 10% solution. In the second case, you will have to dilute it with saline or water in proportion;
  • baby soap. It is in combination with such fragrance-free soap that the reaction of the formation of peculiar soap "pellets" is developed. In the process of rubbing against the skin of the face, they capture the upper dead cells and impurities;
  • cotton pads, with which the resulting mixture is applied to the face;
  • nourishing cream or mask applied at the end of peeling.

Do-it-yourself miracle remedy

The peeling recipe from Victoria Boni is simple, understandable and does not take much time. But as a precaution, test your body for an allergic reaction by applying a little solution to your wrist before applying to your face. If no irritation is detected after 10 minutes, calcium chloride can be safely applied.

  1. In the preparation of the peeling agent from Boni, use one ampoule of potassium chloride and blot a cotton pad in it.
  2. Gently wipe your face in circular motions, not pressing hard on the delicate skin of the face.
  3. Moisten the soap until it lathers.
  4. Blot the new disc with water and the resulting foam.
  5. Start wiping your face, starting from the chin. Lastly, the forehead is processed. Avoid contact with eyes!
  6. If the soap spools have ceased to form, treat the disc with soap again.
  7. Repeat manipulations 2-3 times.
  8. Wash your face with warm water and apply a moisturizing face mask. You can also use chamomile tincture, which will soothe the skin.

Victoria Bonya advises owners of oily skin to apply such peeling once a week. For girls with dry and sensitive skin, use should be reduced to twice a month.

Thus, having convinced yourself of the simplicity and availability of potassium chloride peeling, you can please your skin today with a new hypoallergenic cleanser. As a result, narrowed and cleansed pores, soft skin and a smooth surface of the face will please you and delight others for a long time!

Bonya shares her secrets in more detail on the video.

Many girls are surprised by the beauty and admire the constant youth of the stars. And although it is far from a secret that a group of cosmetologists, makeup artists, stylists and even photographers are working on them, who process photographs for public release, but still, almost every self-respecting woman wants to look no less impressive than the cover girl.

Victoria reveals the secrets of peeling

But each star has its own recipe for beauty and eternal youth, which they very often reveal to their fans. So the peeling from Victoria Boni, known for the show "Dom-2", has long circled all women's sites and has successfully taken a leading position in inducing a marathon for many women.

The recipe is extremely simple

Even the most well-groomed beauty will envy the smoothness of her skin, color and even surface, and Boni's secret is very simple and consists in peeling with calcium chloride and ordinary baby soap.

Learn the steps of the procedure in detail

  1. On a cotton pad, pour a solution from an ampoule of calcium chloride and wipe your face with it. Repeat this procedure 3 times. Do not rinse.
  2. Foam baby soap with water and apply this foam on a cotton pad with the remnants of the solution from the ampoule. With this foam, begin to wipe calcium chloride from the face, while pellets will form from soap foam, dirt and dust from the environment, which has settled on the skin and dead cells.
  3. It is recommended to clean your face with soap and calcium chloride at least 3 times to achieve maximum effect.
  4. After the procedure, wash off the remnants of the peeling mixture with warm water, and then apply a nourishing cream to the skin.

How to do peeling with calcium chloride tells V�

Victoria Bonya claims that this peeling replaces

The frequency of the procedures depends on the type of skin, but Victoria Boni herself boldly repeats the peeling every week for a month, after which she gives the skin a break from such a procedure for the same amount of time.

In order to tell in more detail and even show the peeling procedure itself, Victoria Boni shot a whole video on this topic, which is available on the Internet and which you can watch in order to be convinced of the simplicity of the procedure and its effectiveness.

Peeling has become popular

On the same different review sites and forums about beauty and youth, you can often find reviews of the peeling proposed by Victoria Boni. And although she did not develop a facial cleansing technique, it was thanks to this star that this type of peeling gained particular popularity.

Most girls no doubt experiment with baby soap and calcium chloride, especially since the availability of this method of cleaning and skin rejuvenation captivates even the most economical girls, but the effect of the procedure is no worse than after an expensive peeling in a beauty salon. So why pay more? Many girls are satisfied with the dullness of the skin after the procedure, and the pores are also narrowed and the skin is slightly tightened, which makes it possible to make small wrinkles invisible.

This type of peeling is ideal for oily skin, but it can also be safely carried out on dry skin, only after the procedure itself it is best to apply a greasy baby cream to remove tightness and then the skin itself will soften and calm down.

Elena Petrova 03.02.2015 12:18

I avoid chemical peels. Although calcium chloride is a wonderful drug that relieves swelling on the face, it easily copes with inflammatory processes on the face. It is safe to get this drug into the blood through the skin. But it is embarrassing to mix it with soap. The reaction of calcium chloride with baby soap can be unpredictable, resulting in skin burns if the soap contains additives. It is better to use mechanical facial cleansing at home, using salt or ground coffee.

Irina 12.10.2014 16:04

I have always admired the beauty and excellent appearance of Victoria, because she is far from 18 years old. Thanks to her for revealing her little secret to her fans! I have oily skin and have struggled with acne ever since I was a teenager. I decided to try to make myself peeling, which Victoria advises. I immediately noticed that it is quite simple and economical. I've been peeling for about two weeks now and it really helps. Acne, as I noticed, is slowly starting to disappear, my skin has become smoother, all dirt and dust is well removed from my face. The only thing is, yes, the skin turns red after it, so it’s better to do a peeling if you don’t need to go anywhere urgently for the next few hours. I do it on the weekends when I can devote the whole day to myself.

Alesya 09/01/2014 21:13

I use Victoria Boni peeling only on the décolleté and on the neck. Once I tried it on my face: yes, the pores narrow a little and the pellets are quite dirty, but, to be honest, I thought that they were so from using soap. Calcium chloride dries out the skin quite a bit, and I felt tightness on my face, which is unpleasant. On the neck and décolleté area, peeling with calcium chloride with soap foam is much more successful for me, without excessive dryness.

Anna 31.08.2014 21:24

Peeling is a must for those who have problem skin on their face. But if someone has flawless skin, then with the help of this procedure you can maintain its beauty. Peeling from Victoria Boni is very affordable to use. It cost me a penny, but I'm happy with the result. A month after the weekly application of peeling, my skin improved, the feeling of tightness and dryness disappeared. Now my face is radiant with health. It's good when celebrities open their beauty secrets available to everyone!

Elena 08/22/2014 23:43

I think the stars look great thanks to natural data and the efforts of cosmetologists. And homemade recipes for them are probably selected by specialists, taking into account the type of skin, but definitely safe and effective. That's why I'm interested in the secrets of beauty. Tried peeling Victoria Boni. At first, however, I read about calcium chloride. It turns out that it is used for allergies (quite safe). The peeling recipe is really good. The skin is cleansed, becomes tender, dries a little. The cream is better to use moisturizing.

Inna 21.07.2014 15:22

I really like Victoria Bonya, despite the fact that she is already quite a mature girl, she always looks young and beautiful, she has always been interested in her beauty secret. Finally, it was revealed to me, as it turned out, this is a fairly simple and inexpensive recipe that you can make at home without spending extra time, money and effort. I will definitely try this type of peeling, I hope that it will bring results.

Fresh, young and beautiful skin is no longer just a dream for women under the age of 40, but a very possible reality. To see the desired effect, you need to properly care for your face and constantly do various cosmetic procedures. Very good advice that can be used by all women was given by the famous telediva Victoria Bonya.

Peeling from Victoria Boni: ingredients

She believes that her recipe will help even those who cannot afford expensive beauty parlor services.

Peeling from Victoria Boni, the recipe of which can be seen below, is easy to do at home. For this you will need:

  • Calcium chloride 5%, for sale in ampoules in all pharmacies;
  • Baby soap, the composition of which is safe and will not cause allergies or irritations;
  • Face cream (preferably night nourishing);
  • Cotton discs.

How to use peeling

Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to check the skin for an allergic reaction. To do this, it is enough to apply a solution of calcium chloride on the wrist, do not rinse for about 10 minutes. If there is no redness, then you can safely start the procedure.

First, open the ampoule with the solution and drip a few drops onto a clean cotton pad. Gently cleanse the face, do not rub the skin, make fairly light and smooth massaging movements. Then you should wait a couple of minutes for the skin to dry. Next, take a new disc, moisten it with water, apply baby soap foam on it and massage the skin until dead cells begin to roll. Repeat the application of the calcium chloride solution and soap three times, and you can use the same cotton pad that was used at the very beginning of the procedure.

After completing the procedure, it is better to wash everything off with cold water, carefully remove soap residue. The last and one of the most important points is the application of a nourishing cream. At first, there may be redness of the skin, which will quickly disappear, and then the face will become brighter and more toned.

Victoria recommends this peeling recipe to those girls and women who have problematic facial skin. The main thing is that there are no serious skin diseases and open inflammatory processes. But it still makes sense to first seek advice from a dermatologist.

Peeling from Victoria Boni: reviews

Elena Petrovna:

“Always admired the appearance of Victoria! I am very glad that she revealed her secret to her fans. I have oily skin with acne, so I decided to try this peeling. I did 3 procedures and saw a noticeable result, acne has significantly decreased, the dirt from the pores of the face is well removed. The skin turns a little red at first, so I do peeling before the weekend, when there is no need to go to work.

“I use Boni peeling on the décolleté, no dryness and immediate visible results.”

“I really like Victoria Bonya. Although she is no longer a young girl, she always looks young and beautiful. A simple and inexpensive recipe, easy to make at home without extra cost and effort.

Video on the topic of the article

Peeling from Victoria Boni is a home cosmetic procedure, the effect of which is not inferior to the salon one. Plus, it's very affordable. All that is required is baby soap and calcium chloride ampoules, which are sold at any pharmacy.

The procedure allows you to cleanse the skin, remove dead cells, improve blood circulation, rejuvenate the skin. After it, the cells begin to renew themselves faster, due to which wrinkles are leveled, blackheads, pimples are eliminated and oily sheen disappears.

Peeling recipe from Victoria Boni

To prepare this peeling you will need:

  • Face cream. Suitable night cream with a dense texture.
  • Baby soap. It has a gentle effect on the skin. Entering into a chemical reaction with calcium chloride, the soap forms pellets that cleanse the surface of the epidermis and capture dead cells.
  • Calcium chloride 5%. A solution with a concentration of 10% is diluted equally with sodium chloride.
  • Cotton discs. You can apply the solution with your fingers, but using cotton pads is much more convenient.

Check if you are allergic to any of the peeling ingredients. To check for an allergic reaction to sodium chloride, rub this solution on your wrists and leave for 10 minutes. If redness does not appear, then there is no allergy. After that, the wrist should be rinsed with cold water.


  1. Wet a cotton pad with a solution of calcium chloride, lightly wipe the face.
  2. Wait a few minutes for the solution to dry. Wipe your face with a cotton pad with baby soap foam.
  3. Again, alternately, apply calcium chloride and soap suds three times.
  4. Wash with clean cold or warm water.
  5. Apply over cream.
  6. Applying a nourishing mask. Peeling has a traumatic effect on the skin, albeit minimal. Therefore, after it, it is desirable to use a nourishing or moisturizing mask, like.

The procedure should be carried out no more than 1 time per week. After a month, you need to take a break for 3 months. In sunny months, immediately after peeling, you should not leave the house, so as not to cause pigmentation.

Video by Victoria Boni about peeling


After the procedure, the skin becomes smooth, matte, enlarged pores are tightened. Black dots disappear, the face becomes firmer and younger.

Peeling according to the recipe of Victoria Boni does not cause irritation and peeling, which calcium chloride prevents. With its regular use, acne appears less frequently, and then disappears completely.

Many women in their reviews of Victoria Boni peeling note its 3 main advantages: efficiency, low cost and ease of implementation.

Indications and contraindications

Peeling indications are:

  • Acne marks.
  • Fat type of face.
  • Black dots.
  • Enlarged pores.


  • The presence of unhealed wounds and abrasions, other injuries.
  • Couperose.
  • Too sensitive, dry skin. In this case, a consultation with a cosmetologist is recommended.
  • Inflammation and irritation on the face.
  • The period of sunny days (March-September).

Precautionary measures:

  • If the skin burns, wash it with cold water.
  • Avoid contact of solutions and soap suds with eyes.
  • Do not peel according to Victoria Boni's prescription in the open sun.
