Alisa Arshavina biography, personal life, photos, children,. Last news

It seems that the wife of Andrei Arshavin decided to completely confuse everyone. A few days ago, fans of sentimental stories about boomerangs rejoiced: Arshavin's wife announced her decision to divorce the football player a year after the wedding. At the same time, the woman is not going to demand child support from the athlete.

And everything in this story would please the fans of Yulia Baranovskaya, who are hungry for revenge, if the information that the divorce rumors were fake did not appear on the Instagram of the lovebird Alisa Arshavina.

And then the real confusion began - Alisa's Instagram reported about the fake in the press, and the media claimed that it was not she who wrote in the microblog of Arshavin's wife.

At the same time, on the Instagram page of Alisa Kazmina (Arshavina) there are such photos and videos that only she could publish.

Subscribers are vigorously discussing photos of Yulia Baranovskaya's children posted on Alisa Arshavin's Instagram

Alisa Kazmina was stubbornly silent for several years when, in numerous interviews, Yulia Baranovskaya claimed that Andrei Arshavin did not see her children.

Now Alice seemed to have burst. Today, photographs appeared on the microblog of the athlete's wife, in which she is depicted together with the younger children of Yulia Baranovskaya and Andrei Arshavin.

Judging by the pictures, they were taken several years ago, but after the separation of the football player from Yulia, one of the photos shows the youngest son of Baranovskaya:

Photos of Arshavin's children from Yulia Baranovskaya raised a lot of questions from Alice's subscribers. Some considered these pictures to be evidence of Julia's lies, and some are sure that this was the only meeting, thanks to which Alisa Kazmina is now trying to whitewash her husband.

And of course, a lot of reproaches were left against Alice:

boh100boy Judging by the fact that such an old photograph was posted as evidence, it is the only one available with children From Arshavin's first marriage ...
eliseymylive And the mother of the children allows you to upload photos of her children???
nas030375 As far as I remember, Julia wrote that once you and Andrey took the children on vacation, a long time ago, why post these photos now? Did you ask your parents permission?
zloy.photograph I read and marvel. I would sit and be silent in a rag. You initially started to fuck being yourself married and with a man who has two children and a pregnant wife. What do you want to prove now? What are you all in a white coat? Will not work. So go you know where when you put up posts like this. Why are you hurting Baranovskaya? She forgot about you. Sit with your rosy cheek. The hour is near when he will fall down from you, exchanging you for another fool who also gives birth to children for him.
larisa300774 Alice, you broke up the family. Whatever you say, it's your fault. You are both mothers. Leave your ex wife alone.

It would be easy for a successful football player, a handsome man and a millionaire, to start a relationship with a young and free girl. However, Alisa Kazmina, a 32-year-old journalist with two children from a previous marriage, managed to conquer him. Just look at the photo to understand: yes, this woman is able to impress. Huge eyes and sensual lips are not the main thing, the charisma that she exudes is more important.

Andrey and Alisa met in 2012, when the footballer was just recovering from a break in relations with Yulia Baranovskaya. Everything, as they say, spun seriously. The couple even moved into Arshavin's new house, which had been under construction for several years. Alice's children lived there, and from time to time they rested together with Arshavin's children from their first marriage. Kazmina even learned how to cook Arshavin's favorite dishes! Everything seemed an incredible idyll, even strange for such public people.

However, since the summer of 2015, almost nothing has been heard about the relationship between Andrei Arshavin and Alisa Kazmina. No wedding to which it was going, no new photos, not even an official statement about wilted tomatoes. Perhaps the reason was Arshavin's constant spree and his limbo between contracts, which is why Kazmina could not stand him. But we are waiting for news from the source.

Alice's non-public Instagram

As often happens in the lives of people who suddenly become public, Kazmina Alisa hid her Instagram from strangers. After all, you can imagine the reaction of readers: they will be interested in the details of the current romance with the famous football player, and then they will tire you with questions about what went wrong with them.

Alice's conspiracy is top notch. You can search the entire Instagram for a variety of queries and hashtags related to Kazmina, but you will only find her namesake. Of course, there is a closed foxyladyalice account, but no one guarantees that Kazmina is on Instagram. Alice (if that's her) accepts friend requests very selectively. As of April 2016, she has exceptionally few subscribers - only

If Kazmina decides to break his silence and make his Instagram public, we will immediately inform you about it. In the meantime, she remains one of those mysterious people that Instagram knows nothing about.

The romance of Alisa Kazmina and Andrei Arshavin began six years ago. Then both of them were in a relationship in which children were born. But, according to the football player's wife, their feelings were so strong that they decided without any hesitation to leave their partners and start living together. In September last year, the couple got married, and in February their daughter Yesenia was born. Alice also brings up two children from her first marriage, and Andrei is the father of three heirs from Yulia Baranovskaya.

This story is still vigorously discussed in society. Arshavin is criticized for his attitude towards his former lover, who bore him three children. Indeed, according to rumors, he does not see them and does not take any part in their lives, and the TV presenter had to sue the father of his heirs for a long time for alimony. Meanwhile, the football player does not forget to take care of the children of his current wife from the first barque, who call him father.


A month ago, Alice opened a page on Instagram, which she had previously kept closed. A flurry of criticism from the haters rained down on her. However, she continued to share family photos with her children and husband. Many of Kazmina's subscribers noted that she has been deliberately flaunting her life lately and, at every opportunity, tries to emphasize how happy she is, how she loves her husband and what an idyll reigns between them.

Such a sudden change in Alice's behavior has alerted many netizens. And, as it turned out, for good reason. The portal published a quote from Arshavin's wife, in which she says that she could not forget her husband's adultery and leaves him. “I didn’t forgive the betrayal, fell out of love, I don’t want to be together,” the site quotes Kazmina. However, she does not answer the questions of subscribers that rained down on Alice after this news.

Recall that even this summer the media wrote about Andrey's betrayal. A family friend, a certain Sergey, then told StarHit that the athlete had been cheating on Alice for a year with St. Petersburg model Ekaterina. According to the source, the football player gave expensive gifts to his mistress, drove to luxurious places and promised to marry her. Kazmina learned about Arshavin's connection with the fashion model from the girl's boyfriend only a year after the start of this novel. Then, according to media reports, Alice forgave Andrei and decided to continue building a happy family life with him. But, judging by the latest data in the press, she nevertheless changed her point of view and decided to leave her husband with her children.

The ex-player of the Russian national team, Zenit and London's Arsenal, and now the player of Kairat, again found himself out of the family idyll. The break in relations was announced by 35-year-old Alisa Kazmina. But first, a digression into history.

The first wife of a football player was Julia Baranovskaya with whom he lived for 10 years. During this period, the Arshavin family managed to live in St. Petersburg, when Andrei played for Zenit, and in London, while playing for Arsenal. But it didn't last long at all. More precisely, the Russian did not enjoy Wenger's confidence for long. And the role of a substitute changed him. And not only as an athlete, but also as a family man. So there was Alisa Kazmina. At that time, Yulia and Andrey already had two children and the third was just about expected. But this did not stop the ardent lover.

In 2012, a high-profile divorce between Arshavin and Baranovskaya took place, which was preceded by lengthy litigation. As a result, Andrei undertook to pay half of all his income to a mother with three children.

For the former star of Russian football, all roads were opened, and it was no longer necessary to hide relations with the journalist and model Alisa. After four years of dating, he married a second time. Happy ending this time? Alas. Again, the Arshavin family, already the second, was in for a fiasco.

Alisa Kazmina told Life the following.

“Adults don't fight. Adult people make decisions and leave ... I didn’t go to anyone, I immediately say. I left due to the circumstances of my work, so to speak.
For some reason, everyone wrote to me that he would leave me. And in the end, I left him. Why did the whole country think that only he could leave me with three children, that I was a completely unclaimed woman? Yes, I have a friend with four children recently married!
Let's talk about our relationship when he finishes in football. This will happen in two months. Believe me, I think it will happen to Kairat soon.
My financial condition worsened with the departure from my first husband to Andrey, to be honest. The ex-husband had no children, he did not have to pay 50 percent of the alimony.

Arshavin's wife said she left the footballer

But that's not all. Information appeared on Life that Alice left Andrei because of infidelity: “I didn’t forgive the betrayal, I fell out of love, I don’t want to be together.”

If this information is confirmed, then the Kairat player can be safely congratulated on the double-twin. But with amendments: not ten years, but one year; not three of his children, but one; He did not leave the family, but she did. That, in fact, is all. Otherwise, these are two family stories of Arshavin. Are there any forces left for the third? And does the ex-star need it?

On Saturday, January 5, 2019, it became known that Andrei Arshavin and Alisa Kazmina filed for divorce. This happened after a scandalous party with two model girls, whom Arshavin rode on horseback.

This was announced by the now ex-wife of the football player Alisa Kazmina. Now she is raising three children alone - daughter Yesenia, born from Arshavin, as well as a son and daughter from her first marriage with businessman Alexei Kazmin.

Information about the divorce of Andrei Arshavin and Alisa Kazmina

The infamous Russian football player Andrei Arshavin divorced his wife Alice. The marriage finally collapsed after the recent incident of an athlete with two model girls, whom the man rode on horseback.

“Andrey and I divorced a long time ago,” the ex-wife of the football player noted dryly, refusing to give details.

Currently, Arshavin's Instagram page is closed, according to the status, "until the dust settles."

The star couple had repeatedly intended to file for divorce, but at the last moment the couple still found a compromise. In November 2017, Andrei Arshavin's wife canceled the divorce and flew with him to the Maldives. In her social networks, the woman wrote touching posts and posted family pictures. Alice assured reporters that she had forgiven Arshavin for all the betrayals.

Arshavin was noticed in the company of two girls

In early December, the famous footballer was in St. Petersburg. There Arshavin was seen accompanied by two unfamiliar girls. According to eyewitnesses, the footballer allegedly had fun with them. In the frames that appeared on the Web, you can see how the athlete hugs one of them. Arshavin also rode them on horseback, but paid a small amount of money for this walk, although, according to Internet users, with his income he could give much more for the maintenance of animals. By the way, compromising material on the player quickly disappeared from social networking communities.

Andrey's wife Alice and he himself did not comment on the information that appeared. The name of a famous football player has previously appeared in the media in connection with a story related to model Olga Semenova. A girl from Kazakhstan claimed harassment by the athlete, and then claimed that she had received threats from Arshavin's wife, Alice. Andrei's wife protected him. As she said, her husband himself was surprised by this situation and the lawsuits that Semenova filed against him.

The media remembered the words of the former wife of Arshavin about the beatings

The media remembered the details of the life of Russian football player Andrei Arshavin after the news of his divorce from his wife Alice. So, the journalists recalled the terrible incidents described in the book of his former common-law wife Yulia Baranovskaya, with whom they lived for about nine years (until 2013).

In particular, she talked about how Arshavin systematically came home drunk and raised his hand to her. Baranovskaya told how she was in the hospital and asked to re-register parking for her, as she could not leave the car near the house.

“Without saying a word, he hit me. I flew five meters away - I still don’t understand how my seams didn’t open. I cried from pain, resentment and humiliation, ”StarHit quotes Baranovskaya.

She also said that Arshavin broke up with her over the phone. After that, the athlete began a relationship with journalist Alisa Kazmina, whom he married in 2016.
