Thanks to what people live together for decades: 10 reasons we forgot about

When I see two people in their 70s walking hand in hand, my heart fills with warmth.

Do they have some secret formula that makes their love endure so much?

Most happy couples have a reason for being together all these years. Too many of us have forgotten these reasons today.

Well, let's remember.

1. They have common interests and are constantly on the lookout for things that can interest them both.

Common interests are what bring people together. And happy couples are focused on finding even more activities and topics of conversation that will be of interest to both.

Common interests and activities should not be something from the realm of fantasy. Sometimes it's enough that you both like to watch a movie in the evening in an embrace.

Remember, after all, common interests, the feeling that you are with a person who understands you - this is what once attracted you to your partner. What now? And now you're too busy looking for something the two of you might like.

If you continue your relationship not as a couple of like-minded people who constantly want to learn together and from each other, share their interests and look for something in common, but as two different people who are not clear why and why they were there, then it is unlikely that after a certain amount years, someone will see your couple and think that you have a formula for a happy relationship.

2. They go to bed together every night

Many couples today live according to some kind of their own schedule and forget about how important it is to spend time with each other. Even in the evening, instead of being next to your loved one, you sit with your nose on the TV and watch another unfunny comedy. Better watch this one with your wife/husband, hugging under the covers, of course. Do not forget how we all need human warmth and affection.

3. They never go to bed with a grudge against each other.

Happy couples note that this is one of the main rules.

Interviews with people who have been married for 50-60 years prove that this is not just a boring cliche - the moral is much deeper.

If you quarreled, argued, angered each other and at the same time go to bed without sorting out the relationship and without understanding the causes and consequences, then in one evening you can destroy what you have been building for years.

Talk to each other frankly, speak out yourself and listen to your partner. Find a compromise and do not forget to tell your soulmate that you love and respect her, despite all the disagreements, quarrels, resentments and omissions that you have to go through.

Today, many couples ignore this simple rule and go to bed without finding out the relationship and harboring resentment in their hearts. If this happens all the time, then this is the first signal that you are destroying your happiness with your own hands.

4. They hug and kiss each other at the beginning and end of the day.

Happy couples note that they start their day with hugs and kisses and end the same way. Psychologists suggest that thanks to this, both partners develop a sense of attachment to each other, their mood improves, they begin to trust each other and feel safe.

Very often modern couples forget about the importance of hugs. Everyone is so busy with their own affairs-problems-concerns that they won’t even remember that today they have never kissed their loved one. Lack of intimacy will eventually lead the relationship to collapse.

5. They trust each other

Trust is the foundation of any strong relationship. When you are confident in your partner, you can rely on him, you know that he will always come to your aid when you need it most.

Today, apparently, distrust and constants are an invariable part of any modern relationship. If this continues, then such a relationship will not only not bring you happiness, but also make you restless paranoid.

6. They say "thank you" instead of "I'm sorry"

Happy couples always focus on the positive, not the negative.

They don't regret. They give thanks.

Today, many people like to point out to another person his shortcomings, while forgetting that they themselves are also far from perfect. And people who actually love each other are ready to put up with shortcomings. Instead of thinking about the cons, focus on the pluses of your partner, because he certainly has them.

7. They rejoice in each other's successes

In happy couples there is no concept of "yours - mine", they have everything in common - both joys and sorrows. They help each other to constantly move forward, inspire each other to new achievements.

Relationships are not a one-sided game, but a process in which you need to constantly support your partner.

8. They keep doing nice little things for each other.

Sometimes in a relationship, even the little things mean a lot. Happy couples, even after many years, continue to do these little things for each other: they leave notes with the simplest and most pleasant phrase "" or they can walk the dog if they see that their loved one is too tired for this.

Today, we have forgotten how important the little things are in a relationship. But it is these little things that very often help us feel that we are loved and taken care of.

9. They respect each other's feelings

This does not mean that they always and in everything agree with each other, but in any situation they respect the feelings of the other.

The seemingly ordinary phrase “I understand how you feel” can become magical and nip in the bud many misunderstandings and disagreements.

For many couples, relationships resemble a tug of war: everyone wants to defend their opinion at any cost and does not want to listen to the other at all. What do you think will come out of such a union? That's right, nothing.

10. They don't forget the importance of a sense of humor.

A sense of humor helps happy couples get out of awkward situations and see the world more easily.

Many people have already thought about how important humor is in relationships, and even annual conferences are held on this topic.

But today, many modern couples confuse humor with sarcasm. Going to extremes, you can offend your partner, even without wanting it.
