Exotic shorthair cat: breed description and pet care. Exotic cat - colors

The exotic shorthair cat is native to America. It was there, from a representative of the Persian breed, that the first kitten of this breed was bred. Exotics have a character reminiscent of their ancestors - the Persians. They “speak” in a calm and quiet voice, which the owner can only hear when the pet wishes to tell, for example, about the desire to eat.

Description of the breed

Exotics can be medium or large in size, the legs are short and thick, with strong muscles. On a round and massive head with a wide skull, beautiful ears. Widely spaced round and large eyes give the animal a somewhat surprised look. One of the main distinguishing characteristics is the original nose, which distinguishes exotics from other breeds.

The length of the tail is small, in contrast to the thickness. The weight of a sexually mature cat is 3.5-7 kilograms, cats weigh less - an average of 3 to 5 kilos.

The coat is dense and soft, there is an undercoat. Along with Persians, exotics can boast a thick undercoat. By the way, the exotic has more wool than the representatives of other shorthairs. Thanks to this and a rounded body, the animal resembles a teddy bear. Various colors and patterns. You can list them endlessly. Let's just say that the color affects the color of the eyes.

The nature of the exotic

"Plush" kitty has an affectionate and sweet muzzle, fully consistent with her habits. If you want to buy a pet for a child, and want to be sure that the animal will be quiet and patient, feel free to buy an exotic shorthair cat. This pet has a calm and restrained character.

Despite this, Exotics are truly cheerful and active. They do not show aggression towards strangers or other representatives of the animal world. But keep in mind that each exotic is very loyal to its owner.

If you are often away from home, you should not get a pet of this affectionate breed. Exotics do not tolerate loneliness, they need affection and attention all the time.

Some call the Exotic Shorthair's affection for its owner excessive. And this is true: if you decide to get such a pet, take it with you everywhere, including on a long trip. An exotic will suffer from being with strangers. Even if your absence will not be so long.

Features of care

  1. Wool. The short but thick coat of the exotic must be brushed no less than once a week. Otherwise, the fur coat of the animal falls off and licking it, your pet may choke. Note that the exotic sheds actively twice a year. During such periods, grooming should be carried out daily. If you take care of your pet, then his fur will not spread throughout the apartment. In addition, the new coat will be healthy and thick. Exotics should be washed during molting;
  2. Walks. An exotic cat can do without "fresh air". Despite the fact that trips to the street are not mandatory, you should still pamper your pet from time to time. Be sure to get a harness, as the hunting instinct can wake up in a plush home exotic;
  3. The washing up. Exotics against water. However, they usually do not need frequent bathing. Washing thick fur is not easy. Do not use regular shampoo, get a special product for representatives of shorthair breeds. A good solution would be to buy dry shampoo. If you want to buy a kitten that will not be picky about care, exotic will suit you. You don't have to brush your hair every day. You can not waste time caring for your pet's coat.

The only difficulty is caring for the eyes, which are constantly watery. Stock up on gauze swabs, visit a pet store and buy a special composition for rubbing the eye of exotics.

You should also buy mice, balls, feathers and other entertainment for your pet. Difficulties with accustoming to the tray will not arise. It is best if your animal has its own sleeping place with bedding. You also need a scratching post. Otherwise, the interior will be damaged.

Exotic Catering

Think in advance whether you will give exotic natural products or store-bought food. There are no special requests from representatives of the breed. In order to protect your pet from genetic diseases, give him a balanced super premium food. If you choose dry food or canned food, add multivitamin complexes to the menu.

If you are going to feed exotic natural products, give her meat, cottage cheese, sour cream, eggs. One of the features of the breed is that it easily digests dairy products. Choose in advance the place where the food bowls will be located.

Don't overfeed the exotic and don't let it beg for your food. Obesity can also be called one of the typical exotic problems. Obesity threatens with numerous diseases, poisoning is great.

Useful and balanced dry food. However, please note that premium foods (super premium and holistic) do not contain flavors. It is due to them that low-class food is so attractive to cats. If you decide that you will feed your pet with store-bought food, set the diet from the very childhood of the kitten. An adult exotic may refuse odorless food. read here.

In order not to harm your animal, do not overfeed it. The portion of food should be strictly limited. Otherwise, you will get a plump teddy bear with bad health. The life span of such exotics is significantly reduced.

Don't be persuaded by cute faces and don't feed them from your own plate. The diet of the shorthaired exotic, as well as representatives of other breeds, should be thoughtfully balanced and timely.

Characteristic diseases

An Exotic Shorthair cat can be called a "regular" Persian. At least in terms of characteristic genetic diseases. If you've ever owned a Persian kitten, then brace yourself for the same ailments of a new pet. We list the most common diseases:

  • Weepy eyes. This trouble is due to the fact that exotics with their cute face have short tear ducts. In most cases, animals need to wipe their eyes once or twice, on which discharge is present. A flat muzzle does not allow the tear ducts to work as they should.
  • Breath. Breathing "freely" representatives of the breed does not allow a short muzzle.
  • Gingivitis. This unpleasant disease is typical for many cats and cats. And also for exotics. We are talking about inflammation of the oral cavity, which can result in painful loss of teeth and pain. If you decide to get a Shorthair Exotic, be prepared to take care of the beast. The general condition of your pet will worsen many times over if you do not cure diseases of his oral cavity.

To avoid feline gingivitis, take your pet to the veterinarian regularly. You should also use a special toothpaste that a specialist may recommend. The tool will not allow tartar to form, remove plaque and clean exotic teeth. Buying a brush is not always necessary. In many cases, it makes more sense to use gauze. Wrap it around your finger and your pet will feel calmer during the treatment, smelling your familiar scent.

  • Polycystic kidney disease. A dangerous disease that changes the structure of the kidney and liver tissues of animals. If you start the disease, then it can lead to the death of an exotic. Pay attention to how your pet behaves in the second half of life. The disease is genetic, transmitted from the parent or parent of the kitten. According to statistics, approximately 40 percent of Persians have this disease. From Persian, she also moved to representatives of an exotic breed. It is completely impossible to cure a cat or a cat. However, you can slow down the disease process.
  • HCM or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. In this case, the walls of the heart thicken, which also leads to the death of the pet. Please note that the development of the disease is possible at any age. Unfortunately, the disease does not have pronounced symptoms.

Before you buy an exotic kitten, ask if his mother or father is sick with such diseases? Most of them are inherited.

Animal lovers often take pictures and post photos of their pets on various social pages of the Internet. No exception was a girl from China, who also published photographs of her pet. The photo of the plush purr, calmly posing for the hostess, made a splash among cat lovers, as a result, the breed of this cat became megapopular, moreover, it received the second name "snoopy" in honor of the fluffy star of the Internet. Today we will talk about the exotic shorthair cat, we will discuss the features of the breed, the price and care for it.

Description and photo

The "snoopy" has a well-developed, large body on thick, strong paws, with a squat "backside". The skeleton is heavy, but thanks to the long feet of the hind legs, it is stable. The tail is not too long, but in terms of fluffiness, thanks to thick plush wool, it is not inferior to long-haired breeds.
This is characterized by a large round head with small, widely spaced ears on a short neck. The first thing that attracts attention on the muzzle is the large "deer" eyes, which give a certain sadness to the appearance.

The nose is slightly flattened, short and upturned, with a sharp transition to the forehead, the cheeks are round and convex, the chin is pronounced. Despite the massive jaw, the bite of the breed is correct.

The coat is soft, with a thick undercoat, giving the purr a resemblance to a toy teddy bear. A huge variety of colors: from solid colors to spotted and striped markings.


Country: USA.

Growth: up to 30 cm at the withers.

The weight: from 4 to 7 kg (there are no clearly defined size standards).

Color: almost all the colors inherent in the Persians:

  • one-color (white, red, gray, with a bluish tint, black);
  • marble color;
  • smoky;
  • two-tone (primary white, secondary red, gray, black);
  • three-colored (bicolor + tortoiseshell markings, belly pure white);
  • chinchilla (silver or golden shade of wool);
  • Siamese.

eye color: depending on the color - red, copper, blue, blue, green, brown.
Lifespan: with proper care - more than 15 years.

Breed advantages: the exotic breed has high intelligence, friendliness, devotion (akin to a dog), lack of aggression. Cats easily get along with other animals, accept all family members.

Flaws: lazy, do not like noise, shy, can not stand loneliness.

By whom the breed is recognized: CFA (USA) - Association of Cat Fanciers, WCF - World Organization (association of felinological clubs), Fédération Internationale Féline - International Cat Federation.

Did you know?The most prolific is considered by the name of Antigone. The feline mother, who lived in the United States, in the 70s gave birth to 19 babies in one litter. Another American named Dusty has become a mother to 420 kittens in her entire life.

The nature of the breed

In general, the nature of the exotic breed of cats is even, calm, open. The animal is especially attached to one owner, but it is also friendly to other family members.
The lack of aggressiveness allows him to accept other pets, and patience will win the attention and love of families with small children.

Despite the seeming sluggishness and a certain laziness in character, these kids are quite playful and curious. They are smart, have an excellent memory, and are patient: even when they are hungry, they rarely beg for food, although they can attract attention with their voice if they need it.

Exotics do not tolerate loud sounds, shy. Laziness and self-esteem are bad for trying to train a pet, but he grasps the basic skills of upbringing easily.

Exotic cats are social animals, they get bored alone. The undoubted plus of the breed is that traveling with them will not cause problems, they easily endure the road.

How exotics appeared

In the 60s in the United States, breeders of shorthaired American cats decided to improve the breed. The purpose of crossing was to strengthen the fragile skeleton, give more noble forms and a variety of colors.
Initially, they were selected for selection, but the gene of the selected breed turned out to be stronger, and short-haired Americans lost their original appearance. As a result of long discussions - to recognize or not to recognize the resulting breed - in 1966 it was registered.

However, work to improve the qualities continued, and took part in the crossing. The result - a "plush" exotic - was finally recognized after 30 years. And in 2011, exotics received a second “name” - “snoopy”.

Did you know?According to the Jewish myth, the righteous Noah, worried that the rats would gnaw through all the food in the ark, turned to God for help. The Almighty made a lion sneeze, and from this "sneeze" a domestic cat was born.

Selection and cost of a kitten

The choice of an animal depends primarily on the purpose: to participate in exhibitions, for example, you need to choose a kitten with a good pedigree that meets the standards (without defects in color or body structure). The price of such an exotic cat can reach up to $2000.
The average cost of kittens of the so-called breed class ranges from $170 to $450. These animals, despite minor defects, can be used for breeding.

Pet-class - kittens with signs that do not allow to take part in exhibitions, their cost is much less, from $ 30, and maybe purely symbolic.

Either way, a healthy kitten will be active, curious and playful. A healthy animal should have clean eyes and ears, a shiny soft coat.

You need to know that a white kitten with blue eyes may be deaf.

If you are looking for a loyal friend and an affectionate, friendly family member, then there is probably no better breed, no matter how up to standard the animal is.

Conditions for keeping and proper care

The Exotic Shorthair is ideal for apartment life, it is unpretentious in care, although some rules, of course, must be followed.

Conditions and trinkets for a cat

It is best to purchase a cat house for your pet - spacious, with soft bedding so that the fluffy can stretch out to the full length of the body. The ideal location of the house - closer to the owner.

A thick "fur coat" often leads the purr to a cool tile or window sill. Do not let your pet lie in the cold for a long time, he is prone to colds.

Important!Windows should have mesh (mosquito net is fine)- a fall from a height for an exotic can end in failure, they have a heavy backbone.

If the baby is often left alone, it is advisable to purchase various toys for him so that he can entertain himself. It can be rubber balls, soft toys, rustling trinkets tied to ribbons.

Features of care for the breed

Thick coat with no less thick undercoat needs care at least 2 times a week. Combing is better or with a brush with a hard natural bristle.

To care for teeth, there are also special cat bones that both clean and undermine them. Periodically, teeth need to be shown to the veterinarian.
Do not forget about vaccinations and preventive examinations in veterinary clinics.

How to feed an exotic shorthair

The diet can be natural or consist of cat food. In the purchased feed, a balance of minerals and vitamins should be observed. The third option is to combine both. Whatever the food, clean and fresh water should always be available.

With a natural diet, the diet should consist of lean meat, vegetables, cereals, vitamin supplements.

Milk is better absorbed by, while in adults, flatulence is possible. It is recommended to give fermented milk products a day or two after the date of release of the product, so it will be better absorbed.


  • "Snoops" up to 3 months old need 6 meals a day;
  • Up to 6 months, food intake is reduced to 4 times;
  • The feeding of half-year-olds is divided into 3 times.

Important!Make sure that the food you cook yourself is not hot. Optimum temperature- up to 40 °С.


An adult cat is considered from the age of 9 months, during this period the animals are fed 2 times a day. With natural nutrition, it is not recommended to give your pet raw meat products - meat that has not been thermally processed can “reward” him with worms.

For cats, pharmacies sell special supplements with substances that regulate digestion and intestinal microflora.

Hereditary diseases and necessary vaccinations

Exotic cats, along with the characteristics of the Persian breed, also took hereditary features from them:

  • increased secretions from the lacrimal glands;
  • kidney disease;
  • heart diseases;
  • respiratory problems;
  • propensity for obesity.

Snoopy has a delicate nervous organization.

If you shout at him, scold him loudly, then the pet may experience a nervous breakdown, depression. Keep this in mind when you are going to reprimand the baby for any mistakes.

In general, proper care and regular check-ups by the veterinarian (including vaccinations) will ensure the health and long life of your pet.

To sum it up: if you want to get a sweet, good-natured, sociable and loyal dog breed pet, your choice is a short-haired exotic.

A cute "bearish" muzzle with sad eyes will not leave indifferent even the most gloomy person.

Some breeds of cats, due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure, need regular care for the organs of vision - the eyes.

In addition, in any cat, there are physiological conditions or abnormalities in health when eye care measures are required during the treatment process.

How to properly carry out care procedures, what means to use, and what do these or those deviations in the condition of the eyes signal?

The eyes of a cat perfectly convey the emotions and mood of the animal. But the eyes, as they say, are not only the "mirror of the soul", they, like a mirror, reflect many deviations in the state of health of the animal.

In a healthy cat, the eyes are wide open, they are clear and clean, without any discharge (slight brown crusts in the morning - this is normal, this is a dried secretion of the lacrimal glands, which the cat removes when washing). If the condition of the eyes causes you any suspicions, you need to conduct a thorough examination, in good natural light.

Conduct an inspection in diffused daylight, you can do this on the street, or sitting in front of a window. Norm for a healthy cat:

What deviations can be seen in diseases?

On examination, you can find:

  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • Squinting of one or both eyes;
  • lacrimation;
  • Mucopurulent discharge - white, yellow, brown;
  • The advent of the third century;
  • Dropping of the eyes into the sockets (with dehydration);
  • Protrusion of the eyes (with trauma or glaucoma);
  • Turbidity, the appearance of spots, hemorrhages, etc.

Major eye diseases - their causes and symptoms

Changes in the state of the eyes are not so often associated with eye diseases themselves, more often they are accompanied by other diseases - invasions, infections, metabolic disorders.

  • Conjunctivitis- an inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the eyes. It is manifested by redness of the inner side of the eyelids - the mucous membrane, their swelling, lacrimation, the release of an inflammatory secret of a different color.

As an independent disease, it occurs with injuries, mechanical or chemical irritation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, beriberi.

  • Bilateral conjunctivitis- one of the first signs of many infectious diseases. In small kittens, conjunctivitis is often accompanied by helminthic diseases.
  • Cataract- characterized by clouding of the lens. Often accompanied by diabetes and advanced age of the animal.
  • Keratitis- inflammation of the cornea or cornea. The eye becomes cloudy, the mucous membrane of the eyeball looks watery.
  • Glaucoma- accompanied by clouding of a bluish tint and increased pressure inside the eye. At the same time, the eye appears to increase in volume. Treatment is necessary, otherwise blindness develops.
  • Increased lacrimation- may be with obstruction of the lacrimal ducts or increased secretion of the lacrimal gland.
  • Inversion of the eyelids - occurs as a result of trauma to the eyelid or is associated with wrinkling of the skin in some breeds of cats.
  • Third century speech- indicates a general weakness and a half-asleep state of the animal as a result of intoxication against the background of any disease. It often accompanies viral and helminthic diseases, diarrhea.

Important: in case of any deviations from the norm in the state of the eyes, it is necessary to consult a doctor immediately, delay can lead to rapid and irreversible changes, up to loss of vision.

General rules for eye care

When caring for your eyes, follow these rules:

  1. Perform all manipulations with clean hands washed with soap.
  2. Wipe your eyes with a damp cotton swab or disc, in the direction - from the outer edge to the inner.
  3. If the cat is healthy, then warm water, saline solution, chamomile decoction, tea, neutral lotions can be used for treatment.
  4. For a sick animal, it is better to use weak disinfectant liquids - a solution of boric acid, chlorhexidine, antiseptic eye lotions.
  5. Solutions for rubbing the eyes should be at room temperature, for washing - warm.
  6. Use a separate swab or disc for each eye.

When treating the eyes, perform manipulations in the following order:

  1. Cleanse the surface of the eyelids from secretions and crusts. To do this, abundantly moisten the entire contaminated surface with a warm solution and wait a couple of minutes for them to completely soften.
  2. After removing contaminants from the surface of the eyelids, also rinse the mucous membranes of the eyes. For washing, instill a warm solution from a distance of a centimeter above the surface of the eye, using a pipette. Position the head of the animal so that the solution flows from the outer to the inner corner of the eye. After washing, blot the surface with a dry cloth, without touching the mucous membrane of the eye.
  3. Drop drops or apply ointment prescribed by your doctor. Drops are instilled in the same way as when washing. The ointment is placed with a finger or a glass eye stick over the lower edge of the eyelid, slightly pulling it back. No need to squeeze the ointment onto the eyelid directly from the tube - you can injure the mucous membrane. After applying the ointment, cover the eyelids with a disk and massage the eye through the eyelids, in a circular motion, so that the ointment spreads over the surface of the eyeball.

Tendency to lacrimation of some breeds of cats

A slightly larger amount of time for eye care is required by breeds of cats with a flattened, to one degree or another, muzzle - brachycephalic. In breeds such as British, Exotics, Scottish Fold cats, Persian breeds, the structure of the front of the head is blunt, which delays the flow of tears through the tear ducts into
nasal cavity.

This feature is not a mistake of nature, because in nature, everything is arranged reasonably and rationally, this is explained by the fact that cats with a flattened muzzle were bred artificially. The trait was fixed by breeders because cats with such a head structure look cute and funny. Structural features make them prone to stagnation of tear fluid in the corners of the eyes and in the nasal cavity, as a result, they are more susceptible to inflammatory eye diseases - conjunctivitis.

Of all the listed breeds, the exotic has the flattest muzzle. Exotic cat eye care should be daily. When leaving, you need not only to remove the accumulated exudate, but from time to time rinse your eyes. This is done to prevent blockage of the tear duct and accumulation of tear fluid in the nasal cavity.

For washing and wiping the eyes, you can use plain boiled water, saline or a neutral lotion for daily care. Rub the eyes from the bottom corner towards the nose, with a little pressure.

How to care for the eyes of a cat after anesthesia

During surgical interventions with the use of anesthesia, for example, during sterilization, the eyes of cats remain ajar. To prevent drying of the mucous membrane of the eye, you need to close the eyelids of the animal from time to time or instill eye drops with an interval of five minutes. For this, saline solution or any drops for eye care, such as Diamond Eye, are used.

Interesting video: how to wash the corners of the eyes

Caring for an animal (cat, horse or dog) is called "grooming". Routine, daily grooming is essential for all cat breeds. It consists in caring for the eyes, claws, ears and maintaining a healthy coat. The Persian needs a little more attention than other breeds, but believe me, it's worth it. Moreover, modern Persians and Exotics have a harmonious head structure, which saves them and us from many troubles of this breed. A too high stop pinches the lacrimal ducts (watery eyes), and the "open type", without furrows on the face, makes the face clean, easier to care for. The symmetrical, correct arrangement of the "facial features" makes the Persian and the exotic not only healthier (he does not sniffle, does not grunt, his eyes do not flow), but also more sweet, attractive (remember how they said about the first extreme people: "They have an evil facial expression!").

In order for a cat to always look beautiful, it needs to be given a balanced diet. With proper nutrition, the number of problems with hair and eyes is significantly reduced. If you feed cats with natural products, I advise you to add 2-3 drops of Trivitamin to their diet daily (this is a complex of vitamins A, B, E). Dry food, as a rule, contains a sufficient amount of these substances. It is necessary to accustom a kitten to grooming from the age of 1.5 months, and in the future you will be spared from his bites and scratches.

Cat Eye Care:

The eyes of Persians and Exotics (due to the structure of the skull) have a slightly convex shape and therefore the eyes need daily care so that inflammatory processes do not occur. To care for the eyes of a cat, you will need:
- a highly absorbent soft cloth or paper tissue for cleaning the eyes (cotton wool can irritate the cornea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eye); now there are special discs for eye treatment on sale (for example, Eye Envy)
- eye wash lotion (a lot of products are now on our market (for example, Chamomile Eye Lotion, Sage Eye Lotion, Eye Envy Eye Lotion, PandEcat), and you can also use boiled warm some water.
- eye powder (for example, firms such as Jerob, Eye Envy, Chilli, Marwin, PandEcat). I opted for Thai-made Chilli powder.
- a cotton swab or a special brush for applying powder.

Rinse the cat's eyes with lotion or warm boiled water. Then dry well with a napkin (places under the eyes). Take a special brush or cotton swab, dip it in a jar of eye powder and apply very gently on the area under the eye. Spread the powder all over the place under the eye, paying special attention to brown and yellow places. This applies especially to white, silver and cream colors or those cats that have white spots on the muzzle (bicolors and multicolors). If you use eye powder in courses of 10 days, then your pet and you will be relieved of unpleasant accumulations in the corners of the eyes, “tear tracts”, yellow and brown spots under the eyes, and these powders also reduce discharge from the eyes (in the composition these powders include an antibiotic). But don't be afraid of it! In general, the powders are very soft to use and do not contain any bleach, which is safe for your pet!

On the Internet, I accidentally stumbled upon the advice of one of the breeders of Persians and Exotics to wipe the area around the eyes with liquid for storing contact lenses, I tried it - very good; tear stains are quickly removed, odorless and no need to look in specialized stores.

But if your pet has bad festering discharge from the eyes, it is better not to self-medicate and seek the advice of a veterinarian. This could be due to an infection!

Haircut "brushes" on the ears and cutting the claws.

Notice the claws. A significant separation of the claws indicates malnutrition, and peeling at the base of the claw may be a sign of a fungal disease. I advise trimming nails once every two weeks with special nail clippers. Trim only the tip of the nail, as you can cut the part of the nail where the blood vessels and sensory nerves pass. Perform all these operations by petting the cat, talking to it. Violence is unacceptable here.

Cat Ear Care

Ear cleaning should be an integral part of grooming, as ear care is necessary so that inflammation does not appear in the ear canal. Inspection and cleaning should be carried out 1 time in 7-10 days, as well as always after bathing the animal (if you wash it less than 1 time in 10 days).
For this you will need:
- ear cleaning lotion (for example 8 IN 1, Chris Christensen, Gimpet, Canina and others)
- antiseptic powder for ear care (for example 8 IN 1, Zamax)
- cotton pads
Never use cotton swabs to clean your ears!
Everything is simple here. Take the lotion, soak a cotton pad in it, roll it into a tube and wipe the visible parts of the ear. Then wipe dry with another cotton pad. Then you take antiseptic powder and from a distance of 2-3 cm pour a little into the ear canal. Massage your ear. Powder will relieve your pet of pollution, an unpleasant smell and an itch and will help to get rid painlessly of hairs in an ear pass. In a healthy state, the sulfur from the ear canal should be light, odorless. The skin in the ear should be pink, without scratching.

And about the main thing - about wool.

Wool is the beauty and pride of the Persian and the main concern of his master. The main hair care is reduced to its constant combing and systematic washing. Some breeders advise brushing your cat daily and washing it once every 6 months. Others do not scratch the cat at all, but wash it once a week. It seems to me that each animal needs to select an individual washing regimen suitable for its type of coat. This will show you experience.

What do you need to have on hand to put the coat in order? You will need:

A metal comb with sparse teeth that do not scratch the skin (plastic ones are not suitable, as they strongly electrify wool);
- combined brush made of natural bristle and metal teeth with antistatic coating;
- a brush made of natural bristles (usually suitable for cleaning clothes);
- a soft, well-absorbing cloth or paper towels for cleaning the eyes (cotton wool is not good, its fibers irritate the cornea);
- If possible, purchase a conditioner for forcing wool after shedding (spray) and wool conditioner with protein (spray). In the absence of these sprays, a weak solution of citric acid in a spray bottle will help.

1. We comb out the cheeks and collar towards the muzzle.
2. Chest - from the paws we rise to the chin.
3. We comb the back from the tail to the withers.
4. Paws. Lay the cat on your knees, belly up. We start combing from the hind legs; holding the paw, comb the "pants" from the heel to the tail.
5. Comb the belly and sides towards the tail.
6. Raising the front paws, comb out the armpits.
7. I do not advise you to touch the tail without the need. On it, the wool is very difficult to recover if it is accidentally torn out.
8. Let's turn the cat on its stomach and go through the wool with a brush. She will collect faded hairs that the comb missed. My advice: don't use slickers: wool is much easier to lose than to recover.
9. If you have prepared a spray, it's time to use it. I use a protein conditioner once a week: from a distance of 15-20 cm, you need to spray the conditioner and let it dry. Conditioner "after shedding" or a solution of citric acid are used daily: slightly dampened wool is tousled by hand and combed with a soft brush. This will give shine and a lively look to your pet's coat.

If you have enough patience, then soon the cat will get used to it and will calmly endure these procedures and even fall in love with them. But wool will stop flying around the apartment and decorate carpets and furniture. If the cat is shedding, comb out everything that is combed out, do not regret it. The new coat will grow faster if it is left undisturbed.

Washing the cat.

Any domestic cat, even not participating in exhibitions, needs to be washed. If possible, never skimp on cat shampoo. A good shampoo is quite expensive, but it is very economical. Try to use only shampoo specially designed for cats (its coat is thinner and more delicate than human hair). In extreme cases, it can be a good quality, "no tears" baby shampoo. "Daily" washing is different from "show" washing, and this is natural. It has a completely different purpose. Here your goal is to improve the coat and skin of the cat. Washing helps to shed dead hair faster, improves skin condition, cleanses pores, which contributes to the growth of new healthy hair, of course, provided that the shampoo and conditioner you use are chosen correctly, taking into account the characteristics of your animal's coat.

For a scheduled wash, you need to have:

2-3 well absorbent towels;
- hair dryer (try to choose not very noisy, so as not to frighten the cat);
- a comb with rare teeth;
- powder (get a special grooming powder at the pet store. Baby powders, even the most expensive ones, are not suitable: they are based on rice starch, which, after licking, will enter the stomach and can cause upset. Colored powders are categorically not suitable for our purpose);
- shampoo. Shampoos based on seaweed and medicinal herbs are good for everyday use. For light-colored cats, "Nizoral-shampoo" proved to be excellent. For black cats, use special tinted shampoos for the second wash, for example, "8 in 1" or "Ring".

It is better to wash cats in the sink with a shower. The water temperature is 38-40 "C. Turn on the water and switch to the shower in advance so as not to frighten the animal. Holding the cat with one hand by the shoulders, moisten the coat and apply shampoo to the withers, back, chest, stomach and tail. Achieve abundant foam and rinse well "You need to be careful not to get soap and water in the ears and nose. When lathering, pay attention to the front paws, chin, and in adult cats - to the tail. If the soil is very dirty, "Bingo with Lemon" dishwashing liquid can help. But this the substance has a bleaching effect, so I do not recommend washing black and tortoiseshell cats with it.

If you washed the cat twice and rinsed it well, first with clean water and then with a weak solution of vinegar, take a towel and wrap the animal sitting in the sink with it (if you immediately lift the cat, depriving it of support, it may begin to break out). Move the cat to the table. Turn on the hair dryer in advance so that the animal gets used to its noise. We wipe the hair dry and, without opening it completely, dry it with a hair dryer in the same sequence as when combing. If the cat is very afraid of the hair dryer, start drying and combing from the back, and only then move on to the collar. It is advised to apply powder on wet hair. It will absorb excess moisture and give the fur coat a silkiness. Do not leave the cat's hair wet: tangles may form. Do not be lazy, dry and comb dry. A few hours after washing, treat the coat with a protein spray.

Washing try to coincide with veterinary events. It is advisable to wash the cat in a day and after giving anthelmintic drugs. After vaccination, you can wash the cat no earlier than two weeks later.

If you perform these simple procedures, your pet will always have a healthy beautiful coat, clear eyes and trust in a person.

Source magazine "Friend" (cats)

Caring for exotic breed cats is slightly different from caring for Persians, but much easier. With daily care, the hair of exotic cats is washed and treated with the same means as Persian cats, only less often - once every 2-4 months. After washing, they comb "against the hair", excluding the sides and stomach, which are combed "along the wool" with a metal comb. Although the wool of exotics does not roll into tangles, it is very dense, and it is difficult for animals to get rid of dying wool, so you need to comb exotics 3-4 times a week. They stimulate the growth of hair, remove the effects of lacrimation and carry out trimming in the same way as for the Persians.

For busy people who love sweet Persian faces but don't have time for daily care, EXOTS - a real dream. They are true Persians with one exception: the coat has a thick, short, dense, chic texture. The exotic coat is unique and gives them a soft, rounded, plush look. Because of their simple grooming, Exotics are sometimes affectionately referred to as "Lazy Persians".

Persian haircut

Why is a cat haircut sometimes absolutely necessary?

1. First of all, hygienic grooming of cats is necessary when the cat's hair falls into tangles. The mats prevent the skin from "breathing", and various microorganisms develop under them, which cause inflammation of the skin, pain and discomfort in the animal. Therefore, cutting the tangles is absolutely necessary.
2. The cat sheds heavily and leaves hair all over the apartment, even if it is regularly combed out. When a cat is cut with an electric professional clipper, its hair becomes short and the falling hairs do not get tangled, they can be combed out and the cat will not leave so much hair on your furniture and carpets.
Things to remember about grooming cats:
- not all cats are favorable to this;
- you can not cut cats with tipping and colorpoints, as the new hair on the belly and back darkens;
- a cat should not have its head cut (hair in the ears, whiskers on the muzzle and cheeks);
The tail must not be completely clipped. The length of the left brush should be at least a third of the length of the tail, otherwise the cat can chase the tail and gnaw it, up to injury (it is extremely difficult to treat the tail - try bandaging it);
- and last but not least. Never laugh at a shorn animal. It will be offended. It's not a joke. Cats are very sensitive to their appearance and your attitude. Be prudent.

Show grooming is a special topic, there is a lot of information on the Internet.

I suggest you watch my video about creative grooming of cats. You can watch in full screen, you can go to You Tube and see many of my other videos

Every cat owner cannot but agree that in any situation it is very important to keep an eye on your cat: regularly inspect it for scratches or sores, take care of the condition of the coat, and also keep it clean.

If you are the proud owner of an exotic shorthair cat, then you will certainly be interested (and useful) to learn about some of the basic aspects of caring for your pet.

oral care

This task is, perhaps, in the first place, and this is due, first of all, to a large number of varieties of stomatitis, which can strike at any moment.

Therefore, it is important to brush your teeth regularly (at least once a week). Despite the caress, suppleness and meek disposition, no one will like to endure the action of a toothbrush in their mouth. An exotic shorthair cat will not be an exception - caring for her, however, necessarily includes this procedure. Exotics will scream, squeak, break out of your hands - your task is to keep her, thereby bringing this process to its logical conclusion.

By the way, for cleaning, use a special brush with a nozzle (sold in pet stores); at first it is recommended to clean with just warm water, then you can gradually switch to tooth powders - with the only condition that they will be without flavorings. After the painful procedure, take the cat in your arms, stroke, caress, thereby as if apologizing for causing her inconvenience.


Even though Exotics are half-short-haired "Americans", don't forget that they are Persians by the other half. And the Persians, as you know, well, very thick wool. Therefore, the answer to the question of the need for bathing should pop up in your head by itself.

Grooming an Exotic cat takes bathing as a matter of course, so it's important to keep that in mind at all times. As a shampoo, you can use a regular baby shampoo with a protective formula or a special cat care product (again, in a pet store). The most important thing is that the product foams well and thoroughly rinses out all the dust and dirt from the fur. For bathing, use warm water, but never hot.

The question of when to bathe exotics has two answers: firstly, when the animal becomes dirty (you will notice this), and also during the molting period. Bathing during molting is necessary in order to wash out all the faded shreds that remain there from the fur, as over time they will collect dirt on themselves and cause inconvenience to exotics.

And last but not least, food. The correct mode, as well as a balanced diet, will keep the exotic in excellent shape and leave you full and satisfied!
