Where was the tattoo with the blood type. Is the blood type stuffed on the skin useful? Tattoo "blood type": history in the army and civil society

A blood type tattoo, the meaning of which is much deeper than it seems at first glance, can be seen quite often. This tattoo did not appear as a symbol of good luck or other occult purpose, but was created in order to save people's lives. How this happened, we will talk below, as well as who suits such a tattoo and what is the meaning of it.

Bullet blood group tattoo on chest

Yet some tattoos have a more prosaic history of existence than just a symbol of good luck. For example, a blood type tattoo, sketches of which a few decades ago differed only in numbers, exists in order to save people's lives. Oddly enough, there are a number of tattoos related to the medical theme.

For example, a tattooed verbal designation of a diabetic or asthmatic on the owner’s arm during a sudden attack can really save a person’s life: more than one case is known when passersby during a sudden attack of a person knew what he was ill with and, thanks to this, could quickly orient themselves in the current situation and be in time help the unfortunate.

And such a tattoo as a blood type number in a conspicuous place could be one of such designations. However, this tattoo is more related to the military than to medical tattoos: applying a badge that would indicate the number of a person's blood type has become a common thing for military people. For example, imagine a situation: a soldier is wounded on the battlefield and taken to a military hospital, he urgently needs a blood transfusion, but he, of course, does not have any documents with him. If he has such a tattoo, then it simply can save his life!

Blood group on the hand in the form of a brand

Do you know? According to historians, since the reign of Peter the Great, there has been a practice of tattooing with the number of one's blood type. However, the blood type tattoo on the chest became especially popular during the stay of our soldiers in Afghanistan. In the horror of that war, such a tattoo was not so much fashionable as relevant - a hint for doctors with urgent medical care.

Blood type tattooed on chest

I was in the war in Afghanistan, I have a lot of army tattoos on my body: the Airborne Forces are like a bat with a parachute, and what not. But about deciding whether to get a tattoo with a blood type or not ... We didn’t have such a question at all, they did it to absolutely everyone for security purposes. The blood type tattoos, the photos of which I saw in my life, were all the same - just a set of numbers and the letter Rhesus, nothing more. I believe that they should look like this - nothing superfluous.

Vladislav, St. Petersburg

The blood type in this case is written on the scroll.

Where is the best place to get a tattoo with a blood type

Currently, traditionally, many soldiers wear their blood type badge on the chest or on the arm near the armpit, less often there is a blood type tattoo on the wrist. Now, not only men who are related to the army, but also representatives of the weaker sex can have an image on their body with the designation of their blood type, for example, girls who serve in the army in Israel. But nowadays it looks more like a tribute to fashion than a real precaution and a way to save your life. But in what place is it better to get a tattoo with a blood type in the event that you can be helped if necessary?

  • On the wrist - most visible here
  • Armpit, chest or ribs- in a traditional place
  • On the bend of the elbow - this is where the veins are located, and this place is hard not to notice
  • On the back of the neck- but on condition that the hair does not cover this place
  • On the back of the hand

Blood type tattoo with twig and bullet

Medical or military tattoo?

At the present time, not only men who are related to the army, but also representatives of the weaker sex can have an image on their body with the designation of their blood type.

Do you know? It is believed that it was tattoos with inscriptions of blood group symbols that became the progenitors of other images on the body that have practical meaning. So, for example, next to the blood type, you can often find an inscription-hint to doctors about allergies, diabetes mellitus, epilepsy and other serious diseases that can provoke an attack. It is this information in an emergency that can help provide timely and qualified medical care.

Normal blood type tattoo

What does such a tattoo look like?

The tattoo contains a letter or number indicating the blood type, the letter R (rhesus) and a plus or minus sign (positive or negative).

I served in the army, we had tattoos with a blood type for everyone, and I also made myself: when I served, there was a real threat to get into hostilities, and I decided to play it safe just in case. The place on the ribs and under the arm was not chosen by chance, whatever the bitter truth: it ensured the “safety” of the tattoo, since during hostilities you can blow up a mine and be left without limbs, but survive. In this case, if the tattoo is made on the arm, it will no longer help you. Our entire detachment decided not to risk their lives and to do where it was supposed to. This is a useful tattoo, I like it.

Timofey, Magadan

3D inscription blood group tattoo

My boyfriend was in the military and he has a tattoo of his blood type under his heart. As a fan of Viktor Tsoi and his song about “blood type on the sleeve”, and as a fan of my young man))) in general, I also decided to get such a tattoo, with a blood type, and in the same place where my boyfriend has it - right under the heart . I think it's very romantic and sweet that she is with us in one place. And also, by the way, it’s interesting that we have the same blood type and Rhesus, so my tattoo turned out exactly one to one like a loved one)))

Scientists have found that character traits are transmitted through the vessels


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If we are asked in Russia: “What is your zodiac sign?” - then in Japan - "What is your blood type?" According to the Japanese, blood determines the character and individual characteristics of a person to a greater extent than distant stars. Carrying out tests and accounting for blood types is called “ketsu-eki-gata” here and they take it very seriously.

HR managers use "ketsu-eki-gata" when hiring employees, marketers - to predict the demand for prospective products, most people - to choose friends and life partners. Devices that conduct an express analysis of the blood group “by blood stain” are often found at train stations, department stores, and restaurants. In Japan, and more recently in the US, there are even organizations called the AB0 Society to help individuals and business leaders make good decisions based on the characteristics of blood.

It is possible that such services may also appear in Russia, - says a psychotherapist, senior researcher at the Research Center for Human Health Alexander Sherman. - It's no secret that today in many commercial structures in the personnel department there are freelance astrologers and palmists who tell the bosses what kind of person to hire and for what position, where he could reveal all his talents. Therefore, in addition to a personal astrological (natal) card and a palm print, you may soon have to hand over a drop of blood to the employer.

We are all brothers and sisters

But how can blood type affect character? Many scientists believe that this is due to the evolutionary process, during which, based on changing climatic conditions and lifestyle, the blood transformed its qualities.

Blood type is older than race and more fundamental than ethnicity, Dr. Sherman says. - It is not the result of "trial and error" of genetic development, which is a sequence of accidents. Each of the blood groups was an evolutionary-logical response to a series of different changes that have occurred with the planet and "homo sapiens" over the millennia. Thus, the early racial changes began in a world that was almost entirely inhabited by the holders of group 0 (I). However, this division into races, associated with the adaptation of man to hitherto unusual nutrition, environment, climate, was also part of the driving force of evolution, which ultimately led to the appearance of other blood types.

Some anthropologists generally believe that dividing humanity into races is too simple. Like, blood type is a much more important indicator of individuality than race. Indeed, an African and an Indo-European with group A (II) can exchange organs or blood, have the same habits, digestive functions and immune structures. But in an African with group A (II) and in an African with group B (III), for example, such coincidences are very rare.

Ancestors left each of us a special legacy, the outlines of which are "imprinted" in the blood group, - says Alexander Nikolayevich. - And it is constantly present in the nucleus of every cell in the body. And people with the same blood type have a lot more in common than we ever imagined. Perhaps many of us are actually brothers and sisters. By blood.


What is the AB0 system

In 1891, the Australian scientist Karl Landsteiner conducted a study of erythrocytes - red blood cells. And he discovered a curious pattern: in some people, they differ in sets of antigens - substances that cause an immune response and the formation of antibodies. The scientist designated the antigens found by the letters A and B. Some have only A antigens, others have only B. And the third have neither A nor B. Thus, Karl Landsteiner's research divided all of humanity into three parts, in accordance with the properties of blood : Group I (aka 0) - no A or B antigens; II group - there is A; III - with antigen B.

In 1902, the researcher Decastello described the fourth group (antigens A and B are found on erythrocytes). The discovery of two scientists was called the AB0 system. It is based on blood transfusion.

People with the first blood group 0 (I) are universal donors, since their blood, taking into account the AB0 system, can be transfused to people with any blood type. The owners of the fourth blood type AB (IV) - like Jesus Christ - belong to the category of universal recipients - they can be transfused with blood of any group.

However, now doctors are striving to transfuse an identical blood type to a person. This rule is deviated only in extreme cases.

skeptical opinion

Can "type 0" be president?

Candidate of Psychological Sciences Alexey PRONIN:

All attempts to classify people look somewhat ominous. If you say: "Type A is such and such" or "Type B is such and such", then sooner or later you will inevitably hear a statement like: "Type AB is better than all others" or "Only type 0 can be president." Thus, caste division can prevail. By the way, it is highly developed in Japan. For example, this can be seen in job advertisements, when a company announces a search for a person for a vacant position of a manager ONLY with blood type B. And if we elect the president of the country like this, will it lead to anything good?

What else can you find out about yourself?

(The compilers are the Japanese scientist Poshitake Nomi and the American naturopathic doctor Peter D "Adamo)

Blood type

0 (I) "Hunter"; 40 to 50% of all people have it


The oldest and most common, appeared 40,000 years ago. Ancestors led a life of hunters and gatherers. They took what nature gave them today and did not care about the future. Defending their interests, they were able to crush anyone, regardless of who he was - friend or foe. The immune system is strong and resistant.

Qualities of character

These people have a strong character. They are determined and confident. Their motto is: "Fight and seek, find and never give up." Excessively mobile, unbalanced and excitable. Painfully tolerate any, even the most fair criticism. They want others to understand them perfectly and instantly carry out their orders.

MEN are very skillful in love. Most of all they are excited by inaccessible women.

WOMEN are greedy for sex, but very jealous.


Try to get rid of narcissism and arrogance: this can seriously interfere with the achievement of goals. Stop fussing and rushing things. Remember that a person who strives to achieve what he has planned at any cost, indomitably striving for power, dooms himself to loneliness.

Blood type

A (II) "Farmer"; 30 - 40% have it


Generated by the first forced migrations of the population, it appeared when it became necessary to switch to food from agriculture and, accordingly, change the way of life. Appeared between 25,000 and 15,000 BC. Each individual was required to be able to get along, get along, cooperate with others within a densely populated community.

Qualities of character

They are very sociable, easily adaptable to any environment, so events such as a change of place of residence or work are not stressful for them. But sometimes they show stubbornness and an inability to relax. Very vulnerable, hard to endure resentment and grief.

MEN are shy. Romantics in the soul, they express their love with a look. They love to feel maternal care, and therefore they often choose women older than themselves.

WOMEN are also shy. They make excellent wives - loving and devoted.


Don't aspire to leadership positions. But try to get like-minded people to support your interests. Do not relieve stress with alcohol, otherwise you will be overcome by addiction. And don't eat a lot of fatty foods, especially at night.

Blood type

In (III) "Nomad"; 10 - 20% have it


Appeared as a result of the merger of populations and adaptation to new climatic conditions more than 10,000 years ago. It represents the desire of nature to strike a balance between increased mental activity and the demands of the immune system.

Qualities of character

They are open and optimistic. Comfort does not appeal to them, and everything familiar and ordinary brings boredom. They are drawn to adventure, and therefore they will never miss an opportunity to change something in their lives. Ascetics by nature. They prefer not to depend on anyone. They do not tolerate an unfair attitude towards themselves: if the boss yells, they will immediately leave work.

MEN are true don Juans: they know how to beautifully look after women and seduce.

WOMEN are very extravagant. They can quickly win a man's heart, but they are afraid to marry them, not believing that they are capable of a reverent attitude to the family hearth. And absolutely in vain! Over time, they become good housewives and faithful wives.


Think about it: maybe your weakness lies in individualism? If there are no people close to you in spirit around you, then this is the result of your independence. Behind the reputation of a "womanizer" or "libertine" only the fear of love is masked. The wives of such people have to get used to cheating, because otherwise they are good family men.

Blood type

AB (IV) "The Riddle"; only 5% of people have it


It appeared unexpectedly about a thousand years ago, not as a result of adaptation to changing living conditions, like other blood groups, but as a result of mixing Indo-Europeans and Mongoloids.

Qualities of character

People of this type like to boast that the blood of the AB group was in Jesus Christ. The proof, they say, is a blood test found on the Shroud of Turin. Whether this is so has not yet been proven. But, in any case, people with the fourth blood group are quite rare. They have a soft and meek disposition. Always ready to listen and understand others. They can be called spiritualized natures and multifaceted personalities.

MEN attract with their intelligence and eccentricity. Very sexy. But their desire to make love day and night does not mean at all that they are filled with deep feelings.

WOMEN also have sexual attraction, but they are very demanding in their choice of men. And her chosen one will not be easy, because she requires a lot of attention.


You have a significant flaw: you are very indecisive. Maybe this is partly the reason for your lack of conflict: you are afraid to ruin your relationship with someone. But you are in constant internal conflict with yourself, and your self-esteem suffers greatly from this.


The likelihood of dementia and early aging depends on your blood type

The study showed that blood types play an important role in the development of the human nervous system. So, they can also influence the development of cognitive impairment [test yourself].


How I lost weight by blood type

What would it be to eat so as not to get fat? This question torments millions of women. The KP correspondent also asked them and decided to try a blood type diet. Under the new nutrition system, the body was rebuilt in 2 months ().

Today, tattoos are perceived by most people as a way to emphasize their individuality. More recently, the art of body painting was used not only to simply attract attention. With the help of a tattoo, you can convey very important information to others. For example, the blood type stuffed on the skin is quite popular. A tattoo with such information can even save the life of its owner in an emergency.

The history of blood type tattoos

Initially, tattoos that tell about the Rh factor of their owner appeared in the army. For more than a century, the military uniform of the armies of all countries has been supplemented with individual stripes with information about a particular employee. Name tags and other identification paraphernalia are also common in many types of troops. The purpose of all these accessories is clear on an intuitive level.

If a serviceman dies or is admitted to the hospital in an unconscious state, there will be no need to waste time establishing his identity and holding him. It was to simplify initialization that tattoos were invented. And indeed, it seems convenient, because just look at a person’s tattoo, and his blood type will immediately become known. A tattoo with such personal data was liked by soldiers around the world. The possession of such a wearable pattern inspires confidence in the successful treatment in case of injury.

Identification tattoos today

"Blood type" is a tattoo that is one of the most popular in the modern army. Remarkably, they make it today not only before being sent to hot spots, but also in the most ordinary parts. The popularity of this tattoo is easy to explain: it not only adds to the image of the owner of masculinity, but can also be useful, according to many. People who decide to fill their blood type believe that the tattoo will increase their chances of surviving in some kind of emergency. What is remarkable in our country, such sketches are chosen by many civilians. People are instinctively afraid of catastrophes and accidents and try to protect themselves by any means.

Place for a blood type tattoo and sketch options

Even a non-professional can distinguish from artistic ones. They are usually done in blue or black ink. A simple angular font, the absence of decorative elements and volume - this is exactly what the standard army “blood type” tattoos look like. You can see photos with examples in our article. Such tattoos have medical significance, for this reason they are usually placed in the most accessible places for first aid providers. Very often, the blood type is stuffed directly on the chest in the region of the heart. Somewhat less often, a tattoo is placed on the arms or in the armpit. If desired, a tattoo with a blood type can be made by an artistic master. The desired letters and numbers look completely different if you choose a beautiful font, add an interesting pattern or a small picture.

Are tattoos of blood type, Rh factor useful today?

Recently, many of any paraphernalia with information that helps to pick up blood during a transfusion is considered a relic of the past. Medical technology has reached a high level. Today there is a rapid test that helps to determine the patient's blood type almost instantly. Simplicity and speed of research allow to apply this method in any conditions.

But why waste precious time if the patient has a tattoo? Even if a blood type (tattoo) catches the eye of a doctor, he will be required to do an express analysis before transfusion. Doctors advise their patients to do a new generation. Using your own skin, you can talk about chronic diseases, intolerance to foods, medicines and other individual characteristics of the body. According to doctors, such tattoos are much more useful than a blood type.

The “Blood Type” tattoo, the meaning of which is much deeper than it seems at first glance, happens quite often. This tattoo did not appear as a symbol of attracting good luck or other occult purpose, but was created in order to save human lives. How this happened, we will be able to talk below, as well as to whom these tattoos are suitable, and what is the meaning of them.

Tattoo - in memory of the war

Still, some tattoos have a more prosaic history of existence than just traditional symbols of good luck. For example, the “Blood Type” tattoo, the sketches of which several decades ago differed from each other only in numbers, still exists today. Oddly enough, there are a number of tattoos that are directly related to the medical theme. For example, a tattooed verbal designation of a diabetic or asthmatic on the owner's arm during a sudden attack can completely save a person's life. More than one case is known when passers-by during a sudden attack of a person knew what kind of illness he had, and thanks to this they could quickly orient themselves in the situation and help the unfortunate. Such a tattoo as the number of the blood group in a conspicuous place could be among such designations. However, such a tattoo refers more to the military than to medical tattoos. Applying a badge, which would indicate the number of a person's blood group, became commonplace for military people. For example, you can imagine the situation: a soldier wounded on the battlefield was taken to a military hospital, he urgently needs a blood transfusion, but, of course, he does not have any documents with him. if he has such a tattoo, it is simply able to save his life.

Do you know? According to numerous historians, since the reign of Peter the Great, there has been a special practice of tattooing with the number of one's own blood type. However, the blood type tattoo became especially popular after the stay of our soldiers on Afghan soil. In the horror of that war, such a tattoo was not so much fashionable as relevant - a hint for doctors during urgent medical care.

I was in Afghanistan during the war, I have a lot of army tattoos on my body, there is also an airborne force in the form of a bat with a parachute, and what not. However, about deciding whether to get a tattoo with a blood type or not ... We didn’t have such a question at all - they did it to absolutely everyone, for security purposes. The “Blood Type” tattoo is a traditional set of numbers and the letter Rhesus, nothing more. I think that's exactly what they should look like - at the same time, without having anything superfluous under them.

Vladislav, St. Petersburg

Nowadays, many soldiers traditionally wear their own blood type badge on the chest near the armpits, much less commonly seen is the "Blood Type" tattoo on the wrist. Today, not only men who have the necessary attitude to the army, but also representatives of the weaker sex can have images on their bodies with the designation of their own blood type. For example, girls who can serve in the Israeli army. Nowadays, it looks more like a tribute to fashion than a real precaution and a method to save one's life. However, in what place is it best to get a tattoo with a blood type in that case. to help you if needed?

  • On the wrist - it's most visible
  • Under the arm, on the ribs or chest - in traditional places
  • On the bend of the elbow - this is where the veins are located, and this place is quite difficult not to notice
  • On the back of the neck - however, provided that this place is not covered by hair
  • Blood group with twig and bullet

Army or medical tattoo?

At present, not only men have a similar tattoo, but also representatives of the weaker sex can wear an image on their own body with the designation of their own blood type. It is believed that it is tattoos with inscriptions of blood group symbols that become the progenitors of other images on the body, which have a completely understandable practical meaning. So, for example, next to the blood type, you can often find an inscription - a hint to doctors about the presence of allergies, epilepsy, diabetes mellitus, as well as other serious diseases that can provoke this attack. It is this kind of information in an emergency that can help not only provide timely assistance, but also be in the right place at the right time.

What do these tattoos look like?

The tattoo contains a number or letter, which can indicate a blood type, the letter R (Rh factor), as well as the traditional minus or plus sign.

Review: I served in the army for a long time, while we had traditional tattoos with a blood type for everyone. I did the same to myself when I served, there was a real threat to get into the war zone, and I decided to play it safe just in case. The place under the armpits and on the ribs was not chosen by chance - no matter how bitter the truth is. This made it possible not only to fully ensure the safety of the tattoo, since during the hostilities one can be blown up by a mine, but also to survive. In the case when the tattoo was made on the arm, it will no longer be able to help you. Our entire squad decided not to risk their own fate - and get a tattoo where it should be. This is a useful tattoo and I really like it.

Timofey, Magadan

Review: My boyfriend was in the military and he has a tattoo of his blood type under his heart. As a fan of Viktor Tsoi and his love songs, I also decided to get a similar tattoo with a blood type - right under the heart. It seems to me quite sweet and romantic, since we have it in one place. It is also interesting that this blood type and Rh factor are completely the same for us. Therefore, my tattoo turned out just exactly like a loved one.

The meaning of the blood type tattoo

Sometimes wearable images can benefit their owner not only by their influence on fate, but can save his life in the literal sense. There are tattoos related to the subject that help in case of some kind of trouble. For example, this is a verbal designation of the stage of diabetes or asma, and this number also includes a blood group tattoo.

But in most cases, this tattoo refers to people. Drawing a blood type on the body of a military man has already become an old tradition. For the first time they began to do this during the reign of Peter the Great. However, the peak of popularity fell on the time when ours served in. Then for them, a tattoo with a blood type on their chest was not so much a fashionable decoration, but a hint for the doctor in case of need for emergency medical care.

Now the soldiers are simply traditionally applying a similar pattern. Usually, places such as the chest, near the armpit or on the wrist are chosen for it, but the latter option is extremely rare. Now not only men, but also women also serve in the army, so the blood type tattoo also meets them.

By the way, at the end of the war, dead soldiers were identified precisely by this sign. And even some deserters and traitors to their homeland were calculated in this way, then they were convicted.

In general, a medical tattoo is a real alternative to medical and various tokens, on which information about human health is engraved. Such an accessory can break or be lost at the right time, so you should not rely on it completely. But your own will certainly always be with you, so a tattoo with medical information is very relevant. It is possible that in the future a tattoo with medical indicators will become mandatory.

Of course, so far there is no single standard for how such a tattoo should look, and it is not mandatory for application. However, the tattoo of a blood group or the designation of an existing disease is increasingly being applied to one's body. Masters in tattoo parlors note that the number of people who want to imprint such an inscription on their body is becoming more and more and more and more sketches are asked to be drawn. Someone draws a small record, and someone huge on the whole hand.
