Intimacy, making love between a man and a woman is healing and beneficial. Fashion tips - women's online magazine

Do you know what lovemaking is?

Making love

Making love is the most delicious dessert a person can look forward to. But, like any other dish, you need to learn how to cook it correctly. What to do when all the ingredients have been collected, but the cooking time cannot be met? And how long can a modern man make love?

Simple and effective for long...long...long...lovemaking

There are very simple tips that are known to many, but for some reason most people neglect them. Researchers recommend starting with these:

  1. healthy lifestyle. Not only sexual performance, but also the quality of life in general depends on it. So let’s clench our will and start watching what you eat and how many times a day (parsley, ginseng, fresh vegetables, olive oil are good helpers in love affairs), exercise, sufficient sleep, walks in the fresh air are mandatory (remember that an open window will not replace access to the park). You should give up alcohol, smoking, and especially drugs;
  2. To overcome unnecessary anxiety, you need to have one permanent partner. This will also help to skillfully manipulate the excitement of the other half;
  3. The regularity of coitus is directly related to their duration. In addition, the more time a person devotes to sex, the better he hones his technique;
  4. changing positions during intercourse will help diversify lovemaking, and the man, since the act will be periodically interrupted, will be able to “hold out” longer;
  5. remember the possibility of disorders in the sexual sphere due to concomitant diseases: diabetes, hormonal imbalances, depression, atherosclerosis and others. An annual medical examination is the key to good health.

For those who are determined to take themselves seriously, there are special training methods. They are very simple, you just need not to be lazy and repeat them several times a day. Based on strengthening the pelvic floor muscles, which allows you to delay ejaculation.

Let's get started:

  1. We strain the muscles of the anus (first up to 3 seconds, then lengthen the time), then relax. You need to do 15-20 repetitions at a time. Perform the exercise at least once a day. Expect success in 2 weeks.
  2. We tense the muscles that interrupt urination for 10 seconds, then relax for 5 seconds. Having achieved the result of performing the exercise without discomfort 20 times, success is guaranteed!

Little tricks for big success

Human consciousness is a complex, little-studied process. But, to some extent, people have learned to manipulate and cunning. Many techniques have been invented that allow you to prolong sexual intercourse without much effort.

When you feel that ejaculation is approaching, you can be distracted by extraneous unpleasant problems, this will delay the voluptuous moment. It is also effective to shift your gaze from your partner to less attractive household items: a closet, ceiling, table or pillow. A great method is to hold your breath for a few seconds after taking a deep breath and at the same time switch your attention from your own sensations to your partner.

Sex therapists recommend urinating before sex, because a full bladder increases arousal and promotes a faster orgasm. It is also known that moderate pain helps to prolong intercourse; for this you need to pull the testicles down (but do not overdo it!). Making love for the second time in a row is also an excellent way out for rapid fire.

It is important not to be afraid of failures and experiment, then a happy, satisfied and endlessly grateful woman will lie next to you.

You can do it! And you will do it!

You drive like a girl!
- I don`t drive like a girl - I drive speed-level!

Oh, well, finally, a miracle happened! I watched this film, naturally - in the original language. I’ll say right away that I watched it because of Ian Somerhalder. If I didn't love him, I wouldn't know about this film at all. Hmm. So. I looked at it and saw not quite what I expected. In general, let's sort it out in order.

Ok. Well, 1st - we kiss. Then I touch her booms, then I kiss her booms, for a couple of minutes. Then we get naked and we kiss some more and I touch her in... special place and then we do it! For at least 5 or 6 minutes.

The first thing that impressed me, and probably what I liked the most, were the credits at the beginning of the film. They were very original, the best credits I've ever seen. Then... from the very beginning the film seemed quite funny, and this is a huge plus. I was able to relax. If we talk about this film in general, it is a real encyclopedia or instructions on how to have sex correctly. They will describe everything to you from “a to z”. Something like this.

After sex she read a magazine!
- Oh, fuck my ass! Are you serious?!

Now about the actors. I'll start with Krysten Ritter - I've seen her a couple of times already, but I've never noticed her acting. Now I really liked her - more than all the other girls in this film. A very nice girl, interesting, who really knows how to play. It is clear that it is an actress, and not just a name. Then - Ian Somerhalder, because of whom I watched this film. Well, just handsome. I almost went crazy when I saw him in a suit, so charming and attractive. He blows my mind;) I was finally able to hear his voice, without the stupid Russian translation - he plays perfectly with his voice, his feelings and in general - Ian is a great actor! The only thing is...I wasn't really into Josh Meyers. There was no spark in him that would make me believe him.

Sensual kissing is very important to make love to a woman.

The storyline was well written, I liked that everything was clear and precise. The theme of love, and separately the theme of sex, is well carried out. To be honest, I'm glad I watched it in English - my parents don't know it. I would be embarrassed to watch this movie with adults. He is too frank, although the name speaks for itself. I'm confused - I don't know whether to advise you to watch this film or not. If your favorite actor or actress plays here, watch it. If you have problems with sex, watch this. And for the rest... I won’t force this movie on them. If you want, take a look. If you don't want to, you won't lose much. Although the film is not bad, very good.

The main thing I want to say after watching this picture is guys, don’t forget to tell your girls that you love them.

P.S. But Ian is still the best ;)

Love is blind!

Main character

Unlikable, stupid, unattractive, unbalanced, jealous, but in love. True, this love manifests itself only in the fact that he repeats it to everyone except his girlfriend.


Cute, smart, attractive, balanced, understanding and loves the main character.

main character

She is pretty, smart, feminine, understanding, in love and is faced with a choice, and you need to choose from the two I described above. The choice is obvious - the main character!

If you think that this is a movie for a female audience, then you are mistaken. You could say that the filmmakers don't know anything about women. I wouldn't be so principled, but the format of the film tells me that the creators wanted to cover the whole problem of inter-gender relations. Again, cliches about how a man must be muscular, 25 centimeters tall, and must do this for a very long time. Add to this the man-hating girlfriends who talk like schoolgirls and you get a second-rate melodrama that, with a clear conscience, could not be filmed.

My mark

Because there are worse films.

How long have you been experimenting with intimate relationships with your loved one? You sighed in disappointment because you don’t remember how long ago it was... Then it’s time to take the situation into your own hands, stop waiting for your man to be the first to take the initiative. Let's see where to make love so that it is new, interesting, and exciting.

Where is the best place to make love?

I propose to consider the most exciting scenarios of intimate behavior. How many times will you sigh while looking at romantic scenes in movies? Let’s choose a script and act. So, we are looking for a suitable option for where to make love with your chosen one.

1. In the kitchen.

Everyone knows that you can pave the way to the heart through the stomach of the chosen one. Therefore, nothing will turn him on more than sex in an “edible” environment. The anticipation of a delicious dinner and a beloved woman flitting around the stove (and even in an enticing silk robe) are a delight for the male gaze. Remember the movie “The Postman Rings Twice”, spontaneous sex in the kitchen is exciting.

Let the man enjoy your kitchen talents and casually take off your robe, lean on the edge of the table and attract the man to you.

The advantages of this composition:

For her, the first third of the vagina is stimulated, which causes a fairly strong orgasm;

For him, strong stimulation can be achieved if the woman wraps her legs around her torso.

Enjoyment factor: This option is quite appropriate for short people; there is no muscle strain. And by turning your back to him, you will also get “dessert”.

2. On the chair.

A man occupies this attribute of furniture, usually in an attempt to relax. This is the best moment to take him by surprise. Put on transparent underwear and “ride” your prey with a mysterious, languid look. He simply will have nowhere to escape and will have to obey you. If you are looking for a place to make love at home, this is a great option.

The advantages of this composition:

For her, with his free hands he can stimulate the breasts, and when turning his back to his hero - the lover, both the breasts and the abdominal area can receive their share of affection.

For him, many men love this composition, since all the main “body movements” are performed by the woman, and he can easily “rest.”

Enjoyment factor: Try moving a large mirror to the chair in advance. The man will be delighted, because he will be both an observer and a direct participant at the same time.

3. On the sofa.

The advantages of this composition:

For her, this is the best composition for stimulating the G-spot, plus you won’t “light up” the bruise as much as on a chair, since the armrests won’t interfere with you.

For him, the visual pleasure of seeing you from behind will turn him on very much.

Enjoyment factor: It’s comfortable and pleasant for both, plus you can relax after sex without changing your “location.”

4. In the bathroom.

Where to make love at home if not in the bathroom. If you decorate your bathroom with candles, add a drop of perfume or aroma - oil and bubble bath - to the water.

The atmosphere itself will create a pleasant, intimate mood. In the fragrant foam, your touch will become tender and gentle. But only water creates some obstacle to “movement”.

The advantages of this composition:

For her - creating a romantic mood, the opportunity to relax in the bathroom “before sex”;

For him - light movements, no overload, but... resistance to the force of water can tire.

Enjoyment factor: This method is only suitable for very resilient people and... with a sense of humor to laugh at how they will have to balance together in the bathtub.

5. In the shower.

A shower head spray can be a very arousing and stimulating tool, especially when used as foreplay.

Gently and carefully soap each other, this will also become a sexual stimulant before direct sex. The pose options are very different - experiment.

The advantages of this composition:

For her, streams of water falling on excited skin increase arousal, plus wet female skin is incredibly sexy .

For him, wet female hands sliding over the body drive men crazy.

Enjoyment factor: the water is flowing, passions are heating up, as V.S. Vysotsky sang, take care of water procedures. Infinite - depends only on your physical fitness and availability of free time. The dream comes true: maximum ecstasy is achievable with minimal effort.

6. On the table.

A table in a large room (or even in an office) can be used not only for papers or serving holiday dishes - this was confirmed by Juliette Binoche’s own actions in “Damages”. Sit down on the edge of the table, leaning back languidly. Why not an invitation to a sensual feast? The wider the table, the more room for maneuver. The main thing is that the partner is tall enough.

The advantages of this composition:

For her - It couldn’t be more convenient. Especially if you manage to throw your boyfriend’s legs over his shoulders - and all the physical training. All you have to do is close your eyes and enjoy.

For him - Yes, and he won’t have to strain too much. He is free to move and can watch himself penetrate his partner - an action that is extremely exciting for any man!

7. On the floor

You're tired of the bed, you don't accept the "dampness" of the bathroom, then your option is "sex games"))) i.e. sex on the floor. Unlike a table and a chair, it can withstand anything. Plus, do I need to explain to you that there are poses that are only comfortable on the floor?

The advantages of this composition:

For her - you can try any position, only if the floor is clean))).

For him, it is easier to rest his hands on a hard surface when the man is on top.

Enjoyment factor:

Look at your apartment differently, you might want to change something.

When choosing where to make love at home, study your chosen one.

Sex can be draining and it can be fulfilling. The sexual gymnastics that most people now engage in have nothing in common with true lovemaking, which can lead a person to enlightenment and give cosmic states. How do you know if you're having the right sex? If after the act you are devastated and want to sleep, it means you have lost energy, not gained it. After proper intercourse, a man feels a huge surge of strength, he wants to create. And a woman, after proper intercourse, is in other dimensions with her consciousness, she is in incredible bliss, and her orgasm can last several hours.

One such act is enough for at least a month. That is, there is so much strength and bliss after it that the need for frequent sex disappears, which is very favorable. Because our body is not adapted for frequent intercourse. It takes 1 liter of blood to produce one drop of male semen. The body needs 30 days for this.

If a man often spends semen, the body begins to take energy from the brain. This is why a man’s memory begins to weaken and his mind fades over the years. (On sexual energy and ojas from the book “Aghora. On the Left Hand of God”:

According to ancient tantric teachings, a man should enter a woman only at her desire, when she initiates love play. If a woman really wanted her man, and did not just play along with his desire, then she is able to give him space, and herself be filled with divine energy during the act. A woman is 9 times more erotic than a man, which means that she needs much more time for foreplay, which a man needs to start several days before the act. Usually a man is busy thinking about satisfying his desire, he just needs release, and he treats a woman as an object of satisfaction of his feelings, and therefore he is not able to lift a woman to the pinnacle of bliss, and is not able to comprehend a true orgasm that will fill him with divine powers . But if a man experiences this once, he will not settle for less. And his goal will be the desire to give the highest pleasure to his woman, because her pleasure is transferred to him, and through love intercourse they both enter the space of cosmic mysteries.

The act of love should occur two to three days after the woman’s “women’s days” have ended, her body has been cleansed, and her sexuality has increased. A man can begin to actively court a woman. His task is to relax her as much as possible, to give her a feeling of being chosen, so that she herself wants him. It is better to devote the whole day to intercourse. Cook each other's favorite dishes, take a bath together, and use flowers, candles and incense to create a romantic atmosphere. A man must remember that a woman is many times sexier than him, and therefore her entire body is erogenous zones that need to be “turned on.” It is important for her to be stroked, caressed, kissed all over, and not just in the “right” places. Ancient traditions compared a woman to a stove that must be thoroughly heated. Because during the act, she takes the negative energy of the man and during orgasm burns it inside herself. If a man is only interested in satisfying his desire, and his woman does not experience orgasm, he will get a sick and angry wife who carries all his negativity inside her. Therefore, bringing a woman to orgasm is an important task for a loving man.

The leading and active role in sex is given to the woman. She is energy, she is Shakti, she is the one who dances. The man is Shiva, he enjoys observing his Shakti. With proper intercourse, a man begins to feel like God, holding in his hands the entire Universe, inside of which lightning rages and entire worlds are born. During orgasm, a woman’s consciousness flies into the space of the Vedas (Akashic Chronicles), which surround our planet. The Witch is the one who is able to receive knowledge from this space. A man can “stick” with his subtle body to a woman during her orgasm, and then she will lift him into this sacred field. This is how a man can achieve enlightenment through love for his woman. If he begins to perceive her as a Goddess and treat her as a Goddess, she will give him states of highest pleasure, she will give him the opportunity to possess divine energies, to become a true creator, strong, healthy and powerful.

The world-famous Kama Sutra was written more than 1,500 years ago by the sage Vatsiyana. It is noteworthy that this scripture is not just a collection of various poses for the art of love, but also an entire teaching intended to comprehend this art.

The sage did not distinguish between sexual pleasures and love as a feeling. In his mind, these are two inseparable things. That is why the concept of “making love” exists, and not just sex.

What is the difference between sex and lovemaking?

It is also interesting that the sage rightly believed that sexual interest without proper knowledge can cause some psychological disorders. Vaciyana was sincerely convinced that people should not only have sex, but also understand how to achieve pleasure on a mental and physical level.

If you turn to the pages of the Kama Sutra, you can find a lot about the teaching, as well as ways to comprehend the art of love. Couples who truly trust each other should try some new methods of achieving pleasure. This applies not only to intimate positions themselves, but also to foreplay., looks, conversations. The Kama Sutra and other similar teachings help to fully realize human potential in the sexual field.

To make love beautifully you need to be in harmony with yourself and your body, first of all. If this cannot be achieved, then you can resort to tricks. For example, imperfections in the figure are well hidden by linen, twilight or complete darkness. The latter, by the way, is often one of the most effective ways to reveal sexuality in shy and repressed people. Once harmony between spirit and body is achieved, you can begin to comprehend the art of love.

A few secrets of beautiful intimacy

Foreplay. First, it's a good way to get to know your partner, even if it feels like you've known him forever. Secondly, in this way you can experience pleasure without direct sex. And this, too, is the art of love, which not everyone knows. In addition to affection, words also participate in the process. Whispering, as a way of communication during lovemaking, helps to tune the body to a special erotic wave. And in some cases it helps to achieve orgasm at the most unexpected moment.

Atmosphere. For the art of love to be truly beautiful, you need to prepare for it. Not only physically, but also mentally. It is believed that one should not begin intimate relationships while in a bad mood. However, with the right attitude, it is possible to relieve the stress of the day. It is important to prepare not only yourself, but also to create the right atmosphere around you. Aromatherapy, stimulating music, proper lighting - all this helps to understand the language of love as best as possible.

Lately this topic " How to do this correctly"often becomes the main story in glamorous women's and men's magazines, is actively circulated on the Internet, and discussed in society. Hundreds of “gurus” are trying to teach naive humanity, how to do it right. will reveal this secret:

Descriptions of a wide variety of poses can be found both in the Kama Sutra and in numerous brochures published somewhere unknown. Famous sexologists devoted a significant part of their time to the study of these positions, which was caused by the desire to find the ideal position for mutual satisfaction of partners, depending on their physiological characteristics.

How to do it correctly: Face to face

This is a whole group of poses that give a person, during sex, first of all, a feeling of unity with his partner.

How to do it correctly: Woman on top

In principle, it is more physiological precisely because, as a rule, a woman is lighter than a man. However, with such contact of bodies, there is much less dense pressure on each other, and of course, the main activity is left to the partner. That is why in most sexological works this position is recommended for active women and tired men.

However, this is from the point of view of physiological expediency. But when psychology begins, conflicts of a specific nature arise. We will talk about this later, but it’s worth mentioning now that some of our men (especially those who consider themselves, as they say now, too “cool”), no matter how hard they work during the day, cannot allow their wife or girlfriend " sit on top!

Like, it humiliates his manhood. The only person with whom he can allow this to happen is with a prostitute, whom he allegedly initially humiliated by buying her, and at the same time he is no longer a “trampled man”, but a client-customer who can afford to lie quietly while the purchased lady working... You see how perceptions change depending on psychological and social accents! But in the technical disposition, in fact, nothing has changed.

And with such a distorted perception, difficulties arise both for men (who solve their intimate problems with their wives, but at the same time force themselves to move, or are left without the necessary release), and for wives who understand that their husband is tired, and happily took he would take everything into his own hands, but he doesn’t allow them to use this position...

How to do this correctly: Standing poses

It is believed that intimacy in such a position does not cause difficulties for partners only if they are suitable for each other in height, since discomfort or muscle tension often accelerates the onset of ejaculation in men, reducing the opportunity to experience sexual pleasure to the fullest. That is why the police refer to intimacy as “fleeting” sex.

However, if a man has sufficient physical strength, even a large difference in height is not an obstacle to receiving pleasure in the “standing position,” when a man commits intimacy by lifting a woman in his arms and holding her in the air. In this case, the smaller the partner, the easier it is for the partner to be intimate with her.

This position is used less often than other positions, and most often when more comfortable conditions are not available, and passion requires an outlet.

how to do all this correctly?

And one more feature

You don't need a bed for these poses. This is an ideal option for quick sex when partners do not have serious intentions.

How to do it correctly: Man from behind pose

Men love this position more; without seeing their partner’s face, they can fantasize.

Many women do not like this position because of its humiliating symbolism. For example, among monkeys, the weakest in the pack takes this position in front of the strong ones. Even if this position brings pleasure, the woman feels humiliated, which is why disharmony appears in bed.

How to do this correctly: Seated poses

The poses in this group are not as relevant as the others because they are uncomfortable. They are practiced more often for sophisticated or sophisticated sex. This position allows you to freely caress your breasts.

How to do it correctly: Man on top.

Of the face-to-face group, this is the most famous pose. The sensations received by partners can be very diverse. It can give some partners a feeling of unity, while other couples resort to it if the partner is indifferent or the man wants to express his power over her. If the goals pursued are different, then there can be no talk of joint satisfaction, no matter how well this position fits physiologically. If the partners’ views coincide, then this position may be ideal for them.

Search results for your query How to make love correctly: 1000 pages found.

    The situation. There is an ugly expression in our language... study love. How can study love? No one can " study love"However, the expression is used everywhere, and there is a reason for this. People try study love; even in love they remain those who... this is the greatest opportunity to know what it means to surrender. There are many tutorials on how to study love or how to achieve total orgasm and so on. It's amazing how people read things like this...

    In a moment you disappear. If you are, even if you are here, happiness becomes impossible. If you are you doing love with your lover if you really" are you doing" love, happiness will be out of reach. With love it is forbidden study. You may or may not be in love, but study love impossible. Love should not be harsh, rude, should not be a seizure or appropriation of a woman. Onslaught and quick retreat cannot be called...

    Adults need a reliable emotional connection with a partner. Remember: a mother looks at her child with the same love like two lovers looking at each other. Although in our culture it is believed that being dependent is bad, that it is weakness... a defensive position out of fear, or solve everything in the spirit of mutual understanding? Let's say your wife says: "I'm not really in the mood study love this night". You can take a deep breath, remember how much she loves you, and say, “Well...

    We often regard this categorically: this is the end of love. Meanwhile, in real life together people agree study(And are engaged) love not only in the presence, but sometimes in the absence of passionate desire. Nothing reprehensible - you just need to be careful... while trying to destroy the other - in this way everyone can heal the wounds inflicted on their pride. Such a " correct“aggressiveness will also affect sexual relationships, in which there will no longer be poison. Hold him/her This is...

    The partner is no longer there. For women it is easier to have this feeling because they are always are engaged love with eyes closed. It is better to keep your eyes closed while performing this technique. Only then... in a deep connection with existence itself, and the door, the other, is no longer there. The other is just a door. While studying love with a woman, you actually are you doing love with existence itself. Woman is only a door, man is only a door. The other is only a door to the whole...

    “I wouldn’t betray her,” he shrugs. “What else does she want?” Intimacy for Tom is study love two times a week. Marriage was an excuse for him to limit his growth. Tom and Deborah, both...our selfish attitudes and overcome vulnerability and fear of intimacy. When we we are doing love, we notice and touch Oneness with another. We learn not only to give or receive Love, but become With love. Relationships (of any kind) that are based on love, not desire...

) all night” - for many, such a statement causes either envy or distrust.

Psychological conditions

First of all, it is very important to understand: 100% participation and absolute trust of partners is an integral part of sexual intercourse. Psychological factors are key. It is necessary to become familiar with some psychological and physical techniques. This is very important if you plan to make love all night. Since physical activity alone is not enough, since if you fail to master some psychological aspects of treating a woman and self-control, then the result is often practically “zero”. Therefore, it is worth emphasizing the special importance of trust and emancipation.

To satisfy a girl, you need to relax her both physically and psychologically. Relax her body, then excite her, and only after that begin various manipulations with erogenous zones. It should be noted: " sexual intercourse“As such, this is an additional step, essentially representing stimulation of erogenous zones. It’s just that now this stimulation will be carried out in the form familiar to men (i.e. with the help of a penis).


If you want to make love all night long, then in addition to the above aspects, foreplay is extremely important. Take the initiative, use different positions. It is important to start with long and sensual foreplay. The difference between foreplay and regular sex is that it should last much longer and be divided into parts. Foreplay is the art of expressing love as well as an invitation to sexual activity.

Knowing your partner's peak limit plays a huge role, as at a certain point you can help slow down her/his orgasm. This is a very sensitive moment. It is impossible to make love all night long if the partners do not take turns taking the initiative. There are many positions, changing which during sex, either a man or a woman dominates. If one partner leads, then he must help restrain the desire of the other so that the highest point is not reached too early.


Having sex all night does not mean that one sexual act should last 8-10 hours in a row. Long term sex It happens with partners who pay a lot of attention to each other, arrange foreplay, and play various sexual games. Sex all night is a kind of game that is possible if the couple has mutual interest and desire, and not something organized on the control of their body and mastery of sex techniques. Contrary to misconceptions, the possibility of multiple sexual acts for the most part depends on a person’s emotions and feelings, and not on his physical and sexual strength.

Too much importance is attached to the duration of sexual intercourse. For example, it is believed that only a man who can withstand at least an hour of continuous “marathon in bed” can satisfy a woman. But is it!? Swiss sexologists conducted a practical (i.e., subjects timed themselves and then wrote about their impressions) and sociological research. It turned out that the average duration of sexual intercourse is from 7 to 15 minutes, and sexual intercourse up to half an hour is considered long. However, many admitted that more than 30 minutes is too long and exhausting. After all, the main thing is not the duration, but how and under what conditions this happens.

The material was prepared by Natalya KOVALENKO. Website illustrations: © 2015 Thinkstock.

So, making love involves the use of various sexual games and techniques. Foreplay plays a special role in this; it allows the couple to tune in, getting maximum pleasure from the process. Without foreplay, it’s hard to call sex lovemaking.

Even passionate lovemaking should not be energetic and fast, because after exciting sexual games, the “heat” of the partners will add passion, such intimacy will be remembered for a long time.

So if you decide to master lovemaking, then read the relevant literature, find out how you can give your partner maximum pleasure before sexual intercourse begins.

How to make love romantically

Many ladies lack romance in marriage. Romantic lovemaking should begin long before the couple gets into bed. The touching nature of the moment is very important here, your spiritual closeness - all this evokes a desire to connect, and not the usual carnal desire.

So you need to organize a full-fledged date - have a picnic, sit in a restaurant, spend time in nature. Ordinary romantic attributes will not be superfluous: beautiful table setting, a little wine, beautiful fragrant candles.

Better yet, turn off your phones so that nothing distracts you from your partner. Talk about your goals, dreams, plans, remember how you met. After such a dinner, sexual intercourse will turn out to be tender, romantic and delightful. This will be exactly making love. And, of course, don’t forget about sensual music and dim lighting during intimacy.
