How to paint a scary face. Halloween vampire male image

The article describes in detail several options for Halloween makeup: from light to the most terrible. Halloween makeup options.


The terrible holiday of Halloween is celebrated today in most countries. He is liked by many for his originality, as well as the opportunity to have fun. Terrifying costumes against the backdrop of creepy decor will make many afraid. But the image for the holiday must be supplemented with a frightening make-up. To do this, it is not necessary to go to the master in a beauty salon. You can make your own Halloween makeup.

First of all, you need to think over the whole image: from the costume to the make-up with the behavior at the event. To do this, find out the theme of the party, it will help determine your hero. Then look at ready-made costume and makeup options on the Internet. When choosing an image for yourself on Halloween, remember the main motto of the holiday - the scarier your appearance, the better!

  • Regardless of the chosen pattern on the face, you will need to imitate blood. You can replace it with bright red lipstick, but it is much better to use raspberry syrup, red jelly, or a liquid mixture of gelatin and dye for this.
  • From cosmetics, you will need shadows of different colors, the lightest shade of face powder, long-lasting mascara with mega volume or false eyelashes.
  • For a romantic holiday look, get a jar of loose glitter to match your costume and makeup. Bright grains will add shine to your character and emphasize individuality.
  • Since the makeup will be used on the entire face, as well as on some parts of the body, you will need a make-up base and an eyeshadow base. These tools will help keep the drawing until the end of the holiday.
  • Eyeliner for arrows can emphasize not only the eyes, but also draw other makeup details, such as freckles and smudges on the face. Therefore, purchase this tool, but only a bright shade.
  • If you still don't have a set of makeup brushes and a makeup sponge, then Halloween is a good excuse to get them. For applying terrible makeup, they will be needed to create the desired relief.

If you haven't chosen your Halloween face makeup yet, then take a closer look at the photo. Maybe from the examples given, you will find your own option.

Halloween makeup tricks

When creating an image, it is important to consider every little thing. You can make applying makeup easier and prolong its durability with the help of small tricks.

  • When using a lot of makeup, it is important to protect some sensitive areas on the face. Before applying paints with cosmetics, lubricate the eyebrows and hair roots with petroleum jelly or a greasy cream. This procedure will protect them from staining and discoloration.
  • Normal make-up needs to hide dark circles under the eyes, but the opposite is needed for a holiday. To create dark circles under the eyes, first apply red shadows along the lower lash line, then purple and black. After that, blend the makeup with a sponge.
  • You can create the effect of chapped lips by mixing light lipstick with dark shades. Apply the mixture to well-moisturized lips.
  • Fake blood can also be made from a mixture of red lipstick, black liner and lip gloss. To create blood splatters on the face, use a loose powder brush. Apply the mixture, bring it to your face and spread the villi with your hand in the opposite direction.
  • To complement the look of lost teeth, use a waterproof gel eyeliner. Wipe your teeth with an alcohol-based product, then blot with a tissue and immediately paint them with black eyeliner. Let the makeup dry without covering your mouth.
  • For the image of a mermaid, it is necessary to apply a pattern in the form of scales to the skin. You can quickly do this with the help of nylon tights with a large mesh. Attach them to the face, apply shadows on top.

  • Lace can act as a stencil for an interesting pattern. Also apply it to the skin and use liquid cosmetics on top.

  • To keep dry glitter on your skin longer, apply a layer of Vaseline before using it. Then, with a thick brush, draw the desired pattern.

  • To create a lacerated wound with the effect of infection, purchase red yarn. Dissolve the threads into thinner strips and fix them on the skin with PVA glue.

How to do light makeup for Halloween

On the spookiest holiday, the face may not be so scary. After all, it is not necessary to be a vampire, a werewolf or a ghost. You can choose any fairy-tale character for yourself, for example, a little mermaid, Batman or a scarecrow from the Emerald City.

How to Draw Scarecrow Face for Halloween

  • You will not need special skills to decorate your face for a party, as well as special makeup. First, prepare your face: apply foundation, foundation and powder the skin on top.
  • With bright lipstick or liquid shades of red, draw blush in the form of identical circles and a triangle with rounded corners. Paint your lips the same color.

  • On the upper eyelid, first apply brown shadow, then create a white streak near the lash line. Draw regular arrows with liquid eyeliner. Then use the same tool to create cracks in the form of strips with a pointed end.

  • Glue artificial eyelashes to make your eyes expressive. With a black eyeliner, create an outline at the triangle on the nose. Draw seams over it. You will get a kind of sewn-on patch.

  • Also move the black strip from the corner of the mouth to the middle of the cheek. Then draw lines on it. For a doll effect, create spots of glitter. Use the lightest pencil for this.

How to paint a face in the form of a comic book character for Halloween

Comic book makeup is gaining more and more popularity on Halloween. You can make such a drawing at home with ordinary facial cosmetics.

  • Treat your face in the usual way for you. Start makeup with eyeliner with arrows. For this, a black liner in liquid form or a regular eyeliner is suitable for you. Apply mascara, draw eyebrows with a black pencil.

  • Now with dark makeup you need to create facial lines, like a comic book hero. With a black pencil, draw wide stripes on the cheekbones, along the chin and on top of the nose. Repeat all the lines that are shown in the photo. With liquid eyeliner, draw a second line on the upper eyelid above the arrow and add 2 triangles under the lower lashes.

  • Apply red dots all over your face with a cosmetic pencil. To make them the same size, cut off the tip of the core and simply apply cosmetics to the skin. Paint your lips the same color.

  • Draw a black outline along the lip line. To give credibility to the cartoon character, make traces of gloss on the lips with a white pencil.

How to do elaborate makeup for Halloween

For maximum authenticity of the chosen hero, a more complex make-up is needed for the holiday. But for its application it is not necessary to turn to the services of professionals. Chilling makeup you can do at home.

Female Halloween Vampire Makeup

No horror party is complete without vampires. They are very popular, so choosing the image of a bloodsucker, you definitely will not lose.

  • To complement the vampire makeup, you will need special lenses, which can be purchased at optical stores. But before buying them, consult an optometrist to determine the exact size of the accessory.
  • Vampires have fair skin, so you'll need powder 2 or 3 shades lighter than your regular makeup. It is best to use theatrical makeup. Apply it first to the nose area, then spread over the cheeks to the temples. Pay special attention to the T-zone, as cosmetics will be more noticeable on it.
  • Use white glitter shadows on the upper eyelid and blend them, filling the space to the eyebrow. Point the arrows with brown shadows and tint the lower eyelid.

  • To add fatigue to the eyes, apply red shadows in the form of wide arrows along the line of the eyelids. Highlight them with black makeup. Now make up the usual arrows with helium eyeliner.

  • After eye makeup, coat your lashes with several coats of mascara to create volume. You can also use false eyelashes. Highlight the lower eyelid with a dark pencil. For eyebrows, also use dark colored gels.

  • Draw a line along the cheekbones with brown shadows. Connect the lips into a tube, with a wide brush, apply the product along the line from the cheek to the temple.

  • Lips also need to be highlighted in dark color. If you do not have such lipstick, then use black eyeliner. But apply it only along the outer contour of the lips, and paint over the inner area with red lipstick.

  • You can complement the image with false teeth with large fangs and a dark cape.

Halloween Woman Ghost Makeup

Another traditional Halloween character is the ghost. Face painting will take you no more time than a vampire. For a costume, any white hoodie and wig with blonde hair will do, or wear a hood.

  • Before applying make-up, smear your face with a moisturizer, as it dries out the skin. On Halloween, a white face can be made into the lightest foundation or makeup. Using a sponge, spread the product evenly over the entire face. To fix it, gently go over the skin with a brush with powder.

  • Fill the upper eyelid with purple shadows. Emphasize the lower eyelid with them as well. Apply a darker shade of makeup to the outer corner of the eye. To give an intimidating look, use shades of brown with a red tint, which you need to draw dark circles under the eyes.

  • Apply white mascara to your lashes or stick on false eyelashes with silver villi. Line the cheekbones with purple shadows. Use a wide brush to apply. Line your lips with a light purple pencil to slightly outline the relief.

  • In addition to the ghost costume, do not forget to make intimidating movements and say phrases in a rough voice.

Halloween Witch Makeup

But still, one of the main characters for women on Halloween is a witch. Her makeup has several options, but the image of the evil witch from The Wizard of the Emerald City is most often used.

  • Prepare your face. Then apply green makeup. This time, use the product not only on the face, but also on the neck. Use a damp sponge.

  • Highlight the cheekbones with a dark green base, and also apply the product to the nose and chin. To fix the makeup, use loose powder of the desired shade.

  • For eye makeup, use shades of emerald color. Apply this shade to the corners of the eyelid, and also touch up the wings of the nose. With a gray pencil or shadows, paint over the line near the cilia. Give your eyes a sparkle with gold glitter.

  • Draw arrows with black eyeliner. Use false eyelashes to create volume for the eyes. Additionally, do not use mascara. Line the eyebrows with a dark pencil.

  • With golden eyeliner, apply a stain to the inner corner of the eyelid. Emphasize the line of the cheekbones with shadows of a dark green shade, and apply a highlighter above them.

  • Instead of lipstick, use a lavender pencil and outline with purple.

  • For the witch character, you will need a tall black hat and a wig with long dark hair.

How to do scary Halloween makeup

Many people like characters from the underworld. You can draw a scary face at home. You yourself can try on yourself the image with a pale face, with a sewn mouth and bulging eyes.

  • Cleanse your skin and apply moisturizer. Use white powder instead of foundation. Blend thoroughly all over your face.

  • With gray shadows, draw bruises under the eyes and on the upper eyelid. Use a fluffy brush for this to cover a large area of ​​the skin with a cosmetic product.

  • Draw a stitched mouth with black liquid liner. First, put three dots on the cheek along the line of the picture, then connect them.

  • To simulate stitches, add vertical stripes to the line in a chaotic manner. As you get closer to the ears, reduce their length. In the same way, draw the seams on the lips.

  • To emphasize the black seam, apply white cosmetics between the stitches. Blend with a soft brush.

  • With a red lip liner, draw droplets of blood that seep through the scar on the skin.

  • Apply plenty of black eyeliner to your eyes to make them stand out as much as possible.

  • During the party, try to talk less, do not forget - you have a sewn mouth!

How to do terrible Halloween makeup with a fake wound

If you are going to the creepiest party with zombie characters, then you need to decorate your face with lacerations. You will need more time to create such an image than a simple make-up with cosmetics.

  • You will need to additionally purchase liquid latex. Separately, soak cotton pads in water. After a day, tear them with your hands into small pieces.

  • Determine the size of the wound on the face and place small pieces of cotton around its perimeter. Additionally, create torn pieces that will hang from the skin.

  • With a damp sponge, apply liquid latex all over the wound and the skin around it. Pay special attention to its middle.

  • Leave the mixture to dry a little, but not completely. While the latex is still wet, cut it down the center and fold the edges up. Do not touch the pieces that remain on the skin, they will give the wound the necessary structure.

  • On a completely dry base, apply foundation to match your skin tone. First use a sponge for this, then paint over the missing places with a brush.

  • On the face it is necessary to make the appearance of a bruise. With dark shadows draw bruises near the eyes and mouth. With a lighter shade, apply spots on clean skin of the face.

  • Paint over the center of the wound with bright red makeup or liquid shadows. Use a wide brush for this.

  • Around the edges of the wound, create a depth that will highlight the torn pieces of meat and skin. Apply products with a dark red tint in such places. Or mix red and purple shadows.

  • Make your own blood using the methods described above. In this case, the mixture needs to be thicker and more sticky so that it does not drain from the face. Apply blood to the deepest parts of the wound.

  • To create light smudges, spray water onto the blood through a spray bottle. You will need very little liquid. Otherwise, all makeup will drain.

How to paint a man's face for Halloween

There are also plenty of male negative characters, so you won’t have any problems choosing an image for the holiday. Halloween men's makeup can be done with theatrical makeup or a black cosmetic pencil.

Halloween vampire male image

Vampires are especially popular not only among girls, but also among guys. Making a blood-sucking demon makeup is not difficult, even for those men who do not understand cosmetics.

  • First prepare your face. Apply the lightest shade of tint to it. You can do this with your fingers.

  • Then the upper eyelid must be painted with black shadows. Do this randomly, as in the end you will need to blend the product and mix the shades.

  • Apply brown shadow to the skin under the eyes. Pay special attention to the place along the line of bruises.

  • To enhance the outline of the oval of the face, highlight the cheekbones with a gray shade of shadows and use a large brush for this.

  • Color the upper eyelid purple. Now with a soft brush, blend the makeup, while mixing all the shades.

  • The final stage is red lipstick and blood flowing from the lips. Instead of lipstick, you can use artificial blood or any scarlet syrup.

Zombie character for halloween man

For those who love films about the apocalypse, the image of a zombie is suitable. To create it, in addition to cosmetics, you will need napkins and a paper coffee filter.

  • Soften the paper with water, tear into pieces and stick on the cheeks in an asymmetrical pattern. Expand the filter and fix it on the face in the same way, but only covering one eye.
  • When the paper is dry, apply foundation on it, and on top of it, bloody smudges. Color the nose and second eye with black eyeliner or use makeup. So visually you will have a bruise under the eye, and the tip of the nose will disappear. On the free space between the laceration and the skin, apply a splash of blood with a brush with large bristles.
  • Or just paint your face with white makeup and small wounds with blood.

Halloween Men's Makeup Ideas

If you're having trouble applying makeup at all, then just paint the tire mark with black eyeliner. On the computer, find the rubber pattern, print it out and transfer the pattern to the skin. Just on the other side of the face, do not forget to draw a bruise.

Well, the simplest drawing on the face for Halloween can be blood that flows from the corner of the mouth. With your finger, gently apply red jelly not only on the lips, but also make smudges on the neck.

For the coolest party, it is best to use the services of professionals. They will be able to create any terrible image for you.

How to do Halloween makeup for teenagers

There are many examples of how to paint a face for adults. Teenagers can also choose such themes, but to stand out among your peers, use unusual Halloween makeup.

  • Before applying professional cosmetics, the face must be well moisturized and then applied with a nourishing cream. The skin of a teenager is very sensitive to cosmetics.

  • You will need special silicone pads and makeup glue, which are sold in souvenir shops. First install false teeth on the lips. They will give you the opportunity to talk freely during the party.

  • Then glue the laceration on the right cheek, press the silicone well and wait for the glue to dry.

  • Comb your hair back, put on the head of a clown with bright hair on top. To prevent the makeup from moving, fix it on your forehead with glue. Glue the swollen cotton along the lines where the silicone meets the skin. Let the material dry.

  • Now you need to apply a thick layer of white makeup on the entire face. A fluffy brush will help you to thoroughly blend the product.

  • With a black pencil or liquid eyeliner, highlight the eyes of the clown. First mark the borders with dots, then connect them and fill the shape with color.

  • Apply artificial blood to lacerations, and bruise with red lipstick or liner. Also, don't forget to paint in a darker shade on the indentations on the wound to create the effect of torn skin.

  • All that remains to be done is to put on a clown costume and spill blood on him. Expanded eyes can give your character a frightening look. Keep this in mind when interacting with peers at a party.

How to make your child Halloween makeup

Children love the holiday just as much as adults. They dress up with pleasure and rush to demand their sweets. On Halloween, the face of the little ones is more cute than scary. Therefore, children's makeup is very different from an adult.

Halloween vampire child character

  • Vampire themes are loved by children, especially boys. Moms can do this makeup on their own. Whiten your face with makeup or a light-colored powder. At the same time, paint over the eyebrows.

  • With a black pencil, draw eyebrows in the form of a corner.

  • Line the child's eyes with a red liner along the lower lash line.

  • With red lipstick, paint the lips and two lines from them in the form of flowing drops of blood.

  • Don't forget to add fangs and a cloak with a high collar to the look.

Fun Halloween Makeup for Toddlers

Most often, face painting or face crayons are used to create the image of children. Such products are absolutely safe for children, as they are made from environmentally friendly materials and are hypoallergenic.

  • Fairy is most often chosen as Halloween face makeup for girls. It is performed in the form of a butterfly, the wings of which are drawn on the eye area. With white make-up, apply the foundation for the wings around the eyes. Draw multi-colored spots on their sides, and put a few bright dots on the nose.
  • With a thin brush, circle the wings along the contour with black paint. Also draw the body of the butterfly on the nose. Line your lips with bright glossy lipstick.

  • If you find it difficult to draw a line on the wings of a butterfly, then use simple drawings on the child's face. For example, it can be a delicate wreath of a forest fairy, a cheerful imp, Batman, a clown with a big lollipop or a spider-man, and even a rocket with a rainbow.

  • For those parents who do not know how to do children's makeup, it is worth using the services of professionals.

As you can see, you can create any Halloween character yourself and at home. To do this, first decide on the image and proceed to the makeup on the face. Merry holiday!

For more information about creating terrible faces for Halloween, see the video:


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Autumn brings into our lives not only rainy days and yellow foliage, it also gives us an unusual Halloween holiday. Recently, this Western holiday has been successfully merging into our culture. And if you decide to go to such a party, then the main question arises - how to paint your face on Halloween. Indeed, in addition to the costume, makeup remains a significant element of the holiday. A little imagination, and you will get a wonderful make-up. But if time is running out, trust our recommendations on how to paint your face for Halloween at home.

How to paint a face for Halloween at home (with photo)

Before you paint your face for Halloween, you need to pick up materials. Ordinary paints are dangerous because they can cause allergies and leak at the most inopportune moment. A good alternative would be face painting. In addition, you won’t have to look for it for a long time, it is sold in every stationery store. Prepare a sponge and brush for applying paint. Before applying any pattern, the skin must be prepared by degreasing it with alcohol or a special solution. Otherwise, you risk getting skin irritation or even a chemical burn.

How to paint a gothic Halloween face

This is already a classic makeup for transforming into witches, a black widow or other mistress of darkness.

Halloween gothic face painting is ready! It remains to choose the appropriate costume and you can safely go to scare passers-by.

How to decorate a face for Halloween in the form of a skeleton (with photo).

Despite everything, this is a common Halloween makeup option, it remains quite complex and painstaking. Haste here will be superfluous, but the result will exceed all expectations.

If you have an open suit, then we apply a bone pattern on the neck. We figured out how to decorate a Halloween face in the form of a skeleton. The work, of course, is laborious, but the result is worth it.

You can also paint your face on Halloween into characters from comics and films (photo).

After the holiday is over, you need to return to the world of the living again. You can remove makeup with a special milk or plain water and soap. Wet the face with water and use a sponge and soap to remove the paint from the face. After washing, in order to avoid irritation, we wipe the face with alcohol or a special tonic.

5 unusual bookmarks for books with your own hands

A universal selection of gift ideas for every occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

Greetings, dear friends! Today I will tell you how to complement your Halloween outfit with original makeup. Drawings on the face for Halloween can be very different, ranging from the simplest patterns to bones or seams.

This holiday came to us relatively recently, but has already managed to win the hearts of many. Most of all in our country, young people (especially informal subcultures) and teenagers like to celebrate it. In America, Halloween is celebrated by everyone, from the youngest children to the elderly. I suggest you take a closer look at the ideas of a beautiful holiday makeup. Do not forget to do an allergy test before painting your face. It is enough to apply a little paint on the wrist and wait a couple of hours.

What you need to create face painting for Halloween

A very good assistant in this matter is face painting, it is often used by professional makeup artists. If you decide to paint yourself at home, you can easily buy it at any cosmetic store. You can do without face painting, using only decorative cosmetics. So, before you start painting your face, you should have a rough list of the following things in your arsenal:

  • pencils (for eyes, eyebrows, lips);
  • lipstick;
  • shadows;
  • sponges;
  • decorative sequins;
  • cotton buds;
  • gouache;
  • makeup brush set.

Beautiful ideas for girls

The Internet is replete with a variety of types of makeup for Halloween. And we share with you a whole heap!

The most common images that girls try on are:

  • nurse killer;
  • witch;
  • Catwoman;
  • doll;
  • vampire.

To get started, let's look at easy makeup ideas that any beginner can handle:

Now I bring to your attention more complex ideas on how to decorate your face for Halloween. Most often, to make such drawings on the face, people turn to professionals. If you are good at drawing, you can try to do it yourself.

sugar skull. This art is very popular and looks very awesome.

Half makeup. The skeleton is a Halloween classic.


Unbuttoned face. The zipper, which is unbuttoned right in the middle of the face, will make your costume one of the most unusual at the holiday.

At least one witch woman will always attend a Halloween party. These witches will drive any sorcerer crazy. You can additionally decorate the image with special stickers for Halloween in the form of stars, spiders, etc. In the photo we see that the painting affected not only the face, it smoothly turns into body painting.

Separately, I would like to note the variety of patterns on the lips. Today, professional makeup artists will fulfill your every whim and can repeat any picture-idea downloaded from the Internet that you ask them for. Here are some cool Halloween ideas:

Face drawings for kids

Children are always not averse to having fun, they will undoubtedly be delighted if they are offered to make some kind of funny drawing on their faces. By the way, it is not necessary to draw otherworldly creatures and scary faces, you can just make beautiful and cute makeup that will complement the image of the baby.

The child will definitely have a lot of impressions, and so that they remain not only in memory, but also on paper, you can arrange a thematic photo shoot.

It is most convenient to use face painting for coloring children.

Ideas for girls

Ideas for boys

Boys often love images of different superheroes, if you can't draw, it doesn't matter. You can print a stencil and draw a Batman mask or any other mask with it.

Best Face Painting Ideas for Guys

As a rule, men on this holiday usually wear costumes of negative characters. The most popular types of Halloween makeup among guys are:

  • joker;
  • skeleton;
  • dracula;
  • vampire.

Let's first look at simple options for beginners. If you are new to drawing, but still want to create a drawing on the face with your own hands, then the following options will suit you:

  • Joker. This makeup is performed in stages, first you should make your face white. White paint can be bought at the store, or you can make it yourself from starch and baby cream in a ratio of 3 to 1. We paint the entire face completely white, then outline the area around the eyes with a black pencil and paint over it with shadows of the same color. We take red paint or lipstick and draw the famous joker smile. You can complete the look by dyeing your hair green with hair crayons.

  • Another simple look that won't take long to fiddle with is vampire. One has only to shade the brown or dark gray shadows around the eyes and draw flowing blood, using lipstick or dye. To make your face pale, you can make up with white paint or powder a couple of tones lighter than your skin.

  • like this scary skull almost everyone can do it, it is enough to have the necessary paints, cosmetics and a little patience in the arsenal.

We will need:

  • white makeup;
  • black pencil;
  • black eye shadow

We paint the whole face in white, circle the area around the eyes by about 1 cm with a pencil and paint over with black shadows or with the same pencil. Half of the nose should also be painted black. Now we proceed to the lips, first we draw a straight line, then we make markings for each tooth and gradually draw the teeth. The gaps from the ears to the mouth are highlighted in black.

Now let's move on to more cool and original types of drawings on the face:

  • Lock. If you do everything right, then you will definitely take first place in the costume contest.

We will need:

  • tone cream;
  • 30 g of gelatin;
  • lightning;
  • scissors;
  • stirring stick and dilution container;
  • 4 different brushes;
  • powder;
  • napkins;
  • paint (black and red).

Pour the gelatin into a mug and pour boiling water over it. Stir and add foundation, let the liquid cool. We tear the napkins into pieces and put them aside.

We put on a hat and fasten a towel on our chest so as not to stain our clothes. We take a zipper and cut the fabric on the sides from above. We dip the brush into gelatin and apply it to the bridge of the nose. We apply a zipper and wait until it sticks (about 5 minutes).

Now we apply gelatin around the entire perimeter where the lightning will pass and glue it. We smear gelatin on a fabric with a zipper in the cheek area, glue napkins to it and smear them on top with a mixture of gelatin. We take a foundation and cover the entire face.

Break the powder into a powder and apply a thick layer on top of the tonal foundation. Now we moisten a cotton pad with alcohol and remove the excess from under the zipper. We apply red and black paint to the desired area, gently shade it and wait until it dries.

  • As they say, scars adorn the man. I bring to your attention various scars ideas that will be a great addition to a scary costume. Drawing them yourself is difficult, but you can try.

  • Wounds, abrasions, burns and cuts- this is the best thing you can think of as a drawing on the face for All Saints Day. You can draw anything, from small cuts in the skin to large wounds, without skin, where you can see the muscles and blood. Usually they paint all this beauty with paints, if you want a quality work done, contact a professional, because. it is quite difficult to do it yourself without experience and preliminary preparation.

On this I say goodbye to you dear friends, I wish you all the very best. Do not forget to subscribe to my updates and share with your friends on social networks interesting news from my blog.

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoreva

After all, this is such a unique opportunity to scare annoying neighbors, have fun, earn a bunch of sweets and fool around. Not only children, but also students and adults take part in the holiday. However, there is one thing! If you want to be truly terrifying, halloween coloring book should match this.

How to choose makeup

Due to the complexity of applying make-up, many people refuse it altogether, preferring the original T-shirt or ready-made suit. But makeup is something without which a real holiday is impossible! Especially since halloween face painting won't take long. This is a matter of practice. Conventional theatrical makeup is not suitable for several reasons. It is difficult to use, the face under it sweats a lot, so the holiday will turn into a continuous torment.

The best makeup is ordinary watercolors. Once applied, it will not smudge, the skin underneath will not itch, and if you avoid water, the makeup will not let you down at the most crucial moment. You can wash it off in one minute after the holiday, but for theatrical makeup you need to use Vaseline, etc.

Your image

First you need to choose which character you are going to dress up: evil or good. Traditionally, children prefer monsters and evil heroes. Because Winnie the Pooh and Heel have nothing to do on this holiday. Sometimes, as a contrast, a girl can choose an angel or fairy costume.


How to decorate your face for Halloween in this case? The burning eyes of the witch should be huge and green (black). The first is achieved by applying makeup (black shadows). The layer must be sufficient. The second is contact lenses of the corresponding color. Make your face pale or don't touch it. Some witches prefer bright green face paint.

Outline your lips with a black pencil or use dark brown, and preferably black lipstick. The witch's hair must be straight. On the head is a large wide-brimmed hat. The hoodie is long. If a beautiful young girl needs an image, the witch can be dressed in a provocative short black dress with a lace scarf around her neck.


If you don't know how face painting for halloween, try image of a vampire. Firstly, now their popularity has increased immensely, and secondly, this image suits a lot of people. So, you need to circle your eyes with black eyeliner, and bend the corner to the eyelid. Shadows are scarlet or bright pink.

Bright scarlet lipstick the color of blood on the lips. Regardless of gender, you still have to use lipstick. To make your face look pale, cover it with an appropriate foundation or light-colored loose powder. The vampire's skin is light, but not deathly pale. Nail polish is scarlet. Vampire teeth are a favorite decoration of children at will, it is inconvenient to walk in them for a long time.


The image is suitable for boys and girls. How to paint your face for Halloween to be like a ghost? The face is painted with white watercolor paint, the eyes are outlined in black in the form of small circles, and then completely painted over with it. Draw black triangles on the nostrils. Cover the lips with white paint, circle the outline with black. When the white paint is dry, paint the teeth with black. A long hoodie completes the look.


You can use light green and brownish paints on the cheeks and forehead. Paint the wound with red paint. Stick a piece of leather-like material there, dyed brown. This will be the lagging dead flesh.

Come up with your own images, practice and everything will work out.

Things to do with children: let's go caroling!

Are the kids bored after the fun holidays? Then go caroling with them! There are a few more days before the end of Christmas week (January 19), and we advise you to spend them brightly, cheerfully, in Russian traditions! Ready?

What are carols?

Kolyada among the ancient Slavs is a holiday of the born sun, the birthday of the solar year. Over time, caroling became closely associated with the glorification of Christ. At Christmas they went with their children, carried a “nativity scene” with them, showed performances on gospel stories. And today, dressed up adults and children walk around the yards and with the help of short songs - carols - wish the owners happiness and prosperity in the new year. Caroling means going from house to house, singing special ritual songs and getting a tasty treat for it.

How many people do you need?

To carol you need to gather in a group of at least 3 people. The head of the carolers is the star. He goes first and carries the star. Also in the group of carolers there should be a ringer. This person carries a large bell and announces by ringing that carolers are coming. The third role is a mechonosha. This person carries a bag where the owners of the houses that the carolers enter throw their gifts (sweets, money). They throw it, since the mekhonosha and other members of the company of carolers should not take gifts from the hands of those who treat.

How to make a star of Bethlehem?

In order for the tradition of caroling to be observed to the end, you need to make a star and go home with it. It can be cut out of thick cardboard and decorated with sparkles, broken Christmas tree decorations, or simply painted in gold. To make a star, you will need: a long stick, strong cardboard (silver or gold with sides of 40 cm), rope or strong thread, ruler, double-sided tape or hot glue (silicone), rain for decoration or tape.
Step 1. We take our cardboard and draw it in the shape of an octagon. We paint with gold paint.
Step 2. We attach rain to the ends of the golden star using double-sided tape or silicone glue. It's like one of the decor options. The star can be decorated in any way. A matter of your imagination.
Step 3. In the middle of the star or on one of the ends, we make two parallel holes. We thread a thread into them and tie them tightly to a stick on the back so that they don’t fly off on the street.
Step 4. The thread and holes can be covered with serpentine or rain. And your Christmas star is ready.

How to dress up?

It will be very cool if you get a Russian folk costume or buy beautiful masks for caroling. In children, various dressing up causes great delight. The simplest outfit is a sheepskin coat or a fur coat inside out and a colorful grandmother's scarf. New Year's costumes of animals will also come in handy: a bear, a wolf, a kid. Horns made of any material look very appropriate and traditional in a costume. If the image of a bear is chosen from all the options, then you will need a real skin. Put a brown hat on your head and a bear mask on your face. You can wear a national costume for carols. You will need a shirt or embroidered shirt, a skirt made of red or blue fabric, an apron, a wide belt that you can make yourself from any piece of fabric, a sheepskin coat will also come in handy. They can be a sheepskin coat, a fur coat or other fur products, the main thing is to see the national color. On the head there may be a scarf of bright colorful colors or a hoop of flowers. You can assemble it yourself. For the base, a regular hairband is suitable, on which you can attach artificial flower buds and ribbons.

How to bake goats?

Kozuli are ceremonial cookies made from wheat or rye flour, most often in the form of sheep, cows, horses. They are baked specifically as a gift for carolers. So if you are going not only to carol, but also to receive guests, be sure to bake them. Here is the prescription.
You will need:
5 st. sugar (1 tbsp for glaze and 4 tbsp for dough);
2.5 st. water (1.5 tbsp. - in the dough, 1 tbsp. - in the glaze);
3 eggs;
5 egg yolks (for dough);
2 egg whites (for frosting)
0.5 tsp salt;
2 tsp soda;
2-3 tbsp. l. spices for dough (cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, ground cloves in proportions to your taste);
2 drops of vinegar essence in glaze;
1.5-1.8 kg of flour.

Melt 2 cups of granulated sugar over low heat. For this, it is best to use thick-bottomed dishes. Without removing the melted sugar from the heat, carefully pour 1.5 cups of boiling water into it in very small portions. Constantly stir the sugar mass with a wooden spoon until smooth. Add 2 more cups of sugar, continuing to slowly stir the mass with a spoon. Remove sugar syrup from heat and add 400 g of margarine to it, mix. Pour everything into a deep saucepan and set to cool. Beat 5 yolks and 3 eggs. Pour the egg mass into the cooled sugar syrup with margarine, add salt, soda and a mixture of spices for the dough. Knead the dough, gently and gradually adding wheat flour to the mass. You should not be embarrassed by the fact that the dough is very sticky to your hands. After insisting, it will become more elastic, similar to plasticine. But you should not add extra flour at the kneading stage - the roes will turn out to be too hard. The finished dough must be infused in a cold place for at least 12 hours. You can endure it for days. Roll out the dough into a layer 0.5-0.7 cm thick. Using ready-made or home-made cardboard templates, cut out figures from it. Bake roes at a temperature of 180-200 ° C until cooked. Prepare the icing for the goats. To do this, carefully beat 2 egg whites. Boil the syrup from 1 cup sugar and 1 cup water, remove from heat, cool slightly and pour in the egg whites. Beat the icing with a mixer for 10-15 minutes, then add 2 drops of vinegar essence. Decorate the finished cookies with icing sugar, adding food coloring if necessary.

What carols should be sung?

Carols are ditty songs, which are not at all difficult to learn. It is they who need to be sung as soon as the doors of the new house open for the carolers. We have selected a few simple and fun ones. Learn it!

Carol, carol! Open the gate!
Open the chest, get the piglet!
Open, peddlers, get some money!
Come, do not be shy, now we will amuse the people.
Who will be the devil, and who will be the goblin!
And who does not want anyone, let him laugh for a nickel!

Carol, carol! Give me the pie!
Sparrow flies towards us, twirling its tail.
He brought us the News, Christmas and frost!

Shchedrik-Petrik, give me a dumpling!
A little bit of candy, a spoonful of porridge.
Well, at least cut, at least a nickel, we won’t leave the house like that!
Take it out quickly, do not freeze the children!

Carol you, carol! How the carol went!
How the carol was looking for: Timofeev's yard.
Timofeev yard About seven pillars, About seven miles.
You are already an aunt, Red Sun.
You are already a father, the moon is bright.
Your kids, Stars are frequent.
There are pies on the shelf. You give them here!
Come on, don't break! You carry - do not be afraid!

During the performance of carols, usually children are given tambourines, rattles, musical triangles. You can not only sing carols, but also just shout. So if you don't have a musical ear, don't worry, you'll get your treats too. After the carols are sung, the gifts are received, you should take your leave, thank the hosts and retire to the next house.

How can you guess at the holidays?

Fortune-telling was the main entertainment during Christmas time. Fortune-telling used to be on all the days of Christmas time, but most of all fortune-telling occurred at Epiphany. You can tell fortunes together with small children - the atmosphere of mystery is very popular with children, especially girls. Explain to the kid that this is a game, and it should only bring positive and fun. The most famous fortune-telling is with felt boots. You need to go out into the yard or the square and throw the boots. Where his sock points - there the betrothed lives. Also simple and fearless fortune-telling - with saucers. Take four or five saucers and turn them over on the table, and under them put one of the following items: candy, coin, smiley face, horseshoe, any jewelry for girls or pirate paraphernalia for boys. Then invite the child to close his eyes, mix the saucers. Now the child must open any saucer and get the item. Then the object is returned to its place and you and your child change roles. Interpretation: candy - a sweet life awaits you all year; coin - there will be a lot of money in the new year; emoticon - the year will be good fun, waiting for many holidays; decoration - this year there will be many gifts; pirate items - the year will be full of adventures. Another fortune-telling - with candles and crumpled paper. You will need one saucer, a piece of paper, a candle, and a dimly lit room. Invite the child to crumple a sheet of paper, and put the crumpled lump on an inverted saucer. The child should raise the saucer with crumpled paper against a light wall (you can use a refrigerator), and you stand behind the child with a lit candle and look at the shadow. Rotate the saucer around its axis until the child sees some clear figure. Then this figure can be interpreted as your fantasy tells you or use the interpretation of the dream book.

What can you play?

If you have already bypassed all the guests, but your enthusiasm remains, you can play a little Horse Driving - an old winter folk fun game. To do this, you need to make a horse's head out of straw and put it on a stick. The first of the participants in the game takes the place of honor of the “head of the horse” - he gets up first, picks up a stick with a straw head, and covers himself with matting from above. The second is horse "legs". He gets up behind, under the matting. And the third - the "owner" - he leads the "horse" by the bridle through the streets. All other guys should join the game, getting under the matting and becoming part of the "horse", taking a place between the "head" and "legs". All players line up in a “train”, holding each other by the shoulders or by the waist. Gradually, a decent amount of people are already stuffed under the mat, and there is no room for new players. Then the new participant in the game has to push and squeeze between the walking ones. And so, ad infinitum, children try to take and hold their place. The game is noisy and somewhat violent, sometimes players fall, it turns out a lot. You can play this game, taking any old blanket or bedspread instead of matting, and have fun from the heart on the last Christmas days.

Delicious treats and sincere emotions that we hope will last a lifetime.
