Men fashion designers are famous. The most famous fashion designers: list, collections and reviews

Fashion is not only an industry, but also an art. Fashion is always sensitive to changes in society, sometimes it helps to “keep up the mark” and maintain a presence of mind in unbearable situations - it’s worth remembering the French women in occupied Paris, who stubbornly continued to wear dresses and demonstrate French chic to the invaders to show: “You can’t conquer us. You can seize our lands, but you cannot break our spirit!..” We decided to talk about 20 famous couturiers, the main innovators and revolutionaries of the fashion world and real Artists who worked in the name of beauty.

Charles and Jean-Philip Worth

The first couturier in the history of High Fashion is deservedly considered the Englishman Charles Frederick Worth - the king of fashion designers and the fashion designer of kings, among whose clients there were 9 crowned persons. In 1857, Worth opened his first full-fledged fashion house - on the Rue de la Paix in Paris. After the death of Charles himself, the House passed to his sons, Jean-Philip and Gasn. Jean-Philip Worth in the 20th century will also become a famous couturier, a favorite of the great Italian actress Eleonora Duse. The Vorta would become the first fashionable dynasty.

Jacques Doucet

Young Jacques Doucet was not at all going to connect his future with fashion - he dreamed of becoming a famous artist. But after the death of his parents, Jacques inherited their production of Doucet Lingerie, a family business selling underwear. "Mr. Jacques", as he was now called, got involved in the business and turned it into the main fashion house of the early 20th century. Doucet created luxurious, majestic, intricate outfits, and valued luxury and beauty much more than practicality and relevance. He was a well-known philanthropist and helped young talents: for example, it was Mr. Jacques who discovered Paul Poiret and Madeleine Vionnet to the fashion world.

Jeanne Paken

Paul Poiret

Paul Poiret began sewing as a child, creating outfits for his sisters' dolls. After learning from Jacques Doucet, he got a job at the House of Worth, and having honed his skills there, he opened his own House. Poiret was the first fashion designer to suggest that women abandon the corset and wear antique-style tunics and high-waisted dresses. Poiret's outfits and fabrics were always luxurious - he looked for inspiration in the culture of the East, like many couturiers after the arrival of the Russian ballet and the famous "Diaghilev seasons" in Paris. At that time, Russia was also considered the "East", and Poiret even created the Kazan collection with elements of Russian folk costume.

Unfortunately, already in the 1920s, the popularity of couturier began to decline. There were completely different things in fashion, and Coco Chanel became a symbol of change. Poiret was outraged by the abundance of black and the simplicity of her clothes, he even asked Mademoiselle Coco herself if all this meant that she was in mourning. The cruel Coco answered Poiret: “Yes, for you!”

Coco Chanel

This legendary woman really needs no introduction - we think everyone, regardless of age, gender and place of residence, has heard of Mademoiselle Coco. A little black dress, Chanel No. 5 perfume, the first trouser suits, a tweed jacket that has become a cult, the luxury of simplicity and elegance, instead of pomposity and embellishments, Chanel 2.55 quilted it-bags - all this has been inherited by modern fashionistas from the main Frenchwoman of the fashion world.

Elsa Schiaparelli

"Shocking Elsa", the first eccentric of fashion and the ancestor of pret-a-porte, is now far from being as famous as her main rival, Coco Chanel. Their working methods and approach to fashion differed as much as possible: Elsa loved to shock, worked with surrealist artists and did not like black and tweed at all. It was she who introduced shocking pink into fashion - bright fuchsia, shocking pink, which became her calling card - she was buried in a suit of this color. Together with Salvador Dali, Elsa invented and created a lobster dress, a skeleton dress, and a whole collection of hats: a mutton chop hat, a shoe hat, a telescope hat ... We are not enthusiastic to talk about this woman full of ideas and energy. we can't - be sure to read her inspiring autobiography "My Shocking Life"!

Madeleine Vionnet

Madeleine Vionnet has always been called the "fashion architect" - it was she who came up with the oblique cut technique and was a real master of draperies. Her dresses, thanks to the craftsmanship of the cut, always fit perfectly, emphasizing every curve of the client's body. And the fashionable "pirates", trying to copy Vionne's outfits and capitalize on her talent, fought for hours trying to figure out their design - they had to first unpick the dress, embroider numerous tucks and try to understand how these pieces fit together into one harmony.

Jeanne Lanvin

Jeanne Lanvin's career as a fashion designer began with dresses for her little daughter - seeing the charming dresses of the baby walking with her mother, other women stopped to find out what kind of tailor sews such wonderful children's things. Jeanne Lanvin soon began to sew dresses for adults, but children's collections were also sold in all her stores. She always looked for inspiration in the living colors of nature and the canvases of artists, admired Botticelli and Renoir. And the hallmark of the House was the famous shade "blue Lanvin".

Jean Patou

Jean Patou was not a master in drawing or sewing, and often created his models directly on the mannequin. He became the first designer to start producing sportswear - tennis skirts and shorts, swimwear, and gained fame as a tailor for tennis star Suzanne Lanolin. Patou looked for inspiration in the works of cubist artists, adopting their geometric shapes, strict lines and contrasting colors.

Madame Gre

Madame Gre, in her own words, always wanted to be a sculptor - and did not see the difference between working with stone and working with fabric. She, like a real sculptor, created all her masterpiece dresses “live”, right on the mannequin and without patterns, so it was simply impossible to copy her things. The incredible complexity of the drapery, the perfect fit of the outfits turned the models into the best examples of ancient art.

Marcel Rocha

Marcel Rocha in 1942 anticipated the revolution that Christian Dior would make in fashion five years later: even before the appearance of the famous new look, Rocha returns to women's wardrobes the corset, forgotten for many war years. And also - loose flannel trousers, an item that was generally not typical for the women's wardrobe of those years. Women before the advent of Marcel Rochi wore trousers only in exceptional cases - either on vacation or at home, and Rocha made them a full part of everyday wardrobe.

Jacques Fat

Before becoming a fashion designer, Jacques Fat managed to serve in the army, get captured, receive several military awards and work on the stock exchange - only then did he open his own atelier. Fat learned the skill of the designer himself. And he gained popularity thanks to the new style of a chic young Parisian he created: he sewed fluttering airy skirts, luxurious dresses, and even before Christian Dior he began to experiment with a silhouette that would soon be called new look.

Christian Dior

Christian Dior was glorified by his famous 1947 collection - the one that showed the post-war world the feminine silhouette of the new look. From that very collection for ten years (until his death in 1957), Christian Dior was the recognized king of fashion. Dior approached the creation of collections with incredible care: in his autobiography Dior on Dior, he talks in detail about how he worked on shows, how he could send a single dress for rework 7-8 times and in the end not even turn it on to the collection.

Hubert de Givenchy

Before opening his own House, Hubert de Givenchy managed to work with the most famous designers of those years: Jacques Fat, Christian Dior, Elsa Schiaparelli. It was Elsa who gave him a start in life, who saw talent in a young man. Givenchy's muse and regular client for 40 years was Audrey Hepburn - she came to him for costumes for the film "Sabrina", and this meeting was the beginning of a long-term friendship. For this film, Hubert Givenchy received his first Oscar as a costume designer and designed outfits for Audrey in many more films - including the most famous, Breakfast at Tiffany's.

Cristobal Balenciaga

Cristobal Balenciaga is a real mystery of the fashion world. He never let strangers into his life, so not much is known about her. At the age of 13, he completed his first order - he approached the Marquise de Cassa Torres on the street and said that he would have sewn an outfit much better than the one she is wearing now, if he had the same fabrics. The marquise was surprised, but suggested that the boy try to make her a toilet - and was shocked when he sewed an outfit for her no worse than any eminent couturier. At 16, he opened his own atelier. At 19 - own fashion house. He was a great architect and knew how to combine the severity of lines with exaggerated volumes, restraint and luxury. Coco Chanel herself recognized him as her only competitor - and the only Couturier with a capital letter among designers.

Paco Raban

Paco Raban in the 60s made a real revolution in fashion - this time technological. His collection, consisting of only 12 outfits and presented in Paris in 1966, made a splash - he created outfits from modern materials: plastic, metal, feathers and metal mesh, paper, dry flowers. His works fully reflected the spirit of the space age, the fashion for futurism and fantasies about the technogenic future. It is possible that Paco Raban's education as an architect prompted him to use materials that were not at all “fashionable” and not used in fashion, although he did not work a single day in his specialty.

Pierre Balmain

The very first collection of Pierre Balmain, released in 1945, amazed the public. Balmain sang the luxury, brilliance and brightness forgotten during the war years. The collection included evening dresses, kimonos, trouser suits made of expensive fabrics - and all with rich trimmings, sewing, embroidery, and lace. He liked to dress women beautifully, but without excessive extravagance.

Pierre Cardin

The first years of his work, Pierre Cardin devoted exclusively to the creation of costumes for the theater, and only then moved on to the creation of women's and men's collections. He retained some theatricality in his approach to modeling: the main distinguishing features of Cardin's style were the use of unusual synthetic materials, bright simple colors and unusual shapes - it was thanks to this that he received the unspoken title of the main futurist of the fashion world. The most famous creation of Cardin was the balloon dress.

Yves Saint Laurent

Yves Saint Laurent began his career with Christian Dior, and after his death, became the head of the Dior house. His 1958 collection earned rave reviews from critics, but in the 60th Saint Laurent was drafted into the army, and he returned to fashion only a year later - but already in his own House of Yves Saint Laurent. Yves Saint Laurent invented the first women's tuxedo, introduced many other elements of men's wardrobe into women's fashion and is considered the founder of the unisex style.

Fashion designers are incredibly creative people who supply their own and other stores with new modern interesting clothes. Many people like this profession, but not everyone manages to become a fashion designer. In this article, we will tell a lot about this work, as well as some famous designers such as Coco Chanel, Yves Saint Laurent and others.

Designer profession

In Russia, a person who works as a fashion designer is much less common than in Europe and America. These are people who not only design the decor and define the style of the collection, but also choose fabrics, accessories and very often make their own clothes. This work requires a lot of human effort and time. But, like any creative profession, it causes only joy and pleasant sensations, and ultimately brings satisfaction.

As in any activity, it has its own specialization, there are several areas that cover different areas. Fashion designers are also divided into three narrow specialties. If you have chosen this profession, then you can be a fashion designer, artist, and also a fur specialist.


Fashion designer-clothes designer is one of the narrow areas of the fashion world. A specialist must possess many professional qualities. He must feel the mood of people, love his work, be able to draw, be well versed in trends, follow the collections of fashion houses, know the types of fabrics and much more.

A fashion designer is engaged in making sketches for tailoring. Moreover, if a fashion designer-artist makes sketches on paper of a small size, then the designer must draw every detail in real size. He makes patterns and patterns. However, this is not the end of the specialist's duties. After all, he must also participate in tailoring, choose the fabric for the thing, select combinations of fabrics by color.


The peculiarities of this profession are that a specialist does not study for 5-6 years, but all his life. Every year something changes: a new work technique, fabrics, colors, clothing models appear. Fashion is always moving forward with great speed. It is necessary to have time to catch trends and the mood of buyers.

But a fashion designer is required to receive a special education. Education begins at a young age. First you need to finish high school, where they teach drawing well. Many go to technical schools after the 9th grade, where they teach sewing and drawing. After school or college, you must graduate from a higher educational institution in your specialty.

Clothing designers study all their lives, trying to constantly replenish their knowledge base.

List of the most famous

Among the famous Russian fashion designers, Valentin Yudashkin and Vyacheslav Zaitsev are especially distinguished. Among those who conquered the whole world, the following names appear in the forefront: Coco Chanel, Yves Saint Laurent, and Stefano Gabbana, Christian Dior, Giorgio Armani and others.

Coco Chanel

The work of Coco Chanel is legendary. Even famous fashion designers often confess their love for this woman's work. She went to her goal for a long time, but in the end she became a trendsetter of the 20th century. Now her brand is thriving, with a total of 147 boutiques open worldwide.


Many fashion designers work for the Chanel company. Well-known fashion designers work for several months on one collection. But most often they adhere to one style - they produce elegant, but comfortable clothes. Office suits, coats and dresses are the main range of the brand.

Yves Saint Laurent

A successful fashion designer is Yves Saint Laurent, who won the hearts of women with his outfits. For some time he worked for the Christian Dior brand, after which he left it and created his own brand called YSL. Now outfits from Yves Saint Laurent are prohibitively expensive, just like the cosmetics and perfumes of this brand. Many famous fashion designers have worked for this company, including Hedi Slimane, who until recently was the brand's designer.

Yves Saint Laurent Collections

The collections of the brand are mostly interested in bright girls and women from the worlds of fashion and business. After all, the Yves Saint Laurent brand offers extravagant trouser suits in bright colors, transparent shirts, African-style dresses, tuxedos for women, leather clothes. Reviews about the clothes of the fashion house are amazing. Women who can afford expensive clothes are increasingly choosing Yves Saint Laurent.

and Stefano Gabbana

Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana are two whose clothes are especially loved in Russia. Now these legendary designers are recognized as the richest people on the planet by Forbes magazine, although a few years ago, when their house was just opened, they could not even pay for the work of models and invited friends to their shows. In their own opinion, a fashion designer should always be perfectly dressed and be sure to love his profession.

Dolce & Gabbana Collections

Elite clothes, shoes, perfumes and cosmetics are presented in the fashion houses of this brand. Brand styles are always diverse. Business suits and overalls in safari style - all this coexists under one roof. Designers are always reminded that they do not follow fashion, but set it. The statement, of course, caused a storm of excitement, but it's true.

Marc Jacobs

The modern designer and owner of his own brand began his career as a fashion designer in a store. Mark graduated from New York School of Design where he was a top student. Once he was invited to take the post of chief designer of the Perry Ellis brand. The grunge collection created by the young designer for this brand brought Mark not only fame, but also a worldwide vocation. Following his meteoric success, Jacobs founded a firm that he named after himself. A few years later, Mark was offered the post of chief designer at the even more prestigious Louis Vuitton company. Not so long ago, he stopped working with this firm and focused on developing his own company.

Marc Jacobs Collections

Today, the Marc Jacobs fashion house is famous for its collection of perfumes for women, new items are constantly coming out that are incredibly in demand in Russia. The brand is currently under development. The brand's collections are extremely unusual, almost everything is bright, most often with peculiar prints.

Jacobs is also loved by other fashion designers. Famous fashion designers say that Mark is a genius, and he has a great future ahead of him.

Gianni Versace

From childhood, the future fashion designer Gianni Versace helped his mother in her small clothing store. There he learned how to select accessories for clothes, sew, and also understand fabrics. When Gianni was 25 years old, from his small but cozy Italian town, he goes to conquer the large and unknown to him Milan. There he works as a designer in two fashion houses.

A few years later, he presents his first clothing collection and in the same year he founded a brand named after himself. In his case, he was assisted by his older brother, who worked as an administrator, as well as his sister, who was in charge of photo shoots. The peak of Gianni Versace's career came at the end of the 20th century, when Madonna and Princess Diana bought his clothes.

In 1997, Gianni Versace was shot to death. Now his business is headed by his younger sister.

Collections "Versace"

Fashion house "Versace" is famous for its luxurious dresses, in which actresses and singers appear on the red carpet. Among the regular customers is Angelina Jolie, who wears a Versace dress to almost every event.

Gucci fashion house

The Italian fashion designer Guccio Gucci was the founder of the Gucci house, which is the most successful and second in sales volume after Louis Vuitton. Famous fans of the brand include Grace Kelly (Princess of Monaco), who wore the brand's silk scarf, and Jackie Kennedy (First Lady of the United States).

Gucci brand collections are often made in shades of brown, green and red. The clothes are extremely extravagant, many models are not suitable for everyday wear.

Burberry fashion house

The Burberry fashion house has gained immense popularity in recent years, the English check has become the hallmark of the product. The main assortment of goods is scarves, bags, clothes, which are decorated with this print. Clothing is very popular in England, France, Italy, Germany and many other European countries. Even fashion designer Victoria Beckham confessed her love for this brand.

- people are creative, unpredictable, delightful. It seems sometimes difficult to immediately understand the entire collection presented by them at fashion shows in Paris, Milan and other capitals of fashion and beauty. But nevertheless, every year their popularity is gaining momentum more and more, fashion does not stand still, everything in the world is spinning and I want to add beauty and style to the world every day, which is what the celebrities below do. So, let's begin..

Alexander McQueen is the greatest designer of the late 20th century and early 21st century. In 2010, this famous couturier, trendsetter left this world. His act still remains incomprehensible to many fashion lovers and those who are fond of this activity.

After all, Alexander McQueen, like no one else, knew fashion for a century ahead, he presented such things at shows that even such pop stars as Lady Gaga and Rihanna were shocked by. Fashion critics and connoisseurs loved him for his inner beauty, which penetrated into every outfit. His skill in tailoring is also evident in every outfit.

For many years, his right-hand man was Sarah Barton, who is now the creative director of the Alexander McQueen brand. She continued the work of the master. Already in 1996, McQueen was awarded the "Best Designer of the Year" award, Britain truly loved him. The Givenchy company at that time gladly accepted him as the chief artist - fashion designer.

So Alexander replaced his predecessor in Givenchy, the well-known John Galliano. Soon Alexander opened his own brand of clothing and accessories of the same name and quickly climbed the star Olympus, it was impossible not to notice him. Back in Givenchy, he had unique fashion shows at the Paris Fashion Week. Many critics for the success of McQueen were not happy and talked about him that he got out of the British garbage heap to the star Olympus. The shock in his career was a show called "The Rape of Scotland". Recall that Alexander McQueen is of Scottish origin and what happened in this country once in history affected him very much. Girls in bandages and imitation blood appeared on the show. At that time, in the early 2000s, no one could have imagined that such shows were possible.

So the designer "shaken" Givenchy fashion house from the hardships of the 2000s, gave rise to a new time in Parisian fashion, clothes became more liberated and open. For this he was nicknamed "the bull in the boutique." Even Chalayan and John Galliano were in some shock and delighted with such displays and ideas of Alexander. But these people are very difficult to surprise. Devon Aoki is a Parisian model, he made people wear colorless lenses and go out on the catwalk like that. Or he strewed the runway with stones and gravel and put models on high heels - how do you like extreme?! This is what McQueen remembered for with his shock shows. His clothes have always evoked emotions in everyone - good or bad, however, it does not matter. The main thing is memorable. His clothes are difficult to wear in everyday life. The whole world remembered his collection "Plato's Atlantis".

Lady Gaga bought a lot of things dedicated to the female insect, the female goddess of Atlantis. Shoes with high heels made a splash in the world of fashion and beauty.

Vivienne Westwood is another British fashion star. This woman is the real fashion queen of England. After all, she has been at the top of the fashionable Olympus for half a century. Vivienne was born in 1941!!! And she is still full of strength and energy, which is manifested in her outfits. Her fashion often changed, but was always unusual. In the 1970s, she introduced punk fashion to Britain.

Everyone wore torn bright stockings and tights, over which were the same torn short shorts or just leather underpants. In the Bufalo collection in the early 80s, everything had already changed - hoodies, long skirts, wide trousers, harem pants, kipish on the head. Neo-romanticism came into fashion in Westwood. Then there was the wire crinoline from the 90s.

Again she remembered about punk, but everything was already much softer: puffy skirts and corsets, quite saturated with dramatic colors. She makes ready-to-wear collections like haute couture! And it's wearable, which is the most important thing! Her fashion is understood!

That's who introduced sex into people's understanding through fashion. This is John Galliano - the only one in the world of fashion. On the podium of his collection - a real show. With great live music. Or if there is no music, there are naked models on the catwalk.

Fur, leather, suede (recall that this is the trend of 2015) go well with silk and lace. Enchanting models of Galliano are always at the top of their fame.

Many of his outfits are in the famous fashion museums of Paris and England. John Galliano dresses such famous celebrities as Dinah Ross, Vanessa Paradis, Keira Knightley, Rihanna, Beyoncé, Lady Gaga, Madonna, Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Lopez, Naomi Watts.

The design of his clothes is also very fond of models, Iman, and. Galliano, in addition to clothing, creates a perfume of the same name, which instantly becomes popular. For many years, John Galliano served as creative director and fashion designer at Dior. At that time, Dior regained his name, became bright, feminine clothes in the spirit of Christian Dior. At the same time, he also ran his John Galliano clothing line. The designer himself has always conducted advertising campaigns and photo shoots of his clothing models. At the very peak of his career, he was fired from Dior, and he also lost his company due to insults in a Parisian cafe. Now John is again trying to rise to the fashion Olympus from the bottom, we have no doubt that he will succeed.

Fashion designers: Roy Holston

Roy Halston Frowick is an American by birth, born in 1932. A little-known designer, compared to John Galliano, and. Nevertheless, his fashion history is also very interesting. He was originally a hatmaker for Charles James, the unrecognized genius of the 60s in the fashion world. Having gained experience, he realized that he needed to open his workshop and in 1953 he did this by opening the first hat boutique in Chicago, and then in New York. Show business stars and Hollywood celebrities quickly learned about him.

Gloria Swenson, a sex symbol of the 60s, was a regular client of the couturier. After that, the women ran in a crowd for a new hat to Roy Hoston. Roy's dress designs came down to women's idea of ​​diet and nutrition.

He introduced thinness into fashion, everyone wanted to fit into a dress from Halston.

A plunging, plunging shirt dress showed off the perfect curves of the girls in it. Roy Holston dressed the wives of presidents, first ladies. The era of Holston ended very quickly and swiftly. In 1990, the designer died of AIDS, many of the ideas from Holston's clothes were transferred to the Gucci collections.

Fashion designers: Donna Karan

I want to talk a lot about Donna Karan. This woman is an era.

Gorgeous outfits are worn by fashionistas all over the world. Demi Moore in the 90s starred with almost every collection of Donna, was the face of her brand. Karan loves 3 colors very much: black, white and beige. Throughout her career, it was these three colors that made her the idol of millions of fashionistas. Her perseverance and ability to run the right business led Donna Karan to a well-deserved place on the fashion podium: she entered the top three of the greatest female fashion designers along with

Anna Turkish

Reading time: 13 minutes


For many decades, designers have been creating fashion history. Transforming the most non-standard solutions into everyday life and vice versa, they give us the opportunity to admire their creations every time, which bring elegance and charm to our lives. And an important role in the creation of fashion was played by women designers.

Today we will introduce you most famous female designers , whose names have forever entered the history of the fashion industry.

The legendary Coco Chanel

Without a doubt, it is Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel, known to the whole world as Coco Chanel, who rightfully occupies the pedestal of the founder of women's fashion.

Despite the fact that Coco Chanel left this world a long time ago, they still admire her, and her ideas, embodied in the fashion industry, are still popular in the modern world. After all, it was Chanel who invented this handy shoulder bag because she was tired of carrying bulky reticules in her hands. It was Chanel who freed women from wearing corsets and uncomfortable crinoline skirts, offering to emphasize slender figures. strict and straight lines .

And, of course, black little dress , which became a classic at the same time, barely the first time it was presented on the catwalks.

And the legendary perfume Chanel No. 5 and to this day are the hallmark of many women.

Born in the French provinces, who lost her mother as a child and started as a saleswoman in a clothing store, Coco Chanel has achieved incredible success in the fashion world, becoming the most iconic female designer.

Knitwear Queen Sonia Rykiel

Sonya Rykiel was born into an ordinary family with Russian, Jewish and Romanian roots. Talking, and even more so, following the fashion in her family was completely unacceptable. Rather, they tried to attach the girl to higher matters - painting, poetry, architecture. And the fashion world would never have known about her if, at the age of 30, Sonya had not married the owner of a tiny clothing boutique called Laura.

When Sonya became pregnant, the question of what to wear sharply arose before her. Baggy dresses and maternity sweaters caused quiet horror. For some reason, at that time, fashion designers could not offer anything else to ladies in position. And then Sonya began to order clothes for pregnant women in the atelier, but according to her sketches. flowy dresses , fitting the figure of the future mother, cozy warm sweaters forced women to turn around at Sonya on the street.

The second pregnancy inspired her to new ideas. And finally, Monsieur Rykiel agreed to present his wife's collection in his clothing boutique. And who would have thought that it would cause such a public outcry! Clothes were swept off the counter, and a week later sweaters from Sonia Rykiel were on the cover of Elle magazine.

Thanks to her, women all over the world have combined convenience and comfort with chic and elegance in their clothes. And even the signature bottle of her perfume line is shaped like a cozy sleeveless pullover. It was Sonia Rykiel who gave life to the black color in everyday clothes, since before black things were considered appropriate only at funerals. Sonia Rykiel herself said that fashion was a blank page for her, and therefore she had the opportunity to do only what she wanted. And this is how she conquered the fashion world.

Controversial fashion Miuccia Prada

One of the most famous and famous women fashion designers can, without a doubt, be called Miuccia Prada. She is also called the most respected and influential designer in the fashion world.

Her success story as a designer began when she inherited her father's fading manufacturing business. leather bags . In the 70s, she managed to sign a contract with Patrizio Bertelli to distribute collections under the exclusive Prada brand. From that moment on, the popularity of products manufactured by Miuccia Prada began to grow at a breakneck pace. At the moment, her company has managed to achieve a turnover of about three billion dollars.

The Prada collections are extremely diverse - this is and bags, and shoes, and clothes, and a huge selection of accessories . Strict lines and impeccable quality of the Prada brand won the hearts of fashion connoisseurs from all over the world. Style from Miuccia Prada is very controversial and often combines incompatible things - for example, flowers with fur or pink socks, which turn out to be Japanese sandals.

Prada opposes excessive sexuality and openness in clothing and encourages women to destroy any patterns. Clothing from Miuccia Prada makes women stronger, and men much more receptive to female beauty.

Vivienne Westwood Fashion Scandal

Vivienne Westwood is perhaps the most outrageous and scandalous female designer who managed to conquer the whole world with her defiant and shocking ideas.

Her career as a fashion designer began during her civil marriage to the producer of the legendary punk band the Sex Pistols. Inspired by the freedom of thought and expression, she opened her first boutique, where she and her husband began selling a modeled Vivienne punk clothes .

Since the demise of the Sex Pistols, the styles favored by Vivienne Westwood have changed and transformed periodically, from the transformation of period clothing to the mixing of English and French motifs in modeling. But all her collections were saturated with the spirit of protest.

It was Vivienne Westwood who brought into fashion wrinkled plaid shirts, ripped tights, high platforms, unimaginable headwear and inimitable dresses with intricate draperies, allowing women to feel free from any conventions in her clothes.

Donatella Versace - a symbol of the empire in a female form

Donatella had to head the Versace fashion house as a result of a sad event when her brother Gianni Versace tragically died in 1997.

Despite the wariness of fashion critics, Donatella managed to win favorable reviews from fashion connoisseurs during the very first show of her collection. Having taken the reins of power in the Versace fashion house, Donatella managed to restore his shaky position in the shortest possible time. acquired a slightly different shade - aggressive sexuality became less expressive, but at the same time, clothing models did not lose their eroticism and luxury, which betrayed the unique style of the Versace brand in them.

Donatella also bet on participation in the shows of such stars as Catherine Zeta Jones, Liz Hurley, Kate Moss, Elton John and many others, which further strengthened the position of the fashion house on the global fashion scene. And, as a result, many celebrities or people who simply keep up with fashion simply cannot imagine their life without Versace brand clothes.

Stella McCartney is catwalk-length proof of talent

To the appearance of Stella McCartney in the fashion world as a female designer, many reacted with indulgence and irony, deciding that the next daughter of a famous parent is looking for something to do with her free time, taking advantage of a well-known surname.

But even the most active ill-wishers were forced to take all their caustic words back after the very first show of the Stella McCartney collection as part of a fashionable brand Chloe .

Soft lace, flowing lines, elegant simplicity - all this combines clothing models from Stella McCartney. Stella is an ardent animal rights activist. In her collections you will not find things made of leather and fur, and cosmetics from Stella McCartney are 100% organic.

Her clothes are designed for all women who want to look great, but at the same time feel comfortable, both at work and at leisure. And, perhaps, Stella McCartney, by her example, managed to completely refute the theory of nature resting on celebrity children.

The fashion world is famous for its masters, whose number is growing every day. However, there are names that will never be forgotten in the fashion industry. It is about these people that will be discussed in this article.

French fashion designers.

Coco Chanel(Coco Chanel 1883 - 1971) - fashion designer, founded the most chic and famous fashion house Chanel. Her most important inventions are the little black dress and the 2.55 bag. The bag got its name in accordance with the date of its creation (February, 1955), and the essence was that it was the first bag model in the world that did not have to be carried in hands; this bag was a small rectangle on a long chain.

Christian Dior (Christian Dior 1905 - 1957) - founder of the Christian Dior fashion house. Initially engaged in the production of perfumery products. The main merit of this fashion designer is the opening to the world of such a style as New Look, where the main role is given to the corset and crinoline, which emphasized femininity and romance. It was thanks to this discovery that Paris became the main capital of world fashion.

Pierre Cardin(Pierre Cardin) is the founder of the fashion house Pierre Cardin. He has more than 500 patented inventions on his account - these are men's ties with polka dots, and colored stockings, and mini sundresses, and high boots. Cardin was the first to become interested in denim, and he was also the first to develop children's and youth clothing.

Hubert de Givenchy(Hubert de Givenchy) is the founder of the Givenchy fashion house. At the head of this house at different times were John Galliano and Alexander McQueen. Givenchy became famous for his image for actress Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany's.

Jean Paul Gaultier (Jean-Paul Gaultier) - founder and president of the fashion house Jean Paul Gaultier S.A. It is noteworthy that Gauthier does not have a special education. The fashion designer, one might say, is an “open” gay, and it was his orientation that became the leader in creating fashionable images. So, for example, he dressed men in women's skirts and suits. Marilyn Manson is a regular client of Gauthier.

Paco Rabanne(Paco Rabanne) - a native of Spain, a French fashion designer. He shocked the whole world with his first collection called "12 models from modern materials", which presented outfits made of paper, metal and plastic. He is also the first designer to put a black girl on the runway.

British fashion designers.

Vivienne Westwood (Vivienne Westwood) is a British fashion designer. The main merit is the creation of a punk style, thanks to which all the “correct” ideas about fashion were dispelled. In addition to clothing, there are also lines of perfumes and accessories.

John Galliano (John Galliano) - English designer, ex-art director of Christian Dior (1996 - 2001). Has four awards as "Best Designer of the Year". Known for his passion for avant-garde style, which has become the main feature of all his collections. In all the outrageous outfits of John Galliano, a note of luxury and aristocracy is visible. By the way, it was he who opened the world of such famous models as Kate Moss and Naomi Campbell.
