For a guy for a month. What to give a guy for a month of relationship - a small but significant date

The first month of a relationship is the most romantic. During this period, all the most memorable things happen, because feelings only “emerged” in two loving hearts. That is why for such significant date need to come up with something interesting gift for a loved one. To make sure he likes the surprise, be sure to be creative.

It’s difficult to say specifically for a month of relationship. Take a close look at your young man. Think about what he is like? What does he like? What is his hobby? By answering these questions, you can come up with an original surprise.

Gift ideas for boyfriend

Tip: Don't give expensive gifts just yet. A good option is a romantic souvenir. If you make it yourself, your boyfriend will definitely appreciate the craftsmanship. Does the young man have a car? Then you can give him original toy on a suction cup, which will perfectly decorate the interior and will remind it of you.

If the expression “music is life” matches your lover, then he will be pleased with the CD stand. Complete the surprise with your favorite music and such a gift will not go unnoticed.

What to give a guy for a month of relationship? A paired pendant can be a great surprise: you will wear one half and your lover the other.

If your young man collects coins, calendars and something else, you can give another exhibit. It will definitely please him, but remember that truly unique things are expensive.

Football tickets - great gift for the fan. Try to choose a game where your favorite team is playing.

What to give a guy for a month of relationship? Of course, beautiful a delicious cake. Insert one candle into it - a symbol of your first date. Light it, say something tender to your boyfriend. And you will definitely see sincere joy in their eyes. A cake is a great opportunity to make a wish for two. Such ceremonies always bring us closer together. Besides this, a sweet surprise - great idea gift to a friend. He should also like such a pleasant surprise.

Beautiful mug - great present for this small celebration. You can order the cup to be decorated with his name, a funny inscription or a photo of you together.

What could be more beautiful romantic dinner? Arrange such a surprise for your beloved, give him moments of joy and happiness, feed him delicious dishes. Be sure to think about wine in advance (it is advisable to choose red), because this particular drink is a symbol of love.

What to give a guy for a month of relationship? T-shirt with a funny inscription. This gift is not only pleasant, but also useful, because new thing- that's always good. You can buy a couple of T-shirts at once: one for yourself, the other for him.

If your date falls on a weekend, then spend it together. Buy tickets to a movie or concert. You can go to an amusement park and ride on carousels and other attractions. And remember the main thing: in your nascent relationship, what is important is not the gift itself, but the pleasant moments that it will bring.

Every anniversary is an important milestone in a couple's life. However, if your relationship has only lasted one month, you may be worried about what to get your loved one for their mini-anniversary. This is for you important date or not? Is it worth celebrating such an anniversary and giving a gift to your loved one? After reading this article, you will be able to find answers to these questions.


Celebrate this important milestone and look forward

    Revisit your first date. Of course, if a couple has already lived together for 10 years, then recreating their first date will be more impressive. However, if you've only been dating for a month, you can also try to repeat your first date. Most likely, within a month your relationship has already become stronger, you feel comfortable being in each other’s company, and you already know the preferences of your loved one. Recreating a first date or the moment you pulled yourself together to ask your loved one out can show that your relationship has become stronger and create exciting feelings that will encourage further development your relationship.

    • Wear the clothes you wore on your first date, go to the same restaurant, sit in the same seats at the theater, and so on. Remember how nervous you were on your first date. Laugh at this. Thanks to this, you will see that your relationship has become much stronger, and you feel comfortable being with your loved one.
    • If you want to emphasize that your relationship has become stronger this month, give your partner something that a month ago you would not have chosen for him because you did not know his preferences.
  1. Choose something new that will pleasantly surprise your loved one. Most likely, you have already gone to a cafe more than once and you have your own favorite place. Why don't you invite your partner to new restaurant or a cafe or go even further and hire a personal chef who will delight you during this festive evening? You can also take a cooking class where you can eat what you cook yourself. This will ensure you spend quality time together.

    • If you both love to drive and constantly argue about who is best driver, settle your friendly dispute on a go-kart.
  2. Step outside your comfort zone. If you're dating someone and they like skating, try learning how to skate! By doing this you will show your interest and importance of your loved one in your life, as well as your desire to build close relationships with him.

    Use the knowledge you already have. Whether you're choosing between candy or flowers, shopping or going for a walk, think about what you already know about that person. What does he like and what doesn't? How does he like to spend his leisure time? What does he say about the future?

    • Make a conscious effort to understand what the person you're attracted to likes. Most likely, during the month you have heard more than once what your loved one likes. This information will help you choose a gift.
    • If you're having trouble choosing a gift for the person you're dating, ask his or her friends to help you choose. Thanks to this, you can pleasantly surprise your loved one.

    Avoid awkwardness

    1. Decide on a date. Couples often have doubts about this. What is considered the beginning of a relationship: the evening of the meeting, the first date or the moment when you decided to become a couple? If you are asking this question, then you have serious intentions.

      • If you want to make a surprise or are hesitant to ask, try to find out what date the person you are dating considers the most important. What moment does he talk about the most? If you can't find out, choose the most early date, which could be a potential mini-anniversary day for your relationship. It is better to present a gift earlier than to offend your lover by forgetting about such an important date.
    2. Discuss the possibility of giving gifts to each other. This is especially important to do on early stages relationships. You may be making big plans and buying an expensive gift, but the person you are dating may not be prepared. In a similar way for an event that is important to you. Even if you are worried that the gift will not be pleasant surprise for your loved one, don't think about it. By discussing this issue in advance, you will reduce your stress level and also avoid guessing what to give and what kind of gift you will receive.

      • There is no written rule that you have to celebrate such a mini-anniversary or give a gift. If you do decide to celebrate this event, do everything possible to avoid unnecessary fuss. For example, your gifts should not exceed a set amount or they should be homemade.
      • Sometimes it is important to warn a guy or girl about an upcoming gift, especially if you are buying tickets or your gift is expensive. You and your partner may have different plans for the evening, which will contradict each other.
    3. Do not overdo it. One month of relationship is an important event, but it still signifies the beginning of a relationship. Don't try to outdo the person you're dating by giving a more expensive gift. To please your loved one, give something personal and creative.

      Consider whether it is worth exchanging gifts. Of course, you probably hope your relationship will last forever. However, stop and think before giving gifts that indicate long term perspective your relationship. For example, think carefully before asking your partner to move in with you or get a dog together. Thanks to this you can avoid unpleasant consequences in future.

    Get creative

    1. Make a gift with your own hands. A simple handmade gift is much more valuable than a gift bought in a store. Make it more personal and it will show that you made an effort to please your loved one. If you remember that it is not the gift that is important, but the attention, then he will certainly appreciate the effort you put into creating a gift for your partner.

      • For example, if you've never cooked for your partner before, try it. Even if your pilaf resembles brick mortar, you can laugh about it later when you feast on delicious pizza.
      • Once again, listen and learn. What does your partner like? Do something special. This will show that you know the characteristics of your loved one.
    2. and improve the lives of others? Become a volunteer. Help clear the site. Spend time with older people and take care of pets. Collect food for those in need. This gift will benefit not only you, but also others.
      • Think about a question that your partner is interested in. Try to find a way spending time together, which will satisfy your lover's needs.
    • People view commitment differently. Don't be surprised if your significant other doesn't take this date seriously.
    • If you are stuck, ask his or her friends for advice. It's okay if your significant other finds out about it, it will only show that you are interested in the relationship.
    • At this stage, it is quite normal to have a conversation about your development as a couple. It is important to know who you are to each other in order to choose the right gift.
    • If you tried hard and your partner didn't give anything in return, don't let it get you down or affect the rest of the evening. Don't ask your partner about a gift, as you will put him in an awkward position.
    • Something cute and simple will always do. Don't go out of your way to show that you care.
    • If he or she insists on exchanging gifts, it is not necessary to buy anything. A handmade gift can make that person happy.


    • If you're an extreme sports enthusiast, don't make your hobby the main topic of conversation or you'll turn the date into a nightmare for your partner.
    • Try not to offend your significant other's views and beliefs. Change the topic to mutual friends.

When a guy and a girl start a relationship, every day spent together becomes unforgettable. And what can we say about more serious dates? For example, a month from the beginning of the novel. Maybe many years later this date will seem insignificant and small, but now it is important point for both partners. And it is quite reasonable to celebrate such an event with a mutual exchange of gifts. Guys most often resort to the classic solution in the form of flowers. How can the girl answer? In this article we will find out what to give a guy for 1 month of a relationship.

Classic options

There are a few standard options, which can be presented on a similar date. Although they are not original, they are time-tested and will not cause your partner negative reaction. Here are some examples of what you can give a guy for a month of relationship:

  • Books. There is nothing wrong with this traditional gift. You just need to find out your man’s favorite author.
  • Wallet. Quite a neutral gift. On the other hand, your boyfriend takes it out several times a day. And this will make him think about you much more often.
  • Decoration. This is another one good example what to give a guy for a month of relationship. Only it should be very neat and minimalistic. No fancy jewelry. A neat bracelet or pendant is what you need.
  • Eau de Toilette. Many guys really don’t like choosing perfume, so save them from such “torment”. In addition, this is a great opportunity to “make” your partner smell the way you like.


It is not necessary to give any physical gift. Sometimes the best option will become bright emotions. Especially if they are tested together. So, what can you give a guy for a month of relationship in this case?

  • Football tickets. The young man will definitely appreciate it. And if he football fan, then you simply cannot find a better present.
  • A gift certificate for some attraction. For example, flying in a wind tunnel. This kind of entertainment combines a sense of freedom with a wild surge of adrenaline.
  • Movie tickets. Usually a girl is invited to a movie by a guy. Imagine how pleased he will be to receive this gift from you. You don't have to go for some melodrama. A comedy or action movie would be fine.
  • Participation in a live quest or role-playing game. Together, getting into the roles of the characters is very fun and exciting.
  • Concert tickets. Especially if you have a common favorite band.

What is an original gift for a guy for a month of relationship?

Let's consider non-standard gift options. They are quite inexpensive, but at the same time very original and stand out from the background. traditional gifts for similar dates.

  • T-shirt with an unusual print. Buy a white T-shirt, come up with an original design (inscription) and give it to a fabric printing company. The main thing is not to make a mistake with the size!
  • Radio controlled toy. Every guy is a child at heart, so he will definitely be happy with a helicopter or a radio-controlled car.
  • Horseback riding. It’s better to spend it together in some picturesque place.

DIY gifts

If you are still thinking about what to give your guy for a month of relationship, then we advise you to remember the well-known proverb. Well, the one that talks about the present made with my own hands. And here you have the following options:

  • All guys love to eat delicious food. Therefore, a dish you have prepared can be a wonderful gift. If your partner has a sweet tooth, bake a cake. Don't you know how? No problem! You can cheat a little. Buy ready-made cakes at the store. All that remains is to spread cream on them and decorate the dish.
  • Can you embroider? Amazing. Use this skill to give your man a present. There is no need to embroider the whole picture. But the inscription “1 month”, taken in a luxurious frame, is quite suitable.
  • Men love things from genuine leather. If you put in a little effort, you can make a bag for keys or a stylish keychain out of it yourself. With such a gift, your significant other will not be ashamed to appear in public.
  • Don’t worry if you still haven’t decided what to give your guy for a month of relationship. In the end, you can just arrange an evening of tenderness and love for him. He will definitely appreciate this gift. Besides, it will make you even more closer friend to friend.

Unacceptable gifts

So, now you know what to give your guy for a month of relationship. But there is one more point that needs to be mentioned. It is important not only to be able to choose a gift, but also to know what not to give. Otherwise, instead of positive emotions, your partner will receive only disappointment.

Avoid giving:

  • Too expensive things. You still date too little. It is better to postpone the presentation of such gifts for the future and focus not on the price, but on the pleasantness.
  • Body care products. Mentioned above Eau de Toilette- it's quite normal. But there is no need to give shampoo or shower gel. Your young man may regard this as a hint of his own dishonesty.
  • Balloons and hearts. Most guys don't like to indulge in romance. So such gifts are more suitable for young girls.

First months love relationship always the most beautiful, because in the hearts of both lovers a real fire of feelings burns, everything around seems magical and you don’t want to part with each other even for a minute. You definitely need to appreciate these wonderful days, which will become the key to your strong relationships further.

What to give a girl for a month of relationship? - this is what worries a guy in love on the eve of this important day for both. The tips and videos in this article offer a collection of original ideas.

It’s not called the initial stage of a relationship for nothing candy-bouquet period. At this time, you want to endlessly please your beloved with little surprises. For 1 month of relationship you can give beautiful bouquet flowers (see).

If you think it’s trivial, you can decorate the flowers in an original way or buy them altogether unusual bouquet, For example:

In addition to flowers, you can give sweets, because girls adore them. Such an unobtrusive gift is just right for the first month of a relationship, when there is lightness around you and you are not yet burdened with obligations to each other.

Lovely surprises

All girls are little princesses at heart, so they love all kinds of cute gifts. Even though most of them do not carry any functional load, this is not at all necessary to start a relationship; the most important thing for you now is to bring a smile to the face of your chosen one.

  • Balloons- can become a symbol of your nascent relationship, because they are just as light, bright, striving somewhere in the sky. If you don’t know what to give a girl for a month of relationship to please her and the price was not too high, many, many balloons– your option!

  • Another common symbol of lightness, beauty and ease is butterflies.. For the first month of a relationship, it is quite possible to present a box with these beautiful insects, which simply cannot help but please the eye. Such a gift will be truly unexpected and romantic (see).

Advice: If you want the butterflies not to fly away in the first minutes, it is better to order delivery by courier directly to your loved one’s home, or visit yourself, of course, if the girl has already invited you to her place and such a visit will not be regarded as impudence. By opening the box indoors, she will be able to enjoy the butterflies much longer, have time to look at the wings and take a few photos as a souvenir.

  • Soft toygood gift for a month of relationship with a girl. It will remind your beloved of you when you are apart and simply delight the eye. If you decide to really surprise your chosen one, you can choose a huge bear!

  • Also, a great idea is to order paired T-shirts. The choice today is very large, there are a lot of options and they are all very cute and fun. The girl will be pleased that you are not shy about showing your feelings for her in public.

Nice and necessary gifts

If you are a practical person and don’t want to present a completely unnecessary, albeit romantic, thing, there are also a few ideas for you on what you can give a girl for a month of relationship.


Of course, we won’t be talking about expensive rings with diamonds or rubies here. A month into a relationship is not yet the time when it is customary to do such things expensive gifts. However, who said that jewelry must cost a lot of money?

Sometimes you can find very beautiful and romantic options made of silver or even medical steel. The main thing is to be able to present your gift in such a way that the girl will melt.

This option for paired rings will not scare you away at the price, but will constantly remind you of each other, hinting that you are two halves of one whole and only together can you be happy and feel comfortable. A ring is always a symbol, and let your relationship only just begin until wedding rings still far away, this cute gift could be the beginning of something global and truly significant.

These paired pendants simply cannot help but touch the heart of your beloved. By wearing one of the halves, you demonstrate to others that your heart is not free. The girl will definitely appreciate such a gesture.

“Half” bracelets continue the theme and will also be a wonderful surprise for a girl for a month of relationship.

For home

Even if you don’t live together yet, it’s quite important to give all sorts of little things for the house that will remind the girl of you when she’s in her apartment. It can be anything, the main thing is that the gift expresses your feelings towards her as clearly as possible.

  • As you know, “Lovers don’t watch the clock,” but it’s nice to look at this option, because it literally screams about love and how hard it is for you to be separated from your beloved. With such wall clock It will simply be unforgivable for her to be late for a date, because, according to them, your pulse can stop at any moment when your beloved is not around!

  • Continuing the theme of clocks, we would like to note such a beautiful, bright and touching alarm clock that can not only not irritate you in the morning, but, on the contrary, lift your spirits and instill warmth and joy in your soul.

  • Pillows – great option, let the girl hug them and fall asleep among them when you are not around. There can be a lot of prints:

  • Drinking morning coffee from such cups is much more pleasant.

  • Matching key rings are another cute and inexpensive idea.

For walks together

In the first months of a relationship, couples spend a lot of time walking, enjoying each other's company. If it's winter outside, these mittens for lovers will be touching and very a relevant gift. Of course, love warms you, but it still won’t hurt to warm yourself up:

Games for bonding

If a girl has a sense of humor and is ready to experiment, you can give her board game, which will help you get closer. Sexual innuendo is not at all necessary here, there are games that help you find out the tastes of your other half, test her or his erudition and just have fun alone.

With your own hands

It's always a pleasure to receive a handmade gift, especially if it's a gift from a loved one. Relationship month - A good reason show your creative abilities.

Today “Dreamcatchers” have become very popular - these are beautiful things, which are designed to protect the owner’s sleep. This device is hung above the head of the bed. According to the beliefs of the ancient Indians, nightmares will pass through the weaving, and bright and happy dreams will remain in the “web” and descend to you along the feathers.

So, step by step instructions:

  • First, let's prepare the materials. It is best that all elements are natural, but, in the absence of such, artificial ones will do. We will need: different bird feathers, the more and more beautiful, the better, an elastic branch that can be tied with a ring (you can take a simple embroidery hoop), threads, beads.

  • First of all, we tie the branch so that a ring is formed. Willow branches are best suited for such purposes. Then, wrap the ring with thread or thick cord, as shown in the photo:

  • Then, we take a thin thread and begin to weave a “web”. The photo clearly shows how this is done.

  • We measure out the approximate amount of thread that will be needed for the web. There are no rules or calculations here, just look at it. If you plan to weave beads, thread the thread through a needle, it will be more convenient. To make the second circle of the web you need to make loops, as shown in the photo; in the process you can weave beads to make the “Catcher” look more beautiful.

  • When the weaving process comes to an end and you find yourself in the center of the circle, be sure to leave a hole; it is necessary to be able to leave the dream at any time.

  • All that remains is to attach the feathers with thread and glue, the dream catcher is ready! You can solemnly present your beloved with a gift made with your own hands with care for her sound sleep.

Positive emotions

Probably the most best present, which can only be imagined by a girl in love - these are wonderful emotions. You don’t need any material gifts if you show your imagination and just spend time together, get new impressions that will more expensive than jewelry and everything else.

On initial stage relationships, such surprises are extremely important, because later you will have something to remember on warm family evenings.


As a present for the month of relationship, you can arrange a joint photo shoot. This great way capture your feelings at their peak, the fire in loving eyes will be visible even from a photograph. You can arrange a shoot in a studio or in some beautiful romantic place.

Going to the cinema

The most ordinary movie viewing can turn into a magical date if you choose a distant cinema and go to an afternoon screening. There will be practically no people in the hall, you can enjoy watching alone, holding hands. As for the genre, melodrama is best suited on such a day.


Another original place where you can spend time. In the stunning atmosphere of stars and planets, you will become even closer to each other, and your feelings will rise to the skies.


At the end of the celebration of your little anniversary, do not forget to say a few kind words to your significant other, tell her how happy you are to meet her and how you hope for a bright future together. Such words, fastened with a gentle kiss- what every girl wants to get on such a day.
