Kiss on the lips with tongue. How to kiss with the tongue: useful tips

After several dates, the moment of the first kiss comes. Confident guys often know how to behave properly, which cannot be said about the female representatives.

There are a number of steps to help you quickly master the kiss for the first time.

To learn how to correctly carry out this procedure, practice on tomatoes and other juicy fruits, but nothing can replace real lips.

The first kiss happens with or without tongue, but the style and manner of its performance will forever be remembered in the heads of partners.

Girls are used to the fact that a young man on dates usually takes the initiative on his part, which helps the lady to relax and accept the situation.

The problem arises when the young lady acts as the initiator - then you can’t show too much pressure, you just need to direct the guy in the right direction.

The most popular type of kiss on first dates is the no-tongue kiss.

It is suitable for teenagers who do not know how to kiss properly, as well as for people who are trying to start communication with romance.

Consider the main nuances to learn the technique of the first kiss without a tongue:

  1. The guy should lean down a little towards the girl, turn his head so that the nose does not interfere with the process. Further, it is recommended to gently touch the lips of the chosen one to make her pleased.
  2. It is not recommended to connect the tongue to the process - then the kiss looks assertive and sharp, which characterizes the guy from the negative side.
  3. After touching, move your lips over the girl’s lips, then kiss them again and whisper nice words in your ear.
  4. When a girl takes the initiative, when kissing without a tongue with a guy, you must carry out the same actions.

    A sharp pressure characterizes the lady from the negative side, so everything is done smoothly: the girl approaches the guy, closes her eyes, approaching his lips and gently kisses him.

Finish the procedure with a wish for a pleasant evening and thank you for the meeting and the time spent together.

You should not immediately ask about subsequent dates, this is discussed over the phone or online.

First tongue kiss

They say that the first kiss is a kind of test for the compatibility of a couple. Adults do not think about how to properly perform this procedure.

Having experience, they just relax and give themselves to the process. To make it beautiful, you need to remember the basic nuances.

Consider the technique of kissing with the tongue for the first time:

  • It is necessary to start the procedure with standard caresses and touches: it is enough to touch the lips of the partner and kiss them gently.
  • To open your partner's mouth, run your tongue over his lips: if there is no answer, you should stop trying.
  • It’s easier for teenagers to say that you don’t know how to kiss than to master the correct technique: for the first time, it is important to be confident in yourself and your actions.
  • A great disgust is caused by the tongue thrust to the full depth into the partner's mouth: each movement should occur gradually, the first time should not last long.
  • If it is noticeable that the partner likes the process, you can continue to caress his lips, tongue and teeth: the photo shows how to do this correctly.
  • Girls like long heart-to-heart talks more than physical intimacy: be a little restrained - this will give hope for the speedy development of events.

There are a large number of varieties of kisses with the tongue, they should be performed carefully: incorrect movements of a sharp nature can lead to tongue injuries.

Important! Many girls wonder what to do if the guy you like is taller than you. Then the initiative of the kiss should come from the young man.

Little tricks will help you cope with the first kiss even in the most sensitive situations.

Step-by-step instructions on how to kiss well and beautifully passionately

Despite the short time of acquaintance, the partners passionately kiss for the first time.

This indicates the decisiveness of one of the chosen ones and the response of the second opponent. A step-by-step instruction will help you learn how to do this cool.

Note! A classic French kiss always begins with a prelude: do not rush things - it is better to smoothly approach the most important climax.

A video tutorial and a step-by-step description will help you master a simple French kiss and subsequently put your knowledge into practice even at the age of 13:

How different zodiac signs kiss

Astrologers have developed a selection of features, thanks to them you can find out how different zodiac signs kiss. This is a convenient move for those who want to get to know a potential partner better.

Watching an Aries kiss and thinking that all Aries have this kissing style is naive, because all people are individual.

Try to find your kissing technique, and below are the main nuances of performing the procedure by different zodiac signs:

  1. Fire signs. Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are inherently impulsive signs, so the kissing style is similar.

    It is hardly possible to hear the word "I'm afraid" from representatives of the elements of fire - they are ready to go on any adventures and often initiate passionate kisses.

  2. Air signs. They live in romance and can draw a kiss on paper.

    Gemini doesn't take a first kiss seriously, Libra dreams of romantic mannerisms, and Aquarians are sensual, gentle, and open.

  3. Earth signs. Capricorns never show unnecessary emotions, so the kiss is unlikely to turn out to be passionate.

    Virgos are attentive in everything, so they will try to analyze the partner, and Taurus gently and slowly ignite the partner.

  4. Water signs. Slow Cancers kiss well, but live by their instincts and impulses.

    Silent Pisces in a kiss will be touching, but crazy. Scorpios prefer to heat up the procedure to degrees of passion.

As you can see, each zodiac sign kisses differently, there are no obvious statements about the features of a kiss. Each person has the style that helped him gain experience in relationships.

Useful video

Kissing is a means of expressing one's feelings and showing emotions. From early childhood, children express their love for their parents and loved ones with the help of kisses. But adult kisses deserve special attention.

Between people there are romantic relationships, which lead to the manifestation of a natural need for tenderness. But kissing is not an easy task. Experts say that you need to learn how to kiss correctly. There is even a kissing technique.

How to kiss with a sucking tongue: lessons of tenderness

In order for a kiss to evoke the most pleasant and romantic feelings, you need to create the appropriate environment. This is an intimate atmosphere, where there are no strangers who would embarrass and force you to restrain feelings. You can surround yourself with flowers or light candles.

The focus should be on fresh breath.

In addition, the posture should not be static, the hand can be easily run along the back, through the hair and touch the shoulders. In between kisses, you need to tell your partner what you feel for him, gentle and pleasant words will come in handy. Your body should be relaxed and supple, do not strain. Kisses should be different and replace each other. From light biting and sucking on the partner's lips to a smooth transition to "French".

Before you start kissing with your tongue, look your partner straight in the eyes, slowly approaching his face. Don't look at the lips. As you approach, close your eyelids, and during the French kiss, keep your eyes closed, try to feel how tenderness spreads throughout your body and is transferred to your boyfriend or girlfriend.

While kissing with your tongue, do not try to hold your breath, breathe at your normal pace.

Many do not understand how to properly position the head during a kiss so that the nose does not interfere. For the convenience of your and your girlfriend or boyfriend, tilt your head slightly to the side opposite to the tilt of your partner's head.

When you kiss, your lips should touch and move as if you were wrapping your lips around ice cream. At the same time, your mouth and the mouth of a girl or a guy should not be located directly, but in opposite directions. The lips should overlap each other so that the upper lip of one of the kissers is located between the two lips of the other. Sometimes you can change the position of the head and lips.

When kissing passionately, do not strain your lips and tongue, otherwise the kiss will not turn out tender.

When kissing with your tongue, do not stick it too deep into the mouth of a guy or girl, otherwise it may be uncomfortable for your partner.

Vary the depth of penetration and the speed of the kiss, depending on how your partner responds to caresses.

With the right French kiss, lovers should hug each other. If you are a guy, you can hug your partner around the waist and stroke the area of ​​​​her back and lower back. If you are a girl, then it is optimal to place your hands on the neck and shoulders of your partner. You can also stroke the chest of your young man.

At the end of the kiss, make your movements slower and softer, start kissing your partner without using your tongue, making the touches short, as if putting an end to it.

If one of the partners is timid and does not dare to kiss the other, you can show your readiness with the help of your eyes. If the partner looks directly into the eyes and does not take them away, then you can already show your tenderness.

You can learn how to kiss correctly by trial and error, the main thing is sincerity and sensuality.

The most important thing is that if there are no feelings between people, then even the most skillful kiss will not give the desired result.

When kissing, you should not open your mouth wide, you need to focus on the manifestations of the partner's emotions. He will show how he wants to kiss.

Video materials on the topic of the article

You will learn about the correct French kissing technique from this video:

If you have never had to kiss for real, namely with the tongue, then this does not mean anything. It's absolutely easy to learn! After reading our step-by-step recommendations, you will learn:

  • how to learn to kiss passionately correctly;
  • how to achieve the most unforgettable kiss;
  • what mistakes should be avoided when french kissing.

How to behave when kissing passionately

Do not eat heavy food (meat, fish dishes) and do not smoke before a kiss, because a specific one is unlikely to be pleasant to your partner. Brush your teeth or use breath fresheners. Do not get carried away with perfume either, in other words, do not get carried away with perfume! After all, a pungent smell can shorten the duration of a kiss or even discourage you from kissing.

Relax and don't think about anything. Excess thoughts and worries about how everything will go can only get in the way. Imagine a blue sky, and thoughts are clouds that you disperse with your hands. Then just focus on the kiss itself and enjoy it.

Breathe through your nose as you kiss. Not only will this make your kiss last longer, but it will also make it more enjoyable for your partner. If you are used to breathing through your mouth, then urgently get rid of this habit. Practice ahead of time so you don't feel uncomfortable later.

Find a use for your hands. They should not hang like whips. During the kiss, you can hug your partner by the neck and caress her with your fingertips. Remember to change the position of your hands, move them to the guy's back or face and gently stroke him.

Trust your partner, don't withdraw into yourself. Just surrender to the perfect moment.

How to start a kiss

First, lick your lips with your tongue and look the guy straight in the eyes. He will take it as a call to action. Kiss passionately, like any better to start with a light touch of your slightly open lips to the partner's lips. This is a kind of light, gentle kiss (photo on the right). However, after that, you do not move away from your partner, but continue to press against his lips, thereby showing that you expect him to continue. In order to "stimulate" the guy to further action even more, you can also run the tip of your tongue over his lips.

Most often, after such preparation, the young man himself pushes his lips, but if this does not happen, then you can slightly stick the tip of your tongue between them. And take your time, the slower you start, the more exciting and enjoyable your further love game will be. In the photo we see how to learn to kiss passionately.

What do we do with language? How to learn to kiss passionately

You can caress the lips of a young man with your tongue, penetrate into his mouth and even arrange some kind of competition using his tongue. Most importantly, do not stop, strive to explore the entire mouth of your partner. However, in the classic version, a kiss with a suction does without a tongue and is limited only to gentle biting and, as it were, swallowing the lips of a young man. While suction involves its use, which adds spice to the kiss and brings a lot of pleasure to both partners.

Let's take a closer look at the whole process of using the tongue in a French kiss.

After your kiss has already begun, run your tongue along the inside of your partner's lips. You can also lightly lick them. Then touch your tongue to his tongue. Next, swipe it across the sky, which has many nerve endings and is one of the erogenous zones. If you touch it only with the tip of your tongue, slowly moving it back and forth, then you will excite it pretty quickly. However, remember the golden rule: everything should be in moderation. If you overdo it, then by your actions you will cause tickling.

After using one method, change it to another, for example, try "windmill". This technique consists in rotating your tongue around the partner's mouth. It is also worth playing with his tongue, either clasping his lips, or slightly sucking. The last technique is liked by most men, it has an exciting effect on them. This method is successfully combined with the method of pulling the partner's tongue into your mouth. This is done as follows: with suction movements, draw in his tongue, then loosen his grip or release for a while and capture him again.

My advice on how to learn how to kiss passionately: while kissing, imagine that your tongues are making love. If you have not yet had a personal sexual experience, then remember the frames from the movies, the stories of acquaintances or frank scenes from the books you read. The movements of the tongues should be harmonious, not erratic. Follow the beat that your partner sets, repeat his movements. If he is passive, then set your tone. Catch the general rhythm, and then everything will be fine with you.

The main thing to remember is that whatever method you use, you should always be gentle and attentive to the reactions of your loved one.

Toak rightoh finishkiss passionately?

There is no difficulty in this, except that you should not end the kiss too abruptly. To make the process natural, you must first slow down the pace of the tongue, and then remove it from the partner's mouth. It is better to finish with a short, in other words, “smacking”.

Common mistakes made when kissing with the tongue

1 .Don't push your tongue deep into the oral cavity of your young man. At a minimum, this will lead to discomfort and possible easy removal. And as a maximum, touching the throat with the tongue causes tickling and a nauseating reflex in most people. If you do not want to prematurely end the kiss, then it is better to moderate your ardor.

2. Active and chaotic tongue movements"back and forth." This is similar to the work of "wipers" on the windshield of a car. Sweeping, uncontrolled movements of your tongue are unlikely to be received with a bang by your partner. Relax it and extremely gently caress.

3. Strong suction or intense biting partner language. Imitation of a vacuum cleaner is good, but in moderation, without prolonged retraction. Biting the tongue should be short, playful and gentle. Press lightly with your teeth, without effort. Excessive manipulations can cause serious pain to a young person, because the tongue has many nerve endings.

4. Don't forget to swallow your saliva. Few people like very wet lips or squelching of the tongue in the partner's saliva mass.

5. Lack of body and hand movements while kissing. Don't stand tall. Move, press tighter with your whole body, and then move back a little. Gently or, on the contrary, passionately (at your discretion) caress the back of the head, neck, shoulders, back, buttocks of your partner with your hands. This acts very exciting and gives brightness to the impressions of the kiss.

Finally. How can you achieve an unforgettable kiss?

So, if we figured out the question of how to learn to kiss passionately, then the task of achieving an unforgettable kiss is still relevant. You can talk for a long time about how we kiss, at the expense of the ideal option, but never come to a consensus. The fact is that there is no panacea for all occasions. After re-reading and studying thoroughly all the kissing techniques, you will not find a universal option.

The whole "trick" of an unforgettable kiss is in his personality! Remember: in all ages, the best seducer was considered the one who could find a special approach to a man. The stronger sex appreciates what he did not receive from other women. That is why a real lady never repeats herself.

This also applies to kissing. What one person likes may be completely different. For example, one likes stroking with his tongue, the other - his gentle sucking, the third prefers biting. That is why try to listen to your partner during the kiss, tune in to his wave and follow his desires.

Only the feelings that you have for a person make a kiss unforgettable. Try to convey to the man all the passion, love, tenderness that you feel for him. Let this moment be a reflection of your soul. If you put strong feelings into it, then a kiss for your chosen one will become truly unforgettable and infinitely desirable.

Kissing takes center stage in romantic relationships between partners. Many young girls or guys are shy at the first kiss.

In order not to put yourself in an awkward situation, you can independently learn how to correctly perform different types of kisses.

What types of kisses to learn is a private matter for everyone. You can watch various videos on the topics and try with your partner or with the help of additional tools.

If a guy fell in love with a girl, in order to express his feelings and be closer to her, he begins to kiss her.

Many kiss not only with mutual sympathy, when you greet a girl or a guy. Teenagers most often do not know how to kiss properly.

There are different types of romantic lip touches:

  • Welcome. Familiar people at a meeting can kiss each other on the cheek. Or they quickly smack each other right on the lips.
  • Romantic. It is used for mutual sympathy and the presence of high feelings in a partner.

    The man is the first to make movements with his lips, starting from the earlobes, to the neck, and then passionately turns into a kiss with the tongue.

  • Passionate. Adults bite their lips, making quick movements with their tongue, with touches of their teeth.
  • Body kisses. Your partner sexually touches lips to various parts of the body, causing delight.

Important! If the date is the first time, and the guy is older than the girl, he should start his movements first.

If on the contrary, the girl should start with light movements, and then you can move on to more decisive movements.

Kissing on the lips passionately: video tutorial

At what age you should start learning to kiss, it is individual for each person. It happens that a boy and a girl kissed for the first time at 5-6 years old.

Many children in kindergarten can touch their cheeks lightly with their lips. Don't rush things if you can't do it the first time.

The first kiss should not last long, the main thing during the process is not to think about the right actions.

A common type of kissing is a passionate kiss. To learn on your own, you can watch a video tutorial with the correct technique.

And also carefully consider the pictures or certain pictures. After watching the video, you can practice at home on tomatoes or on your arm.

If tomatoes are used, they should not be allowed to burst and juice flow out of them. It is necessary to perform certain correct actions.

To beautifully perform suction movements with your lips, it is important to follow these recommendations:

  1. Start a kiss with light touches to the partner's lips.
  2. It is beautiful to perform slow movements with the tongue.
  3. The first action is to touch the tongue to the inside of the lip, after which with your tongue do various slow movements without stopping, to your taste.
  4. You should not perform sharp and quick movements with your tongue, as well as bite your partner's lips.
  5. You can take turns sucking your lips, without a tongue.

Actors who participate in films, theaters, cinemas play their roles in various romantic scenes.

They sometimes have to portray kisses. To play the role well, many artists, if they have sympathy, try to perform a real kiss passionately.

When showing films, it is easier to mount romantic shots, where only the touches of partners' lips are possible.

When performing live on stage, in order to perform well, theater artists have to kiss for real.

Learn to kiss with tongue

After performing the correct actions, during normal and simple kisses, one can learn to perform actions with the tongue.

Such touches evoke passion and sexuality. The best option is if both partners are naked.

If a man is inexperienced, you can teach him to perform the necessary actions yourself.

They are:

  1. It can be a continuation of a regular kiss.
  2. With slow actions, penetrate your partner's mouth with your tongue.
  3. The tongue and lips should not be tense, but also penetrate deeply.
  4. The duration of the process can be varied, at the discretion of each.
  5. The main thing is to show your partner your capabilities, and bring him pleasure.
  6. Avoid tongue movement when kissing with braces to prevent pain or displacement.

Gays and lesbians often use tongue movements to caress. They can be performed not only in the mouth, but throughout the body.

French Kiss

The most common type of kissing is in French. They are often used at a wedding, with a romantic date. Often used by teenagers.

To learn how to properly perform a French kiss, it is important to follow the recommendations:

  1. Language contact can come from one or two partners at the same time.
  2. Before the procedure, moisturize the mouth so as not to feel dry during a long process.
  3. After starting, it is better to close your eyes to be calm.
  4. With slow movements of the tongue, enter the partner's mouth and explore all parts.
  5. Keep breathing evenly so that there is no shortage of air.
  6. Apply your fantasies, alternate deep and superficial touches.

To make it convenient and comfortable to perform movements with lips and tongue, even with a tall guy, if the actions will take place lying down.

Find out how your zodiac sign kisses

Before a date, many girls mentally imagine their first kiss. To find out the characteristics of your partner, you can read how the zodiac signs kiss.

Consider in the table the technique of kissing, depending on the horoscope:

Zodiac signs Characteristic description
Scorpion Passionate and strong-willed personalities, not a single aunt can resist their passionate kisses. They always achieve a touch with their lips if there is mutual sympathy for the opposite sex
Virgo Clean and tidy natures, they can kiss in a secluded quiet place. Choose a clean partner with oral hygiene
a lion Erotic and passionate personalities. The male side, experiencing passion, even touching the lady's hand
Scales When touched with tongues, they listen to the partner's breathing, follow his actions. Ready to give all their passionate feelings to the opposite side
Fish They will never take the first step towards touching, they will expect actions from the second side. They prefer to merge with their beloved guy in a slow and affectionate kiss
Aries Passionate and energetic personalities love quick movements and thoughtful tactics. Kissing can be painful
Taurus Partners kiss gently, giving all the warmth and feeling. After their kiss, no girl wants to change her partner
Twins Sexy and mysterious personalities. The first touch of the lips is possible after flirting and playful signs of attention.

With the correct execution of the kissing technique, as well as with a little imagination, you can have fun for a long time.

A greater effect will be obtained if there is sympathy and feelings for a loved one.

You look languidly and smile sweetly, and your relationship is slowly gaining momentum. He escorts home in the evenings and gently kisses, gently touching your lips, and it's so nice to remember before going to bed. But from date to date, I want to develop and move to a new level of touch, I already want to show my tongue in a kiss and feel it. So why is he slow? Should I take the initiative or wait? But will he understand such openness and nakedness of feelings correctly?

When is tongue in a kiss appropriate?

The difference between kissing with tongue and kissing without tongue lies in the degree of intimacy and closeness of the partners. Many people love to kiss and have even mastered several techniques of this fascinating process, but that's right, and most importantly - to the point, not everyone can apply them.
You should not be the first to rush into battle, to expose your feelings in passionate kisses. Your man may be offended and afraid of such decisiveness. It is better to use female tricks and explain to your partner with hints that you have not been against a more intimate kiss for a long time. But in some cases, you can most skillfully use the sweetness of a kiss with the tongue.
Feel free to kiss him with your tongue first if:

  • He expects determination from you. Your young man is older than you and is afraid to “pressure” you once again, or he is not entirely sure of the sincerity of your feelings and simply does not feel desire from you. He gives your relationship into your hands in advance, and it is you who must take all the steps first. Since a kiss with the tongue is perceived by many as a hint of something more and lasting, the male sex often leaves the choice to the lady, whether she wants it or not.

Solution : A light kiss with the tongue and maybe even some awkwardness and randomness in the kiss will play into your hands. You will let him openly understand that he can express himself and fully reveal himself in a kiss.

  • He doesn't know how to kiss. There is also such an option when you go crazy over him and the only thing you can think about is his touch. And he turns out to be inexperienced, and after the first kiss with the tongue everything blows away like the wind. Unpleasant sensations and his mistakes during a kiss cannot compensate even your skillful movements. A fiasco like this is disappointing, but you can fix it.

Solution: Always kiss him first and be persistent in the kiss. With his technique and a little manipulation of movements, after a while he will begin to fully adapt to you. His kisses will get better and better, and you can get a double dose of satisfaction: from kissing and your ability to teach.

  • You want to express something to him without words. You expect him to take a decisive step in a relationship, or you just have a playful mood today, or even you have a small request - so why not spice it all up with a passionate kiss, of course, with the tongue. Prove, show, insist, demand or ask - everything can be expressed through the movements of the language. Such a kiss can both convey feelings and be something like a golden key to your soul mate.

Solution: A 100% way to use your lovemaking skills for your own gain is to show what you can, tease and stop. A kiss with the tongue is just perfect for this. The main thing is to be confident in yourself, know your partner well, his preferences and be able to kiss.

Rules for the perfect tongue kiss

“Veal tenderness”, which includes kisses devoid of passion, and even more so the participation of the tongue, is practically not liked by guys, and many girls too. But the tongue in a kiss does not always cause passion and causticity in the intimate process, and sometimes its rude and “dry” use can vulgarize even the most romantic moment. To throw heat into the fire of a kiss is capable of tongue movements, but they cannot be a spark at the right moment. How to spoil all impressions about a partner, and correct the situation with failed mixing can only be correct and timely use of the tongue in a kiss.
Kissing steps:

  1. Lips. Gentle touch of still dry lips. A slight mutual pinching of the upper and lower lips of the partners, a soft touch, which should not be tightened too much.
  2. Eyes. Pulling away from your partner and looking deeply into his eyes is considered no less intimate than the penetration of the tongue into the mouth. This stage should not be skipped, especially for the first time. If there is timidity, then you can hug your partner or touch his cheeks with your palms.
  3. Wet lips. Lick your lips, take a deep breath and close your eyes as soon as he touches you. With such a kiss, the tongue itself will reach for his lips - and this is quite natural. At this moment, it is worth showing all your ability to kiss with the tongue.
  4. Language penetration. Everyone does it differently, but there are certain standards of tongue movement that make for a beautiful French kiss. The meeting of two languages ​​should not lead to embarrassment or stop, and all caresses should go at an increasing pace to the peak of bliss.
  5. The end of the kiss. After the most passionate kiss, nothing can be more beautiful than breathing together, in unison, touching foreheads.

tongue kissing technique:
The whole technique of the "French kiss" is based on the movements of the tongue, on the mutual caress of the tips of the lips with the tongue and on the rhythm of the kiss itself. Everyone can learn how to kiss in French after several attempts, and preferably joint training. The main thing to remember is that all common tips should be taken only as recommendations, and not clear rules of action with impeccable execution. Any kiss should be unique, and improvisation is always welcomed as a burst of sincerity of feelings.

Classical rules for the movement of the tongue during a kiss

  1. The tongue should not be tense, but not too sluggish, so that all movements are clearly felt by the partner. Your desire for a kiss is transmitted through the efforts of the tongue, so use it completely: from the tip to the hyoid
  2. Naturalness during a kiss is very important, which means that the pressure and speed of your movements must correspond to the movements of your partner, you need to adapt to each other. If something does not suit you, then it would be more correct to stop and try to start again.
  3. Do not hide the tongue behind the cheeks or press it against the upper palate. The partner will evaluate such actions as not wanting to kiss.
  4. A kiss with the tongue is a pair and the simultaneous work of two partners. No need to wait until he wanders his tongue in your mouth and only then proceed to action: everything should be at the same time.
  5. Control salivation and never force your tongue back into your mouth.
  6. Do not roll your tongue into a tube and do not try to put it as deep as possible into your partner's mouth. This will not bring additional pleasure to either you or him.
  7. The movements of the tongue should be smooth and in several planes. Do not use monotonous movements, like a pendulum: right-left, forward-backward.
  8. When caressing your partner's tongue, the movements of your tongue should be flexible, as if a cat rubs and wriggles around the legs. No need to strive to completely lick the guy's tongue and teeth.
  9. Remember your teeth. It is very easy to bite your tongue in a fit of passion, and it is also possible to collide with your partner and cut the tip of your tongue on his teeth. Such moments are quite common, so be careful and gentle.
  10. During the kiss, remember all the rules and give in to feelings, trust your partner. Respond to every caress, touch and enjoy it.

The use of tongue in a kiss plays the role of a barrier to start a new stage in a relationship. This means that you trust each other, that you are close, that you are one at the moment. They say that a kiss can be more intimate than sex, and in some cultures, it is he who is cheating on a partner. To some extent, this is true. No one even knows how to kiss “just like that”, since any kiss expresses something, and we give a person a piece of ourselves, our inner world. The contact of lips and the gentle meeting of the tips of the tongues is the sweet moment of a kiss, which should be long-awaited, desired and sure to bring pleasure to both.
