Practical synastry: stable couples. Synastry (overlay of horoscopes)

In personal relationships and marriage, it is important for you to prove yourself, if this fails, irritation arises. You are attracted to open and bright people, in whom you can see allies in the struggle. Independence and freedom in relationships, irascibility, anger and headaches if suppressed. Attract self-confident and dominant personalities.

Juno in Taurus

You have a need for a stable personal relationship with a partner and a marriage that would provide you with a secure position in life. The need for stability and solidity of relationships. The partner must be there. From the fear of being abandoned and the lack of a sense of security comes the need to tangibly own it. The ability to attract partners who express dissatisfaction with the existing reality.

Juno in Gemini

You have a need for constant communication with your partner. Your compatibility is built on participating in numerous relationships. There may be a need for verbal stimulation of relationships. Desire to discuss a variety of cases in which partners should participate together. The lack of daily communication leads to nervous tension, imaginary dialogues in private with oneself and prolonged verbiage. There may be a desire to have more than one partner and have multiple interactions.

Juno in Cancer

You have a need for an intimate and familial relationship with a partner that provides emotional closeness, caring for each other, and a sense of security. An essential ritual of a relationship is eating together. If these needs are not met, the result is a bad mood, clinging to a partner, and withdrawing into oneself.

Juno in Leo

You have a need for a worthy relationship with a partner that serves as a source of inspiration in life's creativity. Your compatibility is based on mutual respect and love. You need admiration, romantic courtship rituals and the opportunity to be proud of your partner. Ignoring you can lead to self-centeredness and a desire to attract attention to yourself in an inappropriate way.

Juno in Virgo

You strive to achieve perfection in relationships with a partner, which can take on a businesslike character and set you up for a joint adjustment of life habits. Analyzing daily functioning and adjusting habits gives the relationship a business touch. If the partner does not want to be included in this correction, this leads to criticism and a search for flaws.

Juno and Libra

You have a need to feel equal in relationships and marriage, although you need constant advice and approval from your partner. If there is no equality, there is a desire for competition, sometimes turning into a real fight.

Juno in Scorpio

You have a desire to attract the exclusive attention of a partner and control his energy potential, which can manifest itself as jealousy. You need the emotional and sexual intensity of the relationship. There is a tendency to establish control over a partner or a desire to attract his exclusive attention. If this fails, jealousy and sexual withdrawal follow.

Juno in Sagittarius

In personal relationships and marriage, you are aimed at ideological and socially significant interaction with a partner who could share your views and aspirations. If the partner does not share the views, this can lead to a fanatical insistence on his worldview.

Juno in Capricorn

You strive for long-term, serious personal relationships, exemplary behavior and compatibility in marriage, capable of providing your couple with high status and respect. If stability is threatened, you tend to take control and demand obedience.

Juno in Aquarius

You have a need to find new forms of marriage and personal relationships in which you value friendship above all else. You feel like having freedom and your own life, as well as the opportunity to experiment with reversing roles in a relationship. If your partner denies your freedom, this can lead to unexpected actions and anarchic behavior.

Juno in Pisces

Your personal relationships are built on the basis of deep emotional mutual influence. You need a sympathetic and committed partner. You strive for complete trust and commitment that gives value and meaning to relationships. If these idealistic desires are not satisfied, there may be disappointment, the role of a victim, or withdrawal into fantasy.

Astrologically, Juno symbolizes the principle of relationship and is thus associated with the signs of Libra and Scorpio. Juno's pathologies are jealousy, infidelity, enslavement, possessiveness, betrayal and leaving (abandonment). Juno cares about the fullness of marriage and describes a deep and true relationship as well as the suffering that occurs if this union does not occur. Through transits, Juno governs the emergence of relationships, courtship, marriage, separation, divorce. In the synastry, this is an indicator of compatibility and karmic connection, which works like the Moon and Venus in the traditional interpretation.

Juno in the horoscope indicates how to improve the quality of relationships. She controls female beauty and attractiveness (clothes, hairstyles, jewelry, perfumes, cosmetics), the instinct of style, the ability to create a harmonious and pleasant home. Knowledge of the art of hospitality makes her a charming hostess. A person with a strong Juno in the horoscope has the ability to improve and strengthen relationships, bringing beauty, harmony and pleasure to the union. Juno is a defender of women's rights.

In occult terms, marriage is a path of transcendence that transforms the separateness of the ego into a larger whole. The marriage ceremony is a sacred ritual that fuses individuals into a third substance, and, like many chemical reactions, this process is irreversible. The spiritual gift of Juno allows each partner to use the marriage union as a way of entering into the divine Love that pervades everywhere.

Juno is associated with atmospheric phenomena: weather, climate, meteorology, storms, clean air. She also shows a creative talent in the art of performance (imaging, dance, drama, vocals). It determines the ability for meaningful relationships and the degree of understanding and expression of our feelings that we carry to another person.

O t translator. The text perfectly reveals Juno itself, but describes her manifestations through signs somewhat one-sidedly. For example, Juno in Aries may indicate an attraction to aggressors. Or maybe - just to be attracted to Aries by the Sun or the Ascendant. Of course, the Sun in Aries is most likely not a quiet bespectacled person, but with a stellium in Libra or Taurus, he / she will be soft and affectionate.

Everything is not so simple, and any of the Planets, and any of the Signs have a lot of potential forms of manifestation. By the way, this can and does help, not only with Juno, to balance the manifestations of Juno, the fifth and seventh houses. Otherwise, half of the people would be left without partners!

Juno in the horoscope shows what kind of marriage partner we need and what we will get.

Not the partner we think we want (they are ruled by Venus and Mars), but the one that really works out. I will answer this question before moving on to the details of Juno in your horoscope. Venus and Mars show who we consider ideal men and women. The fifth house shows who we prefer to be romantically involved with, and the seventh house shows our first marriage partner (the ninth will describe our second partner). Juno works on a more fundamental level.

Translator's note. In the question of who exactly describes the second marriage partner - the seventh, ninth house, or even the fifth, because "the second marriage is no longer a marriage" discord reigns among astrologers. There is also an opinion that the seventh house is always involved, but the second partner is "shaded" by one of the other houses. (Dark sign).

Juno in Signs:

Juno in Aries. The partner will be furious, aggressive, pressing and active. Grass doesn't grow under their feet.

Juno in Taurus. Stable, serious and of course - a stubborn partner.

Juno in Gemini. You will never marry a silent man! Talk, talk and talk again - that's what is required of a partner. He must also be agile and intelligent.

Juno in Cancer. You need a sensitive and caring partner. But be careful. If Juno has too many stressful aspects, you will be forced to babysit such people, and they will whine and complain endlessly.

Juno in Leo. No, your partner will not necessarily be from show business, but it will be a person who knows how to be seen, creative or very playful. On the other hand, he can be brash, like a commanding child, non-adult, especially if Juno has tense aspects. In this case, discard the idea of ​​attracting embarrassed, withdrawn people.

Juno in Virgo. You need an efficient, hard-working partner who is ready to look after your health as well. All OK, they can be critical sometimes (or always!), especially if your Juno has tense aspects (squares, oppositions and sometimes conjunctions).

Juno in Libra. You need a charming, social and artistic partner.

Juno in Scorpio. You need a partner who is "intense", strong and slightly mysterious. He should definitely be good in bed.

From a translator. Or a black magician, this will already satisfy the Scorpio Juno. Physicist too, but not everyone. Detective, secret service agent, psychiatrist, practicing psychologist. Scorpio, unfortunately, in conventional astrology is considered exclusively one-sided.

Juno in Sagittarius. The partner is likely to be from a completely different environment and may even be a foreigner. Even if the partner is not Sagittarius, he (she) may have Sagittarius qualities. He/she may be involved in higher education or take frequent long trips, or he/she may talk a lot and listen little (if at all!).

Juno in Capricorn. You need a practical partner, a good organizer who can help you in business. Don't expect too much emotion from them.

Juno in Aquarius. You need a partner.... Okay, different. It can be a genius, an eccentric or just a madman (maybe all at once). It could be a partnership that is "different". Aquarius is a sign of fanaticism in everything related to independence and the presence of a lot of space. A marriage in which people spend a lot of time apart is great for Juno in Aquarius.

Juno in Pisces. An imaginary partner can satisfy such a Juno! If a person born with Juno in Pisces gets married or lives with a real person, he/she can use the imagination to "remove" the shortcomings and increase the number of pluses in the partner. Be careful not to marry out of pity or a desire to save your partner.

We have studied the theoretical foundations of relationship analysis. But any theory is tested only in practice. In most books on astrology, including relationship astrology, horoscopes of kings and princes, famous politicians and artists are often given as an example. That is, people living some special life. And they have specific problems. In addition, the details of their private life and experiences, character traits are sometimes left behind the scenes, since the author of the book most often did not personally communicate with them.

You will find more in this book. We will analyze the horoscopes of people, firstly, the most ordinary people living in Russia in the second half of the 20th century, and secondly, personally known to the author. Naturally, in order not to violate the secret of personal life, neither names, nor dates of birth, nor the city where these people live will be indicated. Only horoscopes. Of course, a professional astrologer will be able to restore the date of birth. But this is not necessary, since we will not consider forecasts, but only relationships. On the examples given, you can practice, gain experience, so that later you can use it when analyzing your horoscope and the horoscopes of your partners.

stable couples

First, let's look at relationships that have stood the test of time. So, what connected people who have been walking along the road of life together for many years? All couples considered in this section have one or two children, adults or students. But the theme of this book is interpersonal, "horizontal" relationships, not the family as a social unit. Therefore, we do not consider parent-child relationships. Similarly, when analyzing business relationships, all examples are relationships of equals, that is, when none of the partners is subordinate to the other.

Let's take a look at the first couple. Card 1 represents the wife, and card 2 represents the husband. These people have been together for 20 years. According to horoscopes, both of them are active, harmonious, versatile personalities. Trine and sextile aspects predominate. The elements of fire and air are expressed. The theme of relationships is of great importance, as the signs of Aries and Libra are accentuated. According to socionics, the wife is Don Quixote, the Inventor, and the husband is Huxley, the Journalist. The wife has a humanitarian education, specialties - pedagogy, foreign languages. But she was equally good at both the natural and mathematical sciences and the humanities. The husband has a working profession, he is very hardworking. Together they do a lot with their own hands, cheer, spur each other. The wife is sociable, sociable, although sometimes she can be harsh in communication, swoop in, shout at a person, but then quickly leaves, which is typical for pronounced fire. There is also pity and sympathy. The husband is somewhat rougher on the first impression, but also sociable. He really lacks logic, planning. He takes his health somewhat seriously.

Let's see what connects them. In the husband's chart, the Descendant is in Sagittarius and Mars is in Sagittarius in the 7th house. The wife has a strong Mars in Aries, that is, meets the expectations of her husband. In addition, the wife's Venus is trine to her husband's Mars. The wife's descendant is in Pisces, and also Mars in the 7th house, but already in the sign of Aries. The husband has fiery Mars and the watery Sun in Scorpio, here the husband answers the desires of his wife. So, there is a common Martian theme in the relationship. Their relationship is bright, stormy, sometimes with flashes of passion, sometimes it comes to conflict, but for both it is harmonious, so they dump their energy on each other, and the second partner likes it - Mars is in the 7th house! Both of them are physically strong, capable of physical work, and do it successfully, although they, first of all, their wife, also like intellectual work, new knowledge, new books.

There are other links as well. The wife's Venus is in Aries conjunct her husband's Moon. What he wants to see his wife (Moon), so she is her Venus. The wife's Mars in the 7th house is well realized by the husband's Sun in Scorpio. Two Venuses in opposite signs (wife in Aries, husband in Vesrh) give a strong attraction to each other, including erotic. Ascendant of the husband in Gemini is combined with the Moon of the wife in Gemini. It is also sextile to Mars of the wife. The Moon in Aries and the Moon in Gemini also interact well, both of them like the active atmosphere in the house. This is an abundance of handmade work, and guests. The Moon in the XII house of the husband corresponds to the Sun of the wife in Pisces. Finally, two Suns are not only in one, water, element, but also in a trine to each other.

So, it turns out a beautiful, harmonious couple. And even some tense aspects cannot spoil the matter. There are two such aspects: the husband's Saturn square to the wife's Moon and the wife's Mercury square to the husband's Mars. However, Saturn does not play a big role in the husband's chart. The second tense aspect is manifested in the occasional verbal skirmishes that do not offend partners so much as stimulate them to joint physical work, to action, for example, in the household.

According to socionics, their relationship is related (IL(+) and IE(+)). Indeed, they have a lot in common, similar. Similar life goals, lifestyle. There are sometimes sharp flashes when the second function of one affects the fourth of the second. But due to the peculiarities of their horoscopes, these outbreaks, as already mentioned, are tolerated by them normally. These are two extroverts, and they actively interact not only with each other, but also with numerous relatives, friends and acquaintances.

Next couple. The wife's horoscope is card 3, the husband's horoscope is card 4. They are the same age, got married at 19 and have been together for over 30 years. Their connection is very strong, to the level of intuition, when what is happening with one of the spouses is felt by the other, especially the wife. Even in adolescence, they had chance meetings, strange coincidences, that is, their fate was not intertwined by chance, a certain space program is visible behind everything.

It can be seen from the horoscopes that both the husband and wife have the Sun in Pisces, air Moons (the husband is in Aquarius, the wife is in Gemini), the husband has a strongly pronounced fire element (the Ascendant in Sagittarius, four planets in Aries and one in Leo), the wife is dominated by water and earth.

The husband's descendant is in Gemini, in the same sign the wife's Moon, she answers his twin needs. The husband's Venus is in Aries, in conjunction with Saturn, and the wife's Venus is in the earth sign of Taurus.

The wife has a Descendant in Capricorn, here the husband does not really meet the expectations of his wife. Although the ruler of her 7th house - Saturn - is in conjunction with Saturn and Venus of her husband.

The Mars of the wife is in Taurus, where the Mars of the husband is. But the most important link for this couple is the conjunction of the wife's Venus and husband's Mars in the sign of Taurus. This aspect confirms the fact that they love each other for many years, and this love has not faded over time. Knight and his beloved. And two air moons help to live together in one house. Here the intellectual orientation of their joint interests (air Moons) is combined, and both have a good education, and the everyday orientation is the expression of the sign of Taurus in both, especially in the wife, as well as the Moon in the second house in the husband and the Ascendant in Cancer in the wife. The wife cooks deliciously, devoting a lot of time to household chores, for her husband comfort and coziness in the house are of great importance (most of the planets are under the horizon, the IV and V houses of the horoscope are accentuated). They have a lot of stocks in the house, various products, things, including old ones. My husband has a lot of books and old newspapers (Moon in Aquarius in the 2nd house).

The husband has a mutable axis Ascendant-Descendant, according to the signs Sagittarius - Gemini. Often this speaks of several partners, several marriages. Why isn't it here? Firstly, the ruler of the 7th house, Mercury, is in a standing position, moving from forward to backward movement, slowing down, concentrating the issues of the 7th house in this person. Secondly, his Venus, the significator of the 7th house, is in conjunction with Saturn, and Saturn fixes everything. Two planetary factors, the ruler and the significator of the 7th house, outweighed the significant influence. And this person really has a lot of various acquaintances, friendly and business, he is very sociable. Moreover, his Sun and Mercury are in the III house, it is not difficult for him to approach and get to know someone. Regardless of the age and gender of the interlocutor. This person likes communication with people of a lower level of education and social status, where he can show his knowledge and be a mentor (Ascendant in Sagittarius), he also loves children very much (filled V house). The wife, with her Descendant in Capricorn, does not even like such increased sociability of her husband. Although this fact cannot outweigh all the good that connects them.

According to socionics, the husband is Hamlet, that is, the Artist and the Teacher, and the wife is Yesenin, the Housekeeper and at the same time the Seeker. They correspond well to their socionic types. The husband is really bright, generous, loves to teach everyone, sometimes artistic. The wife is somewhat mysterious at first sight, does not reveal her inner world, has intuition, feels emotions and relationships well, does household chores well (Ascendant in Cancer, filled with the sign of Taurus), but is a seeker and romantic in her soul (the sign of Pisces, emphasis on XI house of the horoscope and MS in Aquarius). And their weak functions in socionics are clearly manifested. For my wife, this is a business logic, and she does not like and does not know how to conduct business and financial calculations, and she never intended to do business. My husband has aesthetic sensory, he may have problems with appearance, perception of aesthetics. The intertype relationships of this pair are mirror.

In the next pair (husband - card 5, wife - card 6), the relationship is sometimes conflicting and rather rude, but nonetheless suits both. Husband and wife here belong to earth signs. Taurus and Capricorn. The wife of the Moon is in Libra, the husband is in Virgo, this is somewhat uncomfortable, for example, the rudeness of the husband irritates the wife, although she herself is quite rude. The husband is greedy, loves to stock everything that is possible (the Sun in Taurus, Mercury in Taurus, Jupiter and Pluto in the I! house, the Moon in Virgo). By profession - he served in the internal affairs bodies, she is a school teacher of mathematics. In her map, we see great structure, consistency. She achieves everything herself, including in official instances. Often she achieves even what her husband should do. He is sometimes cowardly or indecisive, sways for a long time (Mars in the 7th house, the Sun in Taurus). So, she achieved an apartment, although it would be easier for her husband to do this. She made her husband fix the car faster. At the same time, she promoted him to active work, to leadership. But his business qualities are not enough for independent work, where initiative and enterprise are needed, where you need to work hard. He is still used to acting in given, prevailing conditions.

According to socionics, the wife is Macedonian, Director, the husband is Don Quixote, Inventor. She has all the qualities of Macedonian - business acumen, perseverance, just physical strength and will. She is able to suppress, sometimes falls into hysteria, but this never comes at the expense of achieving her goals. She is quite conflicted. The husband really often indulges in dreams and plans, but usually is not able to fulfill them. He has logical thinking, interest in new knowledge. He works well with his hands, only disorganized. And both of them have big problems with ethics, they do not know how to properly communicate with people, many consider them to be unnecessarily rude and conflictual. Their intertype relationships are businesslike (IL(+) and SP(+)). As we shall see later, this is indeed the case.

Both have heavy changes in the horoscope: the husband has the Big Cross, the wife has the squares of the Sun-Moon, Mars-Uranus. These are very controversial aspects. By the way, my husband has the opposition Mars-Uranus, the same sharp, conflicting aspect. The socionic type and aspects in the horoscope here speak of the same thing. They withstand each other, thanks to the presence of similar aspects in their map, it is natural for them to behave like a partner, although each of them would annoy another person.

See how the wife responds to her husband's seventh house. He has Mars in the 7th house, in Aquarius, in the same place as the Descendant. And the wife has Mars in the handle of the Basket, and also the Sun in the 1st house, and a lot of fire. True, the wife does not have enough air, but the Moon in Libra just helps here.

In turn, the wife has the Descendant in Gemini, and the husband has Venus in Gemini and the Moon in the III house. Here it is possible that both will expect air manifestations from each other. The mutable axis in the radix chart of the wife turns into a cardinal one after moving to her husband, which smooths out the variability of the Descendant in Gemini. But still, the tendency to search for partners on the side of her, and he, too, manifested itself in life.

Check out the classic lines. On the Ascendant-Descendant axis and planets in I-VII houses, the wife satisfies the expectations of her husband (according to Mars), and the husband does not quite meet the expectations of his wife. Sun moon. He has an earthly Sun (Taurus) and she has an earthly (Capricorn). He has the Moon in the earth (Virgo), agrees well with her Sun, a trine between them. And her airy Moon meets his expectations of air over the Descendant. Venus - Mars. Her Venus in Capricorn corresponds to his Moon in Virgo, but not to his Venus and Mars. Her Mars is in Taurus, and his Sun is in Taurus, he corresponds to her image of Mars. He has Venus in Gemini - combined with her Moon in Libra. But his Mars in Aquarius does not have strong aspects to her chart.

So the sexual-romantic side of this marriage is in the background compared to the social situation. They can fall in love and have close relationships on the side, but in such a way as not to destroy the family, not to lose the basis of social stability. This is how it happened in life.

What other ties. His Mercury is in conjunction with her Mars. Verbal disputes and skirmishes often arise, especially on everyday, practical issues (Taurus), his words make her act in everyday life, and vice versa in major affairs. His Sun on her IC is the husband in the house. It is in the role of her husband that she considers him, and not just her beloved Men. In addition, she is a nonresident, and the issue of registration in a large city was very important for her in this marriage. Housing, registration - this is the IV house, just through it, through its Sun.

Quite a business relationship, cemented, if not by love, then by a common way of life and some similarity of characters. There was a period when the couple was on the verge of a divorce, but still this did not happen, again, social stability turned out to be more important for them than even loyalty. In the new situation, where the husband is retired and does not show much initiative in earning money, things can change if he stays in this state for a long time.

Let's turn to card 7 (wife) and card 8 (husband). Here we see two very different people. Husband - water on most planets, including the solar sign, with a fiery Ascendant. The wife is fiery-earthly, with an airy Ascendant.

The husband has a Descendant in Aquarius, his co-rulers Uranus in Cancer and Saturn in Libra. For the wife, this corresponds to the air Ascendant in Libra. And in her first house - Jupiter and Neptune. Partially answers him, but not quite. Descendant of the wife in Aries, its ruler - Mars - in Taurus. In the husband, this is answered by the fiery Ascendant (in Leo), and in Taurus - Jupiter. Also a little.

The solar signs are Cancer (husband) and Leo (wife). Really different. The Moon signs are Scorpio (husband) and Sagittarius (wife). That is, fire-fire for the wife and water-water for the husband. Boiling steam. How do they get along?

Indeed, they are not always comfortable together. Perhaps, this strong difference in temperaments is partially smoothed out by the fact that the wife's Sun in the last degree of Leo is muffled by conjunction with backward Mercury and Pluto, and her Moon is in conjunction with Saturn. Fire it within. By the way, this is why it is difficult for her to open up as a woman, she is squeezed by the formal framework that she has set for herself, and partly this comes from her own mother, who set her up for the “correct” life, work at the factory. Such a mother is clearly symbolized by the Moon in Sagittarius in conjunction with Saturn. This woman herself never revealed her artistic abilities (Ascendant in Libra, Venus in Leo in the 10th house, but not aspected).

The completed third and eleventh houses in the wife's chart partially meet the husband's airy expectations, at least on a superficial level.

What about Venus and Mars? The wife's Mars is in Taurus, in extended conjunction with the husband's Jupiter in the 10th house of his chart, sextile his Venus. Two Mars in opposite signs - and addition, and confrontation, competition. The wife's sun on the husband's Ascendant is also a plot and competition. This aspect is often found in family and business couples, these people express themselves in the same area, this attracts, but it creates competition even more, and everyone approaches it differently. The owner of the Sun - consciously, the owner of the Ascendant - intuitively, with his natural natural reactions. It turns out a rather difficult aspect to work out.

The husband's Venus is in Cancer, conjunct his own Sun and Uranus, square her Ascendant and Descendant. The wife's Venus conjunct her husband's Mercury in her 10th and his 12th houses. Finally, the husband's Mars in Scorpio conjunct the wife's Neptune - his wife's illusions about him, problems with his alcohol addiction. Indeed, the husband abused alcohol for some time, but then managed to overcome this habit.

Definitely, there are strings of two cards here, but among them there are few harmonious aspects for love and partnership, but they live together, obeying duty and not wanting to violate social and material well-being. In addition, for each of them, love and partnership is a difficult topic, but, apparently, not the most important one. He finds himself more in external activities, work, interests, hobbies. And in the family - he is afraid of disturbing something (the Moon is in the IV house in Scorpio), perhaps having a negative experience in the parental family. For her, her status as a married wealthy woman is important. During the period when they got married, his financial situation was quite modest, he was about 26 years old. At the time of writing this book, his financial situation is very good, although there is no guarantee that this will always be the case. Naturally, she really likes the current situation, she does not work, does not overload herself, which is very valuable for her. The material well-being created by her husband for her is confirmed by Mars in her chart, the ruler of the 7th house, located in the 8th house in Taurus - money from her husband. We can consider that this Mars is in the handle of the Sling.

These people claim that they did not have intimate relationships with anyone before marriage, not to mention extramarital ones. She admitted that she did not marry for love. Her tightness, which we have already spoken about, also affected. And he didn't have a choice. So, not love. But at that time they could not have a concrete material calculation either. Apparently, they just reasonably, logically decided that there is nothing better, let's unite. Does their marriage suit them? They claim yes. Although an objective analysis may show that not in everything. Yes, they have similar goals and a way of life, they got the material status that they wanted, and this is important for them. But in terms of personal interaction, this is far from being so smooth. For example, when the husband was in the hospital, his wife came to him, and he even said - why? Another time, in the same situation, she did not go at all. A wife can rest peacefully for a long time, leaving her husband to deal with his everyday and psychological problems on his own. That is, personal interaction is replaced by social. And this last one is quite successful at this stage, although it is difficult to say what will happen if his financial situation changes for the worse. Do they have side connections? There is no reliable information. And according to the horoscope, such situations are just possible at the present time.

According to socionics, the wife is Gorky, the Dispatcher, the husband is Gabin, the Master. She, as befits her type, is a strict moralist, tries to look decent, knows how to reason logically, knows how to work with her hands, although she does this without particularly straining. He is also typical of his type. Slow, somewhat gloomy in appearance. Works a lot, but not in a hurry. Knows how to build, feels the spatial form - this is typical for a sensory-logical introvert. Not sentimental, can be tough (kills and processes pets on his own). He has a good technical education. She has no education, she worked in working specialties, although she leaves the impression of a rather developed woman. Their intertype relationships (LS(-) and SL(-)) are called quasi-identities. They are not similar to each other, different type of logic and sensory, it is rational, it is irrational. But their life is built according to the logical-sensory principle - calculation, planning, practical work. She lacks intuition - looking ahead and finding out the potential possibilities of herself and others; his internal, spiritual ethics are weakened, and indeed, he is a rather dry person, quite tough, without emotions. These are two introverts, so it is difficult to know about their inner life, psychological states from the outside, they support the external image, and the inner content of life may be different, and their life is not too bright.

Another stable couple. Wife - card 9, husband - card 10. The wife in the 7th house has three complex, difficult planets to work out: Mars, Saturn and Pluto. And in general, the configuration of her card is a Bowl with a Tau-square with a peak on Saturn in the 7th house, that is, she concentrates her tension and problems on her partner.

Her husband has Mars on the Ascendant and Pluto in the 1st house, that is, he completely satisfies two of her three planets in the 7th house. And his Ascendant is in exact conjunction with her Mars. At the same time, their two Mars are also in conjunction. That is, he fully satisfies her Martian expectations. Only her Saturn in his chart does not answer anything. She probably finds this Saturn in her communication in the business sphere (she is also a conservative in her eyes).

My husband has a Descendant in Aquarius. And the wife's air is the predominant element (five planets), including the Moon and Venus in the air sign of Gemini.

Another tie is the local, after the move, the wife's Ascendant-Descendant axis in conjunction with the axis of the husband's lunar nodes, and the ascending one is on the Descendant.

The two moons are well aligned - the wife's moon in Gemini, the husband's moon in Aquarius. Two Venuses in opposite signs - in Gemini and Sagittarius, which, as we have already seen, gives love attraction. There is also a harmonious aspect of the Sun of the husband with the Mercury of the wife. This couple has social planets in the same places (there is practically no difference in age).

So, we see a very harmonious couple in which the partners love each other, and everything should be in order in the intimate sphere, and at the spiritual level, according to the Moons, there is also good compatibility. And this is despite the fact that according to the solar signs - she is Taurus, he is Sagittarius - they must be so different. So popular books and articles, where only the solar sign is taken into account, turn out to be inapplicable. According to these books, one could say that they do not fit each other, but the analysis of full horoscopes quite definitely indicates the opposite, which is confirmed in life. So do not judge relationships by one indicator, build a complete horoscope and study it carefully.

What can socionics say about this couple? Wife - Hamlet (Artist, Teacher), husband - Caesar (Politician). Between them there is a relationship of social order, and the wife is the customer. Therefore, it seems to some from the side that he is under her heel. As we have seen from synastric analysis, this is not at all the case. It's just that she, as a customer, stimulates him, encourages him to take action. The wife is very active in society, at work. She arranged various holidays for her daughter and her friends, with music, poems, skits. Many said about her husband that he was not very active, more reserved. But the horoscope does not confirm this, and the author, having personally met this person, was convinced of the correctness of the horoscope. He can really show rigidity, activity, strictly control his daughter (he is a socionics auditor for her). That is, he manifests his volitional sensory, characteristic of Caesar and of the rising Mars and Pluto in the sign of Leo.

The next pair (wife - card 11, husband - card 12) is characterized by the mutual opposition of Ascendants and Descendants. The wife's ascendant in Leo is combined with the husband's descendant, the husband's ascendant in Aquarius is combined with the wife's descendant. Wife has Jupiter in VI! house - the Husband has three planets in Sagittarius, his MS is also there, and Jupiter is at the top of the triangle of aspects. The husband has Uranus and Pluto in the 7th house, the wife has the Sun in the 11th house (analogue of Aquarius), in square with Uranus.

Mars of the husband in Sagittarius, Mars of the wife in Leo (fire - fire), Venus of the husband in Aquarius in the house, Venus of the wife in Aries in the X house, in exact sextile to Venus of the husband. Two bright, active Venuses in conjunction with each other. Moreover, the Moon of the wife in Gemini in the XI house meets the Aquarian expectations of the husband.

Two Suns in earth signs (husband - Capricorn, wife - Taurus). Two moons in air signs (moon of wife in Gemini, husband in Libra). There are four more harmonious aspects - the trigon of Saturn of the husband to Uranus of the wife, Mars and Saturn of the husband to Venus of the wife, the trine of the Moon of the husband to Jupiter of the wife.

Of the tense aspects - only the opposition of the Moon of the wife and Mars of the husband. But what can one tense aspect against such a huge series of harmonious, binding ones? - A little encouragement just so that the spouses do not get bored.

So, despite the fact that each of the pair under consideration has a tense map, where the tension is caused by the action of Uranus, Aquarius, XI at home, the partners found themselves an almost perfect pair. The interaction of the Ascendants with the Descendants, the combination of Venus, harmony in all the elements (earthly Suns, air Moons, fiery Mars, as well as the weakening of the water element in both charts).

According to socionics, the wife is Holmes (Manager), the husband is Watson (Psychologist). Their relationship is dual (PM(+) and EI(-)). Opposite Ascendants and other compatibility, which we talked about above, just fits well into duality. The wife has strong qualities - business logic (ascending Mars) and aesthetic sensory (Ascendant in Leo). She really knows how to manage, she worked in a kindergarten, where she had to manage both children and staff, she also works well with her hands, she knows how to do all the repairs in the house. Its weak function is the intuition of time, and it consults with the astrologer precisely on the issues of time, planning, when and what needs to be done, what moment to choose.

In the following example (wife - card 13, husband - card 14), the husband's card is much more harmonious than the wife's card. And the planets are stronger in energy. The wife Aries on the Descendant, the husband has a lot of fire: 5 planets are in the fire element. The ascendant of the wife in Libra corresponds to the ideas of the husband, who has the Moon in Libra. And the Sun of the wife falls into the 7th house of the husband, in the sign of Scorpio, near his Descendant. This position shows that he needs her, she is his natural partner. Two Suns in opposite signs, Taurus and Scorpio. The opposite signs are attracted to each other, they are interesting to each other, although the relationship here is with a certain degree of tension (compared to the Ascendants in the opposite signs, where everything is natural and harmonious). The two Moons of this pair are not harmonious, since the Moon of the wife is in Capricorn in conjunction with Mars, and the Moon of the husband in Libra is in conjunction with Neptune. The Moon in Capricorn in conjunction with Mars is a tough, police order in the house, discipline, responsibility, everything is in its place. And the Moon in Libra in conjunction with Neptune - the opportunity to relax and dream, comfort, harmony, respect for each other's interests, some relaxation, including with the help of a glass.

They are not always comfortable together, but the severity of the water element in the wife, and the fiery element in the husband softens the contradiction of the Moons. Although water and fire always give steam and hiss. He may lack emotional understanding, but she would like him to be more active, efficient, responsible. In principle, they can give it to each other, but emotionally they are somewhat different, they need grinding, the desire to take steps towards each other.

Husband's Venus in Gemini, Wife's Venus in Scorpio. There is a complete difference here. But both Venuses are in the second house, so that on the external level, by manifestation, the energy becomes similar. And if this couple also has money (and they had and still have them), then the relationship will be settled. Mars in Leo and Mars in Capricorn are also discordant. The wife's Mars in Capricorn has nothing to do with her husband. There is only a trine with an orb to its Sun. And the wife is dissatisfied with her husband in an intimate tone. Intimate life is the weak point of this couple. The dissatisfied wife even had lovers. My husband and I had frank conversations about this, but he loves her, he did not leave. And now she decided to save her family, she realized that otherwise side relationships cause suffering to too many people, but through a violation of the right energy balance, and to herself. And indeed, when it all stopped, she began to feel better. They solve problems together, after all, they have a lot in common. For example, the trine of her Moon with his Sun is a good aspect for family life.

Interestingly, in the cosmogram of this woman's lover, there is also the Sun in Taurus, Mars in Leo, like her husband. Venus is in Aries, Moon is in Taurus. That's due to the moon, probably, and there was an attraction. But in general, there is nothing better here. He is also married. Yes, this woman acted prudently, deciding not to break up two families. Now, after that, her relationship with her husband has improved significantly.

Socionic type of wife - Descartes (Scientist). She is a doctor by profession and a true professional in her field. The husband in socionics is Gabin (Master), he has a construction specialty. She acts in relation to him as a customer (remember the position of her Sun in his seventh house). Indeed, she stimulates his initiative, and he does something for the house, earns money to give her satisfaction. The family experience of this couple is already 20 years old, and we can assume that they have overcome the crisis, their life is stable again.

Let's move on to considering couples in which at least one of the parties considers their marriage unsuccessful. These couples were on the verge of a divorce, and its possibility continues to exist. But nevertheless, we attributed them to the section of stable couples, since their family experience is still quite large.

The wife (card 15) has an Ascendant in Virgo and a Descendant in Pisces, in her 7th house the Moon is in the sign of Aries. The Moon is the handle of the Sling, which shows the importance of the theme of home, family, partnerships for this woman. In her cosmogram, the elements of fire, water and air are highlighted, but the elements of earth are absent. The asteroid Vesta is located in the first house, showing the desire for perfection, even in small things, which enhances the action of the ninth Ascendant.

What do we see in the husband (card 16)? His Moon is in Pisces, near her Descendant, she is at the top of the Tau-square, that is, very tense. The sign of Cancer is not expressed, but in the IV house there are three personal planets.

The asteroid Vesta is with her husband in the 7th house, that is, he got just such a wife, as noted in his 7th house. But the lunar expectations of both are not fully satisfied (Moons of partners on each other's Descendants). The wife says that she "drives" her husband and son, forcing them to do housework, but they do not show much zeal for this. Because of this, there are often scandals and misunderstandings.

The husband does not have planets in the signs of the elements of the earth, like his wife. His dominant element is air.

So, the Descendant of the wife in Pisces - her husband has the Moon in Pisces and nothing else, only planets in the IV house, meeting to some extent her expectations for the Moon in the VII house. The husband has a Descendant in Aries - his wife has the Moon in Aries and a lot of fire. Vesta in the 7th house of the husband and in the 1st house of the wife. General - the severity of a fixed cross, the absence of the elements of the earth.

Sun moon. His Sun is in Aquarius, her Sun is in Scorpio. Inconsistency. His Moon is in Pisces, her Moon is in Aries. Completely different. He needs to "drive", give everyone the heat, so that they run and do everything at home, and he would relax, rest. He would like a fiery (according to the Descendant) wife, but still, so that she doesn’t drive like that, doesn’t create an unnecessarily tense situation at home. But there are good aspects: the sextile of the Sun of the husband and the Moon of the wife. And the Moon of the husband in Pisces and the Sun of the wife in Scorpio, although they do not form a trine, are nevertheless in the same element.

Venus - Mars. The wife's Mars is in Libra, and the husband's Ascendant is in the same place. But on the wife's Mars, the husband's Neptune. Husband drinks a lot, his wife is aggressive. Nothing corresponds to the sun of the wife in Scorpio for the husband. The Mars of the husband in Aquarius, conjunct his Sun, corresponds to some extent to the Mars of the wife. Venus of the husband in Sagittarius, in exact conjunction with the ascending node of the wife. Husband's Uranus in opposition to Venus, in her descending node. Such a configuration of the Tau-square from the opposition Venus-Uranus and the Moon in squares with them speaks of the threat of a break in relations. This man married late, at the age of 30, before that it did not work out.

He sought the consent of this woman for a long time. Indeed, it largely meets his expectations in the 7th house. But this marriage was also in danger of breaking up. The fault here is rather not poor compatibility, but the behavior of the husband, alcoholic hobbies, and also, as the wife suspects, his betrayal. The nature of his work provided opportunities for this.

The problem of the wife may be the position of her Venus in Scorpio, in conjunction with Saturn. It is difficult for her to reveal her feminine feelings, she is gloomy. The wife's moon in Aries corresponds to some extent to the husband's Venus in Sagittarius, although there is no aspect between the two. That is, there are problems in the love side of these relationships, inconsistencies and disappointments may arise.

There is also an aspect of the trine between the Moon of the wife and Saturn of the husband, this aspect keeps the marriage on a sense of responsibility.

Two Jupiter spouses in a square, that is, the concepts of success, social views, ethics of these people are different.

The wife has a very busy second house, including male planets: the Sun and Mars are in the second house, while the Sun is in Scorpio, and Mars rules the VIII house, so money issues are very important for her. Her own earnings have always been low (Mars is in exile, Venus - the ruler of the II house - is also in exile, in conjunction with Saturn). But the husband earned a lot, although at the time of marriage this was not yet the case, and the money served to strengthen the marriage.

Her husband Venus is in conjunction with Juno, and his wife was jealous of him, whether there were reasons - there are no exact data, but it can be assumed that they were, the horoscope does not contradict this.

The couple was on the verge of divorce, at the initiative of his wife. Still, while they remain together, the presence of a teenage son also holds back the desire for a divorce. According to the synastry, the couple, of course, is not ideal, but there are important connecting points, so that the preservation of the marriage is still possible, especially when aspects provoking divorce in directions and transits pass. The husband should change something in his behavior so that the aforementioned Tau-square does not work for a gap.

According to the socionic type, the wife is Gorky (Dispatcher), the husband is Yesenin (Houseman, Seeker). The relationship between them is activation. In principle, the relationship is not bad, they are from the same quadra. Although they can sometimes tire each other. The wife needs to soften her rigidity, the husband needs to increase discipline and responsibility.

Card 17 (wife) and card 18 (husband) represent a very problematic couple, whose relationship was never perfect, and now has become terrible, the spouses no longer live together. The wife got married almost out of necessity, at the age of 26, wanting to have a child and acquire the status of a married woman. She regrets rejecting earlier opportunities. The wife's card has quite strong personal planets in terms of energy, but the aspects are tense, while there is no integral closed structure. She has an Ascendant in Scorpio, a Descendant in Taurus, and Jupiter on it. By the way, her previous opportunities to marry were connected with people from other cities and a possible long-distance move, which she was afraid of.

The husband has nothing in Taurus or in the II house, and Jupiter is not expressed. Worse, the husband's Jupiter square Jupiter and the wife's Descendant. Her husband does not answer her Descendant at all.

My husband has an Ascendant in Libra, Neptune in the 1st house, and he became an alcoholic. Descendant in Aries. My wife only has Mars in Aries. They do not justify each other's fiery expectations. Venus of the husband in Aquarius, retrograde. The wife of this Venus does not answer anything, as well as the Moon. Moreover, the two Venuses are in square.

The two Moons - in Aries and Taurus - are very different. The two Suns in Pisces, on the other hand, are the same. Some conscious understanding, but complete mental and emotional discord.

There is only one connecting aspect - the sextile of the Sun of the husband to the Moon and Venus of the wife. Another aspect, already between the social planets, the trine of Jupiter of the wife and Saturn of the husband, shows why the marriage formally lasted for many years, although in fact there have been no normal interpersonal relationships in it for a long time, and were there any?

There are also a number of aspects to Uranus and Pluto, mostly tense. The wife's Uranus squares the husband's Ascendant and Descendant, and the husband's Jupiter and Pluto with the wife's Ascendant-Descendant axis form the Grand Cross in general.

If this couple turned to an astrologer in advance, it would certainly be recommended not to marry. Then these people could avoid much suffering and destruction. The child of this couple has serious health problems. So in no way can this union be considered successful and productive.

It is quite difficult to determine their socionic types, but still the wife is more consistent with the Watson type (Psychologist), and the husband with the Dreiser type (Lawyer, Medic). Intertype relationships are related. In this case, in contrast to the first pair with the same type of relationship, the emphasis is on "pricking" the second function on the fourth partner.

The fate of the next couple (wife - card 19, husband - card 20) is not yet clear. He married late, and for a long time sought the love of his future wife. She agreed, even though she didn't really love him. Relationships have gone through different stages. At one time, the wife was looking for connections on the side, she even went abroad for this. My husband probably didn't realize it at the time. Later, the husband found a woman on the side.

Currently, the couple is considering plans to emigrate to a distant country. Sometimes such a trip or relocation really helps to solve many problems.

The husband is a serious businessman in a foreign firm, there are no material problems in this family. The wife has a problem of self-realization. She has no real business of her own, although she would like to have one. The husband does not forbid, but she does not succeed. They have a schoolgirl daughter.

Let's turn to the natal charts. These people were born in different cities, geographically far from each other, and live in a third city. At the same time, the grid of the husband's houses changed little during the move, while the wife's - very much. Where the opposite is not specifically stated, all considerations relate to the original radical map, to the place of birth.

The husband is a very airy person. With the fiery Ascendant and the Moon, with the earthly Venus. The wife is fiery-earthly, with an airy Ascendant. My wife has six planets in the 7th house! Who can satisfy her?

Here the husband's Ascendant is in exact conjunction with the wife's Sun. We have already met this option. This aspect strongly attracts, but at the same time creates spontaneous competition. Especially in the ambitious sign of Leo.

The husband has the Ascendant in Leo, the wife has the Descendant in Leo, respectively, in Aquarius the Ascendant of the wife and the Descendant of the husband. Classic partnership. The wife has Mercury in the 7th house - her husband is Gemini. The Sun of the wife in the 7th house is answered by the Ascendant in Leo of the husband. Her Pluto in the 7th house is her husband's Pluto near his Ascendant, besides, he is a businessman, controls energy in the form of people's labor and collective money, that is, his Pluto is active. The husband does not answer the rest of the planets of the VII house of the wife, but who can satisfy 6 planets and the Descendant at once?

The wife's moon is in Pisces, the husband's is in Aries. This can be emotionally irritating. The situation is softened by the fiery Sun of the wife in combination with the fiery Moon of the husband, although there is no aspect between them.

Two earthly Venuses - in Taurus for the husband and in Virgo, backward, for the wife. With backward Venus, it is difficult for her to harmoniously express her female emotions. The moon of the husband is on the descending node of the wife - perhaps they met in a past life, and now they have to work something out with each other. The wife's moon squares the husband's Jupiter in his 10th house. Even his wealth and social significance do not give his wife emotional and spiritual peace.

Husband's moon trine wife's Mercury. He listens to her words, attracted her to work in his company, but this did not really satisfy her: the wife's Saturn is in opposition to her husband's Mercury.

The triton of Venus of the husband and Saturn of the wife strengthens the marriage. The husband's Venus closes the Grand Trine with the wife's Saturn and Pluto, giving her both money and social status.

Husband's Jupiter on wife's IC - he created material well-being in their house.

Husband's sun square Venus and wife's Mars. He annoys her. According to some reports, not all is well in the sexual life of this couple.

Mars of the husband in sextile with the Sun of the wife - the activity of the husband increases the social status of the wife. The husband's Pluto is in conjunction (orbis 4 degrees) with the wife's Sun. It seems to the wife that her husband energetically presses her hard. The husband is not rude, polite, not dictatorial, but this hidden pressure does exist. At least by virtue of his status. He has everything, she will have nothing without him. However, at first glance, observing their relationship, one might think that the wife is more active and assertive. Maybe it's some kind of protection.

There is also an asteroid plot - the wife's Juno in conjunction with the husband's Neptune and Saturn.

The example of this marriage shows that money and social status are not yet a guarantee of happiness in marriage.

The fate of this couple is not yet clear. Social necessity may force them to stay together. But the behavior of the wife destroyed the love and devotion of the husband. Now everything depends on him. She will either have to reconcile (at the same time, he may not remain faithful to her), or leave, go through breaking and material losses, finding herself as a person.

Having left for emigration, she will become completely dependent on him. But she is ready for it out of a sense of jealousy and competition in order to take him away from her rival. But other rivals may appear, and in a new place!

Here in the city where they now live, her local Ascendant falls on her Jupiter in Scorpio. And the Descendant is in Taurus, while Jupiter and her husband's Sun fall into her 7th house. Here he answers her Descendant /, but she does not answer him.

So now they have a crucial moment of choice. Leaving would be in his favor, but hardly in her favor.

According to socionics, she is Gorky (Dispatcher), he is Dumas (designer). Intertype relations - social order. The client is the husband. On the one hand, it is convenient for her to be under his order, when the main responsibility is on him, and on the other hand, she, as an ambitious Lioness, does not like it, it annoys her.

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To be honest, I had a somewhat biased attitude towards asteroids. In my consulting practice, I did not take them into account at all. But three days ago, inspiration descended on me and I decided to look into this issue. To be completely honest, then more than other asteroids, it was Juno that interested me, since in the synastry with a young man who is very nice to me, there is a very close aspect between his planets and my Juno. Therefore, driven by astrological curiosity, I began to search the Internet for any information about this asteroid. However, to my great regret, you can hardly find anything worthwhile on the World Wide Web. Some astrologers took an orbis for aspects with Juno, as for planets - 5-7, which, in principle, is not permissible, everything - an asteroid is an asteroid, and a planet is a planet, as they say: "flies separately, cutlets separately." Others mainly paid attention to the position of Juno in the houses and signs of the natal horoscope. The only assistant in the process of writing the article was Wikipedia and books on the mythology of ancient Rome.

Juno is the ancient Roman goddess of marriage, childbirth, motherhood and women. In Rome, she was considered the patroness of monogamy and the guardian of the family and family foundations. Juno was the third and last wife of Jupiter. She protected her legal marriage in every possible way, sometimes showing jealousy and hatred for everyone who could somehow shake the marriage union. By the way, Juno at that time was by no means a meek character: it happened that she argued with her husband, which the latter could not stand and sometimes even punished her, but quickly forgave her. Despite everything, it was Juno who became the last legal wife of the god Jupiter. Therefore, in astrology, this asteroid is responsible for official marriage and matrimony.

I had a thought. Since this asteroid is responsible specifically for marriage and family, then, accordingly, in the synastry of married couples, Juno must be somehow singled out. So I did an experiment. First, I took ten synastry of the most famous married couples, such as, for example, Victoria and David Beckham, Matthew Broderick and Sarah Jessica Parker and others. Secondly, it was necessary to find ten compatibility cards between people who met, but already definitely broke up and would never get back together, and, as a result, would not get married. This group included both the synastry of me with former young people, and the synastry of my friends and their former halves. Well, and finally, thirdly, I took my card as the original one, and built ten completely random cards for compatibility with myself, the data of which (month, date and year) I took from my head. Accordingly, in total I had to look at thirty compatibility cards. It's not much, of course, but still.

For research, I took an orb of 1.5 degrees for the Sun and Moon, for the rest of the planets 1 degree. Trans-Saturn planets, that is, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, were not taken into account at all. Aspects between the planets and Juno I watched all major: conjunction, sextile, quadrature, trine, opposition.

Let's start with the first group. In 8 (!) cases out of 10, Juno was in very close aspect with the personal planet of the marriage partner. Of course, the Sun and the Moon predominate - they occur on 6 occasions. Saturn never met, Jupiter only once, and then together with the aspect of Juno and the Sun. Of the aspects, I cannot say that only one prevails, but there are connections of personal planets with an asteroid. This was not observed in the other two groups.

In the second group of "meeting but not married" aspects with Juno also exist. However, much less than in the first group of subjects. Only three synastry fit into the outline of 1-1.5 degrees. There is a similarity with the results of the First Group. Both there and here, as a rule, only personal planets are involved: the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars. If in the First Group there was at least 1 case with Jupiter, then this planet did not appear at all, like Saturn.

The last third group remained. There are only two synastry with exact aspects of Juno to the planets. In the first compatibility chart, the aspect of Juno with Jupiter, in the second chart, the square of Venus and Saturn to the asteroid. As you can see, social planets appeared in the third group - Jupiter and Saturn, while the Sun and Moon are absent.

To summarize, it seems to me that the topic of asteroids in astrology is very interesting, but little studied. After the research, I made a decision for myself from now on to connect Juno when considering synastry. Let my experiment not affect the analysis of a large number of cards, but if it works on 10 cards, it can also work on 100. However, Juno should be considered with reservations. The orbis must be extremely small. 1 degree for Mercury, Venus and Mars, 1.5 degrees can be allowed for the luminaries - the Sun and the Moon. Aspects can be anything, but Juno's aspects with the partner's social and trans-Saturn planets should not be considered. And, of course, you need to remember that even the closest aspect of Juno will not change absolutely anything if the compatibility between partners is bad. The use of asteroids can be an auxiliary method, but by no means the main one.
