Presentation "labor education of preschoolers". Presentation on labor education in kindergarten "labor education" Presentation on labor education of preschoolers

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Give children the joy of work. This joy is brought to him by success, awareness of his skill and the significance of the work performed, the opportunity to bring joy to others. V.A. Sukhomlinsky

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Labor education is an important means of comprehensive development of the personality of a preschooler through familiarization with the work of adults, familiarizing children with affordable labor activities.

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Labor education of preschool children is an activity that is aimed at the development of general labor abilities, the formation of psychological readiness, a responsible attitude to work and its products, and also affects the mental and physical development of the child. The problems of labor education are quite relevant for preschool children, since at this stage the child develops personal qualities, skills and desire for work. Their unformedness at this age stage becomes an obstacle in educational and cognitive activity and subsequent adaptation in independent labor activity.

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Formation of a positive attitude towards work through familiarization of children with the work of adults and the direct participation of children in feasible work activities in kindergarten and at home. Target

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Basic principles of work Consistency Orientation to the age of the child Integration Continuity of interaction between the preschool institution and the family

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Conditions for organizing the work of children Creation of a working atmosphere in the group, permanent employment, striving for useful deeds Systematic inclusion of each child in work as a partner Accounting for the load, health status, interests, abilities of the child Creation of motivation for labor activity Creation of an emotionally positive environment in the labor process Demonstration of interest teacher Selection of equipment for labor Incentives in the process and based on the results of labor \

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Forms of organization of children's labor Assignments Duties Collective labor General labor Joint labor Individual Subgroup Collective General Short-term Long-term Episodic Regular Simple Complex Individual Subgroup (in the dining room; in the corner of nature; preparation for classes) Mandatory Systematic

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Means, methods and techniques of labor education Directly educational activities Joint activities in the process of regime moments throughout the day Observations of the work of adults Organization of labor activities and all possible assistance to adults Excursions Artistic means (art, music, fiction, etc.) Didactic, desktop, with /p games Viewing pictures, illustrations, pictures Use of ICT Integration of educational areas

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Didactic support Age Visual material Attributes and equipment Fiction Middle age Objects and pictures about the objective world and adults' work activity; Equipment for experimentation (sand, clay, different types of paper, cloth). Didactic games "Wonderful bag", "Shop", "Guests have come", "Help Andryushka". Didactic aids for the development of fine motor skills Aprons and hats for duty; On-duty inventory. A selection of works on the topic in accordance with the age group: -poems, nursery rhymes that encourage children to self-service Older age Pictures, reproductions, videos about the professions of adults. Various objects, tools, materials: "The world of fabric", "The world of wood and metal", as components of the labor process; experimenting with materials. Didactic games that model the structure of the labor process and expand the understanding of the world of professions and their relationships. Role-playing games that reflect real labor processes (sewing doll clothes, making furniture) in a game plot. Aprons and hats for duty; On-duty inventory. Inventory for labor in nature. Inventory for duty in a corner of nature. A selection of works on the topic in accordance with the age group: - fiction and children's encyclopedias, acquainting children with labor activity and the organization of human recreation in the past and present.

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Solving moral problems in the types of work: Self-service - Education of independence, culture of appearance, habits of neatness. Household work - The focus of work on others, responsibility to the group for the quality of their work. Manual labor - Development of strong-willed efforts, creativity. Labor in nature - Education of responsibility for the life of animals, plants.

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Working with parents Parent-teacher meetings Conversations Consultations Open days Thematic stands Lectures Participation in the life of preschool educational institutions Subbotniks Environmental, labor actions

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A long-term plan for labor education in the middle group September 1 week 2 week 3 week 4 week 1. Conversation “Everything has its place” goal: to teach to put toys away after playing in their places; develop respect for them. 2. To involve children in filling the tank with water for sludge and then watering houseplants with it. Purpose: to consolidate the ability to work accurately with water; to expand children's knowledge about the proper care of indoor plants; foster caring attitude towards them. 3. To involve children in helping the nanny (to clear the dishes from the tables) goal: to teach to work together with adults; educate the ability to get satisfaction from restoring cleanliness and order. 4. Observation of the work of the nanny goal: to bring to the consciousness of the children the importance of her work; to cultivate respect for the work of a nanny, a desire to help her. October 1st week 2nd week 3rd week 4th week 1.Maintaining the appearance of dolls (putting clothes and hair in order) goal: to consolidate the ability to choose clothes for dolls by size, comb their hair; cultivate respect for toys. 2. Spraying indoor plants with water from a spray gun goal: to teach a new labor skill; to consolidate the children's idea that leaves also need moisture; cultivate respect for plants. 3. Dusting window sills Purpose: to encourage children to take part in labor with adults. 4.Observation of the work of the cook November 1st week 2nd week 3rd week 4th week 1. Washing doll linen goal: to learn to sort linen by color (light, dark), explain that light linen should be washed first, rinsed thoroughly. squeeze, hang. 2. Loosening the earth in indoor plants goal: to bring to the consciousness of children the need for this procedure; develop labor skills and abilities. 3. Washing toys goal: to form labor relations between children and adults; arouse the desire to take part in work with adults. 4.Observation of the work of a nurse goal: to give children concrete ideas about the profession of a nurse; educate interest in the life and activities of the people around.

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December 1 week 2 week 3 week 4 week 1. Putting things in order in the group goal: to develop the desire for joint activities; educate the desire to actively participate in labor assignments. 2. Feeding aquarium fish goal: to consolidate children's ideas about caring for fish; cultivate love for the living. 3. Book repair goal: to involve children in book repair; develop the ability to act quickly and clearly in accordance with the instructions of adults. 4. Observation of the laundress's work goal: to consolidate the existing ideas about adult labor, labor actions performed by them. January 1 week 2 week 3 week 4 week 1. Change of dirty towels goal: to maintain a steady interest in work, the desire to diligently complete the task 2. Planting bulbs in boxes for the germination of greenery goal: to form labor skills, cultivate a desire to help adults 3. Wash houseplants goal: to involve children in all possible assistance, to clarify children's ideas about indoor plants. 4.Observation of the work of the janitor goal: to consolidate the existing ideas about the work of adults; about the work they do. February 1 week 2 week 3 week 4 week 1. Draw the children's attention to how the chairs stand goal: to consolidate the ability to properly transfer chairs (hold the back with the right hand, the seat with the left hand) 2. Wipe dust from the leaves of indoor plants goal: continue to teach children to wipe the dust with a damp cloth 3. Washing chairs goal: to exercise children in labor activities, to consolidate the ability to properly use equipment, to arouse the desire to take an active part in work with adults. 4. Observation of the episodic work of adults in kindergarten goal: to give an idea of ​​​​the work of an electrician, of the labor actions he performs.

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March 1st week 2nd week 3rd week 4th week 1. Washing combs goal: to teach you to take care of your things, to cultivate a desire to keep them clean. 2. Watering indoor plants goal: to give children an idea about the methods of watering (in the pan, under the leaves) and the rules (do not flood, water evenly); to cultivate a desire to care for plants. 3. Washing lockers for clothes goal: to continue to teach children to work with adults, to contact with them, to consolidate labor skills. 4.D / and “Who needs what for work” goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about professions, about the names of the tools needed for work. April 1 week 2 week 3 week 4 week 1. Conversation about the duties of the attendants goal: to concretize the knowledge of children about the duties of the attendants for various activities; cultivate a positive attitude towards duty 2. Sowing marigold seeds goal: to teach children to plant seeds in the ground; develop work skills; nurture curiosity. 3. Joint work with the nanny to clean the group goal: to teach to receive satisfaction from restoring cleanliness and order; educate a positive attitude towards work 4. Conversation “Who works in kindergarten” goal: To consolidate knowledge about a certain range of professions, to cultivate respect for work. May 1st week 2nd week 3rd week 4th week 1.Making the beds goal: to bring to the consciousness of children how to properly make the bed; educate independence 2. Transplanting indoor plants goal: to explain to children the need for this procedure; to form the ability to bring the work started to the end. 3. Washing outdoor toys goal: to cultivate a strong desire to keep toys clean; to consolidate labor skills and abilities. 4. Conversation “Who do your parents work” goal: to expand the horizons of children; educate respect for the work of adults.

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Labor education is one of the most important aspects of the upbringing of the younger generation. In kindergarten, labor education consists in familiarizing children with the work of adults, in introducing children to work activities available to them.



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State budgetary educational institution of the Lugansk People's Republic "Preschool educational institution "Ladushki"" Labor education of preschool children

Formation of a positive attitude of the child to work The purpose of labor education of a preschooler Forms of organization of labor activity Job assignment Duty Collective work

The tasks of the labor education of preschool children are familiarization with the work of adults and the education of respect for it; training in the simplest labor skills and abilities; fostering interest in work, diligence and independence; education of socially directed labor motives, skills to work in a team and for the team.

Means of labor education of preschoolers familiarization with the labor of adults; training in labor skills, organization and planning of activities; organization of children's labor in the content accessible to them. The main types of child labor are self-service, household labor, labor in nature, manual labor.

Self-service This is the work of the child, aimed at serving himself (dressing, undressing, eating, sanitary and hygienic procedures). The task of developing self-service skills is relevant for all age groups.

Younger group 1. To form in children the ability to independently serve themselves (during undressing, dressing, washing, eating). 2. Continue to teach children under the supervision of an adult, and then wash your hands on your own as they get dirty and before eating, dry your face and hands with a personal towel. 3. Learn to clean up with the help of an adult. 4. To form the skill of using individual items with a handkerchief, napkin, towel, comb, pot). 5. Encourage children to be independent while eating, teach them to hold a spoon in their right hand. 6. Teach children how to dress and undress. 7. Learn to take off clothes, shoes (unfasten buttons in front, Velcro fasteners) with a little help from an adult. 8. Learn to fold clothes neatly in a certain order.

Middle group 1 . Improve skills in dressing and undressing independently; teach to neatly fold and hang clothes with the help of an adult, put them in order - clean, dry. 2. To cultivate the desire to be always neat and tidy. 3. Cultivate the habit of washing yourself, washing your hands before eating, as they get dirty, after using the toilet. 4. To consolidate the ability to use a comb, a handkerchief. 5. Teach when coughing and sneezing to turn away and cover your nose and mouth with a handkerchief. 6. Continue to learn how to use cutlery correctly - spoon, fork, knife). 7. Learn to rinse your mouth after eating.

Senior group 1. Form the habit of brushing your teeth and washing your face daily, washing your hands as needed. 2. Strengthen the ability to dress and undress independently, carefully put clothes in the closet, dry wet things in a timely manner, take care of shoes (wash, wipe, clean, put away). 3. Learn to notice and independently eliminate the disorder in your appearance. 4. Form the habit of taking care of personal things. 5. Develop a desire to help each other. 6. Teach yourself to brush your teeth, keep your nails clean. 7. Keep order in your closet, lay out clothes in certain places. 8. Learn to clean the bed.

Household work This is the maintenance of cleanliness and order in the room (group, dressing room, washroom and bedroom) and on the site, assistance to adults in organizing regime processes.

Younger group 1. Encourage children to independently complete elementary assignments - prepare materials for classes (brushes, modeling boards, etc.); after the game, put toys and building materials back in place 2. Teach them to keep order and cleanliness in the room and on the site of the kindergarten 3. Encourage them to help adults, cultivate respect for the results of their work. 4. In the second half of the year, begin to develop in children the skills necessary for dining room duty: help set the table for dinner (lay out spoons and forks, arrange bread bins, plates, cups, etc.).

Middle group Teach children to maintain order in the group and on the site of the kindergarten: put building material in place, help the teacher, glue books, boxes. 2. Teach children to independently perform the duties of dining room attendants: carefully arrange bread bins, lay out cutlery (spoons, forks, knives).

Senior group To teach children to help adults maintain order in the group: wipe toys and teaching aids, wash toys and building materials, repair books, toys sandbox To teach children to independently and conscientiously fulfill the duties of dining room attendants, set the table, clean up the dishes after eating.

Work in nature Diverse work in nature gives children a lot of joy and contributes to their comprehensive development. In the process of labor, love for nature, a careful attitude towards it are brought up. Children develop an interest in work activity, a conscious, responsible attitude towards it. In a team, children learn to work together, to help each other.

Younger group Kids help the teacher to take care of animals and plants in the corner of nature and on the site. They should be involved in the joint watering of indoor plants. He teaches children how to properly water plants, wipe strong leathery leaves with a damp cloth. Children plant bulbs and large seeds in the ground prepared by the teacher (in boxes, cups, soil), Water the plantings. Children should also be involved in harvesting vegetables: pulling out radishes, carrots, turnips. Together with the teacher, the kids feed the fish and birds in a corner of nature. The feed and its dosage are determined by the educator. Children perform individual assignments, which include 1-2 labor operations (take ready-made bird food and put it in a feeder, water the plant with prepared water, etc.).

In the middle group, Pupils must independently water indoor plants, using the measure established by the educator, wipe plants with leathery leaves, together with the educator, maintain the cleanliness of plants with pubescent leaves, with leaves that have notches, with small leaves (pour, spray, brush), loosen the earth in flower pots. Children master the initial skills to grow plants: they help adults prepare the land for planting on the site (level the dug up earth with a rake), plant large seeds and bulbs, and then water them, loosen the ground between the rows, guess the beds with plants that are very different from weeds (lettuce, onion). Children take part in cleaning the site: raking leaves, shoveling snow on the paths, etc. They learn to feed fish and birds on their own according to the established measure, help clean the cages (wash drinking bowls, feeders, clean the cages together with the teacher).

Senior group Children continue to take care of animals - inhabitants of a corner of nature, for small pets living on the site of the kindergarten; prepare food and feed fish, birds, animals, wash drinking bowls and feeders, clean bird cages. In the older group, children are on duty in a corner of nature. Organizing the shifts, the teacher conducts a lesson in which he introduces the children to the duties of the duty officers, recalls the ways of caring for the objects of a corner of nature, introduces them to new ones. 2-4 people are on duty at the same time. In a corner of nature, in a vegetable garden and a flower garden, they grow plants: they participate in digging the earth and cutting beds and flower beds, sow seeds, plant seedlings, part of which they can grow in a corner of nature, and then water, weed, loosen the earth, harvest.

Manual labor is closely connected with cognitive development, which helps to enrich the minds of children with new content, systematize the accumulated and received information, develop artistic and creative abilities and a positive emotional perception of the world around them. Manual labor is carried out in the older groups of the kindergarten. But individual elements of manual and artistic labor can be introduced already in the younger groups. Artistic work in a preschool institution is presented in two directions: children make crafts and learn to decorate the group's premises for the holidays with their products, arrange exhibitions, etc.

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Labor of preschoolers

The main types of child labor: self-service, household work, labor in nature, manual labor.

Self-service is aimed at personal care (washing, undressing, dressing, making the bed, preparing the workplace, etc.).

Household work is necessary in the daily life of a kindergarten, although its results are not so noticeable in comparison with other types of their labor activity. This work is aimed at maintaining cleanliness and order in the room and on the site, helping adults in organizing regime processes.

Labor in nature provides for the participation of children in caring for plants and animals, growing plants in a corner of nature, in a garden, in a flower garden.

Manual labor making items from a variety of materials: cardboard, paper, wood, natural material (cones, acorns, straw, bark, corn cobs, peach pits), waste material (reels, boxes) using fur, feathers, fabric scraps, etc. - is carried out in the older groups of the kindergarten.

Forms of organization of labor activity of preschoolers: The work of preschool children in kindergarten is organized in three main forms: in the form of assignments, duties, collective labor activity.

Assignments are tasks that the teacher occasionally gives to one or more children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics, experience, and educational tasks. Orders can be short-term or long-term, individual or general, simple (containing one simple specific action) or more complex, including a whole chain of sequential actions.

According to the form of organization, labor assignments can be: individual, subgroup, general; by duration: short-term or long-term, permanent or one-time: by content - correspond to the types of labor.

Duty is a form of organizing the work of children, which implies the obligatory performance by the child of work aimed at serving the team.

Classification of types of collective labor from the point of view - S.A. Kozlova. She proposes the following classification: total labor; joint work; collective labor. Common labor is labor that is performed by several (or all) children for a single purpose. Form of organization - associations in subgroups and individual work.

Common labor is labor that is performed by several (or all) children for a single purpose. Form of organization - associations in subgroups and individual work. Joint work - work by subgroups. Each subgroup has its own business, the result of the work of one child depends on the other. All children are not required to participate. Collective work can be both general and joint, but with the obligatory inclusion of situations involving mutual assistance, support, and common responsibility for the result.

Thank you for your attention!

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Forms of labor organization of preschool children

This material presents an analytical report on the holding of a seminar on the labor education of preschool children....

Assignments as a form of labor organization in the younger group.

Dear colleagues! I bring to your attention one more small report on my daily work on labor education. It's no secret to any of you that work is one of the ...

MBDOU D / S No. 3 "Topolek" presents presentation on the topic: "Labor education in kindergarten"

The labor activity of children is presented in accordance with the program of M. A. Vasilyeva "Education and education in kindergarten" in four main areas: - self-service; - household work; - labor in nature; - manual labor.

Every year in winter, it operates in groups "garden on the window", allowing children to carry out search activities .

The labor of children in the preschool educational institution is organized in 3 main forms: - P Oration:

- Collective labor activity:

A special place in the issues of labor education of children is given to interaction with parents: - questioning; - organization of photo exhibitions "Rainbow of Professions"; - making crafts for participation in competitions; - issue of newspapers for parents once a month "Topolek", in which one of the headings is devoted specifically to labor education.

The following conditions have been created for the implementation of labor education of children: - duty corners; - vegetable garden on the window; - corners of nature; - vegetable garden on the plot d / s; - flower beds; - garden; - inventory

Labor activity is one of the important factors in the education of a child's personality.

“Labor is a powerful educator in the pedagogical system of education” A.S. Makarenko . K. Ushinsky .


Chapter 2. Practical part



The problems of education and training are inextricably linked, since these processes are aimed at the person as a whole. Therefore, in practice it is difficult to single out spheres of exclusive influence of teaching and educational influences on human development.

The social practice of transferring social experience from the older generation to the younger one developed much earlier than the term denoting it. Therefore, the essence of education is interpreted from different points of view.

At present, our society faces the great goal of educating a new personality, free, capable of active, creative activity in all spheres of life.

From this goal, the following tasks arise:

1) Revealing the essence of personality

2) The study of the appearance of various aspects of the personality, the features of the course of mental processes, the features of the mental state, the psychological properties of the personality

3) To know the laws of personality formation.

Education can be defined as an impact on a person, but for the development of a holistic personality, it is important to understand education as interaction and cooperation between adults and children. Education in this sense is aimed at developing a person's ability to solve life problems, make life choices in a moral way.

The upbringing of a developed personality is inseparable from the world of culture. Every person has an understanding of the importance of culture.

K.D. Ushinsky believed that the improvement of education would significantly expand the limits of personality development. “We are confident,” he wrote, “that education, being improved, can far push the limits of human strength; physical, mental and moral.

The formation of personality occurs on the basis of all aspects: physical, moral, mental, ascetic education, as well as labor.

All this work begins in the school period and continues throughout human life. The importance of labor in the development of personality is generally recognized.

Psychologist A.F. Lazuretsky was the first to develop and apply a natural experiment to study personality. He believed that the child's personality, his attitude to people, nature, work, himself, can be studied exclusively in natural conditions in the labor process.

Thomas More introduced the idea of ​​educating the younger generation by combining learning with work. .

François Rabelais sought to educate during excursions and walks. He paid attention to independent thinking, creativity and activity. It can be concluded that even in feudal society they advocated a full-fledged physical, moral and aesthetic education.

Relevance the topics of this course work can be formulated as follows: introducing the child to independent feasible work, his acquaintance with the work of adults is the most important means of forming the moral foundations of the child's personality, its humanistic orientation, volitional qualities.

aim this course work is the consideration of labor education as one of the most important aspects of personality development.

The purpose of the course work determines the solution of the following tasks:

To characterize work and all-round development of the personality;

Analyze the psychological aspects of labor education of schoolchildren;

To reveal the implementation of labor education in high school using the example of a classroom hour.

When writing a term paper, various literature was used: both textbooks of various authors, and monographic publications and magazines. Namely, the literature of the following authors was used: I.P. Podlasy, Bordovskaya N.V., A.A. Rean etc.

Chapter 1. Labor education of schoolchildren

1.1 Work and all-round development of the personality

As mentioned above, the importance of work in the development of personality is generally recognized. What exactly is the developing role of labor, what features of it act as the main conditions for the development of the human psyche?

The possibilities for this development are already contained in the tools themselves, the objects and results of labor. In the tools of labor, in addition to their purpose, the phenomena known to man, the laws, properties and conditions for the existence of objects are embodied. Working conditions must also be known by man. The object, tool and working conditions are the richest source of knowledge about a significant part of the surrounding reality. This knowledge is the main link in the worldview of man.

The successful implementation of labor activity requires the participation of the entire personality of the individual: his mental processes, states and properties. With the help of mental processes, for example, a person orients himself in working conditions, forms a goal, and controls the course of activity. High demands on a person are made by social working conditions. In various children's labor associations, work is collective in nature and its implementation is associated with the inclusion of the schoolchild in a broad and complex system of production, moral and other relations.

The inclusion of the student in collective labor contributes to the assimilation of these relations by him, their transformation from external to internal. This happens under the influence of the prevailing norms of behavior, public opinion, the organization of mutual assistance and mutual exactingness, and the action of such socio-psychological phenomena as intra-group suggestibility, competitiveness.

An important derivative of these socio-psychological factors is the formation of responsibility for the results of the work of the team. Studies have shown that the majority of high school students - members of the teams are ready to be responsible for the results of the work of their link.

A great demand on a person is made by the results of labor. Thus, the requirements of the object, tools, conditions and results of labor are the most important condition for the development of the human psyche in the process of labor activity.

The second condition for the development of the human psyche under the influence of labor is the expedient activity of the subject himself. Transforming the object of labor, creating socially valuable products, he transforms himself. For a more complete use of the developing possibilities of labor, they must be supplemented by the activities of the elders - training and education.

The activity of the educator is the third condition for the development of the psyche in the labor process.

In all types of work, an important quality of personality is formed, like practicality. A person with this quality is freely oriented in production and in everyday life. By participating in collective work, the individual learns not only others, but also himself: who he is, what value he represents for others, what he can do. Children, as shown by psychological research, do not know themselves well, their capabilities, their position in the collective. As a result of labor activity, significant changes occur. First of all, his attitude towards himself changes, and then the attitude of the team and teachers.

Many facts have been accumulated in psychology showing that labor activity is motivated by how high the results of its results are. This is connected with the formation of such motives as the personal significance of labor, the consciousness of its social significance, claims to a higher level of achievements in labor.

Work is of great importance in the development of the student's abilities. Abilities develop mainly in the conditions of leading activity: in preschool age - in the game, in primary and secondary school age - in teaching, in youth - in vocational training.

The formation of abilities is carried out in a particular activity. In the process of labor, for example, the distribution of attention becomes wider, and its switching becomes faster.

The role of labor in the development of thinking is great. As labor skills are mastered, new forms of labor develop: technical, practical, logical.

In the process of work and communication with other members of the work team, feelings develop.

Involving in the labor process, the child radically changes his idea of ​​himself and the world around him. Self-esteem changes radically. In the process of communication and mastering new knowledge, the student's worldview is formed. Teamwork develops the socialization of the child's personality, the development of abilities, feelings and thinking makes the child's personality more harmonious. Therefore, labor is the most important factor influencing the development of a child's personality.

A very important point in the system of labor education is the provision that labor makes it possible to most fully and vividly reveal the natural inclinations and inclinations of the child. When analyzing a child's readiness for working life, one must think not only about what he can give to society, but also about what work gives him personally. In every child, the makings of some abilities are dormant.

The solution of many problems of labor education of the younger generation essentially depends on a correct understanding of the functions, goals and psychological content of child labor.

The work of a student has its own specifics. First of all, the work of students differs from the work of adults in that for the sake of which it is organized. Child labor is organized primarily for educational purposes.

Work in society, as a rule, is collective in nature, so each participant is required to be able to interact. Consequently, schoolchildren should be included in social production. To prepare a child for work means to form his psychological readiness to work. Psychological readiness for work means the level of development of the individual, which is sufficient for the successful development of any kind of productive work.

The formation of a student's psychological readiness for work occurs in such activities as: play, teaching, everyday and productive work, technical creativity.

As observations show, graduates of educational institutions are practically and psychologically unprepared to participate in production work. The main thing is that the work of students should be directly connected with production. Schoolchildren must fulfill feasible production orders.

Thanks to this approach, work will acquire a higher value for students, conditions are created for the formation of socially valuable motives for activity.

Since this type of activity is not identical to either the educational activity or the labor activity of adults, we conditionally single it out as educational and labor activity. In high school, this type of activity should be leading. To this end, the program provides for vocational labor training in the senior classes. A child, after leaving school, may already have a specialty, which gives him the prerequisites for rapid adaptation in production.

1.2 Psychological aspect of labor education of schoolchildren

As in any other business, there are still unused reserves in the process of education. Pedagogical teams and sociologists are working on their opening. A special role in this regard belongs to psychological science.

In psychological knowledge, in a generalized form, the already known psychological patterns of training and education, the formation of a child's personality at various age stages in the conditions of various types of activity (play, learning, work), significant connections in the field of pedagogical and psychological phenomena are reflected. Psychological science has accumulated a lot of valuable facts, the use of which can enrich the content and organization of labor and production work of a schoolchild, more fully use the reserve of his personality, provide a system in labor education and thereby increase its educational value. The very list of problems studied by it says a lot about the possibilities of psychology in the field of labor training and education. Let's name some of them.

First of all, here it is necessary to single out the problem of the main psychological “core” in the labor preparation of schoolchildren. Such a “core”, as shown by the studies of T.V. Kudryavtsev, E.A. Feraponova and other psychologists, is the formation of general labor skills of an intellectual nature, the ability to perform a task not only individually, but also in conditions of joint work, the development of positive motivation for the work of schoolchildren, their creative abilities and other personality traits that are important for the professional self-determination of schoolchildren Since creativity is the most significant manifestation of a person, psychologists are looking for the best ways and means of introducing schoolchildren to creative work.

Particularly important in the labor education of schoolchildren are the motives that encourage children to work. It is with the motives that the formation of attitudes towards work as the main value is connected.

Psychologists pay much attention to the study of the psychological content of the labor activity of professionals and the compilation of professiograms on this basis.

In many cases, psychological knowledge is used for heuristic purposes to explain the mechanisms of the effectiveness of certain methods of training and education in order to predict the results of their application. Such a mechanism could be motive, need, interest, self-esteem.

Much psychological knowledge is used to combine psychologically similar work goals and modes of action, as well as methods of training and education.

The teacher needs to learn the general patterns of personality development. Personality is formed under the influence of education, socialization and self-education. Personality is the result of the interaction of external influences with the internal conditions of the individual, which include his orientation, abilities, character and other personal properties.


Let's get acquainted with how psychologists explore the psychological content of labor education, in particular, the formation of a comprehensively developed personality by means of labor. By what indicators does the psychologist judge the changes taking place in the appearance of the personality under the influence of labor? First of all, by the actions and deeds of a person, by changing the productivity of his labor, in relation to work, to his team, by shifts in his needs, interests, self-esteem and claims

The psyche of a working person, especially his attitude to work, is very noticeably manifested in the products of his activity. How a student reacts to failures and successes in work, to an assessment of the quality of his work, when his personal interests collide with public ones.

The most common methods for studying the psychological problems of labor education are observations, experiments, surveys, and tests. With the help of observations, character traits important in any kind of labor are studied: attentiveness, independence, accuracy, and a number of others. It is also used to study relationships in the children's team.

Experiment is a rich source of psychological knowledge. However, its use is associated with great difficulties. firstly, changes in personality occur gradually, and the researcher does not always have time. Secondly, changes in personality are a function of not one, but many factors operating in the conditions of labor education.

As a result of the experiment, it was found that the social motivation of labor activity increases the interest of children in work. Another kind of experiment is the developed method of self-assessment through comparing oneself with others. The results of this comparison are not indifferent to a person: he is satisfied or not satisfied with them, calms down or begins to worry.

This technique was used to study the attitude of the subject to his achievements in labor activity, as well as to identify shifts in this regard during the transition to other types of activity, for example, from educational to labor. To do this, the subjects are asked to compare their progress with the success of other students.

Thus, everyone evaluated not only others, but also himself, since he placed some students ahead of himself. But this self-assessment is not carried out directly, but indirectly. Based on the answers of the subjects, the ranking places of the subject in self-assessment are then determined.

To identify the main trends in the studied behavior (for example, typical motives for working or choosing a profession, the prestige of various professions among children of the same age, etc.), a survey is widely used, the success of which depends on the competence of the questionnaire compiler in the problem being studied. For example, when studying the main motives for the labor activity of high school students, using a closed questionnaire, a list of the most common motivations for work is compiled. For this, the literature on the psychology of child labor is being studied. The questionnaire provides for the possibility of self-response to the question asked.

In some cases, the questionnaire includes a scale of polar points, which requires an assessment of the attractiveness for the respondent of a particular working condition or profession.

The proposed scale: “I like it very much” - “6”, “I like it” - “5”, “I like it more than I don't like it” - “4"; “I don’t like it more than I like it” - “3"; “I don’t like it” - “2"; “I like it very much” - “1”.

When questioning, it is very important to ensure the sincerity of the answers of the respondents. This is achieved by thoughtful briefing, which states the purpose of the study and its scientific importance, and also guarantees confidentiality.

But the disadvantage of the questionnaires is that the data obtained with their help allow for a differentiated analysis, which does not allow correlating the answers with the real behavior of the subjects, checking the reliability of their answers.

For the psychological study of the personality of a schoolchild, the method of generalizing independent characteristics, proposed by the psychologist K.K. Platonov. It provides for the collection and generalization of information about a person obtained by various individuals when observing her in various activities. In different conditions, the general properties and qualities of a person (moral qualities, character traits, temperament) manifest themselves in different ways, so information is collected from different people. Estimates of these people will be different. This is the advantage of this method, which makes it possible to more fully characterize a personality, determine its zone of proximal development, and design its further development paths.

To study the orientation of the personality, its motives, interests, inclinations, the projective method is sometimes used (test for the completion of unfinished sentences, images, etc.).

These methods are based on an unconscious tendency of a person to projection, that is, to attributing to other people features, aspirations, interests that concern him. So the subject is offered a picture with the objects depicted on it, the characters. The situation is not defined. The subject is invited to tell what, in his opinion, happened before, is happening now, what will happen in the future. By his statements, one can judge the motives.

The advantage of these techniques is that during their application, embarrassment and alertness of the subject is reduced, due to which he is maximally involved in the experiment. The disadvantage is the difficulty in interpreting the results.

The formation of personality in the process of labor does not occur by itself, but only with a certain organization of the work of schoolchildren.

The organization of labor is understood as its ordering, giving it regularity. The organization of child labor must take into account the age and individual characteristics of children and the patterns of their development. In the process of labor is carried out, aesthetic and physical.

The teacher is called upon to provide such an organization of work. He is required to be an example, study the strengths and weaknesses of his students, organize activities and much more.

The psychological aspect of the teacher's activity in the process of education by means of labor consists in the influence of a personal example, in the management of the influence of the environment on the personality, as well as the management of his labor activity. The teacher coordinates the content and forms of work with pedagogical goals, directs labor activity in such a way that it requires students to display certain qualities, evaluates the effectiveness of educational influences. The role of the teacher is also to help the student to increase his authority among his peers.

In labor training, many students achieve more significant results than in general education subjects. In this regard, the child has a need for recognition. If he seeks to increase his authority, then his activity increases in other activities. And one of the main tasks of the teacher is to form and direct this activity.

Chapter 2. Practical part

From 11.02.09. until 29.04.09 I was in psychological and pedagogical practice. The place of internship was school No. 1 in Sterlitamak. For the duration of the internship, I was assigned class 8 "B". There are 28 students in this class. Of these: boys - 11, girls - 17.

During the practice, I spent 2 class hours on the topic: “A person is glorious by work” and Testing for professional orientation.

Classroom hour

On the theme "Glorious is a man by work"

There is deep knowledge in work,

As in academic volumes:

By a blade of grass, by its swing,

Plowmen prophesy about thunders,

A fisherman is not a watery womb

Lunar habits gives out?

Curiosity is an ancient study

All science moves forward.

But after all, will, feelings and thinking,

For each other to act in a hurry,

They create that very phenomenon, What was called in the old way the soul.

So, if you think without routine,

It is clear that the soul and labor are one.

And then one more thing...

I want to create sometimes!

Beauty originates.

Everything" that I, the master, look at,

A great secret is attached:

In the world, everything that labor touches

Gets soul and breath.

I. Selvinsky

The whole life of a person is filled with work. Russian proverbs, which have absorbed folk wisdom over hundreds of years, put work and labor at the head of everything.

Even the smallest fish "cannot be taken out of the pond without difficulty."

“Without labor there is no good”, “If you work, you will be fed”, “Everything is boring, except for work”, “The work of the master is afraid”, “Sadness and longing does not take a busy person”, “What is the master, such is the work”, “ Whoever loves to work can’t sit still”, “It’s not a concern that there is a lot of work, but it’s a concern, like there is no work”, “Hands - work, soul - a holiday”, “Hands do, but answer the head”, “Boring day until evening, when there is nothing to do.

The most important side of human life is displayed in these short statements. The main idea is that everything in the world is obtained by labor.

Young people today seem to have no idea about it. The words “worker”, “labor”, worker” have completely disappeared from the lexicon. They do not sound in the media either. But on the TV screens they insistently say: “Take everything from life!” And if, for example, you want to drink in the heat , shout about it to the whole wide world, beat the glass.

Young people use the words “grandmothers”, “bucks”, television games offer “win a million”, “hit the jackpot”, grab a piece of a tasty pie.

The concept of "labor" has two sides: the attitude to work and the relationship of participants in joint work. “Only the one who knows from childhood that work is the basis of life, who from a young age understood that bread is obtained only by the sweat of his face, is capable of a feat, because he has the will to fulfill it and the strength for this” (Jules Verne).

One teacher said to his student: “You are used to looking at work as a punishment. So you can turn your whole life into hard labor. Train yourself to look at the matter, treat the matter with pleasure, peer into it, master it, and it will thank you, give meaning to life!

During the construction of Chartres Cathedral in France, three different workers were asked the same question: what are you doing here? One snarled: "I'm carrying stones, if they're not right!" The second answered: "I earn money for the family." And the third said: "I'm building Chartres Cathedral!".

It is the attitude to work, and not professional skills or innate abilities, that is the surest indicator of the integrity of a person's personality, his life activity.

The only happiness is work,

In the fields, behind the machine, behind the herd

Work to a hot sweat

Work without extra bills

Hours of hard work.

The sown bread will disperse

Around the world; from humming machines

A life-giving stream will flow;

The printed thought will respond

In the depths of countless minds.

Work! Invisible, wonderful

Work, like sowing, will sprout,

What will become of the fruits is unknown

But blessedly by the moisture of heaven

Every labor will fall on the people.

Great joy - work,

In the fields, at the machine, at the table!

Work to a hot sweat

Work without extra bills

All the happiness of the earth - for work!

V. Bryusov

The joy of work is incomparable to any other joy. The joy of work is the beauty of life. Knowing it, a person experiences self-esteem, pride because he was able to create something with his own hands.

The famous American artist Rockwell Kent said about himself: “I mastered a number of professions. As I comprehended them, I grew as a person, and thus my ability to see and know life increased.

“Labor is not a virtue, but an inevitable condition for a virtuous life” (L. Tolstoy).

“Free labor is necessary for a person in itself, for the development and maintenance of a sense of human dignity in him” (K. Ushinsky).

Despised is he who loves to live in idleness.

The man is the one who thinks about the matter.

The goal is reached by people only by labor.

A lazy husband cannot reach the goal.

Amir Khosrow

The road to happiness lies through work.

There are no other paths to happiness.

Abu Shukur

Wealth always comes to us only in works,

But all wealth is dust before the joy of labor.


Be restless! Fear without worries

To live without difficulties and without worries:

You into the swamp of idleness and laziness

Peace will inevitably suck.

You will be covered with mold, scab,

Rust will exude you ahead of time.

Becomes narcissistic, callous

Your soul, dear to peace.

Be restless! Don't take it as a treat

The well-being of your own paradise.

Make a mistake!

And start all over again. -

It's not that easy, it's not that simple.

But let the fire burn in you

Cruel, holy discontent

up to the lid of the coffin.

V. Alatyrtsev

An inactive life is dangerous because it serves as a medium for a variety of vices. A.P. Chekhov said: "An idle life cannot be pure"

“Idleness and idleness seek depravity and entail it” (Hippocrates).

“Idleness weakens courage more than all vices” (C. Montesquieu).

The famous teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky believed that labor education is the harmony of three concepts: NECESSARY, DIFFICULT, EXCELLENT.

I want, my friends, to confess

What I love in the afternoon

Admire your work

When he makes me happy.

I admire, throwing off my shirt from my shoulders,

Slightly cooling the working ardor,

With a simple nail, which is on the wrong side

Hit with one blow.

I love planed board

I hold my planer in my hand.

I love the exact line

Very tightly fitted to the line.


I tell myself at the same time,

I tell others all the time:

In any work, be a poet

For the glory of common work.

But so as not to write yourself down,

Courage, there was no confession.

I admired someone else's work, As if it were yours.

Human life is very i-. i The limit of human life, like Aristotle, is 26,250 days. Time is the only thing that can't be done, i-p; back if you want. Her i l l whom time burdens, and oj-iii do not know what to do with it. "The life of the dollar. and, it is full” (Seneca).

While in space

the planet is spinning

On it - smelly

sun - never

There won't be a day without


There won't be a day without

R. Rozhdestvensky

Classroom hour

"Testing for the professional orientation of schoolchildren"

I had a class hour, the purpose of which was to find out the professional orientation of schoolchildren through testing.


Instruction. 1) Take a blank sheet of paper and divide it into five columns: I - "man-nature", II - "man-technology", III - "man - sign system", IV - "man - artistic image", V - " man-man."

2) Read the statements in order, and if you agree with them, then with a "+" sign, write out the number indicated in brackets in the appropriate column on your sheet (column number is given Roman numbers). If you do not agree, then write out the number with a sign " -". For example: "I can willingly and for a long time make something, repair" (P-1). If you With do not agree with this statement, then in column II (“man-technician”) write down “-1” for yourself. If you can't give a definitive answer, then don't write out the number at all.

3) Having answered 30 statements in this way, calculate the sums of the numbers written out (taking into account the “pluses” and “minuses”) in each of the columns. The largest positive sums will be in the columns corresponding to the types of professions most suitable for you, the smallest (and even more negative sums) - inappropriate professions.


1) I meet new people easily (V-1).

2) Willingly and for a long time I can make something, repair (P-1).

3) I like to go to museums, theaters, art

exhibitions (IV-1).

4) I willingly and constantly follow and care for plants and animals (1-1).

5) I can count something willingly and for a long time,

solve problems, draw (Sh-1).

6) I willingly help seniors in caring for animals and

plants (1-1).

7) I like to spend time with the younger ones, when they need to be occupied with something, to get them involved in something, to help them with something (V-1).

8) I usually make few mistakes in writing (Sh-1).

9) What I do with my own hands usually arouses interest among my comrades, elders (P-2).

10) Seniors believe that I have the ability to a certain area of ​​art (IV-2).

11) I. I read with pleasure about flora and fauna (1-1).

12) Actively participate in amateur performances (IV-1).

13) I read with pleasure about the devices of mechanisms, machines, devices (P-1).

14) I willingly solve crosswords, puzzles, rebuses, difficult tasks (Sh-2).

15) Easily settle disagreements between peers or juniors (V-2).

16) Seniors think that I have the ability to work with technology (P-2).

17) The results of my artistic creation are approved even by strangers (IV-2).

18) Seniors think that I have the ability to work with plants or animals (1-2).

19) I usually manage to express my thoughts in writing in detail and clearly for others (III-2).

20) I almost never quarrel (V-1).

21) Things made by me are approved and strangers (I-1).

22) Without much difficulty I learn previously unfamiliar or foreign words (III-1).

23) It often happens to me to help strangers (V-2).

24) For a long time, without getting tired, I can do my favorite art work (music, drawing, etc.) (IV-1).

25) I read with great interest about the protection of the natural environment, forests, animals (1-1).

26) I like to understand in arrangement of mechanisms, machines, devices (II-1).

27) I usually manage to convince my peers that it is necessary to do this and not otherwise (V-1).

28) I like watching animals or looking at plants (1-1).

29) Without much effort and willingly understand diagrams, graphs, drawings, tables (III-2).

30) Trying my hand in painting, music, poetry (IV-1).

A brief description of the type of profession.

I. "Man-nature". If you like to work in garden, garden, take care of plants, animals, love the subject of biology, then get acquainted with professions such as "man-nature". The objects of labor for representatives of most of these professions are:

1) animals, conditions of their growth, life;

2) plants, conditions of their growth. Specialists in this field have to: a) study, investigate, analyze the state, living conditions of plants or animals (agronomist, microbiologist, livestock specialist, hydrobiologist, agrochemist, phytopathologist); b) grow plants, take care of animals (arborist, field grower, flower grower, vegetable grower, poultry breeder, livestock breeder, gardener, beekeeper); c) carry out the prevention of plant and animal diseases (veterinarian, quarantine service doctor). Psychological requirements of professions of this type to a person: developed imagination, visual-figurative thinking, good visual memory, observation, the ability to foresee and evaluate changing natural factors; since the results of activities are revealed but after a rather long time, the specialist must have patience, perseverance, must be ready to work outside of teams, sometimes in difficult weather conditions, in the mud etc.

II. "Man-Technology". If you like laboratory work in physics, chemistry, electrical engineering, if you make models, understand household appliances, if you want to create, operate or repair machines, mechanisms, devices, machine tools, then check out With professions "man-technician".

1) creation, installation, assembly of technical devices (specialists design, construct technical systems, devices, develop processes for their manufacture. Machines, mechanisms, devices are assembled from individual components, parts, regulate and adjust them);

2) With operation of technical devices (specialists work on machine tools, manage transport, automatic systems);

3) with the repair of technical devices (specialists identify, recognize malfunctions of technical systems, devices, mechanisms, repair, regulate, adjust them).

The same technical device can be the subject of labor for different specialists, for example, see Table 2.1

Table 2.1

Technical device

Mounting, assembly


Machine tool with numerical control

Mechanical assembly fitter

CNC machine operator, CNC machine tool adjuster

Industrial equipment repairman

Power plant


Electric control operator

Electrical equipment repairman

Radio assembler

radio technician

Radio equipment repairman

Photocinema equipment

Film and photo equipment assembler

Projectionist, photographer

Film and photo equipment repairman

Psychological requirements of professions "man-technician" to a person: good coordination of movements; accurate visual, auditory, vibrational and kinesthetic perception; developed technical and creative thinking and imagination; the ability to switch and concentrate attention; observation.

III. "Man is a sign system". If you like to perform calculations, drawings, diagrams, keep file cabinets, systematize various information, if you want to do programming, economics or statistics, etc., then get acquainted with professions like "man - sign system". Most professions of this type are associated with the processing of information and differ in the characteristics of the subject of labor. It can be:

1) texts in native or foreign languages ​​(editor, proofreader, typist, clerk, telegrapher, typesetter);

2) figures, formulas, tables (programmer, computer operator, economist, accountant, statistician);

3) drawings, diagrams, maps (designer, process engineer, draftsman, copyist, navigator, surveyor);

4) sound signals (radio operator, stenographer, telephone operator, sound engineer).

Psychological requirements of professions of this type to a person: good operational and mechanical memory; the ability to long-term concentration of attention on abstract (sign) material; good distribution and switching of attention; accuracy of perception, the ability to see what is behind the conventional signs; perseverance, patience; logical thinking.

IV. "Man is an artistic image." Most professions of this type are related to:

1) with the creation, design of works of art (writer, artist, composer, fashion designer, architect, sculptor, journalist, choreographer);

2) with reproduction, manufacturing of various products according to the model (jeweler, restorer, engraver, musician, actor, cabinet maker);

3) with the reproduction of works of art in mass production (a porcelain painter, a stone and crystal grinder, a painter, a printer).

Psychological requirements of professions of this type to a person: artistic abilities; developed visual perception; observation, visual memory; visual-figurative thinking; creative imagination; knowledge of the psychological laws of emotional impact on people.

V. "Man-man". Most professions of this type are related to:

1) with the upbringing, training of people (educator, teacher, sports coach);

2) with medical care (doctor, paramedic, nurse, nanny);

3) with consumer services (salesman, hairdresser, waiter, janitor);

4) with information service (librarian, guide, lecturer);

5) with the protection of society and the state (lawyer, policeman, inspector, soldier). Many positions: director, foreman, shop manager, trade union organizer are associated with working with people, therefore, the same requirements are imposed on all managers as on specialists in professions such as man-man.

The psychological requirements of professions of this type for a person are the desire for communication; the ability to easily make contact with strangers; sustainable good health when working with people; benevolence, responsiveness; excerpt; the ability to restrain emotions; the ability to analyze the behavior of others and one's own, to understand the intentions and mood of other people, the ability to understand people's relationships, the ability to resolve differences between them, to organize their interaction; the ability to mentally put oneself in the place of another person, the ability to listen, take into account the opinions of another person; the ability to speak, facial expressions, gestures: developed speech, the ability to find a common language with different people; the ability to convince people; accuracy, punctuality, composure; knowledge of human psychology.

The conducted testing of schoolchildren showed the following results:

1. "Man - nature"

Boys - 0.

Girls - 6

2. "Man - technology"

Boys - 5.

Girls - 2.

3. "Man - sign system"

Boys - 2.

Girls - 3

4. "Man - an artistic image"

Boys - 1

Girls - 0

5. "Man - man"

Boys - 3.

Girls - 6.

Thus, it can be concluded that


Thus, labor activity is one of the important factors in the education of the individual. Involving in the labor process, the child radically changes his idea of ​​himself and the world around him. Self-esteem changes radically. It changes under the influence of success in work, which in turn changes the authority of the student in the class. The issue of authority, self-affirmation plays a particularly important role in the senior school age.

The teacher must support and direct the developing interest not only in his subject, but also in other areas of knowledge. Under the influence of this interest, self-knowledge will develop. The main developing function of labor is the transition from self-esteem to self-knowledge. In addition, in the process of work, abilities, skills and abilities are developed. New types of thinking are formed in labor activity. As a result of the collective work, the student receives the skills of work, communication, cooperation, which improves the adaptation of the child in society.

The main tasks of labor education are:

Labor is an equivalent subject of the curriculum. True, in recent years, in most schools, work has been in decline. This is due both to the general socio-economic situation and to the general development of society. In this regard, labor training requires a radical restructuring. Labor must assume a broader function than, but not excluding, the preparation of children for work in production.

List of used literature

Ivashchenko F.I. Work and development of the student's personality. - St. Petersburg: Neva, 2007.

Platonov K.K. Generalization of characteristics as a method of socio-psychological study of personality. - M.: Vega, 2008

Feldstein D.I. Formation of the child's personality in adolescence. - M.: INFRA - M, 2007.
