Desire disappears during intimacy. Why does a woman have a lack of sexual desire and what to do? Decreased sex drive due to infections

Greetings, Lady.

When counseling women, I often come across the phenomenon of “sexual cooling towards my husband” after several years of life.

In this article, we will consider the main reasons for the “leaving of sexual desire”. We will also define ways to resurrect a full-fledged sexual life.

The lack of sex in the family really greatly affects its strength. Moreover, both men and women suffer from sexual dysfunction.

More often, sexual attraction to a partner goes away from a woman. But in itself, sexual desire does not disappear. It is suppressed and finds a way out through aggression towards the husband / other people.

A man without sex also remains unsatisfied and embittered. He more often, in this case, makes demands on his wife. Or "revenge" in other ways. Unconsciously. Cases of leaving "on the side" are not excluded.

Feelings such as guilt, shame, inferiority, resentment, disappointment settle in relationships.

And now, Lady, let us begin to investigate the cause of the departure of sexual desire for her husband.

And in order not to go far, let's consider a very common situation in the society of the development of events in family life

  • A girl meets a man and falls in love. Thus, it becomes more joyful, happy and beautiful. She seems to be blooming.
  • A man, enchanted by the radiance of the chosen one, becomes more active, caring, decisive and courageous. He "turns on" the role of a defender.
  • Falling in love is accompanied by mutual sexual attraction, outbursts of passion and tenderness.
  • Hooray! Wedding!
  • Trembling ... the birth of a child.
  • Weekdays ... A woman "leaves" in motherhood. And in her soul, before the only beloved person, recedes into the background. He is now seen as a breadwinner, helper in household chores and moral support.
  • The unsuccessful struggle of the husband for the former attention of his wife begins. He feels his uselessness, lack of female attention.
  • A love triangle is formed: husband-wife-child.
  • A woman, exhausted by the chores of a baby, also needs the understanding and attention of her husband.
  • A “chill” and mutual detachment settle in the family.
  • A man finds an outlet in work (friends, alcohol ...).
  • The woman is even more closed on the child. simultaneously plunges into resentment and condemnation of his partner. Also, she becomes more mature, thanks to motherhood. Soon, without noticing it, she becomes a "mother" for her husband.
  • Increasingly, commands are given: "Help, clean, give" ...
  • The man is adjusting to his new role. His former activity fades away, self-confidence decreases. Not feeling needed and loved, he “withdraws into himself”, becomes passive, “aggressive”, “obedient”, and for a woman not interesting and not sexy.
  • Questions “where are my socks?”, “What should I do better”, “What to buy?” - drive a woman crazy, and for a man they are the only way to attract attention.
  • The man is no longer perceived as a sex object.

Some stages are different for different families, but the basis for many is approximately the same.

Before answering the question "what to do", let's take a deeper look at the nature of sexual attraction and falling in love.

Sexual attraction is an instinct. And on a subconscious level, a woman strives for a stronger "male" who "can protect her and her family." That is why a sexual desire arises for a STATUS representative of the male half of humanity.

And now imagine the situation. The woman got married. Went through the scenario above. And then SUDDENLY (after the decree) she accidentally met another man. She understands that he is much more active and strong than her husband. The likelihood that a “desire” will wake up to a new one is high. Natural instincts will begin to control a woman. The husband may “fall” even more in her eyes, and irritation and an abyss of misunderstanding will arise in the relationship.

At such moments, the girl does not think what a family man she met. Is he really as perfect as the imagination draws. Instinct screams "I WANT!" He's the best!

Of course, it also happens that a girl really “meets” true love when she is married. But this is a topic for another article. For the time being, we will not touch on this issue.

But more often - sexual desire is perceived as falling in love. “The brain flies”, a woman wants a divorce or goes into stress from the inability to make a decision.

Dear, dear women. Please, be vigilant. Remember that if you do not change the behavior in a relationship, then the situation with a new man may repeat itself.

WHAT man with you depends on you more often.

By nature, we are endowed with such emotional power, which can both “weaken” a partner and “strengthen”. As for me, it is much easier to direct your efforts to mastering husband enhancement skill rather than looking for another partner, "weakening" him, stepping on the same rake.

But even after “getting” a strong man as a result, we must remember that our sexual attraction will still not be as permanently strong as at the beginning of the relationship. But it will be much stronger than with a "weak" man.

One more moment. Since our sexual desire often depends on the state of being in love, we can learn to control our feelings for our husband.

The state of love is the ability to see the STRENGTHS of a man. When we fall in love, this skill is effortless. We skillfully “close our eyes” to shortcomings and lift our man to heaven.

When we live with a person for a long time, we see more and more shortcomings and do not notice dignity.

Why does such an anomaly arise as the lack of sexual desire among the fair sex? And how do married couples become hostages to a decrease in libido?

It turns out that this problem is not so rare. And its appearance is connected with such concepts as libido and sexual desire in women. It is these factors that ensure the desire to make love not only in women, but also in men.

Factors Influencing Lack of Sexual Desire

There are statistics that can explain the occurrence of sexual problems to some extent.

So, you will be interested in the following information:

  1. Almost forty percent of the female and male population in intimate life experience various sexual upheavals.
  2. The answer to the question: “In connection with what the desire for sex disappears?”, Basically, women are looking for; men worry less about it.
  3. A woman is very often embarrassed to tell her partner that she has lost her desire, as well as about her preferences in bed.
  4. Sometimes the reason for the lack of desire in a woman can be physiological disorders.
  5. Every third woman did not experience a wave of pleasure during an orgasm. Such representatives of the fair sex do not understand what pleasure intimacy can bring, as a result, frigidity sometimes occurs. But it is worth a woman at least once to get this pleasure in bed, and the desire will always be present.
  6. If a girl takes birth control pills, this can also cause the disappearance of sexual desire in women. This is due to the fact that the ovaries are in a calm state and the level of hormones is insufficient for full excitement.
  7. Psychological failures also prevent the emergence of attraction.
  8. The brightness of sexual sensations also depends on the skills of a man, but one partner should not be blamed for all problems.
  9. Most problematic situations can resolve themselves over time, but in some cases the help of a specialist is needed.
  10. Fitness areas such as Pilates, aerobics and yoga help to restore blood circulation. This, in turn, stimulates blood flow to the genitals and increases desire.
  11. Healthy sleep for the beautiful half is very important. Therefore, on a day off, it will not hurt to sleep an extra couple of hours. And then there will be no memory of frigidity.
  12. A decrease in attraction to the opposite sex can be due to several reasons, therefore, the problem needs to be solved comprehensively.
  13. Hormones such as testosterone and estrogen affect arousal. Their excess or lack can have a negative impact on the state of the lady.
  14. Each woman has her own natural sexual constitution and, accordingly, individual needs in intimate life. A specialist can easily determine this and help restore the natural desire for sex.

Lack of desire in women. The reasons

When a woman and a man are on the path of developing relationships, their intimate life is very eventful. But when some time passes, the former passion fades away, and excitability may also decrease.

If such a situation does not cause discomfort to both partners, then there is no problem as such. Well, if the attraction disappears in a woman or a man, then you should start sounding the alarm. In the absence of desire for the beautiful half in a couple, a man may feel unnecessary, his pride will be hurt.

So, the main reasons that characterize women's reluctance to intimate life are physiological and psychological.

Physiological factors are as follows:

  1. Female potency depends on the male hormone - testosterone. And if the hormonal levels have decreased, then the sexual desire disappears. There are statistics that indicate that hormonal disorders can occur after thirty years.
  2. If a woman loses her desire for sex, age may also be the reason. This is especially true of the period associated with menopause - before and during it, the functionality of the ovaries decreases to a minimum. In this regard, they stop producing estrogen, the amount of natural lubricant in the vagina decreases, it becomes very dry. During intimacy, a woman, and sometimes a man, may experience discomfort. But for a lady, intimacy can still be painful. That is why frigidity occurs, and a woman does not seek sexual relations.
  3. The reason for the lack of desire is sometimes not only therapeutic, but also gynecological diseases. An elderly woman may have various systemic diseases. These include problems with blood vessels, heart and veins, diabetes, urogenital inflammation. All this gives a woman a lot of problems, and the physical condition falls into decay.
  4. Abuse of bad habits. If a girl likes to drink or often reaches for a cigarette, her internal organs are gradually destroyed. Against this background, diseases arise that are simply incompatible with a full-fledged sexual life. Such women are more likely to enjoy drinking a glass of alcohol or smoking a cigarette.
  5. The cause of frigidity may be vaginismus. It is characterized by vaginal spasms. Most often, such symptoms appear after severe stress, after an act of violence and other psychological trauma.
  6. Infectious diseases of the reproductive system can also cause the female potency to disappear.
  7. Pregnancy is also one of the reasons why a woman refuses to have sex. But this is only for a while. If the birth is easy and does not entail any serious consequences, two months after the baby appears, the girl’s desire will reappear.

Psychological factors leading to loss of desire are:

  1. Constant neuroses, stressful situations at home and at work. A very common reason that a woman has no desire for love pleasures is overwork.
  2. Unfavorable environment for sexual intercourse. Tensions between partners, lack of understanding. And also if a man is a dictator in sex, this will not be a reason for increasing a woman's desire.
  3. Victorian upbringing, that is, when the concept is imposed on a girl that sexual relations are something dirty, unacceptable and shameful. Religious barriers. Also, over-complexity.
  4. Some girls, after the birth of a child, are completely devoted to caring for him, but they forget about her husband, and practically do not need intimacy.
  5. Lack of sex education. Insufficient information about the first sex, about the possible consequences, about contraception can develop frigidity in a girl.

How to increase female attraction to a partner?

To get rid of sexual disorders that interfere with a normal family life, first of all, it is necessary to remove all annoying factors. If the cause is a disease, it must be cured, and the sooner the better. If there are failures of the hormonal background - you can not do without taking hormonal drugs.

Important! A sufficient level of testosterone not only increases sexual desire, but also contributes to a good mood, activity and cheerfulness.

Usually, the treatment of lack of desire is a long process that requires complex therapy. It includes: medicines, physiotherapy exercises, healthy and proper nutrition, psychological consultations. In some cases, in order to restore a normal lifestyle that includes consensual sexual relations, it may be necessary to change the place of residence for a certain period of time.

Such procedures will bring maximum effect if the beloved woman is always and everywhere supported by a partner. After all, mutual understanding between two loving people is the first step towards saving a relationship.

Sometimes, in the process of eliminating disharmony in sexual life, a girl may experience side effects such as headache or breast tenderness. Sleep may also be disturbed.

But after completing the course, a woman will again be able to feel young, inspired and desired.

Sexual relations are the most important component of harmony and mutual understanding between people. Misunderstandings and conflicts that arise are often caused by a lack of sex or a decrease in its regularity. Lack of sexual desire in women can be observed as often as in men.

The lack of desire for sex in women, namely the reasons for this and the treatment - these are the actual and very important issues that experts are studying, trying to help people understand them and establish an intimate life with the help of medications and psychotherapy techniques. We will talk about this now on this page

Sex is not needed! Where does the lack of desire in women come from, what are the reasons for this?

Statistics show that 40% of the fairer sex have sexual disorders. This is manifested by a complete lack of excitement and aversion to sexual intercourse, even with a beloved man. There may be several reasons for this:

1. Disturbed hormonal balance

Libido in the body of both sexes is maintained thanks to a hormone called testosterone. This, as you know, is a male hormone, which decreases after the age of thirty, as well as in the postpartum period.

2. Age-related changes

The period before the onset of menopause or during it. This happens because the function of the ovaries fades, and this leads to a decrease in estrogen in the body. As a rule, the release of natural vaginal lubrication decreases, during intercourse a woman experiences discomfort, without getting pleasure. By the way, the ladies themselves do not feel worse from the fact that they completely give up their sexual life.

3. Diseases and gynecological disorders

There are some diseases that cause imbalance in the female body and lead to a weakening of libido. We are talking about diabetes, problems with the urinary and cardiovascular systems, diseases of the pelvic organs. Inflammatory processes also often cause pain during intercourse, which on a subconscious level causes women to aversion to sex. By the way, infectious diseases also greatly impede the excitation of a woman. What is the satisfaction of a woman with sexual intercourse ...

4. vaginismus

These are spasms that cause the vaginal muscles to contract strongly, which causes pain during intimate relationships for both partners. Vaginismus can be the result of violence, harassment and other psychological disorders.

5. Psychological factors

This is one of the most common and, by the way, the most serious reasons why women lose their desire to have sex. Fatigue and stress, lack of sleep and too active rhythm of life - all this leads to disharmony in sexual life. Violation of the idyll in a relationship with a beloved man, quarrels and resentments, selfishness on the part of a partner, inappropriate environment - these factors also make it difficult to relax and enjoy sex. Fear of getting pregnant often occurs between two people who have sexual contact.

About how to correct the lack of desire in women (treatment by various methods)

The choice of appropriate treatments depends on the causes. Diseases of any nature require competent therapy, and then the problem will be solved by itself.

With a decrease in testosterone in the female body, hormone therapy is prescribed. In case of psychological problems, the doctor will prescribe a psychotherapy session, a course of antidepressants, homeopathic medicines. By the way, experts say that it is an integrated approach, that is, a combination of medicines and conversations with a sex therapist, that allows you to achieve the best results.

Couples mistakenly think that their actions will play no role in restoring female libido. Just the opposite. Firstly, you can use accessories, sex toys, special lubricants and exciting underwear. Secondly, making love requires complete trust between partners, no tension, understatement and resentment. Often sex becomes just a way of violent reconciliation after quarrels!

Thirdly, you can increase excitement and awaken desire by watching erotic films together.

Fourth, it will not be superfluous to consult a doctor about aphrodisiacs (these can be both oral preparations and candles, aroma lamps, creams, perfumes). Recently, by the way, the site described the drug "Spanish Fly". Read about it...

Fifth, increase sensitivity and get the opportunity to enjoy sex with the help of physical exercises. Kegel exercises have become very popular lately. They improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs, tone the intimate muscles, and restore the sensitivity of the genital organs after childbirth. You need to perform them in the following way: you can take a pose lying or standing. The legs are bent, slightly apart to the side. Tighten the muscles of the vagina as if you want to stop urination. Hold this position for 8-10 seconds, then slowly relax. This elementary exercise should be performed every day 10-15 times.

Sexual life is worth it to restore and adjust. It is not just the pleasure and enjoyment of intimacy with a loved one. Regular sex is a guarantee of health, well-being and a brilliant appearance!

Most men want to remain sexually strong for the rest of their lives, and any obstacle to healthy sex is perceived as a personal tragedy. Lack of attraction in men is the most common problem that causes physical and mental discomfort.

This also applies to very young people today. What is the reason? How can you help yourself deal with the problem?

Why does a man have no libido

Any sexual function in the male body depends on the content of the hormone testosterone in the blood. It is produced in the testicles, and their work is directly related to the state of the endocrine system.

Ejaculation and normal erection depend on the work of the peripheral and central nervous system. If problems arise in one of the links, a man's libido declines.

  • the presence of serious chronic diseases that a man could get sick even in early childhood. With age, such diseases remind of themselves with serious consequences in violation of libido. These can be problems with the heart, blood vessels, endocrine work, urinary system, brain, persistent colds and flu associated with a decrease in immunity;
  • injury to the male genital organs, especially the testicles, which are responsible for testosterone production. It is this hormone that is responsible for the normal functioning of the entire reproductive system, including sexual desire;
  • problems associated with the functioning of the nervous system: neurosis, prolonged depression, conflict situations at home and at work, chronic fatigue syndrome, insufficient rest and poor sleep - all this negatively affects libido. It may even happen that the lack of attraction in men disappears abruptly, which will be even more stressful for them. Do not assume that emotional overload can be considered the norm of life;
  • today is very a large number of men like to drink, smoke and even use drugs, which can cause not only a decline in sexual desire, but also cause significant damage to health in general, disrupt the normal functions of vital organs;
  • casual, promiscuous intimate relationships, prolonged abstinence, which is replaced by too intense sex;
  • medications, taking dietary supplements and antidepressants without a doctor's prescription can cause severe side effects, which will definitely affect the weakening of libido in men. Before taking such medicines, you should definitely consult a doctor. It is he who prescribes the recommended dose, determines their compatibility, side effects;
  • over time, many couples experience difficulties associated with long-term habit to each other. The first love has long passed, the monotonous sex is boring, the man begins to compare his companion with others, younger and more attractive. This affects the violation of libido and is a purely psychological factor. ;
  • incorrect, puritanical upbringing, excessive severity of parents in childhood can cause in adult life the rejection of sex, a sense of shame, self-doubt;
  • often men associate the lack of sexual desire with age, but this is not always correct. There are many cases when, being in adulthood, they lead an active sex life and have a pronounced sexual desire. Therefore, age is a very controversial factor in the decline of libido. But chronic diseases acquired by the age of fifty may be the primary cause of this ailment.

Low libido in men: symptoms

Of course, the decrease in sexual desire does not go unnoticed. It is seen by others, the person himself feels it. In some cases, there is not only a lack of erection, but even a long-term aversion to sex. Sperm is produced in small quantities, its composition and sperm motility deteriorate.

There are also external changes associated with a lack of testosterone. The male, low voice timbre changes to a higher one, fat begins to be deposited no longer in the abdomen, but on the hips and buttocks, bald patches appear, which can lead to complete baldness.

Dense vegetation on the body according to the male type gradually disappears. Sometimes it is during this period that a man’s attraction to his own sex suddenly arises.

Specialists, according to the causes, symptoms and directions, distinguish the following types of libido disorders:

  • hypolibidemia, when there is a weakening of libido in men, not associated with physiological changes in body functions or some kind of disease;
  • alibidemia - the complete absence of libido or its significant weakening. It is mainly associated with endocrine disorders, unstable hormonal levels, intoxication, infectious diseases or mental disorders that cause a decrease in testosterone production;
  • aversion, in which a man experiences not just fear, but even panic at the thought of sex. It occurs most often, is associated with emotional and psychological disorders, the work of the nervous system. Requires the intervention of a psychotherapist. The patient has a rapid heart rate, dizziness, sweat profusely. Diarrhea, nausea, chills may occur. All these symptoms provoke a feeling of fear, fear, self-doubt. Most often, doctors associate aversion with improper upbringing, coercion to have sex in childhood, psychological trauma of an intimate nature, problems with sexual orientation, and fear of not satisfying a partner.

Libido and age in men

Lack of attraction in men weakens with age. This is a natural process, which is associated with the fact that already after 25 years, the production of one's own testosterone decreases by 1-2% annually. Although up to fifty years it is almost imperceptible.

But already from forty, a man, like a woman, begins the age of menopause. First of all, it is associated with testosterone and other androgen hormones.

May be:

  • early, starting already from 40-45 years;
  • middle - from 46 to 60 years;
  • late, which occurs after 60 years.

After forty years, a change in the male genital organs begins, associated with the work of the endocrine system, natural aging of the body, chronic diseases acquired by this age, problems with the cardiovascular system, in which the blood supply to the pelvic organs is disturbed, and other disorders.

During menopause, there are problems with the endocrine glands. A man may experience hot flashes, erectile dysfunction, decreased fertility, urinary incontinence, and lack of morning erections.

Often after 50 years, a weakening of libido in men also occurs:

  • sexual activity is significantly reduced;
  • the time and quality of orgasm decreases, it ceases to give pleasure;
  • the amount of sperm and its quality decreases.

Often menopause in men occurs imperceptibly, without pronounced symptoms. This usually lasts two to five years.

But sometimes such a time is associated with psychological problems, mood swings, depression, nervousness. physical condition and appearance changes, an exacerbation of old diseases occurs or new ones arise. All this also cannot but affect intimate life, reducing sexual desire.

Treating old age, according to doctors, is unreasonable. And it does not give positive dynamics. But here, proper nutrition, sports, the rejection of bad habits, the use of folk recipes can provide undeniable benefits and maintain libido until old age.

Lack of libido in men: treatment

Lack of attraction in men requires a consultation with a sexologist, testing for a hormonal mirror, which will determine the level of male hormones in the body. The doctor will prescribe treatment, prescribe drugs that you will take strictly under his supervision.

Often, low libido is associated with psychological problems or dysfunction of the central nervous system, when nerve impulses do not reach the desired areas of the brain.

In any case, you should not be complex about this, just as you should not be ashamed of your problems. The sooner you start treatment, the easier this period will pass. Do not start the problem, approach it competently.

The fight against the disease includes not only medications aimed at normalizing the production of testosterone. It is also a reasonable diet, a healthy, active lifestyle, traditional medicine recipes, non-traditional methods.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle means giving up tobacco and alcohol, doing sports even in old age, walking, cycling, visiting swimming pools, gyms or any sports halls.

A healthy restful sleep for eight hours is very important. All this will increase vitality, give new strength and energy, improve mood and relieve depression.

It is very important to eat right, including important vitamins and minerals in the diet. The body must receive the necessary amount of useful microelements every day. For a man, vitamins of group B, vitamins A, E, C, minerals zinc, phosphorus, selenium are especially important. They increase the production of testosterone, potency, increase the time and power of erection.

The list of the most necessary products:

  • to replenish vitamin A, it is necessary to consume: liver, chicken and quail eggs, legumes, dairy products, apples and cherries;
  • for vitamin B - any nuts, lean red meat, cheeses, all seafood, potatoes, bell peppers;
  • for vitamin C - any citrus fruits, rose hips, persimmons, any cabbage, black currants, all foods rich in vitamin;
  • vitamin E contains bran bread, brewer's yeast, soybeans, peanuts and almonds, olive oil, sunflower seeds, sheep meat, oatmeal;
  • zinc - oysters in the first place, raw quail eggs, turnips, black pepper, cinnamon, ginger, beef liver;
  • phosphorus is found in walnuts, white seeds, wheat, garlic, beef, milk, chicken meat, mushrooms, raisins.

From a huge variety of products you can cook great dishes. It will be tasty and healthy. In the absence of the opportunity to buy fresh products, drink at least vitamin and mineral complexes.

Among healing plants and herbs, in this case, it is good to prepare tinctures and decoctions of juniper, ginger root, parsley and celery roots and greens, peppermint, blueberries, ordinary barley, rosemary, sage herb, pink radiola, aloe or ordinary laurel. Ginseng root is especially useful. And the older it is, the more necessary useful properties it contains.

Based on these plants, natural remedies, which can be bought at any pharmacy: Tribulus, Ginkgo biloba, Yohimbe.

A few more tips:

  • walk barefoot more, especially on the ground or sand on the beach. There are three acupuncture points on the soles of the feet that will increase sexual desire;
  • visit sex shops, change positions during sex, diversify the boring routine of intimate relationships, watch films filled with erotic content, take a bath together with aromatic essential oils. Be more attentive and affectionate to each other;
  • stay in the sun more. Vitamin D, obtained with it, stimulates the production of testosterone in the blood.

All folk methods and remedies also have the other side of the coin, they can cause changes in the functioning of internal organs, allergic reactions or other side effects. So without consulting a doctor you can not do.

But still, in many cases, the restoration of sexual desire depends on the man and woman who is nearby. Her help and patience in these matters cannot be overestimated. Joint actions aimed at eliminating the disease will surely reward the return of full-fledged intimate relationships and sexual desires.

In this material, we will talk about the desires of a woman, and about those that relate to sexual arousal, and, most importantly, if a woman does not experience it, about what underlies this and how to overcome such problems.

If a woman has no sexual desire, then what to do in such cases?

First, let's talk a little about some other things. For example, if, sitting in the kitchen and talking with a friend on various topics, among others, the problem of intimacy is touched upon, you can talk more about this. A friend says that she is not attracted to a man, and she does not know why. She is married, her husband is a very good person, he does not drink, does not smoke, loves her, takes care of her, but for some reason does not excite her. And everything is here! As a result, sex every time becomes the fulfillment of some kind of heavy duty.

This theme “nailed” us so much that suddenly there was silence, and each of us began to sort through various situations related to intimate life and those moments when there was no desire for bed comforts. In fact, it turned out that we are not the only ones, in almost every life, similar situations happened. Immediately, the memory came with questions related to those methods and ways of increasing sexual desire, if it was partially lost in a woman. True, it has rarely been heard that a woman has a complete lack of libido, but it turns out that this is also possible. Naturally, the computer and the Internet came to the rescue. Yes, the help of a specialized specialist is needed in the first place, but still it was interesting for us to learn everything about what is connected with such a sensitive issue.

What is the sexual desire of the female half?

In fact, it turned out that it is directly related to libido and sexual desire. In turn, both suggest that both sexual partners feel the desire to have sex and are attracted to each other. Each of the adult healthy people should have a sexual desire, which is gradually formed, starting from adolescence. Each stage of life is characterized in its own way in terms of sexual desire.

After searching the Internet, we came to the following conclusions:

  • About 40% of both men and women experience problems in their sexual life from time to time, which are based on various reasons.
  • Most women prefer not to tell their partners what they expect from them in sex.
  • There are cases when such problems are the result of some dysfunctions of a physiological nature.
  • If you look closely at various data, it turns out that more than one third of all women have never felt all the emotions and feelings associated with the onset of orgasm. But if she experiences it at least once, she will look for this feeling all her life.
  • It is absolutely wrong to say that the lack of sexual desire is based on a single problem. A similar problem happens due to the presence of a number of very different factors.
  • Often, excitability is significantly reduced if contraceptives are constantly taken, since the ovaries are in a static position, there is no hormonal renewal.
  • The disappearance (decrease) of intimate desire in women is based on psychological and physiological problems.
  • Much depends on the man, on how he behaves, but it would be wrong to place all the blame solely on the partner.
  • Some of the problems related to the lack of sexual desire can be solved by yourself, but in some cases the help of a sexologist is needed.
  • A set of exercises has been developed, the task of which is to increase blood flow to the genitals and small pelvis, and increase libido. This includes yoga, aerobics and some other physical programs.
  • A decrease in libido is often a natural process, as nature itself regulates the reproductive period, or when it is not the right time to have sex. This includes the incompatibility of partners, the postpartum period, a serious illness, when there is simply no time for sex. But it happens that problems of a physiological nature can develop into pathology.
  • A woman, like children, needs more sleep than men, and as a result, she needs to sleep a little longer than her partner. Then the libido will be in order.
  • In most cases, a decrease in sexual desire is based on a number of factors. Therefore, it is necessary to thoroughly approach the solution of the problem, analyze all the conditions, give a correct assessment.
  • The state of excitability is significantly influenced by the presence of estrogen and testosterone. And not only them.
  • Each lady has her own sexual structure (this can be estimated based on a number of objective conditions). Therefore, her needs are those that are inherent only to her. A good professional, after talking with a woman, can quickly assess her sexual needs.

As a rule, when partners are just starting to meet, their sexual desire is at a fairly high level. But gradually the passion gradually decreases, the man and the woman get used to each other, there are no more secrets, sex becomes to some extent an everyday occurrence (at least it does not excite as it used to). If such an established level satisfies both, then there is no reason to lose desire. But there are situations when, after a certain period, sexual desire completely disappears. A partner becomes uninteresting to a man or woman, they are not attracted to intimacy. If a woman’s desire disappears, then this very significantly affects male pride. It is necessary to analyze all the conditions and reasons that have become the basis for such a decrease in sexual desire.

Causes of problems

The causes of sexual desire problems in females are different. All of the above reasons for which a decrease in the desire for sexual intimacy may occur may have a physiological or psychological origin.

The relationship of the influence of hormones on the decrease in female sexual desire

  • A physiological factor in the suppression of sexual desire can be an imbalance in the body.

Testosterone is the sex hormone responsible for libido for both males and females. The trend of its decline in recent years, unfortunately, occurs ahead of time, that is, before the age of thirty. Sexual activity in women and men decreases due to the fault of another hormone - prolactin. Weakened libido in women is observed after childbirth, while breastfeeding a child.

age factor

  • A physiological factor in women with a decrease in sexual desire may be age-related changes.

Weakening and lack of libido in women can occur when it reaches

premenopausal and menopausal age. The function of the ovaries during this period of time gradually fades away and little estrogen is produced. Sexual intercourse causes an unpleasant feeling and even pain, as the lubrication in the vagina decreases. For many women, the complete rejection of sexual life at this particular age does not bring physical and psychological discomfort.

Disease as a factor in reducing the desire for sexual activity

  • A physiological factor in reducing the desire for sexual intimacy can be both general diseases and gynecological ones.

With diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular pathologies and diseases of the urinary system, small pelvis and other diseases in women, sexual coldness often occurs.

Bad habits and their effect on sex drive

  • To the physiological factor in women with a decrease in sexual desire are habits.

Considered harmful, such as: excessive alcohol consumption, drug addiction and smoking, which contribute to the suppression of sexual desire. Bad habits cause inhibition of nerve impulses in the brain responsible for sexual desire. In the first place are the listed dependencies and the pleasure derived from them.

Vaginismus is a physiological factor in reducing sexual desire in women. With vaginismus, the muscles of the vagina involuntarily contract spasmodically, causing pain during sexual intercourse in both partners. Vaginismus can be caused by experienced sexual harassment, violence, and other similar factors.

Sex drive reduced by infection

  • Various infections in the genitals can become a physiological factor in the absence and decrease in sexual desire.

Such infections are known to cause discomfort in the vulva and vagina. With severe kalpitis, during sexual contact, unpleasant and even painful sensations may occur.

Decreased female libido as a result of psychological disorders

  • The reasons that led to a decrease in sexual desire in women can be completely different.

The reason can be experienced stress, physical fatigue, endless quarrels with a partner, an environment that is not conducive to intimacy, a lack of male understanding of female preferences and desires, as well as other factors. In addition, the reason for the lack of desire for intimacy with a man in a woman can be her religious upbringing, natural shyness and tightness, and maybe some shocks associated with the sexual moments of the fairer sex. Often, men do not take into account women's problems, taking them for ordinary whims, and in fact a woman, at times, takes on the main burden of responsibility for the family: cook lunch or dinner on time, find time to work with children, keep housing in order, etc. , and often she has to combine this with work. It is also worth noting another reason for the lack of libido in young ladies - inexperience or fear of becoming pregnant.

What measures can be taken in the absence of sexual desire in women?

First of all, you need to find the reason for not wanting to have sex. Therapeutic treatment of a sexual ailment can begin with taking antidepressants, homeopathic remedies, as well as attending psychotherapeutic sessions. With a disease such as diabetes, problems with intimate life are also possible, and here a woman should take the treatment of this disease more seriously, which as a result will help improve her quality of life. It is worth noting that in order for the problem with a woman’s personal life to disappear completely, the use of drug treatment is not enough, the active participation of her sexual partner is also necessary.

Possible side effects in the treatment of sexual disharmony

During the period of a woman's course of treatment for disharmony in her sexual life, her sleep may be disturbed, headaches often occur, and breast sensitivity often appears. In addition, there may be an increase in vaginal discharge, the appearance of signs of weight gain, an increase in the fat content of the skin, as well as the occurrence of acne. And the use of hormonal drugs often causes an increase in body hair growth.

If a couple has certain intimate problems, you should not delay their resolution as soon as possible, otherwise this circumstance may cause a breakup. Experts recommend giving some rest in sexual relations and diversifying your life with other new sensations. This will help restore sexual attraction to each other, and desire will overwhelm both partners.

Listen to some tips that may come in handy for awakening sexual desire.

First you need to learn how to enjoy, which can be felt by such sense organs as touch, hearing and smell. Pleasure can bring the sound of beautiful music, the smell of your favorite perfume, the taste of delicate fruits. All these moments play a big role in the restoration of female libido. Having created an atmosphere conducive to relaxation and turning on the appropriate music, try to relax and "dissolve" in the beautiful sound of the notes, leaving aside all life's problems. You can add the aroma of familiar perfumes and a vase of ripe peaches to the music ... Such therapy has a positive effect on the awakening of sexual desire and causes a desire to receive gentle caresses and kisses.

Often a woman is not satisfied with her appearance: a figure given to her by nature, facial features that do not fit into the cocoons of beauty, etc. And yet, most often a woman suffers from a sense of her own fullness when she feels sexually unattractive. An ordinary mirror can help here, in which a woman should look more often, finding only positive moments in her reflection. A lady should improve in emphasizing her attractiveness, because the tastes of men can be fundamentally different, and if one likes slender ladies, then others prefer "donuts". Every woman has her own personality and this should be remembered! After all, your personal charisma, your own charm can become the desire of your man!

Sexopathologists unanimously claim that the main point in sexual intimacy is foreplay. And setting aside foreplay for a longer period of time can be a good start to increasing sexual desire. The partner should know that you simply need prolonged caresses, and he needs to be understanding about this. It is also worth stocking up on some sex toys, which will greatly help diversify sex. During sexual intercourse, you can use special gels designed to lubricate the genitals, which, in addition to helping prevent dryness, contain components that stimulate libido. It has been proven that women who devote sufficient time to sex do not suffer from a lack of sexual desire. Therefore, try to make your intimate life full enough!

A woman's sexual desire directly depends on her vitality. Raising the tone, you raise the desire. It has been proven that you can increase sexual desire with the help of physical activity. Elementary 30-minute walks, swimming or jogging will significantly increase the level of libido in women. At the same time, no one says that after running once, you immediately want a man, no. Physical activity should be regular, and special attention should be paid to specific muscle groups responsible for sexual pleasure. Remember the wonderful Kegel exercises - they are just right for such exercises. Moreover, you can perform them several times a day in any place convenient for you: on the street, at home or even on the way to work. Just contract your vaginal opening muscles, and within a few days, the result will be noticeable.

Defeat hormonal failure in your body with the help of a qualified doctor. Usually, hormone therapy is used for women who have recently given birth, nursing mothers, or women who are in the menopause period. In addition, hormonal failure is sometimes observed in women who have experienced severe stress. In any case, in your body there is a lack of testosterone, estrogens and pheromones. Any hormonal medicines that a doctor prescribes for you must be drunk strictly in accordance with the prescription, otherwise there is a risk of deterioration not only in sexual life, but also in health.

It has long been known that proper nutrition can solve many problems, including those of a sexual nature. Increase libido in both sexes can special products - aphrodisiacs. The fire of passion is kindled by spicy food using peppers, onions, garlic, ginger, fennel, cinnamon, cardamom, anise, horseradish and turmeric in the composition of the dish. Clams, oysters, salmon and halibut are considered world famous aphrodisiacs. The fatty acids they contain help increase sexual desire. Among our daily products, erogenous stimulants are also often found, for example, dark chocolate, mangoes, figs, bananas, nuts, eggs, avocados and liver.

In helping women increase their libido, traditional medicine is far from powerless. Herbs most commonly used in these situations are wild yam, aloe, ginseng, damiana, and celery. They are used in various decoctions, tinctures, inhalations, and also as a seasoning for dishes. Aloe can be consumed in its natural form, for example, with honey.

Most problems with a decrease in libido are treated on a psychological level. The reason is the deterioration of relations with a man, quarrels, omissions, conflicts, suspicions destroy sexual life in 80% of cases. Usually, the woman suffers first, and the only solution to the problem is a frank and frank conversation. Tell the man about your suspicions and doubts about him, listen to his position on this matter. The sooner you find the answers to all questions, the sooner you will feel the joy of intercourse again surging over you. However, there are quite neglected cases in which only a psychologist or psychotherapist can help, do not hesitate to contact them.

Add variety to your current sex life, because the boredom and dullness of everyday life always do their job, and without introducing new sparks, your flame of love runs the risk of first dying out, and then completely going out. Act out your fantasies with a man, and perhaps play by his rules. Try to be as open as possible with your partner, do not hide your desires and fantasies from him. A night of revelations is the perfect solution to a problem, especially when it flows smoothly into the fulfillment of your deepest desires.

No wonder women love romantic men so much, in fact, romance is simply vital to prolong female sexual happiness. Everyday life and routine takes all the time we can, it is simply not left for even the simplest things. And the evening with your soulmate, which will be held by candlelight to slow romantic music, promises to be simply unforgettable and will surely awaken your most vivid sexual desires. First of all, such an environment solves the problems of an emotional connection between two loving hearts, you will begin to better understand each other, trust and feel. Do not forget to properly set the table for this event, it should contain not only candles, but also dishes containing aphrodisiacs, as well as light wine. Arrange such evenings every month, and sexual problems will become much less.

We bring to your attention a small dictionary for this article:

  • Orgasm - contractions of the muscles of the vagina and uterus, which occur during sexual intercourse, bringing both physical and moral satisfaction. During one sexual intercourse, a woman is able to experience single and multiple orgasms.
  • Vaginismus is a spasmodic contraction of the vaginal muscles that occurs involuntarily.
  • Frigidity is female sexual coldness. It manifests itself in a significant decrease in the level of libido up to a complete lack of desire to have sexual intercourse, as well as to a complete aversion to sex. It is divided into several types: psychological and physiological, as well as true and imaginary.
  • Libido is the direct desire of a person to have sexual intercourse. Currently, the heyday of libido in women is considered to be between 20 and 22 years of age.
  • Desire is a special state of the human psyche, reflecting his needs in a qualitative form. Desires are divided into many types, including feasible and impossible, regular and one-time, strong and weak, explicit and hidden. Absolutely every person has desires at any time, including the period of sleep.
  • Aphrodisiacs - substances that increase sexual desire for a partner.
