Write the letters in dots. Old copybooks, Soviet textbooks, arithmetic: download culture for free

In the "Recipes" section, you can download methodological materials for the development of writing skills for schoolchildren and preschoolers for free. Also, with the help of copybooks, you can correct your own handwriting or learn to write in a different handwriting.

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Y. Astapova

The recipes are designed to prepare preschool children for writing in a notebook. Tasks will help develop fine motor skills and hand coordination, form graphic skills and imagination of the child. Recipes will help children learn to navigate on a sheet of paper in a narrow oblique ruler, tasks will develop visual perception, logical thinking. You can work on these recipes both individually and in a group.

N.V., Musberg

Here is a prescription, exercising according to which the baby will be able to train the small muscles of the hand and achieve proper coordination of the fingers when writing.
The material in the recipes is presented in the form of exciting tasks for attentiveness, accuracy and coordination of movements. The kid must learn to draw various curly and continuous lines evenly and beautifully, and try not to tear the pencil off the paper. Performing such tasks, he will learn to trace accurately along a dotted line, easily master the first skills of writing and drawing, and gain dexterity when working with a pen and pencil.

Astapova Yu.

Recipes are designed to prepare preschool children for learning to write.
The tasks of the notebook introduce the child to the configuration of the letters of the Russian alphabet. Children memorize the name of the letters and their configuration, learn to enter the shape of the letter into the working line, observing its proportions, write letters at an equal distance from each other, start work at the beginning of the line on the left, observe the size of the line, and use the hygienic rules of writing.

Dragonfly Publishing House

Coloring books designed to help develop small hand muscles and proper finger coordination when writing in young children. By completing tasks, the child will master the first skills of drawing, writing, tracing, and also learn to think and fantasize. For primary school students.

Trifonova N.M., Romanenko E.V.

The development of good handwriting in students is one of the main tasks of the school when teaching writing.

To accomplish this task, the programs recommend building teaching writing on a systematically selected material that is accessible to the age of students, following a sequence in developing the skills of writing letters that make up words, and through special exercises to eliminate individual deviations and shortcomings that violate the clarity and legibility of the letter.

For handwriting classes, one lesson per six days is allocated from the Russian language lessons. In the first grade in the first half of the year, these classes take place in connection with the ABC lessons 3-4 times a six-day period within up to 10 minutes in the first quarter and up to 15 minutes in the second. In the second half of the first grade and in the second grade, calligraphy classes are held twice a six-day period, for which half a lesson is allocated for each lesson from the lessons of the Russian language *.

* Elementary School Program, ed. 1935

In the first half of the year, students master the writing of all lowercase letters: they write elements of letters and letters, then words and short sentences.

In the second half of the year, children master the letter of capital letters, practicing mainly in writing names. Capital letters are written in a simple script, like lowercase letters, with the exception of B, E, C, D, R.

In the II class, the work of the I class continues and is consolidated. Students learn to write more rapidly (compared to the first year), clearly and beautifully, on two rulers and study the style of capital letters in a generally accepted font. Individual deviations and shortcomings that violate the legibility of writing are eliminated by setting up special exercises for individual students in the form of rewriting whole words, syllables, letters or their elements.

Teaching writing in ink should begin in illiterate classes at the end of September, and in literate classes from the second week of the children's stay at school. It is necessary to get each student a feather-cleaner made of flannel or cloth pieces of matter.

In order to cultivate the best attitude of the student to the notebook, samples of the best children's work should be exhibited in the classroom in order to stimulate students to correct, beautiful, clear and even handwriting and to the neatness of the notebook.

The proposed recipes give the teacher examples of correct writing, and help the student learn how to write correctly on systematically and expediently selected material. The material for calligraphy is arranged from easy to difficult. Starting with the exercises for the letter K, the material is given in parallel with learning to read and write in the primer. This material provides examples of the correct lettering, the correct combination of letters into words, and the correct organization of the page.

Copybooks serve students in grades I and II, but they can be useful for correcting handwriting and for students in grades III and IV.

For the first grade, the copybooks contain all types of calligraphy work according to the program, ed. 1935

For the second class are given:

a) preliminary exercises with the transition to a smaller font;

b) the inscription of lowercase and uppercase letters, arranged in order of difficulty, as well as words with these letters;

c) a sample lesson on capital letters P and T, revealing the system of work; similarly, other lessons are built on this or that letter;

d) connected text on various ways of connecting letters in words.

If the teacher finds it necessary to increase the number of exercises for each type of work, then he can do this on specially selected exercises, consistent with both calligraphy and spelling tasks.

Each calligraphy lesson is built according to the following plan:

  1. Setting the goal of today's lesson.
  2. Preparation for writing notebooks and pens.
  3. Checking the ability to hold a notebook and a pen; observation of the correct fit.
  4. Showing by the teacher on the blackboard the words in written type with the analysis of the letters into their constituent elements.
  5. Analysis of what is written in terms of style: where to start and where to end, how to connect one stroke to another, how to connect one letter to another, etc.
  6. A letter of one line independently and under the account.
Work with prescriptions. Students independently examine and read the copybook text that they will write, find familiar letters, highlight a new letter, compare their letter with that written in copybook. After such preparation, the children write in the copybook on their own, and the teacher can work with another class if he has two of them.

Work accounting. In the course of work or at the end of handwriting classes, the teacher looks through the students' notebooks, indicating the general shortcomings and shortcomings of each student, correcting them by writing a sample on the blackboard or in the students' notebooks.

In the process of teaching writing, the teacher's own writing plays a huge role. Showing here is the best way to learn. That is why the teacher needs to take care of the technical perfection of writing on the board and in the student's notebook. The teacher's letter should be simple, clear and beautiful, in compliance with the normal forms of letters, without the use of any superfluous or conditional strokes and unnecessary decorations (zigzags, ponytails, flourishes, etc.).

Each teacher, before writing on the board, should be well acquainted with the text and the outline of the letters in the copybook. If the teacher does not do this, there may be a large discrepancy between the lettering in the copybook and in his sample on the board, and then the copybook, as a visual aid, will lose its meaning.

Bogolyubov N.N. Calligraphy technique

Proc. allowance for ped. schools. - 2nd ed., corrected. and additional - Leningrad: Uchpedgiz, 1955

Unique edition. The methodology for teaching beautiful writing is described in great detail. Today, ordinary school copybooks from 1955 appear to be calligraphy. The prescriptions are attached.

Starting the 5th edition of the Course of Calligraphy and Office Shorthand, the publishing house "Krug Samobrazovaniya" left the general plan of the publication unchanged, retaining mainly the simplicity and general accessibility of the presentation. The purpose of the publication is to give everyone the opportunity to learn how to write quickly and beautifully on their own in a short time, which was justified by the success that fell to the lot of the first four editions of the Calligraphy Course.

Beautiful and fluent handwriting is an urgent need of every literate person. It is necessary for teachers, officials, clerks, bank employees, clerks, draftsmen, craftsmen, merchants, etc. - in a word, in very many occupations, widespread. An obscure and ugly handwriting is very often the cause of the material disorder of those persons who have to correspond in the service or in their business.

There is no such ugly handwriting that cannot be corrected and made beautiful. The proposed training system leads to handwriting correction in the most correct and shortest way.

Particular attention is paid to the fact that the student is conscious of the matter, that is, that he understands why each exercise is being done, and that he sees that this exercise is really necessary. With self-study, such a conscious attitude to the matter fully ensures success in the classroom.

The full course of calligraphy and office cursive writing consists of six sections:

1) Preliminary exercises;

2) Calligraphic handwriting;

3) Office cursive;

4) Direct letter;

5) Rondo and Gothic;

6) Elegant fonts: Battard, Frakturny, Fashionable Slavic.

For the convenience of practical exercises, an album of elegantly executed tables is attached to the theoretical part of the course, which contains samples of all letters, numbers and fonts.

The emergence of calligraphy dates back to ancient times.

On the most ancient Egyptian, Babylonian and Assyrian monuments there are inscriptions that show that the art of reproducing written characters was already highly developed in those times far from us. In ancient China, calligraphy reached a high degree of perfection.

The written signs that we use at the present time do not originate from Egyptian and Chinese letters, but most likely from the Phoenician ones. The ancient Greeks, apparently, borrowed their alphabet from the Phoenicians and, having significantly modified it, then passed it on to the ancient Romans. Here it underwent new changes and, together with Christianity, spread almost unchanged throughout Europe. It was only in Germany that medieval monks gave the Latin script an angular and curly shape and developed the so-called Gothic script. The Latin script also had a strong influence on the Russian alphabet, but some of the letters of our alphabet are borrowed from Greek.

Already in ancient Greece, and then in Rome, calligraphy enjoyed great honor and was highly valued. Printing had not yet been invented at that time, and the only way to compose books was to write them on parchment. This method required great skill, since cursive was not yet known at that time, and the only written type was the same type that is now used in printing houses, i.e. in those days they wrote in block letters.

The heyday of calligraphy, however, dates back to the second half of the Middle Ages, when the demand for books began to grow especially rapidly. Fonts of amazing beauty and elegance were created in this era. Not only almost all the so-called curly fonts (rondo, gothic, etc.), but also many of the current typographic fonts were inherited from medieval calligraphers. In recent years, it has been possible to observe a return to medieval fonts in typography.

With the invention of printing, calligraphy lost its former importance and stopped its development for many years. However, calligraphy was never completely ousted, and in the last decade interest in it has revived again, and in the development of calligraphy a new period of prosperity has begun, even more magnificent than in the Middle Ages.

The scope of calligraphy is currently extremely extensive. The extraordinary development of typography, the unprecedented growth of the newspaper business, the enormous spread of advertising, and finally, the sign and poster business created an extensive demand for a variety of curly type. The number of such fonts is already very large, but every day brings us something new in this area. Thus, supplanted at first by the invention of typographic fonts, calligraphy is now called to a new life by the further development of the same type of typography.

The invention of the printing press revolutionized the book industry and for the first time created the possibility of widespread literacy. Simultaneously with the spread of literacy, there was a need for such written signs, which in their form would be simpler than calligraphic ones and did not require any special art or a lot of time to reproduce. Having learned to read, people also wanted to be able to write, and, moreover, to write easily and quickly. Curly calligraphic fonts were completely unsuitable for this purpose. It was necessary to develop a cursive font that would not be difficult to learn, it was necessary to significantly simplify the old calligraphic fonts. This was done, but not immediately, but gradually.

The ancient cursive is very different from the present cursive. In the old days, people were in no hurry to live and they were in no hurry to write. Therefore, in ancient cursive writing, we find an extraordinary abundance of various curls, decorations and flourishes, which made writing extremely difficult and slowed down. Our business time has completely discarded all these calligraphic tricks and subtleties and developed a simple, economical cursive. The former cursive has turned in our time into the so-called calligraphic (ministerial) font, which stands on the border between really calligraphic (curly) fonts and cursive.

The introduction of universal education in Europe greatly contributed to the simplification of cursive writing. In the past 20 years, teachers have devoted a lot of effort to this issue and not only introduced simplifications into cursive script, but also developed a method of teaching writing that gives the most correct results in the shortest time. Following the teachers, the issue of developing handwriting was taken up by prominent scientists who, from a physiological and psychological point of view, studied the issue of the movements made when writing. Through numerous experiments, the movements of the fingers, hand, forearm, shoulder joint and the whole arm were studied (the study of Jedd, Goldscheider and Kraepelin) and the speed of writing movements in sick and healthy people was determined; time spent on each letter of the alphabet (studies by Gross and Diehl), and the effect of alcohol on writing movements (studies by Meyer). Finally, a number of observations were made on the dependence of the angle of inclination of the letters to the ruler on the length of the fingers and hand, as well as on the angle formed by the notebook with the edge of the table (Marx Lobzen's research).

These experiments and investigations are far from being completed. Among educators, for example, there is no unanimity on issues related to teaching writing: some are in favor of a direct font, others defend italic. Finally, there are serious researchers who propose some modifications to the modern cursive type (eg, transfer of pressure, change in the shape of the rounding). Among these teachers, we note Georg Lang, who wrote a large study on modern cursive writing. In general, the work of teachers over the past 20 years has eliminated many prejudices and errors from teaching writing and opened up new ways of teaching writing.

In compiling this "Course of Calligraphy and Cursive Office Writing" we were guided by the desire to combine into a single whole all the more or less firmly established conclusions of modern scientific pedagogy.

When writing, a whole series of movements is made - with fingers, a hand with a forearm and with the whole hand. The main requirement that any system of teaching writing must satisfy, therefore, is that it accustom the student to free and firm writing movements, that is, to such movements that, with the least effort or muscle tension, give the greatest result. Free and confident movements are the basis of calligraphy and cursive writing. Handwriting cannot be free and beautiful if it does not rely on free movement. That's why the development of free writing movements should be the main goal of any system of teaching writing.

From this point of view, the dispute about direct and oblique writing is of secondary importance. Neither straight nor oblique handwriting is contrary to the freedom of writing movements. It is even difficult to say in which handwriting there is more freedom of movement. Therefore, both direct and oblique writing are equally suitable. It is impossible to say the same about handwriting slanted to the left (and not to the right, as usual). Such an inclination in the most decisive way contradicts the freedom of writing movements, since letters inclined to the left can be written only by unnaturally arching the right hand and placing the pen not along the paper, as usual, but across. Therefore, such a labored handwriting produces an extremely unpleasant, repulsive impression.

We will have occasion to return to the question of direct and oblique writing in the section devoted to direct writing, and there we will develop our views more fully.

In order to learn how to write, you need to learn free writing movements.

The teaching of writing is, or rather should be, the teaching of free writing movements.

This is the basis of our system.

That is why it devotes such a prominent place to a whole series of exercises, the purpose of which is to develop the freedom of writing movements. The student must approach these exercises with full consciousness, understand their purpose, and ponder over the system itself. He must firmly, clearly and unswervingly remember that without the freedom of writer's movements he will never be able to achieve free and correct handwriting. And this freedom can only be achieved by strictly following the exercises we have proposed. That is why we analyze each exercise in the most detailed way and strive to ensure that, when starting it, the student understands quite clearly for what purpose this exercise is given and what movements it develops.

Our course is designed not only for those who do not yet know how to write and are just beginning to learn, but equally for those who have already learned to write, but have a bad, spoiled handwriting and want to correct it. And for those and for others, our exercises are equally important: the cause of bad handwriting is always unfree, incorrect, connected or unbalanced movements. Our exercises make it possible to unlearn such incorrect and unfree movements.

It is also important for students to remember that without working, nothing can be achieved. It is impossible to acquire a beautiful, fluent handwriting by some miracle: for this you need to work. And to work means to carefully perform all the exercises and not rush forward. Throughout the course, we will constantly repeat: do not rush forward, otherwise you will have to go back. Remember that especially in calligraphy and cursive writing, you need to adhere to the golden rule: you go slower, you will get further. Go further only when you firmly grasp the old: the less you rush forward, the sooner and more successfully you will get to the end.

We found it necessary not only to provide sample exercises in our course, but also to separate them into a special album. When reading a course, constantly looking at the album would be burdensome. Therefore, we have included samples of our exercises in the text. On the other hand, it would also be inconvenient to use the samples placed in the text when writing exercises: the book is easily fluttered, and it is inconvenient to put it on the table. Much more convenient in this case is a table, which is convenient to put against you on the table and on which there is nothing but the exercises necessary at the moment.

Copybooks of the old sample in Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian languages ​​(narrow ruler, for each letter).

But enough preface! This page contains prescriptions for the Russian language for the "first class", which I made in full accordance with my ideas about what they should be.

First, I returned to a frequent oblique ruler, which made life so easy for first-graders at the time of my childhood.

Second, the letter pattern is repeated several times per line. Each sample is followed by a space where the child enters his letter. This is necessary so that the sample is always in the child’s field of vision, and not his own clumsy letter, written a minute earlier.

Thirdly, the space allotted to the child for training is not limited in any way. Even if he did not have enough sheet to learn how to write any letter, exactly the same sheet can always be printed again. This means that it becomes possible to formulate a task for the child in such a way that it will not make any sense to work carelessly and hastily. Not “write so many lines”, but “write so many beautiful letters”.

However, I do not want to bore the reader with lengthy comments and guidelines. The prescriptions themselves will tell about themselves more eloquently than me.


  • Clean sheet with a ruler;
  • Sample page (for quick reference);
  • Samples of writing letters (alphabet);
  • Copybooks (sticks, hooks and Russian letters, 73 pages);
  • Ukrainian and Belarusian letters ґ, є, і, ї, ў, Ґ, Є, І.

Every day I wish the author health when I am writing with my daughter, a first-grader! Tears, tantrums and hassle are over! Now it’s not a problem to start studying, the child succeeds and this adds enthusiasm. When we work out the letter in these recipes, at school we already write everything correctly and beautifully. (It’s unrealistic to learn how to write according to the Harmony program). Now I recommend it to all my friends.

Thanks a lot for your site! I found what I was looking for for a long time - my native children's copybooks, which allowed me to have good handwriting. I can’t calmly see my daughter’s handwriting, she is in the 5th grade. An integral system of teaching children, which has been honed for decades, has been destroyed, freak programs have been created instead, and this, unfortunately, concerns not only calligraphy.

Tell me, please, how much do you recommend printing each sheet? Is one copy enough? I mean that some letters (elements) do not turn out very well, should I move on to others or should I practice writing a letter until a satisfactory result is obtained?

It is necessary to train to write each element, each letter until it turns out more or less decently (although perfectionism is also useless). These recipes, in my opinion, are good because any page can be printed any number of times - as many as needed. In my experience, the most copies are required for the very first pages - with sticks and hooks. Another interesting observation: even if a child has learned how to draw a “basic” hook perfectly, this does not mean at all that he will immediately start to get the letter “and”, which consists of two such identical hooks, right away.

You recommend a special pen for copybooks (we found and bought it) and laminated paper, but we cannot find it on sale. Tell me, please, some of the most common brand of such paper, perhaps I misunderstood something ...

Leonid Nekin
I am not recommending anything, but I am talking about my own preferences, which may be different for you - taking into account your specific situation, about which I know nothing. I once mentioned that I like the Stabilo point 88 capillary pen. As for paper, I use regular paper for inkjet and laser printers with a density of 80 grams per square meter, printing copybook files on it. For toddlers who are just starting to learn to write, the capillary pen may blur a little on this paper, because babies draw letters very slowly and often press with all their might. In my opinion, this is not a disadvantage of such paper. On the contrary, the child has additional feedback, thanks to which he quickly learns to write correctly - so that the capillary ink does not blur. I have never tried laminated paper - I think that it is not needed, although, probably, the ink will not blur on it even for a small child.

But the question arose about writing a small letter g. Is it really written that way? It always seemed to me that it simply fits into one inclined cell, while yours fits into two.

Leonid Nekin
Maybe you are right about one cell. But according to the idea that underlies the copybooks, the letter "g" is not just the letter "g", but also the basic element that occurs in the writing of the letters "p", "r" and "t" and itself, in its own turn, based on the hook letter "i".

Funny discovery! On the screen, there are just gaps for writing letters, and on the printout of the page there are thin contour letters for their subsequent outline. Very nice and helpful, thank you for your concern!!

Leonid. Thank you very much for your site, I hope that your copybooks will help me a lot to correct the handwriting. I printed out a blank sheet and tried to write the alphabet, it's just super, never such beautiful letters turned out, just in a line in notebooks (as they sell now), in such a line, everything is simple and clear, how to write a pen. I read your article about pens, bought myself according to your recommendations, now I will try. It may seem strange that I am an adult girl, I write copybooks, but I need to correct my handwriting very urgently. As a child, they didn’t put it on me, I still suffer. I am a specialist with a red diploma, I have read more than one scientific article about handwriting in elementary school. But your recipes made the biggest contribution. Thanks a lot!

I could not figure out how to make a notebook out of your copybooks.

In particular, if we consider the full copybook (where there are 73 sheets), each sheet is divided by a red line, as I understand it, this is the fold line, and bending along it does not work to make a normal notebook. Also, if you just flash all the sheets on the left side, then the red line in the center does not look very good. Maybe you have an option where the right and left parts are separated into separate sheets, or a file without a red stripe in the center.

Leonid Nekin
I did not at all imagine that a notebook would be made from these sheets. For starters, there is no surer way to frighten a child than to show him the entire amount of work ahead at once. Further, it is not at all certain that the child will need exactly one copy of each sheet. In my experience, in order to learn to write more or less decently with the very first sticks and hooks, several sheets are required. And in general, the whole point of these copybooks is that the sheets are printed as needed. Finally, it is simply more convenient to write on one piece of paper than in a thick notebook (out of 73 sheets). The red line in the middle is drawn so that the lines do not seem too long, and not to bend along it. Although, perhaps, it can be bent, but not in the direction to make a notebook, but in the other - to make, as it were, one small double-sided sheet.

All 4 files do not print correctly.

Leonid Nekin
Then the problem seems to be in your printer (perhaps an error in the program that serves it). You can try before printing, go to the "printer properties" from the print window and change something there, for example, change the print quality to the best possible (maybe now you have the "Draft" option selected?) . In the "advanced properties" (accessible from the Adobe Reader print window), you can try to select "print as picture". If it's a programming error, even a small change in scale (eg 99% or 101%) can help. As an experiment, you can also try changing the paper orientation from portrait to landscape.

If all this fails, the radical remedy is to convert the PDF file to some bitmap format, such as TIFF or BMP (but not JPG, as this format "loses" quality).

Canon printer. I have already experimented with the print quality in the printer properties - there is little sense. I was helped by changing the scale and changing the orientation of the paper to landscape, as you suggested to me. (I wouldn't have guessed it myself.) I changed two settings at once (quite possibly, it would be enough to configure something one). The print quality is very satisfied. THANK YOU!!!

everything is fine on the screen, but there are no oblique lines when printing. Printed on a laser printer.
The problem turned out to be color. With color printing, everything is fine (!), With black-and-white printing, oblique lines are practically invisible (barely noticeable).

In ready-made "Recipes for Beginners" background lines are printed very poorly - both oblique and horizontal.
(No "toner saving" and set to "Best print quality").

Leonid Nekin
Judging by what you mentioned about the toner, we are talking about a black and white laser printer. It conveys the blue line in gray, more precisely as individual black dots on a white background. Not too many such points fall into the thickness of the line, which is why the line is visible very poorly. So far this is what came to my mind. Any (especially black and white) printer should have somewhere in the settings the ability to display any color (including cyan) as pure black. If this opportunity is used, then the problem will be solved.

This is the best spelling site!

Our comrade Igor Ilyin from Leningrad sent the line for calligraphy and calligraphy classes.

To work with cursive, a pdf file was generated that allows you to print different types of line. The copybook, as you know, is used as a sample, and you can write on A4 sheets with a printed line. 5 types of line - 5 levels of difficulty.

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The ability to write is one of the most important skills, along with reading, that any person should master (see also:). Many parents unreasonably believe that it is necessary to start teaching a child as early as possible, that it is this skill that is the highest indicator of the level of development. Is it so? Many experts agree that you should not start teaching a child to write until he is 5-6 years old. Teaching beautiful writing to a preschooler is not an easy task, it requires composure, perseverance and attentiveness.

All parents want to be proud of their child and try to teach him to write at an early age. But such an approach can only harm if you do not know how to properly deal with a child.

Children at the age of 3-4 years, in their main number, are fidgets. They want to run, jump, play, but not write any letters and numbers in boring copybooks. If you still decide to teach your child to write, then remember: now you will need to deal with the baby with calligraphy regularly, otherwise after a while he may forget everything you taught him!

Not everyone may like these activities, so he can start writing letters and numbers quickly and sloppily, wanting to finish them as soon as possible and move on, in the end, to some more interesting things. All this can lead to the development of ugly handwriting, which will not be so easy to fix later. Let's figure out what the experts are talking about: is it worth it to start teaching children to write at preschool age, how effective will such classes be and their consequences?

Should parents teach their children to write before the age of 5?

Teaching crumbs to write at 3-4 years old is not worth it for a number of reasons:

  • Children lose the sense of novelty that comes with being in school. When a student understands that everything they begin to go through in the classroom, namely the writing of numbers and letters, he loses all interest in learning. The child becomes bored and lazy to complete the task. We are no longer talking about any incentive and joy to learn new things every day.
  • Writing skills are wrong. Two experts in the field of child development (physiologist Maryana Bezrukikh and early development specialist Lena Danilova) are convinced that the formation of writing skills, including penmanship and speed writing, does not occur in one year, but gradually. It takes years. You should not throw all your strength into teaching your baby to write beautifully. All this may negatively affect his entire style of writing in the future.

Correct posture must be formed from a very early age, as soon as the baby takes his first pencil and sits down to draw at the table. In the future, this will help to avoid many problems with the spine.

At first, a preparatory base will be enough for training. Teach the baby to sit at the table in the correct position, and also teach how to grab a pencil or pen. Over time, you can begin the learning process, but remember that it is important to be consistent in your teaching techniques. Each number and each letter should be explained separately, explaining and comparing. A child is able to fully appreciate the method of writing a particular letter only closer to 5-6 years.

Haste in learning always only hurts, it is especially important not to rush at first. By pushing the child, you will provoke him to make mistakes in writing individual elements.

Increasingly, there will be irregularities in height and width, inclination. It will become almost impossible for a child to combine letters into words. Then, having come to the first grade, the child will fall into the hands of a teacher who will be forced to correct many of your mistakes.

When should you start?

Usually, it is at school that we learn to write letters and numbers beautifully. Learning to write there takes place in several stages: first, children are shown how to sit at a school desk, then how to hold a pen or pencil. Teachers give the child the first ideas about letters and numbers, talk about the height and width of the lines and slopes in them, show how to connect them together correctly.

Early mastery of accurate writing of numbers and letters does not guarantee the safety of this skill in the future. It is important to put your hand in such a way that the child is minimally tired in the process of work. This skill, as well as the skill for beautiful handwriting, is made up of regular practice. A baby who loves to run and jump can hardly be forced to sit at a notebook. When the parents nevertheless succeed, then his only goal is to finish everything as soon as possible, so that everyone falls behind, and then run to play. This wrong approach risks spoiling children's handwriting for a long time.

The child should want to learn to write on his own, and until that time, classes can be held in a playful way

Let's conclude: it is desirable to deal with a child in a playful way. Any learning activity should be presented easily and naturally. Do not rush to put a baby 3-4 years old for prescriptions and notebooks in a line. Wait a couple of years, then your successes with him will be more tangible and not so labored. Until that time, you should only prepare small hands for future writing.

Preparing a Preschooler to Master Writing Skills

All of the above does not mean that a 5-6 year old kid does not need to be prepared for school at all, because before he starts learning to write, you need to master a variety of skills. Here, just, the help of parents will come in handy. For this, it is necessary to pay attention to the development of fine motor skills and coordination of movements. Thanks to the full development, the child will be able to write beautifully in the future, so that both his and your eyes will rejoice. Teach the baby to do everything carefully, to show diligence and attentiveness. It is these skills that should be developed in children in the preschool period. We are talking about the age of 2 to 5 years. To do this, the following activities will help you.

Exercises for the development of fine motor function

You can develop fine motor skills in many ways, for example, modeling from plasticine
  • finger gymnastics: a great option to stretch naughty fingers is to play a game called "Twister" together, only with your fingers;
  • make a shadow theater with your hands;
  • make applications from all kinds of materials (colored paper, felt, autumn leaves, grains, etc.);
  • learning to cut (first simple shapes, then more complex pictures);
  • make drawings on semolina, sand (we recommend reading:);
  • folding, paper modeling, origami;
  • construction;
  • weaving bracelets and figures from rubber bands;
  • classes with loose and small objects (cereals, legumes, pebbles): repeating a pattern, making a mosaic, stringing pasta on a string, etc .;
  • modeling from clay, dough, plasticine;
  • copybook, coloring, drawing.

Remind the importance of posture. Pay close attention to your position at the table. In the future, while focusing on the process of writing, posture control will be carried out at a subconscious level.

It is very important to teach the baby to hold a pencil from an early age. Today, there are convenient triangular-shaped pencils with a thick diameter on sale. Thanks to them, it will be easier for the child to master this skill. Also on sale are special nozzles for a pencil that teach the correct grip.

Don't do the same activity for too long. Alternate classes, and also do not forget about moments of rest, when it is important to give your fingers and hands the opportunity to relax and relieve tension.

There are many colorful and interesting recipes for younger children, where the baby will learn to trace, hatch and much more.

The method of teaching writing developed by M.T. Strizhakova. It's called "From Drawing to Letter". All children love to color and shade drawings. The shading method can also be used in copybooks with wide or narrow rulers.

Prescriptions for kids may be interesting. In such tutorials, tasks are given to trace contours, drawings, figures, numbers by points. Remember, we are all learning, which means everything takes time and no rush.

What do you need to know when learning to write?

If a preschooler himself asks you to teach him to write, then during the training, adhere to the following rules:

  • be sure to praise the baby during classes for any of his success and do not scold him if something suddenly did not work out for him;
  • start teaching with simple tasks, first draw by dots, then by dotted lines;
  • only after the baby understands how to print printed letters and numbers, you can already move on to writing capital letters.

There is no need to spend a lot of time on classes, 20 minutes a day is enough. They will be enough so that the child can learn something, but at the same time he does not get bored and is always interested.

Writing numbers should be meaningful, so you should, first of all, learn how to count up to 10. You can start memorizing numbers by the age of 4-5, and when you already write them with your child, be sure to pronounce the names to him so that he remembers.

So where to start:

  1. Teach your baby to navigate the location of the elements of the cage. He must be able to determine its sides, upper and lower boundaries, divide the cell into 4 equal parts, find its center and corners.
  2. An important step is teaching the child to observe the angle of inclination while writing numbers. You can determine the slope as follows: draw a line that will connect the upper right corner of your cell with a point placed in the middle of the lower edge.
  3. Before proceeding directly to writing numbers, the child should practice drawing dashes, ticks, circles, semi-ovals. It is from these elements that all numbers are composed.

Important! The number in height is always equal to the size of the cell in the copybook or notebook, so it occupies almost the entire part of the cell. The right edge of the number is always in contact with the right side of the cell, without going beyond its edge.

Consider the example of writing the numbers 0 and 1. By analogy, you can independently teach the child the correct spelling:

Buy or download math worksheets. First, the fidget must trace the numbers in dots, then in dotted lines. On one line, examples should be repeated 2-3 times so that you can always focus on them. You can also purchase a stencil for the baby, he will definitely like to circle various signs on it. To prevent loss of interest and boredom during classes with prescriptions, give your child the opportunity to draw circles, a sun, or hearts next to the numbers. With such entertainment, we learn and assimilate new material faster.

Learn numbers by dots

Coloring books with numbers


Before starting to draw letters, the child must master the alphabet, figure out what this or that sign looks like. In this, he will definitely be helped by copybooks with block letters. Draw your baby's attention to the boundaries of the lines, explain to him that the letters must be written so that they do not go beyond these limits. Conduct calligraphy classes with him in the form of a game, compare letters with various objects. For example, you can compare “O” with an inflatable ring, “C” with a month, “U” with a slingshot. So your classes will be more fun and exciting, and it will be easier to remember the names and appearance.

Start learning how to write capital letters only after the child has mastered capital letters well. First, show several times how to write a new sign correctly. Comment on your actions, tell how and where you draw the lines, what elements the letter consists of. Then write this letter together, help the preschooler in his first experiments with writing. For a better understanding, you can show with your fingers in the air how it should be, and then ask the baby to repeat after you. Once he succeeds, you can give him time to write on his own.

Engage with your child, develop his imagination and imagination, train fine motor skills and coordination of movements, praise his every achievement. Then you will definitely be able to teach your baby to write without spending a lot of time and nerves!


A team of teachers - activists of the public organization "Parental All-Russian Resistance" (RVS) - at the request of parents who are dissatisfied with the existing methods of teaching in elementary school, adapted to modern realities and republished in 2016 the textbook "Arithmetic" for grade 1 by authors A.S. Pchelko and G.B. Pole.

Why Pcholko's textbook? Read the review that we, the Vladimir branch of the RVS, received from a highly qualified primary school teacher - Raikova Larisa Nikolaevna, and which we, with her kind permission, publish today, and it will immediately become clear to you why. x parts / - "New edition" / RVS, 2016 Before me lies the textbook "Arithmetic" for grade 1 authors A.S. Pchelko and G.B. Pole. I leaf through the pages and feel: it breathes with something dear, kind and very familiar. I catch myself thinking that this is the smell of childhood, and vivid pictures of the wonderful school life of a Soviet first-grader emerge in my memory. I don’t remember what mathematics textbooks we used in the 1st grade in 1976, but for some reason the pictures from “Arithmetic” create the feeling that I saw it once upon a time ... + As a teacher with 29 years of teaching experience in elementary school I can say that the textbook "Arithmetic" by A.S. Pchelko (hereinafter referred to as the TEXTBOOK) is designed in the best traditions of the Soviet classical school and is aimed at ensuring that children form a solid arithmetic base, which would further contribute to the formation of a successful mathematical education of the child. The secret of the textbook is not in simplicity, but in the availability, gradual presentation of the material. Someone will say that for modern children this textbook is primitive. I can object to this: who said that our children demand the difficulties that we plunge them into from the first days of school life, pronouncing abstruse words and introducing the child into an incomprehensible world of abstract terminology for him? We, adults, for some reason decided for the children that the more a new child learns in a lesson, the smarter he will become? But is it so?…+ It is no secret that sometimes, in order to achieve high results, elementary means and techniques are required, and not something “over and above”. So this TEXTBOOK is able to help children achieve significant success in the study of mathematical sciences, because training in it is based on the experience of children and in accordance with the mental and physiological development of children. It is also very literate that the authors skillfully use the visual-figurative thinking of first-graders and focus not only on the clarity of the textbook, but also on objects and phenomena that surround the child in everyday life. And tasks like: “Show as many sticks as there are bags”, “Put as many circles as there are cucumbers”, “Draw as many as ...”, “Make such a figure out of sticks ...” not only diversify the lesson, but make it active and activity, increase the motivational aspect of learning, reduce the fatigue threshold of younger students. + THE TEXTBOOK is quite saturated with tasks that become more complex from simple to complex from lesson to lesson, which allows you to put into practice the principle of accessibility “from simple to complex”. All task texts are based on the child's life experience and contain great potential for the implementation of the educational side in lesson activities, for example: "My brother helped my sister make counting sticks ..." - mutual assistance, helping a friend, cooperation, friendship, etc., or “4 birches grew in the clearing, in the fall they planted the same number ...” - ecology, diligence, gardening, respect for nature, etc. Students gradually learn to solve problems, reason, prove the correctness of the solution, draw up inverse problems, abstract and express themselves when help of mathematical terms. A TEXTBOOK is really a good tool and in the hands of an experienced teacher it can make a serious breakthrough in shaping the mathematical education of junior schoolchildren and become a worthy competitor for other mathematics textbooks, but ... there is one point that may disturb some: how will the geometric base of junior schoolchildren be formed, after all, all kinds of control, independent and verification work include geometric material? For myself, I would certainly find the answer, because it is possible to form the geometric component of mathematical education not only in the classroom, but also in extracurricular activities, which is an integral part of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO, therefore, I would be happy to offer children the elective “Visual Geometry” T.V. Zhiltsova and A.A. Obukhova.+ In conclusion, I want to say:+ “Dear Arithmetika! Welcome to the modern school! L.N. Raikova, teacher of the highest qualification category, MBOU "Secondary School No. Hero of the Soviet Union Kamanin N.P. " Melenki, Vladimir Region+ Listen also to what those who worked on the revival of Arithmetic, with the goal of reviving classical education in our country, told about this textbook at a presentation seminar held on 10/20/2016 in Dubna. The video can be viewed at this link.

And to read the speech of one of the project participants - on this one. + Of course, RVS enthusiasts who dream of returning classical Russian education to the Russian school are not going to stop at one textbook. Hard work is now underway to prepare for the publication of the entire range of textbooks for elementary school. Its results can be found on the RVS website. As V.V. Mayakovsky, "the work of hell will be done and is already being done." If you are passionate about the education of our children, join us. The work is going on a voluntary basis. + Galina Solovieva, RVS

Every parent strives for a child to have a beautiful and understandable handwriting. The prescriptions come to the rescue. Calligraphic samples of letters, syllables, numbers are presented in notebooks for written work. They help children learn how to write correctly by outlining the principles and foundations of calligraphy. Adults also resort to the help of prescriptions. With regular training, they correct sloppy handwriting.


Adults rarely write by hand, often when absolutely necessary. The letter was replaced by computer text. This is convenient, but at the same time, the handwriting of adults deteriorates due to lack of training. Children in schools and kindergartens are taught to write correctly and beautifully, to regularly reinforce the skill, train their hand and learn to write using special aids at home.

The simplest prescriptions are made independently, they are suitable for children 2 years old, 3 years old. It is necessary to take a notebook in a box and draw simple figures with a dotted line: lines, squares, triangles. And the kids with the help of their parents or on their own will circle the figures. Examples for beginners are shown below. The network contains templates for pdf, word and other formats.

For preschoolers

Children 3 - 4 years old

45 years

5 – 6 years

For the preparatory group

By points

Patterns: sticks - hooks

For 1st class

For 2nd grade



For adults

The printed alphabet is simpler than the written alphabet because the letters do not connect with each other. Such study notebooks are suitable for kindergarten, when kids are just introduced to the alphabet. Coloring books in a playful way will introduce the child to the alphabet when he paints a picture that begins with a certain letter. For example: a watermelon when it comes to the letter "A" or a hippopotamus when it gets acquainted with the letter "B".

While learning the printed alphabet, the child should explain what vowels and consonants are, how hissing sounds differ from voiced, hard from soft.

calligraphic letters

The uppercase alphabet is taught before school. These are complex characters where the spelling of uppercase letters differs from lowercase ones. In this case, it is important to connect the symbols correctly with each other. Parents and teachers use modern types of exercise books or copybooks from Soviet times.

Adults and children of senior school age can use prescriptions in a wide range; for kids, notebooks are used in a narrow one. You can print the copybook, where all the letters are on one sheet - this will help you quickly remember the sequence of letters in the alphabet.

How numbers are written

Mathematical symbols are easier to write because they are much smaller: only 10 digits versus 33 letters of the alphabet, and the numbers do not connect to each other. For prescriptions, they use notebooks in a box, where each number is clearly limited and does not go beyond.

School copybooks with numbers are equipped with shading, arrows and other signs that help you understand where the character starts from, the writing algorithm. Printouts with examples of numbers are used for teaching both preschoolers and school-age children.

Calligraphy workbooks

Teachers and educators recommend purchasing special notebooks designed to prepare the hand for writing. The best prescriptions were developed and created by domestic teachers, which include the Nekin simulator, the working prescriptions of Bortnikova, Zhukova, Kolesnikova. Benefits are designed for children of different ages.





How to prepare your hand for writing

To prepare the hands of future first-graders, teachers have compiled a list of special tasks.

Regular exercises train fine motor skills in children of any age:

  1. Finger games will help prepare the hand, but you should not give priority to only one hand, regardless of whether the child is right-handed or left-handed. Limbs should be equally involved.
  2. Coloring pages - a fun pastime develops creative imagination and prepares fingers for writing.
  3. Special outline notebooks for future schoolchildren. The authors propose to circle pictures or large letters by dots, draw lines without lifting the pencil from the paper (maze).
  4. Recipes - the first teaching aids are developed for children 4-5 years old, 6-7 years old, for grades 1-2, for grades 3, 4. Recipes introduce kids to printed and capital letters, syllables. There are also mathematical aids with figures and numbers, notebooks in Russian, English, German, French and other languages.

A child of senior preschool age learns according to prescriptions. They can be bought at stationery, bookstores or downloaded for free online.

How to fix handwriting

Many people believe that beautiful handwriting is formed at school age, and adults will no longer be able to correct it. In fact, it can be improved regardless of age: both a first grader and an adult are able to put their hands up. However, this is the result of long and regular training.

It is important to follow the rules and take into account the nuances:

  • A comfortable place to write - you need good lighting, choose a table with a hard surface, a chair with a back. These conditions are especially important for toddlers, children 3-6 years old, younger students, but are also recommended for adults.
  • When working, you can not rush, you need maximum focus on the process.
  • Suitable stationery. Previously, experts argued that for success in calligraphy, good handwriting, you need to use a fountain pen. Today, ball is also allowed, but with a thin rod.
  • Educational material - children use prescriptions for the appropriate age. They learn to write in dots, hatching or dotted lines. Adults can get a notebook in a narrow line and train in it. If you wish, you can download ready-made online copybooks, learn how to correctly write compounds of letters, their elements, syllables and sentences.
  • Initially, straight and parallel lines, circles and other simple shapes should be written. Then move on to letters and syllables.
  • If necessary, they turn to calligraphy masters, they will tell you how to write letters and compounds that have errors. They will advise exercises that improve fine motor skills of hands and handwriting.

Don't expect quick results. Calligraphy will improve after hard and regular practice.

How to learn to write correctly and beautifully

It is easier to teach a student to write beautiful handwriting right away than to retrain and correct mistakes later.

Parents of preschoolers and first-graders will be helped by the advice of experienced teachers:

  • Calligraphic handwriting is impossible without developed finger motor skills. To do this, you need to draw more often with pencils, sculpt from plasticine, engage in origami, beadwork. For the little ones, games with cereals will be interesting and useful. To do this, an adult needs to mix a little buckwheat and rice, and the child will sort them out.
  • Beautiful handwriting is directly related to a straight posture. The kid should not be hunched over while he writes in the recipe. The back should be straight, for this he is seated on a chair with a hard back. At the same time, computer swivel chairs are not suitable.
  • High quality writing pen. It is necessary to select stationery with a thin rod. When choosing between a gel pen and a ballpoint pen, the latter is preferred because it does not scratch the paper. The place for gripping fingers should be made of rubber. Such a pen will not slip in children's hands, unlike a plastic or metal counterpart.
  • Handle grip. The correct position in the hand: the pen lies on the middle finger, the thumb and forefinger hold it, and the ring and little fingers are pressed to the palm. With an incorrect grip, beautiful handwriting cannot be achieved.

Compliance with the rules of calligraphy will help the child learn how to write beautiful letters from A to Z, words, numbers and numbers.
