"The development of preschool children using mnemonics". Bolsheva, Tatyana Vasilievna - Learning from a fairy tale

“Speech is a channel for the development of the intellect…

The sooner speech is learned,

The easier and more complete the knowledge will be assimilated.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Programs of preschool education, one of the main tasks of the educational activities of preschool educational institutions, determine the task of mastering speech by children as a means of communication and culture. The speech education of a preschool child includes the enrichment of an active dictionary, the development of coherent grammatically correct dialogic and monologue speech; development of speech creativity, sound and intonation culture of speech; acquaintance with book culture, children's literature and many others. others

All these tasks must be implemented before the child enters school, since the psychophysiological possibilities of age create all the conditions for this.

However, it is no secret to anyone that at present, figurative speech rich in synonyms, additions and descriptions in preschool children is a very rare phenomenon. In the process of speech development, the following problems are increasingly observed in children:

The inability to coordinate words in a sentence is monosyllabic, consisting only of simple sentences; speech; inability to speak grammatically correctly;

Poor vocabulary;

Violation of sound pronunciation, poor diction.

Poor dialogical speech - the inability to correctly and easily formulate a question, build a short or detailed answer;

Inability to build a monologue, for example, a plot or descriptive story on the proposed topic, retelling the text in your own words;

Lack of logical justification for their statements;

Lack of speech culture skills: inability to use intonation, adjust the volume of the voice and the pace of speech, etc.;

Children do not know the techniques and methods of memorization. They reluctantly learn poetry, retell texts. Memorizing poems causes them difficulties - rapid fatigue and negative emotions;

Therefore, kindergarten teachers faced the task of not only teaching children to coherently, consistently, and grammatically correctly express their thoughts, but, above all, it is very important to arouse children's interest in speech activity, captivate them, liberate and turn overwork into a favorite and most accessible Kind of activity.

To this end, when teaching children, it is quite reasonable to use creative innovative methods and technologies, the effectiveness of which is obvious, along with generally accepted ones. Remembering the words of K. D. Ushinsky, who wrote: “Teach a child some five words unknown to him - he will suffer for a long time and in vain, but connect twenty such words with pictures, and he will learn them on the fly”, we decided to organize a search for such technology that will make it interesting for children and, at the same time, effectively develop their speech, and, therefore, contribute to their full mental development.

Such a technology, in our opinion, is the technology of mnemonics, which facilitates memorization, increases the amount of memory by forming additional associations and allows solving the problems of their speech development in a fun way for children. This is how T.B. Polyanskaya.

L.V. Omelchenko defines mnemonics as a system of various techniques that facilitate memorization and increase the amount of memory by forming additional associations, organizing the educational process in the form of a game. The purpose of teaching mnemonics is the development of memory, thinking, imagination, attention, which are closely related to the full development of speech.

In order to master mnemonics, teachers needed to get acquainted with the theory and technology of working with children, understand the role of the teacher in this new direction of educational activity for us. For this purpose, seminars, workshops were held in the kindergarten, the necessary methodological and didactic material was prepared and acquired.

We learned that the use of mnemonics is currently becoming relevant, since this pedagogical technology began its ascent in work with speech therapy children, whose speech development does not follow the traditional methodology. In addition, we studied the theoretical foundations of technology, ways of its application and diversity.

The main "secret" of the psychophysiological basis of mnemonics is very simple and well known. A person in his imagination connects several visual images, and the brain fixes this relationship. And in the future, when recalling one of the images of this association, the brain reproduces all previously connected images. It is well known that the language of the brain is images. And, above all, visual images. If we address the brain in its language, it will execute any of our commands, for example, the command "remember".

But where can we get programs that will allow us to communicate with the brain and encode the information we need into its figurative language? Mnemonics is such a program. It consists of several dozen mental operations, thanks to which it is possible to “make contact” with the brain and take some of its functions, in particular, the memory function, under conscious control.

The use of mnemonics techniques helps to increase the amount of memory. All this is achieved through the formation of associations. Abstract objects, facts are replaced by images that have a visual, auditory or kinesthetic representation. Most children find it difficult to remember words with an unknown, abstract meaning. Memorized information disappears from memory after a few days.

For strong and easy memorization, one should fill the word with content using mnemonics techniques. Associate it with specific bright visual, sound images, with strong sensations. The features of this technology are the use of symbols rather than images of objects. Reception of symbolization makes it much easier for children to find and memorize words. The symbols are as close as possible to the speech material. For example: a Christmas tree is used to denote wild animals, and a house is used to denote domestic animals.

The technology of mnemonics helps in solving the problems of speech development in the process:

Formation of skills and abilities of dialogical and monologue speech (examining pictures, illustrations, conversations, conversation, writing stories, retelling fiction, etc.);

Activation and enrichment of vocabulary, including when guessing and guessing riddles. ;

When memorizing poetry;

Formation of grammatically correct speech;

Teaching children to read.

Mnemonics contributes to the development of mental processes in children such as: memory, logical thinking (the ability to analyze, systematize) and figurative thinking.

With its help, various general educational and didactic tasks are solved: familiarization with various information; development of ingenuity, training of attention; teaching children the ability to establish causal relationships in events, stories; develop fine motor skills. Children who own the means of mnemonics, in the future, are able to independently develop speech in the process of communication and learning.

The efficiency of using the technology depends on certain conditions:

The use of various visual modeling techniques: pictograms, substitutes, mnemonic tables.

A pictogram is a symbolic image that replaces words, it is a drawing with which you can write down words and expressions, this is a drawing that will help you remember a given word. For example, a "fun holiday" - a ball, fireworks; a sign depicting a foot can mean walking, standing. Examples of pictograms - road signs, on clothes (clothing care)

You can use pictograms depicting: object words (for example, "girl", "sun", "butterfly", etc.), sign words ("big", "small", "sad", "cheerful" etc.), action words (“goes”, “shines”, “flies”), symbols-prepositions (“under”, “above”, “in”, etc.). The personal creativity of the teacher allows you to reproduce this in various variations.

Substitution is a type of modeling in which some objects are replaced by others, real-conditional. It is convenient to use paper squares, circles, ovals, which differ in color and size, as substitutes. substitution is based on some difference between objects, their attributes.

Playing out speech content with the help of substitutes, according to O.M. Dyachenko, it is better to start with folk tales, because stable stereotypes of familiar characters (an orange fox, a big and brown bear, etc.) are easily transferred to the models. In the first lessons, the number of deputies should match the number of characters, then you can enter extra circles or squares so that the child can choose the right ones. At first, it is enough for the child to raise the corresponding symbol in the course of telling the fairy tale to adults, then you can proceed to acting out the fairy tale.

A special place in working with children is occupied by the use of such didactic material as mnemonic tables. A mnemonic table is a scheme that contains certain information. The content of the mnemonic table is a graphic or partially graphic representation of the characters of a fairy tale, natural phenomena, some actions, etc. by highlighting the main semantic links of the plot of the story. The main thing is to convey a conditionally visual diagram, depict it in such a way that the drawing is understandable to children.

Almost everything can be depicted in a mnemonic table - a graphic or partially graphic representation of the characters of a fairy tale, natural phenomena, some actions, i.e. you can draw what the teacher using this technology considers necessary. The main thing is to depict it in such a way that the drawing is understandable to children.

Having studied the theoretical foundations, mastering the technology of mnemonics began on the basis of the principle "from simple to complex": at trainings, practical classes, teachers first got acquainted with the technique of using the simplest mnemonic squares, successively switched to mnemonic tracks and later - to mnemonic tables.

We started practical work with children after the algorithm for working with the model was developed.

Several stages were identified in the work with reference schemes.

At the 1st stage, elements of schemes and symbols were introduced. For example, designations of color, shape, size, action.

On the 2nd - they used elements of reference schemes, symbols in all types of direct educational activities (hereinafter GCD) and in various types of children's activities. They were guided by the fact that the child should not have a “habit”, that this symbol is applicable only in one area, because the symbol is universal.

At the 3rd stage, a reception from the opposite or a reception of denial was introduced. For example, not smooth, not sweet, etc.

The fourth stage is the stage of learning to combine characters, "reading" a chain of characters.

Further, at the 5th stage, the children organized an independent search for images symbolizing some quality. The task of this stage was an active search for images. Here the children were taught the ability to justify their choice.

At the next - 6th stage, children were taught to look at the tables and analyze the content of what is shown on it.

In the process of the 7th stage, children were taught to recode information, i.e. transformation from abstract symbols into images.

The 8th stage was the final one, here they already retold a fairy tale or a story on a given topic. In the younger groups with the help of a teacher, in the older ones on their own.

Retelling, as a method of developing coherent speech, has a special role in its formation. Here the structure of speech, its expressiveness, the ability to build sentences are improved. Here, the mnemonic table was supposed to help children remember the sequence of events, the order in which fairy-tale characters appeared, and their actions.

Work with mnemotables to teach children to retell began with a simple reproduction of cumulative fairy tales well known to children, a feature of which was the construction of a plot along a chain. According to T.V. Bolshova, the texts of fairy tales are the most fertile material for the development of speech and thinking of preschool children. These were the fairy tales "Gingerbread Man", "Turnip", "Teremok". They are familiar to children in terms of content; repeated repetitions of the plot were quickly remembered by children. Therefore, these fairy tales have always been used at the initial stage of work on the technology of mnemonics, even with older children.

Retelling with the help of mnemonic tables helped the children to see all the characters, to concentrate their attention already on the correct construction of sentences, on the reproduction of the necessary expressions in their speech.

When children began to enjoy the success of the results of their activities on these fairy tales, the qualitative potential of their speech development rose. They gained confidence in their ability to logically and correctly reproduce the text. They became confident in using the algorithm for working with text. After that, they moved on to literary works of art.

Gradually, we began to expand the range of our actions using mnemonic tables. Conducted preliminary work on the development and enrichment of speech. First, ready-made mnemonic tables were given, they were colored, correctly executed in color and graphic terms, the images were understandable to children. Mnemotables did not exceed the required amount of information, which corresponded to the age of the children in the group. Then they began to try to create mimic tables themselves. At the initial stage, they were offered a ready-made plan - a scheme, and as they learned, the child was also actively involved in the process of creating his own scheme.

The practice of working in the technology of mnemonics has shown that mnemonic tables are quite effective when learning poems. The bottom line is this: for each word or small phrase, a picture (image) is thought up, so the whole poem is sketched schematically. After that, the child from memory, using a graphic image, reproduces the entire poem. Here the work was built on the same principle - "from simple to complex". First, we add only simple symbols, schemes (for example, designations: colors, shapes, sizes, actions) and increase the amount of information (let's say the volume is already more than 9 mnemonic squares).

The most difficult type of monologue speech is the compilation of a descriptive story and retelling with elements of creativity. Here it was important to teach the child to highlight the signs of the subject.

At the stage of compiling a descriptive story, they continued to introduce symbols denoting words into mnemonic tables. For example: when they saw a symbol in the form of a question mark or an outline image of an object, the children were asked to name the object or object. Then the children designated the color, they talked about the color of the object according to the color spot-palette. Geometric shapes - denoted the shape of an object. If the symbol was a "hand" - the children understood that it was necessary to talk about what object to touch or call an action with it. “The image of a person” - symbolized why a person needs an object, how a person takes care of it or how a person uses it. "Parts of the object" - reminded that it is necessary to tell what parts the object consists of. Other symbols were used as needed. Next, they introduced the children to the concept of negation, introduced symbols denoting the particle " not”, for example, the symbol “crossed out mouth” denoted the word “inedible”.

They paid attention to the fact that the mnemonic tables are given in one color and without detailing the images, all images should also be accessible and understandable to children, the amount of information was increased as needed.

In addition, children were involved in the process of creating mnemonic tables, their participation contributed to the development of not only grapho-motor skills, but also better memorization and coding of information.

The children usually met the offer to come up with a story or a fairy tale with joy, and tables began to play an important role here. But in order for the children's stories to be heterogeneous, logically constructed, mnemonic tables again will provide significant assistance. When the children learned the retelling algorithm using this technology, compiling a descriptive story and a story from memory, they proceeded to a more difficult stage of using it in the process of creative storytelling.

When teaching children to compose stories with elements of creativity, the following tasks were solved:

Development of coherent speech based on a self-created imaginary situation;

Development of creative imagination;

Actualization of children's knowledge and ideas about the environment;

Development of verbal-logical thinking;

To form the ability to draw up a plan for the development of an imaginary situation.

With regard to mnemonics, various teaching methods were used - verbal: explanation, clarification, story, conversation, discussion; visual: sample, display, illustrations, demonstration); widely used cognitive and practical activities.

In the process of GCD, the maximum possible conditions were created for reasoning, describing the circumstances of the development of events. Children were taught to think independently, analyze, express their thoughts, express their attitude to the events created - this is an important task when using mnemonics in teaching children coherent speech.

In the process of working on the new technology and on the basis of an analysis of fairly effective results in the development of coherent speech skills of children in their group, they came to the conclusion that storytelling according to the scheme helps children develop dialectics and logic of thinking, overcome shyness, isolation, and timidity. Children learn to defend their point of view, to argue their statements, and getting into difficult situations, independently find original speech solutions and turns.

The reception of mnemonics is applicable to all narratives and descriptions, prosaic and poetic. It is easy for children to illustrate any capacious and picturesque poem with a series of drawings, and learn the text of the poem from them. We understood this thanks to our acquaintance with the book by N. Chokhonelidze “Learn poems from pictures.

Practice has shown that most of the children in the group memorize the poem while they “draw” it in this way. Gradually, the memory of preschoolers strengthened, became more "tenacious". Qualitative changes appeared in the development of not only memory, but also figurative thinking, and, of course, creative imagination. Children began to memorize much better, more in volume, easier and more emotional.

Our work on the development of coherent speech in children is not limited to mnemonic tables. We perceived the use of mnemonics as an initial, “launching”, but at the same time effective technology, since it allows children to more easily perceive and process visual information, save and reproduce it. Mnemotables, in turn, serve only as didactic material in the development of coherent speech.

Of course, the use of mnemonics is by no means intended to replace the most famous and widely popular method in the development and strengthening of memory - the traditional memorization of texts. However, with the task of helping to make the memorization process simpler, more interesting and informative, mnemonics cope just fine.

To narrow the search results, you can refine the query by specifying the fields to search on. The list of fields is presented above. For example:

You can search across multiple fields at the same time:

logical operators

The default operator is AND.
Operator AND means that the document must match all the elements in the group:

research development

Operator OR means that the document must match one of the values ​​in the group:

study OR development

Operator NOT excludes documents containing this element:

study NOT development

Search type

When writing a query, you can specify the way in which the phrase will be searched. Four methods are supported: search based on morphology, without morphology, search for a prefix, search for a phrase.
By default, the search is based on morphology.
To search without morphology, it is enough to put the "dollar" sign before the words in the phrase:

$ study $ development

To search for a prefix, you need to put an asterisk after the query:

study *

To search for a phrase, you need to enclose the query in double quotes:

" research and development "

Search by synonyms

To include synonyms of a word in the search results, put a hash mark " # " before a word or before an expression in brackets.
When applied to one word, up to three synonyms will be found for it.
When applied to a parenthesized expression, a synonym will be added to each word if one was found.
Not compatible with no-morphology, prefix, or phrase searches.

# study


Parentheses are used to group search phrases. This allows you to control the boolean logic of the request.
For example, you need to make a request: find documents whose author is Ivanov or Petrov, and the title contains the words research or development:

Approximate word search

For an approximate search, you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of a word in a phrase. For example:

bromine ~

The search will find words such as "bromine", "rum", "prom", etc.
You can optionally specify the maximum number of possible edits: 0, 1, or 2. For example:

bromine ~1

The default is 2 edits.

Proximity criterion

To search by proximity, you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of a phrase. For example, to find documents with the words research and development within 2 words, use the following query:

" research development "~2

Expression relevance

To change the relevance of individual expressions in the search, use the sign " ^ " at the end of an expression, and then indicate the level of relevance of this expression in relation to the others.
The higher the level, the more relevant the given expression.
For example, in this expression, the word "research" is four times more relevant than the word "development":

study ^4 development

By default, the level is 1. Valid values ​​are a positive real number.

Search within an interval

To specify the interval in which the value of some field should be, you should specify the boundary values ​​in brackets, separated by the operator TO.
A lexicographic sort will be performed.

Such a query will return results with the author starting from Ivanov and ending with Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
To include a value in an interval, use square brackets. Use curly braces to escape a value.

Olga Nomerchuk
Development of thinking of a preschooler with the help of mnemonics

Working in a kindergarten, I noticed that at present, figurative speech, rich in synonyms, additions and descriptions, in children preschool age is a very rare occurrence. There are many problems in the speech of children.

How to form a child's speech, fill it with a large palette of words, beautiful phrases, phrases? How help child to feel the rhythm of speech, the melody of words, to experience the content of the speech heard? How help child to learn communicative speech?

I found many answers to these questions, using the technique in my work.

mnemonics. mnemonics it is a set of rules and techniques that facilitate the process of memorizing information. Mnemonics helps in development:

Related speech;

Associative thinking;

Visual and auditory memory;

Visual and auditory attention;


Speeding up the process of automation and differentiation of sounds.

Like any job mnemonics built from simple to complex. Therefore, I propose to start work with the use of the simplest mnemonic squares, successively go to mnemonic track, and later to mnemonic tables.

tricks mnemonics include in classes with younger children preschool age. In order to develop certain skills and abilities in children, I introduce into the learning process nursery rhyme tables. I use algorithms for the processes of washing, dressing, setting tables, caring for indoor plants, etc.

It is important for children develop visual-figurative thinking, using symbols, schemes that underlie the formation of artificial associations that facilitate memorization and increase memory capacity. Relying on a visual image is very important and mandatory.

Work in the classroom mnemonic tables consists of three stages:

1. Examining the table and analyzing what is shown on it.

2. Implementation of information conversion, i.e., transformation from abstract symbols into images.

3. Retelling a fairy tale or a story on a given topic. In the younger groups with the help of a teacher, in the older ones - the children do it on their own.

Mnemotables-schemes serve as didactic material in my work on development of coherent speech of children. I use them for:

vocabulary enrichment,

When learning to write stories,

When retelling fiction,

When guessing and guessing riddles,

When memorizing poetry.

Based on the experience of teachers, I developed mimic tables to compose descriptive stories about toys, dishes, clothes, vegetables and fruits, birds, animals, insects. Schema data help children independently determine the main properties and features of the subject under consideration, establish the sequence of presentation of the identified features; enrich children's vocabulary.

No art required to make these pictures. capabilities: any teacher is able to draw similar symbolic images of objects and objects to the selected story.

Schemes serve as a kind of visual plan for creating monologues, help children to make descriptive stories about objects, objects and natural phenomena. Classes are based on well-known stories, fairy tales. Moreover, the children themselves are the executors of the plot, its active participants. "Turning" in animals and birds, children develop a sense of empathy, which helps they better understand the world around them.

I would like to tell you more about the use of model schemes when memorizing poems. The bottom line is next: a picture is invented for each word or small phrase; thus, the whole poem is sketched schematically. After that, the child from memory, using a graphic image, reproduces the entire poem. Mastering how to work with mnemonic tables significantly reduces training time.

mnemonics I use it extensively in reading fiction and in teaching storytelling. Together with the children we talk through the text, look at the illustrations and track the sequence of a pre-prepared model for this work.

Thus, a transition is gradually being made from the creativity of the educator to the joint creativity of the child with the adult. Another variety mnemonics is a collage. Working with younger children preschool age with collages, I note that children listen to a fairy tale with interest, easily memorize the text, relying on the table, reproduce the content. During the period of work on a fairy tale, children perform a number of tasks aimed at intellectual development. This is how children get acquainted with letters, participate in art activities, games, and learn poetry. Work in free activity has become more diverse, as the content of classes is organically introduced into the gaming environment.

One of the interesting tricks is working with tactile boards. Planks are made with different surfaces. This material is good for development of tactile memory, imagination, speech development. Stroking the board with buckwheat, the child says that this is a toothy wolf, his teeth are sharp, he is angry. Receiving a board with fur, he replies that it is a fox, cunning, fluffy. She has a long fluffy tail, she is beautiful.

Since young children are very curious and find it difficult to keep their eyes open, I use a traditional wonder bag for this game. Here, children already have the opportunity not only to examine the proposed board, but also to choose from a large number in the bag on their own.

Seeing the value of this work, its effectiveness, I easily include this technique in all types of children's activities. mnemonics firmly entered the lives of the children of our group. Coming to an end preschool age, children use diagrams in all types of activities, independently sketch experiments, observation results, make plans for stories.

All of the above are only certain types of activities for children. speech development. But I think, and I think that you will agree, that model schemes can be applied in other classes as well.

Thus, with using schema models, mnemotable, collages managed to achieve the following results:

Children have a desire to retell fairy tales - both in class and in everyday life;

The horizons of knowledge about the surrounding world have expanded;

Vocabulary has been activated;

Children overcame shyness, shyness, learned to hold on freely

in front of an audience.

I believe that visibility in the form of models of any plan, helps children in mastering many tasks. Children develop comprehensively. Our children are well prepared for a school where development mental processes: attention, memory, thinking. We solve the issues of preparation for school in a comprehensive manner and in this helps mnemonics.


1. T. V. Bolsheva: Learning from a fairy tale. Development of thinking of preschoolers with the help of mnemonics. publishing house: Detstvo-Press, 2005 Series: Library of the program "Childhood"

2. T. Polyanskaya: Method use mnemonics in teaching storytelling to children preschool age. publishing house: Detstvo-Press, 2010

3. V. A. Kozarenko Textbook mnemonics Moscow 2007.

4. Site Mnemonikon ( http://www.mnemotexnika.narod.ru)

In modern conditions of a rapidly changing life, a person is required not only to possess knowledge, but, first of all, the ability to obtain this knowledge himself and operate with it. This is where mnemonics can help us.



Compiled by the educator of the 1st qualification category Belyaeva Larisa Pavlovna GBDOU No. 5 of the Admiralteisky district of St. Petersburg. year 2013

In modern conditions of a rapidly changing life, a person is required not only to possess knowledge, but, first of all, the ability to obtain this knowledge himself and operate with it. This is where mnemonics can help us.

Mnemonics is a system of methods and techniques that ensure the effective memorization, storage and reproduction of information. The use of mnemonics for preschoolers is currently becoming more and more relevant.

The tasks of mnemonics include:

1 Development

  • -associative thinking
  • -visual and auditory attention
  • -visual and auditory memory
  • -imagination.

2. Develop the ability to understand and tell familiar tales using mnemonic tables and collages with the help of graphic drawings, as well as with the help of substitutes.

An example of a mnemonic table about a cockerel from the fairy tale "Spikelet".An adult reads a fairy tale to a child, then the main characters are singled out together with the child, for example, a cockerel (a house is a pet; a feather is a body covered with feathers; a bird is walking - the cockerel has legs; a scallop, a beak and a beard; eats grains; begins with the letter "P ").

3. To develop mental processes in children: thinking, attention, imagination, memory (various types).

I propose this option: "Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasant Sits." This word creation will help you remember the sequence of colors in the rainbow.

4. With the help of mnemotables and collages, the child learns letters faster and the correct sound pronunciation is instilled.

Schemes are used in preschool institutions. Mnemotables and collages are especially effective when learning poems. The bottom line: for each word or small phrase, a picture (image) is thought up; thus, the whole poem is sketched schematically. After that, the child from memory, using a graphic image, reproduces the entire image. At the initial stage, an adult offers a ready-made plan-scheme, and as the child learns, he is also actively involved in the process of creating his own scheme.

Mnemotable for A. Barto's poem "Horse":

I love my horse

I'll comb her hair smoothly

I stroke the ponytail with a scallop

And I'll go on horseback to visit.

The aids used by children on their own, at different regime moments, help children master the skill of memorization, improvise in any task and in the subsequent solution of various mental problems. In this case, memory plays a significant role. Imagination, logic and the ability to associate the appearance of a letter and object with a picture or with their symbol.


Senior groups of preschool age - to compose a story - a fairy tale or invent it, a mnemonic table is used (for example, the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear", "Rocked Hen", "The Tale of the Hedgehog").

You can pick up words for any rule from grammar, for example, there are suffixes in words: -ushk, -yshk.

Word transformation.

Associations (game “What does it look like?”, “Memorizing the image”.


  1. Program "Gifted child" (basic provisions).
  2. N. Guryeva "A year before school - we develop memory" (workbooks).
  3. S. D. Zabramnaya, O. V. Borovik “The development of the child is in your hands).
  4. T.V. Bolsheva “Learning from a fairy tale”, a book of illustrations.
