The development of preschool children. Modern techniques or classics? Overview of early development methods

The upbringing of a person begins with his very birth, as the most common scientific theory says. There are hypotheses that recognize that we are already born with a certain set of knowledge and emotional orientations. This is experience gained either in past lives or in the process of intrauterine development.

One way or another, every mother wants her baby to be comprehensively gifted, to know and be able to do a lot, study well, grow up as a person not only adapted to life, but also familiar with creativity and sports. For this reason, especially now, parents often begin to develop the baby's abilities long before they reach kindergarten and school age. Lessons of English and mathematics for infants, listening to the musical works of Mozart and Vivaldi, excursions to museums of painting - what you can’t meet now in parental practice.

Parents most of all want their child to grow up smart and talented, so they start developing it from an early age.

Let's try to understand the essence of the early development of the child. Is it so useful? What are the methods of active early development of the child? What programs are the most popular? What is better - to deal with the baby yourself or to entrust development lessons to professionals?

Development and its types

“Active upbringing of a child aged 0 to 2-3” - this is the definition given to the term that interests us Anna Rappoport. With the apparent harmlessness and benefits of this phenomenon, in society it often causes negative emotions and ridicule. The thing is that there are many interpretations and forms of its implementation.

The upbringing of children from 1 to 3 is perceived as an antagonist to traditional education, which begins according to the canons of European culture from the age of 6-7 years of the child. Under the early development of a child, sometimes they mean not only lessons with babies, but also work with children of primary and secondary preschool age, that is, with children 3-4 and 4-5 years old.

Traditional developmental psychology has constructed the division of the early development of children into three types according to its adequacy to the age category. It:

  • Premature. The kid cannot perceive, due to physiological, mental and psychological reasons, the information that they want to stuff him with, or the skills that they want to instill in him. It is clear that it is impossible to teach an infant to sit.
  • Later. A situation when a person wants to instill knowledge and skills that should already have been in his arsenal due to physiological, mental and psychological readiness. For example, teaching a child to read after 8 is too late. He, of course, will learn, but the process will be less productive and rational. Another situation is that a child at 10 is definitely too late to learn ballet.
  • Timely. Compliance of the age and developmental parameters of the child with the skills and knowledge that are trying to instill in him.

For successful learning, you need to clearly understand at what age the child is ready to perceive certain information.

To the objective majority, the timely variety seems to be the most adequate. It corresponds to age indicators and individual characteristics of a person. However, both the first and second options also have the right to exist. The main thing is to set a goal and not act contrary to the child's wishes, common sense and physical condition.

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Raising babies from birth is the creation of conditions that set them up to get acquainted with works of musical art and painting, reading books to a baby, scrolling through audio fairy tales. It is also the creation of corners filled with objects that develop the child's senses and his motor activity. Active communication with the baby from not only the mother, but also other relatives plays a big role. Talking with a child is not about how good his mobile sounds on the crib and what delicious mashed potatoes he will eat now, but about the fact that it will start to rain now and, in general, where does this water come from the sky. Another example is when playing with a child, use sorters and wooden educational toys, complete tasks with him and explain why you need to do this and not otherwise: “a circle is round, it cannot be inserted into a slot with straight lines and corners; a wooden bead will not pass through this labyrinth, because another bead blocks the way here, ”and so on.

So, raising your baby is not only preparation for school or kindergarten, but also the creation of an information environment in which the baby will develop harmoniously and actively, train his memory, attention and imagination, logical thinking, the ability to analyze and synthesize information. This should not be an orientation towards the education of a child prodigy, but a focus on the development of a harmonious personality. This article will help you understand the parenting methods that are most often used by parents on their own or in child development groups. Let's analyze their advantages and disadvantages, consider the features of their implementation and what each technique is aimed at.

Parents should pay attention not only to the physiological needs of the child, but also to interact with him intellectually, stimulate interest and curiosity

Glenn Doman Method

Glenna Doman is one of the most famous doctors of the late 20th century, an American physiotherapist who developed a whole theory of raising kids. Initially, his technique concerned only children with impaired functioning of the central nervous system, then it was adapted to healthy babies. According to Doman, up to the age of 6 a person is engaged only in cognition, therefore it is impossible to force him to really learn anything. Real education is only from the school bench, in which Doman is in tune with the classical European traditions of education.

The scientist proposes to show cards with different words written on them from 1-4 months of age. This will help the baby learn to read and write as soon as possible in the future, because letters will already be deposited in his memory. For example, show the baby a card with the word "orange", and the card is large, the letters are large enough. At the same time, pronounce this word clearly and moderately loudly. Repeat this procedure with each word for many days. Gradually, the baby will begin to associate the sound and spelling of the word, and, according to Doman, will remember the spelling and pronunciation. You can also show a real orange to the card. Such a visual study of concepts will help the child quickly adapt to the environment. Don't expect him to read War and Peace at age 3. As practice shows, subsequently such guys really begin to read and write faster, more actively adapt to external conditions.

What is the disadvantage of the technique? In its very essence. Few kids, especially after the age of one, agree to sit quietly for as long as at least one course of classes requires. Restless fools prefer to run, play, watch cartoons. Three or four cards - and the attention of the crumbs switches. Often, the Doman technique is used with the help of professionals, or with calm, slow babies when the child reaches the age of one.

Doman cards are most suitable for calm children over one year old or as an auxiliary technique for babies

Monessori technique

Maria Montessori, a teacher, philosopher and active politician of the beginning of the last century, turned out to be more far-sighted than Doman. She took into account that kids often prefer more active forms of pastime than looking at cards. Montessori suggests arranging several working areas in the room and giving the baby freedom of action. He chooses what he wants to do at one time or another. The task of the teacher or parent is to interest the baby, direct his actions and explain how best to use the objects. All items in the Montessori rooms should be proportionate to the baby. Small furniture, books and toys that the baby himself can get from the shelves, toy dishes. It happens that even porcelain sets are used, which teach children to be careful and concentrate.

The Montessori methodology is based on the belief that each age has its own characteristics of learning. So, babies learn about order and discipline by the age of 2.5. At 2.5-5 years old, they learn to communicate. Sensory skills and speech are best developed up to 5-6 years.

The main advantage of the concept is that it teaches the child not only words, actions and introduces them to the world around them, but also adapts them to society. The Montessori method teaches to communicate, so most often the kids are sent to groups from "3 to 6" years.

waldorf system

The Waldorf concept is aimed primarily at the physical education of the baby and instilling creativity. In the first place are active games, dancing, music lessons and creativity. Reading, mathematics, improving speech and attention fade into the background. The main rule is that the education of qualities and skills should go without advancing, the term “premature” does not quite fit it, rather it is harmonious. Aimed at the consent of the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual components in the personality of the baby.

The Waldorf concept is special, it is not even included as elements in the curriculum in ordinary schools and kindergartens. Usually Waldorf schools and kindergartens exist on their own, apart. Children do not use toys made of artificial materials. Only wood, clay, stone are recognized. Toddlers are encouraged to sit in front of the TV and computer to a minimum, walk more and read books (we recommend reading:). From the first grade in these schools they study foreign languages, actively draw, and sculpt. The Waldorf concept is aimed at cultivating culture in a person.

The Waldorf technique is aimed primarily at the formation of creativity in the child, the development of his aesthetic perception

Zaitsev system

The only domestic concept of raising children, which has gained popularity throughout the post-Soviet space. An innovative teacher from St. Petersburg wrote a manual "Zaitsev's Cubes", in which he outlined his method of teaching children to read and write. It is aimed mainly at kids 3-4 years old.

Zaitsev developed a whole range of cards, cubes, tables and funny short songs - the so-called "Zaitsev's chants". All this is aimed at the assimilation of literacy in a playful way. In the process of learning, children can move from table to table, play with cubes, sing and dance. On the cubes, Zaitsev placed “warehouses” - syllables that the teacher offers to pronounce and visually recognize for kids, instead of teaching them the alphabet. Cubes, depending on the softness or hardness of the syllable, vary in color. With the help of cubes, you can build words and small phrases after the guys have already learned the syllables well.

In addition to grammar, Zaitsev also provided for teaching arithmetic. "Stoschet" - cards with the image of a numerical tape. Zaitsev's concept is successful in that it allows, as a game, to instill in the child the initial knowledge of literacy and mathematics. The crumbs are usually happy to be included in the technique, so the Zaitsev method is quite popular. It allows leveling the imperfections of the modern domestic concept of school and preschool education.

Other techniques

In addition to the above, there are many methods of upbringing that allow the child to subsequently integrate more gently into the educational system, to become a harmonious and diversified personality. The following authoring methods are popular:

  • the theory of Cecile Lupan (the creation by the baby of cards and books about himself, focus on emotions and a strong spiritual connection with his parents, adaptation in society, music);
  • the concept of the Zheleznovs (active communication with the baby with the mother, music lessons, massage);
  • Nikitin's games (intellectual games);
  • sports and gaming concept by Danilina;
  • Voskobovich's games (improvement of memory, attention, fantasy).

Each of these methods is interesting in its own way. In their creation, the authors relied on their own pedagogical experience, the legacy of teachers and doctors of the past. Often, elements of different methods are used in practice - for example, they often work with children using the games of Nikitin and Voskobovich together.

Cecile Lupan's technique is designed to form a strong bond between parents and child

Pluses of systems: opinions of supporters

Each parent decides for himself how to raise his baby - it seems so at first glance. The opinion of society and stereotypes to one degree or another affect any person. With regard to early education, this rule is especially strong. Usually parents are divided into his ardent supporters and opponents. It's all about a misunderstanding of the situation and excessive fanaticism. There is nothing wrong with educating your children. The main thing is not to go too far.

Arguments in defense:

  1. Toddlers who study according to such concepts are usually more developed than others. They begin to read, write and count earlier. They know how to sculpt from plasticine and sing, dance well and know the basic basics of foreign languages, depending on which system the child is studying.
  2. Groups of early development of children accustom the crumbs from the first months of life to classes, discipline him.

However, each baby has its own internal age norms - both physical and mental. You will not make a child prodigy out of a child if he is not internally ready to become one. Educational methods make it possible to reveal the inner potential and reveal it. The second statement is true if you do not go too far and do not interrupt classes. Children very quickly wean and forget. A standard kindergarten teaches a child to discipline and regimen much faster and more efficiently.

Sooner or later, before every conscious young mother, the question arises: what method of early development is worthy of her child?

Some authors believe that physical development is more valuable than emotional or intellectual, others - on the contrary. Someone is sure that it is time to teach a child to read from birth, and someone - that you should not rush to school. And there is an opinion that all this is just pumping money out of parents ...

The main thing that you should be guided by when choosing a development methodology is common sense and love for your baby.

To help you - an overview of the most popular methods of early development.

Maria Montessori Method

Today it is one of the most common methods of child development. Maria Montessori, an outstanding teacher and psychologist, called her methodology « system of independent development of the child in a didactically prepared environment ».

Montessori child development is both discipline and freedom, serious work and exciting play. The system covers the age ranges 0-3 years and 3-6 years.

The main principle of the Montessori method is: "Help me do it myself!" That is, an adult must understand what the child is worried about at the moment, create an environment suitable for classes and gently teach how to use this environment.

The main provisions of the Montessori system:

  • The child is active. The role of the adult directly in the action of learning is secondary. He is a helper, not a mentor.
  • The child is his own teacher. He has complete freedom of choice and action.
  • Children teach children. Since children of different ages are engaged in groups, the older children "become" teachers, while learning to take care of others, and the younger ones are drawn to the older ones.
  • Children make their own decisions.
  • Classes are held in a specially prepared environment.
  • The child needs to be interested, and he will develop himself.
  • Full self-development as a result of freedom in actions, thinking, feelings.
  • The child becomes himself when we follow the directions of nature, and do not go against them.
  • Respect for children - the absence of prohibitions, criticism and instructions.
  • The child has the right to make mistakes and reach everything on his own.

As you can see, everything in this system pushes the baby to self-development, self-education and self-learning with the unobtrusive help of adults.

Zaitsev's technique

The creator of the methodology is the teacher N.A. Zaitsev - promises that the child will learn to read with the help of special cubes in a very short time. What is the secret?

According to Zaitsev's methodology, teaching children to read takes place in warehouses, and not in letters or syllables.

All "Zaitsev's cubes" are different in color, size and ringing inside them. This helps the child to distinguish between vowels and consonants, soft and voiced.

One of the warehouses is written on each face of the cube. The child does not remember the spelling of each letter, but immediately separate warehouses: ka-, ku-, ki-, ko-, ba-, bi-. And then the baby can easily put the warehouses into words - ba-ba, ku-bi-ki.

Zaitsev claims that reading in warehouses is much easier for a child than learning letters first, and then syllables and words. After all, children begin to speak in warehouses and hear spoken speech also in warehouses.

  1. From the general to the particular and from the particular to the general.
  2. From concrete-figurative through visual-effective to verbal-logical.
  3. Ensuring visibility (not only from the word look) using various channels of perception.
  4. Systematic supply of material.
  5. Algorithmization of educational actions.
  6. Accounting for the physiology of perception of educational information.
  7. Student health care.

Nikitin's technique

« What we have developed, apparently, cannot yet be called a system. But the basic principles that guide us can be identified.

  1. Light clothing and sports environment in the house: sports equipment entered everyday life from early childhood, became for them, as it were, a habitat on a par with furniture and other household items.
  2. Freedom of creativity of children in the classroom. No special training, exercises, lessons. The guys do as much as they want, combining sports with all other activities.
  3. Our parental indifference to what and how the kids get, our participation in their games, competitions, life itself.

All these principles were developed in the practice of life, in communication with children. We used them intuitively, unconsciously, pursuing only one goal: not to interfere with development, but to help it, and not to put pressure on the child in accordance with our own plans, but to observe, compare and, focusing on the well-being and desire of the child, create conditions for further development» .

The most popular Nikitin puzzle games:

  • fold the pattern
  • Fold the square
  • Unicube
  • Dots
  • Cubes for everyone
  • Fractions
  • Montessori frames and inserts

Glen Doman Method

Glenn Doman is an American neurophysiologist who developed a method for the accelerated physical and intellectual development of children from birth. Its main idea is : "In any child there is a huge potential that can be developed, thereby providing him with unlimited opportunities in life".

The purpose of the Doman classes is to introduce the child to a lot of accurate, clear and fascinating facts. To do this, the facts must be strictly systematized by categories and sections of knowledge (bits).

Photos or drawings are pasted on cards 30 by 30 in size, on the other side of which accurate information is written.

An example from Doman's book:

Doman also attaches great importance to early physical development, as it is associated with the baby's abilities and his intellect. From birth, the child is given freedom of movement and his innate reflexes are reinforced: he must walk, swim, grab, crawl.

In the following material, we will look at several more common methods of early childhood development.

© Photo by li tzuni on Unsplash

We consider the main pros and cons of early childhood development methods.

Nowadays, it has become incredibly fashionable to teach your children at least something almost from the cradle. So it is not surprising that in many large (and not so) cities, various child development centers have appeared, because where there is a demand, there will always be a supply. You can study in such institutions from the age of 6 months, the main thing is to choose the institution whose development program you prefer.

Basic methods of child development

1. The method of Maria Montessori

Recently, this is one of the most popular methods of early childhood development. Montessori classes include simple physical exercises, including exercises for the development of fine motor skills; exercises aimed at the development of speech; as well as traditional modeling, designing; drawing and application; numerous educational games; singing and dancing.

When using this technique, teachers must competently organize the space and provide the child with toys and materials of different textures for development. At the same time, the child is given complete freedom of choice: from the abundance of objects, he himself chooses what he wants to play with and what he wants to learn, therefore, in fact, he develops independently - the teacher does not impose tasks on the child, he only helps him and guides him a little. The classical Montessori system involves classes with children older than 2.5-3 years. But today they are already being created for classes with children under 3 years old.

Advantages of the technique:

Children who study according to this method are observant, attentive, independent and disciplined.
In the classroom, the children develop fine motor skills of their hands, which will greatly help them in learning to write.
The technique perfectly develops the left hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for logic, motor skills and analytical skills.

Cons of the technique:

The right hemisphere, which is responsible for creativity, does not develop at all in the Montessori method, or a minimum amount of time is given to its development.

The technique is far from suitable for all children: very active children will feel uncomfortable in the classroom, closed kids will close themselves even more, and creative children simply won’t like it.

In the classes according to this method, little attention is paid to the physical development of children, as well as the development of communication skills with each other: instead of a collective game, preference is given to the individual work of children.

2. The technique of Nikolai Zaitsev

This technique is the second most popular among the creators of children's development centers. It was created by the St. Petersburg teacher Nikolai Zaitsev. At the heart of his learning system is the idea that the elementary particle of speech is a warehouse - a pair of consonant and vowel, or a consonant with a hard or soft sign, or one letter. Zaitsev wrote these warehouses on the faces of his cubes. So the main principle of teaching children to read is by syllables, and learning to count is with the help of number series.

It is also worth noting that learning on Zaitsev's cubes takes place in the game, children sing syllables, clap their hands, jump and run. In the same way, children learn mathematics through play. Zaitsev developed special tables for this, according to which children perform arithmetic operations.
You can learn by this technique from 2-3 years old and up to preschool age. Classes can be both group and individual.

Advantages of the technique:

This technique helps children quickly learn to read and count.
Children train and develop good visual memory and the ability to memorize.
In the classroom, children develop creative thinking.

Cons of the technique:

The methodology does not pay due attention to the training of fine motor skills of the hands, which is necessary to prepare children for writing.

Often, children who count and read well, thanks to classes according to this method, develop an overestimated self-importance and there is a feeling that they know everything.

3. Glen Doman's technique

This technique quite harmoniously combines intellectual and physical activity. At the heart of the training system are the so-called "Doman cards", with words written in large letters on them (and not separate letters, like Zaitsev's); the same with mathematics, where the cards do not show numbers, but red dots, sets. According to Doman, the education and training of children begins at the age of 6-7, but knowledge begins from the very moment of birth, so he recommends showing cards to babies from birth. In addition, this methodology attaches great importance to physical development: active movement from birth and simple physical exercises are one of the most important components of this training system.

Advantages of the technique:

Children remember a lot of information.

Flashcards train children's visual memory, and exercise helps them to be healthy and athletic.

Thanks to this method, parents spend more time with their child every day, which in turn also has a beneficial effect on his development and development of communication skills.

Cons of the technique:

When learning to read, the child remembers not individual letters, but only the whole word, because he compares it with the drawn picture.

A child studying according to this method can grow up as a “walking encyclopedia”, but at an important moment he will not be able to use his knowledge base in the right direction.

The second name - the Steiner technique, is considered equal opportunity pedagogy. This system of education is based on a rather complex philosophical trend of anthroposophy, which focuses on the development of aesthetic and practical skills and knowledge about the world around us, and not on the development of intellectual abilities. The creators of this technique believe that children should be left in their fabulously imaginative world as long as possible, therefore it is in childhood, at preschool age, that it is necessary to develop the creative potential of the baby.

A child will be emotionally ready to learn to read and write when his milk teeth change to molars, that is, at the age of 12, and up to this age it is necessary to develop creative abilities and focus on physical and spiritual education.

All classes are aimed at personal development, so children in the classroom are not forced to do anything. Classes are held in mini-groups, including children of different ages, but any kid can refuse to do something at any time, and he will not get anything for it.

Advantages of the technique:

An excellent option for preschool development for children with a humanitarian mindset, because the child develops creative thinking, which is given much less attention in other methods.

The methodology does not imply a system of assessments for work: the child is not afraid to make mistakes, which makes learning more harmonious.

A variety of play forms and a large number of toys made from natural materials.

Cons of the technique:

The technique is not very suitable for children with a mathematical mindset, they will not always be interested.

Learning to read and write starts late, so the technique does not actually prepare the child for school.

TV, radio and movies are banned. Supporters of the methodology are sure that modern mass media have a devastating effect on the psyche of the child.

The technique is a set of progressively more complex developmental and sports tasks. The main postulate of the Nikitin system is the freedom of children's creativity in the classroom: children do exactly as much as they want, combining sports and other activities. The task of parents is only one - to help children develop, and not to interfere, therefore they have no right to force the child, put pressure on him in accordance with their hopes and prompt him to solve the problem: if the baby does not cope, then the task must be postponed until he won't grow up. Children should be interested in everything: in learning, playing sports, eating, and parents - their older comrades - should help satisfy their interests.

Sports in the Nikitins system are given not just great, but great attention: hardening from birth and daily exercises are indispensable conditions for the methodology. The house should be equipped with a place for sports so that children perceive physical activity as an integral part of life.

Advantages of the technique

Hardening is carried out by rather harsh methods (dousing with ice water, walking barefoot in the snow).

Children's developing centers. To bring children or not?

Whether it is worth starting to teach a child from such an early age and which one is more suitable for your baby, of course, only parents decide. But when choosing a center for child development, one very important circumstance must be taken into account: absolutely all children are different, which means that the approach to them in educational institutions should be individual. It is also worth noting that many parents tend to idealize children's development centers, believing that since they brought their children there and paid money for classes, teachers will certainly make geniuses out of them. However, it is not.

Yes, a child can become more sociable, learn to overcome difficulties and master the skills of reading and writing, but all methods are imperfect, and children's development centers are not the way to turn a baby into a new Einstein.

So you should not expect that a good and smart child will suddenly turn into a child prodigy in a few months, just as you should not inspire him that thanks to these activities he will become better than all other children. And most importantly, no even a very strong teacher can replace a child's parents, which is why it is so important that, in addition to everything that a child development center can give him, kids receive the love and care of their mothers and fathers in full.

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The author of books for parents talks about his experience of the early development of a one-year-old daughter. What development aids to choose? Which authors should be trusted? How can an adult enjoy all this? And what is dangerous in the hobby only for "educational" games and toys?

Don't wait for the result

Inspired by the great idea of ​​the early development of almost one year old Dasha, I began to buy "developmental aids": puzzles for the little ones (2-4 elements each), pyramids, large mosaics, split pictures, as well as frames and inserts.

The latter are plywood or cardboard boards (tablets) with holes or recesses of various shapes and sizes. The task of the game is to match the liners to the corresponding holes. Classic frames according to the Montessori method - with geometric shapes. But now there are a huge number of other themed boards (animals, fruits, colors, and so on) on sale - with or without a substrate (that is, a picture inside as a hint).

We also have educational books on various topics in our house (for example, "Opposites", "At the Zoo", "Colors and Shapes", "Studying Myself"). Then came the turn of "photo albums".

"Photo albums" is a conventional name. In fact, instead of photographs, an enthusiastic mother inserts pictures depicting various objects, inhabitants of the animal world, etc. into the pockets. Nearby is a signature, preferably written "according to warehouses" - in the spirit of N. Zaitsev's methodology. Albums should be thematic ("vegetables", "clothes", "furniture", "musical instruments", "road signs", "breeds of dogs" and so on). This is such a wonderful way to introduce your baby to the outside world.

I took pictures and inscriptions for them from L. Danilova's book "How to give encyclopedic knowledge to a child." Now on sale there are many special sets of pictures, systematized on certain topics.

And now everything was ready for practice. But ... life has made its own adjustments. The pictures slipped by the mother were absolutely uninteresting to the child. No, interesting, but for three seconds. Then attention switched to a scattering of jigsaw puzzles on the carpet, a moment later - to colorful frames and inserts, then to drooling bagels from the pyramid ... Then it was all thrown away, and the child crawled away to wander around the apartment. I ran after her with albums: "Look, look, this is a toucan, but this is a burbot fish" ... To no avail. What a toucan, what a burbot, what an accordion with an accordion Dasha were equally indifferent.

Worry fluttered inside me. But then, fortunately, the experience of one mother caught my eye. She said that her boy became addicted to the same albums only at 1 year and 3 months. I realized that not everything was lost, and, remembering the precepts of experts not to force things, I began to wait.

What else were we doing at that moment? They tried to build towers from cubes: I built, and Dasha broke. Nothing, I reassured myself, this is the period now - destruction. The time for creation is ahead. Our ball games, frames and inserts, rhymes, nursery rhymes, songs - all this was somehow ... awkward. I did not even see a spark of reaction to my efforts in Dasha.

I learned well the warnings "do not raise a genius," "do not chase records," "do not burden the child." But the attitude "do not wait for a reaction and a result" somehow passed me by. And only then, having wised up a little, I realized that there was no need to wait - neither interest, nor response, nor that the baby would please his mother with his successes. You don't have to expect anything from a child! Not only at the time of his early childhood - never at all.

And we must drive away the thought that I, they say, am engaged in the "early development" of my child, how great it is, what a fine fellow I am. Such activities should not have any hidden or obvious subtext, nor any ambitious goals, except for one thing - the pleasure of spending time together. All maternal impulses should come from the heart, and not because "it's necessary", "useful" and "correct".

Here it is, early development!

Successes, as is usually the case, became noticeable when no one was expecting them. In the same 1 year and 3 months, Dasha woke up with a "brutal appetite". She became interested in literally everything - and thematic albums in the first place. We began to study them every day, a little bit: I flipped through the pages, called the pictures, and Dasha listened with enthusiasm. The rating of the most popular topics was headed by animals - domestic and wild.

Studying with Dasha, I discovered a lot of new things. For example, I learned to distinguish a lap dog from a Pekingese, I learned what a flounder looks like and what a long-haired one is ... I remembered that the longest river on earth is the Nile, the largest island is Greenland, and the deepest, cleanest and besides "ancient" lake - our Baikal.

And that was just the beginning! My child then helped me more than once to take a fresh look at familiar things and pull out dusty bags of knowledge from the nooks and crannies of memory. On one memorable day, I saw that Dasha herself began to take albums from the shelf and examine them. And my maternal heart finally calmed down - the process began.

Simultaneously with the albums, the child "hooked" on all kinds of frames and inserts and plywood games similar to them. (The correct name is Segen's developing boards. These are plywood tablets with recesses of varying degrees of complexity: for example, several identical dogs of different sizes; a picture consisting of several parts, and so on.)

Another favorite pastime of ours was playing the "funny pyramid". These are 8 bright plastic cups, painted in all the colors of the rainbow, which can be stacked one inside the other or turned upside down to build a pyramid tower out of them. Here and the study of colors, sizes, and familiarity with the concepts of "more-less".

At the same moment, her husband went on a business trip to Hungary and brought Dasha a gift from there - a large "logical cube" with many holes in the form of various geometric shapes (another name for such a toy is a sorter). In them, it was necessary to put the details that were suitable in shape. Moreover, the cube turned out to be of increased complexity: in addition to the banal circle, square, oval, there were holes for a semicircle, ellipse, rectangular, isosceles and equilateral triangles, five-, six-, eight-, decahedrons and even a parallelepiped.

"Manufacturers did not accidentally mix up anything? - I thought. - Is this definitely a developmental manual for children in the second year of life?"

What was my surprise when, after poking around for three weeks, Dasha began to fill the "logical cube" at the expense of times. It was then that I finally believed Masaru Ibuka - the brain of a small child has almost unlimited possibilities. All you need to do is exercise with him every day.

Approach to the child

However, each child needs a different approach. Once I suggested that three-year-old Dasha paint a picture - a girl with a sled. By the way, she still didn’t know how to paint at that time. But you have to start learning at some point, right? The child enthusiastically took a felt-tip pen and ... put it in its place.

“No, Mom, I can’t.

- And you try. Look, it's not difficult at all, - and I painted the girl's hat.

Dasha in no way:

- No, I can't.

And then it broke me.

- It doesn’t work for those who don’t even try to learn, Dasha. If you don't try, if you don't try, you really won't succeed. It turns out only for those who get down to business, and train, train, train, without fear of mistakes. No one succeeds right away, but if you do nothing at all, you will never succeed. Here!

I exhaled. Then I thought. To whom did I say all this? A three year old girl? But how can such a crumb understand all these causal relationships of the "adult world", and even more so take note of them?

In addition, having gained experience in "early development", I realized several important things for myself:

  1. Maria Montessori, the spouses of Nikitina are a thousand times right, advising never to do for the baby what he can handle on his own. When playing with a child, in no case should you immediately point out his mistakes and tell him "how to" and "how to do it right." Let him make mistakes, let him do as he sees fit. Because only by straining his head, inventing his own ways of solving a problem, he will learn to think and create. Only in this way will he grow up internally free and self-confident. It would be good to transfer this attitude to all other spheres of the child's life. In the future, the last thing he will need is to be strongly advised how to live and what to do.
  2. If something doesn’t work out for the baby, and he angrily throws the toy away with the clear intention of never approaching it again, you need to try to minimize this negative. And once again calmly and unobtrusively show, explain, cheer, support faith in yourself. "You will definitely succeed, you are such a good fellow!".

But... What did I see after I fell silent? Dasha, sighing, timidly took a felt-tip pen and began to paint the girl's mittens. Clumsily, of course, every now and then getting out of the "border", but she tried! In the evening, we proudly showed the "girl with a sled" to dad who came home from work, who, of course, almost fainted from such beauty. And since then Dasha believed in herself and asked to buy her coloring books. Who would have thought that such a hopeless affair as an "adult lecture" would help her overcome the "barrier" and start doing what she thought she would never succeed.

"Useless" games

Somehow, imperceptibly for myself, I began to engage in only "educational" games with the child, completely forgetting about the "useless" games (hide-and-seek, tags, daughter-mothers, and others). The situation was saved by Dasha's nanny, Natasha, who appeared in our life. She was a music director in a kindergarten and worked with us twice a week.

“Modern children don’t know how to play at all,” I remembered Natasha’s words. - And this is the biggest problem when they come to kindergarten.

I am eternally grateful to our nanny. Because she's just a wonderful person. For the fact that for two years of her work with us I had nothing to reproach her with. But first of all, for the fact that she taught my child to play.

Natasha did it very naturally. She and Dasha took plush toys, came up with roles, situations (shop, "at the doctor's", on the street, at a party, at the zoo, etc.), beat them, developing an imaginary plot. And although my girl at that moment spoke only a few words, the game turned out and absorbed her daughter entirely. And very, very soon I noticed that she no longer follows me with a ponytail, does not ask to be entertained, but plays with pleasure herself.

How to teach a child to play independently?

  • Children's games of solitude are hindered by two feelings: a sense of insecurity and a sense of self-doubt. To feel secure, it is necessary that the mother is constantly in sight. And in order to feel self-confidence, you need mom to cheer and praise all the time (“How good you are doing! You are great!”).
  • In order for the baby to begin to play on his own, you need to show him how it is done. Therefore, at first we play with him for some time - in a variety of games and toys that are at home. We show all kinds of options (you can do this, but you can do that), experiment and, of course, fantasize.
  • Sometimes, when the baby is in difficulty, we help him choose a game, we offer something. When buying a new toy or game, we also play together first.
  • It is not necessary to immediately break loose and run when the child calls to play. If we are busy, we can calmly (and firmly) say: "I'm busy, but I'll definitely play with you when I'm free." This is how we let him know that mom is a separate person with her own needs, and she can also have her own affairs.

By the way, when playing with enthusiasm, the child comprehends the world around him much deeper and more multifaceted than when performing "developmental" tasks, since he makes significant mental efforts and uses creative imagination. It is very important for a baby to experience various emotional states. Experience it yourself, not learn from pictures. He himself must learn to rejoice, empathize, care, be attentive and so on. Try on different social roles and look at the world from different points of view. Only then can its development be called complete.

Now I know: there are no "useless" activities for a baby. Any game, any interesting interaction with an adult develops him, gives him new knowledge and skills, makes him more intelligent, independent, mature. And there is no need to be afraid that a child who has become involved in role-playing games will get used to the participation of an adult and will no longer be able to do without him.

Will be able! The one who constantly lacks attention, with whom they play little, who in their earliest childhood was not shown how fun, interesting and useful you can spend time, cannot.

A good technique, my mother and brother usually use it, but mostly with an electronic textbook. He is now in 3rd grade. He really likes it, his eyes are burning, he has a desire to eat, he quickly absorbs information.

02.11.2015 17:20:58, Elena Karkavtseva

A very correct article. PPKS.

Great article! many thanks for the advice.

I liked it very much! The topic of independent games is especially relevant for us))) Thanks for the useful tips!

Very interesting article with useful conclusions!!!

Comment on the article "A child is 1 year old. Early development: where to start?"

Early development. Early development methods: Montessori, Doman, Zaitsev's cubes, teaching reading, groups, activities with children. I found an interesting film on early development on YouTube: "How to teach a child to learn from birth and finish school at the age of 7 - the method of P.V. Tyulenev ...


Finally, in the TV programs "Best of All" (First Channel) and "Amazing People" (Russia-1) they showed interesting results, early development according to the MIR system, set out in the books: "How to accelerate the intellectual development of a child" (1995), "Reading - before walking" and other books by P.V. Tyulenev (see: [link-1] teaching reading, sciences, foreign languages, chess, phenomenal physical development, musical development and other results, which began in 1988, see: - [link-2] and on this site on this call.
Honor and praise to Maxim Galkin, the wonderful host of the TV channel, the husband of the great Alla Pugacheva, who dared to show the excellent results of early development on the First not only to the whole country, but, I think, to the whole world.
Watch and admire, raise your children to be outstanding people and geniuses! :)

03.03.2017 06:55:46, remember well

Brief review. Methods of early development. Early development. Early development methods: Montessori, Doman, Zaitsev's cubes, teaching reading, groups, activities with children. Here is a video on the topic: How to teach a child to study from birth and finish school at 7 years old ...


Here is a video on the topic: How to teach a child to learn from birth and finish school at 7 years old? - cm.: [link-1]

What will happen if mother and grandmother do not interfere with children from studying according to this system of the school curriculum from birth?

Here, in the video, you can see that a child who studied independently according to the system of P.V. Tyulenev, without ever going to school, already at the age of 7 “takes” exams for secondary school:
- reads by heart "Eugene Onegin", all poems by M.Yu. Lermontov, etc. - according to the school program.
- in mathematics, the child went through all the topics, solved all the problems up to the 7th grade, etc. - in other videos too..

The main secret is that mother and grandmother do not know that the child is studying and reading school textbooks, instead of fairy tales!

Early development. Early development methods: Montessori, Doman, Zaitsev's cubes How does a child see school life, whose intellectual abilities are not developed? Remarkable results of early development: a child at 2 years old was taught to print letters and ...


Now in our country it is difficult to educate smart people ...

Yes, I looked at your links and the proposed material and the book itself ...
The book, on page 12, tells how ordinary parents (without special education) independently raised their children so successful that everyone recognizes them as gifted, talented ... Facts and examples from history are given;
"... Fact 1. Here, for example, is a story that almost all parents of the whole country, Germany, know. In the middle of the last century, Karl Witte's father, a priest, even before the birth of a child, during one of his sermons, argued with contemporary teachers, what will bring up an outstanding person ... As a result, already at the age of nine, his son, little Karl, entered the University of Leipzig, and a year later he brilliantly passed all the exams. I note that many outstanding people were brought up on the recommendations of Father Witte, including the founder cybernetics Norbert Wiener. And they all received their primary education at home, before the age of 5-6, became "wunderkinds" thanks to the application of recommendations by their parents, even before school age..."
Yes, if only parents really understood the importance of raising and educating children in the current conditions and could unite ...

Educational games. Early development. Early Development Methods: Montessori, Doman Seven books in total: "Development of color perception in children from 1 to 2 years old", "Development of Early Development Books. Glen Doman" How to develop a child's intelligence "Sessil Lupan" Believe ...

35 methods of early development. Methods. Early development. 35 methods of early development. Injustice to early development is fraught with big problems for parents and What is the point for me to develop children ?! “I don’t get paid for it, and they didn’t teach me how to do it.


Hello Friend and comrade of children and parents :))
I read YOU and somehow it really hit the topic.
Here explain to me, please, FOR WHAT to develop children?
To explain, you need to know what language of society you speak and understand?
Just in case, I'll try to "explain" in several languages:
1) in the language of a "developed" child
2) in the language of the parent
3) in the language of a traditional teacher
4) in the language of the teacher - innovator Boris Pavlovich Nikitin
5) in the language of the teacher - innovator Viktor Fedorovich Shatalov
6) in the language of an economist - sociologist
7) in the language of the film "The Spirit of the Times", that is, from the standpoint of a globalist, follower or descendant of the "Commissar of the Color (Red) Revolution", sent to Russia in 1917-1919.
8) in the language of the commissioners of the "color revolution" sent in 1991 - 1999 according to television programs about Chubais, an interview with the head of the State. Polevanov's property committee, and other authors of Privatization-1 and Privatization-2 (residential buildings), which began during the "crisis";
9) in the language of a macroeconomist
10) in the language of a microeconomist
12) in the language of the demographer

Life, society itself correct the personality, the child and all the correctors we know.
1) there are good spotters: teachers or parents who inspire and praise, and there are bad ones who make you "learn" and scold
2) Parents - spotters:
2.a. Parents who bring their love for the child to the point of absurdity and hypocritically cover up their irresponsibility with “love”: “The main thing is to love the child!! I want the child not to develop too much - how will I manage it? I want the child to always be mine, to live with me, I won’t even marry or marry! Or I will allow it, but then I will divorce it - if only my child was with me and my grandson - too! Therefore, I will not develop it: let it be defenseless, helpless - then it will always be with me! Let him play games, drink beer or drugs, etc. - if only he was always there!
2.b. I want the child to go further than me - let him develop my business, be smarter and more enterprising than me - I myself can’t hold my corporation in my hands, let him know the rules of conduct for Orthodox, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists and know exactly what competitors can do with him these faiths; let him be fluent in mathematical methods - in a competitive environment, accurate models are needed; let him own the word - you can't live without PR under capitalism; let him go in for sports, have some kind of category - sports will help him to be in good intellectual shape, live long and maintain health, let him be independent and help me and my mother, strictly observe the main commandment of the Bible: "Honor your father and mother so that your days will be long yours on this earth", and everything else is from the evil one, etc. etc.

List from 13th to 23rd method of early development:
13. Sukhomlinsky's method, or: one hundred circles and clubs for children in every kindergarten and school - teachers from Germany, Switzerland, France came to learn the experience of the Pavlysh secondary school.
14. Boris and Lena Nikitin, 1957 - 1968, Education from birth to school. Results: seven children, reading from the age of 3; the highest IQ in the world, 100% health, they entered school immediately in grades 3-4; - There was no PC, used: household items, "Intellectual games". Class: "Dad - educator", "Methodology of family lifestyle", "Methodology for large families".
15. Nikolai Zaitsev, 1980 teaching reading from 3-4 years old, results: beginning of reading at 3-4 years old. - used: cubes, tables, Zaitsev cards, PC - not used. Class: "Pedagogical methodology".
16. Tyulenev's technique, "Siberian technique for achieving maximum results", Tomsk: start reading before walking, as well as counting, knowing notes, doing things, playing chess ..., role-playing games, 1988 - 1995, 1988 , two children, followers in many countries, it is desirable to start training from pregnancy and from birth, journalism, chemistry. design, genomics, the book "how to raise a future president", etc. Results: texts, documents, champions, etc. ...rebenokh1.narod.r-u/recordmir.htm
17. Methods for compilation, popularization, etc. - in books published after 2000. Pervushina, Danilova, Manichenko, Zhukova and others, class: "prefabricated compilation methods".
The remaining methods are followers and distributors of old ideas and manuals - Montessori and others.
In many cases, you can’t mix different methods - it turns out like in a rainbow - “white color”, that is, empty ...
18. Methods of merchants, shop owners: a set of manuals made according to the ideas of the creators of the methods, for example, Doman, Nikitin, Montessori, Tyulenev, Zaitsev, cannot be considered a methodology ...
With indiscriminate use, such benefits also do not give serious results, distract and entertain the child.

Further pp. 19 - 21 analysis of early development methods is not intended for believers and sectarians:
19. Christian methods. The Orthodox method is to listen in church or read various books of the Bible or, in the children's version, on Sundays in Sunday schools according to a certain canonical schedule. The essence of religion is lost here, as a hidden pedagogical technique - the Old Testament, the Law of God and all "religious rites" were written more in order to convey wisdom and the rules of reasonable behavior primarily to children, through the behavior and implementation of religious traditions and orders by adults.
In the Law of God, the name of God is forbidden to be used and the appeal to the Almighty is used only to repeat and fulfill laws, rules of conduct, medical, social and other prescriptions. In Orthodoxy, on the contrary, out of 613 commandments, only 10, ten commandments are paid attention to, that is, only 0.15%, a thousand times less than religion requires! The name of God is not only repeated incessantly, instead of repeating thoughts for the sake of which God was invented!
In addition, countless images are made, which is strictly prohibited in the Law of God: “do not create images of anyone and do not worship ...”.
That is, the form has replaced the content, which the founder of monotheism, Moses, was so afraid of, brought up, I remind you, as a pharaoh, a king, or, in our opinion, as a president.
That is, someone deliberately eliminated the essence, texts, thoughts and intellect from Orthodoxy with “idols” and images, replaced reading with blind worship of images, services in Church Slavonic, and therefore no one understands anything.
That is why Orthodox peoples are rapidly dying out.
Protestant methods. So that ordinary people could read and know the Bible (the books of the Torah and 50 more books), Luther translated it from Latin into German.
20. Muslim method: the father is obliged to read (to the child) selected texts from the Koran up to 5 times a day. The Quran is recited in some form of verse. This achieves a strong memorization of many laws of the Torah, the Laws of God, which are set forth in the interpretation of the Koran: honoring parents, coding from bad habits and all, prohibitions on drunkenness, and so on. - which is observed among Muslims. This is the most powerful technique in terms of influence, since the father daily, up to five times, influences the child with a word and example.
21. The Jewish method - the mother is obliged to teach from conception, during pregnancy, and the father is strictly obliged from the very first days of the child's life every Saturday to read to the baby the book of the pharaoh - the "Bible", the Pentateuch of Moses or in another way - the Torah, and only this book! Why? - it’s clear that Pharaoh’s pupil Moses is not Chukovsky, Zakhoder, Pushkin or any other writer ... In addition, in principle, in this technique it is conceived that the child should hear his father repeat prayers, selected psalms three times a day, Scheduled.
22. Methodology according to Kabbalah - letters of the alphabet - the basis of the Universe. Everything comes down to the combination and combinations of the letters of the alphabet, to formulas that are given a mystical and miraculous meaning.
23. Bronnikov's technique: teaching a blind or visually impaired child to see. ... The results are said to be positive!

Part 3 to be continued :)

Conference "Early development" "Early development". Section: Methods of early development (what methods exist for the development of children in kindergarten). Analysis of early development methods and acc. Kindergarten. This is where I think there is a lot of confusion.


Of the famous names, you forgot Montessori and Lupan.
Regarding the results - register on the website of Lena Danilova and read the diaries (many are in closed access, so registration is needed, not a guest visit). There, mothers arrange a mixture of methods - from which one is more suitable for the child and are not afraid to experiment themselves.
I’ll say about my child that at the moment almost all of the above (except Lupan) are in use - Danilova, Nikitin, Montessori, Zaitsev, Doman, and my own ideas :-). But Tyulenev is not there, but somehow I was not very imbued with his loud slogans.

You have touched on a very important topic. Now my child is 2, 3. At one time, from 9m to 1g, they attended Montessori. Then the school of early development (leka, drawing, dancing). Now they are back to Montessori again. I must say that the effect of a “jump” in development is tangible, comparing with kids who don’t go anywhere. We bought Zaitsev's cubes (but there is not much interest yet, and it is difficult to implement this technique without help).
I think that everything should be in a timely manner, not violently and moderately (also, no one cancels games, reading, etc. at home). Most parents are taken to development schools so as not to do it themselves, laziness, no matter how strange it sounds!
It seems to me that up to 3 years the most acceptable (within reasonable limits) is the method of M. Montessori (2-3 times a week for 2 hours)

Early development methods: Montessori, Doman, Zaitsev's cubes, teaching reading, groups, activities with children. Methods of early development. I would like to know how best to develop a child after a year.


The best place to start is by exploring these sites, which have a ton of material on a wide variety of areas of development.
Here are links to topics. Very comfortably:
Here's the drawing:
Here's the math:
Different games:


The classical standards of preschool development are beyond doubt in their effectiveness. But Western methods, which are gaining popularity, also declare the most advanced ways of teaching a child. How to make the right choice?

Every parent wants to see their child harmoniously developed. To go to school prepared and adapted to new conditions, the child must learn this. Intellectual development should be taken care of from an early age.

Kindergartens, all kinds of centers for preparing a child for school are replete with various methods of preschool development. How to choose the best for your child and how not to make a mistake in your choice?

All methods can be conditionally divided into two groups: modern and classical traditional. What is their difference?

Traditional methods of development and training

Classical standards for the development of preschool children are usually practiced by public kindergartens. Since 2013, a law has come into force obliging preschool institutions to educate children according to a unified educational program. This standard, called GEF, includes the adopted rules:

Learning takes place in the form of a game. Any activity that is to some extent reminiscent of school activities is prohibited.

The inadmissibility of the evaluation and certification system. Children are classified by character, perseverance, ability and age group.

Three main teaching methods are used: visual, speech and practical.

A preschool institution is focused on acquiring the following skills for a child:

1. The ability to take the initiative at the right time and independently take the necessary actions.

2. Self-confidence and openness to the outside world and society.

3. Emotionally positive attitude towards yourself and others.

4. Development of fantasy and imagination.

5. Disclosure of creative abilities and the ability to use them.

6. Well-developed fine motor skills.

7. The ability to show an effort of will when performing certain actions.

8. Lively interest in the learning process.

As can be seen from this, preschool education and development is basically focused on obtaining and consolidating the necessary skills for a child to successfully study within the walls of the school. In the programs of the adopted standard, there is an emphasis on the development of speech, cognition, aesthetic taste, physical data and the social development of the individual.

Modern techniques

An alternative to the classical education of preschoolers are modern innovative methods. The peculiarity of these programs is that they are focused on the development of the child literally from the cradle. Traditional methods of teaching put the beginning of active development a little later.

The most popular are these methods:


Interestingly, initially this teaching method was specifically designed for children with some developmental disabilities. But quickly became popular among ordinary children. The essence of development is that the baby does not learn passively, but shows a keen interest in the learning process. The teacher or parents should take care of creating a favorable development environment around the child. Reading by this method is recommended to start no earlier than 3 years.

Zaitsev's technique

Developing cubes are the main development tool for this program. The objects, syllables and letters depicted on them allow the child to quickly learn the principles of reading. Author Nikolai Zaitsev considers classical teaching to read unacceptable and slows down the whole process. Cubes are different colors and vary in size. The characteristic ringing coming from them helps the baby learn to distinguish between vowels and consonants.

Waldorf technique

Children enrolled in this program put the main emphasis on the development of creative abilities and personality. Children are engaged in music, modeling, embroidery. The absence of an evaluation system, and the comprehensive development of the child's abilities, up to school age, makes this development program more and more in demand every day. The education of the individual and the development of spirituality are the fundamental methods of Waldorf.

These three development methods are increasingly being used by preschool educational centers and young creative parents.

Reasonable ratio

Comparing both groups of methods of preschool development, we can say that each of them has its pros and cons.

Classical learning standards cover the holistic development of the child. Years of proven teaching methods that pay equal attention to mental, cognitive and physical education. But group classes on this principle are completely devoid of individuality and do not listen to the needs of the child.

Modern methods of development often focus on one thing, completely losing sight of all the other aspects of the necessary harmonious upbringing.

The most preferable is a reasonable combination of traditional and modern way of development. It is better to take the distribution of norms from the classical scheme, learning to read will be more effective with the help of Zaitsev's cubes, creativity and a rich inner world will help to develop the method of Professor Waldorf, and natural knowledge of the world and the social environment will best be held under the guidance of Maria Montesorri.
