The most vulgar toys for children. The strangest children's toys

We are used to the fact that the creators of children's toys make them kind, exciting and educational, as it should be. But looking at the toys from this article, there is only bewilderment and fear for the children whose parents buy them this. The manufacturers of these toys have a clearly limitless, but sick fantasy.

How earlier child learn how to carve fish, the better.

This miniature golf club is sold in children's toy departments in some countries. Although she has a place in stores of completely different goods.

This toy is called “Kaba Kik”. Japanese manufacturers think it's fun to shoot yourself in the head for fun

Gibba Jubbler - if you grab this doll by the neck and shake it, she will start yelling. AND the only way to silence her - squeeze her neck harder. I wonder what skills manufacturers are going to educate the younger generation in this way

The doll is sold under the slogan "You don't have to wait until your breasts grow to start breastfeeding." The set includes directly plastic doll, practically indistinguishable from a human baby, and a special nipple that is attached to the clothes of a girl who has not reached puberty in the place where the breast should be. If the doll is attached to the nipple, she starts to suck. Of course, girls at all times rolled dolls through the streets in strollers and played mothers, but the game has never been so literal.

Pregnant fetus in the belly of a pregnant baby in a diaper ... Just the same recursion.

How easy is the problem to solve? love triangle"in the presence of a home unicorn. The animal, by the way, is equipped different diameter horns.

This doll is designed for special connoisseurs. All her intimate, and not so, places are covered with thick red hair. The manufacturer offers the child to shave the young troll.

The designer who created the unicorn got to the narwhal. The main character was equipped with four types of weapons and three victims.

Why does a clown need a syringe? Do not know. Ask manufacturers. But such a clown is the place in low-budget horror films.

All parents in all countries of the world teach their children how to use the toilet. But Japanese parents have an assistant - a toilet tiger cub Shimajiro. It exists not only in the form of a toy, cartoons are also dedicated to it, capable of causing hysteria among those who live outside the Land of the Rising Sun.

Tolerance and political correctness should be everywhere. Children's toys are no exception. Meet the transvestite doll.

What is natural is not ugly. So it is quite possible for children to play with urine and poop. The heroes became friends South Park"with Mr. Shit, than your child is worse.

A British company has released an educational toy for girls that aims to give girls 10 to 12 years old (maybe younger) the opportunity to become aware of their sexuality. The kit includes a two-meter-long folding pole that can be easily installed on any horizontal surface, a thigh band for accepting money, and several hand-drawn 100-dollar bills.

To give small children, especially girls, something that sticks, sorry, between the legs and, sorry again, vibrates - not the most best idea. The authors of the toy called Harry Potter Vibrating Broom have a different opinion. They think that they just made a cool copy of the broom that witches fly on.

This pig's head is made of a very flexible and malleable material. The pig can be rolled into a pancake, but then it will still take its original shape.

Hand on heart, we must admit that the biggest thing that shines in this life for the children of the poor from the black quarters of New York is the position of a janitor in a large skyscraper. So why not accustom them to this position from childhood? The Cleaning Trolley set includes everything from a cart and mops to aerosol cans.

Erwin the Little Patient is a plush man in a hospital gown. If you unzip Erwin's belly, you'll see him. internal organs, made of plush and which are almost an exact copy of real human organs, albeit "cartoon". All organs from the doll can be pulled out and examined, but putting them back is already more difficult, because without basic knowledge of anatomy human body placing them so that they do not fall out is not easy. But all the organs are marked with multi-colored Velcro, with the help of which the young surgeon will be able to fix them inside the doll in the correct order - there are the same ones inside. Note that the doll is sexless and has only respiratory, digestive and circulatory systems.

Dolls in the style of rappers for young Americans. Our toy makers need to take the idea and make hop-stop boy dolls.

Doll-Hitler. big question what the child, according to the manufacturers, should do with this doll

Inflatable slide in the form of a sinking Titanic

This toy toilet shoots you know what.

It's just a sled, and not at all what you think. You need to hold on to the thing in the center while descending a steep hill.

If we talk about children's toys, teddy bears, dolls in elegant dresses, cars and balls immediately come to mind. The usual set of entertainment for a child that is in every home looks something like this and may vary slightly, given the gender of the baby. But progress does not stand still, and modern children toys appeared that did not exist even some 15-20 years ago. Some of them can cause shock not only in grandparents, but also in parents. Why they were invented is not always clear. One thing is clear - you should not give such things into the hands of a child. Top 10 shocking children's toys - let's talk today about what can be waiting for us on the shelves in stores for kids. It remains to be hoped that prudent parents will not buy such creative creations for their children.

Doll with an abundance of vegetation on the body

Ranked 10th most strange toys for children - doll with an abundance of vegetation on the body. The child is invited to shave it in the right places. Why is this needed? Thus, the manufacturer wants to accustom children to the shaving process. The question is different - is it really necessary for the child?

- on the 9th line of our list of the most shocking and strange toys. In fact, these cute baby dolls are very funny and touching. They were born in 1987. Designed by Xavier Roberts. Coleco then obtained the rights to produce soft charming dolls with round faces. They were released in 1982 into mass production and instantly gained immense popularity among children. Released in 1996 New episode dolls, which shocked the parents who managed to buy this toy. The fact is that the new dolls could eat the plastic food that came with them. But the chewing mechanism built into the toy, which could not be turned off, ate everything indiscriminately - plastic food, and children's hair, and fingers. Eventually the toy was deemed dangerous and banned from production.

Moms of little girls are happy to buy charming Barbie dolls, and not a single little girl can resist the desire to receive such a gift. This doll has long become a symbol that is imitated and copied. For half a century of its existence, it has changed, and the most strange and unusual varieties of these famous dolls have been born.

Ranked 8th in the list of the most shocking children's toys, it is no longer as amazing as when it first appeared. The creators of the doll decided that everything in children's toys should be like in life. Therefore, Barbie has a folding belly, behind which hides a tiny baby.

Plump Barbie

Manufacturers also responded to one of the pressing problems of our time - obesity and a sedentary lifestyle. So it appeared fairly, comfortably sitting on the bed with a laptop. It ranks at number 7 on our list of the weirdest toys for kids.

Shocking children's toys are often found among collectible Barbies and dolls created to celebrate an event. For example, which can scare not only a child, but also an adult. She gets 6th place in the ranking of shocking and frightening children's toys.

At position 5 is a doll depicting Adolf Hitler. What guided the manufacturer, releasing a toy that unpleasantly struck many parents, is unknown.

- one of the strangest and most shocking toys. She looks pretty cute and does not arouse any suspicion until the moment when she is grabbed by the neck and shaken. At this point, she starts screaming. To make the doll stop making terrible screams, you need to squeeze its neck with all your might. What skills the manufacturer of this shocking child toy is trying to teach is unknown. Gibba Jabbler is on the 4th line of our rating.

Many educational children's toys are made with humor, but you need to buy them with care. Not every child can take it easy soft doll entitled . It looks funny and is a manual on the anatomy of internal organs. If you pull on the zipper on Erwin's belly, it will open and the child will be able to see what is hidden inside. Multicolored organs made from soft material fastened together with Velcro. Pulling on one of them, the child can get all the others and examine. On inner surface abdominal cavity toys drawn by the skeleton of Erwin. The most difficult and interesting thing is the process of returning organs to Right place. Not every adult is strong enough to cope with this task the first time. The idea as a whole is not bad, but the toy should not be bought for impressionable children, who may be frightened by such an “opening” of the doll. Erwin with a set of realistic internal organs is in third place in our rating.

In second place on the list of the most shocking children's - a pair of soft plush creatures. Many parents welcome early development kids and strive to instill in them a healthy interest in the world around them. Some manufacturers in an effort to create realistic educational toys often go too far. An example of this is Pee and Poo. They depict a drop of urine and another familiar waste product of the human body. What did the manufacturer of these extravagant soft toys? Carefully treat the products of your life, love and take care of them? And will there be children who want to receive such a “gift”?

As a child, almost all of us had a favorite Teddy bear, soft, warm and cozy. Creative toy makers have managed to get their hands on these cute creatures as well. On sale you can find terrifying realism zombie bears with eaten entrails, bared, bloodied maws and severed limbs. To give a baby such a bear, which occupies the first place in the list of the most shocking children's toys, is a real crime.

In conclusion of our article, I would like to remind parents of young children to be more careful with the choice of toys. It is very easy to harm the psyche of a baby or scare a lot. Manufacturers, on the other hand, often do not care at all what negative effect their “brilliant” creations can have on children. They are betting that unusual toy will interest the buyer looking for something extraordinary and interesting for his child.

The question is, why are children now so ... "unusual"?

Japanese cyber animals. Something like the infamous Tamagotchi that drove the world crazy in the second half of the nineties. But "rocobos" are very emotional little animals - they react to the intonation of the owner's voice. If the owner covers them with Japanese profanity, the faces on the LCD screens wrinkle, if he praises - on the contrary, they blur into a smile. Kannichi Ryotsu is a character in Japanese comic series and manga comics. A slightly dim-witted and slightly frostbitten cop. And what stupid, frostbitten Japanese cop can do without his own Tamagotchi?
Purely Japanese gadget. It connects to a computer via a USB port and winks at the owner every time the owner presses the H key on the keyboard. What is the point in general and the Japanese flavor in particular? It's simple - for brevity, the Japanese denote the concept of ecchi with the letter H (it's also "hentai", it's just Japanese porn). So this kid winks at his owner - I see what you're doing there, you old pervert.
If you have an extra two hundred dollars, then in Japan you can order a doll in the form of ... yourself. You can just look at yourself, you can play with yourself. And voodoo rituals in Japan, it seems, are not practiced.
Tolerance and political correctness should be everywhere. Children's toys are no exception. Meet the transvestite doll.

What is natural is not ugly. So it is quite possible for children to play with urine and poop. The heroes of "South Park" made friends with Mr. Shit, than your child is worse.
All parents in all countries of the world teach their children how to use the toilet. But Japanese parents have an assistant - a toilet tiger cub Shimajiro. It exists not only in the form of a toy, cartoons are also dedicated to it, capable of causing hysteria among those who live outside the Land of the Rising Sun.
This miniature golf club is sold in children's toy departments in some countries. Although she has a place in stores of completely different goods. Japanese children love to play with a doll depicting the President of the United States - Pearl Harbor is a thing of the past, Japan and America are now friends. But in Japan, even a toy American president takes on a Japanese flavor.
And this is creation Japanese designer Yoskai Yamamoto. The name of this toy can be translated as "a fish that came out of the water." Apparently, the exit from the water is not in the best way affected appearance unfortunate fish.
One of the cruelest toys I have ever seen in my entire life - a snow-white children's hat with blood stains on the top and a far from toy ax sticking out of it. A sort of entertainment for bloodthirsty children. By the way, for those to whom an ax is just an easy game, a variant of a hat with a model of a disgusting caterpillar is offered, which, tearing, in the truest sense of the word, the children's brain and the hat itself, crawls out in the dome area. In general, the spectacle is not for the faint of heart. First you need to stick one of your fingers into this contraption. Then you need to move your finger. Movements of your finger are tracked by a special sensor, digitized and displayed on the LCD screen. Several games are built into this thing - you can mock a little man, a panda, or poke your fingers in the face of a little girl. Such an unusual purely Japanese entertainment.
Only the Japanese can become the owner of plush herpes today. Obviously, only in the inflamed consciousness of the inhabitants of the country rising sun such a strange association could have been born between children's toys and biological atavisms. Beatles bears. The inspiration for the Chinese manufacturers seems to have come from psychotropic drugs and the cover of Sergeant Pepper.
Permanent hamster. Radiation destroyed people, it also made hamsters grow to such sizes. The same manufacturers offer everyone a life-size collapsible plush camel.
Every little girl is known to dream of becoming a stripper when she grows up. In the meantime, you can play with a small folding stripper pole. In Japan, perhaps, there are no cockroaches at all - the faithful companions of the life of many Russians. So they have to release such cockroach robots. Japanese cyber cockroaches are smart critters. They are equipped with sensors that allow them to avoid obstacles and scatter when they hear loud noises.
Giving young children, especially girls, something that sticks, sorry, between their legs and, sorry again, vibrates is not the best idea. The authors of the toy called Harry Potter Vibrating Broom have a different opinion. They think that they just made a cool copy of the broom that witches fly on. Taser, also known as a stun gun, is a familiar tool of the police in most countries of the world. The authors of a toy gadget called Police Electric Baton Shock apparently reasoned as follows - since children love to play policemen and bandits, then such a thing will definitely not hurt them. Fortunately, he does not shock, but if you do not calculate the force of the blow, then you can leave good bruises on the ribs. For only $3.50.
Buzz Svetik is the hero of the popular cartoon "Toy Story", a brave space ranger and devoted friend of all children, suddenly appears before us in an unexpected light. From a technical point of view, this is just a nozzle on a Coca-Cola glass. That's just the location of the straw for drinking is chosen, in our opinion, not entirely successful. Keep in mind - if your child drinks from such a glass, people will look at him strangely, point fingers and laugh, as if they were in the Comedy Club or on a program with Petrosyan. Whether you're a fan of De Niro's The De Niro movie or just a big fan of Russian roulette, you can play this game with your offspring without much harm to your health. The difference between this gadget and a real revolver lies only in the fact that it will not make a hole in your head, but only a good click on it with a plastic piston.
If your children have bothered you with requests to "have a puppy" - buy them this animal named Peeing Dog for a start. Ironing it is not so pleasant, because it is made of smooth plastic. He also cannot yelp and wag his tail. But he can do one thing and does it very well and very often. He is writing. Not dog urine, A plain water, but this is often enough to make your children come to their senses and start wanting something simpler - for example, an aquarium with fish. Prepare for a career as a security guard at a major airport with the Playmobile Security Checkpoint Kit. True, it costs a lot - $ 175. See it as an investment in your son's future.
This plastic copy baby can not only "ask for a boob", but also imitate the process of sucking it. Perfectly manages with the supplied rubber nipple, but still prefers living flesh. If the sight of your own five-year-old daughter, on whose chest such a cybernetic leech will stick, does not drive you into a stupor, get ready to part with $ 118.
Throw a handful of this miraculous powder into a bath filled with water and the contents will turn deep Blue colour and turn into a gel. Liquid enough to splash in it, but at the same time so thick that it can be smeared with it like a healing mud. But that's not all - it's worth pouring another powder (supplied in the kit) into the resulting gel, as there will again be ordinary water in the bath. These key rings are apparently designed for Japanese vegetarians. With the help of these gizmos, you can study in detail the anatomical structure of animals and fish, which are eaten by bloodthirsty lovers of stew, sausage and canned fish. Only a keychain in the form of a skinned panda stands out from this lineup - these bears, as far as I know, are not eaten in the East. But maybe such a keychain was made specifically to annoy the Chinese - Japan has had very strained relations with China since the thirties of the twentieth century.

Hand on heart, we must admit that the biggest thing that shines in this life for the children of the poor from the black quarters of New York is the position of a janitor in a large skyscraper. So why not accustom them to this position from childhood? The Cleaning Trolley set includes everything from a cart and mops to aerosol cans. This pig's head is made of a very flexible and malleable material. The pig can be rolled into a pancake, but then it will still take its original shape.
If this puppet doll had no legs, there would be no vulgar thoughts when looking at it. Why does a clown need a syringe? Do not know. Ask manufacturers. But such a clown is the place in low-budget horror films. The sooner a child learns to carve fish, the better.
And this doll can become best friend not only your child, but also your cat. This toy toilet shoots you know what.
This gun is much more harmless - it shoots teddy bears.
Yes, there are such toys. It's just a sled, and not at all what you think. You need to hold on to the thing in the center while descending a steep hill.
In fact - the same Barbie, only not with a slender waist, but with big belly. In which there is a small plastic baby. At any time, you can give birth and get a mother with baby. The cost of the kit is $100. Barbie for future drug addicts.
obese barbie.
Barbie zombie.
Barbie with anorexia. This is if the child likes to play in the cemetery, probably ..
The following are just pictures with no description.

There are many wonderful children's toys in the world: these are teddy bears, and elegant dolls, and cars for children. But sometimes in stores you come across completely unimaginable and terrible toys which definitely should not be bought by a child.

wuzzup brings to your attention 10 terrible and shocking children's toys.

10. Doll with an abundance of vegetation on the body

On the 10th place of the strangest toys for children is a doll with an abundance of vegetation on the body. The child is invited to shave it in the right places. Why is this needed? Thus, the manufacturer wants to accustom children to the shaving process. The question is different - is it really necessary for the child?

9. Cabbage Patch Snacktime Kids Dolls

Cabbage Patch Snacktime Kids dolls are number 9 on our list of the most shocking and bizarre toys. In fact, these cute baby dolls are very funny and touching. They were born in 1987.

Designed by Xavier Roberts. Coleco then obtained the rights to produce soft adorable dolls with round faces.

They were released in 1982 into mass production and instantly gained immense popularity among children. In 1996, a new series of dolls was released, which shocked the parents who managed to buy this toy. The fact is that the new dolls could eat the plastic food that came with them. But the chewing mechanism built into the toy, which could not be turned off, ate everything indiscriminately - plastic food, and children's hair, and fingers. Eventually the toy was deemed dangerous and banned from production.

8 Pregnant Barbie

Moms of little girls are happy to buy charming Barbie dolls, and not a single little girl can resist the desire to receive such a gift. This doll has long become a symbol that is imitated and copied. For half a century of its existence, it has changed, and the most strange and unusual varieties of these famous dolls have been born.

The pregnant Barbie, ranked 8th in the ranking of the most shocking children's toys, is no longer as amazing as when it first appeared. The creators of the doll decided that everything in children's toys should be like in life. Therefore, Barbie has a folding belly, behind which hides a tiny baby.

7Plump Barbie

Manufacturers also responded to one of the pressing problems of our time - obesity and a sedentary lifestyle. So there was a fairly plump Barbie, comfortably sitting on the bed with a laptop. It ranks at number 7 on our list of the weirdest toys for kids.

6. Zombie Barbie

Shocking children's toys are often found among collectible Barbies and dolls created to celebrate an event. For example, Barbie is a zombie that can scare not only a child, but also an adult. She gets 6th place in the ranking of shocking and frightening children's toys.

5. Adolf Hitler

At position 5 is a doll depicting Adolf Hitler. What guided the manufacturer, releasing a toy that unpleasantly struck many parents, is unknown.

4. Gibba Jubbler

Gibba Jubbler is one of the strangest and most shocking toys. She looks pretty cute and does not arouse any suspicion until the moment when she is grabbed by the neck and shaken. At this point, she starts screaming.

To make the doll stop making terrible screams, you need to squeeze its neck with all your might. What skills the manufacturer of this shocking child toy is trying to teach is unknown. Gibba Jabbler is on the 4th line of our rating.

3. Erwin, the little patient

Many educational children's toys are made with humor, but you need to buy them with care. Not every child can calmly relate to a soft doll called "Erwin, the little patient." It looks funny and is a manual on the anatomy of the internal organs of a person. If you pull on the zipper on Erwin's belly, it will open and the child will be able to see what is hidden inside. The multi-colored organs, made of soft material, are fastened together with Velcro.

Pulling on one of them, the child can get all the others and examine. On the inner surface of the abdominal cavity of the toy, Erwin's skeleton is drawn. The most difficult and interesting thing is the process of returning the organs to the right place. Not every adult is strong enough to cope with this task the first time. The idea as a whole is not bad, but the toy should not be bought for impressionable children, who may be frightened by such an “opening” of the doll. Erwin with a set of realistic internal organs is in third place in our rating.

2. Pee and Poo

In second place on the list of the most shocking children's toys is a pair of soft plush creatures Pee and Poo. Many parents welcome the early development of babies and strive to instill in them a healthy interest in the world around them. Some manufacturers in an effort to create realistic educational toys often go too far. An example of this is Pee and Poo. They depict a drop of urine and another familiar waste product of the human body. What did the manufacturer of these extravagant soft toys want to teach kids?

Carefully treat the products of your life, love and take care of them? And will there be children who want to receive such a “gift”?

1. Zombie bear

In childhood, almost each of us had a favorite teddy bear, soft, warm and cozy. Creative toy makers have managed to get their hands on these cute creatures as well. On sale you can find zombie bears, terrifying in their realism, with eaten insides, bared bloodied mouths and torn off limbs. To give a baby such a bear, which occupies the first place in the list of the most shocking children's toys, is a real crime.

Incredible Facts

Toys have been created for centuries and made for different purposes.

Today you can find toys for all ages, and they have one goal - to bring joy to the owner of the toy.

But there are instances that would hardly be able to bring joy, rather the opposite. Among the many toys, there are those that can cause horror not only in children, but also in adults.

strange toys

10. Piggy bank with a face

This creepy toy appeared in Japan just a few years ago. The idea is simple - just feed the toy with money. By the way, the rubber part of the toy moves when the mouth begins to "swallow" coins and banknotes, and at the same time the toy looks into your eyes with a frightening look.

9. Cheerfulchimpanzee

The most a big problem this toy is its kind. It looks like she's playing a part in some kind of horror movie. These monkeys began to be produced in the 1950s, and later in the 1970s. Then there were many varieties of these toys.

8. Skinny as a skeleton

In the 1970s, children in the United States began to collect these skinny dolls in their homes. In total there were three types of such a toy: with blue sticks and a toy head of a boy, the same model, but Pink colour and a toy head of a girl, and an anorexic dog for this duet.

The strangest toys

7. Shave your baby

This little red doll is covered in big clumps of red hair on her head, legs, armpits and of course intimate places. It is worth noting that this toy produced in limited quantities. The Polish artist created only 10 models. The idea was to create the ugliest doll of all time so that you can play with stereotypes in today's culture.

Later, the artist created an aunt for the baby. This doll was of the same type, only it looked not like a child, but like an older woman with bad makeup and a nightgown.

6 Hugo, The Man With A Thousand Faces

Hugo is a master of disguise. It seems that in most creepy toys, dead eyes play an important role. What's even more creepy about this toy is the lack of legs and his transformation parts make Hugo a great character in horror movies where he plays a serial killer.

5. Erwin- smallpatient

Toy manufacturer Sigikid wants your child to learn human anatomy by dissecting plush toy and extracting the insides from it.

Weird toys for kids

4. Little nameless miss

In 1965, Hasbro, which created many interesting toys And board games for children and adults, decided to release creepy doll. The girl with no name was dressed in strange clothes and she was sold with an outstretched hand. The company's idea was to sell dolls that weren't as pretty and well-groomed as Barbie, and that would hit customers to the core. Little Miss even has a tear in one eye.

Today, such a doll can be purchased in online stores for $ 500.

3. Vengeful narwhal

The box says "With four magical tusks and three cute animals that can be pierced." This toy is terrible for several reasons:

a) She looks funny. They are more like decorative figurines.

B) There is a terrible picture on the box: a penguin pierced through and through with a narwhal out of revenge.

C) It is not clear why narwhals have so much hatred for penguins.

2. Floatingdolls

These toys were made in France in the 19th century. The child threw them into the bath and the dolls should have started to swim (unless it occurred to them to drag the person into the water). But why are their body parts so disproportionate? Their arms are crooked and their clothes are not suitable for bathing. Perhaps they used to swim in such outfits, but one way or another, the clothes only make these dolls more creepy.

1. Japanese pregnancy study doll

These toys could be found in Japan in the 18th and 19th centuries and were sold exclusively for wealthy people. Children could disassemble and assemble the toy. It is worth noting that these porcelain dolls were made to look like real people. Moreover, from an anatomical point of view, they were also as close to reality as possible. Their stomach and pelvis were removed, and of course the pregnancy doll could not do without an umbilical cord attached to the fetus.
