Socio-communicative development of preschool children. "Social and communicative development of preschool children through games" Material on social communicative development

Organization: MBDOU No. 101

Location: Murmansk region, Murmansk

Currently, special attention is paid to the problem of social and communicative development and education of preschoolers, which is one of the components of the draft Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education.

The problem of familiarization with the social world has always been and still remains one of the leading ones in the process of shaping the personality of a child. Historical analysis convinces of the need to provide the child with qualified assistance in the complex process of entering the world of people.

What is social and communicative development? This is a complex process during which the child learns the values, traditions, culture of the society or community in which he will live.

This is the development of a positive attitude of the child towards himself, other people, the world around him, the development of the communicative and social competence of children. The most important basis for the full-fledged social and communicative development of a child is his positive self-perception: confidence in his abilities, that he is good, that he is loved.

The relevance of this topic is related to the processes taking place in modern society. Life puts before the theory and practice of education and upbringing, in addition to traditional questions - what and how to teach in modern conditions, a priority problem: how to form a person who would meet the requirements of society at the current stage of historical development. That is why today we turn to the identity of the child, to the analysis of the processes that influence its formation.

Modern society requires initiative young people who are able to find "themselves" and their place in life, restore Russian spiritual culture, morally stable, socially adapted, capable of self-development and continuous self-improvement. The basic structures of the personality are laid down in the first years of life, which means that the family and preschool institutions have a special responsibility for educating such qualities in the younger generation.

In this regard, the problem of social and communicative development - the development of a child in interaction with the world around him - becomes especially relevant at this modern stage.

This fact is reflected in the main federal documents: the Federal State Educational Establishment, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", in the "Convention on the Rights of the Child".

Being a priority, the social and communicative development of children today is brought to the rank of strategic directions for the renewal of Russian education, including preschool education, and is directly related not only to pedagogy, but also to psychology, which studies the influence of the social environment on the development of the child's personality.

Thus, the goal of our psychological and pedagogical activity is to stimulate the social and communicative development of preschoolers through play activities in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

The question arises - what tasks should be set for the staff of the preschool educational institution and parents in order to stimulate the social and communicative development of children?

These are the following tasks:

  • mastering the initial ideas of a social nature and the inclusion of children in the system of social relations;
  • development of self-awareness of children;
  • creating conditions for the development of cultural and personal relations in children in the process of interaction with peers and adults;
  • development of communicative competence;
  • the formation of adequate self-esteem and a positive attitude towards others;
  • development of play activity in children.

Subject psychological and pedagogical work has become the social and communicative development of preschoolers.

object psychological and pedagogical work were children of preschool age.

Members psychological and pedagogical activity: children, teacher-psychologist, educators, specialists, parents.

We distinguish the following stages of the implementation of psychological and pedagogical activities:

  • Preparatory stage. Carrying out primary diagnostics of the social-personal and cognitive-speech spheres, drawing up a work plan.
  • Main stage. Carrying out correctional and developmental educational activities.
  • The final stage. Final diagnosis. Analysis of the work carried out.

In the expected result, we focus on the targets for the Federal State Educational Standard:

On the initiative and independence of the child in various activities - playing, communicating, designing, etc.

The child's self-confidence, openness to the outside world, a positive attitude towards himself and others. Active interaction with peers and adults, participation in joint games. The ability to negotiate, take into account the interests and feelings of others.

The child's possession of various forms and types of play. Understanding of oral speech and the ability to express their thoughts and desires.

Based on this, the expected result psychological support of social and communicative development:

  • -development of a positive attitude of the child to himself, other people, the world around him;
  • creating conditions for the formation of a positive self-perception in the child - confidence in their abilities, that they are good, that they love them;
  • the formation of a child's self-esteem, awareness of their rights and freedoms (the right to have their own opinion, choose friends, toys, activities, have personal items, use personal time at their own discretion);
  • fostering a positive attitude of the child towards other people - respect and tolerance for children and adults, regardless of social origin, race and nationality, language, religion, gender, age, personal and behavioral identity; respect for the self-esteem of other people, their opinions, desires, views;
  • introducing children to the values ​​of cooperation with other people: assisting in realizing the need for people in each other, planning joint work, subordinating and controlling their desires, coordinating opinions and actions with partners in activities;
  • development in children of a sense of responsibility for another person, a common cause, a given word;
  • the formation of the child's communicative competence - the development of communicative skills, coherent speech and lexical and grammatical categories;
  • the formation of social skills in children: the development of various ways to resolve conflict situations, the ability to negotiate, follow the order, establish new contacts.

At the preparatory stage, a study was made of the level of development of self-consciousness, self-esteem and sociometric status in pupils aged 4-7 years (“Studying children's self-consciousness and gender and age identification”, Belopolskaya N.L., “Studying the features of self-esteem and the relationship between the real I and the ideal I” (“Ladder ”) Nizhegorodtseva N.V., “The study of social emotions”, manual “Diagnostics of the development and upbringing of preschoolers in the Educational system “School 2100”. Korepanova M.V., Kharlampova E.V., 2005 a group of children 4-7 years old, Methodology: "Choice in action", "Studying communication skills", G. A. Uruntaeva, Y. A. Afonkina., Collecting information about the individual personal characteristics of pupils by observation, Korepanov M. V., Kharlampova E.V.)

The next step in the technology of supporting the social and communicative development of children is main stage.

At this stage, group correctional and developmental work is carried out with children according to the program of social and personal development "I know myself" Authors: Korepanova M.V., Kharlampova E.V. 2007

Also used materials "Let's get acquainted!" Training development and correction of the emotional world of preschoolers 4-6 years old. Pazukhina I.A., 2004

Upon request and necessity, individual correctional and developmental work is carried out (correction of social and emotional disorders) using communicative speech games and art technologies.

The program "Know thyself" is considered by us in the first place as psychological and pedagogical support of the child's development process. Mastering the experience of subject-practical activity, preschoolers learn to “listen” to their feelings, feelings, thoughts; learns to evaluate the effectiveness of this activity in terms of meeting their own needs and benefiting others. Knowledge is not an end in itself, but a condition for personal development. Their importance lies not in their accumulation, but in the possibility of solving life problems with their help.

The mechanism of functioning of psychological and pedagogical support is based on the child's emotional and sensory perception of life (L.S. Vygotsky repeatedly pointed out the importance of the development of the emotional sphere at preschool age), on his natural need to know himself, the surrounding objective and social world, on the search for his worthy place in it.

A great influence on the formation of the image of the world of a preschooler, the enrichment of ideas about one's own "I" as a subject of activity and relations has the environment surrounding the child in a preschool institution.

1. An environment created for a child by adults(in accordance with the requirements of the educational program).

2. Environment as part of the "I" of the child(“what keeps me warm”). Its content is determined by the objects and toys that the child brings from home.

3. Environment as a component of children's subculture reflects the desire and needs of children in the dynamic nature of the environment, its transformation in accordance with the requirements of the game, psycho-emotional situation.

The foundation of the program is its orientation to the natural curiosity of a preschooler, including on the interest of the child perception of oneself by peers and adults, the search for one's place in the system of social relations, the world around.

The program is addressed to children of middle and senior groups. For babies it is recommended to use separate games and exercises from the section for the middle group, at the discretion of the teacher. We proceed from the characteristics of the younger preschool age. In early childhood, it is still not easy for kids to recognize their feelings and sensations, to talk about them. And yet, the elementary experience that the younger preschooler already has allows him to understand the feelings of resentment, joy, fear that he himself experiences among his peers. It is common for a child at this age to express his feelings either in a smile, joyful laughter, or, conversely, in a loud cry, in which fear, and resentment, and pain may lie. Therefore, it is good when an adult is next to a child at these moments, it helps him get rid of negative experiences and creates a good mood.

The process of social and personal development of preschoolers includes various types of activities: research, subject, visual, and so on.

In our project, the priority is playful and communicative pupils' activities. The game gives the child accessible ways of modeling the life around him, which make it possible to master the reality that is difficult for him to reach (A.N. Leontiev). The most significant events are reflected in the child's games, they can be used to trace what worries society, what ideals are formed in children. Reflecting in the game the events of the surrounding world, the preschooler, as it were, becomes their participant, gets acquainted with the world, acting actively. He sincerely experiences everything that he imagines in the game. And joint activity with an adult is a kind of school for the transfer of social experience.

Other activities also contribute to the process of socialization of the individual in accordance with their specifics and therefore are used by us in conjunction with each other.

Let us now turn our attention to specific tasks on social and communicative development of preschoolers for every age solved at the main stage of psychological and pedagogical activity.

AT junior preschool age, the following tasks are set: to develop in children a benevolent attitude towards loved ones; awaken emotional responsiveness to the state of close people, peers, heroes of fairy tales, etc .; help to master the ways of interaction with adults and peers in the game, in everyday communication; accustom to the implementation of elementary rules of behavior; develop the ability to convey different emotional states in games, empathize with the mood of peers; enrich children's ideas about people (appearance, gender differences, etc.), about the family.

AT average preschool age tasks - to develop in preschoolers the ability to understand the moods and feelings of people around them, show a friendly attitude towards them, strive for communication and interaction; expand your understanding of the world around you; learn to navigate the rules and norms of the culture of behavior and communication; develop emotional responsiveness.

AT senior preschool age - to enrich ideas about people, their relationships, emotional and physical states; to teach to "read" emotions in facial expressions, gestures, intonation; encourage active manifestation of emotional responsiveness (regret, console, treat, etc.); educate a culture of behavior and communication; to deepen ideas about the family, related relations; actively express kindness to loved ones; acquaint with the forms of greeting, farewell, expressing gratitude, making a request; develop self-control over their actions; deepen ideas about yourself, your body, personal qualities, capabilities, achievements; develop a sense of self-respect, self-esteem; to direct the consciousness, feelings and actions of children to the commission of humane and fair deeds.

When conducting group developing work with pupils, main forms of GCD are: games (communicative, role-playing, theatrical, didactic), etudes, training exercise, conversation, observation, pedagogical situation, listening to music, drawing, relaxation gymnastics, reading works of art with subsequent analysis.

And during the individual correctional and developmental work with children (correction of socio-emotional disorders upon request), game therapy, art therapy, training exercises, psycho-regulatory training are used to develop skills for self-control of behavior and alleviate emotional stress.

Solving the problems of this course is impossible without the active participation of parents. The workbook, presented in the form of a diary, called “This is Me”, is filled out by children not only in the GCD process, but also at home, together with their parents. Then, in the form of individual or group conversations, the content is discussed in the kindergarten. The material contained in the workbook complements the content of the "Knowing Myself" course presented in the guidelines. This allows the child to get more complete and versatile knowledge about himself. It is important that the process of working with the diary is accompanied by communication between the child and the adult.

On this topic "Features of the development of children's self-awareness" consultations are held with parents (group and individual).

On the topic “”, a training session “How to communicate with a small manipulator” is held with parents, a business game “Reward and punishment: what is more important?”, Consultations in the club of caring parents “How to develop communication skills in a child”, “By nature, every child is gifted. .", "Peculiarities of education of girls and boys".

On the topic “with parents, a workshop “Which parenting style to choose?”, A training course “How to form an adequate self-esteem in a child?”, Consultations in the club of caring parents “In the world of children’s emotions”, “Children’s egoism”, “Problems of interpersonal relations of children” are held.

By topic "Social and communicative development of preschool children (3-7 years old)" parents are consulted in the club of caring parents (group and individual) on the topics: "Childhood is very important", "How to develop self-control skills in children?", "Children's lies or fantasy?"

A large role in the successful social and communicative development of preschoolers is played by a team of like-minded people, which is formed from the administration of the kindergarten, educators, a psychologist, a speech therapist, and music directors.

Educators form children's ideas about society, themselves, the people around them, nature and the man-made world, educate social feelings, an active life position. Musical directors help in creating matinees, dramatizations, in the development of cultural and personal relations in children through inclusion in theatrical activities. A speech therapist participates in the socialization of the child's personality through the development of coherent speech, an active dictionary, lexical and grammatical categories. violations.

Stimulation of the social and personal development of children is impossible without a detailed and in-depth study of the issue by educators and specialists of preschool educational institutions.

Group and individual consultations are held with teachers on the topic “ Features of accompanying the development of children's self-awareness.

On the issue " Development of communicative competence in children» with teachers, a training course is held on "Effective interaction with children", as well as a training session for personal growth, consultations on "Developing communication skills in children", "Prevention of children's conflicts".

On this topic " Formation of adequate self-esteem and a positive attitude towards other people in children a workshop “Special children. What are they like?”, training session “Interaction with shy (anxious, aggressive, hyperactive) children”.

On this topic "Social and communicative development of preschool children (3-7 years old)" consultations are held with educators (group and individual) “Games that develop self-knowledge, relaxation games and exercises”, “Crises in the personal development of the child”, “Children's initiative as a condition for the development of gaming activities”.

Analyzing the experience of psychological and pedagogical support for the social and communicative development of preschoolers in preschool educational institution No. 101, the following can be done conclusions:

  • the social and communicative development of children is being brought today to the rank of strategic directions for the renewal of Russian education;
  • preschool age is a sensitive period in the social development of a person;
  • technologies for supporting social and communicative development include preparatory (diagnostic), main (correctional and developmental) and final (diagnostic and analytical) stages;
  • game activity in the process of social and communicative development is a priority, since the game gives the child access to ways of modeling the life around him, mastering patterns of behavior.
  • The complex interaction of teachers, specialists and parents contributes to an increase in the level of psychological competence of the participants in the pedagogical process and has a positive effect on children.
  • As a result of psychological support for the social and communicative development of children, there is a tendency to increase the number of pupils with a high level of development of self-awareness and self-esteem, as well as communication skills. The optimal level of psychological comfort in the children's team of preschool educational institutions is noted.

Thus, the created model for stimulating the social and communicative development of preschoolers through play activities in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education is effective and contributes to the dynamics of the development of the emotional and personal sphere in preschoolers.


  1. Babunova T.M. Preschool Pedagogy - Pedagogy of Development. Magnitogorsk, 2004.
  2. Korepanova M.V., Kharlampova E.V. I know myself. Guidelines for the program of social and personal development of preschool children. M., 2007 .
  3. Korepanova M.V., Kharlampova E.V. Diagnostics of the development and education of preschoolers in the educational system "School 2100". M., 2005.
  4. Pazukhina I.A. Let's get acquainted! Training development and correction of the emotional world of preschoolers 4-6 years old. St. Petersburg, 2004.
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  9. Kryazheva N.L. The world of children's emotions. Children 5-7 years old. Yaroslavl, 2000.
  10. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T.D., Grabenko T.M. Workshop on creative therapy. SPb., 2003.
  11. Sobkin V.S., Skobelnitsina K.N., Ivanova A.I. and others. Sociology of preschool childhood. Proceedings on the sociology of education. T. XVII, Issue XXIX. - M .: Institute of Sociology of Education of the Russian Academy of Education, 2013.

Tasks of the educational area "Social and communicative development":

- the assimilation of norms and values ​​accepted in society, including moral and ethical values;
- development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers;
- the formation of independence, purposefulness and self-regulation of one's own actions;
- development of social and emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness, empathy;
- formation of readiness for joint activities with peers;
- the formation of a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one's family and to the community of children and adults;
- the formation of positive attitudes towards various types of work and creativity;
- formation of the foundations of safe behavior in everyday life, society, nature.

GEF preschool education repeatedly points to the child, development positive self-perception and formation positive attitude to human activities and to the environment. However, this is not only ensuring emotional well-being preschooler and getting new experience with joy and pleasure.
The concept of "positive socialization" should be considered much broader: it is ability to interact with people around, reach common interests c, build your behavior and activities, considering the needs and interests of others.

Speech, in this case, is component of active communicative behavior, product and element of socialization. With the help of speech, the child masters constructive ways and means of interaction with other people, namely:

- enters into communication, maintains and completes communication;
- able to communicate in a pair, group, in a team;
- Shows initiative in interacting with others.

The task of the teacher- in such a way to organize interaction with the child so that it is aimed at the formation of positive socialization and personal development of the preschooler.

Dear teachers! If you have questions about the topic of the article or have difficulties in working in this area, then write to

Tolkacheva Oksana Alexandrovna


MKDOU kindergarten No. 21, Revda, Sverdlovsk region


"Social and communicative development of preschool children through games".

Modern society requires enterprising, morally stable, socially adapted young people who are able to find "themselves" and their place in life, to restore Russian spiritual culture.

The main personality traits are laid down in the first years of life, which means that the family and preschool institutions have a special responsibility for educating such qualities in the younger generation.

In this regard, the problem of social and communicative development - the development of the child in interaction with the world around him - becomes especially relevant at this modern stage.

This fact is reflected in the main federal documents that determine the activities of educational institutions. So articles 12 and 13 of the Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" establish general requirements for the programs and content of education, which should primarily focus on the adaptation of the individual to life in society and the creation of conditions for its self-realization.

The concept of modernization of Russian education emphasizes: "The most important tasks of education are the formation of spirituality and culture, initiative, independence, tolerance, and the ability to successfully socialize in society."

The standard of preschool education, defining the mandatory minimum content of the program implemented in the preschool educational institution, puts forward a number of requirements for the social and communicative development of its pupils.

Thus, being a priority, the social and communicative development of children today is brought to the rank of strategic directions for the renewal of Russian education, including preschool education.

The main directions for the implementation of the socio-communicative development of preschoolers in preschool educational institutions are:

    development of children's play activities in order to master various social roles;

    formation of the foundations of safe behavior in everyday life, society, nature;

    labor education;

    moral and patriotic education of preschool children.

Let's take a closer look at each of these areas.

The game is not entertainment, but a special method of involving children in creative activity, a method of stimulating their activity. The social and communicative development of preschoolers occurs through the game as a leading children's activity. The game is a school of social relations in which the forms of the child's behavior are modeled.

Our institution has all the conditions for games - experiments, educational, ritual, plot, theatrical, leisure games. To establish dialogical communication between the educator and children, desktop-printed, didactic games, games with rules are used.

And our task is to correctly and skillfully help children acquire the necessary social skills in the game.

The next direction in the implementation of the educational area "Social and communicative development" is the formation of the foundations of safe behavior in everyday life, society, and nature.

In our preschool institution, the education of safe behavior skills for preschoolers is carried out on the basis of the child’s desire to learn about the world around him, using his curiosity, visual-figurative thinking and immediacy of perception. Priority is given to individual and subgroup forms of work with children.

This work is being done through:

    organized activities of children - classes, excursions, trainings;

    joint activities of adults and children - dramatization of fairy tales, conversations between the teacher and the child, observation, work, reading fiction;

    free independent activity of children - role-playing games.

The main content of the work on the formation of safe behavior skills in children in the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard is the development of projects, the main purpose of which is to expand the ideas of pupils that safety depends on themselves, on compliance with certain rules (hygiene, traffic, life in a team) from the ability to anticipate and avoid possible danger.

The main goal of the labor education of preschool children is the formation of the child's personality, as well as the correct attitude to work. Labor develops a preschooler's intelligence, observation, attention, concentration, memory, and also strengthens his physical strength and health.

Kindergarten teachers, using a variety of forms of work, instill in children the ability and desire to work, help elders and comrades, and take care of babies. Children enjoy working in a group and on the site, working collectively and individually. They feel like real masters in their group, on their site, in their kindergarten, where it should be beautiful, clean and comfortable.

In modern conditions, when profound changes are taking place in the life of society, one of the central areas of work with preschoolers is patriotic education. In the age of computerization and the crazy rhythm of life, there is a need to return to the best traditions of our people. Therefore, the teaching staff of the kindergarten pays special attention to this direction of social and communicative development of preschoolers.

The preschool educational institution has developed and successfully implemented programs on local history, environmental education of preschoolers, the main goal of which is to instill in preschool children not only love for the Motherland, but also the ability to preserve, protect and increase the wealth of their native land.

Work on moral and patriotic education goes through all types of children's activities and brings tangible results. Children not only have knowledge about their homeland, their region, but take an active part in the life of the city, for example, cleaning their plot in kindergarten, visiting monuments, museums.

For several years, our pupils have been active participants in district, regional competitions on moral, patriotic and environmental education, and environmental campaigns.

And kindergarten teachers successfully share their work experience through the media and print media.

Constant, continuous work in all 4 areas of this educational area contributes to the social and communicative development of each child. We have the opportunity to see how children become more liberated and independent, purposeful and self-confident, sociable, more attentive and caring towards their peers and adults; capable of mutual understanding and cooperation.

But the most important thing is what the work of teachers in our kindergarten is aimed at, so that children live the period of childhood happily. After all, childhood is the most important and amazing time in a person’s life. Childhood should be given the greatest respect.

A preschool child is a person who plays, therefore, the Federal State Educational Standard stipulates that learning enters a child's life through the gates of children's play. The right to play is also recorded in the Convention on the Rights of the Child: “Every child has the right to play, rest, to participate in cultural and creative life.”

The lack of communication skills significantly complicates the internal disclosure of the child and its implementation in the educational process, peer environment and society as a whole, leads to non-constructive communication of the child and the appearance of deviations in his socialization. But there is a possibility of correcting the already developed communicative skills, so the socio-pedagogical work on the formation of communicative skills in pupils becomes relevant, since the characteristics of this age allow us to count on high efficiency.

It is this type of play activity that includes various ways of a child’s interaction with both an adult and children of his age, helps children to get to know the world around them, each other and themselves better.

A preschooler who does not know how to play cannot communicate meaningfully, is not capable of joint activities, and is not interested in peer problems. In order to avoid alienation, hostility, aggressiveness, and these are all consequences of the child’s inability to communicate with others, they lead to the need to create conditions that should contribute to the gradual development of the game as a specifically leading activity of a preschooler - an indispensable school of communication, thinking and voluntary behavior.

Objective of the project: the development of social and communicative skills and abilities of children through play activities.

Project Objectives:

1. Raise a positive attitude of the child towards himself, other people, the world around him.

2. Develop social skills in children: mastering various ways to resolve conflict situations; ability to negotiate; keep order; make new contacts.

3. To form the child's communication skills - the ability to recognize emotional experiences and the states of others, the expression of one's own experiences.

4. To carry out correctional and developmental work for children with communication problems in the conditions of the game.

5. Organize parent-child cooperation in various activities.

The project implementation consists of four blocks:

Correction-developing classes,

Communication games and exercises,

role acceptance method,

Modeling of problem situations.

Each block is aimed at solving several problems.

Each block is based on such didactic principles as the transition from simple to complex, consistency and concentricity in the organization of gaming activities.

When conducting games and exercises, the teacher must:

Think over not only the content of the instruction, but also the way it is presented;

Influence with the help of intonation-expressive coloring of speech;

Predict possible reactions of children to the proposed rules and conditions;

Remember that every child has their own communication rights:

On the value system

For responsibility

On personal dignity and respect for this dignity,

For individuality and originality,

Independence from other people

To my own thoughts

To assert your rights.

Communicative competence implies the development of the following skills:

The ability to understand the emotional state of a peer, an adult (cheerful, sad, angry, stubborn, etc.) and talk about it.

Ability to obtain the necessary information in communication.

The ability to listen to another person, respect his opinion, interests.

Ability to engage in simple dialogue with adults and peers.

The ability to calmly defend one's opinion.

The ability to correlate their desires, aspirations with the interests of other people.

The ability to take part in collective affairs (negotiate, yield, etc.)

The ability to treat other people with respect.

Ability to accept and provide assistance.

The ability not to quarrel, to respond calmly in conflict situations.

Block #1 Correctional and developmental activities

Purpose: creation of a favorable psycho-emotional climate in the peer group, the formation and consolidation of positive attitudes in the minds of children and their use in practical life.

Topics: “In the country of emotions”, “Rules of conduct at a party”, “Friends”, “How to behave with friends”, “My family”, “Rules of our group”.

Block #2 Communication games

A communicative game is a joint activity of children, a way of self-expression, mutual cooperation, where partners are in a position of “equals”, they try to take into account the characteristics and interests of each other.

We develop the ability to cooperate, actively listen, process information, construct a “text for another” (the ability to speak oneself) and obey the rules.

“Bunnies and the Fox”, “Owl - Owl”, “Cold - Hot, Right - Left”, “Mountain Path”, “Eyes”, “Freeze!”, “Beat the Transformations”, “Beasts in the Swamp”, “How are you name?”, “I shouldn’t”, “Change”, “Skeet game”, “Pantomime studies”, “Reflection of feelings”, “Echo”, “What is your name?”, “Chest”, “Explain Dunno!” , “Intended action”, “What does it look like”, “Artist of the word”, “Shop”, “Library”, “Acquaintance”, “Let's build a city”, “ABC of why”, “Fairy tale inside out”, “Pack your suitcase” , “What I said”, “Through the glass”, “I will start, and you will continue”, “Evening of riddles”.

Interactive games

(interaction games)

Purpose: we develop relationships built on equality or the ability to constructively solve the problem associated with the position (status) in the group, to help children feel unity with others.

"Kind Animal", "Twin Engine", "Dragon Biting Its Tail", "Bug", "Applause in a Circle", "Pyramid of Love", "Colorful Bouquet", "Magic Chair", "Sunny Bunnies", "Captain", "Glue Rain", "Hot Potato", "Gnomes", "Moonstone", "Dinosaur and Obstacle", "Invisibility Hat", "Thousand Stars", "Two Mirrors", "Privy Councillor".

Games for the formation of a culture of communication in preschool children

"Life in the Forest", "Good Elves", "Shadow Theatre", "Toys Alive"

Games and studies aimed at removing conflict

Purpose: reorientation of behavior through games, the formation of forms of adequate behavior, relieving stress in children; relaxation training.

“We quarrel with vegetables”, “Depict an animal”, “Guide dog”, “We didn’t share a toy”, “Go away anger, go away”, “Pay attention to another”, “Find a friend”, “Secret”.

Block #3 Role Acceptance Method

Creative games as a method of overcoming egocentrism

Purpose: - to familiarize children with emotional getting used to the role, to approve, to recognize it. Contribute to the formation of the conditionality of the role, the relative independence of the real interests of children. Orient children to the role of a partner (real or imaginary), to predict his feelings and strategies of his behavior.

Game options:

Organized games: "Kindergarten", "Beauty Salon", "Family", "Polyclinic", "School", "Space", etc.

Games with a free plot: "Games with objects at hand", "Games against boredom", "Toys that are always with you".

Stand alone games:

Games with famous characters: Dunno at the Zoo, Baba Yaga's Feast, Aunt Fedora's Mess, Grandmother's Chest.

Director's games: "Dunno and Knowledgeable", "Little Red Riding Hood and the Gray Wolf", "Good and Evil Wizard", "Salesman and Controller", "Kid and Carlson", "Patient Mother and Capricious Child", "Director's Game on the Sand" .

Techniques of the great storyteller: "Changing a fairy tale", "Playing a magician", "Salad from fairy tales", "Funny games", "Visiting Kashchei the Immortal", "Visiting Vasilisa the Primudra", "Visiting Baba - Yagi.

Games and studies aimed at the dynamics of communication, at understanding a partner

Purpose: to develop the ability to communicate on verbal and non-verbal levels, to determine the emotional state of other people, to express their feelings.

Games without words: “Masks”, “Say my mirror light”, “Wax Museum”, “Sculptor”, “King”.

Block #4 Modeling of problem situations

Purpose: to form in children competence in communication, the ability to find adequate ways to resolve conflicts.

Analysis of the behavior of fairy-tale characters

Watching the cartoon "The Adventures of Leopold the Cat"

Discussion of a situation from the life of the group

The problem situation created by the educator: “They didn’t share the toy”, “They brought sweets”, etc.


Crafts "I will give a gift to a friend."

Joint production of attributes for games.

Dressing room arrangement.

Evening of "Communicative Games"

Optimization of child-parent relationships through joint activities

Consultations in information corners:

    “Play is not harmful or play therapy for children”

    "What do children's games contribute to?"

Parent meeting on the topic:

"The influence of play on the development of a preschool child"

Increasing the level of knowledge of parents on this topic

Improving the pedagogical competence of parents on the problem of enhancing the gaming activity of preschoolers in a family environment.


The main task of the state and society in relation to children is to provide optimal conditions for the development of their individual abilities, the possibility of self-regulation, the formation in the child of the foundations of a respectful attitude towards others, the ability to communicate and interact, familiarization with universal human values. Currently, there is an intensive development of preschool education in different directions: increasing interest in the personality of a preschool child, his uniqueness, the development of his potential and abilities.

The task of a modern preschool educational institution is to ensure that pupils come out of its walls not only with a certain amount of knowledge, skills and abilities, but also independent people with a certain set of moral qualities necessary for later life, the assimilation of social, ethical norms of behavior, non-violent interactions with adults and peers.

The development of the child's personality, and in particular the formation of social and communication skills, as proven by pedagogical science, occurs in activity. The leading activity of a child in preschool age is the game - the most natural activity of children.

In order to contribute to the social and communicative development of the child, an adult needs to encourage all kinds of forms of play. Communication is an integral part of it. During the game, the development of the child moves at a rapid pace: social, mental, emotional.

I am convinced that the project will enable the child to synthesize the acquired knowledge, develop creative activity, communication skills, that is, step by step in practical activities to achieve the goal. The use of the project method will allow taking into account one of the main principles - the principle of integration: combining several types of activities in the process of playing, designing joint and independent play activities for children, determining its content and the intended final product.

The result of the work is the transfer of the child to a new level of social functioning, which allows expanding the circle of his relationships and creates conditions for a more harmonious and personally relevant socialization of the child in a changing world.

List of used literature

    Abramova N., Nurse, V. On the problem of activating communication between an adult and a child in the game // Preschool education. - 2006. - No. 3.

    Babaeva T.I. Development of cognitive-research skills in older preschoolers. [Text]: study method. allowance / Mikhailova Z. A., Klarina L. M., Serova Z. A. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2012.

    Galiguzova, P. N., Smirnova E. O. Stages of communication: from one to seven years. - M.: Enlightenment, 2002.

    Ermolaeva, M. Psychological methods for the development of communication skills and emotional states of preschoolers // Preschool education.2012.- No. 9.

    Zebzeeva V.A. Pedagogical support of social and communicative development of preschoolers // Modern problems of science and education. - 2015. - No. 2.

    Ilyashenko, M.V. Education of the culture of speech communication in preschool childhood: Abstract of the thesis. dis. ... cand. ped. Sciences. - M., 2013.

    Litvinova M.F. Russian folk outdoor games for children of preschool and primary school age: A practical guide. - M .: Iris-press, 2003.

    Mazurova N.A. Education of emotional responsiveness and the language of feelings in preschool children by means of a fairy tale. Tomsk., 2011.

    Tushkanova O.I. Development of understanding of another person and empathy for him. Volgograd, 2010.

    Petrovsky V.A., Vinogradova A.M., Klarina L.M., Strelkova L.P. Learning to communicate with a child // M., 2003.

    Savenkov A.I. Little explorer. How to teach a preschooler to acquire knowledge. - Yaroslavl, 2012 - 160s.

The social and communicative development of preschool children is not just an important component of education, but also a necessary element without which it is impossible to form a full-fledged personality of a child in the future.

Every kid is a discoverer of the world by nature and his curiosity knows no bounds, especially at an early stage of development. As he grows up and under the influence of such factors as family, environment, kindergarten, he either retains his childish spontaneity and continues to happily make contact, learning about the world, or becomes unable to build even the simplest relationships with peers and loses the ability to communicate.

This problem is especially clearly seen in the modern world, when a child already at the age of 2-3 years prefers computer games to communication, and watching TV to a collective game. Thus, he deprives himself of the opportunity to develop communication skills, which ultimately leads not only to a lack of communication as such, but also to significant difficulties and problems in the process of socialization.

The result is a situation where a child, for example, going to grade 1, does not know how to communicate with peers. They seem to him some kind of strangers, he does not know what to talk about with them, how to play with them, and if, God forbid, someone offends him, he immediately closes up and moves away even more. As a rule, teachers in this case have no time to understand the essence of the conflict that has arisen and everything comes down to a simple conclusion - since the child cannot make friends and communicate, it means that he is “bad and ill-mannered”.

In fact, the problem is not that something is wrong with the child, but that they simply have not been taught how to properly build their relationships with peers and how to communicate with them. He simply does not know how to do this and, as a result, either avoids everyone or provokes a conflict.

Such situations at an early age leave a big imprint on his psyche and the formation of the personality as a whole. And it is unlikely that such a child will grow up to be a sociable, cheerful, purposeful and self-confident person. And this is a direct road to failure in work and personal life.

So what is the social and communicative development of children, and most importantly - how to properly prepare for it and give the child all the necessary foundations and communication skills?

What is the social and communicative development of the child

The social and communicative development of a child is a complex process, as a result of which he learns to establish and maintain the necessary contacts with the outside world and people.

It is he who underlies the formation of the communicative competence of the individual in the future, which is the whole set of skills, abilities and knowledge that allow to adequately perceive and respond to the surrounding reality in the process of communication.

To put it in ordinary language, a child needs social and communicative development so that in the future, when he goes to school, enters a university or gets a job, he does not experience difficulties in communicating with other people and becomes a full-fledged member of society.

It can be said with full confidence that the process of acquiring communicative competence is long and difficult, and therefore it is necessary to start developing a child in this direction from an early age.

The main goals and objectives of the socio-communicative development of preschoolers

The main goal of social and communicative development in preschool age is the painless and timely socialization of the child, by introducing him to the accepted norms of communication, the relationship between peers and elders, as well as to the accepted general cultural traditions in the family and the state as a whole.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, each preschool educational institution has a special program, following which all the goals set in the development of the child are achieved. And in this case, the ultimate goal - the socialization of the child - can be successfully achieved thanks to the right tasks, the main of which will be the following:

  • Mastering the basic moral norms and values ​​accepted in society.
  • Help the child learn the basic rules of communication with peers and senior members of society.
  • The formation of the child's independence and the ability to make decisions.
  • Helping the child to master the basic emotional components of communication - empathy, responsiveness, mercy.
  • The formation in each child of respect for his family, peers, elders and society as a whole.
  • Assistance in the formation of positive attitudes towards work and creativity in the child.
  • Formation in the child of readiness for joint work and rest.
  • Formation in a preschooler of the foundations of safe behavior for his own life and the lives of others, and in all spheres of life - at home, in society, in nature.

The successful solution of the given tasks allows us to express the hope that the main goal of the social and communicative development of the child of the younger, middle and older groups will be achieved, and the child will be prepared for the transition to a qualitatively new environment - school, which will not cause he has difficulties and significant problems.

Game as the best way of social and communicative development of a child of any age

Another educator and innovator V. A. Sukhomlinsky said:"Through a fairy tale, a game, through a unique children's creativity - the right way to the heart of a child."

It is the game that can become a faithful assistant to both educators and parents in the process of the child's social and communicative development. After all, even for older children, not to mention the kids, the game has been and remains the leading activity, and communication during the game, its integral part.

A large role of play activity and its importance in the life of a child was also assigned by a psychologist L. S. Rubinstein, who noted that only during the game the child not only plays someone else's role and imitates someone else's personality, but also expands, deepens and enriches his own. And as a result, it makes it easier for him to understand the world around him and the events taking place in it.

However, the game is different, and what is interesting to the baby may not interest a child of 4-5 years old at all. Therefore, play activities should not only correspond to the age of the child, but also give him a sense of control over ongoing events. Only in this case, he will not only comprehend the meaning and all the importance of human relations, but also realize his place in them. And this will already form the necessary skills and communication experience, which will be useful to him both at this stage and in the future.

So, for young children (2 - 3 years old), ordinary role-playing games on any topic "Playing in the store", "Playing doctor", "Playing mothers and daughters", etc. At the same time, it is important that an adult takes part in the game - dad, mom, grandmother, grandfather, educator - because it is the adult who, by his example, should show the child how to greet, start a conversation, have a conversation, get what he wants or vice versa, refuse what -then.

A middle-aged child may be interested in the game "Emotion", when he gains invaluable experience in expressing not only his own emotions, but also learns to recognize them in other children and respond appropriately to this. In this case, the child can be asked to draw their emotions or depict them, while the rest of the participants in the game (children or adults) will have to guess what the child feels.

Children of older preschool age can be offered to play the "Situation", when an adult participant in the game invites the child to simulate this or that situation. For example, you were given 10 apples and you came into the garden with them - what will you do with them? Eat yourself, share with friends or give to the teacher. At the same time, it is important that the child explains aloud his actions and the motivation for the act.

Or, you won the competition, but your friend (girlfriend) did not, and he is very upset. What will you do?

Such games give the child not only a wonderful communication experience, thereby developing his social and communicative skills and forming communicative competence in the future, but also prepare him for painless socialization. When he will have to independently, without mom, dad and educator, having crossed the threshold of adulthood, make decisions, respond to current events and participate in them.


Video presentation on the topic:

pedagogical intelligence social correctional

Exploring the problem of social and communicative development of personality in the theory of pedagogy and psychology, we came to the conclusion that the need was determined, first of all, to analyze the psychological and pedagogical essence of the phenomenon of social and communicative development. In defining the concept of social and communicative development, the difficulty lies in the fact that it is necessary to find such formulations that would cover the specific that is characteristic of this type of activity of adolescents as one of the types of social activity, which would make it possible to distinguish social and communicative development from any other social phenomenon. .

From the very beginning of its emergence, society has been connected by double relations: people and nature and man-man. In the first version, the relationship between man and nature is strictly fixed as subject and object. The relations of the second option arise on the basis of social practice, in the process of which the processing of “people by people” takes place. The carriers of this type of relationship are social entities (social groups - primary, secondary, small; collectives, etc.), as well as individuals when they act as their representatives.

Social and communicative development within the framework of preschool pedagogy is a process that allows the child to take his place in society as a full-fledged member of this society, and is carried out by a wide range of universal means, the content of which is specific to a particular society, social stratum and age. These include: formed household and hygiene skills, elements of material and spiritual culture, the style and content of communication, introducing the child to different types and types of relationships in the main areas of life - communication, play, cognition, in various activities.

Childhood is a unique, valuable period in the formation of a personality, which has a pronounced specificity of age development, requiring special psychological and pedagogical support and conditions. Childhood is the basis that determines the development of a person throughout his life.

The essence of social development at an older age is defined as one of the lines of communication between a person and the social environment, as one of the characteristic features of the lifestyle of a social subject (personality, social group, community history, society), reflecting the level of orientation of abilities, knowledge, skills, concentration of strong-willed, creative efforts to realize urgent needs, interests, goals, ideals, thanks to the development, preservation, destruction of existing or creation of new conditions, vital ties with the natural and social environment, stimulation of personal social qualities.

“Man is a directly natural being ... he is endowed with natural forces, vitality, being an active natural being,” emphasized K. Marx.

Therefore, the main mechanism of socialization is the social activity of a person, and the condition and product of socialization are social stereotypes.

The formation of personality involves the stimulation of the value system of activity, "on the basis of which a single process of consciousness and action is carried out" .

Sh.A. Nadirashvili understands social and communicative activity as "an internal regulator of a person's activity, which organizes internal and external influences on him and his activity, and on the basis of their unity stimulates the individual's activity in a certain direction." According to L. A. Startseva, the social activity of the individual acts as a qualitative originality of activity, while defining social activity as a form of active attitude of the subject of activity to the world around him that is specific to a person: the content of activity is its expedient change and transformation.

The approach chosen by scientists made it possible to identify the orientation of the motivational structures of activity: individual (if individual motives prevail over group ones, and those, in turn, over social ones), group, individual-social, communicative.

G.A. Arsentiev, B.A. Grudinin, L.E. Serebryakov define social activity as a measure of social activity activity, its qualitative and quantitative characteristics. IN AND. Ternopilskaya, emphasizing the qualitative and quantitative certainty of social activity, determines its quantitative parameters: frequency, initiative of actions, deeds, the degree of external stimulation and independence, initiative, creativity, and the like. K.V. Shcherbakova defines social activity as "a measure of directional action, the readiness of material objects to interact with other objects, activity manifests itself either as a special behavior, or as an ability, a special state."

In these studies, we are offered definitions of social development as a measure of the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of activity. Qualitative characteristics of social and communicative development are understood as consciousness, content, orientation of activity, interests and goals, motives, needs, and quantitative characteristics are the characteristics of the development process and the results of activities (intensity, tension, time costs). In the second case, the concept of "measure" indicates a misunderstanding of the law of transition of quantitative changes into qualitative ones.

A number of scientists characterize social development as a special property of the individual, its quality. T.M. Malkovskaya defines social activity as follows: "Social activity is an integral property that characterizes the state of the subject in the process of interrelations of action in activities, the need for which is due to socially significant goals."

Social and communicative development is aimed at:

Assimilation of norms and values ​​accepted in society, including moral and moral values;

Development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers;

The formation of independence, purposefulness and self-regulation of one's own actions;

The development of social and emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness, empathy, the formation of readiness for joint activities with peers, the formation of a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one's family and to the community of children and adults in the organization;

Formation of positive attitudes towards various types of work and creativity;

Formation of the foundations of safe behavior in everyday life, society, nature.

Yu.V. Volkov proposes to consider social development as a trait of a personality or some kind of community of people that characterizes its participation in solving practical problems facing society in specific socio-historical conditions, highlighting the following types of social activity: labor, creative activity, mastering knowledge and experience, socio-political activity, military-patriotic activity, cultural and creative activity.

A.V. Slastenin in the broad sense of the concept of "social activity" suggests the presence of three large blocks, without taking into account the characteristics in which the concept of "socio-communicative activity" in its empirical representation becomes insufficiently complete. The first block is stable intrapersonal beliefs that are formed in the process of development and education, active interaction of the individual with the outside world and characterizes a person as a social being, ensuring his self-worth as an individual. The second block is the process of activity itself. The third component of social activity is the conditions and factors of the situation in which the individual acts.

Understanding social activity as an activity sometimes comes down to an active life position. Thus, the concept of "social activity" is identified with an active life position. OK. Rychkov notes that the concept of "active life position" in its content is close to the concept of "socially active personality", which reflects the main property of the social activity of the individual, associated with the need to choose value orientations and behavior in accordance with one's own convictions.

Since each property has signs that characterize it, let's dwell on the signs of social development. Scientists identify such features as: oriented target setting of activities for social progress; directed activity towards the fulfillment of social tasks; motivation based on the worldview, morality and ideology of society; understanding of the socially significant significance of the case; combination of personal and public interests; willingness to help; the desire to acquire the necessary skills to perform a specific task; interest, readiness for social activities; actual participation in it and the manifestation of social responsibility; independence, initiative; communication acts as a form and means of manifestation of social relations, as a special type of joint activity.

OK. Rychkov understands the criteria that determine the socio-communicative development of a personality as a set of quantitative and qualitative indicators, on the basis of which its essential qualities are manifested, as well as the degree of their manifestation in activity, highlighting as a reliable criterion - the activity of the individual, its orientation, nature, intensity . But, unfortunately, the author considers the criteria of social and communicative development through the prism of empirical characteristics of activity. In this case, performance indicators are postulated.

Communicativeness is the value characteristics of a person in the modern world, characterized by the presence of abilities and opportunities for a person to change living conditions and himself, that is, manifestations of social and communicative activity. Now the communicativeness of a person expresses the universal and individual interests of a person.

The theory of communicative influence was developed by the German social philosopher J. Habermas, who identified four ideal types of social influence: strategic (action is guided by selfish goals), normative (subordination of action to generally accepted norms and values), dramatic (playing for the public, creating one's own image), communicative ( unconstrained consent of the participants in the action to achieve common results in a particular situation). J. Habermas is looking for ways that would lead society out of the crisis in which it found itself, and focuses on human interaction - "interaction" (communications) and in this regard, three interests are distinguished:

1) "technical", cognitive interest characterizing the exact sciences;

2) "practical" interest (human interaction);

3) emancipated, "liberating" interest.

Activity is always connected in a certain way with the manifestation of the communicative activity of the individual. Representatives of different sciences deal with communication problems: philosophers, culturologists, linguists, teachers, psychologists, sociologists. But today in the scientific literature there is no clear concept of studying "communication" as a social phenomenon.

Communicative development is considered as a component of a person's life development, along with cognitive, value-oriented, practical-transformative and artistic, and the following structure of communicative activity is proposed:

Communicative potential (the inclinations of a person immanent from birth to communicate with their own kind);

Communicative competence (acquired human experience in the process of social interaction);

Social and communicative activity (communicative and performing skills of the individual).

There are two main approaches to defining the essence of the concept of "communication" (communication) - activity and information: "... activity is an activity aimed at transforming an object, and communication is an interaction where the object and subject coincide" ().

It is worth paying attention to the system of communication skills (), which included: interactive skills (the ability to apply the rules of etiquette, show goodwill and affection, the ability to navigate in different conditions, the ability to predict one’s behavior and the behavior of a partner, the ability to find a compromise, convince, maintain internal autonomy in a communication situation, manage oneself, the ability to initiate communication, establish contact, the ability to comply with the norms and rules for an adequate assessment of a partner’s behavior, the ability to differentiate a partner’s non-verbal behavior); informative skills (the ability to be specific in expressions, the ability to generate ideas and form them, the ability to communicate).

"Communication - as K. Jaspers argued - is the life of a person among other people".

In the theory of psychology, the psychology of interpersonal communication has become one of the most promising and dynamic sections. “No matter how a person tries,” psychologists say, “he cannot but communicate” (AUTHOR).

Thus, this is already social communication, which becomes a condition for consolidation and harmony in our disunited, individualized, pragmatic society.

The criterion of socio-communicative activity as the ratio of activity and initiative in the process of interpersonal interaction is quite important, namely: the predominance of external and internal motives; dominance in the activity of reproductive or creative components; adaptation to circumstances or their creation; the ratio of the sustainable manifestation of this personality quality in behavior, reality, social and communicative activity.

The problem of criteria for social and communicative activity is highly debatable, but, without a doubt, the criterion for social and communicative activity has a complex nature. The initial sociological indicators of this phenomenon are considered the social orientation and amateur nature of the manifestation of activity by the subject ().

Considering this, the problem of its structure is closely connected with the understanding of the criterion of social and communicative development.

According to A. K. Kolosova, there are two aspects in the structure of social and communicative development: the attitude to the content of the activity and the attitude to the social value of the activity. V.A. Slastyonin proves that social and communicative activity as a systemic formation contains three components: affective, praxeological and unites cognitive and axiological components together.

Another interpretation is offered by E.V. Andrienko, highlighting four leading components in the structure of the phenomenon: the axiological component, which reflects the general orientation of the position of the subject of activity in relation to socially significant activity; a cognitive component that reflects the level of awareness by the subject of the need for such activity; an affective component expressing the presentation of the significance of this activity in the emotional sphere of the subject; the praxeological component, which finds its expression in the corresponding operating attitudes of the subject.

A.V. Petrovsky considers three possible spheres of social realization of a person according to the criterion action - interaction - the result of this action (respectively - intra-individual, inter-individual and meta-individual spheres), and the basis of this activity is the most important sociogenic human need - "the need to be a person, the need for personalization".

Thus, the presence of the above structure, criteria and signs of social and communicative development indicates the existence of various levels of formation of this phenomenon.

Considering the levels of social activity as a measure of the development of the ability of an individual, a social group to consciously influence the environment, changing and transforming it in accordance with the tasks of society, I. A. Filippova identifies six levels of social activity.

We are more impressed with the position that singles out four levels of social and communicative development: zero (persistent social and communicative passivity of the student), low (situational, unstable social and communicative activity of the student), medium (persistent social and communicative activity, but creative elements are manifested in the activity situationally ), high (persistent social and communicative activity with a predominance of creative elements in the activity).
