The ratio of the height and weight of the child is up to 1. Do you know what the height and weight of the child should be by months? Normal indicators in girls up to a year

Immediately after the birth of the baby, the doctor informs the happy parents of such parameters as the weight and height of the child. In the future, mom and dad will have to carefully monitor the weight gain and growth of the baby. But why is it so important and what do these parameters depend on?

Child's height and weight

There are several factors that affect the rate of weight gain and growth. These are heredity, nutrition and its quality, as well as living conditions. If we talk about growth, then genes have the most influence - when both parents are tall, then their child will also grow faster. But weight is affected by the quality and quantity of food. If you comply, provide high-quality complementary foods, then there will be no problems with weight gain.

Living conditions are of particular importance. This means that it is necessary to ensure an optimal life, to walk with the child in the fresh air, especially in the sun, as it contributes to the production of vitamin D. It is necessary to monitor the health and condition of the baby, then it will grow within the normal range.

Tables: height and weight according to WHO

Just below you will find detailed information on the average rates of newborn boys and girls up to one year. The only thing to note is that the parameters are approximate, since each child's body is individual.

Age, months Weight, kg Weight gain, gr Height, cm Height gain, cm
0 3,1-3,4 50-51
1 3,7-4,1 600 54-55 3
2 4,5-4,9 800 55-59 3
3 5,2-5,6 800 60-62 2,5
4 5,9-6,3 750 62-65 2,5
5 6,5-6,8 700 64-68 2
6 7,1-7,4 650 66-70 2
7 7,6-8,1 600 68-72 2
8 8,1-8,5 550 69-74 2
9 8,6-9,0 500 70-75 1,5
10 9,1-9,5 450 71-76 1,5
11 9,5-10,0 400 72-78 1,5
12 10,0-10,8 350 74-80 1,5

Approximate increase in weight and height by month:

As can be seen from the table, in the first year of their lives, babies gain up to approximately seven kilograms of weight and grow up to thirty centimeters. The increase in height and weight is quite active.

Let's take a closer look at the increase by month:

  1. The first month from birth is characterized by an average increase of 600 grams and from two and a half to three centimeters. The circumference of the head becomes more rounded, on average, this figure grows by one and a half centimeters.
  2. The second month of life will bring a set in weight of about 700-800 g, and about 3 cm in height. The circumference of the head increases again - about one and a half centimeters.
  3. The third is distinguished by an increase of 800 g and two and a half centimeters, the head circumference increases again - by one and a half centimeters.
  4. The fourth - up to 750 grams and 2.5 cm.
  5. Fifth - plus another seven hundred grams and two and a half centimeters to growth.
  6. Six months - another six hundred grams and two centimeters. Pay attention to the ratio of the width of the shoulders to the length of the entire body of the baby, normally it is 1:4. The circumference of the head is necessarily less than the girth of the chest.
  7. Seventh month - about 600, and two centimeters of growth.
  8. Eighth - an average of 550 grams of increase and 2 cm in height. As you can see, weight gain is gradually declining.
  9. Ninth - the baby is heavier by another 500 g, and 2 cm higher.
  10. Tenth - the child is heavier by 450 grams and higher by one and a half to two centimeters.
  11. Eleventh - plus four hundred grams and one and a half centimeters.
  12. A year is another plus three hundred and fifty grams and one and a half centimeters.

WHO table of height and weight for girls under 1 year old

The rate of development of newborn boys and girls is somewhat different. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with how much the girls gain in weight and height. Remember, these are approximate figures.

Average normal for baby girls:

Age, months Weight, kg Height, cm
0 2,8-3,7 47,3-51
1 3,6-4,8 51,7-55,6
2 4,5-5,8 55-59,1
3 5,2-6,6 57,7-61,9
4 5,7-7,3 59,9-64,3
5 6,1-7,8 61,8-66,2
6 6,5-8,2 63,5-68
7 6,8-8,6 65-69,6
8 7,0-9,0 66,4-71,1
9 7,3-9,3 67,7-72,6
10 7,5-9,6 69-73,9
11 7,7-9,9 70,3-75,3
12 7,9-10,1 71,4-76,6

Usually at the end of the year, babies become longer up to 25 cm, and heavier up to six kilograms.

WHO table: height and weight for boys under 1 year

It can be seen that the indicators differ from those of girls, but not by much. Check out the average below.

Average normal for infant boys:

Age, months Weight, kg Height, cm
0 2,9-3,9 48-51,8
1 3,9-5,1 52,8-56,7
2 4,9-6,3 56,4-60,4
3 5,7-7,2 59,4-63,5
4 6,2-7,8 61,8-66
5 6,7-8,4 63,8-68
6 7,1-8,8 65,5-69,8
7 7,4-9,2 67-71,3
8 7,7-9,6 68,4-72,8
9 8-9,9 69,7-74,2
10 8,2-10,2 71-75,6
11 8,4-10,5 72,2-76,9
12 8,6-10,8 73,4-78,1

Boys become about 25-26 centimeters taller and seven kilograms heavier.

Growth and weight table for girls from 1 to 10 years old

The growth and weight of both baby boys and baby girls slows down after reaching the age of one, so these parameters are then measured by year.

Let's look at the weight of babies by year:

Age in years Short Below the average Average Above average High Very tall
1 7 7,9 8,9 10,1 11,5 13,1
2 9 10,2 11,5 13 14,8 17
3 10,8 12,2 13,9 15,8 18,1 20,9
4 12,3 14 16,1 18,5 21,5 25,2
5 13,7 15,8 18,2 21,2 24,9 29,5
6 15,3 17,5 20,2 23,5 27,8 33,4
7 16,8 19,3 22,4 26,3 31,4 38,3
8 18,6 21,4 25 29,7 35,8 44,1
9 20,8 24 28,2 33,6 41 51,1
10 23,3 27 31,9 38,2 46,9 59,2

As you can see, there are indicators from low (below normal) to too high (above normal). For example, it is normal for a ten-year-old girl to weigh almost 32 kg, but the problem is if the figure on the scale exceeds 46 kg.

There is also a table showing the height of girls:

Age in years Short Below the average Average Above average High Very tall
1 68,9 71,4 74 76,6 79,2 81,7
2 80 83,2 86,4 89,6 92,9 96,1
3 87,4 91,2 95,1 98,9 102,7 106
4 94,1 98,4 109,4 107 111,3 115,7
5 99,9 104,7 102,7 114,2 118,9 123,7
6 104,9 110 115,1 120,2 105,4 130,5
7 109,9 115,3 120,8 126,3 131,7 137,2
8 115 120,8 126,6 132,4 138,2 143,9
9 120,3 126,4 132,5 138,6 144,7 150,8
10 125,8 132,2 138,6 145 151,4 157,8

It can be seen that the normal height of a ten-year-old girl is about 139 centimeters, and a high figure is when the height is above 157. But genetics largely affects this parameter. If mom and dad or one of the parents is tall, or, conversely, short, then the child will be the same. Although cases are not excluded when short parents grow tall children.

Table of height and weight for boys from 1 to 10 years

So far, the indicators of boys do not differ much from the weight and height of girls. Over time, the difference will increase.

Let's look at the weight of guys from one to ten years old:

Age in years Short Below the average Average Above average High Very tall
1 7,7 8,6 9,6 10,8 12 13,3
2 9,7 10,8 12,2 13,6 15,3 17,1
3 11,3 12,7 14,3 16,2 18,3 20,7
4 12,7 14,4 16,3 18,6 21,2 24,2
5 14,1 16 18,3 21 24,2 27,9
6 15,9 18 20,5 23,5 27,1 31,5
7 17,7 20 22,9 26,4 30,7 36,1
8 19,5 22,1 25,4 29,5 34,7 41,5
9 21,3 24,3 28,1 33 39,4 48,2
10 23,2 26,7 31,2 37 45 56,4

The growth table of boys from one year to the first round anniversary - ten years is also interesting:

Age in years Short Below the average Average Above average High Very tall
1 71 73,4 75,7 78,1 80,5 82,9
2 81,7 84,8 87,8 90,9 93,9 97
3 88,7 92,4 96,1 99,8 10,35 107,2
4 94,9 99,1 103,3 107,5 11,7 115,9
5 100,7 105,3 110 114,6 119,2 123,9
6 106,1 111 116 120,9 125,8 130,7
7 11,2 116,4 121,7 127 132,3 137,6
8 116 121,6 127,3 132,9 138,6 144,2
9 120,5 126,6 132,6 138,6 144,6 150,6
10 125 131,4 137,8 144,2 150,5 156,9

It is advisable not to take measurements too often at this stage of life, it is of no use. If it is still desirable to monitor weight in order to prevent problems with obesity, then it makes sense to measure growth every three months up to two or three years, and once a year in subsequent years.

Table of height and weight for teenage girls

Adolescents no longer require frequent measurements, it is enough to take them once a year. However, weight can be controlled more often if you observe a clear lack or excess of this indicator.

The weight norm for girls under 17 is indicated in this table:

Age Very low Short Below the average Average Above average High Very tall
11 <24,9 24,9-27,8 27,8-30,7 30,7-38,9 38,9-44,6 44,6-55,2 >55,2
12 <27,8 27,8-31,8 31,8-36,0 36-45,4 45,4-51,8 51,8-63,4 >63,4
13 <32 32-38,7 38,7-43 43-52,5 52,5-59 59-69 >69
14 <37,6 37,6-43,8 43,8-48,2 48,2-58 58-64 64-72,2 >72,2
15 <42 42-46,8 46,8-50,6 50,6-60,4 60,4-66,5 66,5-74,9 >74,9
16 <45,2 45,2-48,4 48,4-51,8 51,8-61,3 61,3-67,6 67,6-75,6 >75,6
17 <46,2 46,2-49,2 49,2-52,9 52,9-61,9 61,9-68 68-76 >76

Adolescent Growth Table - Girls:

Age Very low Short Below the average Average Above average High Very tall
11 <131,8 131,8-136,2 136,2-140,2 140,2-148,8 148,8-153,2 153,2-157,7 >157,7
12 <137,6 137,6-142,2 142,2-145,9 145,9-154,2 154,2-159,2 159,2-163,2 >163,2
13 <143 143-148,3 148,3-151,8 151,8-159,8 159,8-163,7 163,7-168 >168
14 <147,8 147,8-152,6 152,6-155,4 155,4-163,6 163,6-167,2 167,2-171,2 >171,2
15 <150,7 150,7-154,4 154,4-157,2 157,2-166 166-169,2 169,2-173,4 >173-4
16 <151,6 151,6-155,2 155,2-158 158-166,8 166,8-170,2 170,2-173,8 >173,8
17 <152,2 152,2-155,8 155,8-158,6 158,6-169,2 169,2-170,4 170,4-174,2 >174,2

It is worth remembering that both weight and height can be inherited, so the figures are only approximate.

Table of height and weight for teenage boys

Surprisingly, from the age of ten to fourteen, girls overtake boys in height. This is due to the fact that the boys have not yet begun hormonal changes in the body. But upon reaching the age of fourteen, they begin to grow more actively, completely overtaking girls.

The weight of guys under 17 is indicated in the table:

Age Very low Short Below the average Average Above average High Very tall
11 <26 26-28 28-31 31-39,9 39,9-44,9 44,9-51,5 >51,5
12 <28,2 28,2-30,7 30,7-34,4 34,4-45,1 45,1-50,6 50,6-58,7 >58,7
13 <30,9 30,9-33,8 33,8-38,0 38,0-50,6 50,6-56,8 56,8-66 >66
14 <34,3 34,3-38,0 38,0-42,8 42,8-56,6 56,6-63,4 63,4-73,2 >73,2
15 <38,7 38,7-43 43-48,3 48,3-62,8 62,8-70 70-80,1 >80,1
16 <44 44-48,3 48,3-54 54-69,6 69,6-76,5 76,5-84,7 >84,7
84,717 <49,3 49,3-54,6 54,6-59,8 59,8-74 74-80,1 80,1-87,8 >87,8

Growth table for boys under 17:

Age Very low Short Below the average Average Above average High Very tall
11 <131,3 131,3-134,5 134,5-138,5 138,5-148,3 148,3-152,9 152,9-156,2 >156,2
12 <136,2 136,2-140 140-143,6 143,6-154,5 154,5-159,5 159,5-163,5 >163,5
13 <141,8 141,8-145,7 145,7-149,8 149,8-160,6 160,6-166 166-170,7 >170,7
14 <148,3 148,3-152,3 152,3-156,2 156,2-167,7 167,7-172 172-176,7 >176,7
15 <154,6 154,6-158,6 158,6-162,5 162,5-173,5 173,5-177,6 177,6-181,6 >181,6
16 <158,8 158,8-163,2 163,2-166,8 166,8-177,8 177,8-182 182-186,3 >186,3
17 <162,8 162,8-166,6 166,6-171,6 171,6-181,6 181,6-196 196-188,5 >188,5

If there is a genetic predisposition to high growth, that is, if dad is tall, then it is normal at fourteen to have a height of under 180 centimeters. In this case, look at the maximum indicator, and not at the average.

Features of growth and weight gain in premature babies

In case of premature birth, the baby will put on weight differently. Everything will depend on the so-called gestational age - the week when the baby was born. Usually, the rate of weight gain and growth for each case is different.

Let's find out how premature babies add up to the first half of the year:

  1. If the baby was born weighing up to a kilogram, then he will add approximately 600 g.
  2. If from a kilogram to one and a half - about 740-750.
  3. From one and a half to two and a half kilograms - approximately 870.

And the second half:

  1. If the birth weight was up to 1 kg, then the child will add approximately 800 g.
  2. Larger newborns - 600 g each.

During the first year of life, premature toddlers grow from 25 centimeters to 36. Already in the second or third year of life, they catch up with their peers.

Associated diseases and physical development

If a newborn suffers from any disease, then in height and weight he will gain more slowly. Opposite cases are also possible - when, due to an illness, a child gains more height than normal.

There are several common diseases:

  1. Cardiovascular - congenital heart disease and circulatory disorders cause the heart to work poorly. As a result, the organs do not receive the necessary nutrients, physical development is delayed, and there is a lack of weight and height.
  2. Bronchopulmonary is bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), a malformation of the trachea, bronchi, and lungs. They have a negative effect on blood circulation, which means that nutrients and oxygen in small quantities enter the organs, which delays the development of the baby.
  3. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - problems with the intestines, esophagus, liver, bile ducts. They are solved only surgically in the early stages after birth. They also negatively affect the increase in height and weight.
  4. Diseases of the endocrine system - hypothyroidism from birth causes too much weight gain due to the accumulation of excess fluid in the body and the occurrence of edema of the subcutaneous fat.

In order not to puzzle over whether the child is growing normally, whether he has any diseases, visit the pediatrician every month. A professional will have time to notice any deviations from the norm.

Influence of the type of feeding on the weight gain of the newborn

Previously, it was believed that only one type of feeding influenced weight gain - artificial feeding (feeding with infant formula). But now there are cases when a mother overfeeds a baby with breast milk.

The way a baby is fed affects weight gain and growth rate

In both types of feeding, the baby may gain too much weight, while growing tall like a normal baby. If your child every month up to a year becomes one and a half centimeters longer, but at the same time becomes heavier by more than a kilogram, you are probably overfeeding him.

Moderation is important - excess weight causes problems such as delayed motor development and skills. It is more difficult for a baby to roll over, the skill of raising his head develops poorly, etc. All this is hindered by excess body weight.

The newborn weighs little - is there any reason to worry?

It is body weight that determines the ability to adapt to the outside world. If the peanut was born with a mass within the normal range, then development will occur without problems and delays. If the baby is premature, then his body weight will lag behind the body weight of his peers, although over time he will catch up with them. But what to do with a child who is underweight so that adaptation to the outside world goes without problems?

  • Keep warm. Children with low weight have a very thin layer of subcutaneous fat. This prevents them from keeping warm. Monitor the baby's temperature to prevent hypothermia. Once every six hours, measure the temperature - below 36.5, so you need to warm it up. It is correct not to cover him with a blanket, but to ensure skin-to-skin contact - when the mother puts the baby on her chest.
  • Feed by the hour. This is necessary, otherwise the baby's blood glucose will drop, and he will not sleep well and will feel worse. The first days - sixty milliliters of milk per day, then plus 20 ml of milk every day. You need to stop when you reach 200 ml per kg. Meals should be frequent - 8-10 times.
  • Massage for appetite - 2.5 kg, and the doctors approve of the massage, it is necessary to carry out some procedures for general strengthening. Massage helps to gain weight as it improves appetite. It is carried out only after eating - an hour later. It is advisable to use the services of a professional children's masseur, or parents can master the technique on their own. Having lubricated the hands with baby cream, it is necessary to gently massage the muscles of the child from top to bottom - from the neck, then the back, buttocks, legs, then massage the arms and chest.

In conclusion, we can say that if experts have ruled out the possibility of congenital diseases, and the baby weighs less only because of prematurity, then there is no particular reason to worry. Over time, he will catch up with his peers in development. To make this happen, follow the recommendations - do not let the baby get cold, feed him thoroughly and massage him when the pediatrician allows.

Height and weight are measured in a child almost immediately after birth, at the fifth minute from birth. These indicators are of paramount importance for assessing the condition of the baby throughout the first year of life. According to the cherished figures, doctors judge whether the baby is healthy and whether it develops normally.

Average weights for children aged 0 to 12 months

Normal weight indicators in infants up to a year have a significant relationship with many factors. For example, this is the chosen way of feeding and further feeding the baby, the lifestyle of the parents, and even the geographical location of the mother with the baby. But, despite all of the above, the medical community has developed a table with parameters as an example of the norm for most children under 12 months old.

Boys weight chart

Child's age boys
Body mass
Average Normal Range
0 months3.5 kg3 - 4 kg
1 month4.3 kg3.6 - 5 kg
2 months5.3 kg4.5 - 6 kg
3 months6.2 kg5.5 - 6.9 kg
4 months6.9 kg6.1 - 7.7 kg
5 months7.8 kg7 - 8.4 kg
6 months8.7 kg7.9 - 8.9 kg
Seven months8.9 kg7.8 - 10.0 kg
8 months9.3 kg8.2 - 10.4 kg
9 months9.8 kg8,7 – 11,05
10 months10.3 kg9.2 - 11.5 kg
11 months10.4 kg9.3 - 11.5 kg
12 months10.8 kg9.4 - 11.9 kg

Girls weight chart

Child's age Girls
Body mass
Average Normal Range
0 months3.3 kg2.8 - 3.8 kg
1 month4.1 kg3.5 - 4.6 kg
2 months5.0 kg4.3 - 5.5 kg
3 months5.9 kg5.3 - 6.4 kg
4 months6.5 kg5.8 - 7.1 kg
5 months7.2 kg6.2 - 8.0 kg
6 months7.9 kg7.0 - 8.8 kg
Seven months8.1 kg7.2 - 9.1 kg
8 months8.3 kg7.2 - 9.4 kg
9 months9.0 kg8,1 – 10,0
10 months9.5 kg8.2 - 10.8 kg
11 months9.8 kg8.9 - 11.0 kg
12 months10.1 kg9.0 - 11.3 kg

The growth of an infant under the age of one year increases dynamically, with an eye to the constitutional features, genetics, nutrition and general health of the crumbs. A slight deviation from the average parameters is not a cause for concern. If growth rates are far outside the acceptable range, this is an alarming sign that requires a doctor's consultation.

Boys height chart

Child's age boys
Average Normal Range
0 months50.5 cm48 - 53 cm
1 month54.2 cm53 - 57 cm
2 months57.6 cm55 - 60 cm
3 months61.4 cm59 - 65 cm
4 months63.7 cm62 - 66 cm
5 months66.9 cm64 - 69 cm
6 months67.8 cm66 - 71 cm
Seven months69.7 cm68 - 72 cm
8 months71.3 cm69 - 74 cm
9 months72.7 cm71 - 76 cm
10 months73.9 cm72 - 77 cm
11 months74.8 cm73 - 77 cm
12 months75.6 cm74 - 79 cm

Girls height chart

Child's age Girls
Average Normal Range
0 months49.5 cm48 - 51 cm
1 month53.5 cm51 - 56 cm
2 months56.7 cm55 - 58 cm
3 months60.3 cm59 - 62 cm
4 months62.2 cm60 - 64 cm
5 months63.8 cm62 - 68 cm
6 months66.5 cm64 - 69 cm
Seven months67.3 cm65 - 70 cm
8 months69.7 cm67 - 72 cm
9 months70.5 cm68 - 73 cm
10 months72.1 cm69 - 75 cm
11 months73.5 cm71 - 76 cm
12 months74.7 cm72 - 77 cm

On a note! The data given in the table are considered standard in assessing the physical development of infants. Nevertheless, it is worth remembering that babies are born with different weight categories and continue to add body weight unevenly. So, one crumb can “get heavier” by 0.5 kg in a month, and the other by a whole kilogram; but as a result, the increase in both babies can be considered normal, with an eye to their individual development.

How is the child's height and weight calculated?

The calculation formula is used if parents need to track the change in the baby's body weight, comparing each result with growing monthly norms. One of the estimated weight calculations used by pediatricians from the moment of birth until the first birthday is presented in a simple formula - M (kg) \u003d m + 800n, where M is the baby's body weight, m ​​is the body weight at the time of birth and n is the current baby's age in months.

Child's age Monthly increase Increase for the past period
1 month600 g≈ 600 g
2 months800 g≈ 1400 g
3 months800 g≈ 2200 g
4 months760 g≈ 2950
5 months700 g≈ 3650 g
6 months650 g≈ 4300 g
Seven months600 g≈ 4900 g
8 months570 g≈ 5500 g
9 months550 g≈ 6050 g
10 months500 g≈ 6550 g
11 months450 g≈ 7000 g
12 months400 g≈ 7400 g

The rate of weight gain up to a year is usually recorded in the clinic with entries in the medical record, but they can also be controlled at home - using special scales. If in short periods the scales show a little less or more data in the table (with a difference of up to 150 g), then there is no need to worry, this is within the normal range.

Important!Sometimes the weight gain in a child differs significantly from the data given in the table. Parents should be alerted by large fluctuations in both directions. If the lag is more than 350 g or more, something is going wrong. Low body weight can seriously affect the development of the baby. If they go along with numerous complaints and disorders in the health of the crumbs, then the child must be examined by a pediatrician and a neurologist.

Table of increase in growth in infants from 1 month to a year

The growth from a child from birth can be influenced by a hereditary factor and, to a greater extent, by the constitutional features of the body of a little man. Growth spurts can be especially noticeable between 3 and 4 months and also between 6 and 8 months. At this time, in just one night, the baby can add a whole centimeter in length.

The calculation of the body length of the baby can be done using the approximate formula used by pediatricians: L (cm) = 100 - 8 (4 - n), where L is the normal body length, n is the current age of the crumbs.

Child's age Average growth rate per month Height gain since birth
1 month3 cm≈ 3 cm
2 months3 cm≈ 6 cm
3 months2.5 cm≈ 8.5 cm
4 months2.5 cm≈ 11 cm
5 months2 cm≈ 13 cm
6 months2 cm≈ 15 cm
Seven months2 cm≈ 17 cm
8 months2 cm≈ 19 cm
9 months1.5 cm≈ 20.5 cm
10 months1.5 cm≈ 22 cm
11 months1.5 cm≈ 23.5 cm
12 months1.5 cm≈ 25 cm

Anthropometric parameters at birth - what is the norm in newborns?

According to the World Health Organization, the body weight of a full-term baby is considered normal if it is in the range of 2.5 - 4.5 kg. Moms and dads should be aware that WHO weight figures are generally indicative.

If the expectant mother has passed 9 months of pregnancy without serious complications, the weight of the child will most likely be 3-3.6 kg. If the baby was born earlier than expected (before the 37th week), then its weight will be an average of 2.5 kg. But you should not worry - a tiny newborn after a while will surely catch up with his peers. This is facilitated by compliance with the regime of sleep and rest, good nutrition and finding a little man in a favorable living environment.

The table below shows the height and weight of boys, as well as the height and weight of girls, as average parameters, indicating the order of maternal birth.

Immediately after birth, most infants lose up to 10% of their original body weight, as nature intended to rid the baby of excess fluid and accumulated meconium (feces). But after 7-12 days, weight loss is replenished:

  • in the first weeks of life, the baby gains at least 125 g per week;
  • from the second month of life, the set is 600-800 g for 30 days.

Noticing that the weight of the baby is noticeably lower than the prescribed norms, parents should figure it out - is there any reason for concern? Each baby develops at its own pace, so slight variations in height and weight are perfectly acceptable. If, up to the age of three months, the little one gains at least 0.5 kg per month, and from the third to six months, 0.3 kg each, and there are no complaints, then there is no reason for concern.

Important! Normally, during the first year of life, babies triple their initial weight (for example, from 3 kg to 10 kg). Often before 12 months, girls gain weight at a lower rate than boys. An acceptable difference in children of the same age can be up to 600-800 g.

How does a newborn gain weight (by week)

Active weight gain in infants occurs in the first eight weeks of life. This is a normal reaction of the child's body to a change in living conditions, and adaptation to a new diet and regimen.

Age What happens to baby's weight
First 3 days of lifePhysiological weight loss (up to 7-10% of initial body weight)
First week of lifeA newborn baby who is breastfed will gain about 100 g in weight in 1 week.
Second week of lifeThe peanut continues to grow and gradually gain weight. A healthy baby in 2 weeks will add up to 250 g to the initial weight.
third week of lifeFor 3 weeks after birth, the weight gain in the baby will average 150-200 g.
Fourth week of lifeThe first month is coming to an end. Over the past 4 weeks, the child has gained approximately 600-800 g.
Fifth week of lifeThe child is actively growing, eating with appetite and gaining strength for growth. The weight of the baby by the fifth week is in the range from 3.9 to 5.1 kg.
sixth week of lifeDuring this week, the baby increases its body weight by 200-250 g.
seventh week of lifeOn the 7th week, the baby is gaining an average of 250-300 g.
eighth week of lifeThe rate of weight gain gradually decreases. By the end of the 8th week, the baby adds about 200 g to its weight.

The digital value of indicators of growth and body weight in infants is very conditional and depends on many factors:

  • the choice of feeding the baby (mother's milk or an adapted mixture);
  • the amount of food eaten by the child per day;
  • the presence of diseases that prevent the proper absorption of food;
  • activity and the amount of time that the child spends in sleep and wakefulness;
  • often - gender (often girls gain weight more slowly than boys).

Important! Pediatricians calculate the norms for height and weight for infants in conjunction with tables of the average statistical norm, but in some cases they use experimental calculations. Often a slight deviation of the indicators from the WHO tables is considered acceptable. Also, one should not forget about genetic heredity - if growth below average prevails in the family, one should not expect that the heir will add 5 cm per month.

Weight and height of the baby after birth - what to look for

In the maternity hospital, the weight and length of the body of a newborn baby are recorded and carefully monitored by doctors, especially in small and premature babies. They are weighed once a day at the same time, mainly in the morning.

  • A daily weight gain is considered normal at the rate of 15 g per 1 kg of body weight. Growth is measured only once a week, and its increase will be assessed in 3-4 weeks. By this time, it should be at least 2.5-3 cm.
  • Most infants gain weight rapidly after initial weight gain, especially during periods of "growth spurts". They occur around the middle of the second week of life, and then between 3 and 6 weeks.
  • The average child adds an average of 20 grams per day. By the end of the first month of life, the scales in the clinic will show data of approximately 3.8-4 kg. The height and weight of boys is usually slightly higher than that of girls - the difference in weight can reach 0.4 kg and 1-1.5 cm.

The newborn weighs little - is there any reason to worry?

If a nursing baby was born prematurely or weighed very little at birth, then the norms for the increase in height and body weight for him will differ significantly from the norms for babies born on time.

The degree of prematurity of the baby (WHO information):

Birth weight largely determines a child's ability to adapt to life outside the mother's womb. If the baby was born 2.5 kg, this process will take place without deviations from the desired course. If the baby "did not reach" this figure, then adaptation can be much more difficult. What to do?

First, keep warm

In children with low body weight, the layer of subcutaneous fat is very thin, almost absent. In this case, it is difficult for babies to keep warm and the danger of hypothermia is quite real. The temperature of a small crumb should be measured at least once every 5-6 hours. If it is below 36.5 ° C, the baby needs to be warmed. The best way is skin-to-skin contact between mother and baby. Mom puts on an unbuttoned shirt, and the baby is placed on her chest. So the child's temperature and pulse normalize, and the mother's emotional state improves.

Second - we feed the baby by the hour

This is a necessary condition, because in children with underweight often the level of glucose in the blood falls below the prescribed level. This can cause sleep disturbances in the baby, a decrease in overall vitality. The best prevention of this condition is the frequent attachment of the baby to the breast. In the first days, the child should drink about 60 ml of milk per day. Then the amount of fluid drunk per day should increase daily by 20 ml per 1 kg of body weight until it reaches 200 ml per 1 kg of body weight. Those. with a weight of 2 kg, the child will need to be given at least 400 ml of milk per day (of course, the amount is divided into 8-10 doses).

Third - massage for appetite and general development

If the child has gained the cherished 2500 g, and the doctors (pediatrician, neurologist) give the go-ahead for massage, it's time to go through several strengthening procedures. Massage contributes to weight gain, as it whets the appetite even in such babies. It is carried out an hour and a half after eating. It is better to have a professional children's masseur massage the baby, or mother can master it on her own. Having lubricated the hands with cream, you need to carefully knead the baby's muscles according to the scheme from top to bottom - starting from the neck, then the back, buttocks, legs. At the end of the procedure - massage of the arms and chest.

Weight and Height Gain by Month: A Brief Overview of Up to a Year

Criteria for the proper development of a baby can confuse new parents. If it is difficult to figure it out, then you can always ask the local pediatrician for advice. The main thing to remember is that when calculating measurements, you should be guided by the initial data at the birth of the baby and only then calculate the individual monthly amount of weight gain and body length.

1 monthDuring the first four weeks after birth, the baby normally gains 600 g of weight, up to 3 cm in height. The nutrition scheme is compiled individually. The best option is a short interval between feedings (2-2.5 hours). For harmonious development, breastfeeding should be a priority. If the baby is artificial, the adapted mixture should be fed in the amount of 90-120 ml per 1 feeding.
2 monthsThe weight gain of the baby in 2 months will average 700 g + 3 cm of growth. The breaks between feedings may already become a little longer, about 3-3.5 hours. During this period, you should not rush to wean the child from feeding at night, otherwise the weight will not grow so intensively.
3 monthsIn the third month, the child gains 800 g and grows in length by 2.5 cm. The diet remains the same. Only in the case of artificial feeding can an increase in the interval between feedings up to half an hour be allowed. The volume of the mixture in this case increases, making up a portion of 150 ml. From the age of 3 months, the baby may be disturbed by colic, gas formation, therefore, a violation of appetite is often noted.
4 monthsBy the end of the fourth month, the baby can gain up to 750 g and grow by 2.5 cm. The feeding regimen does not change. In the following months, the intensity of the increase in body weight will gradually decrease.
5 monthsAt five months, the baby will recover by 700 g, and his height will increase by 2 cm. The weight and length indicators for this period double in comparison with the data of the child at birth.
6 monthsBy six months, the baby adds only 650 g to body weight, and the increase in height is an average of 2 cm. The interval between feedings with the introduction of complementary foods into the diet increases to 3.5-4 hours. It is better to start complementary foods with hypoallergenic vegetable crops - zucchini, cauliflower , broccoli. Puree is given to the child in the amount of 1/2 tsp, the volume is gradually brought to 50 g within 5-7 days. By the end of the sixth month, complementary foods are replaced by one full feeding.
Seven monthsAt seven months, an infant's weight gain is 600 g and height increases by 2 cm. The child eats according to the usual regimen, mainly dairy food, and only one of the feedings contains complementary foods - gluten-free porridge or vegetable puree. It is necessary to accustom the baby to new dishes gradually, offering the introduced product in “drip” portions - from 1/2 tsp. at a time. This way, the danger of a sudden allergy (food can be excluded in time) or food intolerance passes.
8 monthsBy the eighth month, body weight gain continues, the increase is no longer so active - only 550 g, and growth continues to increase by 2-2.5 cm. The child’s menu can already be diversified with new types of cereals, fruits and vegetables. The first meat purees from rabbit or turkey are added to the diet, and the baby also gets acquainted with chicken yolk, which is tinyly added to liquid food.
9 monthsBy the end of this month, the little man will grow 500 g heavier and grow by about 2 cm. The diet is already full and varied: the baby tries vegetable purees from several components, fresh pureed fruits are in priority, and a new product - cottage cheese, as well as kefir from permitted baby food .
10 monthsWeight gain in the tenth month will be 450 g, in growth the baby will add the usual 1.5 - 2 cm. A child at this age already drinks up to 100-150 ml of fruit juices (apple, pear) with pleasure. The delicate stomach of the baby is already able to digest complex carbohydrates and pieces of banana, plum, peach. Baby cereals can be seasoned with butter or vegetable oil.
11 monthsThe mass of the baby at eleven months will grow by at least 400 g, and in growth it will add 1.5 cm. Boiled fillets of white fish are introduced into the menu for children.
12 monthsIn a year, the weight of a child triples from the moment of birth, and in length from the moment of birth, the baby has added about 25 cm. By the year, the baby’s menu is already quite complete and varied: it contains meat, vegetables, fish, cereals. Food is no longer crushed into a homogeneous puree, but only in pieces to stimulate the child to chew. This tactic will be helpful in preparing for the transition to self-feeding.

One of the first things you hear after a baby is born is their height and weight. This information is first entered into the child's medical book, and it is also shared with friends and relatives. I propose to understand why these indicators are so important.

Firstly, the height and weight of the child, as well as the circumference of the head and chest, help doctors correctly determine the condition of the newborn, suggest or exclude a number of diseases and pathologies. In the future, as the baby grows, these indicators serve as an indicator of the physical development of the child.

It is by the ratio of height and weight, as well as by the speed of development, that experts determine whether the sleep and rest regimen is correctly selected, how nutrition should be adjusted, and what physical activity will have a beneficial effect on the child's body.

Baby's height at birth

  • The growth of a newborn at a gestational age of 38-40 weeks, as an important anthropometric indicator, can range from 46 to 56 cm. It depends on the blood flow of the placenta, the nutrition of the expectant mother, heredity, and also on the sex of the child.
  • When assessing the condition of a newborn, small stature is not always a sign of poor development or prematurity of the fetus. For example, if the parents of the child are short, then the newborn may also be small.
  • In addition, the norm also fluctuates for multiple pregnancies, in which children are born lower and smaller in weight. However, each case is evaluated by pediatricians individually according to general anthropometric indications and the physical condition of the newborn.
  • The ratio calculated by the formula weight / height (Quetelet index) is important. For full-term babies, the normal rate is 60-70

In the first year of life, given the active development of the baby, growth is extremely important for assessing health and nutritional balance. It is believed that the norm is an increase in growth of about 25 cm per year. Here is an approximate table of growth in the first year of a child's life:

In the first six months of a baby's life, its weight is calculated by the formula: newborn weight + 800 * number of months. So, if at birth the weight of the child was 3200g, then at 4 months the weight should be no less than 3200 + 800 * 4 = 6400g.

After 6 months, the formula becomes more complicated. We now add 400g each month for 6 to 12 months. So, take the same data for a child of 8 months: 3200 + 800 * 6 + 400 * 2 = 8800 - the average weight of the child.

Important: Height and weight are important indicators of a child's development, and if you have any doubts about your baby's height, share them with your pediatrician.

A baby is considered premature until 38 weeks. Naturally, the norms of growth and weight for such children are different, moreover, further development also occurs in a different way. So, for example, the growth rate of a premature baby at birth is 35-45 cm.

  • Premature babies develop differently. Parents in such a situation should calm down and not push events
  • If babies with normal weight gain their bulk and height in the first months of life, then a premature baby begins to grow actively, catching up with peers, only after 3 months
  • This is due to the fact that the baby needs to gain weight lost at birth (and it is up to 15% of the total weight) and gain weight back to normal.

The increase in height in the first year of life is about 26-36 cm, in the first six months the increase is 2-5 cm monthly. Premature babies not only differ in size, they have a different physical and mental development, which scares many parents, because the child begins to hold his head later, later walk, etc.

Important: Remember, the baby will not be lagging behind, he will definitely catch up with his peers. Sometimes, firming massage courses can help him develop.

Child Growth Chart: Growth Rates for Boys and Girls from Birth to 18 Years

Growth is influenced by many factors - physical development, nutrition, and a well-established sleep and rest regimen is also important. In addition, we should not forget about heredity and the fact that each child develops differently.

Anthropometric centile tables will help determine the approximate growth rate for your child. They are compiled on the basis of an analysis of the growth of several million children, as a result of which they derive an average indicator by age.

It is worth noting that the growth rates for boys and girls are different. Find the age and height of the child in the table and see which column it is in.

Table of height and weight for girls

Growth, which is indicated in the columns highlighted in red, fits into the norm. Everything that is indicated to the left: 10% - below the norm within acceptable limits, 3% - beyond the acceptable limits. The same is true with the columns to the right, only in the direction of increase.

Important: If the height and weight of your child is in the extreme columns, consult with specialists: a pediatrician, an endocrinologist, a therapist.

Table of height and weight for boys

How to calculate the height of a child by the height of the parents: formula

Naturally, it is impossible to accurately determine how tall the baby will be, but it is still possible to assume based on the hereditary factor. I suggest you familiarize yourself with the most popular formulas for calculating the height of boys and girls.

The ratio of height and weight in children, tables

  • Equally important is the ratio of height and weight in a child, which reflects his physical development. Observation of indicators in dynamics will help prevent the baby from lagging behind or developing obesity
  • Even if your child is a couple of centimeters taller or shorter than his peers, or his height or weight does not fit into the norms for age, you should pay attention to their ratio.

Based on the above tables, you can make an approximate conclusion about the anthropometric indicators of your child.

Please note that you can also use a calculator to quickly calculate your child's weight-to-height ratio. You only need to enter your age, height and weight to determine your body mass index and development level.

Periods of intensive growth of children: growth spurts

In the first year of a newborn's life, approximately 5 so-called growth spurts are noted:

  • 1-3 weeks
  • 6-8 weeks
  • 3 months
  • 6 months
  • 9 months

During growth, your child may become whiny, most likely, his appetite will improve significantly and he will need more time and food to satisfy his desires. If you are breastfeeding your baby, you may feel like you are not getting enough milk. The main thing is not to worry and continue feeding. Your body will do everything for you.

  • It is worth noting that in infants, growth spurts do not last very long - an average of 2-3 days. In addition to increased appetite, you may notice increased anxiety during these periods, the emergence of new skills.
  • Sometimes a sudden sleep disturbance may indicate a growth spurt - the child wakes up more often or does not sleep at all, or, on the contrary, may fall asleep unusually hard and for a long time

After a year, the child gains weight and grows more steadily. The next noticeable growth spurt occurs at about 6-7 years.

  • You need to understand that at this age, extremely important changes occur in the child's body, among which in the first place is the formation of the musculoskeletal system and the strengthening of the skeleton
  • Pay attention to the posture of the child, right now you can earn problems with the spine. The average increase in height is about 8-10cm per year

Important: In the period of 6-7 years, it is difficult for a child to maintain one position for a long time or is immobile.

The next major growth spurt occurs during adolescence's puberty. In this case, it is impossible to guess at what age it will occur. In girls, puberty occurs at 10-12 years of age, while in boys it is usually 1-3 years later. Growth per year can reach 8-10 cm, sometimes more.

  • The growth spurt is accompanied by hormonal changes in the child's body, secondary sexual characteristics appear
  • Moreover, often the child's body negatively experiences rapid growth and weight gain.
  • A teenager may begin to worry about cramps, headaches, dental problems
  • Hormonal changes affect the behavior of the child: he can become whiny or aggressive, get tired quickly

During this period, it is important for you to provide the child with all the necessary substances and vitamins. Please note that during the growth spurt, fluid requirements may increase by up to 20-30%.

Very tall problems in children

With the reasons that affect the growth of the child, the factors leading to high growth, as well as recommendations for parents of a tall child, you can read in detail

Small growth in a child, what to do?

If your child's weight is much lower than normal, do not rush to draw conclusions, because it is possible to influence growth until the growth zones are closed.

Important: Before taking any steps on your own, consult your doctor - missing centimeters in some cases can be a symptom of gland failure.

Factors that can affect the growth of a child:

  • Complete nutrition
  • Healthy sleep, properly adjusted sleep and rest regimen
  • Sports loads
  • Favorable psycho-emotional environment

What height and weight can a child have, video

From the very first seconds of his birth, he plays an important role. This is what new parents point out when they tell friends and acquaintances about their baby. This is what the doctor first of all writes down in the medical record of the newborn. Over time, the value of these indicators does not decrease. It is not for nothing that relatives who have not seen the child for a long time exclaim: "You have grown so much! You have already outgrown your mother!" Yes, and why be cunning, even adults among themselves can drop the phrase: "You have lost a lot of weight!" ...

Our kilograms and centimeters can tell a lot about us, including various health problems. Therefore, to understand whether your child is physically healthy, or if there are problems that need attention, it is often enough just to measure his height and weight.

Why do some grow faster than others?

Often the height and weight of a child is determined by genetic factors. If both parents are quite tall, then their baby is likely to be very tall. The same goes for weight, but nutrition also plays a huge role here. A child whose parents are overweight may have a high predisposition to be overweight. Moreover, if he eats properly, then his weight can remain within the normal range. And, conversely, children who are not genetically predisposed to weight gain, even eating abundantly, may well remain thin.

Favorable living conditions (cleanliness and care), the correct daily routine, daily walks, physical activity, etc. play a huge role in the proper development of children.

How to measure a child's height?

Indicators of height and weight can accurately determine how harmonious the overall development of the child is. Height and weight should also be measured at home, without waiting for a planned trip to the pediatrician - after all, the numbers can vary greatly even after a few days.

In order to find out the length of the baby's body, you should lay it on a hard surface so that the head is held straight and the eyes look up. Then you need to stretch the legs as much as possible, without squeezing the knees and not pressing the feet. When the correct position for the baby is found, another person measures his height with a meter. You can purchase a special height meter for babies.

The growth of a child at 2 years old, when he can already stand firmly on his legs, is measured against the wall. The kid should firmly press the back of the head, buttocks and heels to it. If the lower edge of the eyes is on the same level as the ears, then the position is correct. Ask the child to exhale and relax a little. Next, a pencil note is made above his head, and the distance from the floor to it is measured.

How to determine body weight?

Finding out the weight of a child at home is even easier than measuring his height. To do this, you can use ordinary floor scales. Now there are many scales designed to control weight. In them, you can save previous data and later monitor the dynamics of the development of the baby.

If you still have a baby, then take him in your arms and stand on the scales with him. Then subtract your weight from your total weight to get your baby's weight. Older children can already climb the scales themselves. For them, it will be an exciting game.

The data obtained are compared with a table developed by WHO. It indicates the optimal height of the child by months, as well as the weight corresponding to his age.

Children under 1 year old

As a rule, the growth of healthy newborns varies from 46 to 56 cm. Boys are usually longer than girls. Although the latter can be far ahead of the former in growth if they have tall parents. The weight of both at birth is most often 2.6-4 kg. Moreover, the body weight of the child at the time when the mother is discharged from the hospital may be less than the one with which he was born.

The correct height-to-weight ratio for an infant is shown in the following table.

Baby parameters
Weight (g)Height (cm)Weight (g)Height (cm)
0 3600 50 3400 49,5
1 4450 54,5 4150 53,5
2 5250 58 4900 56,8
3 6050 61 5500 59,3
4 6700 63 6150 61,5
5 7300 65 6650 63,4
6 7900 67 7200 65,3
7 8400 68,7 7700 66,9
8 8850 70,3 8100 68,4
9 9250 71,7 8500 70
10 9650 73 8850 71,3
11 10000 74,3 9200 72,6
12 10300 75,5 9500 73,8

It is considered normal development if in the first three months of life the child adds 3-4 cm. At the age of three months, the growth rate decreases to 2.5 cm, and after six months - to another 2 cm. Children from 9 months to a year grow much more slowly, therefore no need to worry if the baby adds only 1 cm per month.

As for weight, here the increase in the first half of the year should be at least 600-800 g, and in the second - 300-550 g.

Children of the second year of life

The growth rates of children after a year become more stable, between months there is no longer such a big difference as before. However, it is still important to measure a child's growth month by month. The table gives average indicators of what a healthy child should be like at the age of 1-2 years.

Parameters of a child 1-2 years old
Weight (g)Height (cm)Weight (g)Height (cm)
13 10600 76,8 9,80 75
14 10850 78 10,05 76,1
15 11100 79 10,30 77,2
16 11300 80 10,57 78,3
17 11500 81 10780 79,3
18 11700 82 11000 80,3
19 11900 83 11200 81,3
20 12070 83,9 11380 82,2
21 12230 84,7 11570 83,1
22 12370 85,6 11730 84
23 12530 86,4 11880 84,9
24 12670 87,3 12050 85,8

As can be seen from the table, the height and weight of a child at 2 years old should be 87.3 cm and 12.67 kg for boys and 85.8 cm and 12.05 kg for girls. Significant deviations to the right or left side can be a signal of the baby's poor condition.

Children of the third year of life

Insignificantly change indicators of height and weight and in the period between 2 and 3 years. For a whole year, children can grow only 6-7 cm and gain a little more than 1 kg in weight.

Parameters of a child under 3 years old
Weight (g)Height (cm)Weight (g)Height (cm)
25 12830 88,1 12220 86,7
26 12950 88,9 12380 87,5
27 13080 89,7 12520 88,4
28 13220 90,3 12680 89,2
29 13350 91,1 12820 90
30 13480 91,8 12980 90,7
31 13620 92,6 13110 91,4
32 13770 93,2 13260 92,1
33 13900 93,8 13400 92,9
34 14030 94,4 13570 93,6
35 14180 95 13710 94,2
36 14300 95,7 13850 94,8

Often, parents, grandparents, not noticing obvious changes in the height and weight of the baby, begin to literally feed him, which, of course, is fundamentally wrong. This tactic, seen today in many families, leads to the fact that more and more young children suffer from excess weight.

How to correctly evaluate the results?

With regard to the physiological development of children, the boundaries of the norm are very blurred.

The height and weight of a child at 2 years old can be very different from those of his peers. In about 10% of children, these indicators differ from those shown in the table.

When evaluating your baby's weight, keep in mind that a deviation of 7% is quite normal! No need to sound the alarm and stuff the child with calories. But deviations of 7-12% may already indicate a child's tendency to be overweight or underweight. Indicators of 12-14% are still considered a slight deviation, while the difference between real and tabular weight indicators of 20% is already dangerous.

In terms of growth, a deviation of 3% is considered normal. If the child lags behind or exceeds the average indicators for his age by 10%, you should consult a pediatrician.

Nutrition is the main reason

The very first reason for underweight or, conversely, its excess, as well as inconsistencies with the age norm in terms of growth, doctors call improper and unbalanced nutrition. When it comes to an infant, deviations in physical development (primarily weight) may be the result of artificial feeding. Mom, not dependent on her own milk, makes the formula more concentrated or feeds the baby more often than necessary. Such children, growing up, lag behind their peers in motor moments - later they begin to sit, crawl and walk. They are also more prone to colds and allergies.

In some families, alas, to this day, children suffer from malnutrition. As a rule, these are dysfunctional families in which parents, for one reason or another, cannot provide the child with adequate nutrition for his age. Children receive less vitamins, calcium, which affects their growth and general well-being.

If not food, then what?

In most cases, thanks to proper nutrition, you can easily control the height and weight of a child at 2 years old. However, developmental delay at this age can be triggered by other factors:

Often problems in the growth or weight of a young child can be echoes of the lifestyle that a pregnant or lactating woman led. It is not surprising if a baby whose mother was fond of smoking or alcohol during these important periods of life will lag behind their peers in height and weight.

It also happens that genetics affect the parameters of a child's development. Therefore, a knowledgeable pediatrician will certainly ask you about the height and weight of close relatives. Of course, if the cause of stunting is genetic, nothing can be done. But weight with the help of proper nutrition can be controlled.

I'm going to the doctor

At the first suspicion of underweight or overweight or height, parents should consult a doctor. In matters of children's health, self-medication is not the most faithful assistant. The specialist will help to establish the causes of deviations and, if possible, eliminate them.

If the problem is nutrition, then everything is simple: the doctor prescribes a diet, sets a diet, prescribes vitamins, if necessary. Things are much more complicated with chronic diseases or hormonal disruptions. In such cases, the pediatrician asks to take tests and, having accurately established the cause, prescribes medication.

Grow big and strong!

As you know, any problem is better to prevent than to deal with it later. The same can be said about problems in the physical development of children. At the same time, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of parental involvement in the life of a child. After all, by and large, it depends on moms and dads how healthy and strong their child will grow up.

Parents must learn to determine the correct weight and height of children by age and constantly monitor these indicators. Turn weekly measurements into a ritual. Interest in this and the child himself, explain how good it is to be big and strong. Be sure to do gymnastics with your baby, go outside with him more often so that he can move around; create conditions in the house for training on rainy and cold days. In the doorway, for example, you can hang a crossbar so that the child can hang on it, and install a ladder along the wall.


So, regular monitoring of indicators such as height and weight should begin from the very birth of the child. Normal parameters for babies are 46-56 cm and 2.6-4 kg.

At the same time, the loss of 5-8% of the total weight after birth is quite normal for a child.
In the period up to a year, children significantly and quickly add in height and weight. For those who have crossed the threshold of 1 year, these figures can be equal to an average of 75 cm and 10 kg. In the following months, development is already slower - the height and weight of a child at 2 years old is approximately 86 cm and 12 kg. Boys are generally larger than girls.

Detected deviations from the indicators in the table, if they are less than 3% for height or 6-7% for weight, are considered acceptable. The reason for the more varied results should be sought, first of all, in nutrition. In addition, poor living conditions and lack of physical activity, various diseases, hormonal disruptions, heredity and bad habits of the mother can contribute to improper physical development. In any case, in case of deviations from the norm, it is worth contacting a pediatrician.

At the same time, we must not forget that all children are individual. So love them and accept them for who they are!

The mental balance of the parents depends on how the child grows and develops. To control physical development in infancy, mommy needs to measure the baby every month, paying special attention to the increase in height and weight. If the values ​​obtained correspond to the table standards, then the child is growing healthy and there is no particular reason for concern.

By whom, for what and on what basis are weight and height indicators for children determined?

Child development standards were developed by experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) based on the results of studies conducted in the early 2000s. The need to update the previously existing tables arose due to changes in such factors as the environmental situation, nutrition, conditions and rhythm of life. The studies were conducted among several age groups living in different regions of the planet.

Anthropometric indicators of the baby allow you to assess his health and level of development. The main characteristics of the child in the first years of life is his height and weight. Deviations from the established indicators in most cases are associated with the appearance of a disease. Thus, underweight in infants in some cases indicates pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous or endocrine systems, immunodeficiency, rickets and other diseases.

For each indicator, the average standard value was calculated, as well as the corresponding boundaries, within which the values ​​of the height and weight of a healthy baby are located. Patients with identified deviations from the established parameters should be closely monitored by the attending physician.

How is the height-to-weight ratio calculated?

The first obligatory measurement of the child is made immediately after his birth. The proportionality of the body of the newborn is evaluated by the doctor in order to identify possible pathologies.

The most informative characteristic of an infant is height. Its low value indicates a slow development of the baby, the cause of which is any disease. Stunting is often observed in preschool children born prematurely. The reason for the too high growth of the child may be diseases of the endocrine system. Genetic predisposition must be taken into account when evaluating height measurements.

The weight of the baby is a less important characteristic for the doctor. A slight deviation from the norm is observed often and in most cases is not associated with the presence of diseases. If the weight of the child is much lower than the calculated value, parents should contact the pediatrician. Additional tests are ordered to establish an accurate diagnosis.

The ratio of a person's height to weight is called the body mass index (BMI). Assessment of the physical condition of the baby using this indicator is considered the most accurate. The value of BMI for children depends on their age. A significant BMI deviation from the norm may indicate that the child is malnourished or obese. In both cases, the baby needs treatment.

The results of measuring the height and weight of babies under 2 years old are evaluated by pediatricians according to the charts of the ratio of these indicators. For children and adolescents aged 2 to 20 years, tables are used to evaluate the relevant parameters for BMI.

WHO tables of height and weight

WHO specialists have developed special tables of height and weight ratios for children of different ages, depending on their gender. These international standards are used in medical practice by doctors of all countries.

To determine how harmoniously the baby develops, parents can make calculations on their own. It should be remembered that the tables contain average figures and a deviation from them is not always a sign of any disease. However, when the weight or height of the child significantly exceeds the allowable values, you need to see your doctor.

For girls up to 1 year

During the first twelve months, the baby grows rapidly, so it is important to take measurements every month. According to the tabular data, the average height of newborn babies is 49.2 cm, and their weight is 3.2 kg.

Age Weight, kg)
shortlower limit of normalnorm upper limit of normalhigh
0 months2,4-2,8 2,8 3,2 3,7 3,7-4,2
1 month3,2-3,6 3,6 4,2 4,8 4,8-5,5
2 months3,9-4,5 4,5 5,1 5,8 5,8-6,6
3 months4,5-5,2 5,2 5,9 6,6 6,6-7,5
4 months5,0-5,7 5,7 6,4 7,3 7,3-8,2
5 months5,4-6,1 6,1 6,9 7,8 7,8-8,8
6 months5,7-6,5 6,5 7,3 8,3 8,3-9,4
7 months6,0-6,8 6,8 7,6 8,6 8,6-9,8
8 months6,2-7,0 7 8 9 9,0-10,2
9 months6,5-7,3 7,3 8,2 9,3 9,3-10,6
10 months6,7-7,5 7,5 8,5 9,6 9,6-10,9
11 months6,9-7,7 7,7 8,7 9,9 9,9-11,2
1 year7,0-7,9 7,9 9 10,1 10,1-11,5
Age Height (cm)
shortlower limit of normalnorm upper limit of normalhigh
0 months45,4-47,3 47,3 49,2 51 51,0-52,9
1 month49,8-51,7 51,7 53,7 55,6 55,6-57,6
2 months53,0-55,0 55 57,1 59,1 59,1-61,2
3 months55,6-57,7 57,7 59,8 61,9 61,9-64,0
4 months57,8-59,9 59,9 62,1 64,3 64,3-66,4
5 months59,6-61,8 61,8 64 66,3 66,3-68,5
6 months61,2-63,5 63,5 65,7 68 68,0-70,3
7 months62,7-65,0 65 67,3 69,6 69,6-71,9
8 months64,0-66,4 66,4 68,8 71,1 71,1-73,5
9 months65,3-67,7 67,7 70,1 72,6 72,6-75,0
10 months66,5-69,0 69 71,5 74 74,0-76,4
11 months67,7-70,3 70,3 72,8 75,3 75,3-77,8
1 year68,9-71,4 71,4 74 76,6 76,6-79,2

For boys up to 1 year

The indicators of the boys who were born are slightly higher - 49.9 cm and 3.3 kg.

Age Weight, kg)
shortlower limit of normalnorm upper limit of normalhigh
0 months2,5-2,9 2,9 3,3 3,9 3,9-4,4
1 month3,4-3,9 3,9 4,5 5,1 5,1-5,8
2 months4,3-4,9 4,9 5,6 6,3 6,3-7,1
3 months5,0-5,7 5,7 6,4 7,2 7,2-8,0
4 months5,6-6,3 6,3 7 7,8 7,8-8,8
5 months6,0-6,7 6,7 7,5 8,4 8,4-9,4
6 months6,3-7,1 7,1 7,9 8,9 8,9-9,9
7 months6,6-7,4 7,4 8,3 9,3 9,3-10,3
8 months6,9-7,7 7,7 8,6 9,6 9,6-10,7
9 months7,1-8,0 8 8,9 9,9 9,9-11,1
10 months7,4-8,2 8,2 9,2 10,2 10,2-11,4
11 months7,5-8,4 8,4 9,4 10,5 10,5-11,7
1 year7,7-8,7 8,7 9,7 10,8 10,8-12,0
Age Height (cm)
shortlower limit of normalnorm upper limit of normalhigh
0 months46,1-48,0 48 49,9 51,8 51,8-53,7
1 month50,8-52,8 52,8 54,7 56,7 56,7-58,6
2 months54,4-56,4 56,4 58,4 60,4 60,4-62,4
3 months57,3-59,4 59,4 61,4 63,5 63,5-65,5
4 months59,7-61,8 61,8 63,9 66 66,0-68,1
5 months61,7-63,8 63,8 65,9 68 68,0-70,1
6 months63,3-65,5 65,5 67,6 69,8 69,8-71,9
7 months64,8-67,0 67 69,2 71,3 71,3-73,5
8 months66,2-68,4 68,4 70,6 72,8 72,8-75,0
9 months67,5-69,7 69,7 72 74,2 74,2-76,5
10 months68,7-71,0 71 73,3 75,6 75,6-77,9
11 months69,9-72,2 72,2 74,5 76,9 76,9-79,2
1 year71,0-73,4 73,4 75,8 78,1 78,1-80,5

With a stable lack of weight in a baby, you should make sure that he has enough breast milk. In some cases, babies need to be fed with artificial mixtures. The lack of nutrients negatively affects both the physical and mental development of infants.

For children from 1 to 10 years old

Starting from the age of two, the intensity of growth of babies begins to decrease, but this does not mean that the norms of height and weight of older children should not be taken into account by the attending physician during the examination. When comparing the figures obtained during the measurement with tabular values, it is necessary to take into account the following factors:

  • heredity;
  • list of past illnesses;
  • individual characteristics;
  • nutritional balance.

Indicators corresponding to the norm for girls and boys aged 1 to 10 years are lower.

For boys

Age Height (cm)
shortlower limit of normalnorm upper limit of normalhigh
15 months74,1-96,6 76,6 79,2 81,7 81,7-84,2
18 months76,9-79,6 79,6 82,3 85 85,0-87,7
21 months79,4-82,3 82,3 85,1 88 88,0-90,9
2 years81,4-84,4 84,4 87,5 90,5 90,5-93,6
27 months83,1-86,4 86,4 89,6 92,9 92,9-96,1
30 months85,1-88,5 88,5 91,9 95,3 95,3-98,8
33 months86,9-90,5 90,5 94,1 97,6 97,6-101,2
3 years88,7-92,4 92,4 96,1 99,8 99,8-103,5
3.5 years91,9-95,9 95,9 99,9 103,8 103,8-107,8
4 years94,9-99,1 99,1 103,3 107,5 107,5-111,7
4.5 years97,8-102,3 102,3 106,7 111,1 111,1-115,5
5 years100,7-105,3 105,3 110 114,6 114,6-119,2
5.5 years103,4-108,2 108,2 112,9 117,7 117,7-122,4
6 years106,1-111,0 111 116 120,9 120,9-125,8
6.5 years108,7-113,8 113,8 118,9 124 124,0-129,1
7 years111,2-116,4 116,4 121,7 127 127,0-132,3
8 years116,0-121,6 121,6 127,3 132,9 132,9-138,6
9 years120,5-126,6 126,6 132,6 138,6 138,6-144,6
10 years125,0-131,4 131,4 137,8 144,2 144,2-150,5
Age Weight, kg)
shortlower limit of normalnorm upper limit of normalhigh
15 months8,3-9,2 9,2 10,3 11,5 11,5-12,8
18 months8,8-9,8 9,8 10,9 12,2 12,2-13,7
21 months9,2-10,3 10,3 11,5 12,9 12,9-14,5
2 years9,7-10,8 10,8 12,2 13,6 13,6-15,3
27 months10,1-11,3 11,3 12,7 14,3 14,3-16,1
30 months10,5-11,8 11,8 13,3 15 15,0-16,9
33 months10,9-12,3 12,3 13,8 15,6 15,6-17,6
3 years11,3-12,7 12,7 14,3 16,2 16,2-18,3
3.5 years12,0-13,6 13,6 15,3 17,4 17,4-19,7
4 years12,7-14,4 14,4 16,3 18,6 18,6-21,2
4.5 years13,4-15,2 15,2 17,3 19,8 19,8-22,7
5 years14,1-16,0 16 18,3 21 21,0-24,2
5.5 years15,0-17,0 17 19,4 22,2 22,2-25,5
6 years15,9-18,0 18 20,5 23,5 23,5-27,1
6.5 years16,8-19,0 19 21,7 24,9 24,9-28,9
7 years17,7-20,0 20 22,9 26,4 26,4-30,7
8 years19,5-22,1 22,1 25,4 29,5 29,5-34,7
9 years21,3-24,3 24,3 28,1 33 33,0-39,4
10 years23,2-26,7 26,7 31,2 37 37,0-45,0

For girls

Age Height (cm)
shortlower limit of normalnorm upper limit of normalhigh
15 months72,0-74,8 74,8 77,5 80,2 80,2-83,0
18 months74,9-77,8 77,8 80,7 83,6 83,6-86,5
21 months77,5-80,6 80,6 83,7 86,7 86,7-89,8
2 years80,0-83,2 83,2 86,4 89,6 89,6-92,9
27 months81,5-84,9 84,9 88,3 91,7 91,7-95,0
30 months83,6-87,1 87,1 90,7 94,2 94,2-97,7
33 months85,6-89,3 89,3 92,9 96,6 96,6-100,3
3 years87,4-91,2 91,2 95,1 98,9 98,9-102,7
3.5 years90,9-95,0 95 99 103,1 103,1-107,2
4 years94,1-98,4 98,4 102,7 107 107,0-111,3
4.5 years97,1-101,6 101,6 106,2 110,7 110,7-115,2
5 years99,9-104,7 104,7 109,4 114,2 114,2-118,9
5.5 years102,3-107,2 107,2 112,2 117,1 117,1-122,0
6 years104,9-110,0 110 115,1 120,2 120,2-125,4
6.5 years107,4-112,7 112,7 118 123,3 123,3-128,6
7 years109,9-115,3 115,3 120,8 126,3 126,3-131,7
8 years115,0-120,8 120,8 126,6 132,4 132,4-138,2
9 years120,3-126,4 126,4 132,5 138,6 138,6-144,7
10 years125,8-132,2 132,2 138,6 145 145,0-151,4
Age Weight, kg)
shortlower limit of normalnorm upper limit of normalhigh
15 months7,6-8,5 8,5 9,6 10,9 10,9-12,4
18 months8,1-9,1 9,1 10,2 11,6 11,6-13,2
21 months8,6-9,6 9,6 10,9 12,3 12,3-14,0
2 years9,0-10,2 10,2 11,5 13 13,0-14,8
27 months9,5-10,7 10,7 12,1 13,7 13,7-15,7
30 months10,0-11,2 11,2 12,7 14,4 14,4-16,5
33 months10,4-11,7 11,7 13,3 15,1 15,1-17,3
3 years10,8-12,2 12,2 13,9 15,8 15,8-18,1
3.5 years11,6-13,1 13,1 15 17,2 17,2-19,8
4 years12,3-14,0 14 16,1 18,5 18,5-21,5
4.5 years13,0-14,9 14,9 17,2 19,9 19,9-23,2
5 years13,7-15,8 15,8 18,2 21,2 21,2-24,9
5.5 years14,6-16,6 16,6 19,1 22,2 22,2-26,2
6 years15,3-17,5 17,5 20,2 23,5 23,5-27,8
6.5 years16,0-18,3 18,3 21,2 24,9 24,9-29,6
7 years16,8-19,3 19,3 22,4 26,3 26,3-31,4
8 years18,6-21,4 21,4 25 29,7 29,7-35,8
9 years20,8-24,0 24 28,2 33,6 33,6-41,0
10 years23,3-27,0 27 31,9 38,2 38,2-46,9

To find out if the deviation from the norm is acceptable, you need to find the resulting value in the table corresponding to the age of the son or daughter. If the indicator turned out to be too high or below average, it is necessary to show the child to the pediatrician.

For children and teenagers from 11 to 17 years old

In adolescence, the final formation of body proportions occurs, so the range of values ​​corresponding to the norm increases. The physical development of girls and boys after 10 years has significant differences. In the fair sex, the process is intense and can occur up to 18 years in leaps and bounds. For boys, it takes a longer period of time, so peers overtake them in development and growth.

Teenage girls over 10 years old are often embarrassed by their rounded shapes and try to stick to strict diets in food. This can cause serious consequences in the future, since until the age of 18 the body is still growing and needs nutrients.

The parameters of adolescents corresponding to the normal development of the body at the age of 11 to 18 years are indicated in the table:

Adolescent ageBoys weightBoys heightGirls weightGirls growth
11 years31.0 - 39.9 kg1.39 - 1.48 m30.7 - 38.9 kg1.40 -1.49 m
12 years34.4 - 45.1 kg1.44 - 1.55 m36.0 - 45.4 kg1.46 -1.54 m
13 years old38.0 - 50.6 kg1.50 - 1.61 m43.0 - 52.5 kg1.52 -1.60 m
14 years42.8 - 56.6 kg1.56 - 1.68 m48.2 – 58.0 kg1.55 -1.64 m
15 years48.3 - 62.8 kg1.63 - 1.74 m50.6 - 60.4 kg1.57 -1.66 m
16 years54.0 - 69.6 kg1.67 - 1.78 m51.8 - 61.3 kg1.58 -1.67 m
17 years59.8 – 74.0 kg1.72 - 1.82 m52.9 - 61.9 kg1.59 -1.69 m

If deviations are still present, it is necessary to determine their significance. For these purposes, tables are used with a gradation of indicators from the level of "low" to the level of "too high".

What factors affect children's weight and height?

The main factor influencing anthropometric parameters is genetic predisposition. However, the influence of heredity is manifested in the development of babies, starting from the age of three. Prior to this, the baby should weigh no more and no less than the standard values.

The indicators of a newborn may be far from normal if during pregnancy the mother could not give up bad habits - smoking and drinking alcohol. Also an important factor in this matter is the full nutrition of the expectant mother and the intake of vitamin and mineral complexes during the period of fetal formation.

In order for a child's height and weight to remain normal, he needs to get the necessary nutrients from food. The following foods should be present in the diet:

  • various types of meat;
  • cottage cheese, milk and other dairy products;
  • eggs;
  • vegetables, fruits, herbs;
  • berries;
  • pasta and various cereals;
  • fish.

A variety of dishes in the diet of the baby should increase as he grows up. Adding new foods to the child's food is done gradually, so he may experience an allergic reaction.

The growth indicators of the child will not meet the standards if the hormonal background is disturbed in the body. This condition is associated with diseases of the adrenal glands, pancreas and thyroid gland.

The problem of overweight and underweight

In childhood, body weight is an important indicator of a child's health. If measurements indicate underweight or overweight, it is necessary to find out the cause of this condition, as it can have serious consequences.

The child weighs less than normal with a lack of nutrients that enter the body with food. In infants with a lack of weight, disorders of neuropsychic development may occur, and various tissues and organs are formed late. This, in turn, leads to the appearance of such pathologies as visual impairment, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Underweight in schoolchildren causes weak immunity, digestive disorders, low hemoglobin levels in the blood, rickets, and delayed puberty. In adolescence, malnutrition is associated with the child's refusal to eat due to stress, neurosis, and mental stress.

Excess kilograms have a negative effect on the heart and blood vessels, joints, digestive, nervous and hormonal systems. If excess weight is not associated with medical problems, it can be controlled with a balanced diet.

Problems of intensive and slow growth

When the growth rate in children is significantly below normal, parents should contact a pediatrician as soon as possible to find out and eliminate the cause of this deviation. The intensity of growth largely depends on how much nutrients enter the body with food.

Disorders of the endocrine system lead to a lag, in which an insufficient amount of growth hormone is released. Healthy sleep helps to increase its level.

If the growth of a child at 2 years old began to slow down, then this may be due to a genetic factor. Hereditary pathologies that can cause growth retardation include chromosomal abnormalities, impaired metabolism of phosphorus, calcium, amino acids, and others.
