Are 2 positive and 4 negative compatible. What is hemolytic disease of the newborn? blood group: compatibility with other groups

The biological heritage carried through the centuries can tell a lot about the ancestors of a person. A scientist from Poland has developed a theory in which all people originally had the first blood type. So it was conceived by nature - this blood type was given to them for survival, in order to better digest meat.

What is a blood group

You need to take an analysis in order to find out the compatibility of blood groups, a genetic predisposition to diseases. An elevated level of leukocytes will determine the presence of an infection, an inflammatory process. The indicators of red blood cells above or below the norm will indicate the malfunctioning of organs or body systems. Knowing your group will help you find a donor faster or become one. Blood compatibility can be a decisive factor for a husband and wife when a woman tries to get pregnant. The blood composition is a combination of:

  • plasma;
  • erythrocytes;
  • platelets;
  • leukocytes.

With the development of civilization, meat feasts ceased to interest people. Vegetable protein, dairy products began to be used in food. How many blood groups did a person end up with? Over time, mutation has helped improve human adaptation to the environment. Today there are 4 blood types.

Blood groups - table

The study of red blood cells led to the identification in some of them of special proteins (antigens of type A, B), the presence of which indicates belonging to one of three groups. Later, the fourth was determined, and in 1904 the world was waiting for a new discovery - the Rh factor (positive Rh +, negative Rh-), which is inherited by one of the parents. All the information obtained was combined into a classification - the AB0 system. In the table you can see what blood groups are.



Nutrition Features

Personal qualities

Time and place of occurrence

First 0(I)

meat food

Courage and strength

40 thousand years ago

Second A (II)

1891 Karl Landsteiner of Australia



Western Europe

Third B(III)

1891 Karl Landsteiner of Australia

Mono-diet is contraindicated

Patience and perseverance

Himalayas, India and Pakistan

Fourth AB(IV)

Can't drink alcohol

Allergy resistance

About 1000 years ago, as a result of mixing A (II) and B (III).

Blood group compatibility

In the 20th century, the idea of ​​transfusion arose. Hemotransfusion is a useful procedure that restores the total volume of blood cells, there is a replacement of plasma proteins, erythrocytes. The compatibility of blood groups of the donor and recipient during transfusion is important, affecting the success of blood transfusion. Otherwise, agglutination will occur - a deadly agglutination of red blood cells, as a result of which a blood clot forms, which leads to death. Blood compatibility for transfusion:

Blood type


From which you can transfuse


The foundation of human civilization is considered to be the first blood group. Our ancestors formed the habits of excellent hunters, courageous and stubborn. They are ready to use all their strength to achieve the intended goal. Modern first-bloods need to be able to plan their actions in order to avoid rash acts.

Main character traits:

  • natural leadership;
  • extraversion;
  • the best organizational skills.


  • strong digestive system;
  • physical endurance;
  • increased ability to survive.

The weak points are:

  • increased acidity (risk of peptic ulcer);
  • predisposition to allergies, arthritis;
  • poor clotting;


City dwellers. Evolution went forward and people began to engage in agriculture. When vegetable protein became the source of human energy, a vegetarian second blood group arose. Fruits and vegetables began to be used as food - the human digestive system began to adapt to changing environmental conditions. People began to understand that compliance with the rules increases the chances of survival.

Main character traits:

  • sociability;
  • constancy;
  • composure.


  • good metabolism;
  • excellent adaptation to change.

Weak sides:

  • sensitive digestive system;
  • weak immune system.


People with the third blood type are called nomads. It is difficult for them to experience an imbalance within themselves, in a team. It is better to live in mountainous areas or near water bodies. They suffer from a lack of motivation, because when stressed, their body produces a large amount of cortisol.

Main character traits:

  • flexibility in decisions;
  • openness to people;
  • versatility.


  • strong immunity;
  • well tolerate changes in diet;
  • creative.

Weak sides:

  • susceptible to autoimmune diseases;
  • lack of motivation and self-confidence.


The owners of the rarest, the fourth blood type, occurred as a result of a symbiosis of the second and third. Bohemian, easy life - that's what is characteristic of its representatives. They are tired of everyday decisions, devoted themselves to creativity. The total number of people with such a group is only 6% on the planet.

Main character traits:

  • mysterious;
  • are individual.


  • resistant to autoimmune diseases;
  • resist allergic manifestations.

Weak sides:

  • fanatics, capable of going to extremes;
  • drugs and alcohol should be avoided.

What blood type can be transfused to everyone

The most compatible is the first one. Human erythrocytes with this blood type do not contain antigens (agglutinogens), which excludes the possibility of an allergy during transfusion. Therefore, the answer to the question of which blood group is universal is the first with a negative Rh factor.

Blood compatibility for conceiving a child

Before pregnancy, planning a child must be approached competently. Reproductologists advise parents to determine blood compatibility in advance. The inheritance of a certain set of qualities from each partner by the child will depend on this, and checking Rh compatibility will help protect against hemolysis during pregnancy. If a woman has Rh-, and a man has a positive Rh, a Rh-conflict occurs, in which the body perceives the fetus as foreign and begins to fight, actively producing agglutinins (antibodies) against it.

Rhesus conflict is a danger not only for the expectant mother. Hemolytic disease can occur when the positive and negative red blood cells in the fetal bloodstream react. To determine whether conception by blood type will succeed, the Ottenberg rule can:

  • it will help protect the couple by learning what diseases can occur during conception and pregnancy;
  • establish an approximate scheme for combining a set of chromosomes during the formation of a heterozygote;
  • suggest what kind of Rh factor a child may have;
  • determine height, eye and hair color.

Table of compatibility of blood groups and Rh factor

The ratio of the blood group of the father and mother determines the possible inheritance of qualities and genes by the child. Incompatibility does not mean the impossibility of getting pregnant, but only shows that problems may arise. Knowing in advance is better than finding out when it's too late. It is better to check with your doctor which blood types are incompatible for conceiving a child. Table of compatibility of blood groups and Rh factor:

Blood type

A(II) Rh- B(III) Rh- AB(IV) Rh+ AB(IV) Rh-
+ - - - + -
0(I) Rh- - + - + - + - +
- + - + - + -
A(II) Rh- - + - + - + - +
+ - + - + - + -
B(III) Rh- - + - + - + - +
- + - + - + -
AB(IV) Rh- - + - + - + - +

The likelihood of a child inheriting the Rh factor:


Many of us dream of the perfect life partner. And this is quite natural, such a person is able to make our life pleasant in every way. But a suitable character, the same attitudes in life, the level of education are far from all that is necessary to create a happy family.

According to the blood type for marriage is also of great importance. Doctors have been talking about this for a long time. For some time now, such information has become available to everyone.

This does not mean at all that you need to abandon the chosen one if his blood type is considered inappropriate. Building an ideal relationship in a couple depends only on the efforts of two people. And if you are interested in preserving the union, no gloomy predictions can stop you.

Compatibility in love and marriage by blood type

Research in this area is especially addicted. Our scientists also conducted many experiments. At the moment, there are a number of compatibility tables for men and women based on their blood. To trust these studies or not is a personal matter for everyone.

However, upon closer examination of the results of scientific experiments, it turns out that human sexual behavior is very recognizable. And it depends on what kind of blood flows in his veins.

Sexual behavior of men and women:

  1. "tarzans" and "tigresses" 0 (I);
  2. shy husbands and devoted wives A (II);
  3. phlegmatic and lovers to spin the "dynamo" B (III);
  4. contradictory creatures or "oceans of passions" AB (IV).

Male representatives of the first blood group behave as befits "hunters".

They are real males, and they can very rarely be called monogamous. The second halves of such men should not be offended, they got a "reveler" in which blood plays. In sex, the male needs everything at once. However, this does not always work out.

If such a man comes across a particularly stable lady, the hunter enters the warpath and will “drive the game” until she surrenders to the mercy of the winner. Perseverance, perseverance, flavored with a certain amount of charisma, often allow you to succeed.

Such a game with the desired object excites the hunter, in contrast to the hasty consent of the young lady, which can lead to the opposite result.

The Japanese say - if you need a passionate lover, turn your attention to a woman with the first blood group. These ladies are jealous and sensual, prone to experiments in sex.

Despite their apparent softness, the “tigresses” have an iron grip, they keep their chosen ones on a short leash. If a man is too obedient, the lady loses interest in him. At the same time, she is very selective, she treats the choice of a partner with a cold heart.

Steel will and restraint makes it possible for her to do so, even when serious passion rages inside. In bed, the "tigress" is tireless. She knows a lot of things that make shy partners feel embarrassed.

Men of group A (II) are distinguished by great patience and calmness. They know how to take care of them for a long time and beautifully, they are not in a hurry to move on to active actions.

It is this feature that attracts older women to them, and impatient girls are only annoyed. If this man is completely overwhelmed by great love, he will be very timid. A smart lady will help such a partner to reveal his potential, and he will be very grateful to her.

Ladies with group A (II) are exceptionally decent people. They are not suitable for short-term romances, sex is perceived only as one of the aspects of married life. But it is precisely from these well-bred persons that the most devoted, faithful, reliable wives are obtained.

Representatives of group B (III) perceive sex as a form of pleasant leisure. Loneliness does not bother them at all, refusals do not offend. Ladies with B (III) are special, they are not too interested in sex.

However, they love flirting very much, they like to feel their attractiveness, but things usually don’t go beyond frivolous conversations.

Men and women with the fourth blood group - the very contradiction. They are characterized by mental discord, doubts, indecision. At the same time, men are charming to the point of insanity, able to achieve many women without effort.

A man in love completely falls into the power of a lady, losing the ability to think logically. Women also behave, they completely dissolve in their chosen one.

It is not for nothing that representatives of the AB (IV) group are called sorceresses who can heal a partner from sexual complexes. She loves experiments, adapts with pleasure to the desires of her master.

How to find out compatibility by blood type and Rh factor for marriage?

Sex is the most important aspect of the relationship between a man and a woman. If a trusting relationship has been established in a couple, there are practically no barriers.

Any problem can be solved without resorting to specialists. But the blood type, as well as the Rh factor, are very important when it comes to a family in which children may appear.

Future parents are simply obliged to think about their health. Sometimes pregnancy cannot occur due to different rhesus.

Often during the gestation of the fetus there is a blood conflict between the mother and the child, the case can end in a complete rejection of the fetus, miscarriage.

Timely delivery of tests will help to find out:

  • about possible diseases at conception, pregnancy;
  • about the approximate scheme of the combination of a set of chromosomes of a heterozygote;
  • about the Rh factor of the fetus;
  • about the height, color of the eyes, hair of the baby.

About 15% percent of people living on our planet are carriers of the third blood group. The first to have the 3rd blood type identified were representatives of the Mongoloid race. According to history, it appeared about ten thousand years ago.

The gradual migration of people moved this group to Europe. The representatives we will talk about can safely be called special people, they have a recognizable character and mood characteristics that are distinguishable from others.

From birth, a person is given a certain blood type, which he retains for life.

In medicine, there are:

  • First or zero;
  • Second or A;
  • Third or B;
  • Fourth or A, B.

Transfusion problems

If a transfusion is needed, it is important to consider that only the same blood can be transfused to a patient with a third group. In cases where blood is needed as urgently as possible, transfusion of group 1 is possible, but with regular monitoring of compatibility. It is worth taking into account not only belonging to a certain group, but also the Rh factor.

Children with the third blood type

The third group is what danger to the health of children? It is worth starting with how the baby receives group 3. In a child, it necessarily implies the same group in one of the parents. The baby cannot have the third group if the parents have the second, first or fourth. Group 3 assumes that one of the parents has a fourth, and the second has a third.

Such children have a fairly stable immune system. Toddlers easily endure trips and moving. But regarding possible problems, it is important to note the possible problems with the skin. Often, children with 3 V suffer from dermatitis and other skin diseases. The peculiarity is that the rashes are more slowly treatable. Wounds can heal worse, this is also one of the features.

Medicinal plants for the third group

Adhering to the theory, useful for group 3 is the consumption of mint, currant leaves, rose hips, lemon balm.

You should reduce the consumption of birch buds, St. John's wort, strawberries. It is forbidden to use a decoction of aloe, coltsfoot, hops.

This is due to the tendency of these people to possible allergic reactions, which quite often manifest themselves in the form of rashes.

Character and health

Many scientists have been able to reveal that the character of a person directly depends on the blood type. So the carriers of the third group are highly adaptable to different living conditions, strong immunity and stress resistance.

Women who have group 3 are more fertile. This is explained by a higher concentration of sex hormones in the blood. Therefore, it is impossible to say that a woman of the 3rd blood group is less reproductive. It all depends on the Rh factor.

Each person's blood can be Rh-positive or Rh-negative. Each of them has its own characteristics. In addition, it is Rhesus that largely determines the possibility of a favorable conception, pregnancy and the birth of a baby.

Percentage of people with different blood types and Rh factor

3 group with positive and negative Rh

The characteristic of the third group Rh positive differs from other groups. Regarding compatibility, with the third positive, it can be transfused to representatives of the third positive and fourth positive groups.

The third group with negative Rh can be transfused to people with the third and fourth. In humans, Rh can be both positive and negative.


Due to malnutrition, to which people of the 3rd group are more prone, representatives of the third positive group are prone to such health problems:

  • high weight;
  • Increased blood sugar;
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Tumors in the esophagus and pancreas;
  • Violations of the psycho-emotional state.

Due to poor nutrition, the following health problems may occur in the group (b iii rh):

  • Tumor process in the intestine;
  • Oncological diseases of the breast;
  • problems with teeth;
  • Bladder diseases;
  • neuroses.

Nutrition for people with a B3 positive group should include the following foods:

  • dietary meat;
  • Liver;
  • Fish;
  • Dairy products;
  • Juices.

Regarding restrictions, it is better to refrain from fatty meats such as pork. You should reduce the consumption of sweets. Strong alcohol is a real enemy for the 3rd blood group, as these people are prone to problems with the pancreas.

What is recommended to use and what is undesirable for the 3rd blood group

Representatives of the third negative group are recommended to include the following products in the diet:

And it is recommended to refrain (or moderate consumption) from carbonated drinks, corn, potatoes, sweets, fatty foods.

Possible problems during pregnancy

Representatives of any groups may have problems precisely because of the difference in Rhesus.

To prevent all sorts of complications, gynecologists give future parents a referral for blood to find out Rhesus. Regarding the first pregnancy, for a woman with a negative status, it is less dangerous than subsequent pregnancies. In this case, the speed with which antibodies accumulate in the mother is important, and they gain strength only by the end of the term.

With further pregnancies, even those that ended in abortion, a woman's body already has a sufficient amount of antibodies. In any case, each case is individual. The way out is as follows: in such cases, it is necessary to administer anti-Rhesus globulin to the patient within the first 3 days after the birth of a baby or an abortion.

It has been shown to be effective in reducing unwanted antibodies. This makes it possible for the family to have more babies without any problems.

In order to achieve harmony in well-being and psycho-emotional state, B3 carriers must adhere to the following recommendations and rules:

People with group 3, both positive and negative, are more prone to stress and depression than others, despite their optimism. In order to avoid such phenomena, it is recommended to relax. Each person has their own way.

You can relax with a book in your hand, you can use meditation, or you can also at a concert of your favorite band. Representatives of this group drive away the negative way of thinking in different ways. But the duration of depression and bad mood in group 3 carriers is somewhat longer than in other people.

Strengths and weaknesses: health

Possible risks

For owners of group 3, an increased level of cortisol in the blood is characteristic. This explains the slight excitability and possible stress. Sleep disturbances and daytime drowsiness and fatigue are common. Therefore, the best medicine is rest and positive emotions.

Every conscious person should know his blood. This information will come in handy in the event of an emergency transfusion. In addition, before conceiving a baby, both the future father and mother need to pass such an analysis, which will make it possible to prevent possible problems.

Pregnancy planning becomes a special event for many parents-to-be. Most of them wonder, how important is the compatibility of blood types for conception? This question worries people, probably, from the moment of the discovery of blood groups, therefore, quite a lot of attention was paid to its study. In the process of birth, the blood of both parents mixes, this is how it is formed in the fetus. At the same time, the baby has a chance to get any group, because at the moment of conception all four blood groups are formed, but their percentage is different. Naturally, the largest percentage is given to parental blood. Therefore, most often the child receives a blood type of one of them. If both parents have the same group, then the possibility of the baby forming it is about ninety-eight percent.

The Rh factor is a specific protein found in erythrocyte cells, regardless of group. If this protein is determined during the analysis, then, and in case of its absence, it is negative.

When determining the presence of the Rh factor in the mother, that is, positive blood, and the father is negative, then the child has a great chance of getting exactly positive blood. In this case, at conception, blood incompatibility may occur. Throughout pregnancy, the body of the expectant mother produces special antibodies, the purpose of which is to fight foreign objects, which may include the body of the unborn child. The result can be attacks of these antibodies on the cells of the fetus. It is these attacks that can become a serious danger to a child still inside the mother's womb. In this case, even the death of a child is possible.

Even if the baby survives and the body repels all these attacks, the course of pregnancy is likely to occur with numerous complications. The expectant mother will certainly experience a number of difficulties, at least she will experience strong manifestations of toxicosis and a noticeable weakening of the body.

The influence of blood features on pregnancy

The entire gestation period will pass without problems if the child's fetus is not perceived by the antibodies produced by the mother's body as a foreign object. It should be noted that if the mother has the first group, then usually the bearing and birth of a child occur without any complications. Moreover, there are no difficulties even if the groups and Rh factors of the father and mother do not match.

The most optimal combinations of blood groups of the father and mother are shown in the table below:

A (II group) B (III gr.) AB (IV gr.) 0 (I gr)
BUT + +
AT + +
AB + + + +
0 +

However, if the future parents have mismatched groups, then you should not especially worry, because in this case the conflict does not always arise and, as a rule, the course of pregnancy occurs quite normally.

But the mismatch of rhesus can have much more unfortunate consequences. At the same time, you need to know that the presence of positive blood in the mother almost always allows you to survive the conception and the period of pregnancy without trouble. Even if the father has negative blood, then the Rh-conflict of the child and the mother does not arise, they are completely compatible. In this situation, the child will be born with the presence of protein inside the red blood cells.

If the mother's blood is negative, then it is possible to speak with full confidence about the successful course of pregnancy only if the father has the same blood. Otherwise, there is a high probability that the child will receive negative blood, which will also not cause trouble, but another option is also possible. Problems can arise only if the child and mother have, however, this does not always happen.

conflict pregnancy

A conflict pregnancy occurs almost inevitably if the mother has a negative Rh factor, and the fetus in the womb is positive. The tragedy of this situation lies in the fact that the mother's body perceives the fetus as a foreign object, and this forces it to make every effort to reject it. This is precisely the reaction of the body, which defends itself and tries by any means to eliminate the foreignness found in itself. In the mother's body, an increased production of antibodies begins, which, after penetrating the placenta, immediately attack the fetus, trying to destroy its red blood cells.

According to the experience of doctors, a conflict pregnancy can end like this:

  • miscarriage (loss of fetus);
  • excessive work (almost wear and tear) of the spleen and liver of the fetus;
  • the development of anemia in a child, which is the result of an abnormal enlargement of the liver, which is overloaded during pregnancy.

It is in connection with the danger of conflict pregnancy that all expectant mothers are recommended to undergo special testing without fail to determine the compatibility of blood at conception. Ignoring this study greatly increases the likelihood of a newborn developing pathologies such as anemia, jaundice, dropsy and mental retardation.

How to avoid the consequences of a rhesus conflict

The conception of a child can occur quite successfully in parents who have an Rhesus conflict. However, in this case, the expectant mother will have to be regularly observed by a gynecologist for the entire period of pregnancy. Only an experienced doctor will be able to determine the necessary measures for the proper development of the fetus, and all recommendations must be followed without question.

What actions will the expectant mother have to take:

  • As soon as it is diagnosed, it will be necessary to immediately take a biopsy of the chorion. With this procedure baby.
  • You may need regular administration of immunoglobulin to the expectant mother.
  • In some cases, when there is a danger to the life of the fetus or mother, artificial induction of labor may be offered.
  • As a last resort, if the fetus still in the mother's womb is at immediate risk, a cordocentesis may be offered by a gynecologist.

Of course, these are only the most common recommendations, there are often more. But even according to these recommendations, which can significantly facilitate the course of gestation in case of an Rhesus conflict, it becomes clear how important the Rh factor of future parents is in a timely manner.

Specificity of blood groups

Today it is generally accepted that the first or zero group is the most powerful and aggressive. People with this group should prefer meat in food and are ideal donors. This group is combined with any others, the main thing is that the Rh factor matches. The second group (A) consists of people who are vegetarians and lovers of berries. The owners of the third group (B) usually prefer cereals and bread.

The fourth group (AB) is considered the most low-quality, but at the same time the most adaptive. Doctors call its owners "universal vampires", which should not be surprising, because if they match Rhesus, they can accept any other group.

Of course, the ideal option for conception would be a complete match in the parents of the group and the Rh factor of the blood, alas, this happens quite rarely. However, loving spouses who want to raise a child will be able to overcome all difficulties and even become parents with Rhesus incompatibility. The main thing is to be observed by good specialists and steadily follow all their recommendations.

There is a table that, with a certain probability, allows you to predict:

Of course, the exact determination of the blood group of the unborn child is possible only in one case, but even such an approximate prediction is sometimes very valuable.

The division into blood groups was adopted after 1900, when Karl Landsteiner discovered the presence of agglutinogens A and B in erythrocytes, and agglutinins α and β in blood plasma, which are actually proteins. If protein A is present in the blood, then α cannot be present there. Similarly, when B is present, β is absent. Based on these combinations, four blood groups were determined. The blood group system is called AB0 (read as "A, Be, zero"). In the presence of one of the proteins of agglutinogen and agglutinin "A + β", the second group is formed, "B + α" - the third group, the presence of both A and B proteins in the absence of α and β - the fourth blood group, the absence of any agglutinogen protein (zero – 0) in the presence of agglutinins α and β is typical for the first group.

In 1940, K. Landsteiner and A. Weiner made another discovery in the composition of the blood, which slightly complicated the division into groups according to the AB0 system. It was discovered that some people have an antigen (protein) called Rhesus. The presence of Rhesus determines the Rh factor is positive, the absence - the Rh factor is negative. Now each blood type has a division into two more subgroups: Rh positive and Rh negative. Most of the population (85%) is Rh positive and only 15% is Rh negative.

Compatibility of blood groups, including 3 positive

There are situations when you need to replenish the volume of blood(blood loss during injury, during surgery, with an open ulcer, during childbirth, and so on). In such cases, resort to the use of a substitute or donated blood. It happens that it is not necessary to infuse, so to speak, whole blood, only its components (plasma, leukocytes, plasma proteins) can be infused. Such a need may arise with certain infections, hematopoietic disorders, burns, and also in the absence of a suitable blood type. Why is it important that groups match? The fact is that if A and α or B and β occur during the infusion of donor blood, then a precipitate forms in the blood plasma and the destruction of erythrocytes. This leads to the fact that the main function of erythrocytes, ensuring cell respiration, is reduced to zero, which can even lead to death.

For a long time it was believed that the first group can infuse everyone, and the fourth can accept any blood type. But recently, they still try to infuse blood of an identical group and Rh, and if they have to use donor blood of the 1st group, then no more than 500 ml. Similarly, donated blood of any group for the 4th.

If blood type 3 is positive, its compatibility with other groups will look like this:

  • Donor with group 3 positive can help people with 3rd positive and 4th positive.
  • Donor with 3rd negative group- people with the 3rd negative and positive and the 4th negative and positive.
  • If the recipient has a 3rd positive, then the 1st positive and negative and the 3rd positive and negative can become a donor.
  • With the 3rd negative blood group, donors can have 1st negative and 3rd negative blood groups.

Often the question arises of compatibility when planning pregnancy. In this case, if we talk about blood type 3 positive, compatibility does not matter. In general, even any blood group does not really matter. Only the Rh factor is important if the wife's Rh factor is negative, and the husband's is positive. Because if the child inherits a positive Rh, then antibodies can be produced in the mother's body. But this does not mean that it is impossible in this case to become pregnant or give birth. Modern medicine already knows many ways to maintain pregnancy and the health of the child. In this case, you just need to be under closer medical supervision. More details in this video:
