Modern aspects of fornication. Psychologist's view

Maybe happiness will wave its hand
It will be marked by the light of the morning stars.
But so far only fog over the river
And a solid Good Friday.

Life is flying upside down.
With the thought: “something will change sometime”
We play, but the stalemate is close again,
After all, today is Good Friday.

Will sink into oblivion in the morning this day,
Behind the back of TOMORROW will hide.
Quiet whisper: "See you!", And the shadow
Hide in the past good friday

The wind will blow the leaves
Rushing on the asphalt at night
Blue swift bird
Car with queen

Again on a date face
Heart beats faster
Passionate socialite
There will be a queen all night
There will be a queen all night

Etc; didn't know didn't expect
And lost everything
What have you been looking for
you lost everything
didn't know didn't expect
What have you been looking for

2) The bitterness of mistakes lasts
And in the morning the queen
As if afraid of fate
Again on the road as a bird

Thoughts drift away
And remembers the faces
Those that did not leave the soul
And sad...

“The soul is the first entelechy of natural
la." "What are you talking about, Bela?" “And you, possessed the art-
Om of the birth of thoughts? " In terms of?" "Epipsych-
idion." "Get out, don't mess with my head." A
Kolek, all about his own, pulled himself by the ears: “Harmony
soul, listen." "Sing songs even crack."
"Don't make a mistake." Archon's verdict. Shower moat, pit,
foundation pit, frame, feelings, foundation, birth of emo
tions, out of nothing the mood is the backbone, and so you
and so, he remembered his mother, why? please don't
endure shame, vigils of sleep, strength ...

Nice April evening
wonderful weather,
The sun shines brightly in the windows of houses,
And you are next to me
Walking in step
And holding hands
I love you!
Repeating again and again
And this evening is just for us!
Entering the apartment
Our lips merged, a gentle kiss
Your hot hands
Sliding over my body
I'm losing my head....
Fog in the eyes
Your sweet kisses on your body
Silk robe
Slowly fell to the floor
You are breathing passionately
I saw lace on my body
I call laughing...

And Good Friday does not end
Everyone wants a week of forgiveness
And as for privacy
Left what you can't take with you
In the memory of the sick, partly flawed
Torn strings and drunken button accordions
And eternal disputes over round table
About the nation, happiness, and how much we drink
For the health of all living friends
Our parents, anxiously waiting
Their naughty, adult children
The countdown seconds are running faster
From the stately capital to the hinterlands of the region
From supreme holiness to human meanness.

Show yourself on Skype!
And as soon as possible...
Your LOOK, .. - in the frame of an old photo? ..
HE. Scalpel...
In the volume of my soul, .. sinful ...

There is no need to be afraid of anything.
Limits, .. boundaries? ..
...stay in your space.
I will be submissive, .. timid ...
But let me fall in love!.. least via Skype.

Your Look?!
I would just look into the depths...
What is THERE?.. Primordial tenderness...
Or the terrible Abyss, .. - universe? ..
... the bottomless FIRM of the subconscious.
Mind Stone...

Give me a look, my dear
Well, at least one more time.
The look of the charming, incomparable,
Your gaze magic eyes.
Give me a look, please
And don't hide your eyes.
In them the radiance of distant stars
Oceans turquoise.
In them sky-high heights,
They have honey dew
Everything you can dream of
And what can not be dreamed of.
The look captivates and pierces.
Oh, I sense trouble
I am in your eyes forever
I'll get lost or drown.
I know for sure
There are miracles in the world
Only all miracles are more beautiful
Those pretty eyes...

You catch my eye more than once
Telling you something.
He is cheerful and lively
And then thoughtfully sad.

I catch your gaze and green eyes
It beckons me with a hazy look.
And do not look with mute reproach,
I'm overwhelmed by beauty now.

I will call you with me
Behind the doors of the future life.
I live a dream and only with you
I want to share my alluring look.

The magic of the look

Where does it start mutual interest? Of course with a glance! The beginning of love is always in the eyes. The man cast a passionate glance at the woman, their eyes met - a miracle happens - she is in love! All quivering feelings are reflected in our eyes, as in mirrors. And all subsequent numerous events, relationships between relatives, the appearance of children, and so on, are already the result of this instant, but fateful look!

Experienced men know this well, and use it superbly. Remember what expressive eyes were Count Cagliostro in the movie "Formula of Love"? They had everything: irony, passion, sadness, understanding, and tenderness.

We, too, can learn to use the full power of the gaze to win the favor of the man or woman we like. To do this, you just need to practice a little. The most important thing is to be absolutely confident in yourself. Keep in mind that the look really expresses a full palette of feelings, emotions, so it is in your interest to change your inner world for the better, to make your look attractive. When you love yourself, self-confident, in good sense of this word, then your gaze is filled with a special attractive force for the opposite sex, almost magnetic.

To do this, you do not need to constantly “incinerate” the object of your love with your eyes, but it is simply necessary to put information about your feelings into your eyes. The look can be made radiating love, sympathy, tenderness. Men and women really like to feel that they are loved, that they are liked, that they are of interest. The secret of charm is to radiate love and goodwill at all levels, including with a glance. There was a belief in ancient times that the Sun is the eye of God, which looks at everyone with love and radiates light. Imagine that your gaze is radiating light, like the Sun, and try not to lose this amazing feeling. Then you will be called the sun! People are very sensitive to kindness and love, because it is in human nature to shine, but this is often forgotten.

You must have met people who are very hard to look in the eyes. This suggests that either a person experiences certain negative feelings to you, or frankly "pumps out" your energy. Always, if you don't feel like meeting someone's eyes, it's sure sign that it is better not only not to look a person in the eye, but not even to communicate with him.

Please do not forget about the great influence of your look on others, and in case you are angry with someone, it is better not to “drill” the offender with an angry look, because at this moment you radiate a strong negative energy, and everything tends to come back to us in a multiplied form. The power of the evil eye will eventually turn against you! If emotions are seething, try to simply lower your eyes and “extinguish” the sharpness of your gaze so as not to harm the other person, and, therefore, yourself. But keep in mind that you can’t stay with your eyes down for too long either - you may get the impression that you are insincere.

Eyes can't lie. Whether we like it or not, it is the eyes that convey 80% of the information about a person's thoughts. Beware of a person who lowers his eyes, looks away, or, on the contrary, looks at you too intrusively - most likely, he is insincere.

Once I was invited for a business conversation by one person. We talked with him for almost an hour and a half. He suggested projects joint work. It seemed that outwardly everything was fine, but one circumstance alerted me. For all the time of communication, he never once looked into my eyes! I was simply amazed how he managed to wander around the office with his eyes, look around, but not into the eyes of the interlocutor. When I came out after such communication, I was not myself. Needless to say, he did not fulfill his obligations and broke his promises. When this happened, I was not at all surprised, because his eyes, or rather the lack of contact with them, told me everything from the very beginning.

Conversely, someone who is interested in you is likely to instinctively try to "read" in the eyes of the degree of your reliability, so he will try to meet your eyes more often.

The power of the gaze is so great that it can be used to command, influence and inspire. Knowing the great potential of the look, it is simply necessary to learn how to educate it so that the impact of your look on others is only bringing joy, inspiring, luminous.

You can practice in front of a mirror first. Imagine that your task is to learn to “speak” with your eyes, and you need to express tender feelings without words.

Begin to "radiate" love and sympathy. Try to repeat this lesson a few more times, and then you can hone your skills in real life.

I want to note that if such a look becomes your habit, then you will gain not only lovers, but also friends, since a good habit of radiating love will already work for you automatically! Well, isn't it nice to talk with a person whose look and look convey information about love and affection? Of course it's nice.

At the same time, do not think that you are insincere. After all, you are spreading your joy and love to the whole world, and what's wrong with that?

To develop not only enticing, but also energetically strong gaze have an exercise. Look at yourself in the mirror at the point of the "third eye", located just above the bridge of the nose. You can draw this point to start, so as not to get lost.

Try to look without blinking, starting with 1-2 minutes, then gradually increase the exercise time. After mastering the exercise, you can no longer draw a point. Ideally, you can reach a state where you can look at yourself without blinking for almost 15 minutes. This exercise helps to develop the power of the gaze, to control one's energy, and in some sources it is called the “Eagle Gaze”.

If you have seen a photograph of Deepak Chopra or portraits of other teachers, you must have noticed the unusual look in their eyes. Such a look is quite consistent with the name "Eagle's look" and does not go unnoticed.

Use your walks to fill your eyes with the beauty of nature, the sky, the sun. It will bring you inner beauty. In general, if you want to become more beautiful, try to find beauty in life and admire it. It is very useful for the development of visual acuity to look at distant objects, such as stars, or ships at sea. Look at the sea or the river as if you are seeing it for the first time in your life. Absorb the purity of creation, enjoy it, let in the endless forces of nature. Then your eyes will become as radiant as the sun, as wide as the sky, and bottomless as the depths of the universe. The eyes of a person can radiate solemnity, complacency, regal grandeur and, of course, love. Do you want that? You can achieve it!

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The first date with a stranger usually causes a barely noticeable excitement in the chest, even for self-confident men. Anxiety is a restrained excitement that can develop into a range of pleasures or provoke a surge of aggression. At the first meeting, a normal man carefully examines his chosen one. The zone of visual research is different for everyone: one is interested in female forms, another - a cheerful mood and contact, the third - a culture of speech and appearance. But the most intriguing is the meeting with the fourth category of women who radiate a special energy from the eyes. Men who pay all their attention to female look, usually have extraordinary intuition and insight. Connoisseurs of the fourth category of women formulated signs by which one can determine the prospect of a relationship with their chosen one.

What is the look of a woman

Women who seek to seize power over a man have a predatory look. Anyone can fall under the arm: a gentle man, an unscrupulous official, a picky traffic cop or a rude passerby. Some men identify a predatory female gaze with a passionate one. This is a fatal mistake. Passionate nature yearns to satisfy the need for intimacy, and the predator - to defeat the victim.

Signs of a predatory look:

  • alluring, playful sheen;
  • scrutiny of the victim from head to toe;
  • sexual arousal at the very sight (in a man).

Only real "witches" who hide their desires deep in their souls have a magical look. Dark brown eyes, combined with innate cunning, form an explosive mixture, from which any strong man falls to his knees. Fascinated by such a look, men cannot explain the reasons that prompted him to be next to this particular woman. The "witch" penetrates the soul of her chosen one, controlling him with the help of invisible threads.

Signs of a magical look:

  • dark pupils and barely noticeable squinting;
  • a feeling of "scanning the soul" (in a man);
  • loss of will over one's actions (in a man).

Women with superficial eyes are stereotyped as blondes, whose brains work, but work efficiency is very low. Despite stereotypes, this type of woman is most popular with self-sufficient men. They are loved because they do not seek to surpass their man, do not want to force fall in love with themselves, but simply enjoy spending time together. These women believe beautiful compliments, willingly accept gifts and quickly fall in love. Competitors often laugh at them, but each time they lose the competition for the ideal man.

Superficial signs:

  • bright pupils and slightly raised eyebrows;
  • quick switching of attention from one object to another;
  • a feeling of excitement and play (in a man).

The mysterious look of a woman "from under the glass"

Mysterious modest women constantly oscillate between showing passion and maintaining an emotionless mask. This internal struggle is reflected in the gaze when an emotionless face (“glass”) coexists with hidden desires. A woman of mystery causes excitement in male seducers. A straightforward man who pays attention only to appearance or tries to ask about state of mind, will fail in relations with mysterious woman. Here you need to be able to play, pretend, deceive. And only when the game of relationships begins to bother both parties, there is a real intimacy.

Signs of a mysterious look "from under the glass":

  • a sly glint of eyes and an emotionless face;
  • the position of the observer of what is happening;
  • feeling of a dirty trick or conflicting feelings (in a man).

The look of a woman is a factor that determines the outcome of the first meeting. Some men are deeply disappointed in their chosen one and leave, while others notice the hidden talents of the woman they like and stay close.

Do you want to know if a young man really loves you or just flirting? Just look into his eyes carefully, and you will immediately understand everything. They say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. And true love will definitely be reflected in this mirror. The look of a man in love cannot be confused with anything. In our article, we will tell you everything about how to understand with one eye that a guy is in love.

What is his loving look? How to describe it? There are several objective ones: direction, duration eye contact, pupil size, concentration. We will talk about them first.

Direction of view

The lover carefully looks into the eyes, as if trying to understand whether his feelings are mutual. Often such men are so fascinated by the personality of the companion that they eagerly hang on her every word.

The gaze is dominated not by passion, but by tenderness and affection. As if you are a treasure that needs to be protected and from which you can not take your eyes off.

The gaze of a flirting man, looking for a fleeting connection, is fixed on the figure of a woman. If 80% of the time a man looks at your silhouette, hairstyle, neck, chest, waist, hips and legs - do not expect sincere feelings.

Attention to detail (clothing, jewelry, make-up) also indicates a superficial interest. Casanovas evaluate women as a commodity and willingly shower them with compliments.

Contact duration

In the psychology of relationships, the duration of a glance plays big role. According to research by scientists, interlocutors usually look into each other's eyes for 50-60% of the total conversation time.

If a man is in love, the duration of eye contact increases to 70-80%. Therefore, if you notice that a man almost without stopping looks into your eyes during a conversation, this means that you are not indifferent to him.

Flirting men rarely make eye contact when talking. They look briefly, and then the gaze moves to the lips or chest.

Men who have become adept at seduction are aware of this feature and therefore deliberately prolong contact for longer than is necessary for the situation. “Looks without seeing” - such an impression is formed from such fans.

Do you want to know all the secrets of seducing men? We advise you to look free video course Alexey Chernozem "12 laws of seduction for women". You'll get step by step plan of 12 steps on how to drive any man crazy and keep his affection for years to come.

The video course is free. To watch, go to this page, leave your e-mail and you will receive an email with a link to the video.

Pupil size

"Bottomless" eyes are not just a beautiful metaphor. During strong arousal pupils dilate involuntarily. If you notice this effect when looking at you, this is another argument in favor of serious feelings and intentions.

If a man just flirts and does not feel at the same time strong emotions, his pupils will remain the same size.


A man in love is completely immersed in communication - when you are around, the earth stops rotating, and other people do not exist. He is focused, listens carefully and looks at you when you speak. Asks a lot of clarifying questions and remembers the answers! You do not get the impression that the thread of the conversation is only in your hands - there is a full-fledged exchange.

Flirting does not require full concentration on the partner - the man remains included in the world. He is distracted by cars passing by, signs in store windows and oncoming beauties.

Often, flirting men look into the eyes only during their own monologue, as if in control - did the fish get caught in the nets? When the initiative of the conversation is intercepted by the girl, the look becomes “glassy” or “running”. If after 5-10 minutes you ask a question on the topic of your story, you will not be able to get a clear answer.

If he is really in love, this will be reflected not only in his look, but also in his behavior. We chose .

Gestures, facial expressions and body language too.

If the guy is nice to you, why not. This will help him take the next step in your relationship.

Loving look in simple words

The look of a lover young man cannot be fully measured in seconds, millimeters and percentages. If you want to be 100% sure that he is in love, look at the emotions that are reflected in his eyes.

Loving eyes

  • Warm. The look of a man in love warms. You get the feeling that you are wrapped in a warm and fluffy blanket woven from love and adoration.
  • Attentive. The eyes of a lover become interested, attention to all aspects of your life is clearly read in them. You are talking nonsense for the second hour, and the man continues to look into your eyes carefully and seriously? This is Love.
  • Caring. A man in love wants to steal his Muse from this cruel world and surround her with boundless care - his eyes take on a “fatherly expression”, as if the responsibility for the life of a woman is placed on his shoulders.

flirting eyes

  • Perky. A frankly flirtatious man is not necessarily bad person he's just not in love. A playful look is inherent in flirting, it intoxicates with ease and ease.
  • Passionate. When a woman is seen only as a sexual object, the expression of the eyes becomes oily. Lust is clearly read in the gaze, which is reinforced by the direction of the gaze on the intimate parts of the body - the chest and hips.
  • Cold. The fire of passion is not able to warm, it is more like a bright Christmas garland than a warming fire. A flirting man is focused on his emotions and thoughts, so the look is often distant and indifferent.

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Don't relax! Evaluate. Did a man bombard you with a pile of gifts, take you around a cafe and reward you with compliments every five minutes? Do not rush to relax! Soberly evaluate the look to understand - is he truly in love? If you are looking for true love, then it makes no sense to waste time on a relationship with a person aimed at superficial communication and momentary pleasures!
