My wife has big hips. Hips are full and wide - features of the figure

How should the most feminine figure that distinguishes the fair sex look like? Who is today the standard of beauty? Kim Kardashian breaks Instagram popularity records, and Monica Bellucci and Jennifer Lopez are sure to be named among the most captivating images. Their figures are united by one thing - a narrow waist, wide hips. The 21st century has become a real revolution in the approach to understanding female attractiveness.

Shape types

It has long been noticed that even with a change in weight category, the same woman has an even distribution of additional kilograms. The contours of the figure remain the same. This made it possible to single out certain types of female constitution. It directly depends on the genetic predisposition and is slightly adjusted with the help of the nutrition system and motor activity. The most common classification, in which six variants of different figures are distinguished: “apple”, “rectangle”, “pear”, “inverted triangle”, asthenic type, and also “hourglass”. The penultimate one is the choice of fashion designers who brought thin teenage girls with long arms and legs to the podium.

But today, plus size models are becoming increasingly popular - women with a narrow waist and wide hips that have mouth-watering shapes. With no less grace, they demonstrate new clothing lines for the fair sex. Two types of figures out of six are distinguished by a narrow waist, wide hips - “pear” and “hourglass”. Let's dwell on them in more detail.


This type is often called gynecoid, because it is absolutely not typical for the strong half of humanity and shows all the advantages of female beauty: narrow, slightly sloping shoulders, a graceful waist and a flat stomach, but at the same time a captivating steep bend in the hips. Representatives of this type are rarely tall and can be both broad-boned (Irina Rodnina) and thin-boned (Salma Hayek). Sometimes different widths of the bones of the skeleton are observed in the same woman: thin arms and massive legs. Due to low metabolism, extra pounds "settle" in the buttocks, upper legs and chest. At the same time, a narrow waist is maintained. Wide hips differ in the direction of increase by at least 30 cm.

The emphasis on the upper body (shoulders, decorations on the neck and décolleté, bright colors of blouses, neckerchiefs and breast pockets) will make it possible to present a woman’s figure more proportional, because it’s no secret that the “sandy” figure is truly coveted by many. watch".


Approximately the same size of the hips and shoulders against the background of a thin waist (the difference is 25 or more centimeters) characterizes representatives of this type. An example can be called Lyudmila Gurchenko, who retained enviable proportions until the last years of her life, and the incredible Audrey Hepburn, just as fragile and feminine. The figure of Monica Bellucci can also be put on a par with them, but it is distinguished by luxurious forms. A narrow waist, wide hips (photo can be seen in the article) make her a breathtaking beauty even at the age of 50+. Rounded buttocks and bust, a curved line from the waist to the hip - what could be more feminine? It is an indicator that extra pounds are extremely evenly distributed throughout the body, while maintaining exciting lines. The owners of this type of figure suit any outfit, in this regard they can be called real lucky ones.

The most graceful waist and the widest hips

New fashion trends force individual representatives of the female part of the population to make incredible efforts in the struggle for beauty. Singer Rupa Boyko once weighed about 90 kg. Her dream was a thin waist and feminine proportions. Despite the fact that her performance was 40 cm, she is not a world record holder. Cathy Jung, whose age is in the 75+ category, did not take off her corset for almost 50 years, becoming the owner of a waist of 38 cm. At the same time, she did not need to remove the ribs or resort to other surgical interventions. Her achievement is a narrow waist.

Wide hips measuring 2.5 meters belong to the American Mikel Ruffinelli. In order for her to fly, the airline has to make up one or two seats. With a height of 156 cm, the proportions of Ruffinelli cannot be admired. Rather, sympathy. Where is the line that should separate feminine forms from excessive fullness? There is only one criterion - it is the preservation of health, and with it elastic and delicate skin, devoid of cellulite.

Once the owners of wide hips were considered the standard of female beauty. But fashion is a fickle thing, and today girls with roundness in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe figure often experience complexes.

And what if you try to adjust your silhouette with the help of modern fashion and proudly flaunt your luxurious thighs? Moreover, against the background of full hips, with the right choice of clothes, the waist will look much narrower. And this is the notorious silhouette of an hourglass, which no man can resist.

So that full hips are not conspicuous, their owners should choose a wardrobe that would visually correct non-standard body proportions. What should be worn in this case?

  • First of all, you need avoid overly loose, baggy and layered clothing, which adds even more volume to the figure. You should choose things in calm, solid colors with a tight-fitting (but not constricting) silhouette.
  • Do not wear high-waisted trousers and breeches, such models only further emphasize the imbalances in the figure. It is better to choose trousers and jeans with a low waistline.
  • Avoid bulky patch pockets both front and rear products.
  • In the color palette it is better to choose dark shades, because, as you know, they are able to visually stretch the figure and “remove” a couple of extra centimeters. This does not mean that you have to wear exclusively black, you can choose beautiful dark green, dark blue or burgundy models.
  • Don't forget to add original accessories. They help to harmoniously complete the image and attract attention, focusing on the neckline or face, distracting the eye from non-standard hips. So, a bright wide belt, located just above the waist, will emphasize the beauty of the chest, and a thin belt, left in a slightly loose position (do not tighten the belt too much so as not to create unnecessary folds), will put emphasis on the waist and make you forget about the hips.
  • put on long earrings and beads to draw attention to the top of the figure.
  • As is known, heeled shoes able to give the silhouette of harmony, so feel free to wear heels. This may not necessarily be a stiletto heel, you can choose a more stable wide heel. In any case, your figure will noticeably tighten up, and your legs will lengthen.
  • Oddly enough, but even with the help of a bag, you can change the visual proportions of the figure. choose bags with long straps, but not too large models.

What clothes to choose for girls with wide hips?

The first option for correcting the figure is a visual increase in the volume of the upper part of the body.

A scarf or stole draped over the shoulders is suitable for almost any outfit. This will give the image additional femininity.

Bright and unusual top draws attention to itself.

You can focus on the beautiful collar of a blouse or dress. Also, clothing with shoulder pads will help to visually expand the shoulder area.

Just keep in mind: do not wear too short blouses or jackets, the length should reach at least the beginning of the hips. The V-neck of a cardigan or dress will also help shift the focus to the chest and distract from the main problem area.

The V-shaped neckline favorably emphasizes the beauty of the chest, visually stretches the silhouette and distracts attention from the bottom.

Kimono sleeves and pockets at the top of the garment can also solve the problem of wide hips. Skillful use of contrasting colors (black and white) can distract from non-standard proportions. All these methods are ideal for girls of medium and tall height.

With low growth, you need to work on the hips - visually reduce their volume. To do this, you can choose things of a free cut with vertical stripes. You can add a good accessory to a skirt or trousers - a belt with hanging ends.

Jeans for fat girls with wide hips

Prefer a casual style of dress? Jeans will help create the right image.The most successful color is dark blue.

Properly selected jeans will make the silhouette slimmer and visually reduce the hips. It is recommended to complement them with an elongated top (T-shirts, shirts, cardigans).

When choosing denim trousers, make sure that the fabric does not stretch too much, otherwise you risk buying jeans that are a size too small. And this is not allowed in the presence of wide hips.

Perfect dress for full hips

Would you like to choose a feminine look? Then give preference to a dress of a simple style, medium length, complement it with a wide belt. The presence of a vertical fold in the style of the dress is welcome.

Wrap dresses focus attention on the upper body, while the lower part remains “behind the scenes”.

Shoes with medium heels are suitable for such images.

Rules for choosing outerwear

In outerwear, give preference to a coat of a straight silhouette. In it, you can look more slender and tall, and the line of the hips will not be evident.

You can also opt for A-line silhouettes. It is better to give preference to models of medium length - to the middle of the knee.

Choosing a swimsuit

For the beach season, you can choose a closed swimsuit with a dark bottom.

A translucent flying tunic or a beautiful pareo tied along an oblique line will complete the look.

What should be discarded with wide hips?

Girls with too prominent hips should avoid:

  1. trousers narrowed down;
  2. obliquely tailored skirts, as well as pleated skirts;
  3. patch pockets and other voluminous elements on trousers and dresses in the hip area (the exception is skirts and dresses with peplum - such models can (and even should!) be worn by girls with lush hips).

When choosing trousers, pay attention to the groin area. If folds gather there, then the model does not suit you.

Too large a drawing can turn the situation not in your favor. It is better to choose plain clothes in darker shades. But for the top, you may well choose brighter colors.

As you can see, wide hips are no reason to hide under baggy clothes. Properly selected styles of clothing will help you look stylish and elegant. And then you will feel confident and catch admiring glances!

Many of us have complexes because of wide hips. However, is it worth it? In my new article, I will talk about celebrities with wide hips, who not only do not complex, but also made a pop cult out of their magnificent hips. Let's get started.

1. Kim Kardashian, the owner of not only wide hips, but also a decent priest. Kim: "Self-confidence is the most important rule on the way to a sexy figure. Love your forms. And skillfully emphasize them, and do not try to hide them."

Weight: 53 kg, height: 157 cm, 99-66-86

2. One of the sexiest TV presenters is Anfisa Chekhova. She is not shy about her body and wears revealing outfits.

Height: 165 cm, weight: 69 kg, 100-76-108

3. Jennifer Lopez made her ass famous, so she's proud of her curvaceous thighs and round booty.

Height: 167 cm, weight: 57 kg, *-58-96

4. Beyoncé doesn't suffer because her ass doesn't fit into a size 38 model. "I feel great when I'm not sprawling and when I'm not skinny. Natural forms look much more appetizing."

Height:172cm, Weight:62kg, 88-66-98

5. Monica Bellucci

Height: 175 cm, weight: 64 kg, 89-61-89

6. Nicki Minaj flaunts her colorful volumes in every possible way.

In pursuit of a beautiful appearance, most women put their figure first. To do this, the beautiful half of humanity sacrifices a lot to look like beauties from the covers of fashion magazines: they use diets, go in for sports, and so on. But are these efforts worth the reward in the eyes of men?

Opinion of men: the female figure should be symmetrical

And what figure do they consider the most attractive when looking at photos of famous beauties? Today, scientists from around the world can answer this question, who have repeatedly conducted sociological surveys regarding the most attractive female appearance.

What a “beautiful female figure through the eyes of men” she is - you will learn from our article!

It turns out that a beautiful female figure through the eyes of men is not at all the notorious sizes 90-60-90, as many women believe. But there is still some truth to this.

As many different people as there are many opinions about the ideal appearance. Previously, at different times, plump or very thin girls were in fashion. Now the main ideal of a female figure can be called symmetrical proportions, and the size of the chest, waist and hips are not so important.

There are lovers, both thin and full women:

  1. Too skinny should have rounded proportions to draw attention to their figure. It is better if the chest and hips are about the same size, and the waist is smaller. This figure is perfect for girls of short stature. Men like this type of appearance due to the fact that you can feel like a gentleman by protecting and caring for her.
  2. Curvy ladies also attract the attention of men. They are more often chosen for serious relationships. According to psychologists, this type of appearance is more like men of low social status or those who have a mother of the same shape. But it is worth noting that fullness should be moderate - sagging belly and sides do not paint anyone. If you look through the eyes of a man, then a full female figure can be called beautiful if the waist is about 70 percent from the hips, and the chest is of the same volume.
  3. The most perfect appearance women have an athletic build. Tightened belly and hips, medium-sized breasts and slightly pumped up muscles of the arms and legs make the owner of the fair sex the most desirable in the eyes of a man. But here you need not to overdo it with pumping up muscles, since too noticeable biceps make the figure less feminine, which is extremely disliked by men.

The hourglass figure is the ideal body according to men

Although everyone has different tastes, most men agree in one opinion - a masculine figure with large shoulders and narrow hips is not very attractive. The most ideal figure is considered to be the hourglass. In this type of women, the waist is much smaller than the hips and chest.

This choice is connected with the fact that on a subconscious level, it is inherent in men to choose a healthy and prolific couple for themselves. And the narrow waist and wide hips just evoke the idea of ​​a woman's readiness for procreation.

Interesting fact! Scientists have found that women with a guitar-like figure have a large amount of estrogen, which contributes to the conception and bearing of children. It is this sex hormone that shapes the female body, making the hips wider than the waist.

Therefore, a beautiful female figure, when viewed through the eyes of most men, should be in the shape of an hourglass, indicating that a woman can bear and give birth to a healthy child.

Figure "90-60-90" - the perfect body for womanizer

Not so long ago, the proportions of 90-60-90 were considered the standard of beauty. It was to these parameters that most beauties aspired. But, as it turned out, such volumes most often attract men who are not ready for a long relationship. If we talk about a partner for procreation, then The main criterion that men distinguish is a thin waist and wide hips.

And centimeters are not the main thing here. But a man who has only fashionable attributes of attractiveness in the first place is looking for the most ideal, most beautiful, most slender. Such a partner will always cheat, looking for a more fashionable and glamorous beauty on the side.

Rectangular figure - the ideal body for male leaders

But a beautiful female figure through the eyes of male leaders is rectangular, without roundness and appetizing curves. Such a woman demonstrates a strong character and the ability to stand up for herself, so for her only a strong man with leadership qualities can be the best couple.

But "mama's sons" with a weak character, who are ready to live "under the heel", are also drawn to women with a "rectangle" figure, because they want to be under someone's protection.

Note! In women with a rectangular figure, the male hormones androgens predominate, which direct fat deposits to the waist area, removing them from the hips. Such gomons increase stress resistance and endurance, which makes the female character "steel".

What should be the female breast

Often in fashion magazines and on television, you can see models with large breasts. Many ladies try to enlarge their breasts in every possible way, believing that men like this type more. But it is worth knowing that beauties of model appearance are more to the liking of teenagers or men of age.

And such ladies attract them only because of the opportunity to assert themselves, to show others their importance.

Not everyone considers a female figure with large breasts beautiful. In the eyes of most men, the most acceptable size is the second or third. And for busty ladies, they show rather simple curiosity, but they don’t want to marry such women.

On thin and fragile girls, large breasts look more vulgar than beautiful. Therefore, you should not disfigure your body with silicone, as this can lead to poor health, and the desired result cannot be achieved.

Waist and hips: what are the ideal parameters for men

Men, when looking at a woman, immediately pay attention to the hips and waist. This zone, according to most representatives of the stronger sex, is the most attractive.

But what is it that really grabs their attention? Scientists have found that on an intuitive level, men evaluate their potential partner in this way - is it worth getting to know her, is she already busy with another contender for her hand and heart, is she healthy, and so on.

And you can find out exactly by the waist, hips and their ratio:

  • thin waist shows a man that a woman is not pregnant, which means she is not busy;
  • taut, rounded hips talk about the good health of the female and the ability to give birth to healthy offspring;
  • difference between waist and hips will show the character of a woman and her ability to bear and feed a child.

No matter how full a lady is, the optimal index between the waist and hips should not exceed 0.7. That is, the waist should be only 70% of the hips. Such parameters will attract attention regardless of the fullness, height and body weight of a woman (within reason, of course).

Interesting fact! Men don't need to walk around with a tape measure to see an attractive waist-to-hip ratio. It is enough for them to look at a woman for 10 seconds, and intuition itself will tell them the correct parameters of the female body, under which they can safely make a further decision on procreation.

Long legs - the standard of female beauty

An indisputable fact is the increased interest of almost all men in long-legged ladies. Regardless of height and weight, a woman's legs must be long..

Such a whim can be explained by the fact that short legs indicate childhood, that is, the woman is still unprepared for procreation. And during puberty, women's legs begin to lengthen, and this intuitively allows men to understand that the girl is ready for childbearing.

So long legs and a symmetrical figure of a woman are not at all a whim of a pampered and capricious man, but a quite practical choice in implementing the plan for the production of offspring.

What size should a woman wear according to men?

If women think that they need to lose weight to the 40th clothing size (or XXS by international standards), then this is a deep delusion. Numerous studies have shown that men prefer to see their chosen ones in the 46th clothing size rather than in the smallest.

For example, the British TV presenter and actress Kelly Brook has a rather impressive bust, and it is difficult to call her thin, but her figure has become an ideal for most men.

For comparison, in order to understand how beautiful a thin woman is considered, you can look at the table of the ratio of positive votes received to the parameters of the figures of different celebrities.

As you can see, too small size of women's clothing is not popular with the representatives of the stronger sex and is gaining very few votes of sympathy.

But men are also treated with disdain for very full girls, and they will not be delighted if their chosen one suddenly begins to gain extra pounds. A particularly large amount of disapproval was heard against girls who rapidly gained three or more clothing sizes.

Men reacted relatively calmly when their partner gained 1-2 sizes. And the opinion was divided almost in half if their chosen one recovered by 2-3 sizes.

So a beautiful female figure through the eyes of men is definitely not an anorexic model and not a shapeless puff, but a figured woman with rounded proportional shapes and a thin waist.

A survey by German sociologists of men regarding the ideal female figure showed very interesting results. It turns out that the male ideal varies depending on the social status in the country.

In wartime or in the event of a financial crisis, the eyes of men are turned to magnificent forms, and in peacetime - to thin ladies. So do not worry too much about the extra 2-3 kg of weight gain, the main thing is that the figure is toned and the body is healthy. To do this, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, give preference to natural products and play sports.

A beautiful female figure through the eyes of men in this useful video:

Women's beauty through the eyes of men in different countries of the world:

They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But the latest scientific research has shown that its perception is much less subjective than hitherto was commonly believed. In fact, argues New Zealand anthropologist Barnaby Dixon, men are attracted to women who are endowed with very specific body parameters. Moreover - and this will inevitably cause a storm of protest - the scientist insists that the weight category is not of decisive importance.

An anthropologist's secret formula for female attractiveness is based on a principle that isn't all that new. As you know, the interest of the stronger sex in the weak is based on sexual instincts, formed already in prehistoric times. These ancient tyrants, hiding in the subconscious, are pushing men in search of the ideal female - a trustworthy successor of the family, whose fertility is downright written on her face (more precisely, a little lower).

What physiological sign of fertility is more striking than others? Of course, wide hips, which, in turn, indicate the width of the pelvis. But men, when evaluating the appearance of a potential partner, of course, are not aware of all these delicate nuances - they are guided by a purely visual effect. And to achieve it, the owner of a "prolific" figure does not necessarily have to have a rear part the size of a horse's croup or a ship's stern. All salt - in the ratio between the circumferences of the hips and waist, due to which an alluring bend appears in the outlines.

Anthropology doctor Barnaby Dixon from the University of Victoria calculated this ratio by having a group of male volunteers look at specially processed images of the same woman. Taking a more or less abstract model as a basis, the scientist's colleagues, using a computer program, modified her figure in the photograph, creating several completely different options. In some pictures, the experimental lady turned out to be busty and wide-hipped, in others - slender, in the third - puffy.

Subjects had to stare at these modifications intently and then rate them on a ten-point scale, while infrared cameras recorded each eye movement, determining the direction of gaze.

According to the results of the experiment, the composition of the "favorites" was determined. The researchers, having studied the readings of the cameras, revealed the secret of their attractiveness: it turns out that men's eyes froze at the waist and slid down the hips, and then went back up, and so on several times. Having discovered the scope of the basic instinct, scientists measured the difference between the waist and hips of those virtual models that the volunteers liked, and got the coveted result.

So, here it is - the formula for female attractiveness: we divide the waist by the hips and get 0.7. Incidentally, the "gold" standard 90-60-90 falls short of Dixon's formula by a few hundredths. Either the waist is too big, or the hips are too narrow... But on the other hand, examples from the stellar world testify in favor of the calculations of the New Zealand anthropologist - unmodeled, but not in doubt in their seductiveness. Those same seven-tenths of the difference between the waist and hips - the unforgettable Marilyn Monroe and Jessica Alba, the famous Victoria's Secret model Alessandra Ambrosio and, paradoxically, the bony brawler Kate Moss.

Barnaby Dixon was not too lazy and checked the validity of his calculations on men from other countries. It turned out that not only New Zealanders are greedy for the secret formula, but also residents of Great Britain, Cameroon, Germany and China. “As I expected, this does not depend on the country and culture,” says the anthropologist. “The optimal ratio between the circumference of the waist and hips gives the woman such figure outlines, at the sight of which a signal light lights up in the male’s brain. “This individual is healthy, she will give birth you healthy children," instinct dictates to him.

The study echoes those research projects published last year in Germany. Experts from the University of Regensburg found that the sharp curves of a female figure are more attractive to men than long legs and athletic muscle elasticity. They shed light on the reverse process, calculating the laws of male attractiveness and reassuring those guys for whom the concept of "stronger sex" does not include physical strength.

It turns out that women do not peck at hypertrophied biceps and triceps, nurtured with great labor in the sweaty closeness of the "rocking chair", but at signs of tenderness and sensitivity, which pumped up muscles, you see, are not. “The subconscious tells them to look for effeminate features in a potential partner, indicating a lack of aggression, because it is a person with a gentle character and a balanced temperament who will be the best father for the intended offspring,” the authors of the study explained.
