Party in the style of "Alice in Wonderland": script, costumes, design and competitions. Scenario of the New Year's theatrical performance for children of primary school age Scenario of the New Year's performance of Alice in Wonderland

Scenario of the New Year's fairy tale "Alice Through the Looking Glass"

Game theatrical program with competitions for the New Year for elementary school

Pedagogical tasks : creation of conditions for the child to realize his abilities in various areas of creative activity (on the example of L. Carroll's work), for the presenters - the realization of leadership and organizational qualities, the creation of a holiday atmosphere.

Implementation conditions : This game program requires additional preparation. The program requires an appropriate entourage - fabulous music, scenery, costumes for all the characters. The idea of ​​the program is that the participants get to the fabulous place "Through the Looking Glass", where creativity manifests itself, and help Alice pass all the tests and get to the New Year's ball.

Props: a chess field, a large throne, a table, chairs and everything for tea drinking, a large pot of water, spoons, riddles, diplomas, sweet prizes.

Age of participants: 7-11 years old

Case progress:

(music on exit presenter)

1 Herald: Inhabitants of the fairy kingdom, and inhabitants of the fairy kingdom!

2 Herald: Welcome to Wonderland! Where the impossible is possible, and what is true is false and vice versa!

1 Herald: We invite you all to plunge into fantasies and not think about time, because here the clock is always exactly the time when it's time to drink tea.

2 Herald: And try not to get lost, because there are thousands of ways in Wonderland and it is not surprising to get lost here. So let's start.

(Music for the appearance of the Rabbit)

Then Rabbit appears, hurries, hurries, asks everyone “What time is it?” and says that we are late again! (The rabbit makes one circle around the room).

Rabbit faces back to back as Alice exits. The rabbit, frightened and not recognizing Alice, jumps up and runs in the other direction.

Alice: Stop! Wait! It's me Alice! Rabbit! Stop! What's the matter, what happened?
Rabbit: BUT! An old friend! Where did you disappear to? Oh, as much as I'm late, but you're even more late!

Alice: What?! Where am I late.

Rabbit: How where??? And the New Year's party??? Haven't you heard that every year a new queen of the ball is elected at the New Year's ball, and if a new queen is not chosen, then the New Year will not come!

Alice: And what about me? I have never been a queen, not even in children's games. There are more deserving ones!

Rabbit: Maybe there is. But in the great chronicle of Wonderland, it is written that the queen of the New Year's ball in 2012 will be a girl named Alice. Is there anyone else named Alice here? (turns to children): Is there??? Confess, who else is called Alice? (no one comes out). Here you see! You are the only one! And if you don't make it to the ball, yesterday will forever remain in our country!

Alice: What do I need to do to get to this ball? How can I get there?

Rabbit: Oh, this is very difficult and I'm afraid that you will not have enough time or energy.

Alice: Does that mean I have no chance? And in Wonderland it will always remain yesterday and the New Year will not come?!

Rabbit: Well, if someone can help you overcome this difficult path ...

Alice: Look how many guys are next to me, and I think that no one will refuse to help me. Are you willing to come with me?

Children: Yes!!!

Rabbit children: But this is not an easy walk! You are only on the second line of the chess field, and you have to get to the eighth! Are you ready for this?

Children: Yes!!!

Rabbit: But on the way you will meet with the most strange and unusual creatures. Are you not afraid?

Children: Not!!!

Alice: You see how many friends I have. And we are all ready to go on this mysterious journey.

Rabbit(pointing to the field) : Eight cells along, and eight across.

How small it is, how immensely great!

How many paths lay along it,

And among them - one, only and true.

Rabbit: Alice, to get to the ball, you need to become a pawn and go through all 8 lines of the chess field! Are you ready? You are now on line 2 and you have a long way to go. Are you guys ready to go with Alice?


Rabbit: Then go! Don't waste a minute! After all, in Wonderland time runs very fast!

Alice: Rabbit, show me the way!

Game with the hall "Hippodrome".

They find themselves at the laid table, at which the Hatter, the March Hare and the Dormouse Mouse are sitting.


March Hare: Busy! Busy! There are no seats!

Alice: As many places as you want! (sits down at the table, Rabbit stands behind her chair)

March Hare: Have some wine.

Alice: I don't see something.

March Hare: Still would! He is not here!

Alice: Why are you offering it to me? It's not very polite.

Hatter: You sat down uninvited. It's also not very polite. What is today's date? (takes a watch out of his pocket and shakes it).

Alice: Twenty sixth.

Hatter: They are two days behind ... I told you: you can’t lubricate them with butter!

March Hare: The oil was the freshest!

Hatter: Yeah, but there must have been crumbs in there. There was no need to smear with a bread knife.

Alice: What a funny watch! They show the number, not the hour!

Hatter: What's wrong with that? Does your clock show the year?

Alice: Of course not!

Hatter: Well, I have the same!

March Hare: Sonya is sleeping again. (sprinkles tea on her nose).

Sonya: Of course, of course, I was just about to say the same thing.

Hatter: Don't waste too much tea. We don't have much of it left.

Alice: If you want, the guys and I can easily fill your cups with fresh tea.

Competition "Chaenosy".

Alice chooses 3 teams of 5 people for the relay. Their task is to drag water from a large pot into small buckets in turn with a tablespoon. Whoever collects the most water in 1 minute of time wins.

(Music for the competition)

Hatter:Well, you did the job and helped Alice get over the third line. (children move the pawn to the fourth line).

Rabbit:Alice, we don't have time! It's time to run.

Alice:Farewell, dear hosts. It's time for us to hurry on (run away).

Two identically dressed little men appear in the clearing.

(Music for Trulya-La and Tralya-La)

Trulya:Hi Alisa! Hi guys! And Trulya-La and I live on the fourth cell. And more, and more! We want to sing for you now!

Trawl:Aha! How! We will now dance with Tralya-La!

Trulya:No, sing!

Trawl:No, dance!

Trulya:And let's fight a little - until six hours, and then have lunch ?!

Alice:Stop! What kind of mess are you doing here?!

Trulya:Leapfrog? How do you know it's our favorite game?

Trawl:Actually, that's what I wanted to say!

Trulya:Well, I didn't say that, so I said it first.

Trawl:Are you starting again? Everything! Only a fight will solve our dispute!

Alice:Wait! Why should you fight? If leapfrog is your favorite game, then let's just play it and your mood will immediately improve!

The game "Leapfrog".

(Music for the competition)

Trulya: Well, thank you guys! Have played enough! Hurry with Alice to the fifth line!

Trawl: Goodbye!

Rabbit: Well, what are you waiting for?! M We're late, we're late!!!

Alice: Indeed, it's time to go.

(Music of the Blue Caterpillar)

Blue Caterpillar: Who are you?

Alice: I really don't know myself. In the morning I was an ordinary girl, and in the evening I should become a queen. At least that's what they say.

Blue Caterpillar: What are you imagining? Are you out of your mind?

Alice: I don't know. Must be in someone else's. Do you see...

Blue Caterpillar: I do not see!

Alice (angry): I think you should tell me who you are first.

Blue Caterpillar: Why? (Alice hesitated) Here you see! Simple question, but it confused you. What kind of queen are you if you are so easily confused?!

Rabbit (interfering): Excuse me, but she is a simple person and cannot know everything at once!

blue caterpillar: So how does she plan to become queen then?

Rabbit: And her companions can help her in this. Look how many our Alice has.

Blue Caterpillar: Good. So be it. Bring the brightest of each class to me and I will test their knowledge. If they cope with the test, then so be it, I will let you through to the next line. I will call the mothers of the little animals, and you should name their cubs for me in unison:

(Music for the competition)

Mom has a child.

The cat - (kitten)

The dog - (puppy)

At the goose - (gosling)

At the pig - (pig)

At the horse - (foal)

At the chicken - (chicken)

At the ram - (lamb)

At the fox - (fox cub)

At the she-wolf - (wolf cub)

At the kangaroo - (kangaroo)

At the hippopotamus - (hippopotamus)

At the giraffe - (giraffe)

And now riddles about the seasons:

When the leaves fall

And the cloud covers the light

It all happens in winter

Did I say correctly? (No)

Heat, foliage, flowers around

And the birds send greetings

Tell me dear friend

Maybe it's autumn? (No)

We wear hats, coats

In blizzards, snow and cold

And at night the wind howls in the pipes

Does it happen in summer? (No)

When around the icicles melt

And the water runs like a stream

It all happens in the spring

Tell me is it true? (Yes)

Blue Caterpillar: Well. You really coped with the task with dignity and you can go to the sixth line. Farewell, almost-Queen Alice. If everything goes well, we will meet soon, but I think that we will not recognize each other, because both you and I will soon change a lot.

Rabbit: Well, what are we standing We're late, we're late!!! Alice, make a move!

(Music of Humpty Dumpty)


Alice:Oh, how like an egg! And you, probably, Humpty Dumpty?!

Humpty Dumpty:How tired I am of this, everyone calls me an egg! And no one wants to understand the subtle romantic soul! Do you think it's easy for a lonely person to sit all day and peer into the distance?!

Alice:I don't think it's the most fun thing to do.

Humpty Dumpty:You're right. Look at the road over there, in the distance. Who do you see there?


Humpty Dumpty:Oh, how I envy you! To think of seeing Nobody at such a great distance!

Alice: I think you're just really sad and lonely. Do you want us to entertain you?

Humpty Dumpty: Go ahead! Can you dance?

Children: Yes!!!

Humpty Dumpty: Only, mind you, a condition: the music will sound very different, and I will show the movements. And you repeat after me. Do you agree?

Children: Yes!!!

Dance competition.


Humpty Dumpty: Oh, and funny you guys! Well, how can one not show the way further! Go there and very soon you will find yourself on the seventh line. Good luck, friends!

(Music of the Cheshire Cat)

Alice: This tree looks familiar to me!

Rabbit:Yes, our Cheshire Cat lives on it!

Cheshire Cat: Good afternoon. And how did you get so far deep into Wonderland?

Alice: Hello. I'm just going wherever my eyes look. Please tell me where should I go from here?

Cheshire Cat: Where do you want to go?

Alice: I don't care.

Cheshire Cat: Then it doesn't matter where you go...

Alice:... just to get somewhere already.

Cheshire Cat: You will definitely get somewhere, you just need to walk long enough.

Alice: What kind of people live here?

Cheshire Cat: Have you seen the Mad Hatter, the March Hare and the Dormouse? Agree that they are out of their minds.

Alice: Yes, they are a little weird.

Cheshire Cat: There's nothing to be done, we are all out of our minds here - both you and me.

Alice: How do you know I'm out of my mind?

Cheshire Cat: Of course, not in my own! Otherwise how would you be here? And I'm out of my mind. Have you heard cats talking?

Alice: Honestly, no. They usually purr as if they are humming something.

Cheshire Cat: By the way, about "humming". Are you ready for the New Year's party? Did you learn to dance?

Alice: Oh yeah! Thanks to Humpty Dumpty, we learned!

Cheshire Cat: Have you learned to sing?

Alice: Right, I don't know. We haven't tried it yet.

Cheshire Cat: Well, how is she?! Go to the royal ball and not be able to sing? Then I can't let you into the eighth line.

Rabbit: In my opinion, this is wrong!

Cheshire Cat: What's wrong?

Rabbit: It's not right that you won't let us in. You haven't checked whether we can sing yet. Guys, can we sing?

Children: Yes!!!

Cheshire Cat: Do you know songs about winter?

Children: Yes!!!

Cheshire Cat: Well, then prove it. Let's try to remember songs about winter and everything connected with it - snow, ice, skates, sleds... Let's start with the first grade. And the class that remembers the songs the most will be able to transfer Alice to the last eighth line, right to the royal palace.

Ring of songs about winter.

Cheshire Cat: You really successfully coped with a difficult task, and you deserve to get to the ball. But you should hurry, the ball is already beginning, and the White and Black Queens really hope that there will be no new queen, and they will retain their power in Wonderland. Hurry...

Alice: The last stream - and I'm the Queen! Sounds great! Finally, the eighth line! I never thought that I would become Queen so soon.

Alice sits on the throne, on one side of her stands the Black Queen, and on the other, the White Queen.

Alice: Tell me please...

Black queen: Never speak first!

White Queen: How dare you say: “that I will become the Queen so soon”? What right do you have to call yourself that? You are not a Queen until you pass the Queen Exam! And the sooner we start, the better!

Black queen: Always speak the truth! Think before you say anything! And write down everything you said!

Alice: I didn't think at all...

White Queen: This is what I don't like! You should have thought! How do you think anyone needs a child who doesn't think?

Black queen: So, let's start the exam. Have you been taught addition? What is one plus one plus one plus one plus one plus one plus one plus one plus one plus one?

Alice: I don't know, I lost count.

White Queen: Addition does not know! Do you know subtraction? Subtract nine from eight.

Alice: I don't know this, but...

Black queen: Subtraction does not know! What about division? Divide a loaf of bread with a knife - what will happen?

Alice: To my mind...

White Queen: Sandwiches, of course. And here is another example on Subtraction. Take a bone from a dog - what's left?

Alice: The bone, of course, will not remain - after all, I took it away. And the dog won't stay either - it will run after me to bite me... Well, of course, I won't stay either! There must be nothing left.

Black queen: Wrong again! There will be dog patience! It's very simple - the dog will lose patience, right? If she runs away, her patience will remain, right?

White Queen: Doesn't know arithmetic!!! Let's move on to housekeeping. Where does bread come from? Answer!

Alice: This I know. He bakes...

Black queen: Baking? Who is he caring about?

Alice: Not about whom, but from what! You take grain, you grind it...

White Queen: You are not grinding grain, but nonsense!

Black queen: Do you know languages? How do you say "fu you, well you" in French?

Alice: What does it mean?

Black queen: I have no idea!

Alice: If you tell me what it means, I will immediately translate it into French for you!

Black queen: Queens do not enter into transactions!

Alice: It would be better if they did not enter into disputes!

White Queen: Let's not fight! Since Alice has reached the eighth line, we are forced to admit that she really deserves the title of Queen.

Black and White Queens (curtseying): Greetings, Your Majesty!


Rabbit: Hurrra! Alice has become a Queen! The prediction came true! Now the New Year is right around the corner! (remembering). Stop! Not! Will not come! We are missing the most important guests of this holiday.

Alice: Who are you speaking about? The guys are here, all the fairy-tale characters are here. Who is missing?

Rabbit: Guys, tell Her Majesty Queen Alice, who are we missing at the New Year's ball?

Children: Santa Claus! Snow Maiden!

The doors open, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden enter.

(Music for the release of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden)

Alice: Well, now it's all set! We can start the holiday!

Two heralds come out, dressed in chess or card suits. Fanfares are blowing, announcing the beginning of the ball.

1 Herald: Queen Alice calls for a holiday:

Gather quickly, Mirror People!

2 Herald: On a high throne in a brilliant crown

Queen Alice is waiting for you in the palace!

DM: hello guys! So my granddaughter and I came to you for a holiday.

Rabbit:(impatiently): Well? Did we make it? Where are they? Present! Or?! Turned into worms?
DM: No, they froze together with me, and now

White Queen: Thaw out!

Snow Maiden: Yes! In the meantime, they are thawing, maybe we'll play some hot game, otherwise we sat up - froze.

Alice: Guys, let's dance with de darling?

Snow Maiden: Indeed, but we are in the Looking Glass! Everyone here loves to dance!

DM: Well, stand in a circle, substitute your palms!

(Music for dancing) .

DM: Oh, tired! I'll rest a little. Ho-ho! They made me laugh. Tell me guys, how did you find me?

After the story of the guys.

Snow Maiden: Yes, you have come a long way!

DM: You deserve gifts! Somewhere under the tree...

Presentation of gifts.

DM: Goodbye everyone soon! Let's go, there's still a lot of work to do.

White Queen: Goodbye! It's time for us too!

Rabbit: And we will definitely meet again!

Alice: Looks like it's tea time!

(final music)

Scenario "New Year in Wonderland"

Scene 1 Santa Claus and letter

The music “Visiting a fairy tale” sounds and the curtain moves apart. Santa's house. Santa Claus reads children's letters

Father Frost:so many letters from kids..

Yes, our land is big.
So many letters are sent
What I can't read
Where, granddaughter, help me out!

Vasya writes from Samara:
Asks for two pairs of rollers,
A pud of sweets and three guitars,
and concert tickets

Lena writes from Tambov:
Asks for a second brother
And also earrings, a dress,
A bag, well, a Cadillac.

Petya writes from Perm:

He asks for a bag of sweets,

And a cool tablet

But all you need is an iPhone, a super-duper phone.

Where can I get all this? There are no such gifts here. No iPhones, no tickets, no earrings or tablets. I'll get more candy.

Some unusual letter. From whom is the letter? And it’s not written in our way now I’ll read what’s there
(reads the letter. Magic. Santa Claus “flies away” disappears (goes to Wonderland)

Scene 2. Father Frost's house. Snow Maiden and Alice

Snow Maiden:Grandpa, Grandpa...from behind the scenes)Enters, looking for grandfather.

Grandpa, Grandpa, where are you? Where did you go? Maybe he went for letters from the guys? No, here they are. What a strange letter. Tries to read... and translate.. translates incorrectly.. asks the guys about the translation of phrases... (letter in English)

So, Santa Claus is in WONDERLAND. How can I get there? And how can I find it there?

I know who can help me. Calls on the phone ... (conversation with Alice.)

Yes. Understood. Rabbit. Nora. Doors. Behind the door is a garden. We'll meet there. Bye. leaving

rabbit music

Rabbit:What time is it? - Oh, I'm late! (to another) What time is it? (And to the children) What time is it? Oh, how late I am! (And runs away in the opposite direction).
Running down the corridor, a breathless Snow Maiden appears from behind the door.

Without music
Snow Maiden:Have you seen the White Rabbit here?
Children: Seen!
Snow Maiden:Where did he run?
Children:There! (show direction)
Snow Maiden: I'll run after him!

And what is this hole? If it's a hole, then it's a hole! And since this is a hole, then a rabbit lives there! We climbed into the hole, for sure the rabbit ran away there!

(burrow) (Tunnel.. window -burrow / doors)music is unusual. Either on the screen drop

Snow Maiden: Where did I get? What did Alice tell me?Rabbit. Nora. Doors. Behind the door is a garden.

The rabbit was, Nora was. Doors. Where are the doors? Here they are. And for which of them is the garden? Paper doors on screens and curtains.

Looks through the keyholes of different doors. Looking for which garden.

Finds a garden behind the smallest

There she is. ( Tries to climb, realizes that it does not fit).

But how will I get there?

Screaming at the closed door

Snow Maiden: Alice, are you there?

Alice: - Yes. I am here and waiting for you.

Snow Maiden: the door is so small. I can't enter it?

Alice: Look on the shelves for magic jars, they will help you shrink and go through this door.

Screen with jars

The Snow Maiden reads the English names of jars - boxes. Looking for a reducing one. Viewers translate these inscriptions

Playing with jar labels.

Snow Maiden: O! Eat me (reads the inscription on the box). That's nice, but first of all, you need to make sure that there is no "Poison" mark anywhere on the box! (makes sure that the POISON is not written). Oh sweets! Maybe they are magical? (Boldly takes one. Eats. Wins back a decrease in size)


Here is a completely different matter!

Climbed in the door -

3. Scene in the garden. Alice. Snow Maiden, Flowers, Caterpillar

Take out bushes made of cardboard (butterfly bees carry the necessary equipment)

To the music of Flowers - the actors in the dance enter the stage. + Alice

run rabbit

Rabbit:What time is it? - Oh, I'm late! (to another) What time is it? (And to the kids) What time is it? Oh, how late I am! (And runs away in the opposite direction).

The Snow Maiden crawls out. Looks back. Sees Alice.

Snow Maiden: Alice , Well, I finally found you. How is everything unusual here.

Alice: What happened? Tell me.

Snow Maiden: New Year is coming soon Santa Claus disappeared so suddenly. And I found an unusual letter. The guys helped me translate.

Alice: Show it to me. (is reading)

Snow Maiden: And it turned out that grandfather is somewhere here in Wonderland. He needs to be found immediately.

Alice: Good. I will try to help you.

The flowers react to the dialogue and whisper as the ECHO repeats.

Next, mute the music (there is a loss):
Snow Maiden: Dear Roses, would you be so kind as to speak to us?
Roses (in chorus): With great pleasure, dear guests! And what should we talk about?
Alice: please tell me if you have seen Santa Claus here - we really need him!
Rose 1: We grow up here on earth, and unfortunately we have never seen Santa Claus.
Rose 2: And why is he needed, this Santa Claus? Does he want to freeze everyone?
Rose3: Oh, we are afraid of frost!
Rose4: In general, we do not like the cold!
Rose1: No, we don't need any Santa Claus!
Rose2: It is always warm and good in our Wonderland!

Not very noticeable during the dialogue with the flowers, a caterpillar appears

Snow Maiden: What strange flowers. Ouch. Yes, and the caterpillar is here

Caterpillar: Who are you?

Snow Maiden: And also speaking.

Alice: Yes, we are all so Unusual here.

Snow Maiden: I am a Snow Maiden. Looking for my grandfather.

Alice: Santa Claus

Caterpillar : Be clearer. How would you like to be understood?
Snow Maiden: Well, my grandfather, Frost. He's somewhere here in Wonderland

The caterpillar is silent in surprise. The girls leave. caterpillar following

Caterpillar : Come back! I need to tell you something important!

Alice: waving . Ah .. she doesn't know anything

Snow Maiden: Wait. Let's listen.

Caterpillar: makes riddles


The last one about the queen or the ball

Alice: Thanks for the tip.
Caterpillar: Farewell!
Snow Maiden : What a strange caterpillar

The flowers are dancing

run rabbit with traditional text

Scene 4. Tweedledee and Tweedledee


The Tweedledore brothers appear dancing on the stage.
Snow Maiden: Who are you?
1st: We are brothers ...
2nd: Tweedledee

And I'm Tweedledum

And who are you?

Here we know her. She is Alice
Alice : What are you doing here?
1st: We are looking for Frost, Santa ..
2nd: Or vice versa!
Snow Maiden : I am also looking for Santa Claus, can you help me?
1st: Maybe.
2nd: Or vice versa!
1st : But first, you have to watch our dance.

Tweedledum dance (music)

dance with the audience

Alice: Dear Tweedledee, we need to turn left ...
1st: No, to the right!
2nd: Or vice versa ...
Alice : I think to the left...
1st : To the right, or maybe to the left!
Run backstage
Snow Maiden: Well, there are two heads, but there is no sense in them. Where should we go next, what should we do?

Scene 5. The Cheshire Cat

cat music

Voice from behind the scenes
Cat : Come here ... (appearance on stage)
Snow Maiden : Ouch! Cat, why are you so purple?
Cat : Because, I'm Cheshire!
Snow Maiden : You have such a big smile!
Cat : The wider the smile, the more cheery the cat!
Alice : Dear Cheshire Cat, tell me where should we go?
Cat: Basically it depends on where you want to go…
Snow Maiden A: But I don't know where I need to go. I would like to find Santa Claus. Maybe you saw him.
Cat : If you guess my riddles, I'll tell you where to find Santa Claus.

Alice : We have already guessed riddles from the caterpillar.

Then ... draw me Santa Claus

COMPETITION from the Cheshire Cat.

We draw with a relay with a mop marker Santa Claus. Multiple commands

On a musical background.

Cat: (looks at the results of the competition) is very surprised.

Is this Santa Claus? Not. I I don't know where Santa Claus is. But the March Hare and the Hatter must have seen him.
Alice : But where can we find them?
Cat: You don't have to look for them, here they are indicates)

Scene 6. The Hatter and his company

Music. Mushrooms, bees take out the table, chairs, benches. Tea accessories

Hat, Garden Sonya, Hare come out to the music. They carry tea accessories with them and put them on the table. They sit tight on the edge.

On the stage, the Hatter and the March Hare, Sonya, the Snow Maiden, Alice.
Hatter (to Alice): Do you want cake?

Alice : What cake? We don't see him.
MZ: And he is not here.
Alice : It wouldn't be polite to suggest...
Hatter: It would be impolite not to say hello when we meet.

run rabbit
Rabbit: Exactly…
Snow Maiden (addressing the Rabbit) : And we've already met.
Rabbit: Yes, yes, I remember ... (and runs away)

Sonya wakes up - Oh. And who is this? (to the Snow Maiden)

Alice: Meet the Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden . Hello, have you seen my grandfather? Santa Claus.

Shows a drawing to a hare - a portrait of DM

Hatter: Snow Maiden? Tea with ice? Ice cream?

Sonya : I prefer hot tea

M. Hare - Santa Claus, Santa Claus ... somewhere I saw him ... where did I see him? (the whole scene is tormented, remembering where he saw him)

tea drinking

Rabbit runningasks: "What time is it?"
Hatterreplies: "Five o'clock! Time for tea!

M.Z Have a seat. (Alice and the Snow Maiden)
Hatter: "But we don't have the most tooth-adhesive treat, how can we drink tea without marmalade?"
Hatter: "But before this same marmalade, everyone ate or drank - they did what they wanted ..."
Alice: "How did they drink marmalade ?! - This can not be!"
Hatter: "Who said they drank it?"

Snow Maiden: "How—who? You said it yourself."
Hatter: "I said - they ate it! They ate it and sculpted it! They sculpted everything they wanted out of it,"

Sonya: LELY. drank? Did you give me a drink?
M.Z.Where did I see him? Maybe?... no.. it wasn't him...

Hats."Well, let's go quickly to sculpt marmalade, eat marinade and make a masquerade! Otherwise I really want tea!"

everyone is changing

Hatter: And so dear... I got the impression that you didn't know everything you wanted to know.
Snow Maiden: Yes. Actually, I wanted...
Sonya: Would you like another cup?
Alice: But I haven't drunk from that one yet!
Sonya: You can never have too much tea!
Hatter: So... I think you're worried about something.
Mouse Sonya: Share with us.
M Hare: Yes. Start from the beginning.
Hatter: And you will finish at the end.

The Hatter puts on a napkin. There is written a class that performs with a New Year's number or congratulations.

O! Masquerade…… class.

Hatter: Change of cups! Cup change! Transition! Transition!

Hatter: (Offering) ... Jam!
M. Hare: Jam.
Hatter: Sugar!
M. Zayats: Sugar. Tea?
Sonya: Sugar won't spoil tea!

And so about other classes.Classes perform.

The White Rabbit enters the stage.
White Rabbit: Ah! My ears! My mustache! What will the queen say? (Looks at watch)
The hare screams .. I remembered where I saw him! run after me

Butterfly bees take away the table and everything and take out the bushes

Music.Scene 7. In the queen's garden. Cards - guards

There are bushes. Three guards with buckets and brushes pretend. What do roses color?

Hey you, Six, be careful. You covered me with paint again

What will I do? The Seven is pushing me by the arm.

Seven squinted at him: Well done you with us! You do it right! Always go from a sick head to a healthy one!

You'd better keep quiet about your head. I myself heard the Queen speak yesterday. An ax has been crying over your head for a long time.

Suddenly, a march sounded and the guards, led by the chief guard, entered. Those who painted stretched out quietly.

March Soldier - kart . The first is the head of the guard

Head of Guard: Stay where you are! One-two!

(Looks at the bush) What is this?

in a quiet voicedeuce : We were ordered to plant roses. We rely here on the Reds, and we, therefore, gave a blunder - the Whites grew up.

Seven: of course, if her majesty finds out about that, our little heads are gone

Six : So we try to cover up the sin. Until she came. And then..

At this time, the deuce, looking around, shouted: queen! Queen!

All three fell on their faces. Then they got up

- Fuuuuu .. it seemed

We got up.

Chief of the Guard . Her Majesty is getting ready for the ball

And she ordered no one to pass without a spanking. And the password is …____________________

Get ready to welcome your guests!

All cards stand in pairs (stream) with a distance between pairs

Alice, Snow Maiden, M Hare, Hatter appear to the music (Sonya with a pillow)

Cards cross spades.. Password!

What password? What's the password? They ask the children in the hall ..

Once the password is named,
Feel free to visit us.
We welcome guests!

Solemn music sounds

Scene 8. Queen. Ball

Queen: Why are you here singing, dancing, flapping and stomping. There will be a holiday in my kingdom only when I want it.

Alice : Your royal highness! From the inhabitants of Wonderland, we learned that you are hiding Santa Claus

Queen! (Screaming) cut off her head.

Queen : HA-HA-HA! You made me laugh, girl. Yes, by the way, you will not have a holiday! Because I have never had any holidays, no Christmas tree, no gifts, and YOU don't need them either.
Snow Maiden: But after all, no one can cancel the New Year, even YOU, the Queen

Queen (shouts angrily): NO-E-E-T! When I speak, Her Royal Highness, everyone must listen and be silent!!!

Queen! (shouting)cut off her head.

Alice : Well, I do not! We will not be silent, really, guys! Now we will arrange a merry jumble for the queen(referring to children).You clap your hands and you stomp your feet...
Snow Maiden : And you shout, Santa Claus, but louder ...

Musical background ("Merry jumble")

Queen : Like-cha-a-at! Obnoxious to everyone in the hall(Screaming) cut off their heads.

Music. Rabbit runs out

Rabbit: Meet, meet! Father Frost!
Alice: That's great!
Queen : Quite the opposite.

Music. Exit Santa Claus

Father Frost : Hello guys!
called? Here I got
Though a little delayed
You are good, yes only
Bored somehow, no fun
What happened to you here?

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, we are so glad that you came .... Only the fabulous inhabitants of Wonderland were sure that the Evil Queen hid you.
Evil queen : Yes, imagine, I said that I hid this Santa Claus of yours, and you believed it ... Because I don’t like your holidays ... I only like MY holidays ...

Alice : I know what to do! Whispers to the Snow Maiden ...

Snow Maiden : we invite all of you to the holiday, and have fun with us.

Music - the exit of fairy-tale heroes

Snow Maiden : Well, now, Your Majesty, there are many of us and we will arrange such fun ...
Queen : Yes, my ears are already curled up from your fun. And her head hurt .. (pretends that she is not interested in all this)

Father Frost: Guys, why don't we have lights on the Christmas tree. Disorder.
Light up the tree,
Come on, turn on the lights
Fulfill all desires
Make all your dreams come true.

The lights on the tree are lit.

Father Frost : I'll rest, while you
Sweat the old man

Dance of the Hatter.. or something

Alice: let's

Father Frost: Well, friends, it's time to say goodbye!
I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart!
Let the New Year be celebrated together
Both adults and kids!

Snow Maiden: This is where the good story ends.
But let the holiday never end.
May all the smiles that were on their faces
Now they are turning into gifts.

Alice: And in parting we wish:
To keep everyone healthy
To love the holidays
It makes life so much more interesting
Incendiary, wonderful!

Rabbit: Have fun and rejoice
Sing songs and dance!

Hatter: If the mood is in order,
You will be lucky!

Cheshire Cat : Always try to be in shape,
Take care of yourself;

Tweedledum brothers: Do not mope, do not get sick,
Have a sense of humor!

Snow Maiden: We tried to entertain you.
But we say goodbye to the guests,
We say: See you soon!

Well, that's all, the ball is over,
Fun noisy carnival!

D.M. : Be healthy! I will come
Visit you next year!

final song

New Year's holiday for schoolchildren of grades 1-4. Scenario

The script for the New Year's theatrical performance for children of primary school age "Alice in Wonderland"

Children enter the hall to fabulous music.

Storyteller: Hello guys! It's great that you're all here already. After all, today is New Year's Eve, and this is the time of miracles and incredible adventures!

GAME "White - snowy"
Let's have a competition then.
Attention to winter snow and white!
I will name a lot
And you will only find out!
I'll tell you about white and snow - clap,
And as about anything else - stomp!
Winter…Snowball…Book…Icicle…Bunny… Chanterelle… Herringbone… Snowdrift…Ice cream…Sausage… Bus…Seagull…Icicle…Car…Apple…Candy…Santa Claus's beard.

Music sounds, Alice enters the hall

Storyteller: Hello Alice! Charming dress! What you need! More curls on your head, a fan in your hands, and forward - to music, laughter, dancing - until you drop!

Alice: But who will I be in this dress? For Cinderella it is too simple, for the Princess it is too modest. I wonder what in fairy tales celebrate the New Year?

Storyteller: Look, Alice, at the guys. Who is not here! And princesses and Malvinas, and pirates and musketeers!

Alice: And everyone was miraculously preparing for the New Year's Eve. Then let's once again check our readiness to face miracles.

Dance-game "Washing" (movements are performed to cheerful music: erasing, rinsing, squeezing, etc.)

The White Rabbit runs into the hall

Rabbit: (Looks at the clock) Oh my god! My God! I'm late for an important meeting! I'm terribly late!

Alice: Oh, Hare, what a strange one! I've never seen hares with pocket watches.

Rabbit: No offense please! Hares - they are hares! And I am an honest and decent white Rabbit with an excellent watch on a chain and with a ring!

Alice: Excuse me, please! I did not want to offend you. I just want to know where are you in such a hurry?

Rabbit: (Looks at the clock) Oh no no no! My poor ears and mustache, how late I am. Oops, already too late! God, how rude! White rabbits hate to be late!

Rabbit runs away

Storyteller: I wonder where the Rabbit is late, or is it already late ?!. Guys, let's go after the white rabbit!

The game "Merry Train"

Alice: What kind of country is this? Maybe we went through the whole earth? You need to ask someone what the name of their country is.

Storyteller: Alice, guys, look around, but this is a wonderland, everything is very strange here and everything is not like ours!

Alice: It's getting weirder and weirder all around. I can't figure out what time of year it is in this country right now?

Storyteller: And there is nothing surprising, because in Wonderland even the seasons exist simultaneously.

Game "Seasons"

children depict: Summer - they fan themselves with their hands,
winter - they tremble, wrapping their arms around themselves, spring - lanterns, autumn - wings

The sun is shining brightly.
Santa Claus brings gifts.
Birds come from the south.
Everyone on the beach is sunbathing.
It's time to collect the mushrooms.
A child is sculpting a hill.
Leaves fall off the tree.
Snowdrifts are melting.
Buds swelled on the branches.
We bring flowers to school.
Hockey players cut the ice.
The pond invites everyone to swim.
The tedious rain drizzles.
And in the den the bear sleeps.
The nightingales sing on the spruce.
The children all wore coats.
Mother and stepmother are blooming.
The New Year is coming!

Rabbit: Ah, I'm late, I'm late, and it's not good to be late.

Alice: It's not good to be late, it's not good to be sloppy, it's not good to be rude, it's not good to study poorly.

Storyteller: Alice, we need to hurry.

Alice: And, I realized, if the rabbit is in a hurry, it means that they are waiting for him. And upsetting dear people is indecent.
Storyteller: And the rabbit ran away again, how fast he runs, and we will catch up with him only on 3 white horses!

Dance show "Three white horses"

Oops, looks like we got lost again!

The Cheshire Cat appears on the scene

Alice: Tell me, Cat, why are you smiling?

Cat: I am the Cheshire Cat and the Cheshire Cats are always smiling.

Alice: I didn't know that Cheshire Cats smiled, I didn't know that cats smile at all.

Fabulous music sounds, against its background the Cat reads the text

Cat: I ask you to remember many who are now familiar with me,
The Cheshire Cat is not at all the one who scratches his tongue

Alice: And he is not Cheshire at all, from the word "scales"
But he's just a magical cat about, ...

Cat: As I!

Storyteller: Smiling, purring, with many on "you"
And Cheshire cats are friendly.
And others have a smile, such

Cat: But not that...

Storyteller: Well, scratch behind the ear of the Cheshire Cat!

Cat: What are you doing here, Alice?

Alice: We are going after the White Rabbit, but we ourselves do not know where?

Cat: We? Did you say we? But there's no one else here!

Alice: How is it not, and guys?

Storyteller: Don't forget, we are in a wonderland, and here everything is not as it really is.

Game "Monkey"
- Say: "Hey!"
children: Hey!
- How are you?
children: Okay!
- Then show me the monkey...
children: What did you say?
- Show me the monkey...
children: What did you say?
- Then repeat after me.
The cat shows the movements, and the children repeat.

Alice: Tell me, please, so where do we go from here?

Cat: It depends on where you want to go.

Alice: I don't care as long as I get somewhere.

Cat: Then it doesn't matter where you go. You are bound to get somewhere.

Alice: Well, then tell me, please, Cheshire Cat, maybe you know where the White Rabbit is in a hurry?!

Cat: Maybe I know, maybe I don't. What do I care about the White Rabbit. I'm a real Cheshire Cat, not some jelly lady!

Alice: I don't understand something. What young ladies?

Cat: There were young ladies like you, in one fairy tale, they lived in a well, ate jelly.

Alice: Where did they take it?

Cat: Probably in the well, it was full of jelly ... and young ladies!

Alice: There are no such wells!

Cat: The fish live in the water, I see no reason why the young ladies should not live in jelly?

Alice: What stupidity and nonsense. Oh, you literates!

The game "Literacy"

Alice: Tell me, please, dear Cheshire Cat, so where shall we go? So it won't be too late.

Cat: Perhaps the White Rabbit is in a hurry to the ball. Are you going to the Red Queen's ball?

Alice: I'd love to have Rabbit there, but I haven't been invited yet.

Cat: To get an invitation, you must first get there.

Alice: But how to get there?

Cat: Go right, then left, then back, then forward. Remember, it's the other way around!

Dance "We'll go right first"

On stage, the Hatter and the March Hare are drinking tea.

Alice: The further we go, the weirder and weirder it gets. Hello. And can I come to you?

Chorus: No place, no place!

Alice: As many places as you like.

Hatter: Eat candy.

Alice: But I don't see any candy.

Hare: She is not here!

Alice: It's not very polite of you to offer it.

Hare: It's not very polite of you to sit down at a table uninvited.

Alice: Sorry, I'm so tired and I want to drink tea.

There is no tea here! We have a lot of flowers and mushrooms here.

The game "Aram-zam-zam"

Storyteller: You see, Alice, what they do in their free time, but they could occupy it with something useful!

Alice: Yes, but now it is wasted!

Hatter: If you knew time like I know it, you wouldn't say "It's wasted" because time is HE, you know?

Alice: I do not understand what do you mean.

Hatter: Do you know why my watch doesn't work?

Alice: No, I do not know,

If you don't know, then shut up!

Alice: I have never seen such a stupid campaign in my life. It's time for us, but that time is running out.

Hatter: And we don't have time

Hare: We always have 6 hours.

So it's time for tea!

But this is wrong, and you will never have a New Year?

Hare: Yes, come on, he will come!

Alice: But what's the point, there will be no holiday, but there will be the most ordinary day - Monday, Tuesday, etc. No one will give gifts, the lights on the Christmas trees will not light up, and no one will need the Christmas trees themselves! Just a boring, boring day.

Hare: Think New Years! And what is it?

Storyteller: Guys, let's say what is the New Year?

Guys answers.

Hatter: Guys, do you want to dance?
Jump upside down?
Fried nails to eat?
Pinch your ears?
Laugh, shout?
And congratulate each other
Happy New Year Humans
We announce a disco!
Dance show "Blue frost"

Hare: Stop him, stop singing and dancing!

Alice: Mr. March Hare, please tell me where the Red Queen's ball will be held? And how can you get there?

Hare: What a stupid question. If you want to get somewhere, you need to go in a completely different direction.

Alice: I don't understand you at all.

The Hatter and the March Hare leave for tea.

Storyteller: What strange, it will be necessary to help them get rid of dullness and monotony!

They enter the hall of Troll-la and Trawl-la

Did we go with you? - Let's go!

Did you find candy? - Found!

Well, did we go with you? - Let's go!

Did you find candy? - Found!

Well, where is she? - I do not know!

Oh, she's with Alice!

Alice: I don't have candy.

We don't ask if you have candy or not.

We say that you have candy!

Chorus: Give us candy!

Storyteller: Everything is so confusing. Alice, anything can happen in this country. Look in your pocket.

Alice: (looks into the pocket of the dress and finds candy) But how did she get here?!

Tru-la-la: Alice, you have to give me candy.

Tra-la-la: Why you? Alice wants to give me candy.

They start arguing

Alice: Quiet! I myself will decide what to do with the candy and to whom to give it.

Storyteller: Guys, help Alice.

Game "Pass the candy"
4 candies are thrown in a circle, whoever has the candy is the one and the "grandfather"

The game "Grandfather is sitting"

After the game, Tru-la-la and Tra-la-la find an Invitation under the tree and read

Alice: What are you hiding there? Show me too.

Tra-la-la: We received an invitation from the Queen herself

Tru-la-la: We just won't go.

Alice: Why do you need an invitation if you don't go there?!

Tru-la-la: And this is not an invitation to us at all.

Tra-la-la: We just found it.

Give the invitation to Alice, she reads

Alice: An invitation to the ball from the Queen herself. Or maybe Rabbit lost it. So that's where he's going.

The White Rabbit Runs

Rabbit: Everywhere I was late - one, I lost my gloves and fan - two, the girl - three! Girl, do you hear? I'm stomping my feet in anticipation! ( chanting) Per-chat-ki and ve-er! Shai-boo! Shai-boo! Ugh, confusion!

Alice: Look, how cunning. My mother always told me - if you can do something yourself - do it, and only then ask for help. (Into the hall) Guys, can you help Rabbit and me find a fan and gloves?

Storyteller: Well, fan, of course, it's very hot here! Why gloves?

Rabbit: Yes, because snow has disappeared in this country. That is, completely disappeared. Where there is snow, there is none, ay!

Alice: But what about the New Year without snow?

Storyteller: I propose to go to the place where there is a lot - a lot of snow - in the tundra!

Dance show "We will go, we will rush"

We will collect a lot of snow, and ... I have already said a lot of things. We must hurry. We are already almost too late.

Alice: Mr Rabbit. I don't understand why there is so much snow for the ball. After all, the ball, perhaps, will be held in the Palace.

Rabbit: What ball, what Palace, girl?...

Alice: Here is your invitation from the Queen to the ball.

Oh my god! My God! My poor ears! My poor mustache! ( looks at the clock) How late I was! ( runs away)

Storyteller: Alice, guys, it's time for us to move on, in the footsteps of the white Rabbit. After all, the ball will soon begin at the Red Queen herself. And we can't be late.

Game "Hippodrome"

The Red Queen appears

Aunty, good afternoon! Sorry to bother you, I would like to know how can I get to the Red Queen's Palace?

Queen: Well, here we are! Girls appear, falling like snow on their heads and asking about the Queen. Hey guard!

Alice: Auntie, you don't have to call anyone! You will satisfy my childish curiosity and I will move on.

Don't waste words! I am the Red Queen!

Alice: So you know where the White Rabbit is. Understand if I...

Enough, girl, you bore me! Haven't you realized yet that you're my prisoner?

That's it? What should I do now, I have never been in captivity.

In captivity, it is supposed to answer questions, give out secrets, reveal secrets, for example, here ( makes stupid riddles).

The storyteller corrects the Queen and the children, naming the correct answers.

Fastest of all from fear
Rushing ... (turtle) - hare

Who knows a lot about raspberries?
Clubfoot, brown ... (wolf) - bear

In his warm puddle
Croaked loudly ... (sparrow) - frog

Like a bus salon
Mom jumped into the bag ... (elephant) - kangaroo

Having overcome all obstacles,
A strong hoof beats ... (lion) - a horse

Takes hay with a trunk
Thick-skinned ... (hippo) - elephant

Who gnaws on a pine cone?
Well, of course, this is ... (bear) - squirrel

Alice: I'm tired and I want to go home!

Queen: Do not talk about feelings when things are done!

Alice: Your Highness. Please tell us how we can find the White Rabbit.

Queen: White Rabbit?! ( thoughtfully). I have no friends, no family! I've been waiting for so many years for someone to drop in on me! But I'm such a badass. No one wants to share kindness with me. Vaughn and the White Rabbit - threw an invitation on the threshold and ran away.

Alice: But for us it is very important.

Queen: It matters, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter, it matters.

Alice: What nonsense! Will we never find the White Rabbit and see the New Year's miracle?!

Girl, are you waiting for a New Year's miracle? Good. If you can surprise me, then I will show you a real miracle.

Storyteller: Guys, will you help Alice?

Dance "Boogie - Woogie"

Queen: You managed to surprise me, but you are my prisoners and I will not let you go anywhere.

Alice: Your Highness, you have given your word.

Queen: I am the Queen, I gave my word, and I take it back. There will be no miracle for you, there will be no new year.

Alice: Nothing like this. I will not allow this, the new year will come.

The game "Suddenly a blizzard came"

Queen: Enough! Enough! How you bored me. Let it be your way.
One day the hour comes...
(Everyone is waiting with hope for their arrival).
And the miracle happens again
And this miracle - New Year!

So the holiday is coming
But someone is missing.
For us to call him
You have to scream out loud.

Storyteller: Who is louder? Here is the question!
Come on guys: Santa Claus.
Hey girls, keep your nose up!
Let's shout together: "FATHER FROST".
And now all together "FATHER FROST"!

Dance "Snowflakes"

Grandfather Frost, Snegurochka come out at the final.

D.M.: Hello my friends!
Always glad to meet you.
In the Palace here New Year's
So much magic
Everything from small to large
They performed miracles!

Snow.: Look at those masks
So it pulls right into a fairy tale
We won't delay
Let's continue the holiday!

Hello Santa Claus! Hello, Snow Maiden! Managed. I was in such a hurry, in such a hurry, that I was afraid to be late.

Whoever is happy about the holiday will never be late. Moreover, the White Rabbit is a symbol of the new year.

Alice: (refers to the rabbit) So you, then, were in a hurry to the New Year's ball to Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

Storyteller: This is the real Christmas wonderland.

D.M.: And the miracles don't end there.

Dance "Yolochki"

at the end of the dance Santa Claus says

D.M.: Light up with bright lights, green beauty,
Illuminate our faces with bright flashlights.
We love your golden toys
Elegant, radiant, shine, shine, burn!

Christmas tree lighting
Round dance "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"

Alice: Winter has taken over

Rabbit: We can't stand still

Snow: Have fun, kids

D.M.: There is a game for this.

Dance-game "Lavata"

Queen: I have always believed that miracles are different tricks, transformations, something unusual and incomprehensible. And now I realized that the main miracle is friendship. Santa Claus, let me continue the ball.

D.M.: I allow the Red Queen to continue the New Year's ball.

Queen: How many fairy tale characters
Everyone is happy to know each other
So friends, we begin
Costumes fabulous parade!

costume parade

Snow.: You all did a great job
We were equipped for the holiday.
And for each of you
We have a present.

D.M.: To receive a gift
You need to be a friendly class.

Storyteller: As we say one, two, three,
Run to your class.

The storyteller calls the hero, near which a certain class gathers

Presentation of gifts - song "New Year's toys"

(children stand in a circle, the heroes give them gifts)

Santa Claus with the characters rise to the stage. The storyteller puts the children in one common circle

A merry ball glitters today
It sparkles with many lights.

Hatter: Time flies by unnoticed

Hare: When there are a lot of friends around.

Rabbit: Happy New Year
And in the year of the Rabbit we wish

Great happiness to you

Great joy.

We wish you a wonderful holiday
Live in a wonderful world.

D.M.: Wonderland light up your way
Let this holiday live in memory.

We say to each other: "Goodbye!"
Chorus: Until we meet again in the new year.

Song "One Hundred Candles"

It's time for miracles. The Hatter invites everyone to the White Hall and to the solemn fanfare, reads an eccentric poem and traditional verse - announces the beginning of the New Year's ball with a speech! The White Queen and Alice arrive at the ball in turn. Kingsley accompanied by his friend Valet Stein . All the heroes get into pairs and the Polonaise opens the ball with a solemn dance. The Hatter continues to lead the festive event, reading out the program of the New Year's ball. The White Queen is outraged: "The same thing every year! Fu-Fu-Fu!!!" Alice dares to tell the White Queen about the New Year wizards from different countries, and talks about her dream to meet Santa Claus from Russia. The white queen is worried if he freezes the children? But Alice, having told about Grandfather that he is the most cheerful, kind and fulfills wishes, receives permission to invite Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden to the ball. Santa Claus, having got on a holiday, of course arranges a real show of New Year's games and entertainment. Children will make huge snowdrifts, collect runaway snowballs with shovels, make snowmen, make a real snowfall, and of course dance around the green beauty. The main intrigue in the holiday is the loss of Santa Claus's bag with gifts. Fairy-tale heroes, along with children, of course, will guess that these are the tricks of the Red Queen, Her Majesty's sister. But no one will be afraid to enter into an intellectually mysterious tournament with the Red Queen and win it. Gifts will be returned! The Hatter will dance his favorite Jiga Drygu and the ball will smoothly turn into a fun, incendiary mini disco!

The storyteller sings:

We will show you a fairy tale

Or maybe not a fairy tale

Maybe we won't show

Let's sleep and sing.

Then people will see

Or maybe not people

While only children

How we live together.

Musical background from the film "Alice" and the murmur of the water of a bird. On the stage, Alice is sitting by the river (thinks)

Alice: And the New Year is coming soon! Everyone writes letters to Santa Claus, I

I want too! Everyone tells me that you are already an adult. It's time for you to know that Grandpa

Frost does not exist - these are all fairy tales for children ...

Musical beat of the White Rabbit.

Rabbit takes out his watch and looks at it.

Rabbit: “Oh, trouble, trouble, I'm late, what should I do? What will happen to the New Year now? What about Santa Claus? And with us all? These are all the tricks of the Red Queen, you need to hurry, hurry faster ... "

Alice : Where? Where to hurry? (Rabbit runs backstage .)

Alice: I knew, I knew that Santa Claus exists. But if he's gone

then there will be no new year. Wait, that was the talking Rabbit, right? Where? Hey wait!

Alice gets up and runs after him.


And Alice ran after the White Rabbit. And before Alice had time to get a good look at him, how quickly he went into the hole - SHASH! And he disappeared. Alice thought: “Well, since the rabbit she met was not an ordinary one, then the hole is probably magical, especially since it fit perfectly into it!

(An excerpt from the audio story)

Alice's thoughts: Oh, I'm falling! Ouuuh! What big and dark well? Is it deep interesting? I keep falling and falling, and falling as easily as poplar fluff falls from the roof for sure! Ouuuh! It's completely dark! And nothing is visible! And on the sides of the shelves, shelves, cabinets, pictures hang and something is written, let's read: "Athletic Ocean". O! Africa! Oh, those are geographic maps. Banks are worth, it's orange jam, a whole jar! Oh, it’s a pity that it’s empty .. I wish I could throw it down, and suddenly it hit someone on the head, oh, I’ll put it on the shelf, otherwise who knows, maybe it will fly with me, or maybe it will fall behind, or when I fall, she's on top of my head - BUCK! Oooooooh, that's how I'm flying! I wonder what parallels and meridians I am flying through? What if I fly, fly, and fly through the whole earth? And I will find myself among these, well, how is it .. well, what are they walking on their heads, antipopes! I also want to look like on my head)) (Sound, roar) Oh, it seems that I landed, it's good that this pile of dry leaves was here!

(Alice enters the stage, the record continues to play)

Oh where am I? And why am I here? What a strange place this is, a hall, not a hall, hanging lamps in the middle. And doors, many doors, all locked. How to get out of here now?

(Sings the song Labyrinth)

Alice: Oh, so here is the golden key on the crystal table, which means that it must open all the same - some kind of door! (looks for the door again)

So here she is!(sat down to open, peeks in and tries to climb through ) - Wow - you, how beautiful it is there! And the door is very small .. And how can I get through?

Storyteller: And suddenly Alice looked at the crystal table, as on it was a small bottle with the inscription

Alice: “Drink me” is a strange inscription, but it doesn’t seem to be poison! Oh, I was - I wasn’t, I’ll try to drink!

Storyteller: And then - then she decreased in size, ran to the door and entered it. And there, in Wonderland, it was winter and everyone was preparing to celebrate the New Year, and in the meantime, Alice became more and more wonderful.
