This is what an ideal girl should be like. The perfect girl loves sex

Every man dreams of seeing the ideal woman next to him. At a certain point in life, every guy develops his own image of a dream girl. For some, a romantic and shy girl is the subject of greatest interest, others dream of winning the heart of a wayward bitch, some dream of flexible partners. Regardless of the individual preferences of a particular man, there are a number of characteristics that the ideal girl should have.

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    It's no secret that appearance plays a huge role for guys. Male psychology is formed in such a way that after the first second of meeting a guy begins to subconsciously evaluate the external parameters of his companion. After all, men evaluate girls through their eyes much more often than they evaluate them. A man imagines how a girl will look with him and decides whether he wants to see her all the time.

    Many guys claim that the inner world of their significant other is much more important to them, but this is not so. Men are visual learners, so they are more willing to fall in love with women who they like in appearance.


    Most men want to see a neatly made-up girl next to them, and not one who puts a ton of makeup on her face. Although bright makeup makes others show increased attention to the girl, not a single guy will like such a coloring. Men are more attracted to naturalness. However, this does not mean that a girl with a gray skin tone and dark circles under her eyes makes a greater impression on them.

    Cosmetics need to be used wisely. It is necessary to avoid dark shades in makeup and not to line your eyes too aggressively. It is this part of a woman’s face that men pay attention to first. Therefore, you only need to emphasize the natural beauty of the eye shape using thin eyeliner and a small amount of light shadows.

    Lips are also a very sensual part of the face for a man. Guys prefer those with plump lips. But there must be moderation in everything. No one will like the huge lips that a woman acquired with the help of a doctor. Therefore, you just need to slightly highlight and moisturize your lips.


    You need to pay special attention to your hair so that it always looks healthy, silky and shiny. According to numerous surveys, men are more attracted to girls with long flowing hair. For them, such a woman becomes a fairy-tale mermaid. There is no point in doing intricate styling or pulling your hair into a tight bun. If we talk about hair color, then in this case men also adhere to the rule of naturalness. The more natural the shade, the more attractive the woman will be. If you wish, you can lighten some strands a little to give more volume to your hair.


    In this matter, preferences among men differ greatly. Some people love chubby girls, while others go crazy for skinny girls. However, most men prefer to see a woman with a toned body, thin waist and lush bust next to them. Don't forget about your stomach and buttocks.

    Therefore, girls should think about visiting the gym, swimming or running. If a beautiful, slender girl walks next to a guy, then he will experience great pride and joy.

    Fashion style

    Many men pay special attention to elegance and sexuality when describing women's clothing. Guys argue that a girl should give only a small hint of her availability; if she looks vulgar and provocative, then this repels most gentlemen. It is desirable that the clothes favorably emphasize the girl’s shape and hide her shortcomings.

    A provocative outfit can impress a man only if he intends to spend just one night with the girl. When planning a serious relationship, guys give preference to more elegant girls. Male psychology is designed in such a way that any guy will be happy to watch unfamiliar girls in miniskirts, however, he will never allow his beloved to dress this way.

    To become ideal for your man, you will have to use erotic outfits only at home. For everyday life, you need to choose more elegant suits.

    Sportswear lovers should reconsider their preferences. Men really don't like it when their girlfriends start dressing like guys. The only exceptions include situations where partners are going hiking or jogging.

    If we are talking about a date, then under no circumstances should a girl come to it in a wrinkled T-shirt or in an old tracksuit. Those who like to wear dressing gowns at home should also give up this habit. It is necessary to use something more erotic so that a man constantly enjoys looking at a woman.

    Smart or stupid

    Modern trends are developing in such a way that every man wants a very smart and educated woman next to him. There are several problems in this case:

    • A self-sufficient and intelligent woman will never live by the rules that a man imposes on her.
    • There is a big risk that the girl will be smarter than her man. In this case, he will quickly lose interest in his companion. It is much easier to build a relationship with a stupid girl, since she will be much easier to succumb to manipulation.

    Every man dreams of living with a smart girl, but most often he builds relationships with those who are not particularly intelligent. This is a paradox of male psychology that is very difficult to explain. To become the ideal girl for their partner, smart people need to learn to show weakness and not demonstrate their intellectual abilities too actively.

    Gait and flirting

    A stooped girl will not arouse any interest in a man. You need to remember that beautiful and correct posture always gives more grace and sexuality. Therefore, it is important to always keep your back straight. Such girls look much more confident and always attract the gaze of men.

    Eye contact with the gentleman is no less important. A girl should be able to flirt with just one look. If she looks closely at a man and then modestly lowers her eyes, this will impress the guy. Don't forget about tactile contact. Don't be shy about taking your partner's arm or touching his shoulder during a conversation.

    Lifestyle and behavior

    Every guy will be more interested in spending time with a girl who is interested in various things and is ready to constantly improve herself. If a woman attends exhibitions, theaters, is well versed in contemporary art, knows how to dance, cook and plays sports, then this is the best balance of all qualities. Therefore, the ideal woman should:

    • Know how to present yourself correctly. If she is a versatile person, then it is much easier for her to behave confidently. A girl's self-presentation is very important for men. If she is shy and doesn't know what to say, then this will turn the guy off.
    • Keep an eye on your home. If a girl throws things around the room, it confuses a man. The guy himself can quite easily afford to throw his socks wherever he wants. But a woman does not have such privileges.
    • Do not have bad habits (drinking, smoking and constantly going to night discos and noisy parties). A girl is allowed to drink a little alcohol, but only if we are talking about refined drinks, and not beer or vodka.

    Social life

    Men do not like girls who are withdrawn, who prefer to sit at home all the time and communicate with people exclusively through social networks. For guys, the ideal lady should always be positive and ready to communicate with the man’s friends, his parents and colleagues.

    A girl must have excellent communication skills in order to be able to find an approach to any people in different situations. It is advisable that she have many friends and acquaintances. This will show the guy how sociable and nice she is to others.

    In the modern world, men expect women to earn money. They give greater preference to those girls whose profession is related to intellectual work or communication with people. At the same time, a man will not tolerate it if his companion constantly goes on business trips, attends corporate events, or works overtime. Men dream that a woman will be able to provide for herself and not ask her boyfriend for money.

    What character should an ideal girl have?

    Some men dream of finding an accommodating and submissive companion; for others, such girls quickly become boring. Guys prefer more purposeful and active ladies. However, there are several characteristics that are fundamental to almost any man. Advice for girls who want to be ideal for their man:

    What a woman should be like

    Why is this important for a man

    A girl must show tender emotions not only towards a man, but also towards his loved ones, friends and relatives


    Many guys want a girl to partially serve as a mother. This means that she must take care of her partner, think about what he will eat, how he will dress for work, etc.

    Patient and compliant

    If a girl uncompromisingly defends her point of view until her last breath, then in this case the man will not be able to perceive her as an ideal companion. Therefore, it is recommended to show gentleness and compliance regardless of the man’s actions

    Almost all men are not ready to forgive cheating on their girlfriend


    Men do not like scandals and squabbles. When a woman starts raising her voice too much and showing her temper, it causes guys to panic, so the ideal girl should avoid such hysterics and always behave in a balanced manner

    Tender and feminine

    If the chosen one starts hammering nails in the apartment and drinks beer with her man, then she will not evoke any pleasant feelings in her partner


    Men don't want to see sullen girls around them who constantly talk about problems. A girl should be light and cheerful


    Every man dreams of meeting a mysterious lady whose soul he cannot immediately unravel.

    How an ideal girl should treat her man

    According to guys, a dream girl should love her man not for something, but just like that. She should not pay attention to his material status, generosity and other characteristics. Men expect support from their companions in any endeavor, even if it turns out to be absolutely stupid and stupid.

    Guys allow a woman to be a little jealous of them, however, they completely exclude the possibility that she herself will start flirting with other guys. A woman should be a companion who will follow her man to the ends of the earth. At the same time, she should not insist on going to the registry office and legitimizing the relationship.

    An ideal companion should not have a large number of sexual partners in the past. In the presence of others, she must be a true lady and behave in such a way that her companion will always be proud of her. The only place where a girl can be relaxed and sexy is in bed.

    In intimate matters, men also often contradict themselves. They dream that the girl would not have any sexual partners at all before starting a relationship with them. But on the other hand, they require a woman to be ready for any experiments and have skills in sex.

    How a girl can become ideal for a man

    It is worth understanding that each person has his own idea of ​​an ideal companion. When talking about a certain man, it’s worth paying attention to what he likes. Although guys make a huge number of demands on their potential soul mates, deep down they dream of finding a sincere and gentle girl.

    To become ideal for your partner, you need:

    • Learn to enjoy life, smile beautifully and truly. If a girl is gloomy and constantly thinks about problems, then she needs to reconsider her outlook on life and learn to enjoy today. You need to give your beloved lightness and be a holiday for him.
    • Be economical. Although men today say that a woman will work, some of them still adhere to the old trends when a good housewife spends the whole day at home and creates comfort for herself and her breadwinner.
    • Know how to restrain yourself. If we talk about screams and scandals, then in this regard you will have to work on yourself. Girls should understand that for a man there is nothing more irritating than female hysterics. Therefore, you need to learn to react calmly to any unpleasant situations. If it is difficult to restrain your emotions, then it is recommended to distract yourself from the current problem. It’s worth taking a shower, taking a walk, or slowly counting to 10 to yourself.

    Giving up bad habits is necessary not only to start liking men, but also to maintain your health and preserve your beauty. If we talk about behavior, then everything depends on the age of the potential companion. Today, more than 70% of young people do not know basic etiquette, so in this regard everything depends on the specific boyfriend.

Have you ever met the perfect woman? One in which everything is impeccable: appearance and character, clothing style and demeanor. In this case, you can tell me what an ideal girl should look like. But most likely, you won’t be able to do this, because no one knows what an ideal woman should look like. And not because ideal people do not exist, but because everyone will describe the ideal in their own way. An ideal woman through the eyes of a man and an ideal girl through the eyes of a woman are generally two different people. It’s amazing how they find a common language!

And yet, when talking about what an ideal girl should look like, you can find certain features that are acceptable to the majority. Thus, the ideal girl will not be the best in the world, but the girl who meets certain standards. We will try to list these standards and thereby answer the question of what an ideal girl looks like. And you decide for yourself whether such an image suits you personally, or whether it will turn out to be too general and banal to claim the title of ideal.

The ideal girl - what is she like? Does the ideal girl exist?
We can talk about ideals from a theoretical point of view endlessly - but this way we will never know what an ideal girl should look like. Therefore, we propose to approach the problem from the practical side. We will consider appearance, or rather, the criteria by which one can determine ideal appearance, or the ideal of female beauty. Moreover, men love with their eyes, which means we find out what the ideal girl should look like according to guys. And let’s be right, because girls engage in self-improvement precisely in order to please the man they love.

We all, both men and women, live in a society with its rules, changes and trends. And the idea of ​​an ideal woman changes no less and no less frequently than any other trends. For example, here are expressive examples of female beauty from different cultural eras:

  1. Antiquity placed beauty in subordination to harmony and proportionality, in particular to mathematics with its proportions and the golden ratio. Since then, harmony has been a prerequisite for classical beauty.
  2. A little later, beauty began to be associated not only with external attributes, but also with moral purity, innocence and beneficence. Hence the idea of ​​the divine, supernatural origin of beauty.
  3. Many later philosophers explained physical attractiveness by purely rational natural mechanisms. From this point of view, young and healthy people who are capable of giving birth and raising strong offspring seem beautiful to us.
  4. The idea of ​​beauty is highly dependent on social factors, so wealthy women were and are considered beautiful. Moreover, in the Middle Ages they were thin and pale-skinned, but today they are athletic and tanned.
For most men, the ideal girl looks like her mother in her youth (elder sister, first teacher, next door neighbor...). That is, the idea of ​​an ideal beauty depends primarily on subjective perception, and only then on objective parameters. However, such parameters can also be traced. Meeting them doesn't guarantee success 100% of the time, but it certainly increases your chances of being considered the perfect girl.

What does the ideal girl look like? The ideal girl through the eyes of men
There are two news, bad and good. Let's start with the bad: the ideal woman does not exist, just as there are no mermaids, unicorns and Santa Claus. The ideal girl is the same myth, invented so that there is something to dream about and something to strive for. Here's the good news: every girl can become perfect, regardless of age, hair color and lifestyle. Some will have to put in more effort, others are already halfway to their ideal. The main thing is not to forget that the path to it lies through constant work on oneself, and to take into account the following guidelines:
Every woman has certain external advantages. It is much more difficult to meet a girl who combines all the ideal parameters at once. Especially when you consider that we have listed only the main, so to speak, “basic” requirements, and besides them there are many more second-order features:

  • Ideal facial features are lost against the background of bad skin and acne,
  • The ideal proportions of the figure are not visible if the girl slouches,
  • A perfectly chosen outfit may be inappropriate in a particular situation,
  • Good manners are worthless if you have a hot temper.
In the eyes of a man, the ideal girl looks beautiful, smells delicious, and behaves easily. It is important that all his friends consider her ideal, but at the same time the girl remains modest and faithful to him alone. This is what an ideal girl should look like according to men - but does this idea of ​​the ideal coincide with the idea of ​​the woman herself?

It turns out that the ideal girl should look great under any circumstances. But real girls sometimes get sick, are in a bad mood and/or just make mistakes. You can look perfect 7 days a week, but on the eighth day something suddenly goes wrong. And this is normal, because the ideal girl is a real girl. This is its charm and uniqueness. And individuality is every girl’s own ideal. Find it in yourself - and you will never again be puzzled by the question of what the ideal girl should look like. You will see the answer to it every time you look in the mirror.

Hello everyone, friends. Today I will try to talk about what an ideal girl should be like in the eyes of a man. . This article will be useful for both boys and girls. I'll tell you what kind of young lady a real man dreams of.

A few months ago I wrote an article about what a bitch is. If you haven't read it, be sure to read it.

Well, now let’s return to our topic and consider what an ideal woman should be like. And the first thing I want to say with confidence is that there is no girl on the planet who will be ideal for all guys. And it doesn’t matter who this woman is - a Hollywood star or a toilet cleaner.

From here we can draw another conclusion: every man sees the ideal of a woman in his own way. And even if he says that he likes a young lady who weighs 120 kg, or who is 20 years older than him, he will be right. And no one has the right to criticize or condemn him. Everyone represents their ideal differently. And the girl who seems ideal to me will not be ideal for another guy.

A single man should know which young lady he considers ideal for himself. He must decide for himself who he wants to find. I wrote about this in the article: “This needs to be done before you start dating!” If you have not yet done the “My Quality Girl” exercise, which I described in this article, then be sure to do it.

What should be the ideal girl for a guy?

1 The ideal girl should inspire her man.
A guy will never date a girl if he doesn't feel sexually attracted to her. A young lady should excite a guy with her figure and feminine energy.

Many men say: “I need a smart woman,” “I need a girl who will understand me,” “I need a girl who will develop,” this is all true, but he does not say the main thing: “I need a girl who will love me.” satisfy in bed." Well, how can he say that? It will look stupid from the outside.

I would like to ask a question to a man who says this: Just imagine, right now: you found a smart girl who is developing, who understands you, but the mere thought of having sex with her makes you feel bad. Will you date her? Of course not. You will tell her: “Sorry, you are a very good and correct girl, but you are not my type.”

This is our nature, and any man, first of all, looks at the figure of the young lady, and only then at other things. And there is no stereotype of a good or bad figure, again, to each his own.

2. The ideal girl should be faithful to one man.
I'm not saying that she should only have sex with one guy in her entire life and that's it. Or that she must remain a virgin until marriage. That's all, it's not that important. But if she has already chosen a guy for life, then she must remain faithful to him all the time. That's what I think, and I think most guys will support me.

3. An ideal woman should develop herself and not be fooled by a guy’s money.
Here it is also not necessary that she earn a lot. But a girl should do something, study somewhere, try to provide for herself, and not just sit at home, watch TV and say: “Why should I work? I will find myself a husband who will provide for me.” If a young lady thinks so, then she is no longer an ideal option for a man.

4. An ideal girl should think about her health and the health of her future children.
Nowadays, many guys don't like girls who smoke and drink. And indeed, I myself am disgusted when a woman stands with a cigarette. Well, okay, she doesn’t care about her health, but what about her children? Okay, let’s do without criticism today...

5. An ideal woman should understand and support a man.
When you want to do something, sometimes even you yourself are not sure that you will succeed. And it is very important that in difficult times your loved one has faith in you. And if a girl doesn’t care what you do, if she doesn’t believe in you, laughs, criticizes, then she will no longer be an ideal option for you.

These are the qualities that the ideal woman that guys dream about should have. Of course, a few more points could be added here, but I didn’t go into details, but wrote what is important for almost any guy.

And what do you think? What should an ideal girl be like?

What do these strange men want from poor women? Everyone is digging into them for something, then one doesn’t fit, then the other doesn’t. This one seems good to everyone, but now she doesn’t need him. I'm tired of this Brownian motion. Everyone has their own ideal, only life is life and makes its own adjustments to what seemed like an ideal only yesterday. Now you have found your ideal. She is smart and beautiful, and tomorrow, when you wake up and see her next to you in bed, you grab your underpants in one hand, grab your suitcase in the other, and run headlong for another even more ideal one, and so on ad infinitum. Here’s another one even more beautiful and smarter, and the next day you suddenly discover that she doesn’t mind smoking and drinks beer like a team of movers, and because of this, her beauty not only becomes boring over time, but also fades away. And this candidate of sciences, it’s just a pity that she doesn’t know how to cook, and in bed she knows only two positions: lying at attention and standing at attention. And this one in bed is a real bomb (not pissing, stupid, real), only it turns out that for some reason all your friends already know about it, and to your complaints she brazenly replies that everyone likes it, but you see, he doesn’t like it . And here she is! - ambitious, slim, smart, knows her worth, beautiful. This is the ideal. Oh, and she's not the same. She didn’t care that you were hungry from time to time. She was not used to cooking, as she always ate in restaurants. And in general, you are a loser for her (why is a mystery), etc. and so on. and damn it, EKLMN!

What kind of girl should be (in my opinion) in order to meet our ambitions and at the same time not hurt our pride with her independence. Despite the fact that the task seems difficult, in reality everything is much simpler:

1. She must be pretty. This is the main thing. Everyone understands beauty in their own way, so I won’t describe it in detail.

2. She must be neat. In clothing, attitude towards one’s own appearance and health (do not have bad habits), in everyday life.

3. Should be relaxed in company, and at the same time not be vulgar. Moreover, relaxed does not mean “hanging on to all my friends,” it is relaxed, natural.

4. Must be feminine so that you want to give her flowers, write poems in her honor, simply love and treat her with tenderness.

5. Must be practical. There is a proverb that a woman can make three things out of nothing: a salad, a hairstyle and a tragedy. Being practical is the ability to do the first two points. A woman may not know how to earn money (this is still a man’s prerogative), but being able to spend it wisely is also the ability to be practical.

6. A girl must be decent. This means that she will not allow herself to be vulgar, to behave in such a way that you will be ashamed of her. She will not be jealous without reason, and even in an argument she will not descend into the behavior of a whore.

7. She must love and most importantly respect you. A lot depends on you, a lot, but not everything. Nowadays, more and more often, the media is hammering into the heads of young fools that a man is just that, a “misunderstanding of nature,” and you can never prove anything like that. If you are sure that as a man you are doing everything correctly, then everything is fine; whoever cannot fully appreciate this - part with no regrets, let the other suffer with such a “gift”.

8. You should have fun together. She should be able to listen to you, and not through stupid silence, she should really be interested in you, that is. you should have the same interests, maybe not all of them, but at least on common topics.

9. A girl must be special. There must be a zest in it, which makes it for you the one and only, for the sake of which you will stop a galloping horse and enter a burning hut. This does not mean that she should be “out of this world”, that it is, I don’t know, only you know this... Maybe it’s a dimple on the cheek, maybe knowledge of ESPERANTO, it depends only on you, and for this quality, In principle, you can evaluate yourself.

I specifically wrote only general concepts, because the rest is a matter of taste and color. I didn’t write that she should be smart; in my opinion, this is a combination of several points. It is also not necessary to be a virgin, although I think there will be nothing wrong with the fact that you will be her first, and if you are also the last, then it’s absolutely class.

My girl has, to one degree or another, all these advantages, and although she is not a boxing champion, not a $1000 prostitute, not a PhD in philology, I don’t want anyone else but her, although the opportunity is there, and I wouldn’t trade it for anyone. I think that she is worthy of the feelings that I have for her. And I wish everyone to find this totality, even if not today...

And remember, guys, that the ideal is not in the sky, but next to us. Forget about unrealistic ideals. Set yourself two standards: a minimum - below which you will never fall, and a maximum - above which you cannot climb, and it is not necessary. And look for the ideal in this gap. I hope my article will help you with this. Good luck. :-)


Over the course of many centuries, girls have asked themselves more than once or twice by far from simple questions: “How to please a man?”, “What kind of girls do men like?”, “How to become an ideal girl?” Familiar and yet insoluble questions, right?

The girls tried to answer these questions in different ways: sometimes they became tender and reverent, sometimes exciting and seductive, sometimes cold and distant, sometimes alluringly depraved... However, all these attempts have one huge drawback: they project the understanding of the ideal girl by girls, and not men! The description of the ideal through women's and men's eyes will differ like an orange from a sunset. And girls try to become ideal for men, focusing on their ideal, which is obviously a losing proposition. This article is just an attempt to reflect men’s view of the ideal girl.
What is she like, the ideal girl through the eyes of a man?

The ideal girl is beautiful.

“When courting a girl, pay attention, first of all, to her appearance, because a person’s character can be recognized by her appearance” (A.P. Chekhov).
So, which girls are the most beautiful? Blondes, brunettes, brown-haired women, redheads? How do men choose their life partner?
Of course, everyone is chosen, from blondes to completely bald - look at the couples passing along the street. Men fall in love not with hair color, but with image, charisma, character, in other words, personality. But you shouldn’t argue with the fact that men have certain associations associated with each hair color, they are also stereotypes.
Men love blondes. Blondes are ideal girls. They are sweet, modest, a little stupid - this gives them additional charm in the eyes of men. They are narcissistic and accustomed to worship. Sentimental, love flowers, animals, housekeeping. They love to watch the passions boiling in other people's lives (at worst, on TV), but in their own relationships they can be very cold - for example, during sex they can calmly think about the shopping list for tomorrow's trip.
Men love brunettes. Oddly enough, they are also ideal girls. Brunettes are hotter and more temperamental than blondes and look more dramatic. Brunettes are capricious and hot-tempered, and often like to make a scene. They prefer demonstrative coldness towards the stronger sex. They love passionately, with passion, with all their soul, so that in a week or two they can love someone else just as passionately.
Men love brown-haired women. By the way, many men do not know who brown-haired women are... So it turns out that brown-haired women are something between blondes and brunettes, but at the same time they consider themselves brunettes with all that that implies. Oh yes, brown-haired women can also be ideal girls.
Men love redheads. Red-haired girls are crafty, insidious, mischievous. Usually very beautiful - it’s not for nothing that they say that devils and goblin marry redheads. Love without deceit is an empty phrase for redheads. They love to play with men and make scenes, but after the man loses his temper, they smile and go in for a kiss. Perfect girls, aren't they?
In general, we can talk for a very long time about the parameters - height, weight, breast size, hip volume and waist circumference. Everything here is absolutely subjective and there can be exactly as many variations of the ideal girl as there are men of “childbearing” age who live on our planet.
In general, we can say that the majority adhere to the golden mean in this case: bust size 3, waist circumference - about 80 cm, hips - somewhere around 100 cm. Regarding height and weight, we can only say that nothing is certain. All men “adjust” the ideal girl to suit themselves, which, in general, is quite natural; in this case, the ideal is a very individual thing, and not a single and unattainable thing. So, most men want a girl to be at least a little smaller than them. It’s so touching to bow your head and kiss the top of your head. But it is generally impossible to predict a girl’s ideal weight; it depends, first of all, on the girl herself, no matter how strange it may sound. Not everyone considers being overweight a disadvantage. Of course, as long as it doesn't become excessive and ugly. A confident, plump girl will give a hundred-point head start to any “downtrodden” skinny girl.

The ideal girl loves sex.

The ideal girl looks sexy, but not vulgar, loves sex, knows how to do it and does it, but only with one man.
Men also like modesty in sex, just a little. It’s so nice to overcome it!
Men love accessibility in a woman. But this accessibility should be for him alone.
On the other hand, the girl should be relaxed and experienced in bed. How to achieve this, being available only to him, is not yet clear to any man. Well, not only girls are shrouded in mysteries and paradoxes, right?
In any case, the ideal girl should have sex appeal and passion. Lots of passion. So that in bed it would not only be boring, but like hugging a hurricane. And this is not about who is on top, but about the fact that a girl should not be a log. Nobody likes this at all.

The ideal girl is not helpless, but knows how to accept help.

Who told girls that men love helpless people?! A creature that is not able to carry a three-kilogram bag from the store, install a program or plan a family budget will not lead a man into wild delight, not at all! Men love to feel needed - they are embarrassed when they are not needed, when their help is rejected. But the complete inability to do something on your own is annoying.
And yes, men don’t like the other extreme – strong women either. “He will stop a galloping horse and enter a burning hut” - this is good in Nekrasov, but not in life. Yes, emancipation, all the things, women are smart, independent, earn their own money and all that jazz, but don’t go too far! Men want girls, not sleepers.

The ideal girl is moderately smart

A girl should be smart just enough to be dumber than a man. Oxymoron? Not at all. A girl should be wise and never show that she understands anything better than a man. Besides cooking borscht, of course. Oh, how nice it is for a man to be smarter in everything, to feel his mental superiority. With slight laziness and kind condescension, explain to the “stupid” girl which buttons to press so that the computer “stops crashing.” And let this girl have a degree in cybernetics and in general will soon receive a presidential grant for the creation of artificial intelligence. From this tiny and insignificant “help” the man will burn with fire, and will become even more convinced of his own importance for this particular ideal girl. His ideal girl.

The ideal girl is not grumpy.

No man can stand it when a girl nags him. Even if he knows that he has done something wrong and must atone for his sins, it doesn’t matter. The ideal girl will give him the opportunity to do this on his own, demonstrating his dissatisfaction with a slight sadness or severity on his face and a reproachful tone in soft and quiet words.
Even if the man does not repent, she will not make a huge tragedy out of it - in the end, it is not so important who is right, it is important that the girl is right, right? All the same, it is she who has the responsibility to maintain an adequate psychological climate in the family.

The ideal girl does not command a man.

As mentioned earlier, a man does not tolerate anyone above him, so he will not allow himself to be commanded. Otherwise, there will be indignation, resentment and quarrels. The ideal girl will gently push her man to the desired action, while leaving the choice of means for its implementation. And she shouldn't control him. But, at the same time, she must definitely praise him and say what a great guy he is and how beautifully and wonderfully he nailed this nail. Without praise - nowhere. And if the ideal girl is not satisfied with the result, then she will not tell the man about it, no. She will “remember” his own words that it would be nice to do this thing like this, for example. Or he will find another way, which also urges him to act, but does not force him.

The ideal girl is not selfish.

Much has been said about the fact that a girl, first of all, loves and respects herself. But, she must love her man STRONGER. Let it be secondarily, after yourself, but stronger. If there is a choice between buying cucumbers and asparagus for a new, super-hyper-megadiet salad and pork for fatty borscht, she, of course, should choose pork, saying that her boy needs to eat more meat, and she will sit there hungry, which there's nothing you can do about it. After such words, any normal man will hug his ideal girlfriend tighter and throw the pork on the nearest shelf with potatoes. And there will be a salad on this day.

The ideal girl is a housewife

The ideal girl knows how to maintain order in the house with a minimum of costs, both temporary and material.
Men, of course, do not like to run a household and often do not do it. They also need girls to take care of the house. But do not forget that men themselves can cook, iron, wash, clean and sew, and because of all this, rudeness, hysterics and disrespect will not be tolerated. The ideal girl takes care of herself, cleans the house, mends and washes her socks, cooks dinner, and then rushes off to work/school. Just like that.

The ideal girl takes care of herself

Men may not notice unkemptness if they are very passionate about a girl. But a hobby is just a hobby because it doesn’t last. So the ideal girl's nails, hair, face, teeth, makeup will always be in order. No, putting one and a half hundredweight of cosmetics on a delicate face, like an Indian following the warpath, is, of course, not worth it, and growing your nails so long that the TV remote control is no longer necessary is also not a good idea. The main thing is that the appearance of the ideal girl should be perfectly neat and pleasing to the eye.

The ideal girl is the ideal wife and mother

Even being a romantic, or, conversely, a teenager preoccupied with sex, a man on a subconscious level begins to evaluate girls from the position of “wife” and “mother”. This is apparently written down at the genetic level. And it has been honed over the years of evolution.
From this point of view, the ideal girl should be an ideal wife for him and an ideal mother to his children. What does this concept include? Many things. First of all, farming. The family hearth and its support are, in the eyes of most men, an exclusively female responsibility. Being faithful to a man - this is not even discussed, so to speak - is set by default. To the point that the ideal girl is even obliged to limit her communication with other males. So that my husband doesn’t worry. Next are the children. They should be. Ideally, a lot. And it is the girl who should take care of them, and the man should take care of her. This is how it happened in nature and in the brains of many men. An ideal woman should not complain about such a way of life. And she should receive joy and happiness from this, while simultaneously bringing happiness and borscht to her husband. Although it’s a little different.
To be a little more serious, men try in advance to choose a girl as their companion, whom they can call their wife later. In this regard, the ideal girl does not smoke, does not drink (since she cares about her health and the health of the future generation), does not wander around at night anywhere and with anyone, because what can she then teach her kids? In addition, the ideal girl is smart, educated, well-mannered and can carry on a conversation - the example for children should only be positive.
And, of course, the ideal girl should be responsible so that the man does not have to worry.

The ideal girl takes care of her health

The ideal girl knows that her health is the key to the health of her future children and will not ruin it in vain. The ideal girl does not smoke, if she drinks, it is only light drinks and only occasionally, she plays sports, eats healthy food herself and makes sure that the family eats rationally. Who else can be entrusted with taking care of the health of the family if not a woman? Who else is the keeper of the hearth?
By the way, she should also take care of the health of all her loved ones. The ideal girl in this case is personified, perhaps, by a front-line nurse.

The ideal girl is not jealous

The option does not work if such a girl finds her beloved with another, apparently in his opinion - also an ideal girl, and, for some reason, naked. In all other cases, the girl will not worry herself and disturb the guy with suspicions on the topic “Why are you staring at her breasts?” and “who were you talking to so nicely? With which other Antonina Vasgenovna? What's the deal with her?" The ideal girl understands and accepts the fact that she has many male acquaintances and friends, including female ones. The ideal girl won’t tell a guy that he doesn’t love her at all just because he stayed a little late at his friends’ house at midnight playing cards with some beer.

The ideal girl does what she loves

For all her busyness, a girl should also have a hobby or just a favorite pastime. She writes poetry or music, cross-stitches, reads romance novels or crime chronicles - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that she does something that she personally loves, and does it well - so that the man can be proud of her. With the possible exception of watching soap operas, few people are proud and consider ideal a girl who knows by heart and can act out the 119th episode of her favorite series. Although if she trains her photographic memory this way, honor and praise, a flurry of applause!
It would also be nice if the girl was normal about her boyfriend’s hobbies. A completely ideal option would be if she could share the guy’s hobbies. What man doesn’t dream of a girl modeling ships with him, collecting figurines, or performing figure standing on her head!

The ideal girl cooks delicious food

The ideal girl loves and knows how to cook without spending a lot of time and money on it. Of course, in everyday life she can create delicious dishes literally “out of nothing.” But on holidays, she can outdo herself - create a masterpiece of culinary art that makes you want to chew the dish in which this very masterpiece resided. And if the guy’s relatives and friends are at this holiday, she will also ask which of them likes what, and will take into account everyone’s wishes. And if, after such a holiday, the father of his beloved pats his son on the shoulder approvingly, and his mother says, “she prepared that salad well,” then absolutely any girl, as if by magic, will turn into an ideal one.

The ideal girl is not afraid of technology

And again, as mentioned above, not a single girl, unless of course she is an ideal girl, can even plug an iron into a socket on her own if a man does not show and tell how it is done. But, if he is busy, tired, or just lazy, then the ideal girl will calmly figure out how to control a new mixer, a smart washing machine with voice control and a new tablet. In general, it’s good if the ideal girl takes out a soldering iron and calmly solders and tins the laptop motherboard. And it’s absolutely ideal if she spoils something a little, she can’t be smarter than a man, right?

The perfect girl supports her man

One of the most important points. Men really need support, because even the most stern of them is always a little unsure of themselves at heart. A timely, encouraging word from a beloved girl is often valued by men more than the ability to cook or virtuosity in bed. And the ideal girl should always know exactly what to say and how to support a man in order to spread his wings and he will fly away to accomplish his next feat.

Already thanks to her and for her sake.

It’s worth supporting even in cases where a man is planning to implement some clearly crazy or stupid idea. You can gently hint that the idea is a little out of place by first singing an ode to his genius and assertiveness. The ideal girl may not even really delve into what her man came up with - he doesn’t need this from her, he just needs another confirmation that he is loved, appreciated and considered irreplaceable.

The ideal girl values ​​​​feelings

An ideal girl should value her man's feelings. Men are creatures with a much more subtle mental organization than girls imagine; one mocking word can be enough to upset a man and discourage him from any desire to somehow show these very feelings. It’s sad that many ladies don’t understand this and treat the feelings of the stronger sex with disdain, if not cruelly: they can laugh at, criticize, ignore. This should not be done under any circumstances: gender stereotypes that are so established in our society already prohibit a man from showing feelings. By laughing at them, girls risk forever losing, if not the man, then his frankness and devotion.

The perfect girl knows the value of money

The ideal girl knows how hard it is to get money and has a special attitude towards it. She will not make a cult out of money, understanding that the main thing is spiritual and moral values, but she will not squander it either. Another ideal girl either has an interesting job, perhaps not very well paid, or a hobby that brings in some income - in general, she somehow invests in the family budget, without completely relying on a man to get a mammoth. And in general, it’s not comme il faut to ask a man for new tights. As for spending on food and home, the situation is completely different - a girl should take money for such expenses in her nightstand, without thinking about how it appears there (if, of course, she has an ideal man). But a girl can easily pay for some of her small expenses herself (coffee with her friends, tights, stockings, polishes, a souvenir for her loved one, etc.)

The perfect girl has a lot to talk about

Not only women love with their ears! It is also very important for men to be talked to. They just talked: they didn’t coo deeply, didn’t beg for money, didn’t ignore, but communicated, exchanged thoughts. Men like it when they can calmly discuss with a girl both pressing family problems and something abstract: current problems of philosophy, the structure of a car, or the properties of a Newtonian fluid. Or phraseological units of the English language, features of the construction of the skeleton of pigeons, or anything else - as long as two people find it interesting. It is not necessary to have deep specialized knowledge - what is important is general erudition, the ability to reason, desire and willingness to exchange information.
However, for men there is another very important factor, sometimes even more important than the first - a girl must be able to listen. It so happens that girls have somewhere to throw out their problems: mother, neighbor, friend, classmate, random fellow traveler... It’s more difficult for men - the image of a strong person prevents them from telling just anyone, and especially family and friends, that there are problems at work, the boss is a fool, my leg hurts, and the first bald patches appear on my head. But I want to tell you and even need to tell you that the nervous system is not ironclad, as everyone knows. And if a man trusts his girlfriend, he tells her about everything, about this - and here it is very important to listen carefully, sympathize and, if possible, give the right advice. From such treatment, a man will blossom, shine and begin to take intense care of his girlfriend in return. Of course, she's perfect!

The ideal girl is in tune with time.

Yes, yes, everyone has heard that the weaker sex has its own special relationship with time. Ignoring all the laws of the outside world, girls treat time very frivolously. Their “for a second” is equal to approximately five to ten minutes, “for a minute” is already a whole half hour, and “you’ll have to wait a little” is measured in hours. And if a girl spends this time doing something pleasant, feel free to multiply these numbers by two, or even three.
“I’ll go out for a minute,” “I’ll be soon,” “a little more,” “I’m already running,” “you go, I’ll catch up in a minute,” “I’ll go online for half an hour,” “I’ll be there at exactly three, not a minute later.” "... Sound familiar? These phrases claim an honorable third place in the list of phrases that irritate men after “you don’t love me” and “I’m fat,” really, really! But fighting this is more expensive for yourself. So the men make peace, getting irritated and nervous along the way.
Although, to be honest, girls, despite such frivolities with time, mostly always manage to do everything. This is such a historical injustice.
The ideal girl will try to give the most accurate names of time periods so as not to irritate the man. Well, the man will be happy and grateful for such an attitude towards him.
And finally, a little story about such relationships with time of the weaker sex.
One of my friends, sitting with his bride in a cafe, celebrated their engagement. The girl smiled and said that she was going to “powder her nose” for two minutes. I don’t know what she was powdering there, but my acquaintance never saw her, her nose, or his passport and the money saved for the wedding. Three years later, mention of her appeared somewhere in Magadan, and four loans were issued on a friend’s passport, which he had to repay.

The ideal girl is well-mannered.

There are, of course, individuals who love that a girl can build a three-story mat when asking “what time is it,” or that she can burp deliciously after drinking a liter of beer in one gulp. But there are not many such “non-standard” personalities; most men value women for their good manners and restraint. Here it should be clarified: the ideal girl should not be a quiet, inconspicuous mouse or a very fragile meek lamb, not at all. An ideal girl should be able to defend her opinion in an argument or put a boor in his place, without going beyond the bounds of decency and without losing her own dignity. In exceptional situations, she can allow herself a strong word and immediately, without embarrassment, apologize for it. And they have to forgive her - she’s perfect, isn’t she?

The conversation about ideal girls can be continued endlessly, again and again considering the infinite number of facets of the ideal. But is it worth it? All the same, men need girls - thin and plump, blondes and brunettes, neat and goofy, serious and laughing, cheerful and sad, optimists and pessimists, practical and with their head in the clouds. And for each, every girl with all her advantages and disadvantages, there will be “her own merchant”, to whom both advantages and disadvantages will be dearer than anyone else in the world.
Terence said that love can change a person beyond recognition. When a man and a girl love each other, live with each other, communicate, talk, they influence each other, adjust their perceptions. Raz - and yesterday's beauty, who claimed that she needed a tall brown-eyed brunette who listens to Vivaldi and reads Palahniuk, falls in love with a nondescript short blue-eyed brown-haired man who cannot live without Dostoevsky, Solzhenitsyn and Tchaikovsky. And all because he reads poetry so sweetly, he has such gentle hands and he cooks pizza wonderfully. And he, who cannot imagine a girl without a long blond braid, gray eyes, a wasp waist and three higher educations, falls into his heart with a laughing red-haired plump woman, without whom he simply does not want to live - because with her it is so warm and good that no braid a waist will not replace this warmth and feeling of being needed.
Dear girls! Be yourself, please be yourself, don’t try to get used to images that are alien to you: wear heels if you can’t live without sneakers; read glossy magazines if you like serious literature; say that everything is fine if you don’t like something; pretend that you love foie gras if you want a regular sandwich with boiled sausage. Be yourself - after all, men are looking for a girl with whom he personally feels comfortable. And no one can predict what it will be like - not even the men themselves!
