Statuses about enemies. Clever statuses about envy and gossips Status about my personal life for enemies

life is so arranged that sometimes even a friend will turn away, and an enemy will help.

Love your enemies. They will go crazy trying to understand what you are up to..... The most loyal are the enemies... That's who is always there.

I'm not greedy, let my enemies have three ambulances, a police ambulance and a fire truck, at the gate

You need to forgive your enemies so that they cry... The most loyal are the enemies... Those who are always there. Make friends with a smart person, because a friend is a fool, sometimes more dangerous than a smart enemy. Send your dream to your enemies - they will die while realizing it! I have no enemies! Listen, you, those who consider me your enemy - you are NOT! The greatest enemy hides where you least want to look for him. Love your enemies. They will go crazy trying to understand what you are up to..... Pray for your enemies, when everything is fine with them they forget about us. if a person does you harm, give him candy, he is evil to you, and you again have candy. And so on until this creature develops diabetes! Never start a war if you don’t know what your enemy is capable of... If the enemy lavishes praise on you, then it means that you have done a terrible stupidity. If you spared the enemy, you did not spare yourself. Never neglect the opinion of your enemies, since only they are able to be the first to notice your miscalculations and mistakes. Frost freezes our enemies, but invigorates and refreshes us! I admit that alcohol is the enemy of man, but doesn’t the Bible teach us to love our enemy? — Frank Sinatra life is so arranged that sometimes even a friend will turn away, but an enemy will help. I am a faithful friend, and a terrible enemy, depending on who, when and how. Friends can be fake, enemies are always real. You shouldn't hate your enemies. Emotions interfere with thinking. My enemy - fear me, my friend - do not renounce me! Don't tell your friend what your enemy shouldn't know. Friends come and go, but enemies accumulate...

As usual, the girl's lover's best friend arouses hostility. And I was extraordinarily lucky - he caused a wave of desire and passion in me. Goodbye, Slavik! And thank you so much for meeting Sasha!

An envious person is like a player in the virtual world, dying again and again at the sight of his opponent's success.

When envy cannot be avoided, you need to turn it into good, tripling your efforts and not putting a spoke in the wheels of others.

I don't consider being stabbed in the back mean. You just should never relax and turn your back on the enemy.

Best status:
Only former friends can become your worst enemies, because only they know everything about you...

There are no friends here. Only enemies. Fake smiles. Looks full of envy and false delight. Some are reptiles and meanly attacking from behind.

Only the enemy is capable of saying to the enemy’s face what he really thinks. Friends and lovers cannot do this; mutual obligations force them to lie to each other constantly.

An envious person is his own very first enemy, without realizing it, with his envy he causes irreparable harm to his mental health.

The world is ruled by three nasty people. And their names are: Envy, Jealousy, Malice.

Present your dream as a gift to your enemies, let them die out like mammoths trying to realize it!

I love enemies - they are very good on a skewer

Vodka is our enemy... But who said that we are afraid of enemies?!

When you can’t lift your shoulders, And every inhalation and exhalation is an enemy. I know for sure that time heals. Corny, yes! But it is so!

Keep your friend close and your enemy closer...

if you want to prevent your enemy from hacking your password, enter his name...

Since I know from my own experience how painful it can be when you are abandoned without explanation, I decided not to explain anything to you. Just for now!

I don’t understand what love is. Is this happiness, or is love the enemy...?!

I walk among the people and keep my eyes open: people do not forgive me for the fact that I do not envy their virtues.

Enemies are sometimes much more loyal than friends. Friends will always step aside if you don't need them. Faithful enemies will NEVER leave you!

No one is more prone to envy than self-deprecating people.

All enemies on the horns, I'm cool)) xD)

Marriage is the only war in which you sleep with the enemy.

And the oyster has enemies!

Sometimes it seems that the people most loyal to you are your enemies, they are always there in difficult times

I'm not offended, I'm drawing conclusions. I have no enemies, they have me. I have my own opinion, which I will not give up. I have principles that I adhere to. (c)

Thank you, life - you make me wiser! Thank you, enemy - you make me stronger! Thank you muses for not leaving me... Music, thank you for playing again...

I send my enemies a ray of love and forgiveness... Let it burn you to the ground... FREAKS!

If a friend suddenly turns out to be neither friend nor enemy, but...

Envy is the sister of competition.

The best way for a man to make an enemy is to ask a girl to remain friends!!

judge your enemies - one will become a friend, do not judge your friends - one will become an enemy (p.)

You need to feed your enemies candy, they are a dirty trick on you, you give them candy. And so on until all their teeth fall out!

The easiest enemy is the one who comes at you with fists, the most dangerous is the one who swears allegiance.

After some time, a letter arrives from a friend from the army: “They teach us here to remove snow and cook potatoes. So if the enemy attacks, we will clear the way for him and prepare food for him.”

He is not an enemy or a beloved friend, but the sound of his voice is her favorite sound. (c)

She considers the city insipid and gray, the remnants of her faith are tied to her feelings, and he is no longer an enemy, but a hated friend, but the sound of his voice is her favorite sound...

Misunderstanding makes enemies out of friends. Lion Feuchtwanger

All the unpleasant things that your worst enemy can say to your face are nothing compared to what your best friends talk about you behind your back. / Alfred de Musset /

1Gossiping about me is a new sport... compete suckers.

I'll marry a German and avenge my grandfather.

My tongue is my enemy... especially in ICQ...

Our fear is a source of courage for our enemies. (c)

Forgive your enemies, but write down their names just in case

Do not consider Charka's friends as friends, for they are your Charka's friends, not your friends.

Never complain about fate. For what? You will upset your friends, you will please your enemies, but you will not help yourself...

Never make excuses - Your enemies won’t believe you anyway, but your friends don’t need it.

From your best friend to your sworn enemy, you're just one handsome guy away.

hey bitch, solve the problem - how big will your bruise be if you text my husband again!?

There is only one way to fight envy: to make the lives of the envious happier and fuller.

The door is locked, and melancholy is lead. Pain in the soul, as if death is near. Just one step can make all the difference. Now you are the enemy, I don’t know how to live...

I throw flowers at my enemies... into a GRAB

You didn’t understand me when you were my friend... maybe you will understand when you become my enemy!

If a friend suddenly turns out to be neither a friend nor an enemy, but just like that... enroll him in the class of bitches... (C).

Envy is the enemy of the happy.

Never make excuses. Your friends don't need it anyway, and your enemies still won't believe it

Don't look for enemies. That's what you have friends for.

If the enemy does not surrender, then you need to find another enemy

Sometimes, in order to make friends with a person, you need to make a common enemy with him.

Live in such a way that your friends remain and your enemies become friends.

To defeat an enemy, you must first make it.

Moonshine is our enemy! Drive him away! Drive him away!

An enemy is a person who hates your virtues. A friend is a person who doesn't look at your shortcomings.

If you have no enemies, then happiness has turned away from you.

Girls, do you remember the old computer game The Sims 2? Who else created their enemies as terrible creatures, and then mocked them?:D

I know that you are neither friend nor enemy, with pain, with pain, every step...

Don't have a hundred friends, but HAVE all your enemies!

Gossiping about me is a new sport... compete suckers

All the nasty things your worst enemy can say to your face are nothing compared to what your best friends say behind your back.

He who envies others in everything is tormented with unbearable torment. All his life, breathing melancholy and anger, his soul is tied in a knot.

To inflict torment on your envious people is to be in a good mood.

There is not a single vice that is so harmful to the well-being of people as envy, for those who are infected with it not only upset themselves, but also darken the joy of others.

There are no real friends... There are real enemies...

You can't love anyone other than your enemies. They are so funny! They always try to trip me up and swear all the time when I jump over it! =).

Never make excuses! Your friends don’t need this, and your enemies still won’t believe you...

Always forgive your enemies - nothing annoys them more.

Envy is one of the most effective elements of hatred.

Honey, I bought myself a dog! Now I finally have someone I can talk to.

Enemies and envious people must be forgiven, but after they are hanged.

If you hate me and lie in my life all the time, then know that this means only one thing: MY LIFE IS MORE INTERESTING THAN YOURS!

You're the sixteenth man I'm leaving, but the first (and perhaps only) I definitely won't miss.

You know, I don’t want to be your girlfriend, even though I love you... It’s just that sooner or later we will part and perhaps become enemies. I won’t be able to see you and I’ll die... I’d rather be the best friend for you... Better...

While you are happy, you have many friends, when times get dark, you are left alone.

she's bright...dresses fashionably...causes the envy of many...boys want her and her enemies hate her...she's the only one...and she's yours...even though you don't know it..

The destructive poison that poisons our souls is envy.

You need to forgive your enemies so that they cry!

Friends can be fake, but enemies are always real

Hey, bitch, solve the problem - how big will your bruise be if you text my husband again!?

What to do? Where to go: To a friend or an enemy? Where will the decision come from? How can I please you, I can no longer understand!

Envy is nothing other than hatred itself, since someone else's misfortune causes pleasure and, conversely, someone else's happiness causes displeasure.

I send my enemies a ray of love and forgiveness... Let it burn you to the ground... FREAKS!

I suggest to all my ill-wishers to suck off the toad that is strangling you!!! You won’t have any more love for me, but shut up for a while!!!

The most important of all destructive passions is envy - the mother of other passions and iniquities.

In this life, everyone has made a mistake at least once.. everyone has loved unrequitedly at least once.. everyone has their own enemies.. because ideal people do not exist.

Friends make life happy, enemies make life interesting.

I prefer that my enemies envy me than I envy my enemies.

The most terrible enemy is doubt. Because of him, we lose what we could have gotten, but didn’t even try!

Love is neither your friend nor your enemy, but only the path... take care of it!

By flattering yourself with what belongs to others, you lose what is yours.

best friend, best enemy, he is the best, you are the best, what the hell does it matter, you are all the fucking best! only when it's bad - none of you best come, damn it

Those who are envious or want this and that will not have fun.

I love my enemies because I have few of them.

If you want to defeat the enemy, become him. © SiluyaNova

Stop crying for those who didn’t get us, stop dying for those who didn’t want us.

The most dangerous enemies are the best friends, because only they know all our weaknesses

Our fear is a source of courage for our enemies.

A bad friend is the best enemy. Monto I.M.

An envious person is his own enemy, because he is tormented by torment voluntarily chosen by him.

It's better to be an honest enemy than a false friend...

Those who, out of whim and vanity, want to succeed in everything at once, are invariably envious. They will always have someone to envy, for it is impossible for many not to be superior to them in at least some way.

Very tasty food can sometimes be your enemy.

The most terrible enemy is doubt. Because of him, we lose what we could have gotten, but didn’t even try!

Is it possible to give the enemy morning exercises instead of dinner?

I don't have enemies, they do.

If a person has no enemies, then that person is worthless.

New acquaintance - new friend - new disappointment - new quarrel - new enemy... Conclusion: you need to eat...

if someone decides to attack Russia, then we will win anyway, because when they see our roads, the enemies themselves will surrender

Yes, I have enemies, but they are just empty-headed losers who envy me.

Friends tell a pleasant truth to a person; Enemies tell unpleasant truths about a person.

One enemy is many, a thousand friends are few.

Enemies are a great stimulant

Alcohol may be man's worst enemy, but the Bible says, "Love your enemies."

P.S. Better not try to see me again - my Rottweiler is very jealous and very big!

It's better to have a real enemy than a fake friend.

Enemies must be forgiven, but after they are hanged.

Unfortunately, in life you have to deal not only with friends; sometimes you also encounter enemies along the path of life. Statuses about enemies will help reveal the essence of relationships with them. Statuses will help you understand that you should not respond to hostility with aggression. They will tell you how to deal with your enemies.

Popular statuses about envious people

  • With every success I have, somewhere my enemy dies.
  • The enemy is immediately visible by a feigned smile.
  • I feel sorry for my enemies, they have a big problem - ME!
  • I had a friend, but as soon as I became happy, he immediately turned into an enemy.
  • I don't have one, I have them!
  • Sometimes a person's worst enemy is himself.
  • Only enemies always tell each other the truth.
  • Enemies are unpleasant individuals.

To make it easier to deal with them, you can use original statuses about enemies:

  • Remember, if you have enemies and envious people, it means you live very well!
  • Former friend - new enemy...
  • God, grant my friends and enemies all that they wish for me. Only four times more.
  • There are no good or bad people. There are only friends and strangers. We can forgive our people everything, even very bad things. But we cannot forgive even good things to strangers.
  • Enemies do not deserve a place even in our thoughts.

Serious and funny statuses about enemies and envious people

  • Former friends can always become your worst enemies.
  • Sometimes only the enemy can tell you the truth to your face.
  • A person who is often jealous of others kills himself every day.
  • You won't know in advance who fate will bring you together with. Who will become a friend, who will become an enemy, and who will become a passerby, just like that...
  • If there are only envious people around you, you can rejoice, your life is brighter than theirs.
  • Be afraid of betrayal by friends, because enemies do not betray.

If enemies are bothering you in life, don't despair. Use enemy statuses against them.

  • I am not afraid of my enemies; I prefer not to communicate with fools at all.
  • Be kind to your enemies and they will never defeat you.
  • The best defense against enemies is a smile.
  • God forbid you have an ex-girlfriend around you...
  • Smile more often, it pleases your friends, it hurts your enemies!
  • My enemies are extremely good... on skewers)
  • I asked God to remove all my enemies, but for some reason half of my friends disappeared along with them.

Aphorisms about enemies

  • Don’t envy yourself and don’t pay attention to your envious people.
  • Enemies can make us stronger.
  • If you tell your enemies your dream, they will kill each other trying to realize it.
  • If a friend spits in your back, you begin to respect your enemies; they even spit in your face.
  • You need to say “thank you” to those who came into your life and made it beautiful. But you also need to say “thank you” to those who came out of it, because this makes your life even more beautiful.
  • Vodka is my enemy, but I am not afraid of enemies...

Haven't found the right statuses for yourself yet? Here are some more interesting statuses about enemies with meaning, take your pick:

  • I don’t take offense at my enemies, I smile at them quietly.
  • The people closest to you become your worst enemies.
  • I have no enemies at all. Do you disagree, do you think that you are my enemy? Congratulations, you are GONE!
  • I am different from everyone else, I live for my own pleasure, I don’t suck up, I don’t adjust. That's why I have so many enemies.
  • If you don't have a single enemy, you are truly poor!
  • For me, friends are dear, and enemies are cheap.

Philosophical statuses about enemies

  • Never turn your back to the enemy.
  • If you are patient, you can see how the enemies will destroy themselves.
  • If you can't defeat your enemy, then make friends with him.
  • The dangerous ones are not those enemies to whom you have done something, but those to whom you have done nothing. The former do not love you for your actions, and the latter hate you simply because you exist.
  • I thought that you need to treat others well, but over time I realized that you just need to treat each other...
  • Man's worst enemy is doubt. Because of him, we will never know what would have happened if we tried....
  • Friends need to be kept close, and enemies even closer.
  • Only a real enemy will not abandon you.
  • I sincerely feel sorry for my enemies; they still don’t know who they are dealing with.
  • The more money you have, the fewer friends and more enemies.

If the enemy cannot be defeated, then you need to make friends with him.

Honesty helps you find true friends and real enemies.

All the nasty things your enemy can say to your face are simply nothing compared to what your best friends say behind your back.

Don't neglect your enemies: they are the first to notice your mistakes.

You can learn a lot from your enemies.

No one is our friend or enemy, but everyone is a teacher.

If you want to defeat your enemy, make him your friend.

Unfortunately, sometimes there are such friends that when their true colors are revealed, you think: I would rather be friends with my enemies...

An adversary who looks for your mistakes is much more useful than a friend who wants to hide them.

If you want to defeat the enemy, raise his children.

Love your enemies: this is the best way to piss them off.

I wildly apologize to my ill-wishers, but the vacancies of the enemies in my life are definitely already filled, so I suggest all other applicants take their seats in the auditorium!)

All day without the Internet... You wouldn’t wish this on your enemy!

An enemy who is wise and knows a lot may be more valuable than a friend. Wisdom should be respected by enemies and friends.

A person who is afraid of making enemies will never have true friends.

Tolerance is the absence of concern about harm caused by the enemy.

The closest friends today are the well-armed enemies of tomorrow.

The enemy must live long - in memory!

It's sad not to have friends, but it's even sadder not to have enemies.

If the enemy does not surrender, he is destroyed.

I'm not afraid to turn my back on my enemies! I'm a great roundhouse kicker! :)

Free me from friends, and I myself will free myself from enemies.

When you feel good, let your enemies know about it.
When you feel bad, only friends can help...

Don't wish for people what you wish for yourself, you may have different tastes.

Do you want to be truly strong? Learn to recognize the victories of your enemies. After all, as Salah ad-Din said, “Enemies can also be respected”

You have to look at the enemy in such a way that his tests start flowing...

Breathe before I cut off your oxygen...

Only an enemy can cause you unbearable physical pain, and only a loved one can cause you unbearable mental pain.

The most dangerous enemy is a former boyfriend or girlfriend who knows your weak points very well.

Listen, rose! The tulip is out of here, otherwise you’ll turn gray like a dahlia.

There are such people who discuss your life, forgetting about theirs! But you remind them occasionally to shut their mouths!

Oh, how I love it when enemies come crawling for help.

If you want to do good to a person, think 10 times, because you will not get a friend, but an enemy.

Some of their “friends” just want to say: thank you everyone, you are so not interesting...

I was naive and thought that I had no ill-wishers... until my husband and I opened a grocery store!

Our worst enemies are our friends. Because it is much more painful to receive a blow from a loved one.

If a faithful friend has offended you, cry, your tears are forgiven! If a mortal enemy offends you, laugh and look him in the eye!

A man has done you harm, give him some candy and let him go. He is evil to you, and you give him candy... And so on until this scum develops diabetes!

If you hate me and always meddle in my life, then know that this means only one thing: MY LIFE IS MORE INTERESTING THAN YOURS!

He had so many enemies that they had to dig not a hole, but a trench.

Worse than smart enemies are smart-ass friends!

About enemies statuses

Statuses about envy and gossip are the best way to express negative emotions. In addition, your message will be immediately clear to the offender.

About the truth of life

  1. There is no need to envy anyone. In any case, you have something to put in order. And right now.
  2. How difficult it is to approach a person and simply say what you like about him and what you don’t. And how easy it is to discuss all this behind your back.
  3. I love it when people envy me. This means that they are interested in me. But everything has its limit.
  4. If people are discussing you, then rest assured: they will definitely mention your personal life. Just accept it.
  5. Each of us loves gossip, but how terrible it is to find out that someone was discussing you. Even if it’s a completely unknown person.
  6. Dear “grandmothers at the entrance”! Before you spread gossip about me, please agree with me.
  7. Yes, you understand. The fact that you discuss my personal life does not make yours any better.
  8. The weather, admission, work, a new series, clothes - look how much you can discuss instead of washing my bones.
  9. If you dream about something and boldly go towards your dream, everything will be fine. But at the same time, you need to try not to pay attention to gossipers...
  10. Do you know why you should only say good things about yourself? Because everything bad about you has already been said a long time ago!
  11. Do you know what is the worst thing in the life of a beautiful girl? The fact that even if she is lonely, she still has 150 lovers.
  12. We will never change the gossips, no matter how hard we try. The best we can do is accept this fact.
  13. The funniest thing is that I know who started the gossip. And what’s even funnier is that I don’t care at all.
  14. I immediately stop gossipers, even if they are not talking about me. Because I will leave, and then they will definitely talk about me.

It's not just the beautiful and happy who become heroes of gossip

If people are gossiping about you, it means you are on the right path. Nevertheless, the status “envy of people” is still worth establishing.

  1. I don't want to know whether your smiles are false or not. I just want to live the way I live now.
  2. You can envy me as much as you want. But only silently, please, silently.
  3. We can admit anything, but not that we gossip. But it’s not that we envy.
  4. Have you ever heard the phrase about gossips and fly? So, it is still relevant!
  5. When I envy, I think: what else can I do to get at least the same thing? And so do you.
  6. You know, I'll give you a gift for your birthday. A book. So you know what to do instead of discussing me.
  7. Being unhappy is not beneficial for others: then little by little you begin to envy.
  8. Many great things are considered abnormal. Who are they considered? First of all, losers.
  9. Why slander others? Yes, because it’s easier than just thinking about how useless your life is...
  10. Washing bones together is often confused with friendship. That's how it is with us.
  11. Don't judge me. You are long past school age, and judging by your intelligence, you don’t really look like a teacher.
  12. You know, if a person feels good, he doesn’t care about gossip. He begins to notice them only when things go downhill.
  13. I look at some people and I understand: you don’t have to be me to know how I’m doing.
  14. If people say nasty things about you behind your back, you are worth something.

The worst thing is that someone can trust gossip

A status about envy with meaning makes you look at the world in a completely different way. Surprise yourself and your friends!

  1. Don't be offended by gossipers. Maybe for some this is the last chance to feel better.
  2. Let's just wish happiness to all envious people. Then maybe they’ll get tired of being jealous.
  3. Envious people lack logic. If your life is bad, improve it. No need to watch someone else's instead.
  4. You can say whatever you want about me. But gossip always leaves dirty traces!
  5. But I’m not afraid of envy. By envying me, you increase my self-esteem, and worsen yours even more.
  6. Whatever it is, don’t be shy. If you're interested, just ask. But there is no need to spread gossip.
  7. Whatever one may say, gossipers are friends with gossipers. They simply have nothing to discuss with smart people.
  8. I respect my choice, so even if we break up, I won’t say a single bad word about you. It's a pity you think differently.
  9. Envy is disrespect for yourself. This means that a person does not care about his own person and reputation at all.
  10. How interesting it is to discuss someone's choices. Especially when there is no opportunity to make your own.
  11. The strongest person is the one who understands that people will always gossip about him, and who takes it calmly.
  12. The less people around you know about you, the more reasons, oddly enough, for them to gossip.
  13. White envy is also envy. So be careful with people.
  14. They will always spit on your soul as long as you allow it. But, however, it is never too late to change something.
  15. As you can see, I can forgive a lot. But I shouldn’t forgive gossip behind my back!
  16. The envy of enemies is commonplace. But the envy of a friend is what kills.

If you want to subtly hint to gossipers that they are wrong, use these statuses!
