Happy birthday greetings to a classmate in prose. Latest trends, life hacks, tips Happy 18th birthday to a classmate in prose

What a beautiful day it is today. It's my friend's birthday. We have been friends since first grade and sit at the same desk. Dear friend, may everything you want come true for you, may school life bring you only good mood, and excellent grades make you and your parents happy. I wish you good health, success and good luck in everything. Always be a leader, but never be arrogant. May a good angel always protect you. All the best to you and a wonderful future.

My friend and classmate and I just don’t spill water. Throughout our years of study, we sit at the same desk and don’t bother each other. It is your birthday today. Let me congratulate you and wish you all the best. May all your wishes come true. Good luck to you in your studies and good mood. Always be charming and beautiful. May the good angel always protect you. Smile more often and never cry, let all the troubles on your way fade into powerlessness. Fun and joy to you on your holiday.

What wonderful school years. How many friends are there, how many classmates are there? We live like one family. Today is our friend’s birthday. We cordially congratulate you on your holiday and wish that all your dreams come true. May the sun shine on you more cheerfully, and may your eyes always smile. We wish you a lot of success, bright and happy days, great success in your studies. Let every ordinary day of yours turn into a holiday. Good health to you and good luck in everything.

My dear friend and classmate, I wish you a happy birthday. May your eyes always shine with happiness, may life bring you only joy and success, may everyone around you admire your beauty and tenderness. I wish you a lot - a lot of happiness, may you be surrounded by reliable and loyal friends. May your academic success always be excellent. May school life bring you only joy. May fate be favorable to you, and may luck knock on your door every day. Be smart in everything.

A birthday is a wonderful holiday, and if your friend has this holiday, then this is generally a grandiose event. Dear friend, my good classmate. We are often called sisters, and rightly so. After all, you and I are always together, even our grades are almost the same. I wish you a happy birthday. I wish you the best that fate has. May you always be lucky in everything, may all problems seem to you like little things in life. I wish you good health, happiness and beautiful love.

Birthdays are always a special day of fun and excitement. Today is your personal holiday, my dear friend. Like all my classmates, I congratulate you. I wish you good health, good luck and luck in everything. May your cherished dream come true on this holiday. Let your soul laugh and sing. I really want you to have no reason to be sad at all, smile and joke more. All earthly blessings to you, great success in your studies, and always a good mood. Be happy in everything, my dear.

You are the birthday girl today. And all congratulations, all compliments, all flowers and gifts are only for you. I am so lucky to have such a friend and classmate like you. Please accept my most sincere congratulations and wishes on such a wonderful day. I wish you good health, and all the most beautiful and happiest things. May your school years bring you only joy and good mood, may your classmates be your second family. May a good angel always protect you.

On your birthday, please accept the most sincere congratulations from all your classmates, and from me personally. Dear friend, on this wonderful holiday, may the good wizard fulfill all your dreams, may everything be as you want. May you meet reliable and faithful friends on your way. I wish you great success in your studies, good luck in everything and good luck. Be always cheerful and cheerful, be beautiful and always attractive. All earthly blessings to you, good health and a fun school life.

It so happened that we were born the same year and became classmates. I am very pleased to congratulate you today, because I am very happy that I study in the same class with you! After all, when someone is sad, you help, you manage to make even the saddest person laugh. Many people cheat from you. I don't know what we would do without you! And today, on your birthday, I wish you never to be sad. May you simply not have time left for this. Let there be time only for good and enjoyable activities! I wish that all your dreams, regardless of their scale, come true. Just sincerely believe in their implementation! I wish you many smiles every day! Happy birthday! Happiness to you!

We went through a lot together, sitting at the same desk and standing at the school board! Today I congratulate you again, friend, on your birthday! I wish you to reach all the stars from the sky, touch distant peaks and reach the horizon! Walk proudly through life, don’t give up and clearly achieve your goal! You are a faithful friend and sincere adviser, you always have an extra handkerchief in your pocket, and a kind word in your soul. Thank you for everything! Happy birthday!

It so happened that we were born the same year and became classmates. I am very pleased to congratulate you today, because I am very happy that I study in the same class with you!
After all, when someone is sad, you help, you manage to make even the saddest person laugh.
Many people cheat from you. I don't know what we would do without you!
And today, on your birthday, I wish you never to be sad. May you simply not have time left for this. Let there be time only for good and enjoyable activities!

The day has come when all your classmates are preparing gifts and congratulations for you in the evening. And it’s not for nothing that everyone is so nervous. After all, today our classmate, our friend, support, our intellect and our golden hands were born! I am pleased to congratulate you today, because I have listed only a few of your qualities. On this day, with our entire class, our entire extended family, we want to wish you to always remain the same as you are now. So positive and cool. We wish you not to stop there, but always move forward, and without even looking back. Happy birthday to you, our beloved classmate!

Our dear, irreplaceable, beloved classmate. Today is only your day and all congratulations are only to you. We wish you inspiration on this day. Inspiration for new actions, deeds, and for new victories. After all, we all know how persistently you move towards your goal. We wish you today that there are no obstacles, no obstacles and no troubles on your path. So that the sun always shines brightly in your soul. We love you very much and wish you happiness. Let all negative thoughts go away today and never return. May luck guide you along your path. After all, you deserve the best! May everyone who surrounds you always make you happy. And may life become the way you pictured it in your dreams! Happy birthday!

It's time to congratulate our beloved classmate. Today we want to wish you the most important things. Love, so that love always lives in your heart! Love for the world, family, music, loved one. After all, when love lives in the heart, life becomes much easier! We wish you health, health to you, your family and friends! May all your dreams, from the smallest to the largest, come true! Never think about the bad, because any problem is an acquired, invaluable experience. Never stand still, always have a goal and move towards it. We wish you to become whatever you want. Happy name day.

I hasten to congratulate my classmate on her birthday! I want to wish you happiness. Simple happiness! Do not meet grief on your path, and always move forward with your head held high. I wish you success. In all endeavors. After all, you are a wonderful person. A talented girl, a good friend and best classmate. May your birthday bring you a lot of interesting, unforgettable and fun things. Always make your loved ones happy with your victories. Start your day with a smile. And you will see that fate will also give you a smile. And not just one. Happy name day classmate!

Happy birthday to my classmate. I want to wish you a cheerful, bright, interesting life. So that friends are always close. So that the family is always together. To love, forever. I wish you that all your plans will soon come true in your life. I am very lucky to have a classmate like you! I wish you to always smile. Always thank the Lord for what you have. And then your life will really become even more beautiful and better! May all the adversities that were in your life be removed from it forever!

I am so grateful to fate that I was born the same year as you, went to the same school, and in the same class! I am very glad that you are my classmate. May all your plans come true in your life today. Let everything be the way you want. Dream, and may everything you dream about come true. I wish you to always be first in everything. Do not retreat back, but always look only forward. Let you be the master of your own destiny. I wish you to realize everything you want in life. Happy name day to you!

May today be a joyful holiday for all your classmates! After all, on this wonderful day our friend was born! We have known each other since childhood, we have many common stories: comical, stupid and sad. Our friendship has been proven through years of joint study, our devotion through secrets and never-shared secrets. We wish you a beautiful future life, bright as a rainbow and stormy as a waterfall! Happy birthday!

The pleasant moment has come when I can congratulate my classmate. A good, bright day of your birth, as bright and pure as you! I wish you today to receive a thousand roses, a sea of ​​pleasant compliments, good wishes and a million declarations of love! Let no evil, selfish people who can cause you pain come across your path! Let life be like a good fairy tale, with a happy ending! Happy birthday!

Our dear friend, congratulations on the holiday! The school has long united us and turned us into a friendly team! We, your classmates, want to wish you a hundred more such fun, fiery birthdays! We confidently promise you to maintain our warm friendship for many years, to help and support you in everything! You keep your tenderness, kindness and sincerity, remain as bright and lively, capable of any adventure! Happy birthday!

Today I want to congratulate my classmate. On your birthday, I want to wish you a wonderful holiday among your school friends. We will be happy to remember all the fun and stupid situations, our childhood years and shared secrets! I would like to see you as bright, smart, honest and fair, always! May all your expectations be fulfilled and all your aspirations come true!

What a beautiful day it is today. It's my friend's birthday. We have been friends since first grade and sit at the same desk. Dear friend, may everything you want come true for you, may school life bring you only a good mood, and may excellent grades please you and your parents. I wish you good health, success and good luck in everything. Always be a leader, but never be arrogant. May a good angel always protect you. All the best to you and a wonderful future.

My friend and classmate and I just don’t spill water. Throughout our years of study, we sit at the same desk and don’t bother each other. It is your birthday today. Let me congratulate you and wish you all the best. May all your wishes come true. Good luck to you in your studies and good mood. Always be charming and beautiful. May the good angel always protect you. Smile more often and never cry, let all the troubles on your way fade into powerlessness. Fun and joy to you on your holiday.

What wonderful school years. How many friends are there, how many classmates are there? We live like one family. Today is our friend’s birthday. We cordially congratulate you on your holiday and wish that all your dreams come true. May the sun shine on you more cheerfully, and may your eyes always smile. We wish you a lot of success, bright and happy days, great success in your studies. Let every ordinary day of yours turn into a holiday. Good health to you and good luck in everything.

My dear friend and classmate, I wish you a happy birthday. May your eyes always shine with happiness, may life bring you only joy and success, may everyone around you admire your beauty and tenderness. I wish you a lot - a lot of happiness, may you be surrounded by reliable and loyal friends. May your academic success always be excellent. May school life bring you only joy. May fate be favorable to you, and may luck knock on your door every day. Be smart in everything.

A birthday is a wonderful holiday, and if your friend has this holiday, then this is generally a grandiose event. Dear friend, my good classmate. We are often called sisters, and rightly so. After all, you and I are always together, even our grades are almost the same. I wish you a happy birthday. I wish you the best that fate has. May you always be lucky in everything, may all problems seem to you like little things in life. I wish you good health, happiness and beautiful love.

Birthdays are always a special day of fun and excitement. Today is your personal holiday, my dear friend. Like all my classmates, I congratulate you. I wish you good health, good luck and luck in everything. May your cherished dream come true on this holiday. Let your soul laugh and sing. I really want you to have no reason to be sad at all, smile and joke more. All earthly blessings to you, great success in your studies, and always a good mood. Be happy in everything, my dear.

You are the birthday girl today. And all congratulations, all compliments, all flowers and gifts are only for you. I am so lucky to have such a friend and classmate like you. Please accept my most sincere congratulations and wishes on such a wonderful day. I wish you good health, and all the most beautiful and happiest things. May your school years bring you only joy and good mood, may your classmates be your second family. May a good angel always protect you.

Friendship from school years - what could be stronger than the relationship that arose in the most carefree time? Unity of views, purity of thoughts, a time of childhood secrets and dreams of the future. All this is to some extent reflected in the birthday greetings for a classmate. They can be sincere or funny; you can voice your wishes for your school-day friend in your own words or in beautiful poems. One thing is certain - congratulations for a classmate’s birthday should be sincere and warm, but not formal.

Beautiful happy birthday greetings for a classmate

You are my classmate today,

For later I have plans,

When we get married after school,

To become your beloved godfather.

We will come to visit each other,

In general, we will be friends with families,

And now, dear, happy birthday,

And be the happiest person in the world.

May love always be with you,

Let trouble pass by,

I sincerely hope after school

We will extend communication for years.

I wish you a happy birthday

My beloved classmate,

For me you are my best friend

Know that I love you like a sister.

I wish you success,

Happiness in life and straight roads,

And immeasurable love for two.

May everything in life turn out great,

Know that I will miss you.

Remember that we will meet in years to come

We must assemble our class.

Classmate, hello,

We've been together for many years

Please accept my congratulations

It's your birthday.

Let there be happiness with the mountain,

Let the tests not judge strictly,

And remember, the main test is

Waist size and weight.

I wish you

To meet the prince on your own,

To carry in your arms,

And to truly love.

And don’t you dare forget,

That I want to be godfather

Can your baby say

That I am also his mother.

Let's grow up a little

Together we will find suitors

In the meantime, we are in the same class

Let's learn together, play pranks,

And we dream what to hide,

We are adults to see the world.

They say it's interesting there.

But first I would like to pass the tests.

Happy birthday congratulations,

That's what I'll say, dear

Happiness for the rest of your life,

Choose your husband according to yourself,

Study at the institute

Be with currency all the time,

And don't forget me

Invite people to visit more often.

Heartfelt birthday greetings to a former classmate

You and I have been together since school years

And we've been through a lot

Believe me, often, as before

I remember my childhood days.

Now we already have children,

Everyone has their own family

But, as before, all the secrets

You and I share life.

I wish you, friend,

Always be happy in everything,

So that I can get my salary

You should spend it on cosmetics,

Good health, good luck,

Prosperity, love,

So that adversity and bad weather

You've been passed over in life.

Let the years fly by after school,

And scattered life in all directions,

You will receive pictures and podcasts,

Postcards, videos and a lot of kind words,

And you will remember our class more than once,

Everyone here is ready to congratulate you.

Well, in general, so, friend, happy birthday,

Simple feminine happiness to you,

Much love, good luck, inspiration,

Everything I wished for myself.

There are no former classmates

If you and I have already studied,

Now in life, I know for sure

We are bound by one fate.

We have common photo albums,

Mutual friends, teachers.

And even though we were scattered throughout life,

Know that you are like family to me.

It's your birthday today

I send you my warmest regards

And I wish you happiness in everything,

So that you never know troubles.

Let the waltz of life take you around,

May your dreams come true.

Cool happy birthday greetings in verse

Hello, friend from school days,

Let me hug you quickly.

Happy Birthday,

Please accept congratulations.

Be an optimist in everything

Find the prince, and with a horse,

For him to love you

I carried it in my arms all my life.

Well, so that it’s not boring,

You should buy yourself a boutique,

And we will come in

To update your outfit.

We were in the same class with you,

This means they deserve a discount.

Classmate, friend,

Greetings from a friend

Happy birthday,

Know that I respect you:

You always let me write off

You are incapable of betraying.

How can we prank who?

We can understand without words.

It's a pity that we'll finish school

We'll fly away in all directions,

I'll come in then.

Classmate, you

We congratulate you together,

Let's all sign this

If necessary.

Your cake is cool

And the buffet is excellent.

Remember this when meeting

We will definitely be there.

We wish you happiness

And success in everything,

In life, all sorts of achievements,

Joyful laughter

Businessman with money

A dacha, a house, a car,

And your own pool with champagne,

And a bath with a martini.

There is a holiday in our class,

It's your birthday.

Everyone is chewing candy

Fantikov mountain.

We wish you

Always live without troubles

Gold by weight

These candies

Swiss bank account,

Holidays in Bali,

Your castle for a visit

We could have come.

Happy birthday greetings for a classmate in your own words in prose

My dear classmate! It is your birthday today. Just as a caterpillar turns into a butterfly, after graduating from school you went from being an eccentric girl with pigtails to becoming a young charismatic and confident woman. May this reincarnation bring you happiness. Good luck to you in all your endeavors.

SMS and short birthday greetings in verse to a classmate

My school friend,

Happy Birthday to You.

I wish you happiness and prosperity,

Let life be like a cake

It will be sweet.

We'll meet at your desk, of course.

But I still say hello to you

And happy birthday

I wish you a hundred years of happiness.

Accept girlfriend

Our congratulations

We remember as a whole class

About your birthday.

Happiness and health

We wish you

Cover the clearing

We're already approaching.

Meet your classmates

Open the doors wide

Honey, happy birthday,

Don't forget about the treat!

Happy birthday

And I want to say this,

You and I are no longer at school,

To get grades.

Still, even in personal life

Everything will always be great.

Classmate, my light,

I send my warm regards.

I wish you health

And for the harvest money.

There are no former classmates. People who have known each other since childhood will always find something to remember, something to talk about, something to laugh at. Let your birthday greetings for a classmate become something more than simple words. After all, it is clear that at this moment the most vivid events of the school years, the participants of which were mischievous boys and girls, will come to mind. This means that humor and funny congratulations are just as appropriate as heartfelt, sincere words. The only thing that should not be allowed is for your classmate to be left without congratulations on her birthday.

Prose gives rise to poetic thoughts, gives hope in life, and emphasizes the importance of the valuable qualities of the birthday girl. School time plays a significant role in the soul of a classmate, since together with them she learned to build fruitful, sincere relationships with her friends.

It’s always interesting to choose happy birthday greetings for a classmate in prose on the website, to arrange them beautifully on a postcard with cute pictures and sincere wishes: “may life be full of charm, sweet as a berry, beautiful as a wave.

It is important to prepare ideas in advance for what to give your classmate for her birthday. Travel lovers will love this guide with illustrations of their preferred countries for an exciting vacation. If you wish, you can issue a certificate for relaxation, purchase of cozy home furniture, useful books in a book salon.

The birthday girl was lucky enough to be born in the summer, then it’s great to spend her birthday at the dacha with her guests, enjoying nature and the freshness of the greenery, dissolving in a wonderful vacation. The sweet birthday girl will treat you with delicious berries, vegetables and juicy fruits. In the cool season, it’s nice to gather in a cozy cafe to the sounds of jazz and the melodies of youth.

The school helps us learn to believe in ourselves, acquire the main knowledge that will guide us towards our dreams and family happiness. A classmate knows that it is necessary to try to do something in order to get closer to the cherished desires that harmoniously complement the life of a wonderful girl, woman.

It is important to devote enough time to choosing happy birthday greetings for a classmate in prose or try to compose pleasant, sincere wishes yourself, taking into account the characteristics of the birthday girl’s character and hobbies.

I am so grateful to fate that I was born the same year as you, went to the same school, and in the same class! I am very glad that you are my classmate. May all your plans come true in your life today. Let everything be the way you want. Dream, and may everything you dream about come true. I wish you to always be first in everything. Do not retreat back, but always look only forward. Let you be the master of your own destiny. I wish you to realize everything you want in life. Happy Birthday to You!

The day has come when all your classmates are preparing gifts and congratulations for you in the evening. And it’s not for nothing that everyone is so nervous. After all, today our classmate, our friend, support, our intellect and our golden hands were born! I am pleased to congratulate you today, because I have listed only a few of your qualities. On this day, with our entire class, our entire extended family, we want to wish you to always remain the same as you are now. So positive and cool. We wish you not to stop there, but always move forward, and without even looking back. Happy birthday to you, our beloved classmate!

I hasten to congratulate my classmate on her birthday! I want to wish you happiness. Simple happiness! Do not meet grief on your path, and always move forward with your head held high. I wish you success. In all endeavors. After all, you are a wonderful person. A talented girl, a good friend and best classmate. May your birthday bring you a lot of interesting, unforgettable and fun things. Always make your loved ones happy with your victories. Start your day with a smile. And you will see that fate will also give you a smile. And not just one. Happy name day classmate!

Our dear, irreplaceable, beloved classmate. Today is only your day and all congratulations are only to you. We wish you inspiration on this day. Inspiration for new actions, deeds, and for new victories. After all, we all know how persistently you move towards your goal. We wish you today that there are no obstacles, no obstacles and no troubles on your path. So that the sun always shines brightly in your soul. We love you very much and wish you happiness. Let all negative thoughts go away today and never return. May luck guide you along your path. After all, you deserve the best! May everyone who surrounds you always make you happy. And may life become the way you pictured it in your dreams! Happy birthday!

It's time to congratulate our beloved classmate. Today we want to wish you the most important things. Love, so that love always lives in your heart! Love for the world, family, music, loved one. After all, when love lives in the heart, life becomes much easier! We wish you health, health to you, your family and friends! May all your dreams, from the smallest to the largest, come true! Never think about the bad, because any problem is an acquired, invaluable experience. Never stand still, always have a goal and move towards it. We wish you to become whatever you want. Happy name day.

I wish you good grades, many, many happy days and strong, reliable friendship. On your birthday, let everyone in our class want to sit with you at the same desk, and let the teachers not call you to the blackboard.

Happy Birthday, one holiday in the class is a holiday for everyone. May another year of life bring more joys, good grades, true friends and happy days, which you can then remember with a smile.

I congratulate you on your holiday and wish you all the best! Let school be a joy, because these days will fly by so quickly - you won’t have time to look back. I wish you not to argue with teachers, to be friends with all your classmates, to find a common language with all people and to be able to stand up for yourself. I also wish you self-respect, the ability to take criticism and never be sad!

I wish my classmate all the best from the bottom of my heart! I want you to always be happy and beautiful, always smile and never be sad, strive for the best, believe in love and in yourself, never give up hope for the best and remember the most important truth - those who know how to wait usually get the best – the best! Love and appreciate yourself!

Congratulations to my classmate. You are beautiful, smart, sociable - so what can you wish for such a girl? Firstly, I wish you not to be sad and to be confident in yourself. Secondly, never get upset over trifles - nothing is worth your tears and insults. And also - be cheerful, smile - because for someone your smile becomes the most long-awaited decoration of the day!

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