36 wedding anniversary what to give. thirty six years of marriage

After 36 years of marriage, the couple celebrates an agate wedding. After three decades of living together, some celebrate only round dates. Yet there are spouses who arrange a small celebration every year. This helps them maintain close relationships, give each other attention and love. In order for the 36th anniversary to bring joy, to be remembered with positive emotions, you need to know its meaning, traditions and what to give to the heroes of the occasion.

What wedding

36 years of marriage is called an agate wedding. It got its name from the semi-precious stone. It is believed that agate brings prosperity and wealth to the family. The material is strong and resistant to damage. Such properties of agate are associated with a strong trusting relationship between husband and wife. For 36 years, they have passed the test of strength, gained prosperity, material and spiritual wealth.

Previously, an agate wedding was not celebrated in Russia, as it was considered a bad omen. Non-superstitious spouses do not attach importance to beliefs and rejoice at every opportunity to have a good time with loved ones.

In Europe and America, the 36th anniversary is called the wedding of bone china, which is distinguished by its rich appearance. The material is strong and fragile at the same time. This is symbolic of the feelings of the spouses, who can easily be hurt even many years later. The name reminds of the importance of respect, mutual understanding, and trust. In the light, bone china is translucent. This property of the material indicates fidelity and honesty between husband and wife.

Family psychologists recommend that a couple take an interesting test on the day of an agate wedding. Husband and wife alternately examine patterns of agate, building associations. The results are compared. Spouses with strong relationships give similar answers.

There are no special traditions associated with the celebration of the anniversary. On this day, the husband and wife exchange symbolic gifts, arrange a celebration. Guests wear light-colored dresses made of light silky fabrics.

How to celebrate

An agate wedding is celebrated modestly: together or in the circle of the closest relatives and friends. It is best to spend time in private: go on a short trip to the sea, to a country house, to a neighboring city or visit another country. There is no age limit for making dreams come true.

If there is no opportunity to spend a vacation away from home, celebrate your 36th wedding anniversary in one of the following ways:

  • Book a table at your favorite restaurant, sip some fine wine or champagne. Say pleasant compliments to each other, remember funny moments from life.
  • Spend the day at home in a quiet, cozy environment. Prepare dinner, decorate the room beautifully. To create a romantic atmosphere, turn on your favorite music, light candles.
  • Go to the theater, cinema, concert, visit places that are significant to you. Spending time together will help you escape from everyday life and problems.
  • Go to the zoo or circus. Such a rest will help you forget about your age, get a boost of vivacity, positive energy.
  • Attend an art exhibition or workshop. Here you can buy your favorite work, which will become a symbol of your anniversary. At the master class you will be able to make a product with your own hands.
  • Have a small picnic in nature. Take sandwiches, a bottle of your favorite wine and fruit with you.

On the day of the agate wedding, focus on each other: say warm words, hold hands, hug. It will remind you of the tender feelings of the first dates.

The thirty-sixth anniversary is a great occasion to gather children, grandchildren and close friends around the festive table. In keeping with the symbolism of the celebration, decorate the living room with light ribbons and balloons. Hang curtains made of thin, lightweight fabric. Cover the table with a translucent tablecloth. Use chinaware for serving.

Serve a festive table with porcelain dishes for an agate wedding.

Prepare dinner. An obligatory attribute of a family feast for 36 years from the wedding day is tea in a porcelain service and a large pie according to the housewife's signature recipe. Together with friends, indulge in pleasant memories, remember funny incidents from life. Watch short videos and photos.

gift for husband

On the occasion of the anniversary, give your husband a symbolic gift:

  • Keychain with agate. This accessory will always be at hand, reminding you of your love.
  • Statuette. A man can put it on the table in the office or in the office. The product will inspire, give positive.
  • Table or wrist watch. A stylish functional accessory will always come in handy for a business person. When looking at the clock, he will remember his beloved.
  • Organizer for pens, stand for books and notebooks. It will appeal to an office worker, teacher or director.
  • Belt, suspenders and tie in light colors.
  • Diary. A practical gift for a busy person.
  • Favorite author's book. When choosing, be guided by the preferences of the husband.

Gift for wife

The best gift for a wife is attention. Prepare your favorite breakfast, help in the kitchen before the guests arrive, write a gentle congratulation.

A symbolic gift for the wedding day will be products with agate:

  • Earrings. The design can be classic, artsy, modest.
  • Ring. It is a symbol of unchanging love and fidelity.
  • Beads, pendant, pendant in the shape of a heart. They testify to the sincerity of feelings.
  • Bracelet or wrist watch.
  • Brooch. Appropriate decoration for women of middle or older age.
  • Casket. A handy decorative item for storing jewelry, photos and other personal items.

What guests give

Symbolic gifts from guests can become family heirlooms that will be passed on to the next generations. Since the thirty-sixth anniversary is celebrated modestly, it is not necessary to buy overly expensive souvenirs.

Gift options for 36 years from the wedding day:

  • Crystal or porcelain vase. Do not give an empty vase - this is a bad omen. Fill it with sweets, put a card, a toy or a bouquet inside.
  • The service is a universal gift. Paired cups or plates with engraving in the form of wishes, wedding dates, photos and initials of the spouses look symbolic.
  • Salad bowl, multi-story dessert plate, candy bowl, bread box, fruit bowl.
  • Frame for 1 photo or collage. You can pre-place wedding photos of the couple in it.
  • Decorative practical items decorated with agate: figurine, housekeeper, lamp, chandelier, porcelain still life painting, muslin draperies.
  • Casket. It can store money, jewelry, documents, cigars.
  • Indoor plant. Usually they give ficus, palm, orchid, anthurium.


The value of the gift is given by the warm words of the guests with beautiful wishes for long years of marriage, wisdom and patience. Choose a congratulation that will express your feelings to spouses celebrating an agate wedding:

They say they don't celebrate 36 years
But how can we miss your anniversary?
We wish you all the best, prosperity, joy
And the happiest days.
Congratulations on your bone china wedding day,
Let life give you only inspiration,
Let hope, faith and love walk side by side,
Let reliable friends surround you.

For 36 years you have been walking through life on the same path,
Share joys and worries together
You are a strong and friendly family,
As an example, we always set you young.
Live in joy and happiness
Let all bad weather fly by
May the anniversary bring you good luck
And all the best in addition.

36 years of marriage is an event that is usually celebrated modestly in a quiet, cozy atmosphere. The spouses will have warm pleasant memories that will warm their hearts until the next significant date.

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What to gift:

For couples who have passed the milestone of the 35th anniversary of family life, the question arises: “What kind of wedding is 36 years old?”. In Russia, this anniversary is not globally celebrated, so it is not surprising that few have heard of its name. Some do not even know about such a date.

Anonymous date

And all because, as such, the anniversary of 36 years from the date of marriage does not have a “name”. This is due to the fact that a year ago the couple celebrated a more important holiday - the Coral Wedding. According to tradition, it is celebrated luxuriously and solemnly.

Old age, and sometimes financial possibilities, do not allow the couple to arrange magnificent events for two years in a row. Therefore, such an important day should be spent in a calm and comfortable atmosphere - alone or in a narrow circle of people closest to the spouses.

Title exists

An anniversary without a name looks undignified. Therefore, more recently, the date received a “name”. The “young”, who devoted 36 years of marriage to each other, celebrate the Agate wedding.

This name is not unique, because the Agate wedding is celebrated after 12 years of marriage. However, the people thought about it and decided that agate would be a wonderful symbol of celebration. This beautiful stone symbolizes wealth and prosperity, and also features intricate "fate" patterns.

foreign name

In America, this wedding anniversary, unlike domestic traditions, is celebrated on a large scale. On this day, it is customary to convene all relatives and friends, arrange a grand event, and create interesting scenarios.

Americans call this date Bone China Day. It is believed that the relationship between husband and wife, who lived 36 years of marriage, is in crisis. They are both strong, because the couple has been together for so long, and fragile, because they are on the thin line.

But the mentality of Russians and Americans is completely different. They constantly visit psychologists and try to figure out among the problems of living together that they themselves invented. Russians, having lived 36 years of marriage, can hardly call their relationship fragile.


An important element of any anniversary, regardless of the name, are gifts. This wedding anniversary is no exception.

You can give products with the presence of agate for an Agate wedding - various decorations and interior items. However, it is undesirable to make a gift that is too expensive; it is better to save it for the 40th anniversary of the spouses.

Traditional gifts will also be appropriate:

1) souvenirs;

2) bed linen;

3) household appliances;

4) service;

5) cinema or theater tickets.

Paired gifts will be excellent, embodying the inseparability of husband and wife, their love and understanding.

Adherents of foreign traditions, for whom the Porcelain anniversary, can be presented with porcelain products.


The name of any marriage anniversary is primarily created for the sake of entertainment. Love will not go out if its next date does not bear a “name”.

Desire and ingenuity will always come to the rescue. Spouses can call this anniversary Orange, for example. The fruit will symbolize the positive that the husband and wife have been rewarding each other all this time. And also the joy that has become the best friend for the spouses.

How else to please each other.

The longer the spouses are together, the more attention they pay to important family events, but at the same time, the symbolism and value of some dates are often erased.

For 36 years of living together in the family, traditions have already developed, including those associated with holding holidays and celebrations. But it is this wedding anniversary that is often skipped for some reason, it is not customary to celebrate it, and often even people spend this day in their usual affairs, at work.

Many consider the number 36 not very lucky, and therefore bypass the date, preferring not to celebrate it. Moreover, the 35th wedding anniversary was certainly celebrated on a grand scale.

But whatever the date, it is important to understand that this is a family holiday, a family birthday. So 36 years of marriage from the day of the wedding should be celebrated, but done right.

In our country, there is not even a name for this anniversary, but in America there is. Bone china wedding - this wedding anniversary has such a beautiful name, and it has its own traditions, congratulations and gifts.

Porcelain is a fragile, elegant, valuable material. The family at the age of 36 from the date of the wedding has already become a great value, but this is a time of crises that can come, so this year the fragility of the union increases.

It is very important to spend this holiday in such a way that the whole next year will be good and happy, and adversity and danger will pass. By the way, bone china is the most expensive, rare and beautiful. At 36 years of marriage, the family is like a product made from this luxurious material, it must be appreciated and protected, understanding its importance.

The traditions of this holiday

This wedding anniversary is not celebrated widely and noisily. The holiday should be quiet and intimate, warm and pleasant. There are no special traditions associated with such a date, there are no specific rituals or actions, but you need to conduct a wedding correctly.

Where to meet the anniversary of living together, and what should it be like? It can be anywhere, but it will be nice if you celebrate 36 years from the date of the wedding in an unusual way.

The fact is that, as already noted, at 36 years of marriage, spouses often begin to conflict due to the fact that everything in their life has settled down, and boredom, routine has come, nothing new happens.

This is the reason for the frequent problems during this period. And if the wedding anniversary is celebrated brightly and in a very unusual way, it will bring a little new life to the relationship.

Take a vacation! This is the most ideal idea possible. Escape from everyone, go on a little trip together, realize what you have long dreamed of! This will strengthen the union, allow the two of you to feel young, happy and loved again.

If the vacation option is not suitable, you can spend the holiday at home - quietly, modestly and comfortably. An obligatory attribute of a family feast: tea in a porcelain service and a large pie baked by the hostess. You can be alone, or sit with the children, or you can invite close relatives. A big company is not needed on this day.

It's good to reminisce tonight. Get out your family photo albums, flip through the pages of life - there were so many things! There is something to remember.

Viewing joint photographs is not only a pleasant experience that warms the soul, it is also a useful psychological practice. This process gives rise to new feelings, allows you to remember and realize how spouses love each other, how much they have gone through together, gave each other many happy moments.

Over 36 years of marriage, a lot of memories have accumulated, refresh them! Tell your children and grandchildren about your interesting adventures in your youth, about your first sweet and romantic dates, funny stories, funny adventures. It will be a pleasant evening that will strengthen your family and provide much happiness in the future.

A good ritual, which is not attributed to the 36th anniversary, but will be useful for any marriage birthday, is forgiveness. It is not easy, but incredibly useful for relationships.

Over the past years, grievances, unspoken claims, something hidden have accumulated between the spouses. All this imperceptibly, gradually destroys the union. Get rid of it, tell your soulmate all the secrets, ask for forgiveness, forgive yourself - for real, with all your heart. Start a new relationship page - cleansed and liberated, with a clear conscience and a light heart.

No gifts anywhere

Let this not be a round date, but gifts and congratulations are an obligatory part of it. What is customary to give on Bone China Day?

You can give symbolic porcelain gifts, refined and beautiful. These are sets, beautiful dishes, tea pairs, teapots, coffee pots, sugar bowls, figurines, candlesticks.

  • Congratulations do not have to be related to porcelain. Spouses can give each other something personal, symbolic - engraved pendants, jewelry, personalized souvenirs. Their congratulations to each other should not be connected with everyday life, but express gratitude, respect and love.
  • No necessary things in the house - the wedding anniversary is not for that. You can give each other something memorable - a joint photo, portrait, album.
  • Congratulations from children and grandchildren can be memorable, family, symbolic. DIY crafts and postcards, photographs, videos, family albums - this is of great value.
  • The perfect gift for a bone china wedding is travel or entertainment. Tickets to the theater for a good performance, an opera or ballet that both spouses like, a certificate for some special entertainment, a trip to a restaurant is good, because the task of the anniversary is to unite the spouses, refresh their feelings.

The main gift that spouses can make to each other on this day, and close people to them, is care, love, understanding of the great importance of family ties.

Try to make this day bright and happy in every moment, and this will be the whole next year. Author: Vasilina Serova

Don't forget to congratulate your family on your 36th wedding anniversary! We have collected in one place the best poems, SMS and statuses, as well as other congratulations on the Firewood wedding. It's so easy to do something nice, especially with our website! .

Congratulations from wife to husband

Magnificently we will not celebrate
Our wedding anniversary this,
Thirty-six - and I'll say it again
That there is no happier me in the world!
You, spouse, are a gift from fate,
You are my support and reward!
May God hear my prayers
To be together! .. I don’t need more! ..

Congratulations on our day
Thirty-six years we live together!
Birds in the sky chirp, sing,
They are a nest, like we are, weaving! ..
Under your wing, husband, it's so warm,
Summer has blossomed in my heart again!
Let it be so, dear, always!
Let love not cool the year! ..

Day by day I look into your eyes
The fire still does not go out in them!
And a tear will flow from happiness ...
Again in love my soul will get stuck ...
Congratulations on the holiday, dear,
Wedding Day Porcelain Bone!
For so many years you've only been mine
And fall in love, husband, I fall in love with you again!

I won't wear a veil today
I just want to say a couple of things to you:
The engagement ring on the finger glitters,
What is it that draws me to you like a magnet?
Solve this riddle in thirty-six
Years I can not! But there is definitely a clue!
Tell me, husband, why do I love so much?
The answer is simple - I love for your love!

My dear husband! Due to our age, we can hardly be called newlyweds, but today it is so - you and I have come to the 36th anniversary of our family life! It's amazing how over the years our feelings for each other have undergone changes - sympathy has grown into friendship, friendly feelings - into falling in love, and then into true love! Passion, ardor were mixed in here! .. And now we have become just the meaning of existence for each other! Thank you for allowing me to feel all this palette of feelings with you! And I'm very interested in how our story will develop further in the future! ..

Congratulations from your spouse

Gray hair on my temples
Well, you are all blooming, dear!
I could not even imagine in my dreams -
36 years together! Congratulations!
Respect, patience, love -
Here is the basis of the family, wife!
So come on again today
Let's make our vows to each other:
I swear to be faithful to you
Well, you always promise
Loving me so hard -
Even stronger than today, even! ..

In Russia, they did not come up with a name
For our anniversary, dear!
We have not just dinner, but a date -
I congratulate you on your wedding day!
In the West about Bone Porcelain
They say on the 36th anniversary!
Feelings are fragile, I do not argue
But I will strengthen them, because I am a man!
And you keep the hearth and pamper your grandchildren,
And create comfort and bliss in the house!
Love is like a cacophony of sounds...
I will throw myself into your arms with a running start!

According to family tradition
I wrote you a poem
And with a reverent face
Before you, I am like a groom!
Three decades have gone by
And then six more
How we got married!
There is reason to rejoice
Because I'm in love
Because I am loved!
Our marriage in the church is illuminated,
We keep our marriage with the Lord!

To my wife dear
I want to wish today
Always be young at heart
Wrinkles she does not notice!
For years our marriage has been tested -
We've been around for 36 years!
Don't fall in love with your wife
And I'm never ready!
Like the Bone Porcelain family -
Fragile, but not easy to break!
Over the years I have understood
What became stronger only to love!

Dear wife, it is not customary to celebrate the thirty-sixth anniversary of marriage, so we did not invite guests! But there is a great opportunity to be together, remember our wedding day, look at photos and once again look into each other's eyes with warmth! There is no one dearer and dearer than you! Thank you for being by my side under any circumstances! Our feelings, although not as ardent as in youth, but love has acquired a completely different quality - absoluteness! Yes, yes, absolutely absolute!.. Nothing now can shake my love for you, and I am sure that you love me absolutely! I congratulate you, my beloved and only mine, on our anniversary!

From parents

Eyes can't see without glasses
But I still read
There are many kind words from the postcard:
I congratulate you children
Happy wedding thirty-sixth!
Already gray heads
But you can handle any term,
And any chores!
And I will always support you
Favorite Bloods!
I don’t climb into the family, I don’t judge,
After all, you are two halves!
Let happiness overflow
And loyalty and patience
Bring your peace and paradise into the house
With good mood!

Daughter, today is a wonderful day -
Your anniversary with your husband!
You have traveled a long, difficult path,
But you need to go ahead!
36 is not a lot
But don't stop yet!
A little tired from the hassle,
But this is joy, daughter,
What children sit at the table,
Next to the elderly and grandchildren!
Who is the happiest person in the world?
You beloved spouses!

Newlyweds with silver hair
You are 36 today! We are very happy
What then, son, you took the bride as a wife,
She is your guardian angel and reward!
Take care of her, son, she is our daughter.
Became close, dear, blood!
36 is just a comma, not a dot
You are on the way, because you are two halves!

Time flies very quickly, we old people feel it especially keenly ... So 36 years have already rushed from the day of your wedding, our dear children! My heart is very happy for you that you still maintain respect and love for each other! We wish you Many Years, so that your relatives and friends are always there, so that you are happy and healthy! And remember that in the father's house the doors are always open, you are children for us at any age! Happy anniversary, our dear ones!

From children to parents

daddy, mommy,
Happy anniversary to you!
36 like a bullet
The years have flown by!
So fragile, but strong
Bone china!
Let the family not be
Tears, worries and quarrels!

Not an anniversary today, and there is no name
The date that you have already lived for thirty-six years!
But still, mom and dad, we want to congratulate you:
May happiness flow from your kind eyes!
Always so that you warm us with your warmth,
To not grieve about the past, about the past!
Love each other as on your wedding day,
After all, the family has taken a new step again!

Your thirty-sixth anniversary
We all gathered at the same table!
There are reasons for happiness in our family,
Let's not be sad about the past!
Mom and dad - needle and thread
Walking together, sharing everything:
Tears and joy, sadness and smile -
All of you have thirty-six years for two!

You've been living together for 36 years
Lie down together and rise together
Together for breakfast and lunch
There are probably no happier couples!
Our parents are the best in the world -
There is a place for seriousness and satire,
There is hardly any reason to be offended.
After all, the heart beats joyfully from love!

Apparently, it is not by chance that this day is called
Bone china! After all, love does not beat!
Relationships are fragile, having strengthened over the years,
Thirty-six years live - and did not lose!
Daddy, mommy, you are our relatives,
Years together lived in clockwork happiness!
Together, hand in hand, joyfully walk,
So, have a great holiday!

Congratulations from friends

Time like water flows
We are losing count of the days...
And fly, fly years! ..
But I always remember
Wedding day date!
Well, friends, keeping in my soul
Your "yes" before the altar,
I remember how I was that day
I am a witness! Instantly
Wedding Celebration!
And now it's thirty-six
Years have passed! And there is happiness!
Let the family be strong
Congratulations, friends!

Wedding waltz, lace…
Remember, sister, those words
What 36 years ago
Was your husband happy to hear?
Do you remember how you became a wife?
Only you only one
Your husband has opened his heart!
Each of us has not forgotten
What an anniversary you have!
Tears of happiness from the eyes! ..
May it always be so
Years bring joy!

Longevity to your marriage
I wish today, girlfriend!
By formally signing the paper,
Then you became a husband's wife!
Not much flew by, not a little -
36 years since your wedding!..
How much happiness you know in marriage
And you would know so much more! ..

Bone Porcelain though fragile,
It's not easy to beat him though!
Without any concessions
Don't live long in marriage!
We wish you a lot, friends
Happiness, joy, love!
Let the road be long
Marriage, God bless!
Three decades you are near
Yes, plus six years!
Your family has been given as a reward,
Everyone is ready to give their lives
For wife and wife
For children and grandchildren!
Even each other's voices
They sound in unison in the soul! ..

Smile dear
The calendar rustles for good reason -
You are young today
Like an early dawn!
Today you are newlyweds,
Congratulations, friends!
Your rings are gilded
Long life to you!
We wish you happiness
Enjoy, live without trouble!
36 years is an argument
To envy the whole world!

Wife and husband are like a pair of swans,
You have been inseparable for thirty-six years!
Lived many warm clear days,
And every day only blue skies
And the sun shines only for you two! ..
Porcelain, as a symbol of the wedding, Bone,
We dedicate to you friends, our verse,
So that you go on the road alone!

Cool congratulations

Not an alarm clock, let your wife wake up today,
And let your husband wake you up with a kiss!
Let the years of love passion not cool,
And let your loved ones pamper each other!
Let the husband kiss the handle, ear, nose,
And the wife laughs like a singing canary!
How to live 36 years? Good question!
Don't let love run out of your battery!

In a white dress, alas, there is no reason to dress up!
And on your anniversary, alas, Kobzon will not come!
You have been married for 36 years! The husband does not sing serenades ...
The fact that he lived to gray hair with his wife is very happy!
Even if you swear sometimes, happiness is in the little things!
Every day the little wife kindles the hearth,
Husband in love, let her always confess!
And then life will be high for you for many years!

This is how life played a joke -
36 years together is not enough!
The cake is sliced ​​snow-white,
In your relationship tenderness!
Tea is poured into mugs,
Bone Porcelain is worth it!
And before the wedding Golden
Let laid you simple!
Do not swear, but have mercy!
"Bitter!" Come on, kiss!

Wife today is like a diamond
And the husband - well, just a fashionable dandy!
He carries his wife in his arms
He speaks about feelings in poetry!
She's been thirty-six years
Prepares breakfast and lunch
And dinner is top notch too!
Family, Happy Anniversary!

You are already father-in-law and mother-in-law,
Life is much easier for you
After all, you have been together for thirty-six years,
You don't quarrel anymore, no! ..
Football his, her "House 2" -
Now it's not horror, only words! ..
You have become more tolerant,
But only with gray hair, alas ...
Although marriage is not easy at times,
Happy anniversary to you
We want from our hearts!
We wish you everything!

dance the wedding dance,
After all, today there is a reason!
And kiss each other
Today is a holiday - anniversary!
Bone Porcelain does not break,
Today he is a wedding symbol!
Husband's heart beats faster
After all, the wife is so beautiful!
The husband is reliable, the husband is serious,
He has no flaws
Sag a little at the temples ...
Let from "Bitter!" it will be sweet!

SMS congratulations

I will list in sms
Congratulations by numbers:
Once - let you live sweetly,
Two - let it be all right,
Three - healthy children, grandchildren,
And four - there is no boredom,
Five - so be it always
Six - carry in a year
You are your love, dear!
Relationships are expensive
You keep so many years -
36 - there is no limit! ..

Bone Porcelain isn't that fragile!
I wish you now, no jokes,
To keep the bed warm
As in the heat, in a cold blizzard! ..

On the anniversary, your holiday,
Draws a pencil
My holiday poem for you:
36 years old - just a shock!
How long do you live
In marriage, in joy, in care!

I congratulate you, wife,
Happy Anniversary! We are 36 years old!
Like no other, I need you
After all, there is no other woman like her!

To you, husband, I send greetings -
I write that I love you so much!
Thirty-six years faithful to you!
Waiting for dinner! Your wife…

Husband and wife - a family without flaw!
Is the glade covered today for the wedding?
We are happy with your 36th anniversary
Let's go congratulate you! Let's sing and dance!

The venerable age of marriage is 36!
Congratulations on this event!
You've seen life as it is...
I wish you family happiness!

It was the right decision to create a family,
Let the relationship grow stronger every year!
Thirty-six years is not enough to get drunk
From the love source of water!
Filled with Porcelain Bone
A bowl of happiness, and you fall in love again!

The phone is not silent today
Each SMS scribbles to you:
Dear, happy wedding anniversary
Congratulations! And we want to write to you here:
36 is just a step towards love forever!
Be happy folks!

Not the groom and not the bride,
And wife and husband!
Thirty-six years together
Everyone around is jealous!


For wife

I will read the toast in a singsong voice,
Like a song about my love!
There will be a gentle, quivering refrain,
You are the motive, dear, catch!
And the verses will be about you
About hands, about fiery lips!
You are the one star in my destiny
The rest of life is vanity...
For me, "family" is not just a sound,
Thirty-six happy years together!
When I hear the heart beat,
I understand that there is no more
Your eyes that look blue
They replace the sun for me!
After all, forever yours, and only yours ...
“I love you,” I’ll say in private…

For husband

The candles are slowly fading
And the wine is poured to the brim ...
Congratulations on your anniversary!
I am always under your protection
My husband, I am always a support,
You never let me down!
Thirty-six flew by soon
Happy years! To another phase
Our relationship has passed
And the love only got stronger!
Together we make decisions
You have become more tolerant, I have become more gentle ...
Let it fasten with Bone Porcelain
We are fate, do not break forever!
We do not need quarrels with you
In this long family run! ..
I'll raise a toast, and quietly
Talk about dreams, hopes...
And when the holiday in the house subsides,
I will hug you like before...

From parents

I want to give you advice, children, in a toast:
The family then grows stronger when together
You meet the morning dawn
Are united when both in each gesture!
When the house is full of granddaughters and grandchildren,
And laughter comes from every room!
When the experience is not silent,
Conversation, like a river, flows, flows ...
When all three tens and six years
A faithful wife remains to her husband,
When her husband brings flowers for lunch,
And the light from the eyes streams like from the sun!
Happy are those people who always
They know how to enjoy the little things!
Over your marriage, children, let the star
It burns and warms you at night!..
And I smile like an old man,
I'm happy for your anniversary!
And having counted exactly, I will not be mistaken -
What thirty-six for the joy of reason!

Satus for social networks for 36 wedding years

  1. Let this day be festive, because our marriage is 36 years old!
  2. Together, my wife and I have been living together for 36 years!
  3. Congratulations to our newlywed parents on the Bone Porcelain Wedding, be healthy and always walk hand in hand through life!
  4. Wife and husband are two halves, so every day we grow closer to each other in soul and heart! Happy 36th wedding anniversary!
  5. Our dear grandparents, let your love and marriage be an example for the new generation! The thirty-sixth anniversary is admirable!
  6. Bone Porcelain is a symbol of today's holiday of my parents! Family, happy 36th wedding anniversary!
  7. Today we drink tea from Bone Porcelain with a birthday cake, because there is something to celebrate - thirty-six years of marriage!
  8. We accept congratulations on our 36th wedding anniversary without embarrassment!
  9. It may not be customary to celebrate this date - thirty-six years of marriage, but for our family this is a real holiday!
  10. We are waiting for gifts and cards, we are waiting for guests and smiles, because there is a reason - our wedding is 36!
  11. Men, my husband, hug me tight and congratulate Bone Porcelain on the anniversary!
  12. Today we have gone another year from one round date to the next - the 36th wedding anniversary!
  13. For three decades and six years of family life, we have accumulated a huge baggage behind us: children, grandchildren, common worries and pleasant joys!
  14. I wish everyone to understand what happiness it is to live 36 years with one single, beloved and best man, your husband!
  15. For 36 years of marriage, I have not seen a more beautiful and wiser woman than my wife! I love you my soul! Happy our anniversary!

Family Day is a solemn date, and many couples celebrate it every year. Each wedding anniversary is a kind of stage in the life of the spouses, each has its own name and celebration traditions associated with it. Spouses, who have a solid number of days spent together, celebrate this date with no less pleasure, because this is a sign that they have managed to maintain warm relations for many years and have created a strong family.

36 years - bone china day.

So 36 years of marriage in Russia and many countries are not celebrated because of the superstitions associated with this figure. However, 36 years of marriage is still not a small date, so why not put all superstitions aside and celebrate your wedding anniversary by having a romantic evening or inviting loved ones.

Despite the fact that it is not customary to celebrate 36 years of marriage, and in Russia this date is deprived of its name, nevertheless in America this holiday is called bone china day, or a fragile day, symbolizing persistent and at the same time fragile family relationships.

What to give your spouse

In the life of every family, an anniversary is a special date. On this day, it is worth bringing something unusual into the relationship, surprise your half and arrange a real holiday.

The options for wedding anniversary gifts are endless, and you can list them for a long time. But still, do not forget that a happy marriage is the best gift that you can give to each other.

Celebration of a significant date

Despite the lack of traditions for celebrating the 36th anniversary, you can prepare a romantic meeting, dinner at home or in a restaurant for two. As for clothing, the style can be borrowed from American traditions. On this day, light, pastel colors should prevail in the wife's clothes - you can give preference to evening dresses made of light and iridescent fabric. Accordingly, the dress can be supplemented with jewelry, jewelry and a chiffon scarf in gentle tones. The husband, in order to harmonize with his wife's outfit, should wear a classic suit in a light shade.

When celebrating the 36th wedding anniversary, you should not arrange a magnificent feast, it is better to save "strength" for a round date. This event is most suitable for celebrating alone or in the circle of the closest people - children and grandchildren.
