Beckham divorced his wife. David and Victoria Beckham: Why They'll Never Divorce

Bursting at the seams. According to media reports, the couple has been living separately for a long time and is now preparing for a divorce. This is due to objective reasons: David decided to take up sports management and plans to acquire a football club, he works in the USA, and Victoria and her children decided to stay in England and still live in London. The family is often seen, but the ocean separating the spouses has a bad effect on their relationship. According to sources, Victoria worries about her husband's fidelity: after all, he regularly attends parties where he is surrounded by many women. As for the head of the family himself, he repeatedly made it clear in private conversations with friends that his sex life had long been out of order, and complained that Victoria called him lazy and useless (although he did not specify what he meant).

The business empire built by the spouses today is estimated at a billion dollars, it will not be easy to share such a fortune after 17 years of marriage, having four children. However, the process has already started.

“After living together for so long, they tried to turn their marriage into a job, into something that is based on commitment. This was one of the reasons for Victoria's seclusion. They've had enough of each other, but the last thing they want is to damage their empire,” according to one source. According to other insiders, David and Victoria have no disagreements in financial matters, and their main concern is to deal with custody of children. David is strongly attached to his sons and daughter, so guardianship for spouses living on opposite sides of the ocean can be a serious stumbling block. In addition, the behavior of the couple's eldest son, Brooklyn, has recently greatly complicated the relationship of the spouses. David took the growing up of Brooklyn quite evenly, his transformation into a media person, his personal life, while Victoria, on the contrary, continues to tightly control her son, demanding discipline and regular reports on the time spent from him.

As confirmation that the star marriage is going through a serious crisis, the press cites the fact that Victoria brought a vow tattoo made in honor of her husband, and the fact that the Beckhams have not appeared in public together for a long time.

While the family life of the star family looks cloudless. Pastoral photos from the Super Bowl appeared on David and Brooklyn's Instagram, although Victoria is absent from them. The last time she appeared on her husband's blog a month ago, so now many media outlets claim that it was then that the discord between the spouses began. However, other publications insist that the couple has been in crisis for a long time and the spouses only maintain the appearance of an idyll.

The world of show business is not only enchanting performances, bright celebrities and idols, it is also gossip, squabbles and public scandals. However, there are also such stars whose name deserves only positive reviews. That's what Victoria and David Beckham are. Their family was considered the strongest, and the union the most beautiful. This couple has been exemplary for seventeen years. But it looks like their happy time is also over. Indeed, at the beginning of 2016, headlines about the breakup of the Beckham family began to flicker in the media more and more often.

The reason for the possible divorce of the Beckhams in 2016

Initially, many believed that such judgments were someone's bad jokes. Recently, however, fans have become increasingly concerned about the relationship between Victoria and David. As you know, the famous English footballer decided to move to the United States, buying his team there. He was immediately against changing his place of residence, preferring to stay in London. It was after this spat in early 2016 that talk began that the Beckhams were getting a divorce. In addition, journalists began to speculate that once caught cheating, David no longer inspires confidence in his wife. Victoria, in turn, is too busy promoting her own brand and pays little attention to her husband.

The media has repeatedly tried to find out directly from celebrities the truth about their relationship. However, until February 2016, neither David nor Victoria Beckham commented on the topic of divorce. In the last month of winter, the star family went to the resort. After the rest, Beckham dispelled all doubts regarding the relationship with his wife by posting a photo on Instagram. In the pictures, the happy couple is constantly together, holding hands and indulging in passionate kisses. David also posted a photo of Victoria in a bikini next to her little daughter, signing the picture with a very flattering and warm comment.

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It is unlikely that in a family with such a gentle climate, relations are strained and go to divorce.

And always be aware of the most interesting showbiz news and materials from the magazine "Caravan of stories"

David glanced around the table again: everything seemed to be ready for the appearance of children in the dining room. Here are croissants - with jam for Brooklyn and chocolate cream for Cruz. But fruit for Romeo - he loves mangoes and pineapples. Freshly brewed tea, orange juice in a transparent jug, mineral water in a misted bottle. Milk and muesli. And all this - on a starched tablecloth - however, his beloved children will quickly arrange a real rout here ...

Well, everything seems to be in order, his sons and baby daughter will be here any minute. For many years now, any day, any weather, David has been waking up at fifteen minutes to seven. A quarter of an hour later Harper gets up, followed by the boys, by which time breakfast should be on the table. Children appear in the kitchen not yet fully awake, rosy, in funny pajamas, so similar to him and his beloved Vicki. Peace and quiet with their appearance ends: the guys are fooling around, making fun of each other, laughing, talking with their mouths full - she and Victoria can’t wean them from this habit. Sipping coffee from a large mug, David looks lovingly at his children.

Fishing with Brooklyn, eldest son, 2015

Here is Brooklyn, their firstborn. They found out that Victoria was pregnant when they were in this, frankly, not the most prestigious area of ​​​​New York, and decided to give their son his name. Brooklyn is a real dad's son: he copies David in everything, trying to be like him even in small things - clothing style, demeanor, tattoos, hobbies (like his father, he loves surfing and snowboarding). The godfather of Brooklyn is Elton John, and the young man is one of the heirs of his multi-million dollar fortune. Brooklyn is also a master of sports at getting into funny situations, which, as a rule, become family legends. David still cannot remember the story that happened to his son in a lesson at an American school without laughing. Then, when asked by the teacher if he collects anything, Brooklyn replied: "Rubber bands." Since rubbers means "condoms" in American English, the teacher was horrified and called her parents to school.

“I never would have thought that such a child could grow up in such a decent, at least in appearance, family,” she reprimanded David. “Do you even know that your son collects contraceptives?” Take action before it's too late.

The misunderstanding was quickly cleared up. It turned out that Brooklyn meant erasers.

Beckham understood that his only chance to penetrate the world of the rich was a career as a football player.

Now the guy is already quite an adult: he recently turned eighteen years old, he graduated from high school and is about to propose to his girlfriend, nineteen-year-old actress Chloe Moretz. Because of this girl, he did not even show up for his mother's birthday, for which he received a severe reprimand from his father. No, he and Vicki are happy with their son: he has a talent for photography, he even managed, despite his young age, to receive a prestigious order - a photo shoot for the Burberry advertising campaign, which caused a surge of parental pride. But what to do with the wind in Brooklyn's head? Not so long ago, he broke up with Chloe for the sake of Sonya Ben Ammar, whom, in turn, he left for some nameless underage girlfriends, and from them he returned to Moretz again, and now it’s not going, but just flies to the altar.

Can we stop him from doing this? David asks Victoria. “After all, when we met, we didn’t listen to anyone. Only our love mattered!

David and Victoria Beckham, 2000

Their story is a fairy tale about Cinderella in reverse, where the hero and the heroine have switched roles. Victoria Adams grew up in a wealthy family - however, she was embarrassed by wealth and led an emphatically modest lifestyle. The girl left the luxurious Rolls-Royce two blocks from school - she did not want her classmates to think that she had nothing to present to the world, except for her parents' money. But she was still teased as a “princess” - they could not forgive either beautiful and expensive things, or a gardener who worked at Buckingham Palace before the Adams family.

The spice girls singer was the girl of his dreams: body, eyes, lips, hair…
"She will definitely be mine!" – David promised himself

Victoria studied at an expensive private school, was an excellent student, in her spare time she studied in a dance club, and later studied at a theater college with a degree in modern dance - musicality and the ability to gracefully move later came in handy for her. With age, the girl stopped worrying about the wealth of her parents and learned not only to spend money, but also to enjoy it. Vicki's favorite pastime at that time was shopping - she made friends with all the boutique saleswomen on Bond Street and even advised them on clothing: Miss Adams' taste was always impeccable.

Vicki read in a magazine that she was recruiting for a girl's musical group. “I have to try,” she decided. “It won’t work, so be it.” Will everything work out?” Much to Victoria's amazement, she was indeed taken, giving her the nickname Posh Spice - "Luxurious Peppercorn".

Spice Girls 1997

“I always felt like an ugly duckling,” she once confessed to David, “and suddenly I turned into a beautiful swan. You can't even imagine what a dizzying feeling it is.

Listening, he only remained silent and smiled. Doesn't he know how life changes if, in spite of everything, you go to the goal.

The Beckham family did not live well. Of course, his parents, Sandra and David, had enough paycheck to paycheck, but there were no excesses. But they gave their son much more, instilling a passion for football, which became his life's work. Father and mother dragged him from a very tender age to the matches of Manchester United - the team they supported, and David Sr. can achieve success.

However, Beckham Jr. did not have to be forced: David loved football so much that he seemed not to feel tired and gave all his best. Moreover, even then he understood: his only chance to penetrate the world of the rich and famous is a career as a football player, so he must become a true master of his craft, for the right to get which the most famous clubs will compete.

David Beckham and Gary Neville, Premier League Trophy, Manchester United, 1996

When the boy was ten years old, his father sent him to the Bobby Charlton football school in Manchester, and a year later David was named the best young football player in Great Britain - this award was presented to him at the Manchester United home stadium, among other things, giving the form of his parents' favorite team. Before that, Beckham Jr. did not care what to run around the field in, but then it became clear: he wants to be a Manchester United player. No sooner said than done: at the age of fourteen, David signed a school contract with the football academy of this team, and at seventeen he became a full member of it.

Since then, his life has changed dramatically. A boy from a simple family, born and raised in Leytonstone, in East London, he could not even dream of such a career: as part of Manchester United, he became a six-time champion of the English Premier League, a two-time winner of the Football Association Cup, won the UEFA Champions League. Things were getting better: when David was twenty-one years old, he made his first appearance for the England national team at the World Cup, and four years later he became its captain, after which he won and won awards as part of Real Madrid and Los Angeles Galaxy.

Sources close to the designer and former footballer's family said Victoria was in tears for two days after her husband David described their marriage as "daily hard work." According to The Sun, Mrs. Beckham was completely disheartened and "totally devastated" that the father of her four children was so insensitive.

Victoria's friends claimed that after her husband's scandalous interview, she was not herself, and after two days of hysteria, the star settled in an elite resort in Germany, which specializes in restoring emotional balance. However, the official representative of the spouses denied this information - the former member of the Spice Girls really rested in body and soul, but before her husband's unexpected performance, and not after.

In a recent interview on The Sunday Project, David Beckham made some sensational claims. Among other things, the athlete spoke about the biggest regret of his life.

During his conversation with journalist Lisa Wilkinson, it turned out that David felt the worst during a meeting in 2003 with one of the political leaders - namely, with the former president of South Africa.

Mandela, who passed away in 2013, was even asked to comment on the football captain's hairstyle at their meeting in Johannesburg, but the peacemaker didn't fall for the provocation and said he was "too old to express an opinion on the latest trends among young people."

The same interview became the subject of discord in the family, but Victoria worried in vain - according to the father of the family, "the essence of any marriage is always hard work."

The couple started dating in 1997, and Brooklyn, the oldest of their children, is already 19 years old. Ever since they got married in Ireland in 1999, the Beckhams have been fighting off rumors of an impending divorce.

The former Posh Spies in all her interviews over the years continues to state that she and her husband rarely spend time in each other's company, but this only makes their meetings brighter. In an interview with Vogue magazine two years ago, when asked who, living or dead, she would like to have dinner with, she answered: “With my husband.”

Not only journalists have to convince them that they are doing well - in September 2018, the 44-year-old designer said that during a family vacation in the south of France, she and David had to talk with 7-year-old daughter Harper and three teenage sons to convince them that mom and dad are not going to get divorced.

That interview was timed to coincide with the 10th anniversary of the Victoria Beckham brand, but the star wanted to focus on false rumors about the difficult situation in her family. In September, family friends confirmed to The Sun that David and Victoria are always "crystal honest" with their children. “The rumors about the state of their marriage and the ridiculous claims about David are painful and, of course, very detrimental to the children,” commented a source close to the couple.

Spouses revealingly mock all the gossips who several times a year speculate on the imminent end of the relationship of one of the most beautiful couples in show business, in their house this is taken much more seriously.

At the women's summit in June, 44-year-old Victoria Beckham took the time to show off her husband once again: “I have the support of an amazing husband. We are truly equal in everything we do at home with our children. When I'm away, he drives and picks up the kids from school and cooks."

The need for this statement arose after the content of the email was made public, which said that David cheated on Victoria with school teacher Harper, and now the woman is pregnant. However, these false accusations quickly came to an end - immediately after the furious father of the unborn child showed up.

For the first time in a long time, designer Victoria Beckham has reacted to posts about her personal life online.

Photo: DR Victoria and David Beckham, photo from Instagram

Fashion designer Victoria Beckham and soccer player David Beckham are one of the strongest famous families. But they also give rise to gossip.

Some time ago, David decided to live apart from his family. And even in another country. Some sources explained this by the fact that the athlete wants to focus on his business and step down as director of his wife's fashion empire, Victoria Beckham Ltd.

But today, Victoria's rep denied rumors of a celebrity divorce.

Fake news is spreading on social media. Publications that decide to publish such rubbish should be ashamed, - said the insider.

Note that earlier the Beckham couple decided to sell their outfits from the wedding of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, and donate the money to charity.

To support the incredible work of The We Love Manchester Emergency Fund and the families affected by the Manchester attack last year, David and I have partnered with Omaze to give you the opportunity to own our royal wedding outfits,” Beckham wrote in her post. Instagram.

Recall that Victoria and David Beckham got married in 1999. They have four children: Brooklyn, 19, Romeo, 15, Cruz, 13, and Harper, 6.
