Girls who have not given birth before the age of 23 will serve in the military. Law on drafting girls into the army

According to the amendments to the basic legislation proposed by the deputy, girls who have not given birth before the age of 23 will be called up to serve in the army. The next amendment says that if a woman goes out into the street in too revealing clothes, while swearing, smoking and drinking alcohol, she can be stoned, and this will not be considered an administrative (let alone criminal) offense. The third item became known that when the amendments to the bill come into force, quotas will be introduced for the number of places in universities for women. On average, only ¼ of budget places can be applied for by female applicants upon admission.

Here are some quotes from Milonov about political innovations:

Regarding military service: “The fate of a woman is motherhood. If she deliberately neglects the gift given to her by nature and the Lord, then why shouldn't she go to serve? And the fact that she “still has not met great love is an excuse in favor of the poor. A woman either wants to have children or she doesn't. And if he wants to, then finding a spouse is a simple matter, and if he doesn’t want to, then maybe he will meet someone in the army. And so - so at least he will protect his homeland. It probably makes no sense to send women to the infantry and special forces of the airborne forces, but they will find a place in the rifle, engineering, and flight troops. And then many so-called feminists like to shout about equal rights. Here you are, and equal rights. It doesn't get better."

Regarding stoning: “This will reduce the number of rapes, and generally raise the overall vitality! Appearance is not the area in which you need to express yourself. Better let the woman help her mother or cook a delicious dinner. Or at least read a good book, not necessarily a spiritual one. My wife, for example, always dresses very modestly. And before marriage, she dressed just as modestly. If she dressed provocatively, I would never pay attention to her. The external must not obscure the internal.

Regarding the reduction of places in universities: “A woman should not be smarter than her husband. She should be submissive, economic, caring and helpful, and not lower male self-esteem with her later unnecessary knowledge, the site reports. A man should feel that he is the head of the family, then he will want to take care of this family.”

Vsevolod Chaplin and Andrei Kuraev fully supported the initiative of their colleague from St. Petersburg and sent a letter to Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev asking him to put the bill into motion.

When reading these materials, one gets the feeling that Russia is returning to ancient times, when the people themselves “judged” and “dressed”.

One can only imagine what will begin in our country if all these amendments to the legislation come into force.

Not so long ago we wrote about the legislative initiative of a Chelyabinsk deputy who proposed to force women to give birth before the age of 20. Back in the fall of last year, United Russia deputy V. Milonov proposed the following option: women who have not given birth to a child before the age of 23 should be sent to serve in the army.

New type of link

Vitaly Milonov, who, by the way, was supported by V. Chaplin and A. Kuraev, explains his vision of this issue in this way: “The destiny of a woman is motherhood. If she deliberately neglects the gift given to her by nature and the Lord, then why shouldn't she go to serve? And the fact that she “still has not met great love” is an excuse in favor of the poor.

A woman either wants to have children or she doesn't. And if he wants to, then finding a spouse is a simple matter, and if he doesn’t want to, then maybe he will meet someone in the army. And so at least he will protect his homeland. It probably makes no sense to send women to the infantry, but they will find a place in the rifle, engineering, and flying troops. And then many so-called feminists like to shout about equal rights. Here you are, and equal rights. It can't be more equal," the deputy comments.

That's the way it used to be

Before the revolution, there was no question of a woman fighting. In those days, women were engaged in the business to which they were intended by nature itself - the birth and upbringing of children.

Interest is rising

Let's imagine that the bill is approved by the Duma and the law comes into force. All nulliparous women will be drafted into the ranks of the Russian army, and many will probably try to avoid "punishment" and still give birth to a child - a guarantee of release. But it seems that nothing good will come of such hasty decisions anyway.

Alternative option

“It would be better to think about how to make our life better! says Inna Udalova, 27, childless. Of course, why do they need our problems? Do they think about how to live on their husband's salary if he works at a factory and receives 20 thousand rubles. Of this money, 10 thousand must be paid for a rented apartment. And how to live on 10 thousand for a whole month, and even with children? How to give birth if there is no personal apartment at the age of 23? Then where to live? How to find a rich husband? I think that it is very difficult to do this now.

First they would build kindergartens, families with many children would be given a free place in the garden, apartments with many children would also be given free of charge, we would somehow be interested in having children. And then you can’t even buy a room in a hostel for 300 thousand maternity capital. And to say: “I didn’t give birth, go to serve - this, in my opinion, is, firstly, cruel to a woman, and secondly, somehow not like a man. Interestingly, this Milonov himself served in the army, repaid his debt to the Motherland? Does he have the moral right to demand its execution from everyone?

Equality in everything?

Indeed, it becomes sad that instead of improving social programs and laws, striving to improve the lives of young families, pregnant women, single mothers, some deputies are engaged, in my opinion, in complete nonsense - they are tormented by questions, should women be drafted into the army? Yes, such deputies, I am sure, have nothing to do in power at all, let them invent bills outside the Duma, for example, for themselves or their families. So people will definitely be calmer.

Is it true that a law has been passed: if a girl does not give birth before the age of 23, she joins the army?

Is it true that a law was passed that if a girl does not give birth before the age of 23, then she will serve in the army?

Such a law was proposed by our Russian deputies (another exacerbation of mental illness), but fortunately it did not find support and has not even been in the form of a draft yet. It’s just a shame what crazy thoughts come to our “servants” and people’s representatives. whether deputies their salary. This is how it seems to work.

Indeed, the United Russia party proposed such a law for consideration. Fortunately, he was not accepted. I believe that in this way, young girls would be forced to give birth early, and where is the guarantee that they will already be mentally and financially prepared for this? After all, it is not easy to give birth, you need to be able to give something to the child, and girls at this age, about an hour, have not yet left the care of their parents.

I think if such a law were adopted, the number of abandoned, neglected and unwanted children would increase.

They would be given birth in this case, in order to sag from the army, no matter how ridiculous it may sound.

In such a formulation, the law could not even be proposed at all. To draft into the army everyone who has not given birth before the age of 23 - this is how this bill would sound if it was accepted for consideration. But he was not only not accepted, but didn't even consider. Some deputies went completely crazy. In addition to all sorts of "nonsense" like human rights, there are a lot of questions that these "Einsteins" did not even think about:

  • where will the state get so much money for social payments to single mothers, the number of which would increase by several orders of magnitude?
  • what to do with such a number of recruits that would arrive overnight “out of nowhere”.

There is no official law on conscripting girls into the Russian army. Despite this, the fair sex is trying to achieve equality and they succeed.

Can girls serve in the Russian army?

Girls can serve in the Russian army, but only under certain circumstances. First of all, it is not supposed to be possible to have children before military service. If the desire exists, it is necessary to act clearly according to the standard and legal scheme.

Carter's parents were forced to restrain him while his mother beat him. At other times, his mother will wait until Carter is asleep and then start beating him. He also suffered from several serious head injuries as a child - including one in which he was hit with a baseball bat on the head so hard that the bat broke.

Many mentally retarded respondents also suffer from mental illness. Although the two conditions are often confused, they are different disorders. Mental illness almost always involves anxiety in the emotional life; intellectual functioning can be whole, except when thinking breaks with reality. A person who is mentally ill may improve or be cured by therapy or treatment, but mental retardation is a permanent condition. Finally, mental illness can develop at any stage of life, and mental retardation manifests itself at the age of eighteen.

In Russia, many girls are liable for military service: topographers, surveyors, communications specialists, doctors. There is no incomprehensible and outrageous alignment in this, because service for the good of the Motherland is an individual matter for each person.

Women have the right to serve in the armed forces of the Russian Federation under a formalized contract in the presence of appropriate positions. At the legislative level, all military positions that are available to women are defined. For this reason, it is recommended that you first carefully read the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of 2009, and then make the necessary decision. It is important to understand that a woman will not be accepted into the army under a contract if there are no vacancies.

The percentage of mentally retarded people who are also mentally ill is not known with any certainty; estimates range from 10 to 40 percent. Persons with both mental illness and mental retardation are particularly at a disadvantage when working with the criminal justice system, as each condition can exacerbate the effects of the other. He was physically and sexually abused as a child and came from a family with a history of schizophrenia. His medical history included psychosis, suicidal depression, paranoid delusions, and suicide.

If the situation develops, as the woman wants it, she has the direct right to submit an application in the established form by contacting the military registration and enlistment office at the place of residence.

Additional documents must be attached to the application:

  • civil passport of the Russian Federation;
  • a questionnaire filled out according to the established model;
  • a short autobiography based on real events. Any fictional facts will be revealed;
  • photocopies of a valid work book with mandatory certification;
  • a diploma confirming the presence of a higher or secondary specialized educational institution;
  • marriage certificate and birth certificate of children (if any). Such copies of documents must be certified by a notary.

It is important to note that only girls under 23 years old who have not had time to give birth to children are allowed into the Russian army. If the second option is considered, military service will be available to girls under the age of twenty-seven. Such an amendment to the legislation of the Russian Federation was proposed by Vitaly Milonov, a deputy of United Russia. Focusing on a possible document for introduction, each girl will have to repay her debt to her state.

He needed constant treatment for his mental illness and hallucinations. He beat his head and fists on the cell wall and maimed himself. Emile Duhamel was convicted of aggravated sexual assault and murder of a nine-year-old girl aged 56 and organic brain disease, and also suffered from paranoid schizophrenia and dementia.

The intellectual potential of children has historically been a benchmark for assessing the degree of slowdown. The terminology has entered the general discourse as epithets reflecting a shameful history of prejudice and mistreatment of people with mental retardation. Punitive, exclusionary, and racist historical manipulations of the concept of "mental retardation" are explored by Robert Perske, Deadly Innocence, Stephen Jay Gould, "Man's Wealth" and J.

Vitaly Milonov is sure that girls should not run away from the opportunity to become mothers. Moreover, the absence of a husband is an insufficient explanation. The deputy is sure that a husband can be easily found if there is a desire to create a family and have a child. Thus, military service can be a kind of alternative to the female destiny of being a mother. In addition, there is a chance to find a husband while doing military service.

David Smith, Skillful Mind. Scheerenberger, A History of Mental Retardation. Human Rights Watch interview with Johnny Paul Penry at the Ellis Unit, Huntsville, Texas, May 17. Although most states that ban the performance of the mentally retarded use eighteen as the outer age, two states, Maryland and Indiana, have set the age at twenty-two.

In the early years of the twentieth century, people with mental retardation suffered from a widespread but erroneous public perception that they were completely incapable of taking care of themselves, potentially dangerous and "unfit" to reproduce. People with this disability were forced into government institutions and often coercively sterilized, a practice that was in fact upheld by the Supreme Court in Buck v. USA.

It is not surprising that talk is developing about the conscription of girls into the Russian army. Women have long sought to be equal to men. Only military service opens equality between a man and a woman.

The procedure for conscripting women into the army of the Russian Federation

Human Rights Watch telephone interview with Charlett Holdman, Executive Director of the Capital Advancement Center, San Francisco, California, May 31. Human Rights Watch interview with Sean O Brien, Executive Director, Public Interest Judicial Police, University of Missouri, Kansas City, Mon. May 13, Name of the accused, withheld at the request of the lawyer.

Ruth Laucasson, The Death Penalty and the Mentally Handicapped, 22 American Journal of Criminal Law 276. Robert Perske, Unequal Justice? What can happen when people with developmental delays or other developmental disabilities encounter the criminal justice system, p. 100.

In Russia, there is still no mandatory conscription for military service. Despite this, women have the right to take advantage of suitable positions for themselves. If there are vacancies, employees of the RF bodies will inform the women about this, after which a contract will be drawn up. There is a certain order to be noted:

  1. A woman applies to the military registration and enlistment office at the place of residence.
  2. The application is registered.
  3. Then a medical commission is held to confirm the possibility of military service.
  4. They can be recruited for service in military units at the request of commanders and special instructions from district headquarters.
  5. Restrictions for employment: age under 20 or over 40, outstanding criminal record, poor health. Even if it was possible to obtain a “fit with minor restrictions” opinion, military service continues to be available.

Will there be an official conscription of girls into the army?

Is drafting into the army possible at the legislative level for girls? Of course, you can remember the Israeli army or the United States, where many girls officially serve. Will Russia follow a similar path? There is no official information, because everything remains only rumors.

Human Rights Watch interview with Richard Burr and Mandy Welch, attorney at Fairchild and White, Houston, Texas, May 18. According to psychologist and mental retardation specialist Dr. Human Rights Watch interview with Timothy Dernir. Mental retardation defendants are usually better able to defend their interests in the criminal justice system. The mentally handicapped guy will stay in the bag.

The bright guy gets the deal done because he knows how to get out of it. The name has been changed to protect his identity. On appeal, Smith's confession and waiver of Miranda's rights were invalidated due to his mental retardation. "The risk and severity of violent behavior is exacerbated when the abused child, as an adult, has other psychological, neurological, and cognitive impairments."

Currently, girls can only serve under contract. Most likely, this option is ideal for girls, because they can, if they wish, stay at home and not expose themselves to unnecessary risks. Women can devote themselves to family or career.

If a girl wants to do military service, you should contact the military commissariat at the place of residence. It takes 30 days to process your application. After the deadline, surveys are conducted, the results of which make it possible to understand which option is best to choose. If health allows, you can successfully serve in the army.

Mata, application for executive clemency submitted to the Arizona Department of Executive Affairs. Over twenty years ago, Freddie Lee Hall and partner Mac Ruffin Jr killed a young woman and then killed a police officer while fleeing a crime. Ruffin was sentenced to life in prison, although he may have been the one who pulled the trigger, but Hol, despite his slowdown, was given a death sentence. When his sentence was passed, his three public defenders wept openly in court.

Peter Wallsten: "Does the State of Florida really need to execute this man?" Saint. This month, the United Nations Commission of Inquiry on Human Rights in Eritrea released a 500-page report detailing the systematic, widespread and gross human rights violations that have driven hundreds of thousands of people to flee the totalitarian East African country.

Video: Law on drafting girls into the army

How the deputy came up with the idea of ​​punishing women for childlessness

Not so long ago we wrote about the legislative initiative of a Chelyabinsk deputy who proposed to force women to give birth before the age of 20. Back in the fall of last year, United Russia deputy V. Milonov proposed the following option: women who have not given birth to a child before the age of 23 should be sent to serve in the army.

Many are escaping mandatory open-ended service in the Eritrean military, where there is no rule of law and harsh punishments involving torture are eliminated at the whim of individual officers. Conscripts are forced to serve indefinitely for decades. The Eritrean National Service said in a statement that compulsory active national service should not last more than 18 months, with exceptions during times of war. In fact, this limit is not respected, although Eritrea is at peace.

Evidence shows that conscripts are usually forced to stay in the army permanently or until they run away. N. that one of his brothers is still forced to serve in the army 19 years after they were drafted. Others participate in national service outside of the military, also for indefinite periods of time. Conscripts are paid only a small amount of pocket money throughout their service. The leave requester can put you in jail. Incited military personnel are arbitrarily arrested and detained for making requests to superiors for leave, pay or dismissal of military personnel.

Almost immediately, this initiative was called fake by Milonov himself, that is, a fake or an Internet duck. It seems that with the official statement of Milonov, all Internet discussions should have come to naught. But the other day on television, I again heard about this, in my opinion, crazy bill. They talked about the imminent possible introduction of it.

The same applies to simply asking questions, expressing opinions or voicing a complaint. However, later the leader of my battalion was asked to find me. I was asked to sign a document, arrested and detained for 25 days. The practice of any religion will result in severe punishment. Since their arrival for military training, Christian and Muslim conscripts have reported that the practice of any religion is prohibited. One former military clerk whose duty it was to punish him in his military camp told investigators that typical punishments for practicing religion are five to seven months in prison, with the possibility of a reduced sentence, promising not to repeat the crime.

New type of link

Vitaly Milonov, who, by the way, was supported by V. Chaplin and A. Kuraev, explains his vision of this issue in this way: “The destiny of a woman is motherhood. If she deliberately neglects the gift given to her by nature and the Lord, then why shouldn't she go to serve? And the fact that she “still has not met great love” is an excuse in favor of the poor.

Clerk claimed that 11 cases of imprisonment for religious practice in his camp alone were subjected to ill-treatment and torture in others. N. After we all gathered, the leader read us a page of information. It basically says that this man was caught praying for our orders three times and being sentenced to death. Anyone who does not obey the military orders will also be killed.

A Muslim was killed and killed twice. There is a widespread practice of rape and sexual abuse by the military. When female conscripts arrive for military training, officers often select the most physically attractive and assign them to their personal training teams, where they are forced to serve as their domestic servants. Many of these young women, some of them under 18, are treated as concubines while performing these services, rapes and sexual abuse.

A woman either wants to have children or she doesn't. And if he wants to, then finding a spouse is a simple matter, and if he doesn’t want to, then maybe he will meet someone in the army. And so at least he will protect his homeland. It probably makes no sense to send women to the infantry, but they will find a place in the rifle, engineering, and flying troops. And then many so-called feminists like to shout about equal rights. Here you are, and equal rights. It can't be more equal," the deputy comments.

"Two to three girls served the colonel," the former conscript told US investigators. Even junior officials in charge of 10 people were also served by one or two girls. They washed clothes, cooked and forced them to have sex. Some women refused, and they made their lives very hard.

Another practice is for listeners to be held at night and taken to officers' rooms for the sole purpose of rape. Former conscripts have reported that between 70 and 90% of female trainees suffer sexual abuse. When the soldiers leave the country, the government holds their family members as hostages. To prevent widespread desertion and encourage deserters to return to their units, the Eritrean authorities detain a close relative of the deserters, including siblings, parents, pregnant wives or elderly relatives.

It turns out that a new type of punishment has been invented for women for not fulfilling the demographic mandate of the state. Of course, a Russian woman, as you know, will stop a galloping horse, and ..., but still, in my opinion, it’s too cool to do this, especially with the weaker sex. From time immemorial, the army and the defense of the state have been the lot of strong men. And even if a woman does not want to give birth, this is not a reason to exile in her army. And if a woman, for health reasons, cannot give birth, will she have a medical exemption from service or give a bribe to stay at home?

If the deserter cannot be returned, the rest of the family is forced to pay a hefty fine for releasing the hostage from prison. Conscripts in military camps are often subject to arbitrary arrest and imprisonment based on the mere suspicion that they are planning to escape.

In the United States, people join the military as a way to serve their country with honor and open up new career opportunities. But this is not the case in Eritrea, where men and women risk their lives and the lives of their families to avoid military service. He must also begin to seriously meet his own 18-month national service limit.

That's the way it used to be

Before the revolution, there was no question of a woman fighting. In those days, women were engaged in the business to which they were intended by nature itself - the birth and upbringing of children.

Of course, there were cases when women en masse went to serve in the army, for example, the Great Patriotic War, but then there was an exceptional time when it became embarrassing to sit in the rear, when all the forces, including women, went for the good of the Motherland, everything was for Victory.

After the war, women continued to serve in the army in their usual positions, but their number was very small. However, in connection with the collapse of the Soviet state, our officials decided that we should increase the presence of women not only in government bodies, but also in the army.

The women were happy to respond. As a result, at present their number exceeds 10% of the total personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. According to this indicator, Russia has reached the same level with the countries of Western Europe.

Interest is rising

Yes, and what kind of childbirth before the age of 23 can we talk about when it is just the time of graduation from a university or graduate school. Today, on the contrary, those who give birth before the age of 20 are told: “It will be too early! Brains are not yet ripe for motherhood. And then the deputies say: "Propagate, friends, otherwise you will thunder in the guardhouse."

Let's imagine that the bill is approved by the Duma and the law comes into force. All nulliparous women will be drafted into the ranks of the Russian army, and many will probably try to avoid "punishment" and still give birth to a child - a guarantee of release. But it seems that nothing good will come of such hasty decisions anyway.

I am sure that hasty marriages tend to lead to divorce, and children born under duress grow up unhappy. In Russia, even now, according to statistics, the number of incomplete families is increasing, in recent years it has grown by 30%. According to Pavel Astakhov, Commissioner for Children's Rights under the President of Russia, currently 6.2 million families in the country are incomplete: in Russia there are 5.6 million single mothers and 634.5 thousand single fathers.

By what percentage will the number of single-parent families and abandoned children increase if the bill comes into force, and women decide to comply with the orders of officials? That's the solution to the demographic problem. Or, on the contrary, its aggravation?

Alternative option

“And why do many bills invented by male officials always concern women,” says Anastasia Petrova, 30, two children. - Let's then adopt another bill, which would stipulate, for example, that a man is obliged to marry before the age of 24, otherwise he will be sent to a monastery and will never see a woman at all. Or, if a man looked at another woman, his wife can beat him with a stone, and this will not be considered an administrative (let alone criminal) offense. Or, if the man was seen cheating and there is evidence, he will be sentenced to life imprisonment. And also a man must have at least three higher educations! Well, if a man should be smarter than a woman, as this Milonov says, then let him be diversified.

And one more thing: rather than shove such initiatives into the Duma, it would be better to get down to business.”

“It would be better to think about how to make our life better! says Inna Udalova, 27, childless. Of course, why do they need our problems? Do they think about how to live on their husband's salary if he works at a factory and receives 20 thousand rubles. Of this money, 10 thousand must be paid for a rented apartment. And how to live on 10 thousand for a whole month, and even with children? How to give birth if there is no personal apartment at the age of 23? Then where to live? How to find a rich husband? I think that it is very difficult to do this now.

Or give birth to five children and then go with them to beg for social services or live from hand to mouth? Today, not every, I think, even the tenth family can afford five children. After all, it’s not so easy to arrange a child in a kindergarten, there are no places.

First they would build kindergartens, families with many children would be given a free place in the garden, apartments with many children would also be given free of charge, we would somehow be interested in having children. And then you can’t even buy a room in a hostel for 300 thousand maternity capital. And to say: “I didn’t give birth, go serve - this, in my opinion, is, firstly, cruel to a woman, and secondly, somehow not like a man. Interestingly, this Milonov himself served in the army, repaid his debt to the Motherland? Does he have the moral right to demand its execution from everyone?

Equality in everything?

“Maybe this is a duck, but this is not the first time I hear about the desire to impose a mandatory army on women,” says Anna Tsepova, 45, with three children. - I want to remind you that the army, like war, is a purely male invention. Why is it for women? Why should they participate in these male amusements?

Let us then order men to give birth. For equality! Modern technology allows men to carry a child. Let the guys who by the age of 23 have not had children in a legal marriage go for artificial insemination and bear, and then raise these children. How do you like this equality?

Indeed, it becomes sad that instead of improving social programs and laws, striving to improve the lives of young families, pregnant women, single mothers, some deputies are engaged in, in my opinion, complete nonsense - they are tormented by questions, should women be drafted into the army? Yes, such deputies, I am sure, have nothing to do in power at all, let them invent bills outside the Duma, for example, for themselves or their families. So people will definitely be calmer.

MP: Girls who have not given birth before the age of 23 will be called up to serve in the army

As reported in the media, the deputy from United Russia! made some amendments to the legislation of the Russian Federation, which obliges girls who have not given birth before the age of 23 to join the army.

As noted, the amendments to the law have already been sent for consideration to the Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev. Information about the law only hit the network, immediately caused an ambiguous and violent reaction from the public.

If this information is confirmed and turns out to be true, then women who did not have time to give birth before the age of 23 will be called up for military service.

Apparently, the deputy from the United Russia party decided that a woman who does not have children should help the Motherland in something else. However, it is not clear what the conscription procedure itself will be, and how many years of service for the good of the motherland are implied. The creators of the new law claim that they will still find application for a woman in the army.

After searching for detailed information, we found out that such a law was not submitted to the Prime Minister for consideration. An outright untruth was invented by a popular Internet news portal that invents all sorts of fables and humorous news.

Therefore, all the girls and women who heard this news should not take it seriously. Such a law does not yet exist.

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It's high time to put all these loafers there!

Can you make my dog ​​work?

And fuck these deputies, let them serve themselves

But how many people happened, I'm amazed.

It would be better to resolve issues of terror, and corruption pi******ry

excellent, davng dreamed of serving in the army, somewhere in the Airborne Forces))))

the law to protect the feelings of believers was also not adopted at first, however, what we see now ...
Lately, I've been thinking that it's time to expel the existing deputies from the Kremlin by force and violence, and mass burn them near the Kremlin.

to their kitchen, but quickly, finally the deputies came up with something smart

rave. What are you going to tell the boys to do? they have already become so tender with us, and if we go to the army for them, then the floor will disappear altogether (due to a mutation under f.)

“The creators of the new law claim that they will still find a use for a woman in the army.”
yeah, they will find something to do for girls - hazing in the style of porn will begin. and no longer girls but raped females will return from there.

I personally have many examples of girls aged 25-27 who neither gave birth to children nor got married for a simple reason - there is no worthy one (they are quite normal and very beautiful by the way). and what, them into this shitty form in which we died, even for a year, but died. in winter from cold and associated diseases, and in summer, squeezing every 5 minutes.

But what about barren or those who are not able to have a child? them also to serve? so a blow to the most expensive, and then there’s this ... nonsense in short, I won’t let my beloved into this ugliness, although we didn’t plan children until we get back on our feet financially

It's just that the men are absolutely fucking! Including the deputies! Soon the whole country will be supported by women! We work, study, give birth, keep a family, raise children, and in general we perform 80% of men's duties ourselves. ****m and in the army it became impossible to serve. What claims can there be to those who are afraid to give birth, if in fact there is no one to give birth to, only cotton-gauze, mud ** and not adapted to anything and remained!

A comment was written by a woman in Russian, created by men, using a keyboard made by men, which is connected to a computer, which was created by men, on a website written by men using a program created by men, in programming languages ​​created by men.

Excellent! The discrimination has begun! Soon, as in Saudi Arabia, we will also put on a burqa and generally become incompetent in the eyes of the law - but what about, our woman's destiny is in the family, in motherhood, and nothing else is inherent in us! Our muzhiks will soon become fagots without exception - in fact, they are sissies anyway, they do nothing - everything is on women's shoulders, so we will also serve in the army for them. Well, then the lot of the peasants is to protect and feed the family - let everyone go to the army without fail and work for two, so that the woman takes care of her motherhood!
And so - excuse me, not everyone who is over 23 - walking girls. This is how we also build a career, earn money for the future of the family (which, in fact, only women think about), and do not beat the buckets. Not up to children, you know, while things in a career and in life are not going uphill.

Oh-oh-oh, I want to be in the Airborne Forces! Hooray. But the law is still nonsense and you can raise the birth rate in another way

Everyone says that men will soon disappear from the earth, it looks like it will happen if this stupid law is adopted. I agree with everyone who is against this idiocy. What is it for girls now to give birth from just anyone and be a single mother! Well, excuse our “dear” state, then pay 30,000 rubles a month for motherhood, and give a good apartment in this case. And the guys, maybe they don’t want children yet, it will naturally be that they will take and throw a girl at 23. And if the guy is 17 years old and the girl is 23)) Just nonsense. And this deputy Milonov (if he really proposed this) seems to have some kind of complexes, it seems that the young ones didn’t give him so he takes revenge)

I laughed for a long time while reading 😀

If, nevertheless, such a bill is approved, then it is necessary to amend it in the following way:
while the girl is sent to serve in the army, during this period the state is looking for her a potential husband (several, to choose from) with a certificate of health and income, so that upon returning from the army she could immediately start creating a family for the good of the state.

First, the girls yell for equality. And now, even if it's true that the girls will go to serve, they **** you that it's not a woman's business to serve.

You bitches are completely fucked up, you live only thanks to us men. How to drive a Lexus is normal - equality, but how to give birth to children is not so. You need to return your old rights, so that you bitches do not open their mouths !!

It's not even that this is not a woman's business. But that there is a call for girls to give birth. But what do the deputies think? Where does the age of 23 come from? At the age of 18 you go to study, after studying you are feverishly trying to find a job with good earnings. And then you also need to think about how to have a child? find a good husband? we have half the country lives in poverty. First the family, and then they try to find a job to survive.

You know what, Russia is completely drowning in mud. Every year the laws are getting dumber and dumber, and people are completely losing their heads. Since when is a girl obliged to give birth? Personally, I will say that I am not obliged to give birth, and I don’t want children at all. you look at our children, who roam the streets, only obscenities and drinking, smoking. And I'm not going to get married either, this is my life and it's up to me to decide what it will be like. And not some stupid parties. Rogues and thieves. What kind of Russia is this, in which football players are paid more than pensioners, where it is so difficult to get a normal education, and where they pay a penny at work. And besides, they put out such crap in the news.

Well, just go nuts, from the fact that men support this topic. There are good girls, honey, and this army will only spoil everything. I see no point in such a reform.

As one person said:
“The more laws in the state, the closer it is to collapse”

No one will pass such a law, as it contradicts the Constitution, which would do well to open to many intimidated girls. The Constitution spells out the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen, and other things related to this bill that prevent its adoption. In order to adopt this bill, it is necessary to change the Constitution, which is directly prohibited by its corresponding article (... if it is aimed at destroying human rights and freedoms and other tra-la-la). This once again confirms that the nation is becoming more and more uneducated, and the stupid are easier to manage. So let's learn =)

Oh, how the fuck it became scary. This is not for you to suck at the boss under the table and not for your husband at home x ***. Wanted equality whore * and? Get

The slut that was yelling about the Constitution is a big crap. Fire article 135 p 3. That is, compulsory service for men is the norm, but for women it is a violation of rights and freedoms? Actually f**k.

I even got upset

I read it and my hair stands on end ... .. you “Major Zadov” consider your mother to be the same. talking about women like that is humiliating for oneself ... and just because some stupid 22-year-old girl does not give birth from such a moral monster, it is IMPOSSIBLE to even think about such laws.

Vitaly Milonov, bitch and baby, I have served a long time! And the whore is your mother!

And in general, such statements by Milonov and Major Zadov, in my opinion, belong to guys who were deeply offended by the female sex in early childhood or older, which left a deep imprint on their further mental development. The boys just need a little healing =) Apparently, when God was handing out brains, you just didn't have time to join this queue. Don't be upset boys, it will still be good =))) I wish you good luck;)))

It seems to me that even if everyone refuses to give birth simply out of principle, they will forcibly increase the birth rate right now they will put a video camera and whoever disagrees will begin to threaten. they don’t care, they get away with it all, so the state comes up with all sorts of nonsense. They think they can do everything. And if everything just goes from Russia to other countries, then maybe they won’t suffer garbage

Girls, why do you say that? Moral freaks and so on .... There are normal guys who work, don't drink and want to start a family. They are just not very sociable and you just need to make the first step for you!

The men were completely freaked out. So we wash and cook and give birth and educate and menstruation only with us! The only privilege was that you didn't have to join the army. For example, I'm not going to give birth until 25. And what should I go to the army now? Are there few men in the country? So now, because of these pissers, should we, women, go to the army? Fuck you! And fuck! Quite already unbelted! The men are called!

Uhahaha with menstruation to God))) Marish, IMHO you have no friendship with your head? Who makes you do laundry and cook? There are men who do everything themselves))) Look for this) From school I know the female sex is greedy for “cool” guys) And then a goat, children from 17-18 years old, divorce (if they got married). Well, who is to blame? We all? Don't generalize! There are different guys. Self-sufficient, goats, kind, selfish. Look for normal and you will be happy!

Yegor, yes, there are different people, there are wonderful men who care, earn and make the work of girls easier. But there are fewer and fewer of them and it’s almost impossible to find a normal husband by 23

And yes, girls in the army will most likely be raped, so I don’t want to go there, probably not only me

Firstly, this PR action will never become a bill. Milonov himself certainly does not believe in this. Girls should not worry about this))) Secondly, the army is not so scary (they didn’t take it because of problems with the spine - they barely persuaded them to let them serve), although in the end you understand: the lost time is not worth the few pluses services in RA. Thirdly, why in all discussions do participants begin to insult opponents? Don't you think that you should not start with reproaches? Regardless of gender. Although the service of girls together with guys is utter absurdity. I would never let my beloved into such an army. In any case, have a nice summer everyone)))

What kind of nonsense? And if a girl thinks to build a career before the age of 25.

Let me speculate. Criticism is welcome.
So. Now we live in a world where there is practically no discrimination against women (I do not take into account the Arab countries). Just as slavery disappeared (please remember that not only girls were slaves). Now I will talk about our homeland, about our home.
Both sexes received equal RIGHTS. You received them at birth, and say thank you to the world around you and those who built it by sacrificing their blood, that you have them at all. These are rights. These are not duties.
This "duck" shed light on what's going on in the minds of our "beautiful" ladies. I will make a reservation, there are girls and women who wisely and very clearly understand the essence, supporting this imaginary project.
In order for a person to be born, two people are REQUIRED. And a man. And a woman. And it takes two to raise him.
So what do our girls not like? They either do not understand from birth what RESPONSIBILITY is, and in principle cannot see this message in the message, or they see that they want to be trained to be WORTHY, and use all possible “arguments”, which in essence are only insults, in order to portray your rightness.
A country in which, as some brats have noticed, they won't last long. Regrettably, but real responsible men can be counted on the fingers. Imagine what it will be like when women start to bypass them in everything? This is the ideal environment in which to create a healthy society. For now, if there are no men left at all, namely men, and not boys and pedorases, the country will not hold on to those women that surround us.
It's not about fertility, it's not about being forced to give birth. In order not to serve, a man needs to conceive, and then raise TWO children to his feet. Men also want to study, build a career and LIVE in general.
A girl who is really capable of building a career will accept military service as a gift, because it will temper her spirit. Yes, now I'm talking about an IMAGINARY MODEL. At the moment, we do not have a base and opportunities in the country to organize Women's Army Units. To everyone who is afraid of rape, I would advise you to start by thinking about the options in your head. If such units are created, women will sit and command in them. Fortunately, we have a LOT of female police officers, I'm sure there will be military ones.

Did not give birth until the age of 23 - go to serve the Fatherland. The deputy Vitaly Milonov, already known for his initiatives far beyond the city, allegedly wants to force the Russians to swallow the dust of army roads, salute and learn the soldier's bearing. One of them, the prohibition of propaganda of homosexuality, has already resulted in a law that has made a lot of noise not only in the Northern capital, but throughout the world. This time, the people's choice proposes to kill two birds with one stone - both to increase the birth rate and to replenish the ranks of the defenders of the Fatherland.

The fate of a woman is motherhood, one of the Internet resources quotes the thoughtful reflections of the parliamentarian. - If she deliberately neglects the gift that is given to her by nature and the Lord, then why shouldn't she go to serve? And the fact that she “still has not met great love” is an excuse in favor of the poor. A woman either wants to have children or she doesn't. And if he wants to, then finding a spouse is a simple matter, and if he doesn’t want to, then maybe he will meet someone in the army. And so - so at least he will protect the Motherland, - the author of the bill sums up.

For some reason, the deputy does not advise sending girls to the infantry, assuming that young ladies will realize their talents in rifle, engineering and flight troops with much greater benefit.

And then many so-called feminists like to shout about equal rights. Here you are, and equal rights. It can't be more equal, - the author rejoices.

How did Vitaly Valentinovich determine what he was, the lot of women, and why Russian women should give birth exactly before the age of 23, Komsomolskaya Pravda turned to the parliamentarian himself with this question. However, as it turned out, Milonov had nothing to do with the idea. The people's choice called the information about the mandatory women's army a lie.

The stupidity is complete. With the traditional attitude towards a woman, such proposals are unacceptable. It would be necessary to attract the authors for slander, but according to the Criminal Code, - the deputy commented.

Apparently, for the time being, the soldiers will have to repay their debt to the Motherland in severe male loneliness.


Women were officially allowed to be in the army during the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878. True, this concerned only the sisters of mercy. In tsarist Russia, the weaker sex was not taken into military service. Millions of our compatriots wanted to fight the enemy during the Great Patriotic War, about 800 thousand went to fight at the front. The girls not only looked after the wounded in hospitals, but also fired sniper rifles, cleared mines, and piloted combat aircraft.

Most women today serve in the Israeli army. Moreover, they protect their homeland on an equal footing with men. The fair sex is also present in the Russian army. Today, there are about 47 thousand women in the service of the fatherland, of which about two thousand are in officer positions.

Girls who have not given birth before the age of 23 will serve military service

Under the new legislation, girls who have not given birth before the age of 23 will serve military service.

Recently, United Russia deputy Vitaly Milonov submitted new amendments to the legislation of the Russian Federation for consideration, which is likely to cause a strong reaction among many residents of our country. It should be noted that Vsevolod Chaplin and Andrey Kuraev also supported Milonov's initiative. At the moment, a letter has been sent to Dmitry Medvedev with a request to put this bill into motion.

If the new changes come into force, then all women who have not given birth to a child before the age of 23 will have to serve military service - “The fate of a woman is motherhood. If she deliberately neglects the gift given to her by nature and the Lord, then why shouldn't she go to serve? And the fact that she “still has not met great love is an excuse in favor of the poor.

A woman either wants to have children or she doesn't. And if he wants to, then finding a spouse is a simple matter, and if he doesn’t want to, then maybe he will meet someone in the army. And so - so at least he will protect his homeland. It probably makes no sense to send women to the infantry, but they will find a place in the rifle, engineering and flight troops. And then many so-called feminists like to shout about equal rights. Here you are, and equal rights. It doesn't get better."

The next amendment says that if a woman goes out into the street in too revealing clothes, while still smoking and drinking alcohol, she can be stoned and this will not be considered an administrative (let alone criminal) offense. One gets the impression that the country will return to ancient times, when the people themselves did justice.

According to Milonov, “This will reduce the number of rapes, and generally raise the overall vitality. Appearance is not the area in which you need to express yourself. Better let the woman help her mother or cook a delicious dinner. Or at least read a good book, not necessarily a spiritual one. The external must not obscure the internal.

It also became known that with the introduction of amendments to the bill, quotas for the number of places in universities will be introduced for women - “A woman should not be smarter than her husband. She should be submissive, economic, caring and helpful, and not lower male self-esteem with her later unnecessary knowledge. A man should feel that he is the head of the family, then he will want to take care of this family.”

One can only imagine what will begin in Russia if all this comes into force.

Recently, United Russia deputy Vitaly Milonov submitted new amendments to the legislation of the Russian Federation for consideration, which is likely to cause a strong reaction among many residents of the country. It should be noted that Vsevolod Chaplin and Andrey Kuraev also supported Milonov's initiative.

At the moment, a letter has been sent to Dmitry Medvedev with a request to put this bill into motion. If the new changes come into force, then all women who have not given birth to a child before the age of 23 will have to serve military service - “The fate of a woman is motherhood. If she deliberately neglects the gift given to her by nature and the Lord, then why shouldn't she go to serve? And the fact that she “still has not met great love is an excuse in favor of the poor.

A woman either wants to have children or she doesn't. And if he wants to, then finding a spouse is a simple matter, and if he doesn’t want to, then maybe he will meet someone in the army. And so - so at least he will protect his homeland. It probably makes no sense to send women to the infantry, but they will find a place in the rifle, engineering and flight troops. And then many so-called feminists like to shout about equal rights. Here you are, and equal rights. It doesn't get better." The next amendment says that if a woman goes out into the street in too revealing clothes, while still smoking and drinking alcohol, she can be stoned and this will not be considered an administrative (let alone criminal) offense.

One gets the impression that the country will return to ancient times, when the people themselves did justice. According to Milonov, “This will reduce the number of rapes, and generally raise the overall vitality. Appearance is not the area in which you need to express yourself. Better let the woman help her mother or cook a delicious dinner. Or at least read a good book, not necessarily a spiritual one. The external must not obscure the internal. It also became known that with the introduction of amendments to the bill, quotas for the number of places in universities will be introduced for women - “A woman should not be smarter than her husband. She should be submissive, economic, caring and helpful, and not lower male self-esteem with her later unnecessary knowledge. A man should feel that he is the head of the family, then he will want to take care of this family.” One can only imagine what will begin in Russia if all this comes into force.
