Genetic memory of the uterus after a miscarriage. Incomplete miscarriage

Unfortunately, miscarriage today is a fairly common occurrence. The weakened health of women, neglect of their well-being, the accelerated rhythm of life, the deplorable environmental situation - all this greatly affects the statistics of miscarriages.

Losing a child, even at an early stage, is a great stress, and it can be extremely difficult for both mother and father to survive it. Many have to turn to a psychologist for help in order to accept a new situation, and find the strength to live on, and, most importantly, to try to conceive and bear a child again.

Pregnancy after a miscarriage requires increased attention. In the end, a miscarriage is not only psychological, but also physiological stress.

Miscarriage and its consequences

A miscarriage is the termination of pregnancy under the influence of the state of the fetus and the mother's body, without intervention from doctors. The reasons for miscarriage are very different. More about miscarriage

Now the consequences of a miscarriage are much more important. No matter how long the pregnancy is terminated, your body is waiting for a real hormonal storm. The hormonal background changes even more dramatically than at the beginning of pregnancy, which cannot but affect the state of the body, the functioning of the ovaries and other organs.

In addition, if after a miscarriage it was necessary to perform curettage, damage to the mucous membrane occurs. The injured endometrium cannot always accept a new fetal egg, and even more so, it is not always able to hold it.

A miscarriage may be accompanied by heavy bleeding. Blood loss is also an unpleasant situation that requires a long rehabilitation.

When can you give birth?

Can you get pregnant after a miscarriage? If you put the question from the side of physiology, then, of course, you can. And literally in the first month. The fact is that the day when the miscarriage occurred is also the beginning of the next cycle. Accordingly, in 2-3 weeks the next ovulation will occur - this is the answer to a simple question, when can you get pregnant after a miscarriage. Another thing, is it worth the haste?

Many couples think that the sooner they have a baby, the sooner they will cope with the consequences of the current situation. In fact this is not true. Of course, when carrying a new child, you will not remember the tragedy that has already happened. However, everything has its own nuances.

Pregnancy immediately after a miscarriage, and specifically after 3 months, may well be successful. Pregnancy a month after an early miscarriage is highly likely to end in a miscarriage again. In general, the trend is this: the less time has passed since the miscarriage, the greater the risk of a recurrence of the situation.

When can I plan a pregnancy after a miscarriage? It is believed that the female body takes about a year to fully recover. At this time, it is worth rescheduling new attempts to conceive a child. What to do during this year? Trust me, that's enough.

Examinations after a miscarriage

First of all, it is necessary to undergo several serious examinations, the purpose of which is to determine the cause of what happened. In particular, doctors will definitely send an embryo for examination in order to determine whether it was originally viable, whether it had any pathologies and developmental abnormalities. If possible, the cause of deviations is also determined.

Only after that, the doctors will take up the mother. First of all, it will be checked for various infections and complications after them. Untreated infections quite often cause miscarriage. If any are found, they will need to be treated.

The next step is a sex analysis. hormones . Often the cause of a miscarriage is an excess of certain hormones. If in your case the reason was precisely this, then they will work with the hormonal background.

Will definitely take place and ultrasound . The ovaries, adnexa, fallopian tubes, the uterus itself and its inner mucous layer are carefully examined. Bends of the uterus, the presence of partitions in it, endometrial insufficiency - all this could provoke a miscarriage

What should be given up?

In the process of planning a pregnancy after a miscarriage, it is necessary to abandon all bad habits . And if in any other case it is still more of a recommendation, then in this case it is a requirement. Smoking and alcohol weaken the eggs and sperm, which means it reduces the chance of pregnancy and makes the embryo less viable.

It is necessary to minimize and taking medication . Talk to your doctor and decide which medications to stop and which to reduce the dosage. Preparing for pregnancy after a miscarriage is a serious and lengthy undertaking. Do not neglect the little things.

What to do to bear a child after a miscarriage?

How to keep a pregnancy after a miscarriage? She must be treated with great care. No physical loads, stress, infections . Do not disregard the advice of a doctor. And in no case do not hide from him any features of your well-being.

Very important eat properly . The diet should be balanced, with the necessary amount of calories and nutrients. In some cases, it makes sense to take additional vitamins. including folic acid. Also, if the results of a blood test reveal a lack of iron, it is necessary to receive it additionally in the form of tablets or capsules.

Pregnancy after a spontaneous miscarriage is, of course, possible. But first you have to decide when it will happen. There are only two criteria: your physical readiness for a new pregnancy, and, of course, moral and psychological. Leave no room for fear. With proper preparation, the chances of bearing a healthy baby are no less than those of any other woman.


An early miscarriage causes not only a stressful condition, but also affects the general condition of the female body. An unwanted event often leads to complications, which requires increased attention to one's own health and an effective recovery program.

A miscarriage, or spontaneous abortion, is considered early if it occurs before the 12th week of pregnancy. The reason for this may be the body's rejection of an inferior fetus, the presence of various infections in the mother, Rhesus conflict, etc.

The possible consequences of a miscarriage are varied. These may be:

  • inflammatory processes;
  • prolonged bleeding;
  • intense pain during menstruation;
  • subfebrile body temperature.

Even in the absence of these conditions, the recovery of the body after an early miscarriage is a mandatory step. This is necessary in order to normalize the functioning of the uterus and hormonal levels.

Conception occurs quite often after spontaneous abortion. In order to prevent a recurrence of the previous situation, it is important to complete the rehabilitation period (from 6 to 12 months), and not rush into a new pregnancy.

The main stages of recovery after a miscarriage

There is a chart explaining how to recover from an early miscarriage. During the first day, it is recommended to devote maximum time to rest and good sleep. Every 10-15 minutes it is useful to knead the lower and upper limbs.

If pain occurs, Ibuprofen, Cyclopam or Buscopan is recommended. To get rid of migraine, pain in the abdomen and back without medication, it is recommended to apply compresses to the desired areas (alternating hot and cold).

In the first 5 days after an early miscarriage, constant measurement of body temperature is necessary. If the thermometer reaches 37.6 or more ° C, you should immediately visit a doctor. This condition often indicates a developing infection in the main reproductive organ (uterus) or outside it.

Further recovery after an early miscarriage involves the following actions:

  • monthly abstinence from intimate contacts, visiting saunas and baths, taking hot baths;
  • refusal to use vaginal tampons and lifting weights;
  • temporary ban on intensive sports;
  • 3-month use of effective contraceptives after the onset of sexual activity;
  • taking medications for treatment after an early miscarriage.

In the period following a spontaneous abortion, doctors resort to ultrasound. This helps to identify possible residues in the uterine cavity of the fetal egg.

Treatment after an early miscarriage involves the appointment of drugs with a hemostatic effect (Dicinon, Vikasol, Calcium chloride) and antibiotics (Macropen, Doxycycline, Trichopolum). Reception of medicines lasts 5-7 days. In order to prevent the onset of another pregnancy, it is necessary to take oral contraceptives ("Marvelon", "Janine").

An important indicator of the state of the female body is vaginal discharge. After a miscarriage, it is necessary to monitor their condition (quantity, color, consistency). Normally, the duration of discharge is 4-10 days. In case of their abundant appearance and bright color, as well as general malaise, it is necessary to visit a doctor.

Additionally, during rehabilitation after an early miscarriage, experts recommend adhering to the following rules:

  • daily be in the fresh air for at least 20 minutes;
  • use only sanitary napkins, changing them after 6-8 hours;
  • in order to prevent the development of infection, take 1-2 showers a day;
  • to avoid irritation and inflammation, douching is prohibited, as well as treating areas near the vagina with soap or antiseptics.

Of particular importance is a properly organized diet. A balanced composition of food helps to quickly return to the usual rhythm of life and fills the body with the necessary energy. To do this, you should eat foods rich in vitamins and minerals. Dairy and seafood products, fresh vegetables and fruits should be on the table every day.

Proper drinking regimen is also important. During the day you need to drink up to 8 glasses of water. Many experts prescribe folic acid preparations that help the body recover as soon as possible after an early miscarriage and replenish blood loss.

In addition to drug therapy, support and understanding of loved ones are important for a woman. With a positive attitude, the recovery of a weakened body will be much faster, which will allow you to feel the joy of real motherhood in the near future.

Recovery after an early miscarriage-video

Pregnancy after a miscarriage - how to approach its planning, what examinations to undergo, when can you conceive, and what difficulties will you encounter in the process of bearing? Spontaneous miscarriage is always a huge stress for a woman. Someone immediately after a failure begins to actively attempt to conceive again, while others, on the contrary, are afraid of a new pregnancy, as they are afraid of a repetition of the situation. How would it be better to act?

Why miscarriages happen and when

First of all, ladies should know the reasons why the pregnancy is terminated. According to many statistics, miscarriages occur in at least one in eight women. And these are only registered cases when a lady knew that she was in a position and applied to a antenatal clinic. But not everyone takes care of their health so carefully ... Someone may not pay attention to a slight delay, and take an early miscarriage simply for painful menstruation. In addition, often the pregnancy is terminated before the start of a missed period. It is clear that there are no exact statistics on this item, but this happens very often.

And some more statistics. Most often, pregnancy is interrupted in the first trimester, when the fetus is most susceptible to various kinds of negative influences. Approximately 80% of all miscarriages occur within the first 12 weeks after conception.

And how likely is it that a new pregnancy after an early miscarriage will not end as badly? Statistics tell us that every fourth woman has a situation that repeats itself, and when this is repeated 2-3 times, only 30-50 percent of women can normally endure pregnancy. However, not everything is so scary. In many cases, the correct diagnosis and competent treatment give a good chance to become parents.

And finally, the reasons. If the interruption occurred in the first trimester, and the case was single, most likely, chromosomal abnormalities were to blame for this. That is, the fetus was initially unviable, and the body "got rid" of it.

Other possible reasons.

1. Immune factors (a woman has very strong immunity, the fetus is perceived as a foreign body).

2. Isthmic-cervical insufficiency (the cervix spontaneously opens for a period of 3-6 months due to its “weakness”, due to the pressure of the fetus and amniotic fluid on it).

3. Malformations of the uterus (bicornuate, saddle-shaped, septum inside the organ, etc.).

4. Infections (cytomegalovirus, rubella, HIV, etc.).

5. Pathologies and diseases of the thyroid gland (for this reason, for example, there may be a lack of progesterone, a hormone necessary for the development of the embryo).

6. Pregnancy that occurred with an intrauterine system installed in the cavity for the purpose of contraception (the tone of the uterus is increased, the threads of the spiral descend into the vagina, which makes it easier for the infection to penetrate into the uterus; it is very dangerous if the placenta is formed next to the spiral, its premature detachment is likely, and means heavy bleeding.

7. Teratogenic factors (taking drugs prohibited for expectant mothers, undergoing procedures prohibited in an interesting situation, etc.).

Examination after a miscarriage

Doctors recommend to be examined only if spontaneous abortions have been repeated 3 or more times (in the case of a short term). Since it is rarely possible to find out the cause of the misfortune in a short time, both physicians and their patients are rarely interested in the results of histology in this case. But planning a pregnancy after a multiple miscarriage is a very serious topic. An approximate list of tests and examinations that are recommended for a woman or both spouses.

1. Tests for STIs (sexually transmitted infections: cytomegalovirus, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, etc.).

2. Ultrasound of the small pelvis. Moreover, it is desirable twice per cycle (in the first and second phases).

3. Blood test for hormones: testosterone, prolactin, progesterone, St. T3 and T4, 17-OP. He also usually gives up twice per cycle.

4. General blood and urine tests. Blood for sugar is a must.

5. Karyotype study (both spouses pass) - genetic analysis.

6. Analysis of blood clotting (hemostasiogram), analysis for antibodies to hCG and APS.

7. Tests for biological compatibility of blood.

Planning for a child after a spontaneous abortion

Pregnancy after an early miscarriage must be planned, both spouses must follow a number of rules and be aware of some restrictions in order to minimize the risk of a recurrence of an unpleasant situation.

Of course, first of all, you need to pass all the tests and undergo examinations (we wrote about this above). Secondly, a woman needs to start taking vitamins, but not complex ones. In order to protect the child from pathologies of the nervous system as much as possible, it is necessary to drink folic acid (400 mcg per day) 2-3 months before the start of pregnancy and during its first half. The dose for patients with diabetes and epilepsy should be reduced by 4 times, and for women who already have (or had) children with a neural tube defect, the dose should be several times higher (the doctor will tell you exactly how much folic acid to take).

Nutrition should be harmonious and balanced. Losing weight through diet and exhausting physical activity is not the time now. Alcohol consumption and smoking is not recommended. Coffee lovers should either give up their addiction or reduce the frequency of caffeinated drink consumption - no more than 2 cups per day are allowed.

If the lady has not yet suffered rubella and chickenpox, it is necessary to be vaccinated against them. If the expectant mother is not a carrier of toxoplasmosis, then it is better not to touch raw meat, do not eat unwashed fruits and vegetables, and do not clean the toilet after animals.

Remember, pregnancy after a miscarriage is possible. The main thing is to be treated in time and follow all the recommendations of doctors when planning a child and during the gestation period.

The main natural function of the fairer sex is reproductive. That is why, sooner or later, every woman has a maternal instinct and a desire to have offspring. It is worth noting that most planned pregnancies end successfully. However, about 20 out of 100 women are diagnosed with a miscarriage or miscarriage. This article will tell you about how long it takes to get pregnant after a miscarriage. You will learn the opinions of experts on this matter and will be able to read the stories of women. It is also worth finding out how many days after a miscarriage you can get pregnant if you have sex without protection.

What is spontaneous abortion?

Before you know when to get pregnant after a miscarriage, it is worth saying a few words about the process itself. Spontaneous or natural abortion is the termination of the life of the fetus, followed by rejection of its membranes. Most often, this process occurs at a very early date. Many women do not even have time to learn about their new interesting position.

A miscarriage can be complete or partial. In the first case, the entire membrane of the ovum comes out completely along with the overgrown endometrium. In this case, the next menstruation may be somewhat more abundant than the previous ones. With a partial miscarriage, some fetal membranes remain in the cavity of the genital organ. They must be removed surgically. The most commonly used curettage or vacuum aspiration.

How long can you get pregnant after a miscarriage?

Until now, experts have not been able to come to a consensus on this issue. Some gynecologists say that conception should occur at least six months later. Other obstetricians are advised to wait at least 18 months with planning. There is also a group of doctors advising women to hurry with fertilization. Who is worth listening to? How to be representatives of the weaker sex in this situation? How many months can you get pregnant after a miscarriage? Let's try to understand this issue in more detail.

Conception six months later

How long can you get pregnant after a miscarriage? Most physicians set a limit of six months. It is during this period that the fairer sex is able to bounce back, she will be able to recover from everything that happened.

Doctors also talk about a gap of six months due to the fact that it is such a period that allows a woman to find out the reason for the failure. Subsequent correction will help prevent the recurrence of the pathological process. Quite often, after an unsuccessful pregnancy, gynecologists prescribe a course of oral contraceptives for a representative of the weaker sex. These drugs help restore menstrual function and temporarily block the work of the ovaries. It is worth noting that pregnancy cannot occur while taking these drugs. However, after their cancellation, conception occurs already in the first few cycles.

Pregnant after more than a year

How long can you get pregnant after a miscarriage? Some reproductologists insist on a time period of 12 months. It is this period that allows you to eliminate all detected pathologies and restore women's health.

In most cases, after an unsuccessful pregnancy, an examination is prescribed. It includes standard tests for infections and hormones. Also, the expectant mother is recommended to undergo such diagnostics as hysteroscopy, metrosalpingography or laparoscopy. These studies require the use of anesthesia. During the manipulation, the cervical canal is expanded and the cavity of the reproductive organ is examined using special equipment. After such manipulations, it is not recommended to plan conception for several months. Otherwise, there is a great risk of repeating an unpleasant situation that has already taken place. Approximately one or a year and a half is required for a woman to go through all the studies, get a conclusion and make a correction.

Opinions of modern doctors

How long can you get pregnant Despite all the restrictions from doctors of the past generation, young doctors have a slightly different view on this issue. Most experts say that the next conception should occur as soon as possible.

Studies have shown that a woman who becomes pregnant on average 3 months after a miscarriage is more likely to bear and continue to give birth to a child. Those representatives of the weaker sex who had been waiting for six months had to work hard on another conception. They got pregnant only after 7-10 months. In women who, for one reason or another, had to postpone their next pregnancy for a year or more, the risk of ectopic attachment of the fetal egg and the birth of a child with pathologies increased.

How long after a miscarriage can you get pregnant again if you don't use protection?

Many women believe that after a spontaneous abortion, conception will not come quickly. They are sexually unprotected, and they are sure that they are safe. However, this is a completely wrong opinion.

If a miscarriage occurs and the uterine cavity is independently freed from the remnants of the fetal egg, then the next conception may occur already in the same cycle. This is due to the fact that in the early stages the body does not yet have time to adjust to the pregnancy mode. The hormonal background of a woman does not undergo strong changes. The opening of the follicle and the release of the egg can occur as early as a few days or weeks after the miscarriage. It is worth recalling that such a negligent attitude to one's health can lead to a repetition of the situation. That is why, after a spontaneous abortion, it is necessary to visit a doctor and find out for what reasons the miscarriage occurred, when you can get pregnant again.

The psychological side of the issue

How long can you get pregnant after a spontaneous miscarriage, you already know. However, things don't always work out as planned. The reason for prolonged infertility after spontaneous abortion may lie in the psychological aspect.

Many representatives of the weaker sex voluntarily refuse another conception. They are simply afraid of repeating the situation. After all, it is very difficult for a future mother to survive such a loss. However, there are also women who are ready to start the next planning in the next cycle. At the same time, they are also under the psychological influence of the situation, but do not understand this. Obsession with planning can also lead to a prolonged absence of pregnancy. However, as soon as a woman is distracted and relaxed, fertilization immediately occurs. If the miscarriage occurred over a long period of time (in the second trimester), then before the next planning, the expectant mother is recommended to consult a psychologist. This will help to establish the emotional background as much as possible and properly set yourself up for the birth of a baby.

Summing up the article

You became aware of how long you can successfully conceive. It must be said that about 40 percent of women collide with this pathology. Some of them don't even know they were pregnant. The situation repeats only in 8-10 percent of cases. In this case, we can already talk about If you are faced with such a diagnosis, then you should not start planning the next conception as soon as possible. First you need to find out the reason for your failures. This will help to protect against a repetition of an untidy moment. Good luck with your planning and easy pregnancy!

A miscarriage is not only a psychological trauma for a woman, but also a strong stress for her body. After this unpleasant event, you need to monitor your health in order to prevent the development of complications. How to recover from spontaneous abortion and cleansing? First of all, you should pull yourself together, be patient and visit a gynecologist.

Causes and consequences of miscarriage

Spontaneous abortion can occur both in early (up to 12 weeks) and late (from 12 to 22 weeks) pregnancy. Early miscarriages occur, as a rule, due to the rejection of the defective embryo by the uterus, and late - due to the weakness of the cervix. Pregnancy can be terminated due to a Rh conflict between the mother and the fetus.

The consequences of a miscarriage depend on a number of factors. Most often, inflammatory processes occur. Even after cleaning, there is a possibility of incomplete removal of the fetal egg. In this case, the doctor recommends repeating the procedure. Recovery after a miscarriage is the return of the uterus and hormonal levels to their previous state. It should be remembered that conception is possible immediately after a spontaneous abortion.

A miscarriage does not always indicate reproductive problems, but so that it does not happen again, a new pregnancy should be delayed until the hormonal background and the condition of the uterus are normal. In addition, after a spontaneous abortion, health problems may begin. With too long bleeding, fever, painful periods, you should consult a doctor.

How to recover after a miscarriage

A woman should monitor her well-being, the amount, color and consistency of vaginal discharge. The normal duration of the latter is from 4 to 10 days. You need to see a doctor as soon as possible if the discharge is too abundant, bright and accompanied by malaise. It is necessary to undergo an ultrasound examination to determine if there are any particles of the fetal egg left in the uterine cavity.

You must not have sex for at least a month after a spontaneous abortion. It is necessary to protect yourself for at least 3 months to give the body the opportunity to recover. Many gynecologists believe that half a year is needed to fully normalize the state of the uterus and hormonal levels, so a woman should follow, first of all, the instructions of the attending physician.

The first month after a miscarriage, you should not overheat, including going to the bathhouse, sauna, taking a hot bath, as well as playing sports and lifting weights. Otherwise, complications may arise. For the onset of a new pregnancy, hormone therapy may be needed. A woman must be ready to conceive not only physically, but also psychologically.

A woman needs:

Lifestyle after a miscarriage

  1. Use sanitary napkins to control how much blood is being shed. Change them at least every 8 hours. Shower 1-2 times a day to prevent infection.
  2. Do not douche or treat the area around the vagina with strong antiseptics or soap, as this can irritate and lead to an infection.
  3. Stick to proper nutrition. This will allow the body to recover faster and fill it with energy. Eat food rich in vitamins and minerals. Drink at least eight glasses of water per day. Eat foods high in calcium: milk, sardines, salmon, etc. Increase your folic acid intake to replenish blood loss after a miscarriage. This can be done by adding leafy and regular vegetables and fruits to the diet.
  4. After a spontaneous abortion, give up sexual activity for 1-2 months so that the vagina heals. In the future, during intimacy, use condoms, since there is a chance of becoming pregnant before the cycle normalizes.

Recovery after cleansing

Cleansing (curettage) is a small surgical intervention that is performed to remove the remnants of the fetal egg from the uterus. Pregnancy after scraping is possible almost immediately, but experts recommend delaying it for about six months (at least 3-4 months). During this time, the woman's body must fully recover if she adheres to proper nutrition, good rest, and also enlists the moral support of her closest relatives.

If there are difficulties with a new pregnancy after cleaning, you will need to visit a gynecologist, undergo the necessary examinations and treatment. It is important to remember that complications may occur after surgery, so you will need to carefully monitor your well-being and immediately consult a doctor if severe bleeding is detected, body temperature rises above 37.6 degrees, and severe abdominal pain appears. In the best case, for a minimal recovery of the body, it will take 1-2 days after scraping.

During the rehabilitation period it will be impossible:

  • take a hot bath, go to the bath, sauna;
  • douche;
  • use vaginal tampons;
  • lift weights;
  • to have sexual activity (in the next 1-2 months from the moment of the procedure).

It is possible that during intimacy there will be pain due to surgery. If they bother a woman for more than 2 months in a row, then you will need to see a doctor. The first menstruation will begin 30-45 days after the spontaneous abortion. It is possible that they will be more abundant than usual.

In order to recover faster after cleaning, a woman will need to undergo examinations, adhere to the treatment recommended by the doctor, lead a correct lifestyle and refrain from intimacy with a man. It will be important to enlist the support of loved ones, try to remain calm, be patient and tune in a positive way.
