State services calculate pension. Checking SNILS: how to check pension savings by SNIS number

You can find out your pension savings without much difficulty; to do this, you need to study several nuances, which we will consider in our material. For example, it is worth knowing in which fund the savings “work”, and we will also touch on the topic of inheriting a pension.

Ways to check pension savings

The amount of savings can be found out using options such as:

  • Personal appeal to the Pension Fund (hereinafter referred to as the Pension Fund) - until 2013, people were sent a “chain letter” with reporting data on the amount of insurance and savings contributions for the previous year. And now letters from the fund arrive only after submitting a written application to the Pension Fund. To fill out the form, you need to have your passport and insurance number of your individual insurance account (hereinafter referred to as SNILS).
  • Internet - online - checking deductions by SNILS number by registering on the website, includes the following steps:
    • Formation of a simplified registration - indicate your full name, mobile phone, email and click the “Register” button. Then confirmation of the data is required by sent SMS message or email. After clicking the “Continue” button, enter the created password twice. Now you can use limited access to the site's services. However, they are not enough to obtain a report on pension savings.
    • Recording personal information - enter your passport information, SNILS number and click the “Save” button;
    • Automatic verification - occurs within a few minutes. After the procedure is completed, a notification with the results is sent to your phone or email. After this, you receive a standard government services account.
    • Identity confirmation - for full registration, you must contact the Russian Post, Rostelecom or another government service center with your passport. Identity confirmation is also carried out using an electronic signature or card.

After complete registration on the government services portal, do the following:

    • Find the Pension Fund tab;
    • Click on the “Pension savings” service;
    • Click on the “Get Information” button.

The data will appear in a few seconds on the monitor screen.

  • Checking your pension through Sberbank - you can find out the amount of pension funds at the bank after providing the employee with your passport and SNILS. After registration, you can view the pension amount in your “Personal Account” on the Sberbank website.

NPF clients will not be able to obtain information on the state of their pension account on the government services website. Data for clients of non-state funds can be found on official websites or at NPF representative offices!

Which fund contains pension savings?

Sometimes citizens forget the name of the NPF organization, so below we highlight 4 ways to determine the fund:

Pension savings in non-state pension funds: Agrofond, Future, Rosgosstrakh, VTB 24, Blagosostoyanie, Sberbank

Most citizens of the country keep pension contributions in different non-state pension funds, but sometimes it is difficult to find out the amount of savings in a particular fund. Therefore, we present to your attention several examples of how to find out pension savings in the best funds in the country.

The only way for everyone to obtain information about the amount of pension savings is to contact the Pension Fund!

How to find out the amount of savings in the Agrofond pension fund?

  • personal visit to the branch with a passport - all addresses can be found on the company website;
  • sending an application in writing to the following address:
    • Moscow city, 1st Kozhevnichesky lane, building 8.
    • The form can be any, the main thing is to indicate passport data, SNILS, return address, number and date of the valid document on cooperation with the NPF. Don't forget to sign and date it at the end. A scanned application can be sent by mail [email protected], [email protected];
  • Internet - the amount of savings can be clarified after the registration procedure in the “Personal Account” on the website of the NPF “Agrofond”. To register, you must prepare: scanned copies of passport pages indicating the series, number, date of birth, gender, full name; personal photograph; SNILS;

When registering a personal account, you must fill out an application for opening an account and put a mark indicating your consent to the processing of personal information. Within 10 days you will receive a message with a temporary password to the source specified in the application (email, mobile phone number). Login is your SNILS number. After your first visit to your account, it is recommended to change your password to a more complex one.

How to find out your savings in the Future pension fund?

How to find out your pension savings in NPF Rosgosstrakh?

How to find out your pension savings in VTB 24?

How can I find out my savings in NPF “Blagosostoyanie”?

To answer any questions, call the number 8-800-775-15-20 or on the website, sign up for the “Write a letter to the fund” service.

How to check pension savings in Sberbank?

  • Personal appeal - you will need a passport, SNILS, an agreement with NPF Sberbank;
  • A more convenient way to check pension savings is to check your pension in your “Personal Account” - registration is carried out using the link, where you must indicate your passport number, SNILS, and phone number. Sberbank does not have the right to transfer your personal data to third parties, except heirs and government agencies.

Access to the account is provided upon: signing an agreement on compulsory pension insurance; availability of a pension account according to unified insurance rules; consent to the processing of client data (indicated during registration).

For questions call the number 8 800 555 00 41 or go to the official website

These are the ways you can find out data on savings in popular non-state funds in Russia.

How to find out the pension savings of a deceased relative

To find out the amount of savings for legal successors, you need to go through several steps, namely:

Step 1. Filling out an application to the Pension Fund of Russia branch to obtain data on the amount of savings of the deceased policyholder. This step is required even when the Pension Fund is notified of the death of a specific person, since the fund must know the basis for paying part of the pension to the heirs.

List of required papers:

  • Passport;
  • Marriage certificate, birth certificate (documentation confirming the fact of relationship);
  • Death document;
  • SNILS of the deceased;
  • Method of payment - indicated in the application;
  • A list of close relatives of the deceased known to the applicant to quickly identify the circle of heirs.

State fund employees have the right to request an additional list of documents.

An application with a list of documentation can be sent by mail, having previously certified copies by a notary.

The application must be submitted only within 6 months after the death of the policyholder! Otherwise, further proceedings will be in court!

Step 2. Studying documents in the Pension Fund. The review period is 5 - 10 days. Solutions regarding papers are as follows:

  • returning documents for corrections - correcting errors and submitting documents again. Payment of money is carried out according to the method specified in the application;
  • return of papers if funds are available in the non-state pension fund - the list of papers is duplicated in the specific Pension Fund of the policyholder. Payment is made 6 months after the client’s death, but no later than the last working day of the month in which the period expired;
  • sends a package of documents to the authority where the deceased was registered - the new branch of the fund re-checks the papers and then makes a payment to the applicant;
  • accepts the application - the amount of money is paid no later than the 20th day of the next month after the decision on payment is made.

A little about the heirs

Pension savings have the right to receive:

  • heir specified in the application;
  • relatives (if a specific person is not specified) - children, parents, spouses. And in their absence - brothers, sisters, grandchildren, grandmothers, grandfathers.

The application can be submitted by first- and second-degree relatives, because if the first-degree successor does not do this, the right to receive it automatically passes to brothers, grandmothers, sisters, and grandchildren. That is, those who submit an application on time receive the payment.

If, after the expiration of the period, a new heir contacts the Pension Fund with a court decision, the Pension Fund pays the pension savings of the deceased to this citizen from its own reserve! The return of money is made at the expense of the heirs who were previously given the savings of the deceased through the court or voluntarily!

You can inherit the savings portion in three ways:

  1. the deceased officially worked until his death;
  2. the deceased was born after 1967;
  3. the deceased did not receive a labor pension.

The amount of pension payments to the heir is taxed!

We invite you to watch a short video in which a Pension Fund specialist will tell you how to find out your pension savings in your personal account.

Pension savings are assigned annually, but it is possible to find out the amount of contributions thanks to the personal efforts of the insured person, so our material revealed the features of obtaining information from state and non-state funds on pension savings.

A card containing an eleven-digit individual code is an insurance certificate of registration of a Russian citizen with the Pension Fund. SNILS
Find out the number of pension points according to SNILS. Pension savings: how to find out the amount according to SNILS in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation
Securing your future pension worries every working person. It is not easy for people to sort out their pension savings, especially in modern conditions, when the pension system has been undergoing serious reforms over the past few years. The principles by which savings are calculated have already been changed several times: The pension is divided into two parts - insurance and savings. It has become possible to invest not only in state pension funds, but also in alternative pension funds. Funds for pensioners who continue to work are accounted for as a separate item.
There are many innovations, and if a person gets lost in them, trying to understand what funds and where exactly are being accumulated for his future pension, SNILS can come to the rescue.
So, first things first.
How to find out pension savings by SNILS number online? Options for searching information about pensions using SNILS
Information about funds in a current account in a state or non-state pension fund is confidential. However, the account holder registered with the Pension Fund or Non-State Pension Fund has full rights to it. This right is confirmed by the SNILS number located on the unified personal card. Therefore, this number is the key to obtaining information about pension savings.
Citizens of the Russian Federation have several ways to clarify the issue that interests them. How to find out pension savings by SNILS number? Personal appeal to the Pension Fund. A visit to any branch of the Pension Fund can resolve many questions regarding pension savings. To do this, you need to have an insurance certificate (SNILS plastic card) and an identity card with you. The insured person will receive all the necessary information without any difficulties or delays. How to find out pension savings by SNILS number online without leaving home. Modern technologies make it possible to check your pension “balance” easily and simply: just be an Internet user and register on the government services portal. It is also possible to find information on the official website of the Pension Fund, the new version of which became operational in 2015. Non-state pension funds also have their own official websites, which inform clients about the status of their pension account.
IMPORTANT! Information about the funded share of the pension, if it is placed in a non-state pension fund, will not be reflected on the government services portal. Requests for information of interest should only be made on the relevant official websites of certain NPFs.
Find out the number of pension points according to SNILS. Instructions for checking pension savings online through “state services” Register on the “Government Services” portal (site To register, you will need to enter your last name, first name, mobile phone (or email). Previously, the key for registration was a card with a SNILS number, but now the registration procedure has been simplified. If you have previously registered on this portal, log in by entering your mobile phone (or email) and password. On the main page of the site, in the “Popular on the portal” block, select the “Check pension account” item or through the “Service Catalog” -> “Pension, benefits and benefits” select the “Notification of the status of the personal account in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation”. On the page that opens, click the blue “Get service” button (you will have to wait a little). At the final stage, you will see a page where, in paragraph 2 “Information about the status of your individual personal account,” you can either save on your computer or open a file with information about your pension in your browser. You can also print this statement through your “Personal Account”.
Find out the number of pension points according to SNILS. Find out about your future pension through the Pension Fund website
If you prefer to use a direct search for information by contacting the “original source,” you can use the official website of the Pension Fund of Russia. Since January 2015, there has been a new section “Personal Account of the Insured Person”. With its help, you can clarify how much IPC (individual pension coefficients) a citizen has accumulated, as well as what length of service he currently has.
New user capabilities allow you to calculate approximate IPCs for each year. In addition, you have access to: an improved online pension calculator; the ability to print out the received notification about the status of the pension account; information about periods of work in a particular place and contributions accrued by certain employers.
Residents of Dagestan can use two new electronic services of the Pension Fund of Russia
In the personal account on the website of the Russian Pension Fund, new services have been launched related to the provision of two government services: the assignment of professional supplements to pensions for former civil aviation and coal industry workers, as well as the assignment of additional material support for outstanding achievements and merits. Let us remind you that the right to a professional supplement to their pension is enjoyed by members of flight crews of civil aviation aircraft, including pilots, navigators, on-board engineers and mechanics, as well as employees of coal industry organizations, which, for example, include miners, drifters, miners and machinists.
Additional material support for outstanding achievements and merits is awarded to Heroes of Russia and the Soviet Union, citizens awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, the Order of Labor Glory, Olympic champions and some other categories.
You can now submit an application for the specified types of payments from the Pension Fund electronically through the Pension Fund website using the services of your personal account. All electronic services of the Pension Fund of Russia are collected on a single portal To receive most services, a verified account in the Unified Identification and Authentication System ( is required.

Many adults, working people, long before retirement age, begin to become interested in their future pension, etc. Many never do anything after this thought came to them, simply not having the opportunity or desire to visit the Pension Fund again . Others do not want to waste time on this, because most likely there will be queues, the PF only works on weekdays, which means that they will have to take time off from work. But this is not required today, because there is the Internet. Therefore, all the information of interest can be found very quickly, and without leaving home, using SNILS, which every citizen has.

Why find out information about your pension at all?

This is a normal phenomenon when a person wants to know about the state of his pension savings, because his future will depend on this. Despite the regular payment of pension contributions, there is still no guarantee that everything is 100% in order and taken into account, since errors may occur, etc. It is better to regularly check the status of pension savings and correct errors by writing a corresponding application now, than to prove something later when the official age comes.

Until 2013, information about the state of the pension account and the savings part was sent to every citizen of the Russian Federation by mail at home in the form of a letter from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. However, now such letters are sent only to those who specifically write an application for this purpose. There are not many such people. Many people forget, others don’t want to, and others don’t even know that such a letter needs to be written at all. And why, when there is the Internet? It's easier to find information there.

If the future pension is stored not in a state pension fund, but in a private pension fund, in order to obtain information, you must contact the office of this company, or go to the website and request it there.

Interest in the state of one’s savings in the Pension Fund has recently increased due to regular new reforms, which not everyone has time to follow. Not everyone understands what this all means and what opportunities it provides. For example, previously there was no savings part. She appeared relatively recently. In addition, not everyone understood what happened to the program for co-financing pension savings, which was implemented by the state when the funded part doubled.

How to check your pension using SNILS number

You can check it on the government services website. You need to go to your Personal Account, select the “Pension Savings” tab and request a detailed statement, which will be generated within a few minutes. It can be printed. This service is not available to clients of non-state pension funds. You need to go to their official websites for information.

You must visit the PF branch at the place of official registration, or via the Internet.

If you use the Internet for these purposes, despite the fact that many resources provide this information, it is best to use the official one - the Government Services Portal. If the user is already officially registered in the system, he needs to log into his personal account. If he is there for the first time on the site, he first needs to go through the registration procedure. It is simple and does not take much time. When registering, the system, in addition to passport data, requires SNILS data.

After registration, you need to go to your personal account and click on the tab called “Pension savings”. There you need to click on the “Get information about the status of your personal account” button. How to figure out what everything means? There is nothing complicated. Information about the status of the pension account will appear. You will also be able to find information about the balance amount. This amount is the cumulative part.

This information can also be found via the Internet on the website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation itself in the account of the insured citizen. There, in addition to information about the state of your pension account, you can also find out about your work experience, etc. You can generate a statement, which will happen instantly. It can be printed.

The second legal way to find out information about your pension is to contact the Pension Fund at the place of official registration. In this case, you need to be present in person and, most likely, wait in line. You will need to provide your documents (passport, etc.) and SNILS and request information from the operator.

Pension amount according to SNILS: how to calculate correctly

Recently, pension savings have been divided into labor and insurance. There is also an old-age pension that does not depend on length of service. When calculating the total amount, which will represent the size of the pension, each of them is calculated. This is how the final amount is formed.

Since the formulas are complex, requiring pension points to be taken into account, the “value” of which changes every year, the average person is likely to get confused when trying to calculate their future pension on their own. But, on the PF website there is a special calculator that anyone can use. You need to fill in all the fields and click on the “Calculate” button.

In recent years, the pension legislation of the Russian Federation has undergone many reforms, the rules for transferring funds to the Pension Fund have been changed, the funded part of pensions has been introduced, citizens are given the opportunity to transfer part of their savings to non-state pension funds, etc. Thus, the state seeks to optimize the pension formation system.

It is difficult for an inexperienced person to understand this number of innovations. Recently, you can find out your SNILS pension online without directly contacting the Pension Fund. To carry out the procedure, you will need 2 documents: a pension certificate and a passport.

The relationship between SNILS and insurance savings

Every working citizen in Russia has a SNILS. The presence of a document does not depend on the category of the person - it can be an able-bodied adult, a foreigner or a child working part-time. This document consists of a combination of numbers that are printed on a green laminated card. This set is the pension account number that identifies the person in the insurance system. Therefore, when it is necessary to check the status of accumulated funds, SNILS is used.

The document has 2 distinctive features:

  • it remains unchanged throughout the person’s life, no matter what (change of surname, loss of documents, etc.). Each change is displayed in the form assigned to SNILS, and not in the number itself;
  • SNILS is personal information that is unique. Thanks to this number, a person can be recognized in many electronic systems. The insurance certificate itself does not prove identity, but is only a representation of the insurance number of an individual personal account.

Why is it necessary to check the pension amount?

Until 2013, all citizens of the Russian Federation were annually sent a letter with an extract on the status of their pension account. That is, the person was notified of the amount of funds that had been accumulated in the Pension Fund in his name. At the same time, he could check at any time whether his employer was fulfilling its obligations regarding contributions.

But in 2013 such notifications were canceled. Therefore, citizens can check their savings only on their own initiative.

How to find out your pension according to SNILS is described below.

Check by SNILS number

Each organization or individual entrepreneur that has employees is obligated to transfer insurance contributions to the Pension Fund for each employee in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

In order to check the status of his PF account, a citizen must fill out an official application. Currently, this can be done by contacting any division of the Pension Fund and presenting an insurance certificate and passport.

Note: Pension Funds and Non-State Pension Funds are required to provide the requested information to all interested parties. If a refusal is received from the Internet system, a citizen can complain to the relevant government agencies.

SNILS check online

Checking the pension balance via the Internet has become available to every interested party using a single government services portal relatively recently. You can check your pension savings using SNILS online as follows:

  1. Go to the website;
  2. Go to the section of the catalog of government services and select the required one – “Pension savings”;
  3. Request an extended PF account statement.

Processing and completing the request takes a few minutes, after which the citizen will be sent a letter with a report on the amount of funds in the individual personal account. If necessary, the statement can be printed in the user’s personal account.

Important: If a citizen is a client of a non-state PF, then he will not be able to receive the service through the portal. In this case, you should contact directly the website of the servicing NPF.

How to find out through the Pension Fund website

It happens that a citizen trusts information only from a direct source. In this case, you can find out pension savings according to SNILS on the Pension Fund website. Starting from 2015, a new section “Personal Account of the Insured Person” was introduced here. Thanks to it, you can get a number of useful services, including information about how many individual pension coefficients (IPC) a certain citizen has accumulated, as well as the number of years of work experience.

Thanks to new user functions, it has become possible to calculate estimated IPCs for each year. In addition, you have access to:

  • a modernized online calculator for calculating pensions;
  • a printout of the received notification about the amount of savings in the account of the future pensioner;
  • information about periods of work with a particular employer and the amount of contributions that he will contribute to the Pension Fund.

Step-by-step instructions for obtaining data on the savings balance through the Pension Fund website

Below is an algorithm of actions that must be taken to obtain information about savings in the pension “wallet” through the Pension Fund of Russia web resource:

  1. Go to the website and log in to the “Citizen’s Personal Account”;
  2. In the section for the formation of pension rights, you need to click on the tab “Get information about generated pension rights;
  3. Next, you need to log in to the government services website. If the user is already registered there, then you just need to enter your phone number (or email) as a login and password. If necessary, you need to register;

Thus, the entrance to the Personal Account of the future pensioner is completed. Here is the citizen's insurance experience according to the available information from the Pension Fund. This service also allows you to request data on length of service and wages, which are reflected in your individual personal account. Information provided by employers is also provided here. Based on this information, a person can check his working periods, places where he was employed and the amount of insurance contributions. If a citizen requires an extract from the Pension Fund, then you need to click on the tab “Get information about the status of the ILS.” The service instantly provides a document in Word format. There is also a function for saving and printing it.

Another useful option is to calculate the future insurance pension. By following the appropriate link, you can check what changes are expected this year. In the fields of the calculator you should enter: periods of maternity leave, service in the armed forces, etc., on the basis of which an approximate number of points will be generated.

Other verification options

Less popular ways to check the balance of insurance savings are other web resources that cooperate with the Pension Fund.

If a citizen transferred the funded part of his future pension to a non-state pension fund, then he needs to register on its official website and check his savings in this way. Every modern enterprise has its own page on the Internet, so the likelihood that a citizen will not be able to carry out the required actions is very small.

Interesting: In the personal account of a non-state pension fund, a future pensioner can receive the following information: the amount of accumulated funds, the date of receipt of funds into the account, the amount of contributions received, the income received by the fund during the period of the client’s cooperation with it.

Checking SNILS number via the Internet: is it possible or not?

Sometimes there are situations when you need to find out your SNILS number in a short time. In the age of Internet technology, it would be easier to do this through web resources.

Important to know: But in accordance with the explanations of the Russian Pension Fund, which are published on their official web page, information about the SNILS number is strictly confidential and is not distributed via the Internet. Therefore, obtaining information about the number of this important document is only possible by personally contacting the Pension Fund department.

Previously, a fairly simple formula was used to calculate the amount of the pension - each future pensioner could use it to independently carry out the calculation.

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But relatively recently, certain reforms have been carried out in the current legislation on this matter. In this connection, independent calculation has become difficult, but you can still find out the amount of your pension via the Internet.

What does it depend on

To find out approximately the amount of your future pension, you need to remember what exactly affects its size.

It's quite easy to find information about this:

  • through the website of the Russian Pension Fund itself;
  • by contacting the Pension Fund office directly - its employees are obliged to provide the most detailed information on this matter to the applying citizen.

First of all, the size of the pension (regardless of its component – ​​funded/insurance) is influenced by the amount of wages.

Since it is precisely this that is the basis for calculating the corresponding contributions in favor of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, which accumulates such contributions for their subsequent investment and further payment to the pensioner. Today the tariff is set at 22% of wages.

That is why the higher the salary, the more significant the amount of the pension will be at the time of reaching retirement age. And accordingly, the less it is, the less the pension.

Accordingly, when calculating black wages on which contributions are not paid, payments simply will not be made.

Those interested in a fairly large salary will need to get a fairly high-paying job. Otherwise, the amount of pension savings will be minimal.

The second important factor, which no less significantly influences the amount of contributions of the corresponding type, is the choice of a non-state pension fund. At the moment, the state has divided the pension into insurance and funded.

The savings portion must be placed in a special non-state pension fund. This institution operates on the principle of a bank - funds in the form of a pension are a deposit.

The NPF effectively manages such funds. As a result, he receives a certain income. Subsequently, it will serve as a pension payment.

The size of a pension of this type directly depends on the success of investment and the correct choice of investment portfolio. This point is covered in sufficient detail in the legislation in force in the Russian Federation.

When choosing a non-state pension fund, you need to focus on the following parameters:

It is the second characteristic that directly affects the size of pension accruals. Moreover, usually the most profitable non-state pension funds are the least reliable.

Since usually an extensive investment portfolio with high returns implies some risks. But ordinary citizens have nothing to fear - the entire funded part of the pension is compulsorily insured. Even if the NPF turns out to be bankrupt, no one will be left without a pension. Its size will only decrease.

How to do it

Today, in order to find out the amount of your pension, there is no need to leave your own home. All you need is a personal computer with Internet access.

To carry out all the necessary operations, it will be enough to simply go to the official website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for getting acquainted with the amount of a pension of this type is as follows:

  • open the browser and go to the Pension Fund website;
  • To enter your personal account, you will need to enter your login and password - they are identical to the same data from the State Services portal;
  • if you already have a login and password, you will need to enter them, and then indicate your SNILS number (or mobile phone number, email) in the appropriate field;
  • after completing all the above data, you will need to open the “personal account of the insured person” section - then select “get information about generated pension rights”;

  • after selecting this menu item, you will automatically be redirected to a page on which the total number of pension points, as well as the length of service, will be displayed;

  • open the menu section called “information about experience and earnings” - it contains the most detailed information about all periods of employment;

  • you need to receive an extract about the current state of the pension fund in a text version - you can save the received document to your personal computer and subsequently print it out;

  • Next, you need to click on “calculate future insurance pension” - in this section you can find out exactly how many insurance points have been accrued in a certain period;

Next, it will be enough to simply fill out the field with the amount of wages before the deduction of personal income tax. Thus, it will be possible to find out exactly how many points were awarded for a particular billing period.

In this case, you can use a simple or more detailed calculation. The more information is provided, the more accurate the calculation will be.

How to find out the size of the funded part of your pension online

The easiest and fastest way to get acquainted with the size of the funded part of the pension is to interact with your account through the Gosuslugi portal.

To implement this procedure, you will need to perform the following steps:

  • log in to the State Services website (if you do not have a login and password, you will need to log in);
  • enter passport data, as well as information about SNILS;
  • go to your personal account - open the “pension savings” tab;
  • Click on the button “get information about the status of your personal account”;
  • in the window that opens, complete information about the personal account of the specific citizen who applied for information will be displayed.


The simplest and most accurate way to find out the size of your future pension is to contact the regional branch of the Pension Fund directly.

If for some reason this is inconvenient or there is no opportunity to do this yet, you should use a special calculator on the Pension Fund website.

To carry out this procedure, you will need to enter the following basic data:

  • gender, year of birth and length of service;
  • the amount of official wages;
  • the previously chosen method of pension provision;
  • during what period of time the applicant performed military service;
  • amount of children;
  • duration of stay on parental leave;
  • duration of care for a disabled relative;
  • are there any plans to work in agriculture;

After entering all the above data, you will need to click on the “Calculate” button. The more accurate the above data is, the more accurately the size of the future pension will be displayed.

What to pay attention to
