What is the fitness wear called? Fitness instructor on how to dress and what to bring to the gym

The effectiveness of training directly depends on how carefully you approached the selection of sportswear. And it's not only about comfort and safety, but also about the aesthetics of your appearance during sports. Beautiful, well-fitting clothes act as an additional motivator that encourages you to go to the gym with great enthusiasm. In addition, the choice of equipment in accordance with the sport practiced will allow you to train with more efficiency. Consider the principles of choosing sportswear for the most popular types of amateur training.

Running gear

The choice of clothes for running will depend on where you plan to run - on the street or in the gym. Equipment for outdoor training is also selected based on the climate and time of year.

To begin with, we will analyze the principles of choosing a sports wardrobe for summer street runs. The same form of clothing is also suitable for classes on a treadmill in the gym. Such an athlete is recommended to purchase the following things:

Even more attention should be paid to clothing for running in the cold season, as its wrong choice is fraught with serious health problems. A runner's winter outfit should contain several layers:

Gym clothing

Choosing clothes for the hall should be based on the following recommendations:

Form for group classes in a fitness club

Clothes for aerobics, Pilates, yoga and other group activities do not have such strict requirements as in the case of running and strength training. The only exception is high-intensity aerobic exercise, for which it is equally important to purchase things with good thermoregulation, and in the case of women, with reliable breast support.

For yoga and Pilates, you should choose elastic clothing with strong seams and with a complete absence of zippers and protruding decorative elements. Group classes usually take place in rooms with a lot of mirrors, so pay attention to the aesthetics of your image. Clothing should fit well so that you feel confident in the group. And bright colors will help lift your spirits.
According to color therapy, such warming colors as red, yellow and orange can give energy even to an inactive person. But if you tend to sweat more, it is better to prefer dark shades, on which wet stains are less visible.

It is important to choose a sports uniform wisely, taking into account the characteristics of the loads performed. Movement should bring pleasure, and this is impossible without comfortable and well-chosen clothes. And if the sports outfit is also aesthetic, and already now you feel your beauty in it, this will be an additional guarantee that you will not give up on your goal.

The benefits of any sports facility for a person are invaluable, regardless of its type, be it a fitness center or a gym. And the first, and the second and any other tool of physical activity will allow you to keep the body in great shape, slim and taut to the envy of the lazy.

It will be difficult for the unknowing to understand what it takes to feel good muscle tone every day, so much it gives self-confidence. Going to the gym will definitely be preceded by a certain preparatory stage, which consists in choosing comfortable clothes, shoes, more experienced athletes even take certain elements of a nutritious diet with them, but today we will not talk about them.

Let's talk only about the comfortable look of a visitor to the gym, namely the wardrobe elements that will make training enjoyable and effective with a minimum of discomfort. A properly selected form will eliminate diaper rash on the body, calluses on the hands and feet, will allow sweat cells to breathe and, accordingly, not cause an unpleasant sensation for a person.

The skin must "breathe" in clothes


The choice of shoes for the gym should be given special attention. Difficulties are also given by a wide variety of various options for this element of the wardrobe, each with its own characteristics and recommendations. In order to make a personal choice even before going to the store, you need to decide for what purpose you are going to go to the gym.

If you will spend most of your time on the treadmill, then you need special running shoes accordingly. As a rule, their design has a soft, springy sole, which allows you to minimize the load on the feet and avoid unnecessary blows to the spine. Ventilated inserts on the sides of the sneakers will create a pleasant microclimate for the skin of the legs, it will be able to “breathe” without obstacles, as if it were happening in the fresh air.

What you need to know before going to the gym

Well, if your visit to the gym is limited only to classes on static simulators, then the choice can be greatly simplified, the main thing here is that the shoes are just comfortable. I would like to note the great popularity mainly among women of this type of aerobics as stretching, built on stretching exercises. To visit such classes, you need special shoes that would not hinder movement, with a thin and soft sole.

Regardless of your goals in the gym, it is desirable that the chosen shoes are made only from natural materials. Otherwise, you cannot avoid the immediate discomfort caused by sweating and unpleasant odor.


So, it's time to choose clothes for the gym. When going to a workout, the question of what to wear today often becomes relevant: a T-shirt, T-shirt, shorts, breeches, etc. Indeed, it is not necessary to adhere to the same clothes every day, this directly determines the specifics of your activities. For example, today, according to the schedule, aerobics and step, that is, for sure, the training will be intense, then take a T-shirt and shorts with you.

Also, especially if you are a girl, do not wear overly loose clothes so as not to distract others. In addition, it will not look very aesthetically pleasing from the outside and will only talk about your frivolity in the training process. For less intense workouts in the gym, you can safely stop at the option with pants and a T-shirt. Necessarily not streamlined, so as not to hinder the movement of the athlete and not very wide and long. Known cases when the wrong size clothing simply clung to the elements of the simulator and caused injury.

If you want to ensure your comfort throughout your workout, then when buying clothes for the gym, try to avoid market analogues, give preference only to reputable companies specializing in the manufacture of sportswear. It is not necessary that the clothes be completely natural, today there are excellent synthetic options, no worse, or maybe better. The main thing is good thermoregulation of the fabric, the ability to absorb moisture and ensure effective air circulation. Other decor details in the form of zippers, laces, rivets, etc. do not deserve special attention, and they are not needed at all during the training process, since they often lead to injuries.


This little thing, it seemed, also needs to be paid attention, despite the fact that it is constantly hidden under clothes. As practice shows, those who profess the inappropriateness of this issue have simply never worked out in special underwear designed specifically for sports. For the production of such underwear, special technologies and equipment are used, which allows you to test the output product under conditions of intense training. The raw materials, as a rule, are synthetic fabrics, linen ideally follows the contours of the intimate area, fits snugly, while not violating healthy ventilation.

An important role for women not only in everyday life, but also during classes in the gym is played by a bra, only in the second case a special sports option is needed. In addition to the natural function of holding the breast, it does not allow the delicate skin in this place to stretch during the process of jumping and running.

For particularly demanding athletes, the wardrobe of clothes for the gym can be replenished with sports socks. They differ from ordinary ones in that not a single seam is provided here, which eliminates calluses and any discomfort in this area. At the same time, the skin of the legs does not stop breathing. If you take the issue of choosing clothes responsibly, any workout, even the most intense one, will go off with a bang, without feeling discomfort due to various little things.

Fitness clothing


It's no secret that most newcomers to the gym buy gloves based on sports fashion trends, with no regard for their true purpose. This is a fundamentally wrong approach, an athlete with such an attitude to training is unlikely to succeed. Gloves are an effective protective tool for hands during classes, and they have their own scope, that is, they may not always be needed.

If your status is at the “novice” stage, then until you gain some experience, it is better to postpone the use of gloves. Basically, they are needed when working with large weights, which load the muscles with a significant load. The fabric of the gloves prevents the hands from slipping off the bar or the handles of the simulator, which have an insidious streamlined shape that contributes to this. A slipping hand can cause serious injury with a long recovery time.

Rules of conduct in the hall

  1. Remember, you come to the gym to work out, to "bring to life" your body, to make it slim and fit. The gym is not a place to showcase the beauty of the body, so dress accordingly;
  2. This rule is more appropriate for a woman than for a man, although anything can happen. Let's talk about long hair. Despite the absence of prohibitions to practice with loose hair, before classes it is better to collect them in a bun, ponytail or braid. Hair is distracting, because you have to constantly brush it off your face and straighten it.
  3. For the period of training, remove all kinds of jewelry and leave it in the locker room, it is better to take especially precious things with you and keep them under constant supervision. In order not to make problems out of the blue at all, just put everything unnecessary at home.

What fitness clothes to choose and what are its features

After much deliberation, you have finally decided on the choice of a fitness club and selected the training program you need. Now the next question on the agenda is what to go to classes in? We want to warn you right away - fashionable bodysuits, short shorts and tight, maximally open T-shirts look good only in advertising. In the gym or in yoga classes, such clothes will cause you a lot of inconvenience and may be the very reason why you stop going to classes. To prevent this from happening, and the money was not wasted, approach the choice of fitness clothing with maximum practicality. Comfort should be the determining factor, not the beauty and style of your suit. And of course, you need to take into account the chosen direction of fitness - what is good for step - aerobics is not suitable for training in the gym.

Yoga. This is a whole science that will help balance the body and soul, and which does not tolerate fuss, haste, sudden movements. Physical activity (do not confuse with physical activity!) during yoga is reduced, so you can choose fitness clothes made from 100% cotton or other natural materials. Light, loose-fitting trousers and straight-cut T-shirts or T-shirts with wide straps are ideal. One condition - the T-shirt should not be very loose and short - otherwise, when tilted back and forth, it will rise and reveal to everyone what you hardly want to show. Choose the color of clothes at your discretion, but still it is better to give preference to calm, warm tones, and let the trousers be dark.

Step aerobics. This is a fairly active form of fitness, so sportswear should be tight-fitting (but not cut into the body) from a light but dense and stretchy fabric that is pleasant to the body and absorbs moisture well. In these fitness clothes you will feel comfortable throughout your workout, even if you sweat a lot. When choosing a T-shirt, pay attention to whether there is an insert made of thick fabric on the chest. If not, be sure to buy a special bra for sports. Refuse tops with very thin straps - during classes, the straps will slip or cut into the shoulders. Leave a deep neckline for other occasions too. Elastic breeches or not very short shorts are well suited for the bottom. Long and wide pants for step - aerobics are not suitable - they will interfere and hinder movement. Choose a bright color for your clothes.

Gym. You'll be sweating a lot during class, so opt for quick-drying clothes. Pay attention to the features of the cut. You will have to lean on, sit down and lie down on the simulators, contact with dumbbells, barbells, gymnastic mats and wall bars. Short shorts and a T-shirt with an open back are very unhygienic, such an outfit will give you a lot of inconvenience and discomfort. Tight leggings and knee-length shorts are also not the best choice - they need to be constantly tightened and they will show the imperfections of your figure in all its glory.

Choose a T-shirt with a closed back for the gym, and instead of shorts, it is better to choose breeches or regular sweatpants. They can also be slightly flared, so that ladies with not quite ideal shapes feel comfortable.

A little about shoes. The main selection criteria - the legs must breathe, the shoes must be matched in size - do not hang on the leg, but do not squeeze the leg. The sole is not too soft, but not very hard either. And it would be nice if the sneakers were with arch supports.

"site" recommends - a large assortment of women's sweatpants and trousers in the online store of stylish clothes Topbrands.ru. Delivery throughout Russia!

Clothing for fitness and the gym is an integral part of the sports process. Properly selected clothes for fitness and the gym can not only decorate a sports outlet, but also make training as comfortable as possible, and therefore effective. Read our article on how to choose clothes for fitness and the gym, and how to care for clothes for fitness and the gym.

"I'm starting a new life!" How many times does a person say such a phrase to himself in his life?! What is behind this? For most women, such a statement often means losing weight and going to the gym for results. There comes a moment when the rhetoric flows into the real plane and a subscription to a sports club appears on the hands, and here another, but no less beloved female phrase, rises to the pedestal - “I have nothing to wear!”.

The old cotton T-shirt that made you happy last summer season will no longer fit - a new life has begun! So the question arises of purchasing special clothing for fitness and the gym.

In general, the main requirements for choosing clothes for fitness and the gym, regardless of what exactly you buy, will always be convenience and practicality.

When choosing sportswear and fitness clothing, pay attention to fittings: they should be almost invisible and harmless. For example, zippers (especially for sports sweatshirts) should be minimal in size and rubberized - this will avoid micro-injuries during training and protect the washing machine drum from wear (after all, fitness and gym clothes are a regular in the washing machine).

Clothing for fitness and the gym: rubberized joggers

Fitness and gym clothing with flat seams is more pleasant to wear: it will not cause discomfort during training, especially when exercising in a lying position.

Clothing for fitness and the gym with special ventilation inserts (for example, mesh inserts) will facilitate the “hot work” during an intense workout.

Velvet tracksuits with gold embroidery and rhinestones - in the fire! Instead of “shine”, give preference to fitness and gym clothes with high-quality reflective elements. Such things look “correctly bright” in a sports environment and make you draw attention to yourself.

When choosing between branded fitness apparel, mid-range or high-end fitness apparel, and dubious quality, low-price brands, always choose the first option. In gym wear, the brand really matters. Yes, you will have to pay for it, but the money spent will justify itself with the joy of convenience and comfort during training and a long life cycle. The gym is an aggressive environment, non-specialized fitness clothing will not cope with such aggression. Cheap gym clothes are enough for a couple of times: sweat, constant washing - and fitness clothes will lose their shape, color, and mood, respectively.

If it is not possible to purchase all the necessary clothes for the gym at once, start in the following order: shoes (depending on the type of training), sports underwear, trousers, top, other necessary things and accessories.

Cotton fitness and gym clothing is good for low intensity activities. For exhausting workouts, cotton is better not to use. Cotton absorbs moisture and stays wet for a long time. In addition to the fact that the used cotton item will become heavy, it will be possible to catch a cold in it (judge for yourself a wet T-shirt to the body with the air conditioner constantly running).

Fitness & Gym Clothing: Cotton Good for Low Intensity Workouts

Synthetics are not always evil. And if in the “everyday life” section of the closet the presence of synthetic things should be minimized, then synthetics must exist on the “sports life” shelf. Modern technologies used in specialized clothing for fitness and the gym (DryFit, DryTech, ClimaCool and others) endow fabrics with the necessary qualities: quickly remove and absorb moisture and at the same time remain dry and light. There are other fantastic technologies. For example, the use of silver ions or gold nanoparticles will give fitness and gym clothing antibacterial and antimicrobial properties.

The most versatile purchase is a black sports suit and a black sports bodice, identical to the texture of the suit. With sports pants and a bodice, you can create different layered looks, even when combined with regular clothes. A sweatshirt is useful for walking to the gym, or for use during a low-intensity workout.

Clothing for fitness and the gym: black sweatpants and bodice universal base for creating multilayer sets

Quality clothing for fitness and the gym will last a really long time. And if you properly care for sportswear - even longer. To wash fitness and gym clothing, use special detergents (depending on the manufacturer's instructions). Today's retail market offers customers special lines of detergents for washing membrane fabrics, marked "sport".

Do not dry washed sportswear in direct sunlight (they may quickly lose their deep color).

Fitness & Gym Clothing: Proper care will extend the life of sportswear

Wash your sportswear after every workout.

Sports shoes should also be washed. Consider this when buying, read the manufacturer's instructions and consider whether you can wash your potential purchase at home.

Do not leave used fitness clothing in your bag. The swarm of microbes that you brought from the gym to them will quickly increase many times over in the microclimate of the bag. It is not a fact that this unsanitary factor will evaporate with washing - things for the gym and fitness should be washed at a low temperature (30 ° C). In addition, when wet sportswear is stored in a bag for a long time, creases may remain on the products, which will be difficult to eliminate.

Pack the clothes used in the gym in disposable bags, and only then place them in the bag.

And finally… Is it worth it to bother, think over a sports wardrobe, choose clothes for fitness and a gym, a sports accessory range? Costs! The gym is a mirror room. If you don’t please your reflection in the mirror, your motivation to study will be significantly reduced.

Always be attractive! Good luck!

Julia Dobrovolskaya

Convenience is one of the main criteria for choosing a sports uniform, but about all the same, fitness clothing should correspond to the direction. After all, you will not come in a wrestling uniform to squash, but in boots - to yoga. In this article, we will try to understand the non-obvious (and obvious too) rules for choosing a “sportswear”.

In everyday life, natural materials are valued more, but not in fitness. Synthetics rule here. We got it from professional sports - for the sake of new records, scientists are developing swimsuits that glide better on water, T-shirts made of "space" fabric that instantly evaporate excess moisture ... All these products are a product of the chemical industry, and cotton has remained only in some martial arts .

Synthetics have a minimum weight, good ability to absorb and remove sweat, they are comfortable, do not get dirty and are easy to clean, stretch to fit and maintain muscle tone. However, if you are allergic to artificial fabrics or you just don't like them, cotton is not a taboo. He, of course, is more pleasant to the body, but not so convenient.

You need to choose equipment according to your figure and size - avoid too tight or wide clothes, you don’t need to take it “for growth”.

The tight shape is good for aerobics, rocking, yoga, Pilates, cycling, powerlifting, cardio training. It allows you to see every muscle, so feel free to wear leggings (tights) - this is a very popular clothing for men too. Team sports also need their own uniforms, but there are no tight fitting requirements.

Avoid clothing that is too loose unless you are a karateka. Sleeves and legs will not only restrict movement, but can be dangerous if they get caught in the mechanism of the simulator or treadmill. A certain standard for a fitness club - leggings and a top for women, a T-shirt and shorts / tights for men, light sneakers. In such clothes you will be comfortable to train on most equipment, it is also suitable for many types of activity.

Too tight clothing during training, contrary to myths, does not contribute to weight loss and does not benefit. It can only burst during a squat in the most inconvenient place. Another thing is "compression". Tight leggings, leggings, overalls compress the limbs to help the blood vessels cope with the load. However, if you do not have a predisposition to varicose veins or edema, exorbitant loads and understanding why you need compression underwear at all, do not think about it yet.

When choosing clothes, we focus on comfort, the quality of the material and the ability of the seams to stretch easily.

For yoga, Pilates, stretching, fitball classes, choose clothes based on the fact that you are likely to have to lift your legs or stand on your head. For men, it is better to choose tight or tight shorts, "bicycles", tights or semi-tights - shorts that are too "airy" will ride up and create awkward situations. Women should take care of a special sports bodice - for exactly the same reason. Such underwear will fix the chest, which will also protect it from stretch marks.

Buying sneakers should be taken seriously. For "light" sports - aerobics, general physical training, as well as for training on simulators, choose the multisport format. The main thing is that the foot feels comfortable, and the sole is thick enough and non-slip. If you are going to jump a lot (for example, with a rope), make sure you have "shock absorbers" in front and behind.

Shoes are the most important piece of equipment

Comfortable shoes are the key not only to comfort, but also to the health of joints, ligaments and muscles. So, running shoes with a reinforced heel and toe, as well as a little ankle support, are a prerequisite for running. For power loads and work with the barbell, purchase weightlifting shoes - weightlifting shoes are made of durable materials that ensure proper foot placement, they are flexible with high heels and a thin toe.

For sports choreography (zumba, aerodance, step exercises), knitwear, leggings, jazz shoes (sports shoes) and even sneakers are suitable. There are no increased requirements for this form, lightness and comfort are the main indicators.

Don't forget the little things too. For example, socks - it is better to choose from cotton with the addition of synthetics. You will also need athletic gloves for working with a barbell - there is no need for your hands to grow calluses, and your palm will slip less. A headband or light baseball cap will absorb sweat and keep it from getting into your eyes.

Sportswear from well-known brands is not always better. In addition, it usually costs more, but after six months your body will change, and the form will wear out - why pay more? However, small modern tricks are sometimes really useful: mesh inserts are better ventilated, and laser seams cannot rub. The main thing to remember is that no matter how modern the clothes are, they will not train instead of you.
