How to call your beloved guy so that he likes it: choose an affectionate nickname. How can you call a guy affectionately? List of original affectionate names for a guy

In any pair, cute nicknames are formed. How to affectionately call your beloved boyfriend so that he likes it? It depends on how old your man is, what kind of character he is and where you use this nickname. In our article, we have collected the most common male nicknames. In addition, you will learn how men like to be called and what nicknames should never be used.

The chosen one with a good sense of humor and a light disposition will accept both the standard "hare" and the extraordinary "crocodile". Do not limit yourself to almost anything:

  • Orange (for redheads!)
  • eggplant
  • Bon Bon
  • Barmaley
  • Bogatyr
  • Vitaminchik
  • wolf cub
  • magic
  • darling
  • big guy
  • Cowboy
  • thorn
  • Curly
  • Lyubimka
  • pet
  • bear cub
  • Romantic
  • Sweet
  • Treasure
  • sexbomb
  • good girl

Feel free to use derivatives of names, but watch your partner's reaction.

Such men are rare! Don't take advantage of his kindness.

Is your chosen one a classic man? He will definitely not approve of your "Lapul" and other too sugary names. Try to use small affectionate abbreviations for the name. For example, Vovochka, Pashenka.

If the soul still asks for some kind of nickname, take the standard "native" and remake it into "darling". This is the maximum that he will allow you. Here are more options:

  • Angel
  • Apollo
  • Atlant
  • Dear
  • Dear
  • Native
  • Rodimenko
  • Genius
  • Hercules
  • Hercules
  • Hero

Is your lover of strict rules and generally extremely serious? If a man turns up his nose from melodramas and comedies, and prefers fishing to restaurants, or just a very serious person, you should not annoy him with an affectionate, but overly sweet treatment. After all, the goal is to please both.

But he may like nicknames with positive energy:

  • The best
  • My happiness
  • My joy
  • My winner (configures for success!)
  • Golden (attracts money)
  • The only one
  • My heart

Don't misrepresent his name. He won't appreciate it.

Suitable for all men without exception:

  • Full name (for example, Vladimir)
  • Short name without sushu suffixes (for example, Volodya, Volodya; antiexample, Volodyusechka)
  • Dear, beloved, dear.

How not to call a man you like

NEVER use the following nicknames:

  1. An affectionate name should not offend or belittle the partner. If a young man is embarrassed by his fullness or short stature, you should not call him "Hippo" and "Baby" or, conversely, "Slender" and "Giant". Even if the partner outwardly does not mind, deep down it can offend and demotivate him. Not to mention Loshariks and Klopiks. Forget about "Guys", "Men" and "Baldies".
  2. Should not contain a negative message. Words have their own energy and associations. "Bunny" can run away to the left, "Baby" - lose self-confidence, "Devil" - betray.
  3. Don't use nicknames from his childhood. Let them remain the prerogative of bosom friends.
  4. Don't paraphrase his last name. The surname is the pride of a man, it denotes his family, and he will pass it on by inheritance. You shouldn't joke about her.

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In what situations it is impossible to call a loved one an affectionate nickname:

  1. In public places. Calling him "Masik" or exotic "Cactus" in the line for bread is not appropriate. A similar rule applies when shouting on the street and in a restaurant in front of a waiter. Use the short name without the sushu suffixes or the "always do" list from our article. Exception: alone in a taxi with a driver.
  2. With his friends. Not a single merry fellow will find it funny if, with a childhood friend, he is called “Pusik”. Use the list from the previous paragraph.
  3. With his or your parents. Maybe your mother will be touched when she hears “Kitty” or “Hare” in relation to your chosen one, but his dad will not appreciate it. He raised a son, a man with a capital letter. It is most appropriate to call a loved one by a short name.
  4. With mutual friends / with your friends. It is better to limit yourself to the “always possible” set, but if the beloved does not mind, and the rest of the company also (!) Call each other, as well as in private. The only taboo: the very words from which your nicknames are derived must be appropriate for pronunciation in public.

Affectionate nicknames are best used when you are alone. Let it become your intimate secret for two. So it will be comfortable for your loved one and those around you.

If you want to always be the only one for him, . It will freshen up your relationship.

Do you want to diversify relationships and add color to family life? in a new article on our website.

Do you want to please all the guys without exception? To do this, you need to know and consistently develop all the qualities that they value most.

In this article, we have brought together. They will help keep feelings for many years.

In order for a man to feel alone, one affectionate name is not enough. Needed from time to time. All the secrets of the right compliment in our article.

Look for a nickname for your loved one in your heart, and then it will bring only joy. And if you have it with great imagination - re-read our article!

A lot of girls try to make their boyfriend stand out by giving him an original nickname that will make him stand out from the others.

It seems that coming up with an original nickname for a guy is easy, but in fact it is not. More often they use standard nicknames and nicknames.

Where did the nicknames come from?

History says that nicknames in pre-Christian times had the meaning of names.

The nickname in those days personified a pronounced characteristic of a person: external features, occupation, bad habits, behavioral characteristics.

Pagan traditions were replaced by Christian ones and the child was already given a name in accordance with biblical norms. The nickname began to take on the meaning of a surname.

Considering more recent events, nicknames and nicknames became common due to the fact that a child could be given several names at birth.

The choice was left to the man when he grew up. The Slavs have one name from birth, so the characteristic is determined by the nickname acquired during life.

Nickname sources:

  1. Close and dear people try to compare a person with pleasant phenomena, therefore they give cute nicknames.
  2. In places of deprivation of liberty, the nickname in jargon is called drove. For each experienced there is a nickname that characterizes the character and misdeeds of a person.
  3. In modern society, nicknames are more often given in accordance with physical features or by given names.
  4. Pirate traditions called for each other to be called by fictitious "names" so as not to reveal their identity when committing illegal acts.
  5. Cool nicknames can be borrowed from movies and songs if there is a similarity between the person and the character.
  6. Unusual nicknames are obtained due to a play on words that characterize some human traits, behavioral features.

As in ancient times, such "call signs" accompany a person from birth to old age.

Depending on the change in the type of activity, character traits, social circle, nicknames may change.

List of funny and cool

"Call signs" for a person can be beautiful, offensive and funny. In accordance with interesting and original nicknames, tests were carried out by psychologists.

The results showed that people with such “middle names” are most prone to depression and are more mentally unstable.

Note! A non-standard name given at birth, in contrast to mocking nicknames, makes a person stronger and more purposeful.

Girls choose affectionate nicknames for guys they like.

A gentle reprimand cannot be received from friends or enemies - they will try to present a negative in a person, physical features. Often there are funny and non-standard nicknames that cause a smile and interest.

List of funny nicknames in different situations:

Nicknames for... Cool and funny options Nickname characteristic
men microphone Perfect for the person who loves to sing karaoke
bell Suitable for a man who often talks on the phone, a businessman
Sigamacho If a man smokes too much
boys Brownie Due to sloppy hair or constant homelessness
chewer For a boy who constantly eats and chews
Vrednyusik Harmful and uncompromising boy
Friends Zinger For a mobile and talkative friend
Smile A humorous and smiling friend is ideally suited for such a complaint.
Hedgehog They give a nickname because of the sharp character or constant stubble on the face
Beloved Brilliant Describes how you feel about your loved one
Marshmallow Perfect for those with a sweet tooth or those with a gentle disposition
Astrologer For romantic, loving natures

Examples of offensive nicknames

Nicknames can be at the same time not only cool, but also offensive to their owner.

Often such offensive complaints refer to a defect in appearance, character. Sometimes even funny and funny complaints can offend a person.

Usually hilarious unofficial middle names are invented for an ex-boyfriend. Thus, a girl can recoup for insults by spreading insulting urges.

What a shame to call a guy:

  • Zhirtrest and Donut. They are assigned to guys with overweight or curvaceous figure.
  • A bald head is ideal for a man with large bald patches on his forehead.
  • Cheburashka. Emphasizes the appearance of the guy's big, protruding ears.
  • Pig or Stinky. This is a complaint for a sloppy or unscrupulous man.
  • Nibbler. Suitable for people with crooked or protruding front teeth.

There can be many examples. It all depends on the imagination of the inventor. Some offensive nicknames and nicknames for the carrier are not.

The degree of susceptibility of a person is of great importance.

The meaning of nicknames

An originally presented nickname, especially with a foreign pronunciation, can carry a positive or negative meaning. Before you attach a complaint to a person, you need to know exactly the meaning.

Meaning of nicknames:

  • Sociable is an energetic guy.
  • Jovial - for a smiling and open guy.
  • Godfather - refers to the prison jargon. Emphasizes human dominance.
  • Olejandro, Sancho and the like are derived from male names.
  • Skeleton. The nickname has many meanings, quoted by culture, beliefs and position in society.
  • Dario and similar aliases attribute to a person the features of movie heroes or representatives of other nations.

It is worth considering the origin of the drove. Some came into use from places of deprivation of liberty and belong to the characteristics of thieves' concepts. Cultural and folk aspects are also worth considering.

Note! Some nationalities take nicknames very seriously, considering them to be the second name of a person.

You should be especially careful with nicknames in English. It is necessary to know the translation, so as not to be a fool and the subject of ridicule.

Some people come up with aliases for themselves - but this must be done correctly.

Useful video

People who are related to each other are called friends. If a guy and a girl are friends, they can call each other like brother and sister. If two guys are brothers. It all depends on the depth and sincerity of friendship. Do not confuse this feeling with a sexual relationship! When people have been friends for a long time, not only girl friends, but also boy friends think about how to call a friend to make it more interesting or fun, or maybe to support a friend, or vice versa, to point out the shortcomings of mistakes.

How can you call a friend

Very often, both boys and girls call their friends, shortening or slightly modifying their last names and first names, even less often - middle names.

Sometimes even a rude word in an endearing form can harmoniously reflect the personality of a comrade. For example, a friend can be called a fool, silly, dunduk, byaka, potnyak, and so on. Along with this, also friends are called and with the use of words of praise. For example: smart, tochnyak, head (meaning smart), boss, tiger (meaning strong, brave and courageous) and so on. But you should not use the same name too often, so that it does not develop into a nickname. Although some people are even happy with such acquisitions. Just watch the reaction of a friend when pronouncing a particular name in his address.

Often, in the communication of friends, one can hear appeals such as eared, big-eyed, temple, fat and others, which emphasize the physical features of the structure of the human body.

Someone likes to call friends by the nature of their activities (work, hobbies, hobbies). So, among the friends of car enthusiasts, it is not uncommon to name a friend by the brand of his favorite car, or a situation related to a car or a car topic in general. For example, they say: “Oh, you beetle!” or "Right now, I'll stop by this carburetor."

You can often hear how friends call each other the names of cartoon characters or movie characters. For example, what was the appearance of Masyanya worth. Almost all friends, especially teenagers, said: “Hi, Masyanya!” or "Well, damn you and Masyanya."

And how do you like the names of cartoon characters from the animated series about Smeshariki. They are so kind and cheerful that it is simply impossible not to call one of their friends by these names: Khryunya, Yozha, etc.

Sometimes slang is used to name a friend: sidekick (criminal slang, means “friend”), dude (castrated ram), etc.

How to affectionately call a friend

As affectionate words for friends, there are basically no boundaries. People are different, and friendship is, accordingly, different.

Therefore, the list of affectionate words for a friend can be endless. Here is some of them:

  • - Angel
  • Bagel
  • beaver
  • little squirrel
  • Zhopka
  • little animal
  • Monster
  • Lapula (cute)
  • chick
  • Gopher
  • Hamster
  • Wizard, etc.

Falling in love is a pleasant feeling, accompanied by "fluttering butterflies in the stomach", and not always the whole gamut of emotions can be expressed in ordinary address. Therefore, lovers often call each other various affectionate words, which brings a touch of tenderness and romance to the relationship.

We will talk about how to affectionately call a guy in this article. We will give examples of affectionate nicknames, and, of course, we will talk about how you should not call your beloved man.

Why do lovers come up with affectionate nicknames?

Cute names allow you to maintain tenderness in a relationship, give a feeling of closeness and intimacy, create a romantic aura. This is the easiest way to show your crush your attitude. Plus, a well-chosen nickname can help smooth the situation, forget the offense, and just cheer up. So, certain appeals are peculiar only to your soul mate and no one else - this marks the importance and uniqueness.

You should not think that only the fair sex is susceptible to tenderness: very often a funny nickname pleases even the most severe man. However, when choosing an affectionate name for a guy, you need to be careful: the strong half of humanity takes such things very seriously, and you must, first of all, think with your head so as not to offend your lover.

Examples of kind words

There are many options for how you can call your boyfriend. Here is a list of the most common names for your soulmate, which will help you get closer at the very beginning of a relationship, when it is still not entirely clear what can offend, and what, on the contrary, your young man will like.

There are, so to speak, "neutral" appeals. They are suitable for all ages, and for almost any situation.

  1. Dear, dear- such appeals are typical not only for young couples, but also for spouses who have been married for a long time. They are not too funny, but gentle and even almost formal. Therefore, this appeal is likely to please the young man, and not cause irritation and indignation. Also, these names can be called a guy with his friends so as not to confuse.
  2. beloved, desired. These words will help express affection and tender feelings for your lover. So he can feel truly important to you, and this feeling will be in his subconscious for a long time, which guarantees the well-being and harmony of relationships.
  3. My native- this word conveys the maximum closeness. As in the first case, the treatment is often used in mature couples. It symbolizes your attachment to your passion, and, as it were, says "you have already become dear to me."
  4. Golden, soft, good- the romantic period of your relationship cannot pass without these words. With their help, you will demonstrate your love and indicate how dear your soulmate is to you.

The same nicknames are suitable for a very serious guy. You can also add "My Prince" or "My King" to them.

So that the familiar to everyone and already a little boring “dear”, “native”, “beloved” do not look so on duty and dry, just add “mine”. And if the phrase is also emphasized with the desired intonation, then the effect will be stunning =)

Association words about animals

Often, girls, thinking about how cute to call a guy, first of all draw a parallel between his distinctive features and cute little animals. Based on this, we can consider the following variations of appeals to loved ones:

  1. My bear, bear cub, bear. These words are appropriate not only in relation to guys named Michael, but in general to all men who are good for this nickname.
  2. Cat, kitten, kitty, kitty- these appeals are used most often in a more intimate setting.
  3. Tiger, tiger cub, tigress- words have a touch of playfulness and may please your companion.
  4. Bunny, hedgehog. Such nicknames are typical for young couples, in whose relationship there is that very fresh romance and even some naivety. Using these words, it is necessary to look closely at the reaction of the guy, since not every stern man wants to be a "bunny" or "rabbit". In this case, it is better to choose words such as "my lion, tiger, hero."
  5. Raccoon, Raccoon- not yet very hackneyed nicknames, but also emphasize your reverent attitude towards the chosen one.

Calling a young man some kind of animal, you need to carefully weigh your choice. Otherwise, you, without thinking, can christen your beloved "boar", "gopher", "goat", "hippo", "deer" or even "ram".

Of course, men who have a rich sense of humor and are not very vulnerable can take such “calling names” quite well, but it is absolutely impossible to call a lover like that in an official setting or with his friends. Otherwise, you risk making the guy a laughingstock in the eyes of strangers. And, in the end, maybe he doesn’t want to be a hippo and he, in general, has complexes about his weight.

Derivatives on behalf of a guy

Often, girls choose affectionate names for their boyfriends, based on his name. There is even a saying that one of the most pleasant sounds for a person is the sound of his own name.

Declension of the name allows you to simultaneously highlight the personality and express sympathy. However, here, again, it is necessary to watch the passion: not every Vladimir likes to be "Vovochka", and not every Alexander likes the word "Shurik", and Evgenia can offend your "Evgesh".

However, if a man is okay with changing his name, pay attention to the following list.

  • Alexander - Sasha, Sashenka, Shurik, Sashulya, Shunechka;
  • Vladimir - Vova, Little Johnny;
  • Alexey - Lesha, Alyosha, Lesik;
  • Valentine - Roller, Jack;
  • Vasily - Vasyok, Basilisk, Fox;
  • Timofey - Timosha, Totosha, Tim;
  • Timur - Tim, Turik;
  • Sergey - Earring, Gray, Serzhik;
  • Mikhail - Mikhasik, Mishanya, Mishka, Mikhas;
  • Matvey - Motya, Mityash, Amitesh;
  • Cyril - Kira, Kiryusha, Cyrus, Kirochka;
  • Ilya - Ilka, Ilyusha, Ilichka;
  • Roman - Romchik, Chamomile, Romeo, Ramen;
  • Nikolay - Kolechka, Kolyasik, Kolyunya;
  • Maxim - Maksik, Maksyunya, Maksimka, Simka.

There are a huge number of names, and, consequently, their affectionate modifications. Their list depends on your imagination. Of course, we tried to collect the maximum below, but you can always add something.

And also, a funny nickname that rhymes with the name would be a great option:

    Pashka - Cheburashka (in -shka, in general, a lot of rhyme);

    Andryushka - darling;

    Sasha is a kisser;

    Kostik - ponytail.

Original and funny names for a guy

If your relationship has been going on for more than a year, and you know your date very well, you can add a bit of variety and humor to your relationship. This list will help you with the following list of funny name-calls that you can please a guy with.

  1. My Sweet Peach, Naughty- these unusual and intimate addresses convey a particle of passion and humor.
  2. My macho, Baby, Pepper, Baby, Baby- these words are able to cheer up the gentleman, if you pronounce them with the appropriate intonation. It is possible that the young man will like the first option and ask him to call him that much more often.
  3. Lover, Donut, Sweet Bun, Glutton, Eclair, Candy- filled with tenderness and almost parental love. A young man will be pleased to hear them addressed to him and feel your tenderness and love.
  4. Dragon, Toon, Masyanya, Smurf, Brownie, Luntik, Smesharik, Bagel- bring a share of naivety and childish romance to your relationship. They will appeal to a guy with a sense of humor.
  5. Goofy, Vrednyushechka, Dunce- so you can only call a very close person if he was guilty of something and asked for forgiveness.
  6. Smile, Fluffy, Nipper, Dandelion, Lovebird- these appeals are most often appropriate during games, for example, tickling your partner. They will be able to cheer up both you and your partner and will definitely not leave anyone indifferent.

* By the way, these nicknames are a great option to write down a guy on your phone under them.

Beautiful adjectives

Among other things, there are a huge number of adjectives, using which you can affectionately call a guy. The Russian language is rich, there are a lot of words. For example:

  • best;
  • courageous;
  • the only one;
  • ideal;
  • unforgettable;
  • wonderful;
  • unusual;
  • strong;
  • sexual;
  • desired;
  • fabulous;
  • long-awaited;
  • hot;
  • sweet;
  • and much more.

In short, almost like a title for emperors =)

... the Most Serene and Most Powerful Grand Sovereign and Grand Duke<...>autocrat: Moscow, Kyiv, and so on and so forth ...

just don't overdo it.

Nice sayings for your man

There are phrases that can cheer up any man. In case you want to convey to him a rush of tenderness and gratitude, but nothing comes to mind, pay attention to the following expressions:

    "I think about you all day"- will help you express the affection and importance of the guy in your life;

    "Your kisses are sweeter than honey"- here and so everything is clear, the phrase is ideal for a moment of intimacy;

    "You make me really happy"- it is very important for many men to know that the girl is happy next to them. Repeat this often;

    "You are the most beloved and dear"- expresses your love for your partner;

    “You are in bed - fire !!!”- any man will like it;

    "The most beloved in the whole world"- this statement will help you emphasize the significance and exclusivity of your partner;

    “I feel calm and good only next to you”- helps to express gratitude;

    "I go crazy about you!"- the phrase will amuse the guy's ego, this is sometimes necessary;

    "What a strong and brave you are!"- this compliment will amuse the male principle of the guy and expresses sincere gratitude.

    "Adore you"- also emphasizes your attitude towards your beloved.

Please note that these phrases are only a template. You should not pronounce these sentences memorized - in this case, their sound will be dry, like a poem, or even simulated.

And yet, each phrase has its own time. The right words, spoken at one time or another, are worth a lot.

Where to leave a kind message?

Of course, it is best to say pleasant things face to face or cuddling up to each other. But it also needs to be diluted. Therefore, you can write a beautiful and sweet message to your boyfriend. And not necessarily on the VK wall or in WhatsApp. There are much more original options:

    On the refrigerator door. A charge of positive and excellent mood for the whole day is guaranteed for your boyfriend.

    On the paper. It just sounds trite, but you can make a very original note and put it in your diary or, for example, in your pocket, purse, notebook, book, and so on.

    On the ceiling. This is very original, just do not spoil the property, especially if your boyfriend's apartment.

    On the mirror;

    On the splash screen of a tablet, laptop or PC. It will be especially cool if a cool picture is attached to the message.

Inappropriate references to a guy

When thinking about how to affectionately call a guy, it is important to pay attention to the personality factor. A serious and strict man may not tolerate such words as “my pie”, “my simpampusik” and other ridiculous expressions. This is especially true of a friendly atmosphere when you are not alone in the company.

In general, it is better to refuse any sysyukatno-affectionate phrases. According to the statistics of many guys, they are annoying. It is better to pick up something of your own, something unique, perhaps even with a bit of humor.

You should not focus on external aspects that can cause a complex in a lover.

  1. A man with a dense complexion may be offended by such treatment as "pig" or "fat".
  2. Young men with small stature should not be called "my baby" or, God forbid, "my dwarf." On the "hobbit" he can also be offended.

Try not to hurt your partner once again, this is fraught with complexes.

There will always be tenderness and romance in a relationship between two loving people. Affectionate, funny, understandable only to two people, like a magic thread, connects lovers, puts up an invisible barrier, blocking off the rest of the world. And it doesn’t matter at all what affectionate word the beloved man is called, the main thing is that your chosen one knows for sure that this appeal is intended only for him - sweet, dear, the only one!

We are lucky - in Russian there are many words that convey tenderness, affection, love. And how many names can be named with diminutive suffixes! Moreover, special language skills are not required in order to turn, say, stern Alexei into gentle Alyoshenka, Leshka, Lekha and even Lesik. And this list can be continued indefinitely.

It is more difficult for those ladies who communicate with foreigners. Try to form a diminutive name in English - nothing will work out for you, simply because such a possibility does not exist in principle (well, they didn’t have enough imagination!).

Much more important than the word itself are the intonations and emotions contained in it. Even such an unusual, but affectionately pronounced “my monster”, accompanied by a smile or a kiss, changes the meaning to the exact opposite.

Attention and tact

It is not difficult to choose affectionate diminutive names for a loved one, usually the words themselves come to mind in moments of tenderness. Try to name different options, see how he reacts to this or that affectionate word.

An affectionate word can express your feelings, hint at the intimacy and tenderness of your relationship, but sometimes it hurts. Try not to touch on problematic topics. For example, if you try to call your man "hippo" or "elephant", it may sound like a hint of being overweight. And the word "chupacabrik" a man will consider an indication of an unattractive appearance.

If a husband and wife have lived together for many years, the home name of a loved one can tell a little story. So, “horror flying on the wings of the night” conveys a slight sexual background, and “red sun” will remind her husband of a joint vacation and an unsuccessful tan.

time and place

It is not always appropriate to use a homely endearment in the presence of other people, especially if they are distant acquaintances or employees. What is said in the bedroom should remain there. Calling a guy "baby" in front of old friends is not a good choice.

If you have known each other recently and have not yet had time to get to know each other well, it is enough to use diminutive suffixes in the name of your loved one: Vanechka, Zhenechka, Sashenka, etc. There are many more possibilities in our great and powerful language. In the same English, John will remain John, and in Russian, Evgeny will become Zhenya, Dmitry - Mitenka, Dima, Alexander will turn into Sanechka or (which completely confuses foreigners) into Shurik.

It happens that a guy does not like the diminutive form, then the classic will come to the rescue: dear, beloved, dear. Each time, using this or that address, carefully monitor the guy's reaction or just ask if he likes such an affectionate name.

Love in English

Foreigners, for the most part, will never be able to fully feel all the tenderness, gentleness, subtlety of affectionate treatment. How can you convey your love to them? What word do those who have to communicate in English call their chosen ones?

In English, there is a concept of a diminutive name (pet name), however, the same phrase is translated as “pet name”. Here is an almost complete list of English tender words:

  • Babe (baby) - baby, the most sought-after word.
  • Baby (baby) - the same baby or baby.
  • Honey - cute (literal translation - honey).
  • Sweetheart, sweetie - literally "sweet heart", used in the meaning of "dear, sweet."
  • Angel - no translation needed here.
  • Prince - prince (castle and white horse on his conscience).
  • Love, my love - my love, beloved (appeal to a person with whom you have really strong feelings).
  • Dear - dear, this word can be used to refer to family or friends, to a guy you met recently.

The choice is huge

There are many options for how you can affectionately call your loved one:

  1. Classic set. Beloved, gentle, affectionate, dear, dear, sweet, gentle, desired, beloved, sun, precious, the only one ... If you add “my” to these epithets and choose the right intonation (gently, a little languidly, slightly lowering your voice), then the result will surpass all expectations. The tone and emotional message is very important. When a lady in a luxury store puts herself in a “samovar pose” (in the sense of “hands on hips”) and loudly pulls in a capricious voice: “Mi-and-and-silly, I want that fur coat!”, then no gentle words will save the situation .
  2. Funny little animals. Bunny, cat, hippo, dragon, tiger cub, lion cub, fish, hedgehog, fox cub, bear cub ... You can combine these affectionate nicknames with adjectives: unshaven hedgehog, red fox cub, fluffy bunny. Just first make sure that the guy really won’t be offended by the “cat” who has gotten everyone for a long time.
  3. Fantasy without limits. Cute, charming, candy, honey, pie, superman, vampire baby, angel and any other names of movie characters, cartoons or books. Such an appeal will allow you to seem like a little girl, and the lover will feel like a strong and significant person.
  4. Names that convey the characteristics of a man. Macho, daddy, breadwinner, protector, my hero, strongman... You know better than anyone else the strengths of your boyfriend or husband. Find the quality that you can rightfully be proud of, and emphasize the dignity of your man in an affectionate name.

This list is just a small example of the flexibility and ambiguity of our language. To come up with something of your own, understandable only to two, is within the power of every loving woman. Don't hold back your fantasy! Just don't forget to ask your boyfriend's opinion.
