How to weave voluminous braids step by step. Ribbons, bows and other accessories

Good afternoon, my dear readers!
I love hairstyles with different types of braiding, and they should be fast, practical and, of course, beautiful. And today I want to share with you my favorite hairstyles. Many associate braids with school years, but now there are so many video tutorials on the Internet for beginners on weaving beautiful braids and various hairstyles with them, both daily and wedding, which delight both men and women.

So, my selection of photos and videos on the topic: weaving beautiful braids step by step. I post lessons that are easy and simple to apply in life.
I'll start with my most favorite and simple hairstyle. I do everything as in the video (braiding in the video lesson starts at 6 minutes 45 seconds).

I do the upper part of the hairstyle in exactly the same way, but instead of the “horns”, I make a tourniquet from the bottom. I throw my hair to one side and twist it like a rope until it starts to twist into a donut, then fold it in half and wrap the bottom of the bundle around the top, pin it with a small crab. I hope the photo makes it clearer...

Spit-waterfall step by step, careless braid with elastic bands

The braid is made with rubber bands - it is very easy to weave, but there is a drawback - it takes a very long time to unravel it, you need to remove all these rubber bands. In principle, if they are not sorry, then they can be torn apart.

Braids are better to weave on corrugated hair. This gives volume to the braids and the hairstyle will last longer. Especially on thin smooth hair, it is recommended to make a corrugation first. You can corrugate your hair with a styler or simply braid small pigtails for the night. Comb your hair. And start braiding. Below is a selection of photos of step-by-step weaving braids waterfall. All pictures are clickable - on each you will put on detailed step-by-step instructions for weaving.

Fishtail braid video tutorial for beginners

Fishtail looks best on straight long hair. But it can be easily performed on medium, curly, thick or sparse hair.
This hairstyle will look especially beautiful on hair with highlights. It will successfully emphasize the weave pattern.

Weaving beautiful wide braids step by step

Beautiful will turn out if it is weaved from four, five or more strands. But there is an even simpler version of a wide braid - braid a thin braid of hair at the top of your head and then alternately thread strands of the rest of the hair into it. A video on how to weave such a braid is attached. Weaving is quite simple, I managed to do it myself the first time. The braid is really very voluminous and wide - it seems that there is a shock of hair on the head.

Gorgeous braid of 5 strands step by step

It turns out that a 5-strand braid is not so difficult to do. Finally, I found an understandable video tutorial for weaving a 5-strand braid. I watched a lot of videos and could not understand in any way - where to weave, where to get the strands. This is the most clear and simple video I have found.

And there is also a step-by-step photo of weaving a braid of 5 strands.

Weaving a voluminous braid step by step

The simplest option that was in the video is a pigtail in the center, into which strands are woven. The second option is to weave a braid, then pull out a little strand to make it look voluminous.

Weaving a voluminous braid on the side

Weaving a voluminous braid with a ribbon

Weaving a voluminous braid

Weaving a voluminous braid - weaving strands into the base pigtail

Virtuoso volume braid

Braiding photo step by step

Boxer braids

Boxer pigtails have become a trend in 2017, many beauty bloggers on YouTube and Instagram show photos with chic multi-colored pigtails. In fact, these are two spikelets that mothers wove for little schoolgirls 50 years ago. But in the modern world they were called boxing and added a twist - they weave ribbons, threads or artificial curls of rich bright colors into them: pink, lilac, blue are the most popular.

In the video lesson on weaving boxing braids using artificial strands

Here, ordinary yarn was used to decorate the hair.

Hairstyles with braids

Very interesting voluminous hairstyles can be created with different braids, weaving ribbons and flowers into them. By clicking on the photo you can see the full tutorial on hairstyles with braids.

  1. The braid retains a beautiful and neat appearance for a long time. Weaving is not afraid of wind or humidity, does not wrinkle under a hat and is less electrified than loose ones.
  2. Beautiful braids are appropriate everywhere. On the beach, in the office or at a wedding, they will look equally good.
  3. Even if you master only one weave, you can create an infinite number of variations based on it. For example, braid two or three braids instead of one. Or decorate your hair with accessories. Ribbons, scarves can be woven into braids, decorative hairpins or hairpins can be added. Fresh flowers will look good in your hair in summer.

How to weave braids

  1. It is better to start with simple options. Do not rush to weave a complex braid from your hair right away, practice on ribbons or floss threads. Having mastered the principle, you can experiment with the location, number and complexity of braids.
  2. If you are braiding yourself, do not use a mirror, trust your feelings. It is quite difficult to navigate the mirror, it is very confusing in the process.
  3. To make it easier to work with hair, they need to be washed, dried and combed well. Mousse or styling gel will also come in handy: thanks to it, the hair will become obedient.
  4. When weaving braids, it is better to use wooden combs. Wood electrifies hair less than plastic, which means it will be easier for you to work with strands.
  5. Alternating strands according to the scheme, pull them evenly. With practice, you will master any weaving.

6 options for weaving braids

Two strand braid

The two strand braid is a twisted two strand ponytail that will suit medium length hair. Weaving can be used for a French braid. A ribbon woven into a bundle will look beautiful.

  1. Divide your hair into two sections.
  2. Tie a ribbon to one of them.
  3. Twist each strand into a tourniquet clockwise.
  4. Twist the strands counterclockwise. The difference in directions will not allow the braid to fall apart.
  5. Secure the ends of your hair with a ribbon.

Fish tail

This braid captivates with its spectacularity, although it is woven quite simply. Suitable for shoulder length, but looks especially good on long ones.

A simple option is weaving from the back of the head.

  1. Divide your hair into two parts.
  2. Separate a thin strand from the left half from the side of the ear and throw it over the top to the right side.
  3. Then separate a thin strand near the right ear and throw it to the left.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you reach the ends of your hair. Secure the braid with an elastic band or ribbon.

If you want to make the weaving more complicated, make a French braid that turns into a fishtail.

french braid

French braid goes well with a strict office suit. Weaved on the basis of a braid of three strands. Suitable for long hair and medium length hair.

  1. Divide your hair into three sections.
  2. Throw the far right to the center.
  3. Then send the extreme left there.
  4. Continue until you run out of hair.

For a change, you can weave a French braid only to the middle of the back of the head. Collect the remaining strands in a bun or, securing with an elastic band, leave in the form of a tail.


At the heart of the same braid of three parts. Unusual hairstyle give released strands. This braid is suitable even for chin-length hair. It weaves horizontally from the temple. You can collect hair in this way only on one side. Or you can make a symmetrical weave and wear it instead of a headband: styling collects hair and prevents it from getting into your eyes.

  1. Separate a strand of hair from the temple and divide it into three parts.
  2. The beginning is the same as in a regular three-strand braid. Throw the top strand to the center, then do the same with the bottom.
  3. Once again, send the top and then the bottom strands to the center.
  4. Add a strand of hair to the top.
  5. You don't need to add anything to the bottom. Instead, under the existing lower strand, collect another, separating it from the free ones. Release the old one. Move the new one to the center.
  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 until you reach the middle of the head. Temporarily fix the braid.
  7. Make a symmetrical weave on the other side.
  8. Connect the ends of both braids together and secure with an elastic band or ribbon.

Four strand braid

The complexity of weaving will allow you to apply this option without embarrassment not only to a female hairstyle, but also to a long beard.

First, try weaving a straight braid. When you master weaving, you can make braids from the back of the head or rim using this technique. In order not to get confused, remember that only the outer strands need to be moved.

  1. Divide your hair into four sections. Take two strands in your right and two in your left hand.
  2. Stretch the leftmost strand (we will consider it the first one) over the second and under the third. Now in your left hand you will have the second and third strands. The first and fourth will be in the right hand.
  3. Place the rightmost strand (fourth) under the first.
  4. Again, take the leftmost strand (second). Swipe it over the next (third) and under the fourth. In your left hand you will have the third and fourth strands. The first and second will be in the right hand.
  5. Stretch the rightmost strand under the next one.
  6. Place the leftmost one under the next one and over the next one, transfer it to the other hand.
  7. Bring the far right one under the neighboring one, which we just moved.
  8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 until you reach the end of the strands.
  9. Secure the weave with a ribbon or elastic band.

Five strand braid

The weave is reminiscent of Irish knitted arana patterns. This option will require training, but braids from many strands look very unusual and bright.

Practice braiding a five-strand braid based on a high or low ponytail. The tail will hold the hair, and it will be more convenient to work. When you master this method, move on to a hairstyle without a tail or make a French braid with such a weave.

  1. Divide your hair into five equal sections.
  2. Take three middle strands. First, throw the left to the center, then the right - just like in a braid of three strands. Then take the outermost strands of the three middle strands, lift them above the weave and temporarily secure with a clip.
  3. You will be left with the middle strand and two side strands, which we have not touched yet. Of these three strands, throw the leftmost strand to the center. Then send the far right there.
  4. Fix the middle one with another clamp. This will keep the weave from falling apart.
  5. Release the strands that you lifted. Place them along the edges of the weave.
  6. Take the strands that you just worked with: now these are the second and fourth parts in the weave. Lift and secure them over the hair.
  7. Of the remaining three parts, first move the leftmost to the center, then the rightmost.
  8. Fix the middle strand with a clip.
  9. Lower the raised strands, placing them along the edges of the weave.
  10. Lift and fix the second and fourth strands.
  11. Repeat steps 7-10 until the end of the weave.

Long hair is just made for chic hairstyles. It is for them that there is a huge variety of all kinds of braids and weaves. Lush braid - girlish beauty. But not everyone knows how to tame their curls and create masterpieces from them, at least every day. After all, the ability to weave a braid is one thing, but to give it a chic and expensive look is completely different.

Secrets of lush braids

There are three main options for adding splendor to hair: pigtails, corrugation, bouffant.

    • The most harmless, but the longest way. It is necessary to wash your hair and, without drying your hair to the end, braid it into small pigtails. With such a hairstyle, it is advisable to spend the night, and in the morning unwind and boldly start weaving the planned braid.

    • The second option is much faster, but you will need a curling iron with a corrugated nozzle and preferably some kind of thermal protective agent for the hair, because frequent use of the curling iron will also not benefit them. We apply a thermal protective agent to the curls and pass the curling iron along the entire length. This procedure will take about an hour, it all depends on the size and density of the hair.

    • Bouffant, although the fastest, but also the most undesirable, since with such a procedure, and even not professionally done, the curls suffer a huge shock. For a good bouffant, you need a comb with frequent teeth. We take the curls along the strands and scratch from the ends to the roots. This should be done very carefully so as not to comb the knots. And in no case do not comb the bouffant, because then the whole result is zero.

By braiding a braid on a lush head of hair, we can say 50% of the result. And in order to achieve all 100%, you also need to properly straighten the braid. Any weaving can be stretched, the main thing is to do it carefully so as not to damage it.

We start stretching from the beginning link by link, holding the following links with one hand. It is better to walk around the perimeter several times, straightening a little, than to immediately pull hard.

The best options for lush braids for long hair

On long hair, all braids have a completely different, more impressive look. Just take a look at the following creations. Here is the skill of the hands, and an immense flight of fancy, because with a sufficient length there is a place where to roam.

Lush French braid for long hair

Another option for weaving four strands.

3D 4 Strand Braid - Incredibly Easy Braid

Five strand braid

The five-strand French braid itself is incredibly voluminous. And if these strands are also stretched, then it turns out just a masterpiece, and not weaving.

Weaving a braid of five strands is not an easy task. A video lesson will help to learn all the subtleties and master the technique, and of course training skills.

Lush braid headband

The headband is an excellent decoration for chic curls. Weave. Stretch it out nicely. And we twist the free curls with a curling iron. Delicate, romantic hairstyle is ready.

The scythe itself is unusual. And by adding volume to it, we get a completely different impressive result.

Super technique of a chic fishtail variation

Greek braid, as a variant of lush weaving for long hair

The Greek braid is a great option for an evening hairstyle. It is so luxurious that it has become a frequent choice of brides and graduates. A real Greek braid is a long work of a stylist and a lot of time. And we will consider a rather lightweight version, the end result of which is in no way inferior to a real Greek braid.

The similarity of the Greek braid is a magnificent version without weaving.

Braids on rubber bands

Very fast, very beautiful and most importantly very lush braids are obtained when weaving with elastic bands. It is impossible not to note such a technique, since it has some solid advantages.

Long hair in itself is an incredible wealth of a girl. Weaving braids on them is a real pleasure. And by making any braid voluminous, you can fall in love. So we grow hair, create, develop and enjoy.

A voluminous braid is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful, elegant and romantic. Today we will teach you how to weave braids step by step, which are in no way inferior to the creations of the masters.

Tousled French braid

Air weaving on medium hair is ideal for holidays and celebrations. It looks especially impressive on highlighted strands. This braid can be safely braided by yourself. You will see, you will spend no more than 5-10 minutes on its creation! And she looks very unusual and beautiful.

1. Comb your hair well at the roots. Comb everything back and smooth the top layer. At the very forehead, put on three thin curls.

2. Start braiding a regular three-strand pigtail.

3. Having made 1-2 stitches, change the technique - tuck the strands under the bottom and pick up loose curls from one side or the other. Get a French braid inside out.

4. Braid to the end and tie with an elastic band.

5. Starting at the tips and moving up to the forehead, stretch the outer sections as much as possible with your hands.

6. Fix the result with varnish.

Read also:

French braid in 5 minutes

Corrugated braid

This amazingly beautiful weaving for long hair captivates with its simplicity - everyone can handle it! With such a chic hairstyle, you can go "to the feast and the world", or you can go to work.

1. Comb thoroughly and make a side parting.

2. Go through the hair with pliers.

3. Divide the hair into four sections - crown, 2 temporal and occipital. Secure each with a clip for convenience.

4. Start weaving from the left temporal part. Divide it in half and braid two tight spikelets, picking up loose curls from one side or the other. Secure the ends of the spikelets with a clamp.

5. From the right temporal part, also braid two very tight spikelets. They will play the role of trimmed temples. Also fix the ends with clips.

6. Release the central part of the hair from the clip. Divide it by three and start braiding the free spikelet without tightening the strands.

7. Having reached the level of the side sections, release the first four pigtails from the clamps and gradually weave them into the central large braid.

8. From the base of the neck to the tips, continue weaving in the fishtail technique.

9. Tie the tip with a thin rubber band.

10. Gently stretch the outer sections of the pigtail with your hands to give it volume.

11. If desired, lay the braid in a bun, slightly shifting it to the side. Pin it up with pins.

Volumetric braid spikelet

How to braid a voluminous braid? Case 10 minutes! It would never occur to anyone that you managed to make this stylish masterpiece yourself!

Lush braid with elastic bands

To create a voluminous braid, it is not at all necessary to master complex techniques or special skills. This easy weaving with elastic bands is accessible even for beginners.

1. Tie a high ponytail.

2. Wrap the elastic with a thin curl and pin its tip with an invisibility.

3. Select two not very thick strands along the edges.

4. Connect them in the middle and intercept with a thin elastic band to match the color of your hair.

5. Immediately under this ponytail, take two more curls. Connect them a little lower and also intercept.

6. Continue weaving to the very ends.

7. Stretch the finished braid by the edges, giving it volume.

How do girls, women see their braid?
Rich, voluminous, beautiful, neat and effective, making an indelible impression and sticking in memory.

How to weave voluminous braids? How to weave a voluminous braid correctly?

How to make any braid voluminous? How to braid a voluminous braid on short or medium length hair?

How to make an evening voluminous braid: spikelet, French or reverse?

And I would like to know these weaving options in 2 versions: on myself and on the model. How to weave voluminous braids on sparse hair?

How do girls, women see their braid?

Rich, voluminous, beautiful, neat and effective, making an indelible impression and sticking in memory.

In order to make your braid look like this, it is worth answering a few questions:

How to weave voluminous braids? How to weave a voluminous braid correctly? How to make any braid voluminous?

How to braid a voluminous braid on short or medium length hair?

How to make an evening voluminous braid: spikelet, French or reverse? And I would like to know these weaving options in 2 versions: on myself and on the model.

How to weave voluminous braids on sparse hair? How will different voluminous braids look in different techniques?

Voluminous braids for long hair (photo)

Look at the photo, here you will see:

  • braid of 4 strands;
  • braids with one-sided pickup (snake);
  • French braid (dragon);
  • braid from bundles;
  • braid with hooks with loose strands.

For medium hair (photo)

In this photo, options for voluminous braids for medium-length or short hair (not shorter than a bob). Braided braids on a bang or across the entire head in several rows.

  • fishtail braid in 2 versions;
  • braids with one-sided pickup in 2 rows and (snake);
  • 2 voluminous French braid from the tail;
  • reverse french braid on bangs (with pickups to the top of the head);
  • reverse french braid.

Let's start answering each question in detail and with video and photo instructions.

How to add volume to the braid?

Let's talk about 5 ways to add volume to even sparse hair, which will make the braid more voluminous.


An easy, affordable and simple method of adding volume is braiding, for greater effect, at night.

The secret to making your hair even more wavy is moisture.

It is necessary to braid slightly dried hair into small pigtails, the smaller they are, the more magnificent the hair.

For those with wavy hair, this method is perfect.

The methodology is this:

  • Wash and dry your hair.
  • Divide the hair into sectors, small squares.
  • Braid each square into a braid, from the roots themselves and tie the ends with an elastic band, braid to the ends.
  • Tutorial video on creating volume in the hair with small braids:

    The advantages of this method: availability, lack of special devices, suitable for any length of hair, does not require much time, harmless.

    Attention! Cons: it will take from 30 to 60 minutes to weave, the tips will not be as wavy as the middle and at the roots.

    Corrugation in the French braid, evening version

    An analogue of pigtails, but a faster option is the “corrugation” nozzle. This twisting option looks like steps.
    It doesn't matter if your strands are the same or different, they will then be removed into a braid. Let's analyze the weaving of the braid with the addition of volume using the corrugation.

    The method of weaving a braid with a corrugation is as follows:

    Even just washed and dried hair will do.

    1. Treat all hair with thermal protection.
    2. Screw the corrugation onto the curling iron, paying particular attention to the front strands, the back part in our evening hairstyle will be almost not involved.
    3. Starting from the place above the ear, make a side parting.
    4. Start weaving a reverse French braid by separating the wide and voluminous 1st strand. Picking up strands from 2 sides, so that the braid becomes as voluminous and wide as possible to the frontal part.
    5. How to weave a reverse French braid is discussed in this article with diagrams, and the tiebacks are discussed here.

    6. Weave the braid to the back of the head, continuing the usual one without tie-ups and tie it with an elastic band. Stretch each strand giving even more volume.
    7. It remains to collect the hair under the crab or stab it with a hairpin. Choose the option that suits you best.
    8. Spray with varnish, hiding weaving flaws or broken strands. Laying down every link.
    9. Inspect the finished hairstyle and stab the protruding hairs with the help of stealth.

    For ease of mastering the weaving of a voluminous French braid, we recommend watching a video tutorial from Neonila Bronstein, which shows the entire process of creating a hairstyle step by step.


    This option is suitable in such cases when there is no time for pigtails, and the corrugation is not available, then a braid with a pile will be appropriate.

    Do not do it on long hair or very brittle.

    It can be directed to the root or to the strands, it depends on what kind of braid you have come up with.

    Cons: not properly performed bouffant leads to a deterioration in the condition of the hair, brittleness.

    Before you start doing it, watch a video on how to properly comb and give your hair the desired texture. Contact professionals such as: Kot, Tatyanin or other hairstylists.

    Trying to comb the bouffant is the main mistake.

    You need to get rid of it like this:

    • We wash our hair without combing with the use of shampoo and conditioner balm.
    • When the hair is dry, comb the hair with a comb with very rare teeth.

    Hair clips or hair extensions

    The first option is more easily implemented, although both methods are not cheap.

    The strands on the hairpins will give both volume and length at the same time, but hair extensions cannot do this.

    These methods are good for continuous and long-term use.

    When you constantly need to do such a hairstyle, then the investment is justified.

    Look at the look and length of the hair before the overhead strands and the result after. What is better extension or overhead strands - the girls decide this question individually.

    Depending on the condition of the hair and the advice of the hairdresser.

    Do you dream of a voluminous, chic braid like Elsa's?

    How to make such a braid, see step by step photos.

    If you are not completely clear with the process, a step-by-step video with explanations will help you.

    Video using fleece, curlers and strands on hairpins:

    Strand stretching

    Plucked technique

    In the process of weaving the reverse French braid, we stretch the links with a plucking technique, pulling only the extreme part of the links.

    1. We divide the hair into a parting. We tie the second strand for the braid with an elastic band.
    2. From the separated large strand, passing from the parting to the temporal region with the sharp end of the comb, we separate a thin strand.
    3. We divide it into 3 strands, from which we will weave a reverse French braid. By inserting 2 fingers into the strand, we get 3.
    4. We start weaving by shifting the right strand under the central one, then the left one. The second and subsequent weaves, we do with pickup on both sides. When the weave is done, slightly stretch the link over the edges. This operation is repeated to the occipital region of the head.

    This technique is suitable for evening or openwork braids, giving volume and width to each link, the braid itself acquires the airiness of lace.

    We pull all the links

    We repeat all the steps from the previous technique until the links are stretched.

    After weaving, we pull the entire link to the desired volume. In this case, the braids are more voluminous and "rich", giving the impression of very thick hair and thick braids.

    Curls without curlers and curlers

    Secrets of increasing the volume of the braid

    It is worth using a few simple and well-known old secrets.

    We remove bangs in a braid

    Simple wisdom, but owners of not very long bangs rarely use it, but in vain. After all, by adding a few strands and applying the stretching technique, you will immediately get a more voluminous braid.

    Ladder enemies of volumetric braids

    For those with ladder-shaped bangs, get into trimming and growing out the bangs for a voluminous braid.

    For owners of a ladder along the entire length, who want to have a voluminous braid, we recommend: trim and grow all the hair, so the braid will become more voluminous.

    The techniques described above are used both in the French braid and for the spikelet or fishtail.

    Consider the option of giving volume to the spikelet braid.

    Video on creating a voluminous braid on a model with a fishtail braid.

    A video tutorial on how to weave a voluminous braid for long hair on yourself using the fishtail technique.

    Now you can make any braid voluminous with ease and in a few minutes. Use the knowledge you have gained and add volume to each French or regular braid.

    Always remain charming and attractive, and let the braids complement your mysterious image.
