How to wash denim sneakers. We wash sports shoes by hand and in an automatic machine

How to wash sneakers? Sports shoes entered our lives so rapidly that they gained popularity in a short period. Sneakers are so easy to wear that they are used not only as sports shoes for various games, but also for walking, as well as trips out of town. However, there is one drawback with this type of shoes - sneakers get dirty very quickly. Therefore, they have to be washed quite often. Sometimes it is possible to do with just one brush if the shoes are not very dirty. And sometimes you have to use a machine or hand wash to restore the product to its former beautiful appearance.

Many people have a question: “Can I wash sneakers in a washing machine?” Of course, you can, but you need to take into account the type of material of the product. For example, fabric models of shoes, as well as sneakers from Convers, can be cleaned by hand, as well as washed in a machine.

How to wash suede sneakers? Experts recommend removing dirt from natural suede shoes exclusively by hand, using a liquid composition of soap (it is advisable to take only household soap) and some water. Faux suede sneakers can be washed by yourself and in a washing machine, but only without adding bleaching compounds, which can leave light stains on the product.

Leather sneakers should only be cleaned with a soft brush soaked in soapy water.

In the sections of this article, we will consider all the nuances of hand and machine washing of various types of sneakers.

How to properly wash sneakers?

How to wash sneakers? Experts disagree on which wash is better: hand or machine, given all the advantages and disadvantages of each type of washing.

Let's try to figure out which way is better. Let's start with hand washing.

As for machine washing, this method is good in that the washing process is not too long, and is also able to easily cope with complex contaminants. However, along with the positive qualities, there are also disadvantages. Firstly, it is allowed to wash only fabric shoes and sneakers made of artificial suede in the washing machine. Secondly, it is not allowed to wash such models of shoes in an automatic machine that have rhinestones, sequins or other stripes that can clog the drain filter of household appliances. Thirdly, damaged sneakers should not be sent for washing. Fourth, it is not recommended to use the drying mode.

As you can see, hand washing has slightly more advantages than machine washing. But everyone chooses the way that he likes best and is suitable for your shoes.

So, before you start washing your sneakers, you should first prepare the shoes, namely: remove the insoles and laces (if possible, wash them separately from the product), wipe the shoes with a damp cloth (this is done in order to remove adhering dirt), and also wash the sole with a brush.

After the preparatory stage, you can proceed directly to the washing itself.

In an automatic machine

How to wash sneakers in a washing machine? In order for washing shoes for active sports to be more or less successful, the following useful recommendations should be considered:

  1. Cleaned sneakers are best placed in a special bag for washing shoes. If you don’t have one, you can put the shoes in a pillow case or place towels along with the sneakers. What is it for? This is done so that the product does not hit the drum compartment, the glass of household appliances, and also does not deform. Sometimes sneakers are tucked into a denim leg, but a few nuances should be taken into account: the pants should be old and not shedding. Otherwise, sports shoes may be stained.
  2. It is not allowed to wash in the washing machine more than two pairs of sports shoes.
  3. The optimal temperature for washing sneakers is not higher than forty degrees.
  4. On what mode to wash sneakers? Most modern washing machines have a program designed for washing sports shoes, which lasts about forty minutes. If there is no such program in your washing machine, then turn on the “Delicate Wash” mode, which is designed specifically for very thin and easily wrinkled fabrics. Thanks to this mode, the mechanical effect on the product is reduced. But such a program has one drawback - washing lasts more than an hour, and such a period of time is not very suitable for sneakers, since shoes can come unstuck. For sports shoes, forty minutes will be enough. You can also try washing sneakers on the normal cotton wash cycle, but without choosing the spin and dry mode.
  5. You should not put too much washing powder in the washing machine tray, because the sneakers will most likely appear whitish stains, which will then be difficult to get rid of.
  6. After washing, sports shoes must be rinsed several times.
  7. Together with sneakers, it is allowed to put insoles in the washing machine.

How to wash white sneakers? Such sports shoes require careful and careful care, because light-colored sneakers get dirty much more often. You need to wash the sole only with a washcloth. When washing white sports shoes in the washer, select only the delicate cycle. If light sneakers are heavily soiled, then you can first treat the dirty areas with a special stain remover designed for cleaning white material. In rare cases, when washing white sneakers, a bleach that does not contain chlorine is added.

If you are washing colored or black fabric shoes, it is advisable to use any fabric softener designed to preserve the brightness of color shades.


How to wash sneakers by hand? When sports shoes cannot be washed in a washing machine, you have to clean the sneakers by hand.

How to do it? Cleaning of sports shoes is carried out exclusively in cool water using a soft brush; first, do not forget to complete the preparatory step described above. Initially, you should soak the sneakers in water for a quarter of an hour, so that dense matter is better saturated with liquid, and it is easier to wash it. Do not use washing powder for hand washing. It is best to take a cleaning compound that will match the color of the product, because it will be much easier to remove from the matter.

If you are washing white sneakers, you can add a little bleach to the water. If you plan to wash colored sports shoes, it is advisable to use a powder that retains the bright color of the product. To keep shoes soft after washing, you can add a small amount of baking soda to the powder.

You can also clean yellow sneakers from yellow spots with a solution of hydrogen peroxide. To do this, you need to add a couple of tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia to ten liters of hot water. Dip shoes into the solution and leave to soak for about thirty minutes. At the end of the specified period of time, sneakers must be washed in a way convenient for you.

White Converse sneakers can only be hand washed with a soft brush, without the use of all-purpose bleach.

Possible difficulties

If the basic rules for washing sports shoes are not followed (either in an automatic machine or by hand washing), some difficulties may arise, namely:

  • fading of bright colors;
  • the appearance of yellowish or red spots both on the fabric and on the sole of the shoe;
  • downsizing of sports shoes.

Why do certain spots appear on the product?

What should be done to remove yellow stains from shoes? For example, you can soak sneakers in cool water for three hours. After that, the shoes should be slightly wrung out and taken to dry in a dark and well-ventilated place (do not put on the battery). If suddenly the spots have not completely disappeared, repeat the procedure again.

You can also paint the sneakers with a special paint of the appropriate color.

To remove the formed yellow streaks on the surface of sports shoes, you need to take a special brush for cleaning clothes and rub the sneakers smeared with liquid soap with it. Then the shoes need to be rinsed from the remnants of soap and left to dry.

In addition, to get rid of light stains, the soiled surface of the sneaker is smeared with toothpaste and left for thirty minutes. After the specified period of time, sports shoes must be washed.

How to return the yellowed sole to its original appearance?

  1. Clean the surface of the sole with toothpaste. Then wipe the sole with a damp cloth, and then wipe dry.
  2. Wipe the sole with one of the compounds, such as ammonia, nail polish remover, hydrogen peroxide.

What to do if the sneakers have decreased by one size? Two options are offered:

  1. Re-break in sports shoes.
  2. Put wet woolen socks on your feet, put on sneakers and walk in them until the socks are completely dry.

If small rusty spots have formed on the upper surface of the sneakers near the metal holes for the laces, then they can be removed with a few improvised means that can be found in every home, such as lemon juice, toothpaste with a whitening effect, soda solution (you should mix water and baking soda for obtaining a cleaning mushy mass). You can also remove a trace of rust with the pulp of a lemon. It will take only one lemon pulp without a skin to wrap in a piece of gauze cut, attach to the upper surface of the shoe and warm it with an iron.

It is possible to return the sneakers to their former appearance after an unsuccessful machine or hand wash, but it is better to initially strictly observe all the washing conditions for sports shoes that were indicated above.

Drying rules

It is necessary to properly dry the sneakers after washing, so that later light stains do not appear on the surface of sports shoes, and there is also no unpleasant smell. It is best to dry shoes on a balcony or loggia, that is, in a place where there is good ventilation.

When drying sports shoes, you should remember a few simple rules:

  1. It is not allowed to dry shoes in the sun, because exposure to ultraviolet rays on the material of the sneakers leads not only to the loss of bright color, but also to the coarsening of the matter, as a result of which the shoes begin to rub the feet.
  2. To prevent sports shoes from losing their shape, drying sneakers on a radiator or near heaters is not allowed.
  3. In winter, sneakers can be dried near heating appliances. The only thing to do is to put paper sheets inside the shoes (you can’t take sheets of newspapers, otherwise the printing ink may remain on the shoe material), which will absorb excess moisture and prevent the sneakers from deforming.
  4. For drying sneakers, it is allowed to use special wooden devices or electrical devices.
  5. If there are any rivets, stripes made of metal material on sports shoes, then you need to dry the sneakers so that the sole looks down. This is important, otherwise rust marks may appear on the surface of the shoe later.
  6. Suspension of sports shoes by laces is not allowed. Otherwise, the sneakers may be deformed.

After reading the article, you are now aware of how to wash sneakers in an automatic machine or by hand, as well as how to properly dry sports shoes so that they retain their original appearance for a long time.

Casual shoes regularly suffer from pollution, which are road dust, autumn mud after heavy rains, inattentive pedestrians who step on their feet. Cleaning can be of varying degrees of complexity, which directly depends on the type, quality of the material and its sizing. When it comes to sneakers, it's time to machine wash, given two factors - the material for the upper part of the sneaker and the quality of its gluing to the sole. Before you start washing, it is important to clarify how to wash sneakers in a washing machine so that they do not lose their original appearance.

We wash sneakers depending on the type of model

The sole of any sneaker is invariably made of vulcanized rubber, so it is durable and flexible, soft and light. Based on it, mobile sports shoes of low weight are created, suitable for all seasons except winter. There are three main categories of sneakers according to the material of the upper area:

  • rag;
  • leather, suede;
  • shoes made of synthetic fabrics.

Rag sneakers

Synthetic fabric sneakers

Leather sneakers

Suede sneakers

Rag sneakers are a running model for everyday life, allowing the skin of the legs to breathe. Synthetic options are cheaper, easier to wash, but your feet feel less comfortable in them and can sweat a lot. Leather or suede sneakers are often the choice of skaters who need a shoe that has a firm grip on the foot and is lightweight at the same time. For leather sneakers, a specially crafted material is used, and their price is much higher than simple rag models. It is clear that a particular species has its own requirements for cleaning and care.


Rag models are the most unpretentious, durable, can be suitable for cold spring weather and for a warm summer day. For washing them, both manual soaking and the use of an automatic machine are suitable.

Look carefully at the seams of your shoes. If you purchased them at a cheap price, the quality of the sizing may be low. From an intensive washing regime or high temperature, they will become unusable - the glue will disperse, due to which the integrity of the product will come to an end.

To wash rag sneakers with a washing machine, we follow three simple steps:

  • pre-clean the sole. If it has a deep pattern, use a brush to remove clods of earth from the tread. It is good to use an old unnecessary toothbrush for these purposes. She copes with work more quickly than a large household one. If the dirt does not give in, rinse it under running water. From dust and dirt, you need to clean the top of the shoe, simply by wiping it with a rag;
  • take out the laces and insoles, which are best washed separately by hand. The laces are too thin for the slits in the drum of the machine, and can get stuck or tangle the shoes in the process. The insoles are not of very good quality, they can delaminate in places or even break into several parts. For these shoe parts, ordinary laundry soap and a brush are suitable, which will help to further clean the insoles;
  • select the “Delicate” mode with a temperature of 30-40 ° C, add a small amount of powder so that stains do not form, and start the program, after placing the sneakers in a special bag for shoes. Most often, this is a baggy bag made of dense fabric with ties. When there is no bag for shoes, you can wrap them in an old unnecessary towel or put them in the legs of your jeans (only those that do not shed, because you risk ruining the color of the sneaker). This will protect against damage during the spin cycle and from excess noise caused by metal rivets and other elements. Shoes can not be wrung out so as not to subject the sneakers to additional loads, especially since in the warm season they will dry quickly without any extra effort.

As for detergent, any commercially available will do. Your favorite powder will also do the job. If the sneakers are made of white fabric (natural, synthetic), you can also add bleach to the washing machine - the minimum portion for the wash cycle. For red, green, blue sneakers, color washing powders are tentatively the best option.

Made from synthetic fabrics

Washing in an automatic machine is recommended for quality fabrics and synthetics are no exception. If you are sure that the shoes will survive the cycle of many rotations of the drum, feel free to follow the same points as in the case of rag sneakers. But, as a rule, it is better to soak synthetic sneakers in a basin with powder diluted in warm water (30-45 ° C), and after 15 minutes (or more, depending on the degree of contamination), wash them by hand. Use a brush to remove remaining stains, which are very easy to remove from synthetic materials. It makes no sense to start the machine for this.

Don't forget to rinse thoroughly. Powder or other detergents leave soapy white streaks. They will not be noticeable on white shoes, but the rest of the color will give out a poor-quality rinse immediately after drying.

Soak your sneakers

Brush them up

Use rinse mode

Leather, suede

Shoes made of suede or leather are not machine washable. Caring for it is exactly the same as for other shoes made from these materials.

  • use special brushes and creams to remove street dirt and stains from them;
  • dry them after wearing, so that excess moisture does not accumulate and does not provoke the appearance of unpleasant odors. To do this, place the sneakers near a heat source or on top of a heating pipe. Electric dryers are available for sale. Exactly the same, but without the effect of heating, the newspaper laid inside the sneaker works. You can use special deodorants for shoes if the smell still appears;
  • wash laces and insoles separately. Laundry soap is enough to clean them.

Use special brushes for suede

Wash insoles and laces separately

Dry your shoes on time

Drying shoes after washing

It is better to dry fabric and synthetic sneakers in a warm, ventilated place where there is no clearance for direct sunlight, especially in summer. Rubber after regular drying in the scorching sun will burn out and be unpresentable. In the summer, find shade or make your own by covering hanging sneakers with a thin, clean cloth. Hanging by the laces is not recommended, as they will stretch under the weight of the shoe. If drying takes place on a loggia, hang them to a clothesline with clothespins by the tongue, and if possible, simply place them at an angle on a clean surface with the heel down so that water does not collect in the rubberized toe.


Popular sports shoes - Converse sneakers - are quite easy to clean: a soft rubber sole and a rag base can even withstand washing in a washing machine. However, in order not to spoil the product, it is important to know about some of the nuances. How to wash colored and white sneakers?

They can be washed both by hand and using a machine. In the case of machine washing, make sure that the products are of high quality. Cheap shoes can fall apart after being in the drum, and it is safer to clean them by hand.

Before washing sneakers, remove the laces and insoles from them.

These parts are faster and more reliable to wash by hand with laundry soap. But from being in the washing machine, the insoles can deteriorate.

The shoes themselves must be cleaned as much as possible from dust and dirt. To do this, wipe them with a damp cloth. To remove rubbish and small pebbles that have clogged in there, it is more convenient to use a brush. The better the sneakers are cleaned at the preparatory stage, the more effective the washing will be.


You will need a basin, brush and washing powder.

Warm water is drawn into the basin, the powder is added, mixed thoroughly so that it is completely dissolved. Too much detergent can cause white streaks to remain on the fabric. After that, sneakers are placed in the basin, they are left to soak for a while. Water can quickly become dirty, in which case you need to replace it with fresh water, add the powder again. If the sneakers are white, you can use bleach powder or add chlorine-free bleach to the water. Chlorine products should not be used - they can damage the rubber sole.

In case of severe pollution, you can also use a special tool - mix soda, a little water and washing powder or liquid soap. All components are mixed, applied with a brush to the stains, carefully rubbed with a soft brush.

After such a soak, they take a sponge or brush with soft bristles, carefully pass over all surfaces of the shoe, not forgetting its inner parts.

When all traces of dirt have been removed, the sneakers should be rinsed well. You need to do this until the water stops foaming from the soap residue. If the powder is not completely washed out of the fabric, white marks may remain on the sneakers after washing.

Machine wash

Converse and other quality sneakers can be washed in the washing machine without fear - they are durable, so they will withstand such cleaning.

Prepared sneakers are placed in a special bag designed for washing shoes in the machine. It can be purchased at a hardware store.

If there is no such bag, you can put Converse in an old pillowcase. If you need to wash several pairs of shoes, then you do not need to put anything else in the drum. But if only one pair is prepared for cleaning, you will have to add a few rags or old towels so that things in the drum are evenly distributed.

Many modern models of the washing machine have special programs for washing shoes. If there is no such function, you should stop at the delicate or manual mode, and select the minimum water temperature - from 30 to 40 ° C.

Too much powder should not be added - white stains may remain on the fabric. A small amount will suffice. You can use liquid detergents - they are rinsed out of the fabric much more efficiently.

The dryer should be turned off - even high-quality products like Converse are unlikely to withstand high temperatures.


Washed in any way, Converse is important to dry properly. If water remains in them for a long time, mold can form inside, causing the shoes to smell unpleasant.

The sole and fabric base should be wiped with a towel to remove excess moisture, and then stuffed with crumpled paper. Such a filler will absorb water, while giving the shoe a shape. When the paper gets wet, it needs to be changed to fresh.

The sneakers themselves are best placed in a warm, dry place. They should not be placed on the battery - the sole can be deformed from exposure to high temperatures.

Washing the sneakers in the washing machine or by hand is not so difficult, and after a proper cleaning, Converse will again be as white as on the first day.

Due to active wear, it needs thorough regular cleaning. Many people are interested in how to wash sneakers, because such shoes often get dirty, and one cleaning with a sponge or a damp cloth will not be enough. Refresh your shoes in several effective ways.

How to wash sneakers in a washing machine?

The washing machine has many advantages over the manual method because it removes grass stains, dust and other “tough” dirt faster and more efficiently. Before you learn how to wash sneakers in an automatic washing machine, you need to remember two main nuances that you may encounter during this procedure: sneakers may lose their shape or the sole will peel off from them. In order for shoes to retain their original appearance, you need to follow a few important rules:

  1. Check item before washing. If reflectors are glued on sneakers, it is better to unfasten them during washing, because they will still come off and clog the filter of the machine.
  2. Take out the laces and insoles and clean with soap by hand.
  3. Small debris should be removed from the sole of the sneaker. No matter how hard and painstakingly this process looks, it is better to wash sneakers without foreign inclusions in the form of grains of sand, soil residues and small stones.

In what mode to wash sneakers in the machine?

Some of the modern household appliances have a pre-installed function called "Shoe Wash". Its advantage will be that you don’t have to decide on which mode to wash sneakers, choose the duration of the manipulations and think about the intensity of the spin. If this function is not on the list, “Delicate Wash” will do, but only with a minimum spin or no spin at all. Additional settings like "Steam" should be avoided for the sake of preserving the glued area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric.

At what temperature should you wash sneakers?

In addition to choosing the correct program in terms of the number of revolutions and the time interval, to answer the question of whether sneakers can be washed in a typewriter, you need to set the appropriate temperature. There are only two options here:

  1. Gentle wash at 30°C. It can be performed once every one to two weeks as a refreshing treatment to prevent dirt from penetrating deep into the rough fabric.
  2. Seasonal cleaning at 40-45°C. Once every three months, sneakers can be restored to brightness by a more thorough wash with the addition of a double portion of washing powder.

How to wash sneakers by hand?

Hand washing is more convenient because it allows you to visually control the stain removal and rinsing process. The question of how to wash white sneakers by hand should deserve special attention, since they require bleach. The process of cleaning ordinary sneakers consists of three stages:

  1. Moisten the sneakers with water so that the fabric gets wet.
  2. Make a mixture of soda and powder or dissolve a small amount of washing gel in water.
  3. Using an old toothbrush, wipe the surface of the fabric and rubber sole, wash and rinse with warm tap water.

Detergent for washing sneakers at home

The same product can be used to clean the surface of the sneaker and the rubber sole, if it has a liquid, gel or powder consistency. To decide how to properly wash sneakers from a particular material, you need to find out the advantages of each of the products:

  1. Liquid soap spreads easily and rinses off quickly, but can stain if a strong dye is included.
  2. Washing gels form strong foam, not suitable for cleaning suede shoes.
  3. Powders fight even very strong dirt, but if they contain large abrasives, they can scratch the surface of the sneaker (depending on the material).

Washing sneakers - basic rules

Like any other type of footwear, washing sneakers has its own characteristics that allow you to extend the life of your shoes. It is important not only to decide on which program to wash sneakers or whether they should be soaked in a basin, but also to correctly assess the structure of the material from which they are made. Cloth shoes easily tolerate soaking, while leather or suede shoes do not. Otherwise, the rules on how to wash sneakers come down to:

  • removing the insoles before washing;
  • selection of brushes with hard bristles;
  • preparation of a water-based washing solution.

How to wash suede sneakers?

Suede shoes are afraid of a large amount of water and strong friction, from which it quickly becomes unusable. Natural suede or its imitation has a pile that attracts dust and small debris. Washing sneakers from this fabric begins with wiping with a mixture of water and alcohol, and then treatment follows. The greasy places are cleaned with a composition of vinegar and water in a ratio of 1: 2, then wiped with a cloth dipped in water.

How to wash leather sneakers?

Before you begin to remove dirt, you need to unlace your sports shoes and remove the insoles from them so that they do not shed. You can definitely answer the question of whether it is possible to wash leather sneakers in a typewriter: such cleaning will warp the skin and leave paint stains on it. Therefore, only the manual method is suitable:

  1. Rinse the soles thoroughly with water, removing debris from them with a toothpick.
  2. Remove stubborn dirt with a stain remover for removing grease or a special tool for leather.
  3. Do not soak or wash sneakers, but brush them with a brush dipped in liquid soap under running water. You can only wash sneakers in this way, no matter how much you would like to soak them for a while so that the stains are guaranteed to go away.
  4. Quickly rinse off the remaining foam and wipe the shoes with paper towels.

How to wash fabric sneakers?

They can get wet from too intensive washing, so they are shown cleaning with a short rinse. Experienced housewives, telling how to wash rag sneakers, advise using a sponge and a hard-bristled brush:

  1. It is necessary to moisten the soiled areas of the fabric with liquid detergent or powder for colored fabrics and rub the problem areas with a brush.
  2. The joints with the sole should be wiped with a foam sponge with abundant foam.
  3. After washing, compress the sneakers so that excess water flows out of them.

How to wash white sneakers?

White shoes get dirty faster than any other, due to the fact that literally every speck of dust is noticeable on it. , as well as clothes of the same tone, should be carried out with the addition of bleaching agents. It should not be too aggressive so that its components enter into a chemical reaction with the rubber sole. The washing process will consist of the following steps:

  1. The sneakers are lowered into a basin with warm water, to which 2-3 tbsp. l. bleaching agent.
  2. After 1-2 hours, dirty water must be drained and poured into a new basin. Wipe the sneakers with a brush dipped in powder for white linen.
  3. Wash and rinse the sneakers, additionally brushing the sole and leave to dry.

How to quickly dry sneakers after washing?

The faster the fabric dries, the higher the chance of avoiding the appearance of colored stains on the surface of the shoe. The rubber sole can deform in the dryer, so advice on how to dry sneakers after washing on a heater or battery should be ignored. Safe methods include:

  1. Dry under air conditioning, hair dryer or fan. The principle of operation of these devices is the same: the blown air evaporates moisture from the surface of the fabric. If a hair dryer is used, it must be at least 40 cm away from the item.
  2. The use of silica gel. Bags with it should be put in wet sneakers for a couple of hours. And after drying the balls on the battery, you can use them again for the same purpose.
  3. Paper stuffing. How to dry sneakers with a newspaper is not worth telling, because printing ink will leave its mark on cotton. Only white paper is suitable, which you need to crumple and stuff your shoes with it. As the paper gets wet, change it until it dries completely.

White sneakers turned yellow after washing - what to do?

Sports shoes can change color after washing for two reasons: due to improper drying or rinsing in a small amount of water. Yellow stains on white sneakers after washing may appear due to exposure to ultraviolet radiation during drying in the sun. There are two ways to get rid of them:

  1. With bleach. You just need to repeat the washing process with bleaching powder.
  2. With tooth powder. Powder is applied to a damp cloth and massaged into it with a toothbrush or fingers. It will be possible to wash sneakers only after 20-30 minutes after application. After that, it is recommended to simply wash off the remnants of the powder with warm water.

Today, textile sports shoes are experiencing another boom, but in order to remain fashionable, shoes must look good, which is quite difficult for textile shoes.

How to wash sneakers in a washing machine so as not to damage their shape and material?

Today, sneakers are no longer just sports shoes - for example, girls today wear sneakers with dresses and skirts, and the shoe material is often very light. In addition, the low price makes it very popular among children's shoes, and it is usually also sewn from light or colored fabrics.

So, what do we do if we have a pair of sneakers that have visible traces of dirt that can no longer be simply brushed off? You can wash sneakers by hand, and spend quite a lot of effort for this ... or you can wash them with an automatic washing machine.

We remove the laces from the shoes, they can be washed by hand or in a typewriter. Keep in mind that almost any textile shoe will shed when washed, so wash it in “proud solitude”.

If the material has old, deeply ingrained stains, treat them before washing. For white sneakers, use powders with a bleaching effect, for colored sneakers, use powder stain removers for colored fabrics. Make a slurry out of the powder, then lightly rub this slurry into the places of the greatest pollution. .

Without removing the stain remover or bleach from the fabric, place the pair of shoes in a shoe-washing bag. If you do not have such a bag, wrap a pair in cotton fabric (see photo). Be sure to tie the edges of the fabric in a tight knot. Place the sneakers in the tank of the car. Most often, for washing shoes, it is recommended to use the fastest mode with minimal water heating, however, as practice shows, washing in this mode will not remove stains from textile shoes. Therefore, we advise you to choose a normal wash with a water temperature of up to 60 degrees. But it is enough to pour the powder as for a minimum load.

After washing, we need to remove our pair from the bag and dry it. In order not to deform the rubber sole, you do not need to dry them near too close to heating devices. It is better to dry them naturally by stuffing them with newsprint.
