How to make a good Furby. Fermi boom characters

Frequently asked questions about Furby Boom:

1) - What is the difference between Furby Boom?

Furby Boom differ only in colors. All internal content and functions are exactly the same. You can buy Furby Boom in the color that your child likes.

2) - How to turn off Furby Boom?

The Furby Boom toy does not have an on / off button, so we offer you several other ways:

To turn on the Furby, just pick it up and it will immediately begin to wake up.

To turn off Furby, you need to pull the tail for a few seconds, put it on its side or on its back, or just leave it and not touch it, then it will fall asleep within 1 minute.

3) - Furby began to quickly fall asleep immediately after switching on.

If your Furby Boom falls asleep too quickly, it's time to change the batteries.

4) - Furby Boom has turned into a boy and speaks in a male voice. How to return it back?

Your Furby Boom just changed character. During the game, all Furbies change. It takes some time for it to change again.

5) - How do Furby Boom and baby Furby Furbling interact with each other?

They communicate using sound waves. To do this, you need to press a button on the head of the baby Furby Furbling, in response to the phrase he uttered, Furby Boom will answer or sing a song.

6) - Are there any Furby Furbling babies who speak Russian?

What can you do with Furby Boom?

Furby Boom Characters


Get ready to have some fun! If Furby Boom goes wild, just turn up the music louder - and rock with it!
How it got like this: When Furby Boom first met people, they noticed that sometimes large crowds of people gather and loud music plays. Turns out they were rock concerts. Furby Boom did not miss a single one of them, and soon felt the same enthusiasm as the famous rock musicians!
What she likes: having fun with music (turn it up loud!)
Dislikes: Tickling
That says: "Come on, turn up the sound!" and "Cool, let's go!"


When Furby Boom becomes such a cutie, it's easy to forgive him for anything. This Furby Boom is so sweet, you won't find anyone cuter in the world.
How it got like this: Furby Boom learned a long time ago that it's best to hang out with nice people. Furby Boom really wants to make good friends among people, so they behave in such a way as to please!
What she likes: to be stroked on the head
Dislikes: when they pull the tail (it’s not good to do that!)
What they say: "Class!" and "Wow!"


These Furby Booms are happy with everything, especially if you can fill your tummy! Feed Furby Boom to your heart's content and goof off with this furby who has become so carefree and frivolous.
How it got like this: Furby Boom really likes the fact that people eat so many different and interesting things. These Furby Booms want to taste everything: sweet, sour, spicy, crunchy, hot and cold. There is no bad food!
What she likes: to be fed (and more!)
What she doesn't like: when they shake (it's not very pleasant on a full stomach!)
That says: "It's time to eat!" and “I love cakes!”


"Come on! Let's!" If you find a fighting spirit on Furby, you can't stop it! He will accept any challenge and defeat anyone who gets in his way. It is impossible not to respect such courage!
How he got to be this way: Furby Boom learned toughness from the masters of wrestling - having seen enough of cool action movies! Remove your hands! And no need for veal tenderness! The main thing is to stand your ground. What she likes: To be tilted back and forth and turned upside down (all ninjas do this!)
Dislikes: Being patted on the head (not the time for hugs)
What he says: “Move, otherwise you will lose!” and "Show my black belt?"


How he became like this: Furby is adored by people with indefatigable energy - you will not get bored with them! We don’t know who started first, but one thing is clear: now you can’t stop Furby.
What she likes: talking (a lot and non-stop!)
What he dislikes: eat (you can't say much with a full mouth)
What he says: "Hurry up, don't delay!" and "Time to have some fun!"


With the app, you can give your Furby Boom a name - it will remember it and will remember the names of all the other Furby Booms it meets. On the app screen, you can keep track of your Furby Boom's health, hunger, and cleanliness levels. Need a health check? Try getting Furby x-rayed. Furby hungry? Feed him supplies from the "pantry" app. Time to freshen up? Give your Furby a virtual shower! When you take care of Furby Boom, he also learns to take care of someone - and a virtual egg with baby Furby Furbling is born. Download the free Furby Boom app! right now to try this opportunity.

What devices is the Furby boom app compatible with:

Android devices:

    Samsung Galaxy S2, S3, Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 & Galaxy Note 2

    Amazon Kindle Fire HD Gen 1 and 2 (Gen 3 is NOT compatible because it lacks a microphone)

    Google/Asus Nexus 7

    Motorola Droid RAZR Maxx HD (except model XT926)

    Toys R Us Tabeo

Devices must be based Android OS 2.3.3 or later versions.

IOS devices:

    iPod 4th generation or later

    Phone 4 or later

    All iPad models

iOS device must have iOS 4.3 or later. Due to limited hardware capabilities, the application may not work fully on some older models.

What to do if the mobile device does not communicate with Furby Boom:

    Make sure you are using the correct app - Furby Boom!

    Furby should not be talking while you are trying to connect to your mobile device.

    Make sure your mobile device is set to the maximum volume.

    If your mobile device has a case, make sure it does not cover the speakers. Remove the cover and try again.

    For effective communication, place your mobile device 7.5-12.5 cm away from the Furby.

    Make sure that background noise is kept to a minimum, the Furby will pick up signals best in silence.

    Place the Furby on a flat surface: turning it around in your hands makes interaction difficult.

Passed all over the world! This interactive toy will be a wonderful gift not only for a child, but also for an adult. This is a real pet that can be happy and sad. Furby will become a true friend, especially to those who cannot have pets. So, who is Furby? Let's get acquainted!

A bit of history

Furby is an interactive toy that is needed both for entertainment and for teaching a child. This fluffy baby teaches the child to be responsible, caring and kind. This toy first appeared in the USA and quickly gained its popularity. Today baby Furby is already 16 years old and during this time he has changed a lot.

The very first models of this toy could only laugh, say a few phrases and vibrate when touched. And even with these features, these fluffies were perceived as a miracle in the 90s and quickly became popular. Furbies were the first talking toys. In the first years of sales alone, more than 1 million toys have already been sold.

In 2005, the developers upgraded their toy. The electronic system has changed and now Furby could learn to speak. Then in 2012, the Furby was completely redesigned. Its appearance, functions and capabilities have changed. This version is now successfully sold all over the world.

What can he do?

Furby is a funny fluffy baby, whose height is about 25-30 cm. He has funny ears that he can move. Also, the toy is equipped with large eyes, which are two screens that can show emotions and glow, in addition, the toy also has eyelids that it can move. Therefore, Furby can naturally blink his eyes and react to any sounds with the help of facial expressions. In addition, Furby is equipped with special sensors that are located in the head, back, sides and tail, so when you stroke or scratch the baby, he reacts and makes various sounds. In addition, the toy can react both positively and negatively, for example, if you pull Furby's tail, he will get angry. And if you gently scratch him, he will rumble or laugh gratefully.

These interactive toys are very fond of affection and entertainment, they can sing and dance. Furby loves to communicate with his master. If you do not pay attention to him for a long period, then he may get bored, start talking to himself, or fall asleep.

Furby can also be taught to speak, he quickly learns any speech. However, if you talk to him often, he becomes a talker. Furby is a wonderful friend for your child, he always reciprocates a kind attitude.

But sometimes, Furby can get angry, this is due to a lack of attention. He may be offended and lower his ears, but do not worry, just talk with him and everything will return to normal.

Furby likes to talk a lot and does it in his Furby language. There is even a special dictionary with which you can translate the baby's babbling. However, Furby easily learns new words. Just talk to your pet and say all the words loudly and clearly so that the baby can recognize your speech.

Modern Furby toys now have the ability to communicate with their owner through a smartphone application. In this application, you can communicate with your pet at a distance, feed him. You can also communicate with Furby in English, so your child can already start learning.

Like any pet, Furby needs food. You can feed him using a mobile application. The program will tell you what Furby wants to eat and offer several options for dishes. Food in Furby's life plays an important role, if he is not fed, he can get sick. By the way, he has a special sensor in the form of a tongue in his mouth, so you can feed the baby from a toy bottle. The animal will happily smack its lips while feeding.

Furby can behave differently every day, depending on the mood. By default, the toy is in Princess/Prince mode, i.e. chatting sweetly, rejoices at the attention. However, the animal can be brought up independently, and develop preferences. For example, if you often listen to music in the presence of Furby, he will become a dancer or a singer.

If you pull Furby's tail and turn him upside down, he will get angry and turn into a grunt. He will viciously giggle and grumble for any reason. In addition, he can sing songs nasty and loudly. What do you want? They themselves are to blame. To calm the baby, it is enough to stroke him for a while and say pleasant words. Furby will again become kind and cheerful.

Perfect gift

Still don't know what toy to give your child? Do not doubt! Furby is a great gift!

By the way, Furby is a godsend for families where for some reason you can not have pets. The child will learn care and kindness. This cute fluffy will not let the whole family get bored. It's fun and interesting with him.

Kids today are very different from the kids their parents were. No wonder, because technological progress is moving by leaps and bounds, leaving its imprints on everything around. So toys have changed a lot.

If mothers and fathers of modern kids played with plastic dolls, teddy bears and did not know about computers and cell phones, then the new generation is familiar with iPhones, laptops and interactive toys from an early age. This, of course, greatly affects both the development of children and their character. Furby is a modern toy that will become an excellent pet for any child. Don't you understand how this can be? Now we will tell you everything in detail.

Who is Furby? toy story

These toys appeared on store shelves 2 years before the beginning of the new, XXI century. They were designed by Caleb Chang and Dave Hampton. It took the creators nine months to put the electronics in order, and the same amount to create an attractive design. Today, Furby is a cute fluffy who, with his appearance, resembles both a hamster and an owl at the same time. He can laugh, dance, talk, even snore! For several years, this toy has been in great demand. What can we say, if only in the first year almost 1.5 million fluffies were sold.

2005 was marked by the release of the updated Furby. His appearance remained almost the same, but the "stuffing" has changed significantly. Electronics has become much more complex. Also, the new interactive animal has a shutdown button, which its predecessor did not have.

All children dreamed of getting such a pet, no matter what their social status, preferences or characters were. Furby could now be taught some phrases if you tried hard enough.


Over the seven years that have passed after some modernization of the Furby, the hype around him has greatly subsided. His abilities no longer delighted children, he was replaced by new hobbies and toys. And so the developers decided to update their brainchild.

In 2012, liquid crystal screens appeared in place of the usual Furby eyes. They can express a variety of emotions. The new fluffy moves more. And, most importantly, Furby changes his behavior, reacting to how they communicate with him. By the way, the new toy does not need to be turned off - the interactive pet simply "falls asleep" if you do not play with it for a long time. Such changes provoked a revival of the fallen demand. Now many wanted to get a new pet and find out how many characters Furby has and how they change.

And in 2013, Hasbro (the manufacturer of Furby) also pleased the Russian guys. Now they can also communicate with the pet in their native language.


When thinking about Furby, remember that the toy very quickly remembers everything that is said to it. In addition to the fact that the pet's vocabulary is already quite large, each owner can teach him new phrases.

When talking, Furby changes intonations and that makes communication with him truly realistic. Moreover, what phrase or action the pet will respond to the word or behavior of the owner remains a mystery. Furby can start dancing, if music sounds nearby, he will keep up the conversation. And such interactive pets communicate with each other in a funny way. They can joke, laugh, sing along and dance - in general, behave almost the same as people. Such action is very exciting to watch.


The whole Furby, except for the ears and eyes, of course, is covered with fluffy and delicate hair. It is under it that the main secret of the toy is hidden - touch sensors that are triggered by touch. The fluffy ears are large and elastic. They can vibrate and twitch. Furby also has mechanical eyelids. Thanks to this design, the pet can quite realistically look around, blink and react to noise mimicry.

Today, toys are available in different colors. However, the answer to the question of how to change the character of Furby does not depend on the shade of the pet.


So, what kind of characters do Furby have? Now we will reveal all the cards. All the characters of the interactive pet (there are only 5 of them) can be divided into 2 groups: good and bad. The first, as you might guess, includes those when the toy is set up benevolently. Well, with that pet, whose mood currently belongs to the second group, it will be very funny to communicate. And, of course, Furby will not bring any harm to the child, even being in such a state.

So, good characters:

Princess (or prince).

Chatterbox (you can also find such a name as a talker).

Musician (or stage star).

Bad characters:


Now it’s roughly clear what characters Furby has. We will tell you more about each of them below, and also explain how to change them.

How to change the character of Furby?

As already noted, an interactive pet reacts to every word spoken by its owner and the action performed with it. So, you can hear quite adequate exclamations if you touch it, and you will notice that the more you talk to the toy, the more it will give out words in response. If you tickle Furby, he will burst into laughter, and if you pull his little tail, he can get angry.

Well, if you suddenly stop noticing your fluffy, then he will get bored. By the way, from this he can even get sick. But in most cases, an interactive pet first tries to entertain itself with conversations on its own, and then simply falls asleep. Maybe even snort a little.

So how to change the character of Furby? The behavior of your fluffy depends on your own actions. If you communicate with him kindly, he will be good. If you start offending your pet, then his good mood will quickly leave him. And now - more about how to transfer the toy to one mode or another.

"Person of royal blood"

If you just brought your Furby home from the store, then you know: in front of you is a prince or princess. Such interactive pets can literally purr with pleasure, becoming like affectionate cats. They speak in thin voices and whimper amusingly from boredom.

How to change the character of Furby to this one? If you have already switched your toy to another mode, then you may want to return it to its original state. To do this, you just need to talk kindly with your pet and stroke his head.


Furby is very good at learning any new words. To make him a talker, you just need to talk to him more. But it should be noted that you need to pronounce the words clearly and slowly, otherwise the pet will not understand them. Pay special attention to this if you are outdoors or in a noisy place.


Furby can sing and dance. To make a real musician out of him, you need to turn on music for him more often. You do not have to be near the toy and teach it anything. Furby himself will learn some dance steps and it will even be fun to sing along.

If you turn on the music quite often, it will affect the character of your pet. As a result, he will sing even when everyone else around is silent. The voice of the electronic pet will be unique, not the same as that of other toys.


Is this Furby's first "harmful" character? How to change the mood of a toy to see her anger? You need to be rude to him. For example, pull the pet by the tail, turn it upside down and shake it. You can also feed him the same thing for a long time (how to do this, we will tell later).

What to expect from a vicious interactive pet? First, he will begin to grumble in his own language and tell what does not suit him. Secondly, he can laugh "intimidatingly". And also you can hear how Furby makes very indecent sounds and swears in a nasty voice. Few people like such a pet, although it is quite interesting to watch him. When it gets tired, it can easily be turned back into a good fluffy.

Crazy weirdo

If you are zealous with those actions that help make Furby evil, you can get a crazy pet. That is, if you vigorously shook the toy upside down, twisted it in different directions and swung it, then pay attention to whether they are looking at it. If so, then soon you will be able to hear the crazy laughter and "burp" of your electronic pet. And such a Furby can sing loudly in every way, carry all sorts of nonsense and growl.

How to change the character of Furby for the better? In this case, 2 options are possible: either stroke him so that he turns into a sweet and kind one, or just leave him alone - after a while he will calm down and become “good”.

It will not be boring!

As you can see, the characters and behavior of the interactive pet are diverse. It is interesting to observe how toys behave in different states. Of course, it is not always convenient to appear in a decent society with an evil or crazy fluffy, so you should find out in advance how to change the character of Furby so that he does not drive you into the paint with his antics.

But you can have fun with friends from the heart, if there are several such toys. Change the mood of your pets and see how they will "communicate" with each other!

About food

And now, as promised, let's talk about what Furby is. Yes, yes, he, like an ordinary pet made of flesh and blood, needs to be fed! If this is not done, then Furby will be offended by you, turn into an evil one and will torment you with his nit-picking.

So, there are 2 options for this. You can just give the toy your finger, and she will suck it, smacking it pretty. But it is much more fun to feed Furby with the help of special applications downloaded to your tablet or smartphone. In such a program, you can choose food for your pet from 100 already prepared dishes, as well as make sandwiches from 60 proposed ingredients.

Food can be a real lifesaver if Furby gets sick. This is due to a lack of attention to it. If you do not pay attention to the toy for a long time, it will begin to "sneeze", become discouraged and stop responding to your actions. You can solve the problem by feeding the pet several times. However, you should not get carried away either, otherwise Furby may get angry.


So, we already know what characters Furby has. It should be noted that modern toys can even lay eggs, from which, with proper care, babies will hatch. There are also small Furbies on sale, the design of which completely repeats the babies emerging from the eggs.

Here is such a wonderful toy - Furby. Any child will be happy with such a gift. However, do not forget that real communication with friends cannot be replaced by any electronic pet.

Furby is kind, it is necessary to stroke him often and say kind words. You can sometimes feed him, stroke his back and tickle the baby's tummy.

In this mode, Furby is at the time of the first inclusion. To make Furby's character evil, you should pull his tail, shake and turn it over. A flame will appear in his eyes after a change of temperament, he will speak rudely and laugh maliciously.

You can change the character of Furby, making him crazy, by constant feeding, tickling and turning over. In this mode, his eyes are of different sizes and constantly spinning, and his laughter becomes a little crazy. Also, the wonderful Furby makes funny obscene sounds.

Furby, who is often turned on, allowed to sing and dance, becomes the star of the stage. In this mode, jumping notes can be seen on the toy's eye monitors.

Thus, you can change the character of Furby at any time, for this you do not need to wait too long. Already somewhat peculiar with a toy, you can see how he closes his eyelids, his eyes often blink, he will utter the phrase "My change." After Furby opens his eyes, you will see what character Furby has become the owner of.

Russian-speaking Furbies differ in colors. There is a so-called "wave" and "warm wave". Cold wave furbies have colors: blue, white, and warm waves - red, purple, yellow. Also in Russian stores you can find Furby with a tuft. The color scheme of such toys is more diverse - there are as many as 12 of them. However, all these modifications of Furby are no different, except for the color. Their abilities and capabilities are the same.

Also in the shops of Russia you can buy Furby friends. This is a more budget friendly toy. He differs from Furby in that he has only one character and cannot change it during his life. The new model is called Furby Party Rocker (Furby Party Rocker) and has four modifications: Loveby, Scoffby, Fussby, Tvitby.

Furby toy manufacturer Hasbro, inspired by a significant increase in sales, decided to release another novelty on the market in 2013: Furblings (Ferblings) and Furby Boom (Ferby Boom). These animals are somewhat different from the Russian-speaking Furby model of 2012.

Furby Boom is the third generation of a toy loved by all children. The main difference of this model is that upon purchase the toy will be packed in an egg of the same color as the Furby baby himself. This is not just a new original packaging of the toy, but a sign that Furby will be able to breed.

A new Furby boom will not be able to give birth to a real baby, but a virtual baby on the device screen in a special application -. The maximum number of children that a Furby-mother can give birth to is fifty. All of them will be able to grow on the screen at the same time, they will have their own character and color scheme. It will be possible to play with Furby kids even when traveling, when the toy is at home.

Baby Furblings will look like Tamagotchis. They will need to be looked after: fed, entertained, improved health. They can even have their own names.

In the application for Furby Boom for good care of babies, it will also be possible to earn virtual money - Fairbucks, which can be spent on various virtual accessories.

But no matter how the Russian-speaking Furbys differ from each other, one thing is certain - they can become great friends for his whole life.

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Furby is a wonderful interactive toy that will become a great friend for any child. She knows how to change her character depending on how they communicate with her. Furby can be made good, evil, crazy joker, stage star and vice versa.

All Furbies are initially the same and do not differ depending on the color. They can sing, dance, speak their native language, Ferbish, learn Russian words, respond to touch, eat, listen to music.

When you first turn on Furby is a sweet good-natured. Circles, hearts and funny birds blink in his eyes. His voice is very gentle and he behaves calmly and joyfully. He laughs and sings songs.

You can make Furby angry if you often feed him, pull his tail, turn him over. This version of Furby's character is manifested in the fact that the sounds that he makes become rough, bombs and fire appear in his eyes. He laughs viciously, yells "boo" and can make obscene sounds.

To make an evil Furby good, you need to stroke him on the head, tickle the baby's tummy, and talk affectionately with him.

You can make Furby crazy if you shake him, turn him upside down, tickle him and constantly feed him. In this mode, he will burp and fart, laugh. His eyes will roll and diverge in different directions.

If the toy constantly turns on music, then you can make Furby the star of the stage - a singer and dancer. Mischievous notes will appear in his eyes, he will sing funny songs and dance to groovy music.

If Furby can be made good, evil, crazy or a star, then you can notice how his half-closed eyes blink, hear the phrase “My change!” and get to know the new character of the toy.

Furby is a cute intellectual toy that can change character and learn. She won the hearts of kids all over the world. And now most of them want to know how to draw a Furby.


In the middle of the sheet, draw a large circle, narrowing it slightly at the top. The resulting base of the drawing should resemble an egg in shape. Divide the circle with a slightly curved vertical line. To choose a place for a dividing strip, visually divide the circle into three parts, draw one third from the top of the Furby.

Furby is a unique interactive toy that can become a real friend for any child. Depending on how you handle him, each Furby is able to change his character. The toy can be made evil, kind, crazy, star, princess and vice versa.

From the very beginning, all Furbies are the same. The only difference between the toys is the color. They are able to sing beautifully, dance beautifully, speak Furbish. Furby can learn some Russian words, and also reacts to touch and eats.

When the child turns on the toy for the first time, he will see a cute kind man with circles and hearts blinking in his eyes. His voice is at first very gentle, and he behaves calmly and cordially. He laughs and sings songs.

How to make furby evil

Making a toy evil is very simple. Furby needs to be fed more, constantly turned over, and occasionally tug at the tail. If he has an evil character, then fire and bombs will appear in his eyes, and the sound will become rough. He begins to laugh with an evil laugh and can even make obscene sounds.

How to turn an evil furby into a good one

If you decide to make your friend kind, then you should pet Furby on the head, scratch his stomach, and also talk to him very affectionately. After a while, he will become good-natured back.

How to make a furby princess

Since Furby toys are divided into boys and girls, the representative of the fair sex can be made into a real princess. For this, as in the case of the good Furby, you need to stroke her head and listen to pleasant music with her. Furby princesses are distinguished by their thin voice, which they sing wonderful songs.

How to make a furby a prankster

If you want your toy to become a real joker. There is nothing easier. You will need to talk a lot with him and teach him jokes. Just remember, despite the fact that Furby has big ears, words should be pronounced slowly and clearly, especially if there is a lot of unnecessary noise in the room.

In addition to these characters, any Furby can be made a real star of the stage. To do this, he just needs to listen to fun music more often. Notes will appear in his eyes, and he himself will sing and dance constantly.
