How to clean suede. How to clean black suede boots at home

Suede clothes and shoes are in constant consumer demand, and are distinguished by a special charm, beauty and convenience. For women, it gives individuality, and for men it helps to emphasize impeccable taste.

However, suede items are whimsical and require attention. When buying an expensive item, you should familiarize yourself with the rules of care and cleaning methods at home. It is worth choosing reliable methods that will not spoil the appearance of clothes.

There are many options for caring for and cleaning suede items, and when choosing, you should focus on the type and duration of pollution.

Precautionary measures

Unsafe products such as gasoline and household chemicals can be used to clean suede, so gloves must be worn before the procedure.

Dry cleaning is preferable, but if this does not help, you can use a wet treatment. Suede products cannot be washed, otherwise the fabric will harden after drying.

In the process of cleaning you need:

  • Influence effortlessly.
  • Carefully remove cleaning agent.
  • Do not wet the material too much.

The best home cleaning products for natural suede

The following products are used to clean natural suede:

  • soap solution;
  • glycerol;
  • hydrogen peroxide and ammonia;
  • starch;
  • gasoline and talc;
  • ammonia and vinegar;
  • special brush;
  • other effective means.


Water stains can be cleaned with steam. To do this, hold the suede item over the steam for a few seconds, and then lightly rub the stains with a clean sponge.


The tool will help clean light suede.

  1. Combine glycerin with a special coloring agent.
  2. Go over the contaminated areas with a simple stiff brush.
  3. Treat the product with the prepared solution.

Glycerin has a water-repellent property, so after cleaning and drying shoes, it can be wiped with a cloth moistened with glycerin.

Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia

This method will help clean light-colored suede items.

  1. In 200 ml of water, add ½ tsp. 3% hydrogen peroxide and ammonia.
  2. Apply the composition to the sponge and wipe the contaminated areas.
  3. Wet another sponge with water and treat the same places.
  4. Dry with a clean cotton cloth.


Potato starch will help remove greasy stains. It is necessary to pour it on contaminated places, leave for half an hour, then clean with a brush.

Gasoline and talc

Gasoline is suitable for removing grease stains from suede products. It is necessary to treat the contaminated area with gasoline, and then sprinkle with a small amount of talc. After half an hour, remove the residue with a special brush.

soap solution

The soapy solution will remove stubborn dirt. First clean the dirt from the surface with a brush, and then wash off the residue with soapy water. To prepare it, add ordinary or liquid soap to warm water. After the procedure, wipe the suede and dry it.

Ammonia and vinegar

Mix ½ cup of warm water with 50 ml of ammonia. Wipe the problem areas with the finished solution, and then lightly walk with a wet cloth. You need to complete the procedure with a solution of vinegar (1 tsp of vinegar and 1 liter of water).

Special brush

Buy a soft-bristled brush to remove dirt. Treat it with a solution of ammonia (ammonia and water in a ratio of 1: 5). For different colors of suede, there should be an individual brush.

Other effective remedies

A solution of milk and soda will help to cope with severe pollution.

  1. Mix half a glass of milk with ½ tsp. baking soda and a couple of drops of ammonia.
  2. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and apply the solution to a soft cloth.
  3. Wipe contaminated areas.
  4. Remove the remaining product with a damp cotton pad.

This method helps clear light-colored suede. For processing materials of dark tones, replace milk with water.

How to clean faux suede

Faux suede feels the same as real suede. It's easy enough to clean.

Primary processing

It is very important to carry out the first treatment. When buying suede items or shoes, immediately purchase care products:

  • Suede brush. Preferably double-sided (pile and rubber comb).
  • Protective agent (colorless or tinting).
  • Cleaning foam.

Foam for suede

Foam will easily remove various contaminants.

  1. Apply foam to the previously dried surface, and after 3 minutes remove the excess with a sponge.
  2. Clean with a brush.
  3. Finish the treatment by lifting the pile. To do this, use an eraser.

Salt stain removal

In winter and autumn, salt stains are common pollution. They need to be removed immediately, because after drying it is more difficult to do this.

  1. Wipe suede shoes with a soft piece of cloth lightly dampened with ammonia.
  2. After drying, lift the pile with a rubber brush.

If the suede is crumpled after processing, hold the product over the steam and brush immediately.

Light Suede Cleansing

To clean light suede, you need to touch the stain with a crumb of white bread, not rubbing it much, and periodically changing the bread.

To clean light-colored artificial suede, you can use the products that were used for natural suede.

Specialized household chemicals

Stores sell aerosols. They remove white patches. You need to shake the can well, spray the substance on the desired area, and leave for half an hour. It is also recommended to buy a brush and water repellent.

Video tips

  • Suede shoes should only be cleaned when dry.
  • Sun exposure can turn shoes blue or greenish, so long sun exposure should be avoided.
  • Do not wear suede products in wet weather.
  • When choosing care products, pay attention to the composition - the basis should not be synthetics.
  • Treat shoes with aerosol paints that will restore color and soften the rough surface.

Video plot

All of these methods are effective and efficient. They are great at dealing with dirt. To make things look attractive, you need to clean them regularly and follow the care instructions.

The attractiveness of suede products is often considered secondary, because thoughts about the future problematic cleaning of a new pair of shoes made of noble material come to the fore. In this sense, light models of fashionable new clothes are especially frightening. However, cleaning suede shoes at home is much easier than it seems.

Luxurious-looking material easily deteriorates under the influence of water, so you can only clean it with dry methods. Wetting the material makes it hard and rough. Careful handling of suede will allow you to maintain an attractive appearance for a long time, for this you just need to slightly replenish the knowledge base of the household direction.

Suede cleaning tools

To care for shoes made of the material in question, buy a special double-sided brush. With its help, it will be possible to restore a presentable appearance. A quality tool should include:

  • Metal teeth to remove dried-on dirt.
  • Synthetic or natural bristles. Helps with dry and wet cleaning.
  • Low rubber or rubber spikes to raise the pile.
  • Side wheel for cleaning the welt and removing dirt from the seams.

A brush with a rounded tip will easily remove stains, remove dust, greasy, dirt. This is done on a dried product. An alternative to a special brush: a tooth or clothes brush, a new stationery eraser.

Chemical cleaners for suede shoes

Specially developed formulations in the form of a spray or foam quickly remove dirt from suede shoes. Using them is simple, but not always safe and effective if the wrong product is chosen or the purchased cleaner is used incorrectly. If the expected result was not achieved the first time, repeating the procedure will help without harm to the product being cleaned.

Please note that most products sold are designed to remove fresh stains. Such cleaners do not cope well with old dirt, stubborn dirt, stuck grains of sand. They also provoke strong wetting of the product, which requires additional gentle drying.

Folk ways to restore suede

Before removing dirt, clean shoes from dust with a special brush. It is better to use crepe - it performs the task more delicately, returns velvety. If the product gets wet, dry it first so as not to spread the stain to a large size. Then remove the dirt with a brush, if necessary, blot the dirt with a damp cloth.

  • Soapy solution with a few drops of ammonia. The mixture is applied to the contamination with a sponge, then removed with a dry rag. The cleaned area is wiped with a weak vinegar solution (1 tsp of vinegar per 1 liter of water).

ATTENTION: soap must be free of bleaching and biological additives

  • Old stains are removed with ammonia and starch mixed in equal proportions. The resulting mass is applied to the pollution and waiting for drying. After that, treat the area with a stain with a soft brush. This will help eliminate the problem and restore the structure of the villi.
  • Salt stains are removed with table vinegar. Dampen a brush or sponge in it, then gently treat the contaminated areas. Remove salt residues with a dry brush after the material has completely dried.
  • Glossed areas are subject to restoration of the structure of the pile through steam procedures. Hold the shoes over boiling water or in front of a steam generator for no more than 5 minutes, preventing the suede from soaking. After the villi are gently lifted with a brush. Alternative: rub the stain with salt, then scrub with a brush.
  • Grease stains are removed with gasoline. Gently blot the stain with gauze soaked in it and leave to dry.

Video tips

Rules for cleaning suede shoes

When using the above recipes, consider the color of the shoes so as not to aggravate the situation. If you had to use water to remove the stain, absorb excess moisture with clean tissues and towels. If creases have formed, steam the shoes in an accessible way, and then restore the pile with a stiff brush.

Cleaning light-colored shoes

When purchasing special products for removing stains from white, cream, peach suede shoes, be careful. It is necessary to choose a composition whose ingredients are not able to affect the color of the processed material. To check, apply it first to the area from the inside. If light suede shoes get wet, dry them on a clean towel.

  1. Remove dirt and greasy stains with a mixture of 100 ml of skim milk and 0.5 tbsp. l. soda / 10 ml of ammonia. Using a sponge, brush or brush dipped in the mixture, gently wipe the stained area. Finish cleaning by gently blotting the area of ​​the former stain with a cotton pad dipped in water. Alternative: table vinegar, slightly diluted with water.
  2. Old stains on light shoes are removed with a mixture of turpentine, talc, magnesia, taken in equal proportions. Pre-contamination is treated with warm skimmed milk.
  3. The dry brushing method against grease stains involves the use of talcum powder, baby powder, tooth powder, starch or crushed chalk. These compounds perfectly absorb fat if left in a problem area for several hours, and then removed with a brush.
  4. Use a crumb of white bread to remove fresh stains. Do not rub hard - you will noticeably damage the structure of the pile.

Cleaning colored and black suede shoes

In cleaning colored shoes, the aggressiveness of the purchased product is important. Carefully read the instructions, purpose, check the composition on the inside of the product. If you need to restore a shiny area of ​​suede on a dark brown pair of shoes at home, it is acceptable to use coffee grounds instead of steam. A brush is wetted in it, which then processes the desired area. After drying, remove coffee grains with a dry brush.

It is easy to remove stains from dark suede shoes with black or rye bread. Take a dry humpback and rub the place of contamination with it.

Video information

Black suede can be restored with typewriter ribbon. Grease stains are removed with delicate lotions using a cotton pad soaked in gasoline. Fine sandpaper also removes stains and restores lint.

Wet suede care

No one is immune from getting caught in the rain in suede shoes. If you do not use a water-repellent spray, your shoes will probably get wet through. Remember, it is unacceptable to clean products made of this material when wet. Proceed according to the instructions.

  1. Stuff the shoes with paper so they don't warp while drying. If the product is made of light suede, take clean paper, in no case a newspaper!
  2. Dry away from radiators, sources of intense heat. Periodically change the filler, which will absorb moisture. If you put the shoes on the battery, the material is likely to deform, the soles may be damaged (may burst).
  3. Remove dirt and stains with a special brush.

  • Moisture is the primary enemy of suede products. To avoid getting wet, treat the shoes with a moisture-repellent spray and a special brush immediately after purchase. It is recommended to repeat the procedure three times after the next drying of the impregnation. The agent forms a transparent film that protects against water and street dirt, makes the material more elastic. Even if you manage to get the suede dirty after pre-treatment, it will be much easier to clean thanks to the aerosol.
  • Stains should be removed as soon as possible.
  • Remove pollution of any origin without a complete wash, because suede is “afraid” of moisture. Spot treat the stain with the selected composition, then blot it dry.
  • Keep your brush clean. Light suede is easy to stain with a dirty tool. Operate the brush in one direction so as not to smear the dirt or create abrasion.
  • Color restoration is carried out with the help of special creams and aerosol paints. The choice of shade is the most crucial moment in this process. Check the paint on the inside. You should not replace the desired shade with similar ones in tone - ruin the shoes.
  • Out of season storage means thorough cleaning. Put shoes in the closet, filling with paper or inserting special blocks to keep their shape.

Suede differs from leather in less practicality and more fastidiousness. At the same time, it is soft, comfortable, takes the shape of the leg. The rapid loss of a presentable appearance is due to improper care. Use the recommendations received, and the shoes will last more than 1 season, delighting with a chic look.

Suede shoes are a great addition to both business and evening looks. But no one is immune from the appearance of stains and scuffs. How and how to clean suede shoes? Let's find out together what you can do with your own hands to return capricious suede to its former novelty.

Suede cleaning

There are plenty of suede care products in specialty stores, and the internet is filled with homemade cleaning options. Consider in turn how to clean suede shoes at home.

Professional approach: 5 store products

Let's take a closer look in the table, what products you can buy to clean suede shoes:

A photo Suede care list

Remedy 1. Foam.

Foam is effective for removing fresh dirt. You need to use this tool in tandem with a suede brush.

Remedy 2. Shampoo.

Saves the suede surface from stains that have already eaten.

Remedy 3. Lotion.

Delicately removes dirt and cleans shoes from dust. Suitable for regular use.

Tool 4. Eraser.

Suitable for gentle dry cleaning of suede. Returns her velvety.

Means 5. Stain remover.

A powerful tool that can cope with all types of stains.

The price of such cleaners depends on the manufacturer, but, in principle, they are all quite affordable. I recommend using them strictly according to the instructions on the label.

Home recipes: 5 options

The instruction will tell you how to clean suede shoes with improvised means:

Image Ways

Method 1. Milk + soda
  1. Pour 150 ml of skimmed milk into a glass.
  2. Add a teaspoon of baking soda to the bowl and mix thoroughly.
  3. With a small towel soaked in the composition, wipe the shoes.
  4. Wipe off residue with a clean cloth.

Method 2. Washing powder
  1. Pour clean water into a small bowl.
  2. Add 1 scoop of laundry detergent and stir.
  3. Soak a cotton pad in the liquid and wipe the surface of the shoe.
  4. Wipe dry with a tissue.

Method 3. Soap solution
  1. Prepare a soap solution: 20 ml of liquid soap in 150 ml of water.
  2. Scrub the desired areas with a special or rubber brush.
  3. Dry your shoes.
Method 4. Peroxide + ammonia
  1. Mix 1 teaspoon of peroxide and ammonia.
  2. Add 200 ml of water.
  3. Dampen the foam sponge with the composition and rub the surface.
  4. Dry your shoes in a well ventilated area.

Method 5. Coffee grounds
  1. Apply slightly damp coffee grounds to dirty areas.
  2. Remove it with a clean cloth and go over the entire surface with a brush.

This method is only suitable for dark-colored suede, as coffee grounds can stain light-colored boots.

We clean light suede: 4 methods

The stains are very noticeable on light-colored things, so I suggest you find out what methods you can use to safely clean light-colored suede shoes:

Image Description
Method 1. Tooth Powder
  1. Dip your wet brush into the tooth powder.
  2. Treat stains carefully.
  3. Leave it like this for 30 minutes.
  4. Remove residue with a damp sponge.

This approach is effective for removing greasy stubborn dirt.

Method 2: Talc/Starch
  1. Sprinkle the necessary areas with talc or starch.
  2. Leave for 15 minutes.
  3. Scrub the top with a special brush.
  4. Wipe off any residue with a clean cloth.

Method 3. Refined gasoline
  1. Soak a cotton pad in refined gasoline.
  2. Spot treat the affected areas.
  3. Wait for the gasoline to evaporate.
  4. Air your shoes for a few hours.

Method 4. Milk + ammonia
  1. Pour 100 ml of milk into a container.
  2. Add 2 tbsp. l. ammonia and stir.
  3. Soak a cloth in the composition and wipe the entire surface of the shoes.
  4. Leave until completely dry.

This approach will not only clean up the suede, but also bring back the brightness of the light shades.

  1. The surface can only be mechanically cleaned if it is dry.
  2. To remove dust and freshen up the appearance of shoes, treat them with a steam generator from a distance of 30-40 cm.

  1. After cleaning, it is desirable to treat the surface with a protective water-repellent compound.
  2. Store shoes away from moisture and direct sunlight.

  1. I do not recommend wearing suede shoes for long walks.


Suede shoes can be successfully cleaned with various products at home. It is advisable not to postpone caring procedures indefinitely, so that the result is as fast and of high quality as possible. The video in this article will demonstrate effective methods for cleaning suede visually. If something is not clear - contact the comments.

Suede is a beautiful material, but capricious. It quickly becomes dirty, difficult to clean ... Or are these just stereotypes? Let's see if it is difficult to care for suede shoes and how to do it right.

Secrets of perfect care

If you have purchased elegant suede shoes, be prepared to follow these recommendations:

  • Use a special spray for suede shoes. It creates a water-repellent film, which also prevents the penetration of dust and dirt. It is advisable to spray the shoes immediately after purchase.
  • After each wear, clean your shoes with a special suede sponge. Remove dust and other contaminants promptly. Try to clean stains while they are fresh, without giving them time to soak in.
  • Wet shoes should be dried before being cleaned. To remove excess moisture, crumpled paper is placed in the shoes. Do not use any heating devices for drying.
  • Use suede dye to keep your shoes looking good.

Now let's look at how to solve the problems that arise when wearing suede shoes. There are 2 methods of shoe care: dry cleaning or wet cleaning. First, try tidying up your suede shoes using the first option. Wet cleaning should be resorted to if there is extensive or persistent contamination.

Dry cleaning

Dust removal

Use a brush with soft bristles, a dry soft cloth. Movements must be in the same direction.

Elimination of scuffs, glossy areas

Attrition is a crumpled pile. It can be raised by vigorously moving the brush back and forth. Another option is to use a regular stationery eraser. In this case, the suede surface is treated with light touches without pressure.

Color restoration

Coffee grounds will help restore brown shoes to color saturation. It is applied evenly on the surface of the shoes and left to dry completely. Clean the thick with a dry brush.

Black shoes for color uniformity are rubbed with carbon paper.

Getting rid of divorces

On dark suede stains, including salt stains, can be removed with a piece of black stale bread. The stain is rubbed with bread, the crumbs are brushed off, the pile is combed.

Fighting stains

Cleans suede surfaces well and removes stains with ordinary talcum powder. This powder is sprinkled on the contaminated area, left to act for 3-4 hours. At the end of the procedure, the talc is removed along with the dirt using a brush.

Wet processing

There are many options, here are just a few common ones:

Against shiny areas

You can arrange a bath for your favorite shoes. You need to bring water to a boil, in a kettle or saucepan, and hold suede shoes over steam for 5 minutes. After the bath, the shoes are cleaned with a brush, lifting the pile, wiped with a damp cloth.

Note: A cloth soaked in vinegar solution will remove excess shine.

Another way to remove gloss from suede is to use ammonia. Ammonium chloride is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2. Soak a cotton swab in this solution and wipe the problem areas. Remove the remnants of the product with a damp cloth. At the end, comb the pile with a brush dipped in acetic solution.

Cleaning light suede

Old stains are removed as follows: a solution is prepared from 100 ml of milk, 1 teaspoon of soda and a few drops of ammonia. A clean cloth is moistened in the mixture, the contaminated areas are wiped.

The second option involves the use of hydrogen peroxide. Peroxide is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3. Apply the product to a soft cloth, which is then treated with soiled areas. When the suede dries, lift the pile with an eraser.

For colored shoes

A soapy solution will help freshen up the look of the shoes. It is made from simple soap, without dyes. It is better to refuse washing powders - suede becomes stiff, loses color.

Note: soapy water is also good at removing salt marks.

Moisten a soft sponge in the solution and gently wipe the contaminated areas. In the process of cleaning, you should avoid strong wetting of suede, moisture ingress inside. After the material dries, the pile is combed with a brush.

Removing traces of salt

White stains can be removed by brushing the suede with a brush dipped in 9% acetic acid. After cleaning, the shoes are wiped with a damp cloth, set to dry.


Suede leather products have a special noble look.

Such shoes are not just a tribute to fashion, but, above all, comfort when walking and comfortable to wear.

Suede products require constant and careful care. Find out how to keep her elegant look for a long time without resorting to big expenses.

What is suede?

Suede is a velvety leather obtained in a special way from the skin of an animal. For the manufacture of suede, both the skin of cattle and small cattle, such as deer or roe deer, can be used.

Artificial leather can also be used as suede. In this case, artificial suede will be inferior in quality to a similar material of natural nature.

It is worth noting that some velvety fabrics obtained from artificial materials are also called suede.

Whatever velvety material your pair is made of, it is worth remembering that it requires careful care and a special way of storage.

Pros and cons of suede material

Have you purchased suede shoes? When you get home, carefully consider your purchase.

Most often, such products have a specific smell, for some people it may even seem unpleasant. It's all about the composition of the dye, which is used to give the product a beautiful rich shade.

To get rid of an unpleasant smell, take the shoes out of the box and let them air out for a couple of days. There will be no trace of the smell.

Do not leave them to dry or air out in the sun. Under the sun's rays, they fade very easily, and it will be quite difficult to return the former color.

Suede wardrobe items require special care, so you are unlikely to find those that are recommended by the manufacturer for wearing in wet, damp weather.

A warm summer day, dry autumn or spring weather, frosty winter - these are, perhaps, all the days on which you can afford to put on a suede pair.

Most often, such items attract with their neat appearance. They always have a touch of elegance. Perhaps that is why most men and women prefer suede.

How to stretch suede products?

How is it that you have an amazing pair of suede leather on the shelf at home, but it is small for you?

This usually happens in the following cases:

  • You liked the pair on the counter in the store, but they are a little cramped for you. You buy it with the hope of breaking it.
  • Suede shoes were given to you.
  • You bought a summer model in winter or during an illness. Some people have a slightly narrower foot in winter than in summer. Therefore, when buying shoes in the cold season, it may turn out that in six months, when the time comes to wear them, they will turn out to be small for you.

If the purchased pair is quite a bit cramped, then you can try to stretch it using special tools and methods:

  • Take thin cotton socks or stockings and dampen them with hot water. Put socks on your feet and put on tight shoes. Walk a little. Wait until the wet sock is completely dry.

If you work in an office, it will be enough to put on such a pair for a couple of hours and just sit in it.

  • Take a thick sock of a large size, soak it in boiling water and pull it over your shoes or boots.

It is worth remembering that if you get your suede shoes very wet, in no case should they be dried with a hair dryer or on heaters. From such drying, it can not only decrease, but also warp.

What should I do if, in general, shoes or boots made of velvety material are the right size for you, but only the toe or heel is tight?

Take soft paper (it can be toilet paper or paper napkins), fill it with the inside of a shoe or boot, and put wet paper in the place to be stretched. There must be a lot of it. Paper stuffed into a shoe or shoe gives it its size and shape.

Some experts advise using alcohol instead of water to stretch suede. It is worth remembering that, using alcohol even from the inside of the product, you can leave noticeable stains and stains on the outer surface of the product. Be careful. Try alcohol first on an inconspicuous area.

How to distribute suede products?

Suede shoes have one interesting characteristic. Over time, it can stretch a little and become big for you.

When choosing shoes or boots in a store, try to roughly determine the thickness of the suede leather used from which the shoes are made.

If the skin is thin and large stretched “holes” are visible on it, which are left from the animal’s hair, then the probability of stretching the product during wear will be minimal.

In this case, you should not take a pair that is close to you or a little tight.

If the suede is thick, with a velvety surface not only on the outside, but also on the inside, then be sure that it will definitely stretch.

In this case, when trying on in a store, consider the ability of the skin to stretch.

How to clean such material?

So, you have become the proud owner of a beautiful pair of suede leather. It is customary to put a sticker with recommendations on how to use the shoes in the shoe box.

  • be used in dry weather;
  • not to be used in mud.

But what to do if you got into the rain, you were splashed by a passing car, or you walked through the melted snow treated with reagents.

First, dry your boots thoroughly away from heaters.

Then, if stains appear after drying, remove them:

  • just clean the stain with a brush for this material or a sponge;
  • If the stain cannot be removed with a brush, then first apply a special agent to it, and then brush again with a brush.

A special cleaner for velvety leather can be bought at a shoe store or in a special section of a household chemicals store.

You can not buy a cleaning agent, but cook it yourself at home. In warm water, add soap or dishwashing liquid and pour in a couple of drops of ammonia. Mix the composition thoroughly and apply with a soft sponge on the stubborn stain. Remove foam with a hard sponge or brush. Dry the steam at room temperature.

Salt stains can be removed with a 9% vinegar solution. Dampen the sponge with the vinegar solution and rub the stain. Dry at room temperature. Clean the pair with a special brush or hard sponge.

If chewing gum sticks to shoes or wax drips, a freezer will help. Wrap a soiled shoe, boot, or boot in a plastic bag and place in the freezer. After 1-2 hours, when the product has cooled thoroughly, carefully, piece by piece, remove the adhering wax or chewing gum with a blunt object.

On sale you can find a special eraser for cleaning such materials. Use it in case of small or small stains. Scrub the soiled area vigorously with the clean side of the eraser and the dirt will come off, adhering to the rubber surface of the eraser.

A special eraser for cleaning suede can be replaced with a regular stationery eraser.

Winter Care Rules

Have you bought a lovely pair of winter boots or warm suede boots?

Let's figure out how to properly prepare them for the exit and maintain their appearance and quality:

  • Before the first exit, treat the entire surface of the boots or boots with a special water-repellent spray.

You can buy it in shoe stores, sporting goods departments or hypermarkets.

  • After the walk, brush off any stuck snow with a brush.
  • Wipe the entire surface of the boot or boot with a soft cloth such as flannel.
  • Leave to dry away from heating appliances.

Summer product care

Suede summer shoes are intended for use only in dry weather.

Before the first exit, wipe the products with a soft cloth or clean with a brush. Then treat the entire surface with a water-repellent spray, as recommended by the manufacturer.

Periodically, such treatment must be carried out again, updating the surface water-repellent coating.

To preserve the intense color of the shoes, choose the right coloring spray. Before using it, go over all the surfaces of the shoes with a special brush. Such a procedure will not only remove excess dust and dirt, but also raise the pile. Treat the products with dye and dry for the time recommended by the manufacturer.

How to restore suede?

Often, with active wear, such products lose their original beautiful appearance. To restore their former gloss and elegance, it is worth trying to restore the structure of suede.

You can try to update suede shoes not only in specialized dry cleaners, but also on your own at home:

  • brush the entire surface of the boot, shoe or boot with a hard toothbrush or a special brush for suede;
  • apply a special cleaning agent or soapy solution to a soft sponge and treat the entire surface of the products with it;
  • dry them at room temperature;
  • once again walk over the entire surface of the boot, shoe or boot with a special brush with light combing movements, as if whipping the velvety structure of the material;
  • treat the entire surface of the prepared pair, suitable in color and characteristics, with a colored aerosol dye;
  • dry the dyed pair of shoes again in a well-ventilated area.

When using aerosol dyes, it is worth observing safety regulations and working only in a very well-ventilated area. Avoid the accumulation of dust and small debris, as when stained, dirt can stick to the surface of the shoe and spoil its appearance.

Dry cleaning of velvety products

If you bought a very expensive and beautiful pair of boots made of velvety material, then it is better to entrust the cleaning of shoes after the wearing season to professionals.

With the use of high-quality tools and technologies, these shoes will retain their original appearance and characteristics for a long time.

The removal of oil, bituminous stains should also be entrusted to professionals in their field - dry cleaners.
