Short whiskey women's haircuts. Who is suitable for haircuts with shaved temples? What determines the choice of haircut

Women's haircuts with shaved temples, outrageous and extraordinary, came into mass fashion from catwalks and screens. A bold hairstyle will emphasize the character and inner world in its owner.

Not every girl will decide on such experiments, because a haircut requires a certain courage.

For those who are ready to take a step in favor of a haircut with shaved temples or are still in doubt, this article will help you decide.

The essence of a haircut with shaved temples

In women's haircuts, one temple can remain shaved, rarely girls shave both.

Hair length can also be very different - from short to very long.

More feminine looks medium-length hair, laid on one side and with one shaved temple. Often, patterns, inscriptions, symbols are made on the shaved hair zone.

This haircut option looks even more unusual and certainly will not leave its owner unnoticed.

Types of haircuts

There is no specific hairstyle that implies the obligatory presence of a shaved temple. You can cut hair at the root from one side for any length of hair and hairstyle. Consider the most popular haircuts, in which girls often leave one or both temples shaved.


This is the most common short haircut, which combines shaved temples very well. The tomboy hairstyle belongs to the unisex category, it can be worn by both girls and guys. Often such a haircut can be seen on the stars of show business.


Under the bob haircut, you can shave only one temple to make it beautiful and harmonious.

It is better to leave bangs for such a hairstyle long. Effective styling is obtained when the hair is combed from the shaved temple to the opposite side.

Long and medium bob

Often, a square of medium and maximum length is combined with one shaved temple.

Hair, as in a bob haircut, is laid to one side so that the short-cut temple remains open.

long hair

A particularly unusually shaved temple is combined with long hair. Deciding on such a haircut is not easy, because the difference in length is enormous.

To equalize the length when the hairstyle gets tired, you need to either cut your hair short or wait a long time until the temple grows back. But still, the effect justifies itself.

Design on shaved temples

Even more extravagant, a haircut with shaved temples can make a design. Using a special trimmer on the temple, you can create unusual patterns, make inscriptions, shave symbols, signs, finding in this a way of self-expression.

Usually masters practicing these types of hairstyles have catalogs where you can choose a design.

What determines the choice of haircut

First of all, such a haircut should be combined with a lifestyle. Even if you allow such experiments in your soul, but work in an office where there is a business dress code, it is unlikely that your colleagues will understand you when they see you in such an image.

Most often, young people and show business stars choose a hairstyle with shaved temples. because their way of life is not burdened by strict limits.

face shape

  • For a square face, it is better to avoid too short hairstyles such as « pixie » and « tomboy » , and here is a great option to visually stretch the contour;
  • Ladies with a round face are also suitable for bob, long bob and hairstyle with long hair;
  • A triangular face goes well with a short haircut and a long or medium bob;
  • Girls with an oval face can afford any kind of haircut, from short hair to long hair;
  • Girls with a long face can choose short haircuts and a bob with a shaved temple.

Read more about how to choose a haircut based on the shape of the face.

Hair structure

Girls with any type of hair can afford such a hairstyle. On straight and wavy hair, you can make short haircuts, bob, medium and long bob.

But for fashionistas with very curly hair, it is better to leave the maximum length, having shaved one temple. The thickness and density of the hair do not play a decisive role in a haircut with shaved temples. It is permissible to shave whiskey both with sparse and thin hair, and with hard and thick hair.

Haircut technique with shaved temples

So that a haircut with shaved temples does not lose its appearance, you need to renew shaved temples once a month.

When the hairstyle gets tired, the hair on the temporal part can be grown, covering it with a long part of the hair.

If you are in doubt whether such a haircut is right for you, first try pinning your hair with invisible hair at the temple and evaluate the result.

Changing hairstyles leads to changes in life - says a well-known axiom. And if everything suits you in life, and you want to experiment with hair, what then? Follow the example of celebrities and shave part of the hair at the temple. Various variations of such women's haircuts will allow you to choose the length of hair that is most suitable for the type of appearance. It remains only to decide on the idea and try it on yourself.

How much hair to leave

When deciding to shave off part of your hair, remember that now you are a hostage to constant hair correction. In case of failure, you can grow curls, but you will have to do this for a long time and methodically. Therefore, it is better to immediately decide on the style and the area to be shaved.

According to the classics

Triangles symmetrically shaved on each side are a classic haircut option. The total mass of hair remains intact.

You should pay attention to this hairstyle option in the following cases:

    Insufficient hair length. A haircut with two shaved temples will look harmoniously on medium and short hair.

    Lack of volume. If nature has rewarded you with thin and weak hair, take a closer look at the option with shaved temples. The remaining length can be styled as you like - whipped, curled or smoothed, creating the effect of wet hair. No one will notice the absence of lush hair.

    Features of the structure of the face. Not every girl can boast of an oval-shaped face. This is not necessary. If you are a chubby beauty, or your cheekbones are emphasized by a square type of face, then shaved temples are what you need. In both cases, the face will appear visually more elongated, and the proportions will approach the ideal.

Shaved temple

Do you have hair below your shoulders, and you just can’t decide whether to leave the length or shorten it? Try to shave one temple. On the one hand, you are tender and feminine, and on the other, a rebel with a boyish haircut.

At the same time, remember the main condition - long hair will always have to be combed to the side. Otherwise, the haircut will look sloppy, as if you were struck by ringworm. Yes, and the image will have to think through to the smallest detail. Paired with a strict business suit, this hairstyle will contrast. Therefore, when deciding on such an experiment, take care of the general view.

Modestly shaved temple

If you do not want to radically change the image, give up a large-scale shaving of the temple. Ask your barber to use a shaving head that is at least 6mm in size and limit the shaving area to a small area above the ear.

The haircut is universal. Firstly, you do not depend on the length and thickness of the hair. The shaved area is non-binding. And secondly, you do not need to consider the appropriateness of the hairstyle. To go to the club, it is enough to comb your hair to the side or collect it in a ponytail. For an important meeting, make a low ponytail or let your hair down. So the shaved part will not be visible to others.

Shaved temple and nape

For the last couple of seasons, the girls have literally become obsessed with shaving individual parts. It all started with one temple, then smoothly switched to both, and it all ended with a transition to the back of the head. The main thing is to have somewhere to roam.

In general, there are three types of hairstyles with a shaved head.

    Classic. A small flat area on the back of the head is shaved.

    With drawing. The back of the head is shaved with a triangle, and then, a pattern or pattern is created in the area of ​​​​short hair.

    With the transition to the temple. Not only the back of the head is shaved, but the hair on the temple is also captured. Usually, a small amplitude of the shaved area is taken so that the haircut looks harmonious. However, especially bold hairstyles can affect up to half of the total amount of hair in a given area.

The classic and patterned version will look original on short and medium length hair. Long hair will overlap the shaved part, depriving the hairstyle of a key idea.

A haircut with shaved temples and the back of the head has no special restrictions on the length of the curls. Together with short hair, she will look especially bold. And long hair will not be able to completely cover the shaved part, leaving behind a bit of mystery.

Haircut ideas for different lengths

Perhaps you have already decided which haircut option you will go to the salon for. And if not yet, borrow some ideas and don't forget to take into account the length of the hair.

Short hair

Short hair is suitable for an asymmetrical haircut with a shaved temple and an elongated bang.

Fans of extraordinary hairstyles will like a model haircut of different lengths, with bangs and a neatly shaved temple.

Pay attention to another original haircut. Lengthening on one side, a pattern on the shaved temple and a shaved strip from the forehead to the parting.

See how organically the shaved back of the head and temples look in contrast with the voluminous crown.

Medium length hair

Medium length hair allows you to carry out any experiments with your hair. Look at 5 different looks with shaved nape and temple, applied patterns of any complexity and coloring.

Long hair

Do you have long and thick hair? Then take an example from Rihanna. Shave a modest triangle above the ear, and loosen the rest of the hair casually.

Or donate hair from the temple and back of the head by placing an intricate pattern on the shaved area.

A shaved temple is not a reason to give up hairstyles. Check out more original styling ideas in the video:

In the recent past, extravagant haircuts were quite rare and were perceived extremely ambiguously, but today the situation has changed radically - many, on the contrary, seek to express their originality and uniqueness using a hairstyle for this. One of the fashionable and modern trends for women is a haircut with shaved temples, which appeared not so long ago, but quickly gained popularity.

Stylists have come up with many varieties of such a hairstyle, so you can always choose the right option that will harmoniously fit into your everyday look. However, not everyone can afford a haircut with shaved temples; it suits bright and bold, creative and original ladies who love to be in the spotlight.

Characteristic haircut with shaved temples

The main distinguishing feature of the haircut is the shaved temporal part of the head. When it comes to the female version, the temple is rarely left bald, usually the length of the hairs in this place is 2-5 mm. Also, the haircut goes well with long strands and short, curly curls and straight ones.

The width of the shaved temple can be different: from a narrow and delicate strip to a quarter or even half of the hairline. Sometimes a haircut is complemented with oblique or elongated bangs.

Who will suit the hairstyle

Despite the seeming versatility, a haircut with shaved temples is not suitable for everyone - it must be matched.

  1. The haircut will look ugly on thin and devoid of volume curls.
  2. Hair and scalp must be in perfect condition.
  3. The hairstyle looks better on dark or brightly dyed hair.
  4. Ideally, a haircut will suit a round or oval-shaped face with soft features.
  5. The hairstyle will harmoniously fit into the image of a young and extravagant girl; such an image will not suit ladies at a respectable age.
  6. It is necessary to pay attention to other details of the image: makeup, clothes and accessories - all of them should also be combined with such a creative hairstyle.

Varieties of haircuts with shaved temples and styling options

Such haircuts can be done in different ways, be more daring and creative, or, conversely, emphasize the femininity and fragility of their owner.


Such a haircut is obtained when one temple is shaved. It is performed both on short and long strands, it can be combined with a square. This option with bangs also looks good, and the transition to the temple can be made smooth or sharp.

You can emphasize a shaved temple if you comb the strands to the opposite side. Such styling is done as follows:

  • comb all hair well;
  • shift them to the right side;
  • from the total mass of curls we separate several strands located near the shaved temple and stab them so that they do not interfere yet;
  • on the rest of the hair we make a pile, fix it with varnish;
  • we shift the previously stabbed strands and cover them with a pile;
  • fix the styling with varnish.


Such a haircut implies the presence of two shaved temples, it looks more successful in combination with short hair or with medium length. This option gives a wide scope for imagination and allows you to create various styling: you can comb the strands back and make a high bouffant in front, collect them in a ponytail, make a bun of hair, opening the temples, decorate your head with a braid. With short hair, you can style them in the form of a mohawk - a rather outrageous option.


In this case, the temples are not just shaved, but they depict a pattern or create a relief. Diamonds, zigzags, stripes, leopard prints are quite popular. Variants are also common when the temple is highlighted with a color that contrasts with the general shade of the hair or this place is decorated with a temporary or permanent tattoo.

A haircut with shaved temples is a fashionable and bold experiment that will allow you to always be in the spotlight and tell others about your originality. At the same time, do not forget to complement your image with appropriate clothing, bright accessories and eye-catching makeup.

Haircut with shaved temples: all the pros and cons

Before deciding to shave the strands at the temples and create a vivid image for yourself, you need to think through everything well and weigh the advantages and disadvantages of a haircut.

"Pros" hairstyles:

  • allows you to create a fresh and bright image;
  • attracts everyone's attention;
  • successfully emphasizes the graceful curve of the female neck;
  • a haircut is easy to maintain in perfect condition even at home without the help of a hairdresser;
  • the hairstyle is easily transformed if you cover the shaved temples with long strands, parting in the center.

But along with the advantages, a haircut also has a number of disadvantages that should also be taken into account.

"Cons" haircuts:

  • requires mandatory styling and regular correction;
  • you will have to carefully select your wardrobe or even change the style;
  • you should be prepared for the fact that not everyone around you will react positively to such an image.

Photo of women's haircuts with shaved temples

Choose your unique style. Consider different options for haircuts with a shaved temple.

The bright individuality of a man is not at all a whim of fashion, but a requirement of the time itself and modern society. A great variety of men's haircuts can be conditionally divided into only two rather contrasting camps: classic and bold. The last category includes bold, masculinely aggressive and sometimes extravagant hairstyles. It is about them that we will talk today: we find out, what is the name of men's haircuts with shaved temples and nape, what are their features and why they have been relevant for more than a decade.

Short men's haircuts with shaved sides

Why do men of different ages like these hairstyles so much? Undoubtedly, short men's haircuts with shaved temples have several advantages before haircuts for medium and long hair:

  1. Minimum care- most often, such haircuts do not require styling at all, it is enough just to correct the shape from time to time.
  2. Wide opportunity for creative experimentation, creating new creative images and implementing bold ideas.
  3. Haircuts with short sides and back of the head vary from a classic hat with a smooth transition from short-cropped temples to a longer crown to cutting-edge solutions with shaved temples and the back of the head, intricate patterns on the sides and even a mohawk on top.
  4. The originality of such hairstyles can be supplemented asymmetry: for example, one shaved temple or an asymmetrically executed drawing - such techniques are not only decorative in nature, they will help to visually correct unattractive physiological features or defects of the face and head.
  5. Haircuts with shaved temples are perfect for square or round faces, soften a sharp chin, visually elongate a plump face, and divert attention from age wrinkles.

We list the most popular haircuts with shaved temples:

  • short mohawk- whiskey shaved to zero contrasts with the "island" of short or medium hair left from the forehead line to the back of the head. The more calm, but no less extravagant punk image, of course, will not suit specialists and older men working in reputable firms;
  • neat haircut Hitler Youth(“under the German”) came from Germany during the Second World War: this is how the “Hitler youth” cut their hair - short sides and the back of the head smoothly turn into longer strands above the ears and at the crown, the bangs are laid to one side or (fixed with varnish) up. The haircut is actually very convenient for athletic youth, but it is moderately aggressive and this must be taken into account when choosing an image;
  • undercut (undercut)- shaved male temples are effectively combined with well-defined contours of long bangs. Recommended as a basic hairstyle for boys with shaved temples for drawing patterns (snakes, zigzags, etc.), inscriptions, fancy patterns;

  • "British"- voluminous strands at the crown and a clear side parting go well with shaved temples;
  • "Canadian"- shaved temples focus on the long bangs, which gives a lot of freedom when styling: you can create a very elegant, almost classic look, and a little ruffled strands become bold and independent;
  • for double caret characterized by a short (up to 5 cm) lower part of the hair, the upper part - strands up to 8 cm.

The range of haircuts with shaved temples is expanding due to the shaved nape - such haircuts are convenient, comfortable, do not require special care, and therefore are practical and loved by men of different ages. And a photo of men's haircuts from behind will allow you to imagine the resulting hairstyle as a whole.

David Beckham with shaved sideburns

Fashionable men's haircuts with a shaved nape

It can be difficult for owners of coarse hair to cope with their naughty, difficult to style hair - for them, traditional models of short haircuts with shaved temples and nape:

  • boxing and semi-boxing- both haircuts are characterized by shaved temporal and occipital areas, but the semi-box differs from boxing in smoother transitions from “zero” to long strands of the upper part of the head;
  • playground and tennis- sports haircuts, which are based on a carefully formed platform of horizontally cut strands of medium length on the top of the head with shaved temples and the back of the head. Often this haircut is combined with creative patterns on shaved areas of the head;
  • designed for straight manageable hair "bean"- long strands are left on the top of the head, which are twisted inward;
  • shaved temples and the back of the head go well with the taken in the tail strands on the back of the head, while the extravagant, it would seem, hairstyle looks very solid and convincing;
  • sports hedgehog and beaver have a rounded shape and short strands on the top of the head with shaved temples and the back of the head. "Beaver" differs from "hedgehog" in the location of the site - closer to the crown, which gives the hairstyle a certain squareness;
  • for haircut voyage in addition to shaved temples and a short nape, a functional line separating the shaved zone and long hair from above is characteristic.

Haircuts with bangs can be very diverse in styling: smooth, combed to the side or back bangs - a strict (“spy”) look, casually and naturally hanging strands designed with styling products - for a daring and charming or romantic look


Each of the hairstyles based on a haircut with shaved temporal-occipital areas has its own characteristics, which should be taken into account at the selection stage.. A professional master will help you decide on a specific model based on the shape of the head and face, hair type and structure. It should be noted that for haircuts of this kind there are certain requirements: the absence of scars, birthmarks, noticeable tuberosity of the head - shaved areas will only emphasize such features.

In addition to the photos of the above short stylish haircuts, we offer video with names of men's hairstyles with shaved temples and nape:

Most of the fair sex want to create the most feminine and sensual image through a haircut, helping to emphasize their obvious sophistication and grace.

If you are not one of those, and are looking for something original, unusual, and even extreme in haircuts, you will be interested in haircuts with a shaved nape, or haircuts with shaved temples and nape.

Suddenly? Are you afraid to look provocative? Why not! If you are self-confident, like to experiment with your hair, ready to try new bright looks, haircuts with a shaved nape and temples are an ideal option to demonstrate your inimitable and unusual personality.

Don't know what women's haircuts with shaved nape and temples are fashionable this year?

See our collection of examples and you will see the best haircuts with shaved back and sides 2017-2018, haircuts with shaved patterns, beautiful haircuts with shaved sides and back of the head with different styling options and trendy coloring methods, as well as the most fashionable hairstyles for hair with shaved sides and the back of the head.

Fashionable haircuts with a shaved head and shaved temples: features, trends, vivid examples

Haircuts with a shaved head and temples need to be selected according to the type of face, as well as your individual preferences and style of clothing.

It is undeniable that haircuts with a shaved head are more suitable for young and active girls, however, no one says that older women cannot afford this hairstyle.

Everything is possible, the main thing is to choose the right option that suits you directly.

Haircuts with shaved temples can be performed on short hair, medium length hair and long curls, creating in one case or another an extraordinary, bright and unique look.

A pattern or pattern will help to give the haircut a special extravagance and unusual charm.

Haircuts with a shaved nape can be decorated with a pattern or pattern in the form of a cobweb, some kind of animal, intersecting lines, original abstract ornaments, stripes, inscriptions that continue the tattoo on the body of patterns, etc.

Haircuts with shaved temples can be improved if the master plays with attachments, making different types of transitions, and creating atypical shapes and hairstyle lines that will harmoniously combine with asymmetrical types of haircuts on straight and curly hair of any length.

Recently, haircuts with shaved temples of short length have been very popular, which do not require special care, they are always easy to style, they look extraordinary and fresh for a long time.

Among these are short and medium haircuts with shaved temples in the pixie variation, bob, classic bob, no doubt, a haircut with shaved temples in the grunge style.

Outrageous and creative haircuts with shaved temples and the back of the head Mohawk and asymmetric haircuts will be a godsend for originals. They are ideal for owners of short and medium hair.

In the presence of shaved temples and the back of the head, the masters always offer to play with variations of the bangs.

Also very relevant is the modification of a haircut with one shaved temple, which can always be transformed into a more restrained and less defiant hairstyle.

Until recently, when it came to shaved temples and the back of the head, no one even thought that haircuts with a shaved head and temples could look very original on long hair.

And although not every woman can afford such a hairstyle, such haircuts for long hair look really impressive, outrageous and mega stylish.

Haircuts with shaved nape and temples: fashionable accents

By themselves, haircuts with a shaved head and temples are very creative and atypical. But, despite this, it is quite possible to improve them and make them extraordinary.

So for short and medium hair, you can always pick up a fashionable styling by bouffanting on one side or combing your hair in the form of a mohawk.

Laying naughty strands in light waves, as well as straightening curly strands, is also a beautiful option.

Long hair can also be styled to one side, focusing on the haircut.

But stylists still advise emphasizing the beauty of a haircut with shaved temples, lifting the hair in a ponytail, or styling the hair with weaving.

The combination of discreet hairstyles in the form of a tail and braids with shaved temples and a shaved nape looks very unusual.

Such hairstyles are now chosen by show business stars, as well as women who are not afraid to show their bright and direct individuality in all its glory. In addition to the fact that haircuts with shaved temples and the back of the head can always be beautifully styled, trendy coloring and highlighting options will not be the last way to emphasize the creativity of this type of haircut.

Bright rich shades of rose gold, rich burgundy, blue, purple and other extreme shades, as well as coloring with an ombre effect, will cause a storm of emotions in others. You will be the center of attention, because you and your haircut are unique.

If we talk about who likes these haircuts the most, haircuts with shaved temples on dark hair probably look best.

Taking into account the fact that haircuts with shaved temples and the back of the head are quite creative hairstyles, we advise you to combine them in dynamic and youthful looks in casual, oversized, street style and other similar styles.

These hairstyles will look very appropriate on women who like rock paraphernalia, choosing rough leather jackets, massive earrings, torn jeans, baggy, voluminous things.

Accordingly, such a hairstyle will not be the most appropriate for sets in a business or romantic style, although show business stars even practice such combinations.

Haircuts with shaved temples and nape 2017-2018: photo examples for different hair lengths
