Red Hill, what date. Christian beginning of Krasnaya Gorka

Krasnaya Gorka in 2016 what date: history, signs and traditions of the holiday. This Christian holiday, which is also called St. Thomas Sunday or Antipascha, falls on the Sunday after Easter. Krasnaya Gorka has its own traditions and signs.

Krasnaya Gorka in 2016, what date is celebrated, is known to every believer. This year, the holiday falls on May 8, the Sunday after Easter. The history of the holiday has centuries-old traditions and is rooted in the pagan past. Since ancient times, this day was considered by people as a holiday of spring and was filled with joy and light. The Slavs honored on this day the god Yarilo, who is responsible for the annual renewal of the heavenly body. Later, the holiday became Christian, but did not change its traditions - to rejoice at the onset of spring on this day. A week after Christ's bright resurrection, Saint Thomas is honored, who received the nickname "unbeliever." Thomas wanted to personally verify the resurrection of the Savior, and on that day Jesus himself appeared to the apostle to convince him of the miracle.

On Krasnaya Gorka, a visit to the church is considered obligatory, where a service is held that closes the Easter week. After that, festivities begin, which unfold both at home and on the street. Young people especially enjoy the holiday. It has long been believed that girls and boys should not stay at home on Krasnaya Gorka on this day - otherwise you can remain an old maid or a bean. On the last day of the Easter week, the wedding season opened - after all, before that, weddings were forbidden for all seven weeks of Lent. The marriage union concluded on this day was considered very happy for many years.

Red Hill in 2016 what date is celebrated. All day long, young people led round dances on Krasnaya Gorka, sang and had fun. According to signs, on this day you can not sit alone and be sad. One of the traditions of this holiday is the demonstration of one's talents and abilities. There were also skating of painted eggs. Walkers gathered on a hill and took turns dropping eggs down. Whose egg rolled smoothly and did not break, having reached the finish line, happiness and good luck awaited him. This year Krasnaya Gorka falls on May 8, the first Sunday after Easter. On this day, theatrical performances and mass celebrations are usually arranged. Orthodox Christians also visit the graves of their relatives. From this day begins Radonitsa - parental days dedicated to the remembrance of the dead.

Krasnaya Gorka in 2016 what date. Signs of the holiday have survived to this day. It is believed that you need to throw coins into the well on Krasnaya Gorka. This will help the most cherished dreams of a person come true and will attract happiness and good luck in business into his life. Those who dream of wealth should wash themselves in front of the icon on Fomino Resurrection. And in order to live a long life without hardships and sorrows, it is advised to pray to God on a holiday.

In the tradition of all Slavic peoples, there was a reverence for each season, whether it be summer, autumn, winter or spring. It was the arrival of spring and the flowering of nature that was originally dedicated to such a holiday as Krasnaya Gorka. Subsequently, many pagan rites and celebrations united with Christian ones and, in addition to the holiday of spring, on the same day they began to honor the renewal of the memory of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Every year Krasnaya Gorka falls on different days, because it is celebrated on the first Sunday after Easter. And a lot of people are already wondering what date the celebration of Antipascha (as Krasnaya Gorka is otherwise called) will fall in 2018.

Slavic roots of the Christian holiday

Krasnaya Gorka dates back to ancient pagan times, when deities were worshiped that corresponded to natural forces. One of them was the god of the sun - Yarilo, responsible for the annual renewal of the heavenly body. And when the spring sun melted the snow and exposed the first hillocks, people rejoiced at the arrival of spring and celebrated the Yarila holiday, popularly called the Red (that is, beautiful) hill.

This day was also considered a holiday of the young, because spring has always been associated with youth, enthusiasm, fun. This holiday began the wedding season, it was customary to announce the engagement on Krasnaya Gorka, conclude family unions and noisily celebrate weddings - it was believed that this was one of the most successful days of the year for matrimonial rites.

The youth played a leading role in the celebration of Krasnaya Gorka - round dances and games, dances and practical jokes were started during the day. All of them were aimed at “calling” spring, which has a feminine principle in the Slavic tradition, and therefore young girls and women became the “hosts” of the holiday. One of them was appointed "spring", decorated and taken around the village, while Spring herself sang special ritual songs.

The ritualism of Krasnaya Gorka has been preserved in later times - almost all the traditional songs and round dances of this holiday are dedicated to fertility, sowing motifs, and the emergence of cereals.

Christian beginning of Krasnaya Gorka

For Christians, the Red Hill holiday, surprisingly, has not radically changed its purpose. On this day, Saint Thomas was honored, who received the popular nickname “unbeliever” because, a week after the crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ, he wanted to make sure that the Savior really performed the miracle of the resurrection. And on this day, Jesus appeared to the apostle, so that he would believe in his resurrection. Since then, Fomin's day has been considered a holiday, symbolizing resurrection and renewal. And because it falls on the seventh day after Easter, they also began to call it Antipascha.

The bizarre combination of ritual tradition and Christian morality in our people made the Red Hill holiday beautiful and truly bright. After the rites of honoring spring, it was obligatory on this day to attend the church service that closes Bright Week. But after that, festivities began, similar to the Old Slavonic ones - it was also customary to dance round dances and sing stoneflies, women also played a significant role in the holiday: their task was to present everyone with painted eggs, to prepare hearty treats.

And Orthodox churches from that day allowed to conduct a wedding ceremony, which until that moment was banned due to the Easter week. Moreover, for young people on this day, visiting the festivities was obligatory - it was believed that it was on Antipaska that you could find your betrothed or betrothed, and sitting at home that day was a bad omen: it was believed that those who did not celebrate Red Hill would remain beans and old maids.

Another unusual tradition of Krasnaya Gorka associated with Christianity is the holding of comic pranks and “believe it or not believe it” contests. Thus, people commemorate the same "Unbeliever Thomas", whose name day is celebrated on this day.

Red Hill today

Despite such a long history, Red Hill is celebrated today. In 2018, this day falls on a warm and blooming season - April 15, and therefore the holiday will be really spring. You should not think that it is celebrated only in villages where the observance of traditions is very strong, in large cities they also do not miss the opportunity to glorify spring, the renewal of life and prosperity: usually fair events, theatrical performances of pagan and Christian themes are held on this day, and the

The Easter week is coming to an end, but at the end of the Bright Week, the holidays do not stop. So, on the following Sunday after Easter, the Orthodox celebrate Antipascha, or, as the people call this holiday, Red Hill.
This holiday is dedicated to the memory of how the Lord appeared to the Apostle Thomas, and this happened on the eighth day after the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Therefore, the eighth day after Easter is also called Fomino Sunday.
When Krasnaya Gorka is celebrated in 2018, the history of the holiday
In 2018, Krasnaya Gorka (Antipaskha) falls on Sunday, April 15th. This holiday has its roots in the depths of centuries. Krasnaya Gorka can be attributed to pre-Christian holidays.
Previously, it symbolized the arrival of spring and the awakening of nature, which in its idea resembles the Easter holiday, symbolizing the victory of the immortality of the soul over death.
The name of the holiday "Red Hill" came from the tradition of climbing on this day to the hillocks, which were freed from under the snow after the winter, and make fires there, dance, and perform rituals.

Note that Krasnaya Gorka is considered a holiday of the feminine, which gives life. Since ancient times, it was girls and women who performed the main rites on this day, they also treated friends, relatives and loved ones with Easter treats.
Often, if the snow had already melted for this holiday, tablecloths were spread right on the glades and lawns, arranging a feast on the ground.
Krasnaya Gorka 2018: as noted, the beginning of the wedding season after Lent
As everyone has long known, the church does not hold a wedding ceremony from Shrovetide until St. Thomas Sunday, so Red Hill is considered the boundary. Immediately after this holiday, the spring season of marriages and weddings opens.
Therefore, young brides often arrange brides on Krasnaya Gorka, introduce their chosen ones to their parents and other relatives.

After Krasnaya Gorka, only wealthy people got married, because food supplies were coming to an end, and getting married was much more expensive than after harvesting.
Marriages concluded in the spring after Krasnaya Gorka were considered by the people to be very strong and reliable. And in our time, on this day, it is popular to apply to the registry office or register a marriage, but it is still impossible to get married in the temple on this day.

It was customary to walk on Krasnaya Gorka in the company of friends and relatives, and those who stayed at home on Antipaskha risked spending the whole year alone. This tradition has been preserved to this day.
In different cities of the country, the authorities arrange mass festivities on the streets. Concerts, master classes, attractions for children and adults - all this awaits residents of different cities of Russia.

The day of the celebration of the Red Hill each occurs on a different date. Most Russians are already asking in advance what date Krasnaya Gorka 2016 will come in order to plan a spring weekend or go on vacation. Usually, these days they gather in friendly companies or large families, go on a picnic and commemorate their relatives, friends, and be sure to visit them at the cemetery.

The historical roots of the holiday

The Red Hill holiday was originally considered a symbol of spring and the awakening of all living things after the winter cold. In the traditions of the Slavic nationalities, all periods of the year have always been marked by their special celebration. And so this one was a talisman of warmth, with him spring entered into its true rights.

A little later, ancient pagan rites were mixed with Christian ones, so Krasnaya Gorka also became a day of remembrance of Fr.

The history of the celebration goes deep into pagan religions, when each natural phenomenon was personified with a specific God. Yarilo is the old god of the sun, it was he who was responsible for the onset of spring. And when the ice and snow began to melt, and the earth became clear, people began to welcome the arrival of warmth and praise the Sun God. Red - in the people it means beautiful, so it turns out that a beautiful hill means new, awakened after winter and ready to sprout with greenery and flowers.

Also, this period was considered the most favorable for marriage or announcing an engagement, because spring is the beginning of a new life, a good sign for the birth of a new family. Many people are starting to think over the preparations since the winter so that the wedding will take place on Krasnaya Gorka. For young people, this is the key to a long and happy family life.

The festival is also one of the characteristics of the holiday date. Young people are waiting for the beginning of spring with special trepidation, so noisy companies and fun just begin under Krasnaya Gorka.

In the old customs, where round dances and dances took place, young people began to invite spring to themselves on this day. A little later, one of the girls was chosen to personify this period of awakening. The girl-spring was decorated and taken around the village, and at that moment she was happy and sang songs. A little later, the meaning of the yield and fertility of the coming summer was added to this topic.

holiday ceremonies

The main ritual for finding happiness was the descent of colored eggs from a small wooden slide right at the table. If the egg descended exactly to the finish line, then the owner was provided with a “complete package” of happiness for the coming year. This rite has changed a little and has come down to us by simply beating the eggs against each other, where the winner is the one whose egg was more durable and could not break from the opponent's blow.

An invitation to a good harvest

The peasants had another ancient rite, by which they habitually each year called for the harvest and fertility for their lands. All the women of the village could take part in it, but not the men! The ceremony is quite simple: all the girls and women of one village harnessed to one plow and made a furrow around the entire village. If this furrow eventually resembled a cross, then this was considered a good sign and a guarantee for future fertility on the land. As soon as this ritual was carried out, the whole village turned to the festivities.

And now we are also celebrating!

It is possible that such customs simply cannot be carried out in cities, since there is no plow, and few women will harness it to walk around the whole city, but mass festive festivities have not become less magnificent.

What date is red hill 2016

The Red Hill 2016 holiday will take place on May 8, exactly one week after Easter, which is why this date is sometimes called Anti-Easter.

Fairs, theatrical performances, concerts, competitions and festivals are waiting for everyone in any village or city. In a word, something that can cheer people up. The day of May 8 will be especially memorable, because then May 9 will come - the Day of the Great Victory. Also, Radonitsa (days of remembrance of parents) will begin from Krasnaya Gorka. And while such periods bring sadness to our hearts, they must pass with light in the soul for every one who celebrates. It is on this day that they say that parents who have passed away will be able to breathe in the warmth of spring.

The second name is Antipascha - why?

Even since then, the holiday has not lost its meaning. The name "Antipaskha" was firmly attached to Krasnaya Gorka from the moment when the Apostle Thomas, known by the nickname "unbeliever", already after Easter, that is, after the resurrection of Christ, wanted to verify what had happened. How strong was his surprise when Jesus Christ appeared to him and dispelled all his doubts. From that moment on, another name appeared at Krasnaya Gorka.

This is one of those celebrations when you absolutely need to avoid solitude or loneliness. From the very early morning, everyone gathers for the service, then the end of Great Lent enters into their powers, women vying with each other prepare the most delicious dishes, treat all their friends and guests with colored eggs and Easter cakes.

Since this day is completely dedicated to youth, life and spring, folk festivals are considered the most famous traditions on Krasnaya Gorka. Young people are not allowed to sit at home this Sunday. Boys and girls should go to nature and arrange games, draws, dance, dance. According to Slavic traditions, Spring is a beautiful girl. The beauty chosen by everyone stood in a circle and began to call for spring. At this time, all the youth were walking, since none of their boys and girls wanted to be left without their couple. According to popular beliefs, a young man who met Krasnaya Gorka alone will be left without a loved one (beloved).

Among the rites on Krasnaya Gorka, the most famous are “for happiness” and “for wealth”. In order to find out if the year will be happy, people gathered at the top of the hill and let colored Easter eggs into them. The lucky one, whose egg remained intact and rolled especially beautifully, will be happy with life and lucky all year. To attract happiness, coins were thrown into the well, and in order for life to be long, they prayed earnestly. In order to get rich, they washed themselves on Krasnaya Gorka in front of the image (icon). Kids were washed by adults (but by no means vice versa!).

Popular fortune-telling on Red Hill

The Red Hill holiday is associated with spring, youth, love and weddings, which means fortune-telling is about this. The most popular fortune-telling on Krasnaya Gorka is on colored eggs, buckwheat and millet porridge. The essence of divination on painted eggs is simple, but the result is sometimes surprising in its accuracy. For fortune-telling, you need to take two eggs and write your name on one, on the other - the name of your loved one. After that, the eggs are launched from a small hill. If both eggs descend smoothly and side by side, you should be together. If the eggs roll in different directions, you will part with your loved one. This fortune-telling has a lot of interesting nuances (a broken egg is a broken heart, a rolled egg is treason, and so on). On buckwheat porridge, they guessed as follows. Boiled crumbly buckwheat was wrapped in a scarf and put under the bed at night. In the morning they checked it: the porridge remained crumbly - happiness in love will await you. Black dots and sticky buckwheat, unfortunately, do not promise happiness on the love front. Millet was boiled and taken out into the yard (quite a bit), leaving it there. If someone ate millet (birds or animals) - you are waiting for a change in your personal life. The porridge remained untouched - and changes will bypass you. Porridge is scattered - a lot of frivolous relationships await you.

A wedding on Krasnaya Gorka is the most common tradition

Krasnaya Gorka began the period of weddings. It is this day that is the best for marriage (as they thought in Russia). A wedding on the day of Red Hill promises good luck in family life, good relations in the family, healthy children. It is believed that a couple married on Krasnaya Gorka will live their whole lives together.

What date is Parents' Day in 2016, find out

Of course, it is unlikely that anyone now performs all the rites of this merry holiday of spring, youth and love. Of course, few people believe in signs and divination, which does not prevent anyone from trying these beliefs and rituals on themselves. What if Krasnaya Gorka 2016 really brings both love and happiness?
