Do-it-yourself medical belt made of dog hair. How to prepare dog hair for making a treatment belt

In the background, my son and assistant Ivan!
Like every loving owner, Alexander combs out Krosh and as a result, the undercoat accumulates ...

So, let's begin! I spread the wool on the film in even strands, the first row from top to bottom, with a slight overlap.

Second row from left to right, the same with an overlap. The third row is the same as the first, the fourth is the same as the second. A “pie” is coming together, somewhere 40 * 80 cm

Now we need hot soapy water. We gently but abundantly moisten our “pie” until the wool sags, evenly “drowned in soap.” ATTENTION! Don't damage the layers or all the work can go down the drain! we take a handle from a mop, a shovel and begin to wrap our richly moistened “soap cake” on it

And we start to ride. Time is purely individual and depends on many factors. After fifteen minutes, we unwind, "the cake" has parted! We take it and fold it in half

Flipping, winding and rolling again

The size has decreased ... Let's go to wash. We rinse with hot water, lather again, rub, iron ... At this stage there is a lot of waste.

Let the water drain. Felt dries quickly, take scissors and cut off the excess ...

In principle, having sewn on a couple of straps, the belt can already be used, but ... But we will take fleece, a wide (7cm) elastic band about 50cm, Velcro 20cm ...

At this stage, a sewing machine is needed and as a result we get

As a result, the dimensions of the belt were 25 * 65 cm. The belt can be made and adjusted to a person of any “slimness”. Comfortable, light and soft, does not constrain movements and quickly "adjusts" to the wearer. Alas, my photo with the belt is no longer loaded (((. I can’t say about the costs, since the fleece, Velcro and elastic brought a Good person, to whom this belt is intended. How much it can cost, I don’t know, because I do it only for friends and for free! If you have any questions about the "process", write in a personal message! Thank you for your attention!

Belt made of dog hair. 2h.

Having felted the wool, as described earlier, I got this piece of felt:

A bevel from the side of the connection of the main part and the side - you can do it, but you can not. I did, so the belt sits better on the figure and does not climb to the top.
We find out how much to cut and what length the side parts are needed by attaching a paper layout of the belt in its entirety to the figure. On the sides, if necessary, lay tucks: this will be the size of the bevel.

Everything - the pattern is ready.
Now unfold:
- from felt the main part of the belt (1 pc.), as well as from fabric (1 pc.)
- fabric side parts (4 pcs.) and
- from non-woven fabric (2 pcs.)
We take any fabric we have. In the first case, I had viscose, in the second, cotton.
We will also need a slanting trim later (I bought it in a store) to process the edge of the belt.
Combining the felt with the fabric - I fix it with tailor's pins, for convenience you can baste.

And I start quilting on a typewriter first in one direction

Then to another.

It turned out such a detail.

Now we pin the side details of the belt. So that they would not later gather like an accordion, I inserted interlining.

We lay a line, turn off the details, iron and fasten with pins.

Now we process the edge, that is, we sew on the oblique trim.

We go around the edge, we scribble. Here's what happened.

Sew Velcro and...

Voila: the belt is ready!

ps: The main supplier of wool Masyanya (our St. Bernard Max) :))

People! Here it is, happiness! Christmas Holidays! Have you already figured out what you will do during these ten magical days?

I have a luxurious offer for owners of fluffy and shaggy domestic animals!

I already showed you the practical use of cats, here -, here we made beads from cat hair, and now it's the dog's turn, and as a result, a very useful thing can turn out.

So, today a lesson on felting dog wool from Extravaganza of color - Your labeling! We look and we wind on a mustache. And to cheer you up, I also offer you a wonderful kind cartoon to watch from the Ice Age 4 series. There are still almost two months before the release of the fourth part of "Continental Drift", but now, before the holiday, we were treated to a short New Year's "Christmas of the Mammoth". Squirrel as always burns!

And now let's start! Learning to roll dog hair with the author Extravaganza of color

I have two cheerful dogs in my yard, combing which produces a large amount of wool. The grandmother spins the main part, turning it into the most delicate mittens and socks.

But some of the stubborn shreds do not want to spin. Over time, they accumulated a great number. Having received another order for the manufacture of a warm warming belt made of dog hair, I decided to use them. I didn’t know at all whether the dog hair would fall off and how quickly it would happen.

1. We take a shaggy dog, our own or from a neighbor, and comb it out.

2. After combing, you need to get at least 50 gr. fluff and wool.

3. We do not interfere with cats' sleep.

4. I have linoleum with a geometric pattern - this makes it easier to lay out. If this is not the case, then draw a rectangle of the desired size with a felt-tip pen along the turnover of the pimply film. Then he will wash off, but he is needed only for the time of the layout.

5. Divide the wool in half. We lay out half of the wool, fitting into the allotted frames.

6. Lay out the gray woolen thread with the second layer. First along, then across. The purpose of the layout is to strengthen the future product.

7. Lay out the second layer of fluff and wool on top.

8. For decoration, you can decorate with colored wool threads and pieces of purchased colored wool.

9. Cover with a net, lather, roll. Wool seized instantly! Already after 5 minutes of felting in a roll, I received a very dense product, in color and appearance very reminiscent of a soldier's overcoat.

10. In some confusion, I rinse in a basin. It is impossible under the tap, as a lot of fine wool remains in the water. Pour into the toilet for fear of clogging the sink. Rinse with air conditioning. Spaz dog otpolskimaetsya with difficulty. I sniff carefully. I think the smell has dissipated.

11. We hang on the crane. The water drains in a few minutes. The product remains almost dry.

12. Steam with an iron, shape, dry.

13. I put it on my cheek. There is no smell, but there are separately taken hairs (awn) that are prickly.

14. I scratch with a slicker brush borrowed from cats. For some reason, it is precisely the awn that is going to her. Why? The product becomes much softer and fluffier. Knitted very hard. Pushins and decor cannot be pulled out.

15. Here is the finished product.

16. It was the warming belt that was lying around, so he goes to the hostess. Everyone who saw him, unanimously decided that it was a scarf. But a little short.

1. Rolls around perfectly.

2. Seizes instantly.

3. Doesn't smell like a dog.

4. Not prickly.

5. This is much faster than spinning first, then tying.

For all products for which dog hair can be used, combed or plucked wool is used. If the wool is sheared, then it should be soft wool, at least 5-6 cm long. Sheared wool has a section of hair that is elastic enough to penetrate even through dense fabric. Therefore, short or hard wool will crawl out of your products in all directions.

2 step

We disassemble the existing wool and remove tangles and burdocks from it, if any. It is desirable that the coat is clean. The easiest way is to wash the dog before cutting or combing. Or wash and dry the removed wool.

3 step

If you are willing to take the time to spin the wool, then you will have to purchase a modern spinning wheel. There are electric spinning wheels - electric machines, there are spinning wheels for sewing machines. The thread is strong and durable. This yarn makes great socks and mittens. And if you used only undercoat for spinning, then things knitted from it will look like angora.

4 step

If you are not addicted to wool spinning, then wool can be felted. To do this, spread the wool evenly in a thick layer inside the folded newspaper. And put this newspaper under the carpet or carpet, in the place where you most often walk. After a month, the layer of wool will be tightly matted and will be suitable for cutting with scissors. Now you can cut out the insoles.

5 step

Wool can also be used to insulate rubber boots. To do this, remove the insoles from the boots, if any. Spread the wool on the bottom of each boot, put an insole cut out of cardboard on top, then a dense shoe insole. As you walk, wool becomes matted and will help keep your shoes warm. This is especially good for children's boots, because kids love to climb into cold puddles so much.

6 step

Clean, sorted wool can be sewn onto a dense woven base, and made into a belt for the back or similar use for knee and elbow pads. Dog hair perfectly keeps heat and will alleviate your condition with rheumatism.

You will need

  • - dog's fur;
  • - knitting needles;
  • - wrapping bubble wrap;
  • - soapy water;
  • - woolen threads.


Long and uniform heating will provide a belt made of spun threads down. If you are tormented by sciatica, the belt must be felted or sewn using all the wool. Before spinning, it must be cut with scissors; a product made from such a material will produce a better effect than just combed.

Pick up suitable knitting needles, about 5 mm. Take the spun wool, cast on five loops and knit according to the pattern: knit 2 purl 2, shifting them in a checkerboard pattern through two rows. Yarn over at the end of each row. You will get a uniform symmetrical addition. The width of the belt should be 25-30 cm.

Knit in this way to the length you need, focus on the waist circumference. Decrease by knitting two loops together with the beginning of each row after the edge. If there are five stitches left on the needle, cast off the row in one go.

Sew buttons or hooks onto one side of your dog hair belt. On the other side, sew on loops of lace. Make two rows of loops so that you can adjust the tightness of the waist.

The belt can also be felted - it's even easier, you don't need to spin a thread from wool. There are several ways, choose the one that suits you best. Lay out the dog hair in the form of a fluffy scarf on the packaging bubble wrap, cover with the same film. Place this "sandwich" under the mat in a passageway. You will trample down the wool with your own feet. If the thickness of the felt seems insufficient to you, add raw materials evenly.

Wool can be initially laid out on a fabric basis. It will drive into the material, and then it remains only to cut the product out of this design. Another way is to quilt the dog hair between two fabrics.

Warm woolen things are indispensable for any colds. Attacks of polyarthritis or arthrosis can also be alleviated with the help of simple woolen bracelets. Strong long-term pain will help to remove natural wool mittens, which are better not to be removed at night.

Migraine is relieved by tying the head with a woolen scarf or shawl. Even wool can help lower blood pressure.

The healing properties of wool

What is the reason for useful wool and products made from it? The wool of any animal perfectly absorbs moisture and sweat, providing patients with dry heat. Rigid hairs, when in contact with the skin, gently massage it, causing a slight irritant effect and providing a rush of blood to the sore spot. Due to the complex porous structure of woolen hairs, the skin not only does not dry out, but also does not sweat.

Wool contains a sufficient amount of lanolin, which is included in many anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic drugs.

Blankets, pillows made of camel or sheep wool are now in great demand. Such a bed allows the skin to be enriched with the necessary oxygen due to breathability and thermal insulation, while creating a feeling of lightness and comfort.

In folk medicine, there are many recipes for the treatment of various diseases with the help of wool. Centuries-old experience of treatment with this indispensable remedy proves that in some cases, wool is not fiction, but pure truth.

Wool and is an important characteristic and sign of the breed, an indicator of the health of the animal. It performs both decorative functions and protects the dog from the cold. Dog breeds are even distinguished by the length of the coat, so they are divided into long-haired, short-haired and those with medium-length hair.

The structure and function of the dog's coat

Hair or wool is one of the characteristic features of the class of mammals, which includes dogs. Initially, it performed only the function of protection from the cold, but as a result of human breeding activities to breed various breeds, wool, or its absence, began to perform a decorative function, becoming one of the signs of the breed.

The coat of most breeds consists of different types of hairs. They may differ in their structure, development and purpose and are divided into undercoat, guard hair and covering hair. The undercoat consists of downy hairs - thin, soft and short, as well as semi-downy, more rigid. These are integumentary hairs, it is from them that most of the dog's coat consists. The undercoat plays an important role in keeping warm and is especially developed in those breeds that were bred in the northern regions.

The outer hair determines the appearance of the dog and its color, it consists of less dense, but longer and thicker hairs. The guide guard hair is located along the spine, on the muzzle and back of the dog. The covering hairline of the dog consists of two groups - tactile and dressing hair. The tactile hairs are the eyelashes on the eyelids and the mustache that grows next to the nose. Not all breeds have long dressing hair; they are clearly visible, for example, in shelties and collies. The coat, typical for a particular breed, begins to form from the age of three months.

The structure of dog hair

Each hair-hair consists of a rod and a root. A rod devoid of sensitivity, consisting of dead cells, protrudes above the surface of the skin. The root is located in the hair follicle, its bulb is located in the upper layer of the skin. In the bulb, there is a continuous process of cell regeneration, which causes the growth of hairs. When the bulb dies, the hair falls out, and on the hair follicle remaining in its place, after a while, a new bulb forms and a new hair begins to grow. In dogs, the massive change of hairs that make up the coat occurs twice a year, due to the change of seasons.

The surface of each hair is covered with a cuticle, inside there is a medulla containing a pigment that determines the color of the dog. The condition of the cuticle is an indicator of the health of the dog, the right diet for it. In a healthy dog, the coat is shiny, covered with a thin layer of fat secreted by the ducts of the sebaceous glands located in the upper layer of the skin.

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It is not so difficult to make a box of wet felting. Try to create a box using the most ordinary apple. This idea belongs to the designer Anna Shaposhnikova. This box will be a great gift for friends, loved ones and relatives.

You will need

  • - 30 g of wool for felting;
  • - Apple;
  • - mat;
  • - 2 liters of water;
  • - bar of soap;
  • - Needles for dry felting (felt felting);
  • - pear for spraying (bottle with holes in the lid);


Take an apple and cover it evenly with several layers of wool. If you want the box to have thin walls, put 6-7 layers. If it's thicker, then all 10.

Start decorating the product on the last two layers, alternating saturation and adding shadows and overflows. To do this, you can apply spots, cobwebs, feathers, stripes of wool, imagining that you are painting with a brush or sponge.

Make a soap solution for felting. Grate a bar of soap on a coarse grater and pour 2 liters of boiling water over it. Stir until the soap is completely dissolved, let it brew for about 2 hours until it thickens. Ready-made liquid soap is also suitable for wet felting.

Then carefully wrap the entire wool construction in a laundry net. Having thoroughly soaked in a hot soapy solution, begin to gently roll in your hands. Perform this step carefully, unfold the mesh often enough and smooth out bumps and “creases” on the product. You can also place an apple instead of a net, in a nylon stocking, tying fixing knots on both sides.

Wet the product periodically with a hot solution, you can add a little soap. It is necessary that the wool fibers slip through each other. When the surface is firm enough to hug the apple, roll it on the mat, leaving it in the net as well. And then roll on the air bubble wrap using pressing movements.

The procedure should be performed until the fiber is firmly bonded, forming a fairly uniform surface. Then gently rinse the product and leave it to dry completely. When the fur on the apple is completely dry, cut the box in a certain place: the top will be the lid, and the bottom part will be the box.

Prepare additional details: a leaf and a stalk. Felted the stalk using the dry method, and the leaf - wet felting. Sew carefully and use a needle to hem the base of the handle and leaf to the top of the lid. The box is ready.

Even the most ordinary and prosaic gift can cause a lot of joyful emotions if presented in an original way. A bouquet of roses made from socks is a vivid example of an unusual design for a modest gift.

Solid roses from men's socks

In order to make an elegant and strict bouquet, you will need men's plain socks: gray, black, brown, blue. Roses look very beautiful when a combination of different colors occurs in a bouquet, but if desired, the buds can also be made in one color.

The tags are cut off from new men's socks, after which the socks are placed on a flat surface, turning the rubber band towards you and bending it in the form of an equilateral triangle. Socks begin to twist into a roll, trying to make not very tight turns. After one or two turns, insert a cocktail tube or a wooden barbecue skewer into the bud and continue to twist the sock with the tube inside.

Having reached the heel, a small fold is made on the toe to collect excess fabric, and continue to twist the toe to the end. The edges of the roll are slightly bent outward to give the maximum resemblance to rose petals. The resulting bud is fastened with a pin or invisible hairpin. If desired, roses can be made from each sock separately - in this case, the buds are narrower and thinner. The stem can be left as is or wrapped with green floral tape.

multicolor roses

If you want to make a bouquet of roses bright and elegant, you will have to use socks not only in classic dark colors. Sports lines of a number of men's clothing manufacturers offer socks in white, red, yellow. Such products are useful for creating the core of a flower.

A pair of brightly colored socks is rolled up, a wooden skewer is inserted inside and fixed. After the flower bud is ready, socks of a contrasting color are placed around it in a circle. Socks are folded in such a way that their heels and toes look up and form semicircular petals around the bud. The finished flower is fixed at the bottom with a bank gum.

Roses from children's socks

Very gentle and touching roses are obtained from children's socks of various colors. To make such a flower, the sock is placed on a flat surface with the toe towards you and carefully rolled into a not very tight roll. After that, they carefully grab the resulting roll from the inside with their fingers and turn the top of the sock inside out, forming rose petals.

To make the stem, you will need a piece of decorative wire: a small loop is made at one end of it so as not to damage the sock and the loop is pressed against the bottom edge of the bud. With the help of floral tape or green tape, the base of the bud is fixed on a loop of wire, after which the stem is wrapped with tape along the entire length. Several leaves are cut out of corrugated paper and fixed on the stem. The finished bouquet is packed in a textile napkin or in decorative wrapping paper.

Wool felting is one of the most popular types of needlework. It gives craftswomen the opportunity to create designer items using wet and dry felting techniques. If you decide to try your hand at this type of needlework, you did the right thing. The first thing you make with your own hands will bring you a lot of pleasure. Working with wool is easy and interesting. For beginners in the technique of felting wool, the advice of those who have already tried their hand and fell in love with this technique forever will be useful.

You will need

  • - unspun wool for felting
  • - water
  • - soap solution
  • - atomizer
  • - film
  • - wheelchair


The wet felting technique is ideal for working with wool. What things can be done? The easiest way to start is by making beads.
Tear off a small strand of wool from a skein of wool and begin to roll the ball. Dip it in soapy water. Then start rolling the ball between your palms. Wool from friction will fall off and the ball will become denser. When it has completely fallen off and becomes dense, dip it in warm, clean water and wash it thoroughly. Remove from water, place on a clean cloth and dry. In this way, prepare the required number of beads using the felting technique from wool and make beads out of them.

Having made beads, proceed to create a flower for a brooch using the wet felting technique. For beginners, this is an easy way to create a unique thing. Easily pulling strands of wool from the skein, lay out the circle on the film in several layers. The minimum number is three. Lay each layer in different directions - horizontally and vertically. Moisten the wool with a spray bottle, cover with a film on top and start rolling out with a gurney. Check the density of the product. With the creation of each new product, you will take into account the mistakes and not repeat them.
Turn the work over to the other side and continue rolling. Remove the product, cut the circle with scissors, forming petals. Knead the petals with your hands, dumping the edges. When the petals fall off, rinse the product in warm water. Dilute a weak solution of water with PVA glue, dip the flower, squeeze lightly and shape it. Dry the product, sew a bead inside. To make a brooch, sew on a brooch fastener.

The wool felting technique does not require a large amount of materials and tools. Felting wool can be purchased at craft stores. For beginners, it is better to buy a set of wool in one color scheme. So you can create products without high costs and with good opportunities for making beads and brooches. A flower for a brooch can be made by laying out strands of various shades.

Useful advice

In the technique of felting wool, you can create both small forms: beads, brooches, flowers, and large ones. These include scarves, panels and more.

Tip 9: How to make a felted wool rose: a master class

The rose is the most popular flower. Created with your own hands in the technique of wet felting from wool, it can be as beautiful as it is alive. True, its range of application is wider. A felted rose can serve as a wonderful accessory and decorate hair, clothes, a bag or an interior item.

You will need

  • - wool for wet felting
  • - silk or viscose fibers
  • - water
  • - liquid soap
  • - bubble wrap


In order to make a wet felting wool rose, you will need a couple of shades of red wool and fibers for decoration.

Cut out a round template from bubble wrap. Spread the wool on it from the outer sides to the center of the circle. Moisten the wool with liquid soap and water and spread the fibers of silk and viscose on it for decoration. Lay the fibers for the rose around the product. Moisturize it again. Cover the workpiece with bubble wrap and press lightly. You can go through a vibro-grinder without moving the film. Flip the circle to the wrong side, and fold over the protruding fibers, forming an even circle. Cover with foil and press down. Carefully remove the circle from the film and straighten the wool.

After the wool in the circle is matted, rinse it in hot water without wringing it hard. Then rub the edge of the circle with your hands and repeat the felting in the roll several times.

Cut the workpiece with sharp scissors in a circle. Rub the edges with your hands and roll the product a little more in the film.

Separately, felt the leaves for decoration, decorating them with silk fibers as well. Sew the rose and leaves together. Sew a hairpin or pin to the wrong side. Such roses made of wool, made using the technique of wet felting, will effectively decorate a panel or sofa cushion.
