Why "southern women" mature earlier. Women's sex life and early aging

It is believed that representatives of the southern and eastern peoples reach puberty somewhat earlier than their peers. What is it connected with?

daughters of the sun

The southern regions are characterized by increased solar activity. And the sun is light and heat. Remember that it is the sun's rays that play a major role in the maturation of plants. Yes, and children in regions where there is little sun grow up “stunted”. That's why we love to go south so much.

There are also more vitamins in the diet of southern peoples: they have access to fruits almost all year round. All this significantly affects the hormonal sphere. Therefore, puberty in girls here begins about a year and a half earlier than in northern women. At 10 years old, a native of the southern regions may look like her peer from the north at 12.

“Probably, many women have noticed that in the summer the menstrual cycle shifts a little,” says Eleonora Ovsyannikova, a pediatric gynecologist and candidate of medical sciences. - Yes, and at sea, menstruation often begins quite unexpectedly. This organism reacts to the sun and corrects the production of hormones.

In southern women, this mechanism is registered in the genetic memory: it does not matter where the girl lives. In Armenian, Jewish, Chechen, Spanish or Croatian women, on average, breasts begin to grow earlier than in British, Swedish, Russian or Chukchi women.

Consequences of growing up early

Not without reason, in Soviet times, representatives of the southern and eastern republics were allowed to marry at the age of 16, while Russian women - only from 18. And “unofficially” a girl could be married at 14, 15 ... Nowadays, little has changed in this regard, especially in the Islamic republics of the Caucasus.

“In many cultures, it was with the advent of menstruation that a girl became an adult,” comments ethnographer and sociologist Alina Slavskaya. “She was instructed to change clothes from children to women, she was allowed to start wearing maternal jewelry, those around her began to treat her accordingly.”

Already mature girls from the south also seem older than their peers. And in many ways, early marriages contribute to this. At the age of 20, most European girls are still busy with studies and romance, and a 20-year-old southern woman may already have two or three children by this age.

The sooner you mature, the sooner you age?

Southern women are in high demand among men, including those of “non-southern” origin. Dark skin, thick dark hair, large black or brown eyes literally drive the representatives of the stronger sex crazy.

Unfortunately, early female maturity has a downside. It is widely believed that Southern women age earlier. After 25 years, wrinkles begin to erupt in hairy beauties. In addition, southern women are often prone to excessive body hair. If in youth, light antennae above the upper lip look pretty cute, then over the years they thicken, and even hair removal products can hardly cope with this problem.

By the age of 40, some southern women are already ending their reproductive period and outwardly they turn into old women. True, it all depends on the specific conditions of life. If a woman lives in a rural area, she has a house, a family, she gives birth a lot, then old age comes earlier. If a woman lives in the city, studies, works, takes care of herself, then she can maintain a youthful appearance for a long time. Yes, do not forget that the sun spoils the skin, and the inhabitants of the southern villages have to spend a lot of time in the sun, doing housework.

Meanwhile, southerners often live much longer than northerners - such is their genetics.

So the fact of the early maturation of southern women is absolutely true. But the fact of their early aging cannot yet be called an indisputable truth. Everything is relative.

Is it possible to keep the passing youth? About how to achieve this, taking into account the experience of European medicine, our observer is told by the founder and current member of the German Society for Health and Prevention, chief physician of a private medical clinic in Baden-Baden, Professor Richard KLATT.

- Mr. Professor, is it really possible to fight aging at all?

Depending on what you mean. A person begins to age from the moment of birth. This process is influenced by hereditary physical and mental properties, the social and natural environment surrounding a person. We cannot change them the way we want. But it is in our power to develop the right tactics of behavior that slows down aging. And the sooner you start following it, the more tangible the result.

The experience of Europe shows that a commitment to a sensible lifestyle brings amazing results. Today's 75-year-old residents of developed countries are approaching the capabilities of their 65-year-old compatriots 20 years ago in their capabilities. That is, in two decades, old age receded by a decade. I think it's good.

- Women sometimes believe that they are aging faster than men, and get upset about this. Is this true?

I hasten to reassure the ladies - this is not true. After all, the average life expectancy of men is 6-10 years less than that of women. In addition, women and men age differently. In the stronger sex, this process proceeds more evenly. And a woman, while she is relatively young, is protected by her hormones from atherosclerosis - the most important cause of heart attacks and strokes. The threat of these diseases occurs in women much later than in men, but it also develops much faster.

Why do some women age later than others?

To a certain extent it depends on heredity, but much more - on the way of life. Those who age more slowly are those who are physically and mentally active, who live in stable social conditions, observe moderation in food and alcohol consumption.

- Wrinkles and gray hair in the mirror can upset any woman. And how do they reflect the real age?

Visible signs of age do not always coincide with internal ones. The same wrinkles appear much earlier in outdoor workers. The builders, the peasants - their skin is aged by the sun and the wind. Blood vessel-damaging smoking is another cause of premature skin aging. Lack of vitamins and minerals in food also adversely affects its condition. And the period of appearance of gray hair in general depends on heredity.

Real, biological age is much more important. In addition to cigarettes, her first enemies are hypertension, high cholesterol, and diabetes. Modern medicine is able to reliably assess the well-being of blood vessels. The easiest and safest way is to examine the "arterial showcase", that is, the carotid arteries, using a special ultrasound machine. The high resolution of this method makes it possible to measure their walls with an accuracy of a tenth of a millimeter. And by the state of the carotid arteries, one can also judge the coronary vessels. If they have extra deposits, they can be removed without surgery using medications alone. That is, to become really younger.

- Does excess weight age the female body?

First, let's agree on what being overweight is. First you need to determine the so-called BMI - Body Mass Index. It is calculated as follows: your weight in kilograms must be divided by your height in meters squared. If the resulting figure fits into the interval from 19 to 25, everything is in order. What is between 25 and 30 is called overweight, and after 30 - obesity.

By itself, excess weight does not greatly affect the rate of aging. In addition, the physical activity of obese people is usually reduced. All these are the reasons for the accelerated parting with youth.

- Fighting weight, exercise And there is no pleasant way to healthy longevity?

Here you need to honestly decide for yourself what is more important: to enjoy harmful "pleasures" every day and not think about the consequences, or tune in to a long and healthy life. The second path requires, of course, certain efforts, but does not mean at all that all joys must be abandoned.

The magic word that opens the way to longevity is moderation. A great way to "charge" the movement - walking. Not fast, but long and, if possible, regular, preferably daily.

The same goes for food. The main mistake of modern nutrition is too much fat. No need to starve, it's bad. In general, activity of any kind is a worthy alternative to weak-willed humility before old age. And, of course, modern medicine can do a lot. For example, slowing down the natural wilting, make up for the lack of hormones.

How long can a woman stay young?

It primarily depends on her. Youth from old age is distinguished not only by smooth skin. Young people are active, mobile, curious. They react quickly to events, keep themselves straight and love to laugh. By retaining these properties, you will prolong your youth for a long time. I think you have often seen how young eyes looked at you from under the salt and pepper hairdo. So there is no time limit for youth.

- Is it necessary to resort to cosmetic methods of dealing with old age?

If it brings you joy, of course you should. Moreover, the possibilities of cosmetology today are great. It is quite possible to get rid of wrinkles, age spots.

- What should be a reasonable life program in order to delay old age as much as possible?

Life is like a stadium track. If the goal is to run 100 meters, there is no problem. At a distance of 1000 meters, you will already have to save energy, and it is impossible to conquer marathon distances without professional training. Already today, using everything that has been developed by modern medicine, primarily in matters of prevention, you can extend your healthy full life for 10-20 years.

The path to well-being, in my opinion, must begin with calculations. More than 80 percent of all people die from vascular and heart diseases, cancer and diabetes. So the first thing to do is calculate your own risk level. Then undergo a medical examination to know the state of your body at the moment. Only on such a professional basis should one develop an individual strategy and tactics of action and build a program for later life.

It is impossible to give specific advice in absentia. But remembering the general principles is good for everyone. If you want to live long and stay healthy:
do not smoke;
take daily walks;
Exercise three times a week for 30 minutes. Make sure that the pulse at the end of these exercises is 100 - 130 beats per minute;
eat as little fat as possible and as many carbohydrates as possible: bread, potatoes, pasta, rice, vegetables and fruits, as well as fish and eggs;
do not starve;
relax every day, relieving stress;
last, very important tip: do not forget to smile at yourself in front of the mirror every morning!


Recipes of the East for unearthly beauty

Ever wondered why Eastern women look so good? After all, conditions in the East are often no better than those in Russia, and the climate is not conducive to eternal youth. The scorching sun is detrimental to beauty - the skin ages four times faster, hair dries out, all processes in the body proceed much faster. Yes, Eastern girls grow up faster than their northern sisters, but Eastern women do not age faster, but retain their natural beauty for a long time. Never thought? I personally thought about it. To do this, I conducted a whole investigation, the results of which I share with you.

The amazing vitality of the beauty and charm of Eastern women is based both on the peculiarities of the mentality and psychology of the East, and on quite practical recipes for self-care. Below I will give the most significant and adaptable reasons for Russian application.

Inner attitude
One of the most important factors is the lower susceptibility to stress in Eastern women. No, they actually have no less reason to worry than, for example, Russian women. Their standard of living is often not higher, but much lower than that of many Russian families. The difference is that Eastern women perceive everything more calmly. Emotionality and passion remain for stormy nights with her husband, but in everyday life, oriental beauties are not used to wrinkling their beautiful faces. The feeling of calm submission to fate, the husband "given by heaven", brought up over the centuries, allows you to take the world and events in the world for granted, without overestimating and without trying to change something with emotions.

In addition, in the East such a concept as "caste" is strong - a person from birth belongs to a certain stratum of society - he does not worry that he was not born what he could be born, did not become what he could become .. People on in the East they are clearly aware that they are the conductors of the divine spirit, their path is predetermined, their fate is written in advance, so there is simply no place for emotions of anxiety and dissatisfaction.

Regular meditations can also be attributed here, when the body completely relaxes physically and subtle bodies tune in to unity with the universe and the feeling of being part of the divine world.

This is an important factor. It is anxiety, dissatisfaction, bouts of despondency and negative emotions that provoke early wear and tear of the body. Moreover, the good news for those who have already been agitated enough in their lives and already have regalia in the form of wrinkles, gray hair, and sagging muscles - the process can be reversed if you give up the habit of being restless all the time. Try to be calm for at least a week - and you will immediately feel the difference. Subsequently, it is quite possible to replace the habit of worrying with the habit of being in harmony with yourself and the world, no matter what happens - you just need to want to.

Sun protection
Has anyone ever seen Oriental women sunbathing and almost smoking in the sun like smoked herrings? I did not see. Eastern women will not even go out into the street without a long robe covering not only a slender (well, whoever has it, again) body, but also a face. No, no one calls for wearing a veil and covering your face - the point is that sun protection is necessary to preserve beauty. Of course, small doses of sunbathing, slightly gilding the skin, can be useful, but excessive tanning is detrimental not only to beauty, but also to health.

We have enough cosmetic products with a sun protection factor - both for the skin of the face, and the body, and for the hair - so that, while remaining sexy and "undressed" according to Eastern concepts, not exposing either the skin or hair to the drying effect of the sun.

For open areas of the body, for example, if the face is open, Eastern women use mechanical barriers such as Ayurvedic cream and rice flour.

healthy eating
This, of course, is the immortal Ayurveda. Try to eat healthy natural food and do without such insanely delicious semi-finished products - the achievements of civilization, stuffed with chemicals and flavor enhancers, and you will understand the importance of this item not only for beauty, but also for health.

Skin around the eyes
Remember the expressive, skillfully summed up eyes of oriental women? They are very careful about the skin around the eyes, which even in old age retains smoothness and tone. Firstly, all these oily arrows, which, it would seem, should contribute to earlier skin aging, are applied very carefully, without stretching or injuring the skin around the eyes, and only natural dyes are used that naturally do not harm the skin, but only protect it from external factors. . Secondly, make-up is also removed very carefully, without mechanical stretching and also by natural means - cream or full-fat milk, less often sour milk.

Another very important factor for the delicate skin around the eyes, which is the first to show signs of aging, is regular training of the muscles of the face, including around the eyes. Oriental dancers know and use about a hundred variations of movements with one eye. This is not only insanely erotic and looks beautiful while dancing, but is also very important for a youthful face. At least the simplest exercises for the face, such as the "eight" with the eyes, the letter "V", circular movements and left-right movements are recommended for everyone. I also recommend that you do not forget to do all this.

Physical activity and posture
Sensual oriental dances make all muscles work. Who has not tried - I recommend. It is very beautiful and very effective for harmony and good mood (for libido, by the way, it is also effective).

And the legendary exercise with carrying a load on the head will allow you to maintain a stately posture even at a very advanced age.

beauty recipes
I really liked the body mask made from natural coffee, turmeric and cinnamon, well, you can also salt - it works like a highly effective body scrub, while not unnecessarily injuring the skin, nourishes and moisturizes it. Without salt, such a mask can be applied to the face, however, you need to massage less intensively. Turmeric with honey in equal proportions is another unique mask that nourishes, moisturizes the skin, keeps it young, and at the same time, if necessary, has an antiseptic effect.

Cosmetics in the East also very often contain rose water.

To wash hair, use yogurt, kefir or sour milk. I tried kefir masks, but in order to wash my hair only with kefir, I still haven’t raised my hand, although they say it’s very effective.

That's it, my friends. And it is not at all necessary to put on a veil and try to portray yourself as a free oriental woman in order to take into account the invaluable oriental recipes for preserving beauty.

It is believed that the stormy sex life of a woman leads to early aging. To find out if this is true, let's compare the two photos. Both women are in their 30s. One of them is a porn star, the other lives in Afghanistan, where women are killed for debauchery. Which one aged faster, and which one obviously looks better? It seems to me that the result is obvious.

On the left is a photograph of a woman who has been a masterpiece of photography for over 20 years. Back in 1984, this girl was in a Pashtun refugee camp, where she was photographed by Steve Makkari. Probably, there is no such civilized person in the world who would not see this photo:

After 17 years, a photograph of this girl was taken again. At that time, she looked like this:

I think that, given the severity of the mores of Afghan society, it can be assumed that she had one man. However, despite this, a woman does not look the best, in our understanding, in a way. To be honest, the photo evokes pity and a desire to help.

On the right is the popular porn star Elena Berkova. The women are about the same age, but with the naked eye you can see that Elena looks much, much, much better! She has a well-groomed face and figure, not devoid of tuning, joy in her eyes and a daring look. More than one man's heart can still fall at Elena's feet. And not only the heart, yes, yes.

I suggest you draw your own conclusions. Does an intense sex life affect the appearance of a woman? It seems to me that the answer is obvious - sex life itself has nothing to do with appearance. But where did the common stereotype come from then? Why do many adults and respected people believe that a certain number of lovers turn a woman into an ancient old woman?

I think that in many ways this stereotype is associated with prostitutes, and with their lowest caste. Sick and hungry, they stand by the roads, trying to earn their crust of stale bread. And they look at the same time, frankly, it does not matter. But are we dealing only with a sexual tragedy, or with a social one too? Do all these women really have sex on their own, and with attractive partners? I doubt.

If we discard the layer of clearly marginalized women, prostitutes, drug addicts, alcoholics, then the picture will be completely different! It turns out that many factors affect a woman's appearance, but the main ones are: the ability to spend effort, money and time on herself. It is they who ultimately determine the appearance of the lady.

However, there is another side. Some women are literally sure of the opposite - the more sex in life, the better. For the sake of this, they are ready to embark on all sorts of dubious adventures "for health." They remember Cleopatra and her lovers, and expect cosmetic miracles from sex, but miracles do not happen. Some even have lovers and younger husbands, but again by! Nothing in the form of a woman is improved by sex, with the exception of one single exception.

A woman really blossoms when she is in love. A woman in love instantly transforms, grows thinner, prettier. But this does not happen with every partner, namely with the beloved and desired. This cannot be repeated for any money!

I am sure that a lady who has sex with a loved one looks good and happy, and according to a great mutual desire. This is what we will strive for.

So love, have sex and be happy. And fairy tales about early aging and sexual deterioration, as well as eternal youth with a young lover, should be left for a collection of myths and legends.

    Some women look with envy at young eighteen-year-old girls. They yearn for their youth and former beauty. Other ladies are well aware that years are wealth and experience that money cannot buy. And premature aging is not a problem if you learn how to properly care for yourself.

    Why do some women age quickly and others don't?

    Premature aging is genetically determined. This means that if your mother began to age early, you will most likely repeat her path. Until the age of 25, growth processes take place in our body. At this age, the body can work for wear and tear, but we will not feel any consequences. As we age, it becomes harder and harder to wake up after a sleepless night. Physical training takes more strength. Immunity weakens, diseases begin to manifest themselves. Women may begin to suffer from joint or head pain. Exacerbated pain in the internal organs. Some cells die, the skin becomes dry.

    It is especially difficult in stressful situations. If earlier before the trip a woman could calmly paint her nails, take a bath and jump on the train on the move, now she is going a week in advance and is terribly worried. Bad news can cause heartache. Young mothers react with a smile when a child falls, and grandmothers clutch at their hearts when their grandson stumbles.

    At the same time, the most important indicator of old age in a woman is menopause. During it, a woman loses her most important, bestowed by nature, function - reproductive. Estrogen hormones are no longer produced by the body. For this reason, a lady may lose her sex appeal. Some people go through menopause in their 40s, others in their 50s.

    In addition to genetic predisposition, the approach of menopause is affected by:

    Nervous tension;

    Chronic fatigue;

    Lack of sexual life;

    Hard work;

    Unsatisfactory place of residence.

    We deceive old age

    1. We take care of ourselves. No matter how trite it may sound, a lady must take care of her body. Use modern creams and folk beauty recipes. Paint over gray hair, make stylish haircuts, beautiful makeup.

    2. We dress stylishly. Clothes can add years to you. Or maybe take it away. Sweatpants, trendy sneakers, vest, headphones. And in the park no one will give you 50 years. After all, you will be full of strength and energy. Avoid "women's" outfits. Long skirts, synthetic sweaters, the coat your neighbor's grandmother gave you. Shop in fashion boutiques.

    3. Inner childhood. You must have a youthful outlook. A 30-year-old woman who scolds a boy in a trolley bus for laughing out loud looks like a grandmother. But if you ride downhill with your grandchildren, climb mountains of leaves, play snowballs, you will be admired.

    4. Sexual life. Over the years, intimacy becomes a habit. But you can light a fire and feel attractive and desirable. Erotic lingerie, new positions, sexual games will help you with this.

    5. Diets. All women get fatter with age. The thinner you are, the harder it will be for others to guess your age, as your face and body will look perfect.

    6. Straight back. Over the years, people tend to slouch. Keep your back straight. You can even sign up to dance.

    7. Plastic surgery. Expensive and not always safe pleasure. But if you are tuned in to this way of dealing with old age, and your husband agreed to pay, then why not?

    8. Workouts. Physical activity helps a woman tighten her muscles, lose weight, but most importantly - recharge her energy. Blood moves the body, oxygenates every organ. And thoughts of premature aging go away.

    9. Neck and face. Old age is judged by a sagging and flabby neck. Do exercises for the neck and take care of it. Also, fight wrinkles and dark circles on your face.

    10. Smile and kindness. Remember that kind people have forehead wrinkles less often.

    11. Calm. Only calmness. Remember the words of Carlson? Try to find harmony in yourself, love yourself and not worry about trifles.

    Remember that over the years you become wiser. And age is often determined not by a passport, but by a spiritual state.
