Congratulations to the young in the form of a parcel script. Congratulation scene for the wedding

A wedding is a wonderful day for hearts in love, it is not surprising that relatives and friends try to bring the most heartfelt wishes and congratulations to the young. Often, when there are a lot of guests at a wedding, only a few are remembered: people who decided to congratulate the newlyweds in a creative and extraordinary way. Let's talk about the ways in which you can interestingly congratulate a couple on their wedding day.

1. Poem. It is better to compose congratulations in poetic form on your own, especially if a whole team is preparing it. You can describe in poetic form the first meeting of lovers, their joint vacation, hobbies, and so on. If you wish, you can remake a famous song - such a congratulation can also be a pleasant surprise: the main thing is that the performer has everything in order with his hearing and voice.

You can make a poetic eyeliner to the gift, turning the presentation process into a funny performance - this issue should also be discussed with the toastmaster: as a rule, professional presenters have a lot of ideas about this. For example, this is part of a reworked song to the motive "For a week, until the second":

To your wedding, we guys
Came running without looking back
Look with a fresh eye
For the bride and groom.

Together "BITTER!" boom the bass
And then like divers
Find yourself drunk
Sunday under the table.
We sing merrily, we walk,
Congratulations on your wedding!
And we wish the family love
In marriage, it's not easy.

The main thing is not to delay the congratulations and rehearse it in advance, so that later you don’t stutter and peep into the cheat sheet.

2. Video and interview. You can also congratulate the young by showing an interesting film. You can go the simplest way and collect old videos by editing them together, or you can make your own movie. Walk around the street, ask passers-by to say a few congratulatory words, you can go to the university or the place of work of the newlyweds and ask colleagues to say kind words, you can also interview people who will be present at the wedding in advance. And you can also play the young ones: at the last moment before the banquet, disappear from the celebration, and then, after showing a congratulatory video, exit from behind the “screen” (it can be made from a large sheet of paper or a sheet) with flowers and gifts - a kind of eyeliner for congratulations.

3. Slides and photo collages. Choose the funniest photos and make funny slides. For each slide, you can come up with funny captions, pick up fun music, you can even play children's music - the more creative you approach this issue, the funnier it will be. By joint efforts, you can also make a photo collage: it's great if there is an artist or caricaturist among your friends - then there will be no problems with creating images.

You can present the newlyweds with their portraits in some funny attire: the groom in a royal robe and the bride in a puffy princess dress, a couple dressed as Papuans or cowboys - there are a lot of options. You can even draw the emblem of the future family - such a gift will also be interesting.

4. Posters, balloons, billboards . A large poster with photographs of a couple in unusual roles can also be a worthy congratulation. If you know the route of the wedding walk, you can place a large photo of the newlyweds on a billboard on one of the streets of the city. You can write wishes and congratulations on a large bunch of balloons - let the newlyweds launch them into the sky. You can put congratulations from those present in one balloon, and in order to read it, the young people will have to burst the balloon, for example, without using their hands. Talk to the toastmaster, let him include it in the list of competitions - the spectacle promises to be very funny.

5. Operation "ATM". Giving money in an envelope is boring and not at all original, it’s another matter if you beat it in a skit, amusing both the young and everyone present. To do this, you will need a large box: for example, from a gas stove or a washing machine, which is painted under an ATM. The keyboard can also be drawn, they will “dial” the pin code on it. Young people are given a card made of cardboard from Semeyniy Bank, but in order to cash it out, they need to go through a lot of fun tests. Money can be given out in parts: in exchange for each competition, and you can come up with a lot of them - from ordinary riddles and quizzes to traditional wedding dances and relay races.

Read about original ways to donate money for a wedding.

6. Television announcer. The bride and groom receive many postcards, telegrams or letters from relatives and friends who could not come. To make it more interesting to read them, let a person with a good sense of humor take up this matter. To do this, they organize a “workplace” for him in the form of a TV screen: you can use a picture frame or simply cut it out of cardboard. A bow tie, set diction, glasses - that's the whole arsenal.

7. Circus act. Funny congratulations will be skits rehearsed on their own. Here you need a sense of humor, and not just the ability to sit on a twine or do somersaults. Gather a team and come up with a number together. Group support can be depicted in a deliberately funny way: strong men with shaking legs, acrobats falling all the time, clowns who all strive to reach the newlyweds, but some obstacles always appear in their way. You can arrange a dance competition and announce that the best dancers of the city have been invited for the newlyweds, it is already clear who and how will dance: you can start with a macarena or a dance of little ducklings, and then portray a parody of a lambada or tango - it will be very funny. The main thing is to take care of the make-up so that at first glance you won’t be recognized, and after that your congratulations will be the culmination of the saying: they danced as best they could.

8. Reading minds. Another scene that guests can play on their own. An announcement is made that a great and powerful wizard has arrived at the newlyweds for the holiday, who can not only turn stones into gold, but also read minds. Some of the guests are carefully dressed up, a beard is glued on and armed with some kind of more terrible unit: it can be a large cook's scoop or an unusually decorated hat. And now the game begins: “What is the bride thinking about?” - and a song sounds, for example, “Over the Four Seas”, “What is the groom thinking about?” - the song "If I were a Sultan", "What do the guests think about?" - "If there was a sea of ​​​​beer" and so on. The funnier the songs you choose, the more interesting it will be. After that, the wizard reveals his incognito and heartily congratulates the newlyweds.

9. Fireworks or laser show. If this is not provided for by the festive program, it is quite possible to present the culmination of the evening to the newlyweds. It will be great if you pick up funny shots for laser projection that would echo the theme of dating or starting a newlywed relationship. You can write a love story that someone will tell into a microphone, and then the guests can congratulate the newlyweds all together, showering them with rose petals.

10. Symbolic gifts. You can accompany the congratulations with symbolic gifts: for example, put an empty aquarium in front of the young, and then give the bride and groom a glass in which 2 goldfish swim - this will be a symbol of the creation of a young family. Give the young people an umbrella, and tie money inside with a string, ask the couple to open it. A “money” rain will fall on your head, wish that they always bathe in luxury, but do not forget about each other. You can give sweets - so that life is always sweet, a rolling pin for the wife and hedgehogs for the husband, accompanied by a funny speech, the first "golden" brick for the foundation of the future home. You can even shove banknotes into a head of cabbage and pass it to the newlyweds with a subtle allusion to those who are believed to be found in cabbage. There are a lot of options to congratulate the couple in an original way, the main thing is to show imagination and think through everything carefully, then your wish will be memorable!

Everyone can banally congratulate the newlyweds with a postcard or an envelope with money, but in an original way to submit your wish, you need to try. Let the cool scenes of congratulations on the wedding from friends presented in this article help you with this.

Scene "There is nothing better for a man than a wife-friend and her mother"

In the form of congratulations, a scene can be presented.

For the scene you need a table and three chairs. Characters:

- wife Tanya;

- her husband Kolya;

- a school friend of her husband Maxim;

- wife's mother Nadezhda Nikolaevna;

- waiter.

The action takes place in a cafe. A meeting of two old friends, to which one of them came with his wife. During the scene, the actor who plays the role of the husband is silent and nods his head. His wife is always responsible for him. The audience will appreciate the funny gestures and facial expressions of the husband.

- Hello, Kolyan!

- Good to see you, Max. Meet my wife Tanya.

- Nice to meet you, Tatiana.

- Mutually.

All three sit down at the table.

Maxim turns to Kolya, and his wife is always responsible for him.

- Well, let's drink to the acquaintance.

Kolya doesn't drink.

- Is he driving?

- No, not driving. We are planning to conceive today.

The waitress comes up and wants to take the order. Tanya orders a Caesar salad and tea. When the waitress wants to take an order from Kolya, Tanya instead says in a nasty voice:

“He, too, has a Caesar salad and a Tiramisu cake.”

In response, Kolya nods his head in frustration. Such a comic performance will be a real find for the guests of the wedding celebration and will cause a lot of positive emotions.

When the waiter approaches his friend Maxim, he says:

- Can I order for myself? Wow! Then I'll have beer and shrimp.

- And Tiramisu.

Maxim says:

- No, it's not necessary.

— Well, how are you? Tell me, Kolyan. How are you? Do you work there?

- Kolya works there. He is going to leave, but where, until he says - a bad omen, will not come true. Yes Kolya?

Kolya continues to simply nod in response.

- Why is Kolya all about himself and about himself. Tell us about yourself too. Who are you?

Kolya's classmate.

- Not. And I don't want to get married now. And you, Kol, are you happily married?

Tanya answers.

— Yes, Kolenka is happy. I am his happiness. Yes, Kol?

Kolya nods in response.

— And what do you do, Kol, when you are left alone?

Kolya doesn't like being alone. The best company for him is me. Because there is no better company for a man than a wife-friend.

- Kohl, let's go out with you, and Tanya will wait until then?

Tanya answers again.

- I'll go out, and you sit down.

Tanya leaves, but after a moment, Tanya's mother comes in. Here you can use the dressing up technique, and a mummer man is ideal for the image.

- Listen, did your wife speak for you at the registry office?

Mother-in-law Kolya now answers.

- No, in the registry office he spoke for himself. Let me introduce myself. I am Tanya's mother.

There is applause.

- Do you live together?

- Yes together. There is no better company for a man than a wife-friend and her mother.

The guests start laughing.

- Kohl, why weren't you there yesterday? The boys and I had such a great time yesterday.

“He couldn’t do it yesterday, we got him out of the noose, he wanted to hang himself. I don't understand what's wrong with him? Lives splendidly. His wife is beautiful.

- Well, nothing, Kolyan, do not become sour. Come on Wednesday - we play football.

- On Wednesday, he can’t, because he takes me from fitness.

Well, come back on Friday.

Tanya's wife comes in.

On Friday, he picks me up from yoga.

Maxim says and leaves:

Okay, Kolyan, come on. I wanted to talk, to hear your voice, but, apparently, not fate.

- What were they talking about?

- Maxim asked what Kolya was doing on Wednesday, he wanted to invite him to football.

He can't on Wednesday.

Well, yes, I said so.

At this time, the husband grabs a knife from the table and, as it were, begins to try to kill himself. Tanya screams:

Waiter, stop him! What did I get for my husband?!

Kolya puts on a belt and begins to choke. The three walk away from the stage. The guests clapped and laughed.

At the end, they go out, and the mother-in-law says:

- Love and relationships are like sand: you can hold them in the palm of your hand, but as soon as you clench your hand into a fist, the sand will spill through your fingers. We want to wish that you never behave like the husband and wife shown in the skit, but respect, take care of each other, appreciate and give freedom to a person. Then you will have both love and happiness.

Take a couple of friends or relatives for this production. Print the text on sheets and peep a little.

You can play this scene on your wedding anniversary - it will be quite appropriate. At the end of the scene, it is worth emphasizing that the spouses have lived together for many years and are not at all like the family presented. It would be appropriate to wish that the heroes of the occasion and for the golden wedding were just as happy, understanding, loving husband and wife.

Scene "Jolly ATM"

This performance is designed to help friends give money to the newlyweds in an interesting way, not only during the wedding, but also at any holiday, including an anniversary. You need to make an ATM from a large box, for example, from a refrigerator. With a felt-tip pen, sign it with the names of the newlyweds. Glue a keyboard out of paper. Separately, a sheet with the words "PIN CODE". And empty cells.

The newlyweds are told that they have won some amount of money that is stored on the card. A cheerful friend of the newlyweds with a microphone sits in the ATM, who gives tasks:

  1. Guess the PIN code of the card. This is the answer to the questions:
  1. The sum of the ages of the bride and groom is the first two digits of the code.
  2. The size of the bride's shoes is the second two.

Then a friend from the ATM asks to insert a card. Newlyweds write numbers with a marker. Next, our ATM asks:

Will you give the bride money for lipstick?

After a positive answer, you can stick out the tape from the glued small money. It will look funny.

The bride is then asked:

- Dear bride, will you give your husband money for nuts and keys? After the answer, you can also give the young people a ribbon of money with the words: "Pamper each other more often, love you and happiness."

Let such a comic scene pleasantly surprise everyone present at the wedding event.

Scene "Cool letters to young people"

For this scene, you need a few friends who, in the clothes of postmen or other costumes, will read interesting messages to the young people. These may be the following original letters:

  1. “My dear and adored, we lived together for a long time. Happiness and joy I always gave you. I won't be able to do this anymore. We will have to part with you. Remember me, but never come to me. We were great together. Your unforgettable bachelor life.
  2. “We inform you that the Ivanov family (the surname of the newlyweds) is entering the sweet honeymoon. Department of beekeeping development of the country.
  3. “At the request of higher authorities, the best room is reserved for the newlywed. Maternity hospital of the city "
  4. “Flew, I will be in 9 months. Stork".
  5. “Dear newlywed, your order has been completed and you can get your “Hedgehogs” in our sewing workshop. Wear with pleasure. Seamstress Nadezhda Petrovna.
  6. “Dear newlywed, I congratulate you on registering your marriage and wish you never fall under the heel. Shoemaker Vasily.

This list goes on. Such interesting letters are always received with a bang by the guests.

Let several people participate in the skit, and they will definitely be with a sense of humor, because funny postmen are needed. Develop your script and act on it. Let your congratulations be creative and remain a pleasant memory in the memory of the young. Such a congratulation is also suitable for a silver wedding and other dates. It will be enough to change the content of the letters, and leave the method of submission the same.

If you want to prove yourself and please the newlyweds, then a scene for a wedding is what you need. Interesting Christian wedding and other scenes can be viewed in the video below.

You have been looking for each other for a long time,

Fate gave a test

And behold, you are in beautiful clothes,

Love is not fun for you!

Family is joy and happiness

In spite of all prejudice,

After all, every minute you are closer,

To each other, and there is no doubt about that!

Training, leadership, personal growth.

To wake up in the morning

You enjoyed happiness

Bathed in its rays!

I wish you to have in the family,

More kids

A bunch of beautiful girls

And a box of boys!

Hilarious congratulations on the wedding

Hilarious congratulations on the wedding

Today is a very special day

Today there is no longing and anger.

Today money - to the eyeballs,

And you can drink without knowing the measure,

We wish the groom a garter

Remove your teeth and be there first.

We wish all guests to get drunk,

And evil people to choke,

The bride to be a princess in her soul,

And to be fat without weight at all.

We wish the father-in-law not to get drunk,

And the mother-in-law does not cry for a long time.

We wish to sparkle to be more cheerful,

Mother-in-law - only younger.

Witnesses - find loved ones,

Beautiful, kind, not jealous.

To grow the top of the head for all bald people,

Grannies sing to the fullest!

Guests empty their pockets,

And go home drunk.

Do not get confused toastmaster!

And so that fate be happy!

  • Comic for a wedding
  • Chastushki for a wedding
  • Good qualities of the groom. Wedding preparations.
  • Scenes for February 23, March 8 and wedding
  • Wedding scenario

Scene for the wedding

This scene will help you originally congratulate the young on wedding

Congratulations to the newlyweds: New Russian grandmas

Characters: popular TV heroes - old women Matryona and Flower (men in disguise).

Suits: old sweaters, skirts, scarves, a string bag with gifts for young people.


Whispered in my ear

unknown old ladies

What would you like now

Give a young couple an order!

Old ladies enter.

flower(to the host): How are we unknown? We are very popular glamor persons!

Matryona: You need to watch TV and know your stars in the face!

Flower: Where is the bride and groom?

Matryona: Well, you're blind! There they are, beautiful, like in Hollywood! Come on, get a gift, but don’t mix it up: you give a young woman, and I do a good job.

flower(to the bride): Dear young woman, white swan! From now on, you will conjure over family happiness. So here's a gift for you - a magic wand! Enta wand will fit in the kitchen, and will find justice for her husband!

Gives the bride a rolling pin.

Matryona(to the groom): And you, bright falcon, support your family, get money. So here's your start-up capital in the form of a bank deposit!

Gives the groom a glass jar with a bill.

flower: And now, as experienced ladies, we will give you our order. So, Matryona, were you married?

Matryona: Wow, you asked! I'm still a girl!

Flower: Heh! And how are you going to give advice to young people? You don't understand anything about this stuff!

Matryona: But I understand the economy, and you, as you were a slut, remained! And I can sing, too.

flower: I love to sing too! Come on, Matryona, let's not say a command to the young, but sing along!

Matryona: Bayanist, play!


Don't be scared, darling

You got a little...

Under a chic heel

On a beautiful leg!

Where is the wedding dress

Where is the sweet bride?

In my mother's old dressing gown

And in leaky slippers!

Write on a piece of paper

Your marriage contract:

Who cooks, who cleans

And who sweeps the rubbish!

Dear friend, don't be lazy

To eat well,

So that your wife is

Shame on you!

If you decide to quarrel,

That is mutually polite:

Don't speak harsh words

Speak gentle!

Anya (name of the bride) was a daughter,

And now the bride

Where there is love, there is mother-in-law

Everyone knows this!

Don't be upset, mother-in-law

And don't be sad about your daughter

Ask her soon

Have little grandchildren!

Husband lay on the couch

With a heart attack...

He did not recognize his wife

In a cucumber mask!

Darling entertained me

Loud singing songs!

I'd rather save money

And I bought a ticket to the cinema!

Old women invite guests who know ditties about love and weddings to sing them for the young.

Wedding scenarios. scenes for the wedding

How beautiful and unusual to congratulate the young? For example, using these funny and interesting scenes - congratulations for the newlyweds.

Scene-congratulation No. 1 "Love from Paradise"

Characters: Adam, Eve, Serpent-Tempter (all roles can be played by men for fun).

Costumes: Adam and Eve in tight-fitting clothes with paper fig leaves; Eva is wearing a women's wig, fake breasts; the Snake-Tempter has a medical emblem with a snake and a bowl on his clothes.


Love is a special art

It is not given to everyone.

When this feeling comes

It means it's destined!

Everything starts from the moment

When hearts beat faster

And now without regret

You put yourself in her hands...

Dear newlyweds! On this magical day, when you gave your fate to a friend, unusual guests came to congratulate you. These are people from whom a unique feeling originates - love!

Holding hands, Adam and Eve appear. The Serpent-Tempter sneaks after.

Adam: Oh, Eva! How nice it is here in paradise!

Eve: Oh yes, Adam! Unusually! And all because you are next to me!

Adam: And with me - you! And we are alone in the whole world ... Not counting the Serpent, who is already rather tired! Follows and follows us!

Serpent Tempter: I just want you to try my apple and that's it! Help yourself!

The serpent hands Adam and Eve an apple.

Eve: No, Serpent! We already tried it and everyone knows how bad it ended... Maybe some other couple would like to try?

Adam: Honey, you're not confusing anything? After all, we're the only people in the world, aren't we?

Eve (points to newlyweds)): And what about this couple, look!

Suitable for young people.

Adam: Is it true that you are in love too?

Young people are responsible.

Adam: And you are ready to live your whole life with each other?

Young people are responsible.

Serpent Tempter (newlyweds): Then don't you take a bite of a juicy, ripe, sweet apple?

Eve (newlyweds): No, no, not at all! Don't eat his apple!

Serpent Tempter: From what? This is the apple of knowledge! After taking a bite of it, the groom will find out the whole truth about his bride and her past, and the bride will find out everything about the groom, all his secret thoughts and views to the left!

Adam: That's what, Snake, go away, you'll pick up, hello! There can be no secrets and looks to the left!

Eve: Look how they love each other! And you can't interfere with their happiness. And to make your feelings even stronger, eat another apple - the apple of love!

The young people must bite off the apple together, which Eve will give them.

The Serpent offers his "apple of knowledge" to one of the guests who wants to know everything about his soulmate.

Adam and Eve say goodbye and wish the young that their happiness is not threatened by any other knowledge.

Scene-congratulation No. 2 "The East is a delicate matter"

Characters: The Sultan, his three women.

Costumes: for the Sultan - a turban, for women - bedspreads, worn like a veil, under them bloomers and tops.

Under the soundtrack "The East is a delicate matter" (from the repertoire of Arkady Ukupnik), the Sultan enters, behind him mince women wrapped in blankets.

Sultan (with oriental accent): Salam Alaikum to the high assembly! I came to you from the far east to congratulate one respected person! My best wives profit with me (points to the women): Shahri, Zuhri and the most beloved wives, Guzel. Beauties, ah!

Tells the wives to bow to the assembled.

Sultan (to the groom): I came to congratulate you, Mr. Ilya! (groom's name) You have your first wife! Now you are almost a real man and for that I respect you! But in order for you to become a completely real man, you need at least two more wives. And I arrived not with an empty hand, but with a gift. I give you, Mr. Ilya, any of my wives! Choose which one you like!

The groom objects.

Sultan: Don't like any?! Ay-yay, such a gift to reject! After all, I’ll give you a third wife later, in a year! How good: one wife scratches her bald head, another scratches her back, and the third tickles her heels! (The wives do what he says.) Stronger, Guzel, like this, good, well done! .. And how they dance with me! Belly dance, have you heard? Does your bride know how to belly dance? Now all the wives will dance, and you look and choose!

Oriental music sounds, the Sultan's wives throw off their covers and dance a belly dance. The Sultan leads the bride by the hand and asks the bride to dance too, he dances nearby.

Sultan(to the groom after the dance): Eh, Mr. Ilya, and your brides are fine too! Attractive, curvy... Let's change! I will give you any wife in return.

The groom refuses.

Sultan: Well. Then, as we say in the East, advice to you and love!

Groom: And they say: be rich and not horned! Women: What do we wish them? Women: Live sweetly and smoothly! Sultan: Exactly. Such is the will of Allah ... But then, mind you, do not ask me for another wife, I will not give it!

"Eastern guests" sing a song.

Song of the Eastern guests to the motive of the song "If I were a Sultan" from the film "Prisoner of the Caucasus".

If you were a sultan

I would be the toughest

And among women you would

Expected success.

All beauties are with you

Very good

Live with beauties

But it's very difficult

Please them all!

If you were a sultan

You would be tired of wives

And give them love

Stopped quickly.

Because you found

girl alone,

Best of all, most beautiful of all

Lenochka my!

Very good

Get married friends

When everyone is at their best

Your bride!

Scenarios of weddings - How are weddings in different countries

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We urgently need a script for congratulations on the wedding in the form of a skit!!! - blog my bateshka

Prelesta, it's really 7 hours. And costumes are needed, but consider as an option:

Play scene.


Three daughters

Costumes: robes for men and long robes for girls, covering them from head to toe, three burqas or scarves. Offer to play the third daughter before the performance to a man, supposedly it is necessary to help out the artists and he is only required to stand under the burqa. However, the audience does not need to know about it.

On the floor on a rug, cross-legged, sits the padishah.

The vizier comes in, bows to the padishah.

Vizier. O highly respected, greatly adored, venerable and incomparable, our great padishah! I came to you with boldness. Let me tell you a word. Padishah. Speak. What brings you to me, wise vizier? Vizier. I want to ask for the hand of your daughter. Author. The Padishah thought. Issuing a daughter to a vizier? Yes, it would probably be beneficial. Yes, and a son-in-law at the palace, why not? But who will he choose? He never saw his daughters. Padishah. Ok, I agree. Vizier. Ltd…

Long, long bows and thanks.

Padishah. But allow me, wise vizier. Who will you choose as your wife? Vizier. O great padish! I know that laws cannot be broken. But make an exception: let me see the faces of your daughters.

But this is a violation of the laws of the East! On the other hand, the vizier is the future husband. Why shouldn't he be allowed to see his daughters? Padishah am I, after all, or not?

The padishah claps his hands.

Padishah. Fatima, Leyla, Gulchatay, come here!

Three girls enter. Their faces are completely covered. They stand with their backs to the audience and face the padishah.

My daughters are beautiful. The wise vizier asks for the hand of one of you. Reveal your beautiful faces.

Girls reveal their faces, but the audience does not see them.

Vizier. O great padish! Let me ask your daughters just one question. (To the first.) What is two times two? Author. “Three,” answered the first daughter. Vizier. Economical.

Vizier (to the second). What is twice two?

Vizier. What is twice two?

Scenes for the wedding in the form of congratulations " * always a holiday! *

Scene 1 - Command congratulations from experienced grandmothers

Two grandmothers come out, you can dress up men or ladies dressed as old women.

Grandma 1: Well, we finally got to this wedding.

Grandma 2: Yes, straight all the legs hurt, and it hurts already.

Grandma 1: So where are our newlyweds?

Grandma 2: So here they are, standing in front of you.

Grandma 1: Ah, is that you? Why are you sitting so sad? Maybe you are not happy about your marriage?

Grandma 2: What are you talking about, dear. How happy they are, they are glad, they have such faces, because they saw you.

Grandma 1: What's wrong with me? Looks nice and dressed up. Well, fiance, tell me, how do you like me, attractive, pretty? Yes, do not be silent, that you are looking at your wife. Before the wedding, I suppose, he looked at everyone, but now only at his wife.

Grandma 2: It was he who looked away from you so as not to be afraid of you.

Grandma 1: Well, well, I'd like to ask now.

Grandma 2: Come on, let's better congratulate the young.

Grandma 1: Lets do it. Who do we start with.

Grandma 2: And let's go from wife to young.

Grandma 1: So, here's a magic wand for you, so that you keep everything in the house under control. And the kitchen, and the husband and order. Here you go (gives a rolling pin).

Grandma 2: And here's your husband. You, too, have a magic wand that will help you get out of any situation (gives a screwdriver).

Grandma 1: How?! I help my wife here so that there is order in the family, and you teach your husband how to get out of situations.

Grandma 2: And what? Maybe he will be with me in these situations?

Grandma 1: With you? Oh, don't make me laugh, old lady.

Grandma 2: But, but, I would ask.

Grandma 1: All right, let's give them a common gift.

Grandma 2: Come on (gives a fork of fresh cabbage). And this is for the two of you, so that you sleep at night, and not suffer. And when you get up in the morning, look for a child in the cabbage.

Grandma 1: But if you want, then try, of course, but I would still recommend cabbage.

Grandma 2: Like everything, you can bow out.

Grandma 1: Happiness to you, and family well-being.

Scene 2 - Congratulations from the Arab Sheikh

One sheikh is needed, who is dressed in oriental clothes, and his three wives, who are also dressed according to oriental custom.

The sheikh walks imposingly, examining all the women, and his wives follow him. The sheikh approaches the newlyweds.

Sheikh: And here are my dear bride and groom (stretches his hand as if to greet the groom, but then abruptly takes the bride by the hand and kisses her hand). Oh my princess, how beautiful you are in this outfit. And these (pointing to their wives) are my wives. I took three with me, and so we have twenty of them. By the way, all my wives can belly dance, but can you?

Oriental music begins to play and the sheikh's wives dance belly dance, and the sheikh invites the bride to also dance belly dance and rubs herself around her in every possible way.

Sheikh: Oh what a great dance! Come with me to my country, you will be my twenty-first wife!

The bride disagrees.

Sheikh: How not?! I will provide you with wealth and a palace. Won't you go? Well as you know.

Suits the groom.

Sheikh: You see, fiancé, what a faithful wife you have. For this I will give you one of my wives (points to his three wives). Saw them dancing, take your pick.

The groom refuses.

Sheikh: What? Why don't you take it? I will help you to support her, I will not offend her with wealth. Well, if you don't, then you really love each other. Therefore, I congratulate you and wish you a happy family life. On this, let me take my leave, my personal plane is waiting for me, my wives and I are flying to rest in the Canary Islands.

Suitable for the bride.

The bride refuses.

Sheikh: Well there is no way. And we flew.

Megatosts. ru - congratulations on the wedding

Best congratulations on your wedding dayWedding The culprits of the feast, celebration! I look at you - happy, young, glorious ... I want to say to other healthy words And my parting words. I want you, breathing in the world of joys with full breasts, to remember more than once About the good deed that other people have done for you, at least in a small part. Let the experience of your great-grandfathers teach you: Without the good deeds of a lifetime, the price is worthless. From grains of goodness for the first time Grow at least a handful of grain! And multiply this handful many times, And only then - not in a single number - Return it carefully back to the plowed, well-groomed land! May your field be fruitful For friendly deeds, And may it never be threatened by the Weed of hostility, meanness and evil!

Young people for the wedding To the sound of a crystal glass, To the sound of sparkling wine, We congratulate the newlyweds, Wishing them happiness in full! Let every day, lived nearby, Not be overshadowed by a tear - Then there is no need for gold, And the stone seems like a star! May the dawn of a happy life never go out, May it always be sweet to you! And for today ... "bitter!".

wedding verse Some grieve at old age, And I will say: for drink, In which sons are married, At daughters' weddings they feast! Guests and relatives are getting tipsy, Moist, faces are flushed. The feast of the wedding day lasts until the very night in the house. They didn't think otherwise. Everything here is solemn and simple. Glasses are splashing with wine, Toasts are drowning in general fun. A military man with a gray-haired hedgehog, Behind him is an elderly neighbor Under the cries of "bitter!" young people wish love until old age. But there are movements of simple feelings, which defy even words. Two gray-haired mothers rise And silently drink for the young, Embracing, crying and laughing!

Congratulation with wedding gifts We give to the young! Here is copper money for you, so that you are not poor! Here's some silver for you, so that you feel good! Here's paper money for you, so that you go important!

mother-in-law Remember, mother-in-law, a simple commandment And do not forget it forever: Live with love in your heart for your son-in-law, After all, a son-in-law is also a man!

Short congratulations And he doesn’t eat, he doesn’t drink, He doesn’t sing, he doesn’t laugh... But all you need is to shout in a friendly chorus: “Bitter!”.

Bitter radish, bitter honey, Bitter to eat and bitter to drink - The honest people ask you to sweeten our food! Bitterly!

Congratulation with gifts We give you cabbage, so that the house is not empty. We give you a bow, so that they do not know the heavy torment. We give you carrots, so that there is love in the house. We give a tomato, To pass your house of discord. We will give a cucumber, so that the groom becomes a father soon. We give grapes so that your house is always rich. That's how much they gave! Well, now - "Bitter!".

Happy Anniversary Our narrow circle of relatives and friends congratulates you on your anniversary. We wish to grow up Healthy, smart and beautiful!

Beautiful congratulations Congratulations on your legal marriage, And we wish you much happiness. We are talking now in earnest: Let a million beautiful roses Lie along the whole long path, What will be destined to pass. And let the fire of great love Burn without fading! With love, life is easier to go through - Everyone knows this. Reach agreement in everything, Live for many years. Always respect each other, Love is your advice!

*** We congratulate you on your wedding, We wish you happiness, joy And we give the following order: To live golden before the wedding!

*** We wish you to live without boredom As a happy friendly family Until the day when your grandchildren Congratulate you on your golden wedding!

Cool congratulations Two pigeons have been looking for each other for a long time, Finding each other is no joke. And our dove walked alone, And the dove walked alone. But all the same, the deity reacted to them with the participation of Beautiful love: Two doves gently coo - A triumph of two tender hearts!

1 year wedding Let the colors of life be bright, And your feelings always be strong! Love, kindness, warmth and gentle caresses For long, wonderful years!

happy wedding anniversary You have a special day today, So always be happy, May the road be bright, May there be a friendly family!

Newlyweds for a wedding Glory! Glory to the newlyweds! Congratulations to the young! I wish them a bright and successful life!

wedding congratulations Young people - advice and love! And as a dowry - eternal happiness, So that every day that comes I radiate warmth of the heart to you!

In your own words Love each other, appreciate each other! Look for in each other not only spouses - Find the best friend!

From parents Allow me, dear ones, from the bottom of my heart to congratulate you on a truly legal marriage. Good luck and good luck!

From sister Happiness, joy to you, young people, And forget sadness forever! Like flowers in beautiful bouquets, Life is just as beautiful for you to live!

wedding anniversary 1 year We wish you a beautiful life, your marriage without marriage should be. Keep the spirit of love holy Until the wedding golden!

*** We wish you to live in love and peace, In a separate sunny apartment, So that from it rang for everyone Cheerful, sonorous children's laughter!

Parents Keep the feelings that loved ones gave And promised never to part. I wish you to love as much as you love now - always!

2 weddings I wish you a peaceful couple to walk a great path together!

5 years of marriage We wish you to walk hand in hand through life, so that neither storms nor troubles frighten you along the way!

Congratulations words May God send you comfort and peace And angels always stand behind you. May peace and warmth be sent to you, May it be light in quiet joy. Let the heart from difficult worries does not hurt, And old age will risk a visit later. We wish you more children and grandchildren, Happy days not to count!

Poem for the wedding Congratulations to the newlyweds! Honor and glory to the young! Let your marriage be successful And we will not divide the union! Let love inspire you, Children please hearts. Let your happiness know no end in anything!

2 years wedding We wish you the brightest, most cordial love, so that your union is the most durable and eternal! May day by day feelings be more beautiful, And your house will always be a full bowl!

*** Having connected hearts with each other And entering into a legal marriage, You live in a family circle, Avoiding trouble in your house!

Wish from friends Let the sun shine more often in life, Let bad weather bypass you, And let your rings not grow dim, Love will not be replaced by sadness!

With a silver wedding Let your hearts not be empty, Let those feelings burn all your life That led you to the wonderful world of Love and affection, muses and lyres!

Brother Live happily and amicably, Have everything you need, Keep the fire of love big Until the golden wedding!

***Let the Love Call inspire and lead from year to year! We wish you so many happy years, How long will "Bitterly!" -One, two, three, four, five... Forty-seven... not to count!

Congratulations from mom May the sun shine more often in life, May children bring you joy! Save love at any cost We wish you a golden wedding!

Happy golden wedding We wish you happiness in family life! May the children love you dearly! Let misfortune bypass you, And let it be sunny every hour!

friend May this day, like a bright holiday, Pour joy into your home And hope, happiness and love forever adorn your life!

Cool for a wedding Let the love of the spring dawn Not go out for many years, Let it only be "bitter", But in your life - never!

Comic congratulations We young people wholeheartedly wish fidelity to the grave, And so that age is not in a hurry, And so that there is prosperity in the house, And whoever put something somewhere, So that both know! ..

10 years of marriage We wish to live up to a hundred years, Always have a cheerful look, Be as young, At least a little gray-haired. To give birth to excellent children, to bring up glorious grandchildren. Both great-grandmother and great-grandfather You must become!

*** We wish you not to know troubles, Not to know either grief or bad weather And so that Health, cheerfulness and happiness are enough for 100 years!

happy anniversary funny I wish you a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness, Live for you many years, And let thirty-three heroes be born!

Poems congratulations Congratulations: you are forever engaged to a glorious marriage! This day is a good sign for you - There is no earthly price for him!

*** Congratulations to the bride and groom We are on the wedding - the brightest day! There is so much luck and so much happiness in it - There is not enough place to rejoice!

***Now all people are lazy -Where is the stamp in the passports? And the young get married: A baby to conceive!

*** The bridegroom is rich with his bride! And the bride shines with the groom! And wish you everyone is happy, Until the "gold" to live carelessly!

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Other materials: Wedding Scenarios for the wedding Congratulations in Toasts-invitations toastsSMS-confessions in prose Love poems Statuses about love Statuses about the family Home

Prelesta, it's really 7 hours. And costumes are needed, but consider as an option:
Wedding scene-drawing.
Three daughters
Costumes: robes for men and long robes for girls, covering them from head to toe, three burqas or scarves. Offer to play the third daughter before the performance to a man, supposedly it is necessary to help out the artists and he is only required to stand under the burqa. However, the audience does not need to know about it.
On the floor on a rug, cross-legged, sits the padishah.
Author. In one beautiful country, there lived a padishah. And he had three daughters, one more beautiful than the other. And so the vizier wooed them.
The vizier comes in, bows to the padishah.
Vizier. O highly respected, greatly adored, venerable and incomparable, our great padishah! I came to you with boldness. Let me tell you a word. Padishah. Speak. What brings you to me, wise vizier? Vizier. I want to ask for the hand of your daughter. Author. The Padishah thought. Issuing a daughter to a vizier? Yes, it would probably be beneficial. Yes, and a son-in-law at the palace, why not? But who will he choose? He never saw his daughters. Padishah. Ok, I agree. Vizier. Ltd…
Long, long bows and thanks.
Padishah. But allow me, wise vizier. Who will you choose as your wife? Vizier. O great padish! I know that laws cannot be broken. But make an exception: let me see the faces of your daughters.
Author. The padishah thought again. Should my daughters be allowed to take off their veils?
But this is a violation of the laws of the East! On the other hand, the vizier is the future husband. Why shouldn't he be allowed to see his daughters? Padishah am I, after all, or not?
The padishah claps his hands.
Padishah. Fatima, Leyla, Gulchatay, come here!
Three girls enter. Their faces are completely covered. They stand with their backs to the audience and face the padishah.
My daughters are beautiful. The wise vizier asks for the hand of one of you. Reveal your beautiful faces.
Girls reveal their faces, but the audience does not see them.
Vizier. O great padish! Let me ask your daughters just one question. (To the first.) What is two times two? Author. “Three,” answered the first daughter. Vizier. Economical.
Author. The vizier thought.
Vizier (to the second). What is twice two?
Second daughter. Four.
Author. The second daughter answered.
Vizier. Clever.
Author. The vizier thought.
Vizier. What is twice two?
Author (to audience). What do you think the third daughter said? Five!
Vizier. Generous.
Author. The vizier thought. (Turns to the audience.) So what kind of daughter did the vizier choose?
The correct answer is beautiful. The author himself answers the question after some options proposed by the audience. After the answer, the vizier takes his chosen one (played by a man) by the hand and turns her face to the audience.

Natalya Erofeevskaya July 13, 2018

It is rare that weddings are held without feasts, so it is important for guests and newlyweds to consider holding such a banquet. Of course, with an invited toastmaster, the plan of the evening builds up by itself, but guests can also make their contribution, for example, show cool scenes for a wedding, creatively congratulate the newlyweds on this beautiful festive event. Humorous performances, funny funny scenes for guests perfect for any wedding theme and format, decorate the celebration, cheer everyone up.

Photo of a costumed performance at a wedding

For performances of this kind there are certain requirements: scenes should not be long, since the attention of the guests dissipates rather quickly, original, well-developed scripts are welcome, actors are selected from among people who are liberated and do not hesitate to play the role assigned to them.

It is important that those presenting the scene are not afraid to speak in front of a large audience, they can clearly and interestingly present the essence of the scenario.

What can be wedding scenes?

By and large, all wedding productions can be divided into two conditional categories:

  • the script that the toastmaster knows, and the guests and young people help him in this, not knowing the outcome, as a rule, the process itself is more interesting here, during which all those present receive a charge of positive and laughter;
  • comic sketches for a wedding from friends and relatives, a creative number at a wedding from bridesmaids, a dance flash mob from friends of the groom, etc.

You should not understand such congratulations as just some miniature theatrical sketches or skits - it can be a dance, a show of tricks, skillful juggling, and in general any way to interestingly congratulate the newlyweds and present them with a wedding gift. For this you don't have to be a professional actor, a good script and original presentation is enough.

Impromptu skits are nothing complicated and can be performed both by the host of the evening and by the invitees themselves: usually the roles are distributed right there, small texts are given out (the skits can be completely without them, based on movements and facial expressions). The stake in such improvisations is, of course, not on a professional game, but on funny expressions, hitches, reservations. The use of overhead wigs, noses, funny glasses, skirts, hats and other elements of costume scenes adds a special entourage.

Photo of a funny funny scene for guests

There are no restrictions on the plot of the productions, but usually anyway respected wedding theme. It is important that the script does not contain any frivolities, ambiguous allusions to the wedding night, etc. - everything must be kept within the framework of generally accepted decency. Let the scene be funny and funny, and not leave the guests with a feeling of bewilderment and an unpleasant aftertaste in the soul.

Writing a script

In fact, it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance: a little bit of fantasy, naturalness, humor and amateur acting. For example, an original congratulation to the newlyweds from a married couple may look like a scene in which they seem to have forgotten a gift to the newlyweds at home. Such impromptu scenes at a wedding for two are always received with a bang by the guests present, the bride and groom will certainly appreciate the non-standard format of congratulations, and funny moments will somewhat defuse the situation at the banquet. The most important thing is that the gift is really not forgotten at home, and the drawing is not delayed.

Photos of jokes and scenes at the wedding

If the wedding evening is hosted by the toastmaster, then it is advisable to discuss with him in advance the possibility of embedding the wedding scene from the guests into the overall scenario. Then the host will be able to organically bring the banquet to this moment, and in case of awkward pauses, supplement the performance with a successful joke or reprise. From the genres you can choose anything: anecdotes and funny poems, a telephone conversation, a monologue, a funny story or a fairy tale. If time permits, the performance should be well rehearsed - only impromptu does not require preliminary preparation, and for them it is better to choose people with a good sense of humor and prone to improvisation. The texts and other components of the scene should be understandable to all generations: you should not overload them with newfangled words and youth slang if there are people of the older generation at the banquet.

Photos of funny scenes at the wedding

Funny short scenes from relatives

At the wedding, you can show not only skits prepared in advance, which are served as a separate episode of the program, but also prepare contests that will look like skits. Relatives and friends of the couple can involve not only the guests present, but also the newlyweds themselves. For example, a competition is always well received in which the bride and groom make excuses in case of being late for a date, arriving late from work, a woman randomly calls the groom’s phone, or a bouquet from a secret admirer for the bride. There are many options for such scenarios, and well-written leading questions will make such a contest funny and interesting.

Photo of the dance number at the wedding from the bridesmaids

For "guest" scenes and pranks, you can use additional attributes. For example, for a presentation scene as a gift of money, you can arrange a huge cardboard box in the form of an ATM, put a person there with a microphone (or a helium balloon to change the voice) and give the newlyweds a bank card - let them now insert it into the “ATM” and try to withdraw money. The dialogue should not be very long, it will take a little imagination and humor to compose it, and real money for “issuance” can be glued together in small bills in one ribbon, then the young people will wind up a whole roll of money.

Another mini-performance popular at wedding events is a comic theatrical scene “How my mother wanted me ...” This scene does not require powerful vocal abilities or professional acting skills at all. It is enough just to turn on suitable phonograms and learn a few movements. If one of the guests of the wedding banquet is dressed up as the "bride", it will turn out very funny.

Watch the video of funny scenes for the wedding:

A playful tone, interesting scenarios, the opportunity for guests to participate in a wedding event - all this will certainly be appreciated by those present, and the holiday will only benefit from this. After all, gifts are gifts, and funny moments captured on photo and video frames will be a vivid memory for the newlyweds themselves, and for their relatives and friends.
