About gold jewelry (). What do your favorite jewelry say about you?

Jewelry is most often made of gold, silver and platinum. But are these precious metals suitable for everyone? What should representatives of one or another zodiac sign wear?

You can choose decoration according to the horoscope

Even in ancient times, people noticed that metals have a certain effect on humans. They assumed that each material has its own energy and transfers it to a person. Amulets and amulets were made from various precious metals. The masters understood that it was possible to change the shape of a material, but its properties would remain the same. In ancient times, seven metals were endowed with special properties. Three of them - gold, silver and platinum - are today called precious.

Alchemists closely studied the properties of all materials. They were convinced that the alloy of silver and gold had a healing effect. At the same time, gold was associated with the sun, the divine spirit, and silver with the moon and the human spirit. Each of the seven metals, according to the alchemists, corresponded to its own planet:

  • Venus - copper;
  • The sun is gold;
  • Mars is iron;
  • Saturn - lead;
  • Mercury - mercury;
  • Moon - silver;
  • Jupiter is tin.

The planets, in turn, were considered the patrons of one or another sign of the Zodiac. That is why there is an opinion that some people can and should wear gold jewelry, while others - only silver or platinum.

Leo needs gold

Since, symbolizing the Sun, it is designed to awaken charisma in a person, strengthen his creativity, and strengthen the divine spirit. Gold jewelry should be worn by people who are under the auspices of male signs. Such products can practically not be removed by Lions, Taurus or Aries. Periodically parting with gold rings and earrings is recommended for Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Scorpio and Gemini.

Putting yellow gold in a box and giving preference to its white counterpart should be people born under the sign of the water element - Cancers, Scorpions and Pisces. Jewelry made from an alloy of three precious metals is also perfect for them.

Of great importance are the stones that are set with precious metals. It should be noted that stones such as amethyst, chrysoprase, jade, morion and emerald cannot be combined with gold. Although this is the opinion of the alchemists, and you may not agree with it.

Silver is for Water and Air, and platinum is for everyone

Silver is perfectly perceived by the body of people born under the signs of water and air elements. But most of all, silver jewelry suits Cancers and Pisces. It is good for these people to wear stones such as jade, emerald and amethyst in a silver frame. It should be noted that gold and silver get used to the owner, and this makes him stronger.

Representatives of other signs of the zodiac circle are not recommended to wear silver jewelry all the time. It is worth listening to your feelings when wearing objects made of metals. If you feel stuffy, there is a feeling of anxiety, it is better to remove the jewelry and put it aside for a while.

Platinum can rightfully be called unique in its properties. It has no negative memory, it has light and pure properties. That is why platinum is most often used to make protective amulets. For example, a bracelet made of this precious metal enhances a person's positive mood, and earrings sharpen a woman's sense of intuition. A chain of platinum, according to magicians and alchemists, will protect against everything negative and indicate the right path.

In conclusion, I would like to note that although metals are credited with the ability to influence a person, you should not blindly trust this opinion. It is important to realize that jewelery made from noble materials is just things to be worn and not looked at with distrust. Be the masters of your destiny!

Today, almost everyone wears gold jewelry, but not many are aware of the harm that they can cause. Elena Yasevich, a participant in the Battle of Psychics, claims that not everyone can wear gold. Despite the nobility and useful properties of this metal, it has many negative characteristics.

Who should not wear gold jewelry

Psychic Elena Yasevich does not recommend wearing gold jewelry to people who live an active life, those who often experience stress and live in large cities. Gold has a negative impact on this category of people. Jewelry made of this metal for this category of people is an additional irritant.

It turns out that a person who experiences daily stress and is constantly influenced by external factors receives only harm from gold jewelry. The nervous system suffers from this, which ultimately leads to prolonged depression, endless stress and nervous breakdowns.

Elena Yasevich advises wearing gold jewelry to those whose life is not so full of emotions and events. Gold gives strength and attracts good luck only to those who live a fairly calm and measured life.

Why you can't wear gold with silver

Jewelry lovers often make another gross mistake - they wear gold along with silver. According to Elena Yasevich, this also threatens with an excess of energy and leads to negative consequences.

Gold radiates the energy of movement, transformation, strength and power. It is the stimulus of desires, needs and aspirations. Silver, on the contrary, makes a person more balanced, calm and harmonious. If these two metals meet, then dissonance occurs. In a person, two opposite energies are mixed, which leads to complete chaos. It is absolutely impossible to wear gold with silver, as this can lead to various diseases, frequent mood swings and failures in business.

Psychic Elena Yasevich recommends a thorough approach to the choice of jewelry, as they can carry both positive and negative energy. Choose jewelry according to your temperament and lifestyle, then they will certainly bring you happiness. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

04.05.2014 13:00

Even a person who is not familiar with bioenergetics knows that gold and silver are combined very poorly. ...

Gold has always had healing powers. It's solar metal. Gold jewelry carries a very strong...

Few people know that jewelry is not only a great way to emphasize individual style. In fact, jewelry can tell a lot about the character, habits, lifestyle and even the values ​​of its owner.

Large earrings

Women who prefer large earrings tend to be confident and love to be the center of attention. They are decisive and serious, often possessing creative abilities and their own vision of style. Women of this type are not afraid of life's difficulties - they come out of any difficult situation with their heads held high.

Stud Earrings

Such jewelry is chosen by easy-going and active people. They are full of vitality and look at the world with optimism. For them, it costs nothing in five minutes to get together for a meeting or change plans for the evening on the go. Often these people are modest, but at the same time sociable and kind to others.

Small stud earrings can also indicate dependence on someone else's opinion.


These jewelry are chosen by lively, dynamic and positive people who are used to achieving their goals and not resting on their laurels.

A large number of bracelets on the arm speaks of a desire to attract attention, a love of adventure and openness to everything new. Bracelets also demonstrate the ability to defend themselves and the ability to unite like-minded people around them.

gold jewelry

People who choose gold are quite conservative in their views. They are balanced, like to be the first in everything and know their worth, emotional and active.

Elegant classic gold jewelry emphasizes the severity of its owner, while items with bright precious stones speak of a desire to attract attention, and sometimes emphasize wealth and status.

Silver jewelry

Silver jewelry is chosen mainly by restrained, creative people, who are distinguished by romance, kindness and openness.

Among those who wear silver, there are many realists with a very rational approach to life.

It is also important to pay attention to inserts: transparent stones symbolize a person's positive attitude, while opaque ones indicate a tendency to look for flaws and causes of problems in themselves.

cocktail rings

A lover of bright cocktail rings is most likely in search of her soulmate. She is charming and open.

It is important to note on which finger the ring is worn: the decoration with a large stone on the middle finger indicates that the girl who wears it has self-esteem.

The ring on the index finger most often symbolizes the desire to lead others, and wearing the product on the little finger speaks of the originality of its owner. These people can be capricious and do not miss the opportunity to show their importance.

Often jewelry on the little finger is worn by representatives of creative professions.

Rings of original design with small stones speak of confidence and respect for yourself and those around you.


Original brooches are chosen by a real fashionista who is not afraid of experiments and wants to emphasize her unique style. She is sociable and bright, and in any situation seeks to attract attention.

Jewelry with diamonds, as a rule, is worn by confident, independent and rational women. Undoubtedly, jewelry with the most valuable stone in the world shows the status and financial position of its owner.

The owner of jewelry with pearls is a romantic and dreamy nature. She goes to the theater, to exhibitions, reads books, appreciates honesty in people. Women who choose pearls are modest and charming, adhere to traditional values, love classics and elegance.

A woman who wears her wedding ring without taking it off prefers constancy. She carefully preserves family values ​​and maintains harmony with the outside world.

When considering this accessory, it is important not only to think about the originality or size of the jewelry, but also to pay attention to the precious metal from which it is made. Gold pendants are chosen by those who are distinguished by purposefulness and self-confidence, while silver pendants are preferred by modest and reserved people with a rich inner world.

Pendants with transparent stones speak of the sensitivity and sentimentality of their owner. Pendants with red inserts demonstrate the amorousness of a person, with blue or blue stones - the desire for calmness, and with green ones - self-confidence.

Abstract design pendants are chosen by people with a non-standard approach to familiar things, jewelry with hearts is preferred by romantic and amorous natures. Pendants with Zodiac Signs are worn by those who tend to believe in supernatural powers and destiny. Jewelry with religious symbols speaks of the value of the spiritual component for a person.

Name pendants are preferred by people who like to stand out from the crowd and tell about themselves.

In general, open and self-confident people choose necklaces and necklaces.

Jewelry for clothes

If you wear jewelry, matching them to different elements of your wardrobe, this speaks of your artistic taste, organization and creative approach to doing any business.

Lack of decorations

If a person does not wear jewelry, it means that he has adequate self-esteem and an unwillingness to attract attention to himself with the help of additional details. However, sometimes this can be a wake-up call, for example, disappointment in people or life values.

Did you recognize yourself and your loved ones in our article?

witch 969, 02/05/04
It's not like I hate it...I just love silver! I have a lot of different gold trinkets, but almost all of them are lying around in the closet! I wear only a few and then at home, because my skin hurts from silver (((I don’t know why, although gold looks undeniably better than silver, but it doesn’t suit me! I’m very pale ... but gold doesn’t suit like this (((. .heh))

Nafanka, 27/02/05
I don't like gold. I think it's too fancy! Silver is another matter. It looks a little better. Of gold, I have only one thin chain, and everything else is only silver. Although it would be more honest to say that I am generally indifferent to gold.

Schmerz, 14/03/05
Let them decorate themselves with those who like them ... I sold almost all of mine (because I didn’t choose them, they were mostly gifts from close and inexpensive people), only small stud earrings remained. I prefer white metals, but in gold I see some... vulgarity? Yes, and the investment of funds is now very doubtful, especially the jewelry I have chosen and purchased, I need to own and use for its intended purpose, and not for the sake of some kind of funds. In general, I do not like meaningless jewelry. I attach meanings to almost all of my "tsatskas".

Olsha, 22/03/05
I love silver stylish and cool. Gold, it often looks bourgeois.

ELPy, 03/08/06
I can't stand any precious trinkets. Gold doesn't make a man. The only gold jewelry that is dear to me is a gift from my husband as a sign of first recognition.

Saroiha, 03/08/06
Because it is now a measure of steepness, something like that. It happens that you lie on the beach, and a man with a beer belly and a golden chain around his neck passes by, and a lady with him - all in rings and chains, too. Like "so we got rich, we became so prosperous, and I also love her and therefore bought her a gold pendant" I even accidentally remembered how my cousin told how her husband gave her a gold chain. And the pont? What exactly is beautiful about a tiny yellow thread that fucking shows a wide neck? Or almost all female students wear gold rings, but, damn it, it's so stupid... to brag that this was given to me at the age of 15, this is for the New Year, this is for Christmas, this is at 16...bey! It's like people don't have any imagination. All this jewelry shop on fingers, ears, wrists and neck looks nothing. Well, yes, gold, I believe there is money. Well, then they would somehow think over their image, so that there was something to admire. And gold is too expensive to be used to make k_r_a_s_i_v_y_e things.

Zabila, 14/08/06
I don’t know, maybe she hasn’t matured yet, as some say. But personally, I prefer silver or some other white metal. Somehow gold makes it heavier, or something, it gives solidity. So I put on my gold jewelry when I go to a job interview or somewhere else where you need to impress a serious girl. And so - silver chains, bracelets, rings, earrings, or even something made of wood - according to the mood.

tou tou, 14/08/06
Gold has never made the right impression on me. Oohs and aahs about rings, earrings, chains made of this metal - this is not a story about me. For some reason, at the age of 16-17, I began to wear such jewelry. Lost. And - that's it. Gold is definitely not my metal. I love silver. Gold is for ladies. I'm not like this.

Lamenta, 14/08/06
So, "decorations", of course, - a note to the author of the topic ... But oh well. I have a couple of rings, a bracelet and a chain, and this is enough for my throat, I don’t always wear them, I try to wear them on some special occasions or when I’m going to attend an official event. In general, I love jewelry, it has more variety of colors and shapes. Yes, and massive, black shiny rings can only be found among jewelry ...

LE, 22/08/06
Too pretentious, too vulgar. Although, of course, there are very elegant gold jewelry. But still, I prefer silver - more elegant somehow. Yes, and gold is not suitable for age, but I don’t think that I will ever fall in love with a subject.

Fake Creator, 11/01/07
I can't stand yellow gold since childhood!! Although there was a case, once she put on a bunch of gold jewelry, but it was for the sake of the image - "Maracan gypsy". Here, yes, it was excellent just right at the time !! And so silver and WHITE gold, that's what's beautiful;)

mezza luna, 19/01/09
Gold is too old, it is not particularly suitable for young girls. I immediately recall the old gold jewelry that has seen wars and repressions. You imagine them only on 50-year-old widows. It's better to wear silver or a simple cute plastic accessory.

Queenman, 26/04/09
I do not find this metal beautiful. I don't like gold rings, chains, earrings and jewelry in general. As for me, they will be extremely primitive and trite. I prefer silverware. They look much prettier, and gold is insipid.

Muffka, 24/05/09
I love silver, but I don’t wear gold at all. For me, it’s some kind of bad metal. Because of it, so many people died. I consider gold gifts a hint of the same expensive present in return. .in general, I choose silver - it's inexpensive, stylish, not kitschy and suits my hair and skin color

Quite quirky, 06/10/12
I do not like not only gold jewelry, but also all costume jewelry put together. I have a lot of gold jewelry, many family ones, still from my grandmother, but I'm always afraid to look like a Christmas tree. It annoys me when something dangles on me, hangs, and even shines. I don't want to look like a Russian show business whore like Semenovich or Sobchak. They make me mad. Without jewelry, the image is fresh and young, and gold ages. It is better to make a professional make-up, I will look cooler. In addition, gold has always evoked associations with Soviet aunts: gold teeth, perm, huge gold earrings and cellulite.

AmorePerro, 11/11/12
I do not like. who like it, let them wear it. I love jewelry and silver. yes, and it infuriates that the decoration is somehow nondescript at first glance, but it’s worth it, excuse me ... I only have earrings from gold

silver girl, 09/02/13
It's not that I hate beautiful gold jewelry, but I like silver more. It suits me much more than gold. In my opinion, gold is for adult women. And silver suits young girls more. I really love silver jewelry, especially rings. ..

Sannekov, 12/05/13
Why transfer so much dough? For what? On the glitter on the body? It's beautiful! In extreme cases, there are ten times cheaper gilded iron or brass baubles. Gold after all, like the original and natural and all that ...

Haruki, 13/05/13
A senseless waste of money .. I like silver, and then in the form of small earrings (there are not many punctures, so you don’t need a lot of earrings). Those who are constantly soaring as if to buy a new gold jewelry for themselves - obviously something in life either missed or lost.

s2s2s2, 19/09/13
as a child, I always wore my mother’s gold rings and waited for me to finally grow up so that they would become mine, but now I grew up and don’t like gold and, in general, I just don’t like the gold color, that’s all, I think that gold is not beautiful, I often wear cheap jewelry but with taste)

In my 25 years I have gone through 3 stages, so to speak.

1. At one time, the girls of our class began to decorate themselves in every possible way. At 8 it was clumsy, sometimes ridiculous))) 10-11 with taste and under clothes, very nice. At that age, of course, they could only afford jewelry. And I succumbed to the general mood. I have never been a fan of plastic jewelry. Attracted by beautiful jewelry and sets of earrings / necklaces for an evening or weekend dress. Strict earrings of the type of squares and rectangles were very fond of. If you choose high-quality jewelry with taste, it makes sense. The apogee was a very expensive set for a prom dress, because dad allowed his beloved daughter to buy whatever he wants))). And this is where my passion for jewelry died out. Why? don't know. Now the big box for her storage is full and she is waiting in the wings. Maybe I will want to wear it.

2. In my 1st year of college, I went to visit my brother. There I bought a silver ring with an insert as a souvenir, I don’t seem to remember the zircon stone. And I got a passion for silver. There is a thin chain with a pendant - very beautiful - girlfriends gave it. There is also a thicker chain - parents gave it and a beautiful icon for it was bought by my sister. There was a pendant with a zodiac sign. Much later I bought a set of rings and earrings with topazes. Mom was delighted with him - she took a vilification and appropriated it))) and I pretended that I forgot about him)) I have a good attitude towards silver. She herself gave her mother jewelry more than once: a brooch with a pearl, earrings. The choice of these ornaments is rich and varied. She gave her father a silver icon in the car. The only thing that confuses me is that the products darken quickly and they need to be cleaned, otherwise they lose their whole appearance.

3. I went out to work already. We had a big shift in a cafe, aunts of different ages are family))) girls are older, unmarried, 27-30 years old. , well, we are 21-23)). So the older part of the team had a favorite topic for discussion - gold jewelry and everything connected with them. There were whole debates. And then a new trend visited me - I had only one thin gold ring, presented to me by my father for 18 years. I had a very good salary and it started: a ring, a massive but beautiful chain (weaving a rosette), a pendant on a chain in the shape of a cat, I love it and everyone really likes it, a gold bracelet, a gold watch and a lot of little things. The guy gave 2 gold rings. A lot has accumulated over the year. I consider it a good investment and beautiful things. Now there is no longer an opportunity to buy all this, because I went to work by profession. I constantly wear hoop earrings of medium diameter without stones, corrugated. A chain with a cat pendant and one thin ring with topaz and 3 small diamonds. I don't wear everything together - a lot.
