"Born in a shirt" is a rare case of childbirth. To be born in a shirt means to be lucky and happy

It has already become a catch phrase and the main synonym for good luck. If a person avoids impending danger, then they say about him: “I was born in a shirt.” On the other hand, a logical question arises: how does he manage to constantly get into trouble?

The expression "to be born in a shirt" can sound both in direct (when a child was born in an unruptured fetal bladder, in the old fashioned way called a shirt), and figuratively (when a person is very lucky) senses.

Hello baby in a shirt!

All women in labor are so tired and exhausted by the process of giving birth to a new person that they usually do not notice the nuances of the birth of their baby. And the fact that the child was born in a shirt, they understand only from the words of the obstetrician, who considers it his duty to inform the mother of this important detail.

Why are children born in the "capsule" of the amniotic sac considered unusually lucky? According to obstetrician-gynecologists, happiness lies in the fact that the baby remained alive during the passage of the birth canal. Being in the fetal bladder, which performs a protective function only in the womb, and at birth turns into a rather dangerous object that blocks the baby's access to oxygen, the child can suffocate during childbirth.

If, being born in a shirt, the baby remains alive and well, then he was extremely lucky from the first seconds of life.

Both shirt and cap

During childbirth, various options for the release of the placenta (it is also the fetal membrane) occur: it happens that the child appears in it, as in a certain sphere, and it happens that the shirt is torn during labor and sticks to the baby's body. It happens differently: the film remains on the head of the newborn. In this case, they say that he was born not only in a shirt, but also in a cap.

In ancient times, such a “decoration” of a baby served as a sign that determined his subsequent life path. It was said that a child who was born in a cap would definitely become a bishop.

Why didn't the shell break?

If earlier such an event as the release of the fetal bladder along with the baby was given a mystical meaning and the birth of this child was shrouded in an aura of mystery and unusualness, now even a woman in labor from the most distant village can receive an exhaustive explanation of this phenomenon from physicians: the film remains intact due to its density or excessive elasticity, also a small amount of amniotic fluid can serve as a cause of integrity.

The consequences of this "miracle" can be very serious:

  1. The presence of the fetal membrane significantly slows down the progress of the fetus through the birth canal.
  2. The process of exfoliation of placental tissues may begin.
  3. Fetal asphyxia (oxygen deficiency) may occur.

So if a child was born in a shirt, then he is just a good fellow that he survived. Of course, well done and the birth team, which noticed deviations in time and allowed the baby to be born.

And yet the share of mysticism remains

No matter how doctors around the world explain to a wide audience the groundlessness of attributing miraculous properties to the fetal film, they are unlikely to be listened to by those who believe in the power of the amnion (inner shell) and placenta (middle shell).

In ancient times, when midwives were called to give birth, they did not disdain to steal the fetal membrane from those who were born in a shirt, and from those who were born separately from their bladder. From the point of view of any grandmother, in the first, in the second case, the film retains its ability to attract good luck and luck, so they took it as a reward for a successful birth.

The ancient Roman lawyers behaved no better than midwives. These did not hesitate to buy a baby afterbirth from women in labor and from the same attendants, believing that this talisman would bring them unusual success during a court hearing.

In European newspapers of the 18th and 19th centuries, there were entire columns of advertisements devoted to the sale and purchase of elements of the fetal bladder.

In Russia, they acted more simply - in a neighborly way they took a loan for a while, if success in a new business was urgently needed.

In any case, it was believed that if a person was born in a shirt, then fate personally gives him a sign of happiness and luck. If such a sign did not follow, well ... the situation can always be corrected with the help of a purchased talisman.

Scientific conclusions about the "miraculous" bubble

People with higher medical education have never wondered what it means to be “born in a shirt”, and the rest are not advised to rack their brains over this “mystery”. All successes-failures are exclusively in the head of a person, and no fetal films can affect the level of his success.

If you lay down the program: “You will definitely be happy, because you were born in a shirt,” it will definitely work. If you lay another: "You're lucky, because no shirt has anything to do with it," it will also work, and no less successfully.

But still, according to the scientific and medical point of view, there is a use for the fetal film. It can become the basis for moisturizing and anti-aging cosmetics (this property of the placenta is already widely used by leading cosmetics companies).

Knowing the molecular structure of the bubble, American scientists are trying to get the same artificially. For what? To save premature babies. By placing a prematurely born baby in a familiar and comfortable environment for him, doctors are going to increase the viability of premature babies.

Everyone knows such an expression as "born in a shirt." So they say about people who are very lucky. In fact, under shirt" or "shirt" means the fetal membranes that did not burst at the time of the birth of the child. The expression is very reasonable, because when the baby was born and survived in this situation, it was not even just luck, but great happiness. To date, in such cases, an obstetric procedure is carried out, which is called "amniotomy". It is this manipulation that makes it possible to avoid a large number of complications in the state of health, both for the woman herself and for her baby.

The protective function of the "water bag".

fetal bladder is responsible for protecting the fetus from infections - bacteria and viruses that enter the baby from the vagina of the expectant mother. In addition, during contractions, the fetal bladder turns into a kind of "water sac". The uterus begins to shrink at a rapid pace, as a result of which the pressure inside it increases and amniotic fluid, the volume of which is about 200 ml, moves down. The lower part of the bladder enters the internal os and helps the cervix to open up.

"Born in a shirt" - how is it?

In most cases, the fetal bladder ruptures without anyone's help. This happens if the neck uterus opened completely or almost completely. At the same time, amniotic fluid is poured out. But it also happens that even with the full opening of the neck, the bubble remains intact.

This may be due to two reasons:

  • the bubble is too tight or elastic;
  • too little amniotic fluid.


1. Slow advance of the presenting part.

2. Early detachment placenta.

3. Insufficient supply of oxygen to the child. If in this situation the bladder is not opened, the child may be born with a membrane, placenta and water. State child can be extremely difficult.

That's why they say that people born in the "shirt" are very lucky.

Many mothers ask themselves the question: “Why pierce the bubble if it bursts on its own? Why assist in the discharge of amniotic fluid? We think that, based on all the above information, it becomes clear that amniotomy is the only way to save the baby's life.

Amniotomy is an artificial gap bladder performed by a doctor.

This procedure is necessary in order to "start" labor and avoid complications during childbirth.

When is an amniotomy performed?

1. Prolongation of pregnancy.

If childbirth does not occur after 41 weeks of gestation, then the doctor stimulates birth process through amniotomy.

In this case, the placenta begins to "age", as a result of which it is no longer able to perform its functions. The fetus is deficient in nutrients and oxygen.

2. Preeclampsia.

Preeclampsia is a failure of the function of many organs and systems.

Main symptoms are the occurrence of protein in the urine, as well as an increase in blood pressure.

Their manifestation suggests that the condition of the woman and her baby is at risk.

If the fetus is full-term and signs of preeclampsia are pronounced, then the doctor recommends an amniotomy.

3. Rhesus conflict.

When carrying a baby, the negative Rh of the woman conflicts with the positive Rh of the baby. AT blood mothers form antibodies that fight the erythrocytes of the fetus, perceiving them as a foreign body. In some cases, the only way to save the baby is through childbirth. To stimulate labor and use the rupture of the fetal bladder.

4. With intermittent and ineffective contractions that last for several days.

In this situation, amniotomy is one way to induce normal childbirth.

Signs are always based on real events. Together with a figurative meaning, they often have a direct meaning. So, the statement that a person was born in a shirt, the majority perceives as a fact of a happy, successful future. In obstetrics, this occurs when a child is born in an intact fetal bladder. More rarely, a shirt refers to the remnants of shells located on the head, back or shoulders of an infant.

Normally, the fetal bladder ruptures during contractions, before the onset of attempts, usually in the uterine os. At this moment, the waters surrounding the child depart, and the remnants of the membranes are drawn inward. After the expulsion of the fetus, the child's place is separated. It consists of the placenta, the umbilical cord and the actual membranes of the sac.

Rarely, pieces of the bladder adhere tightly to the fetus during expulsion. In this case, obstetricians deliver a baby covered with a membrane film. Most often it is attached to the head, shoulders, back. This happens if the rupture occurs above the uterine os. Then they say that the child was born in a shirt or cap. But the interpretation is incomplete, not entirely accurate.

What is being born in a shirt? In fact, this means being born in a whole bubble. That is, with the full disclosure of the uterus, the beginning of attempts and the expulsion of the fetus, the membranes remain intact. According to statistics, this happens 1 time in 80,000.

Another meaning of the term occurs when a newborn is born, covered with primordial or cheese-like lubricant. The medical name for the substance is Vernix Caseosa. Interestingly, it is present in the norm in every child in the womb, covers and protects him. In the last weeks of pregnancy, there is a separation of lubricant from the skin and a typical turbidity of the waters.

Official medicine describes if a child was born in white grease - this means that he is fully mature, full-term, developed normally. In premature or post-term babies, a small amount of Vernix Caseosa can be found in the folds of the groin. But the primordial lubricant, although it has a large number of positive properties, in reality does not apply to being born in a shirt.

The reasons

Rupture of the fetal sac is always a spontaneous phenomenon. It is impossible to accurately predict the moment when the shells will burst and the outpouring of water will occur. If, according to the doctor, there is a threat of a late rupture of the bladder, which interferes with the normal course of childbirth, then an amniotomy is performed in a timely manner.

But artificial opening of the fetal sac can be done earlier. With weak activity, irregular contractions to stimulate the process and to start it during post-term pregnancy, preeclampsia, Rhesus conflict and other indications. For this reason, there are fewer cases of a child being born in a fetal bladder today than in ancient times, when births were taken at home by midwives.

When a baby is born wearing a shirt:

  1. the high density or elasticity of the fetal membranes contributes to their stretching and maintaining integrity;
  2. oligohydramnios leads to the absence of a pronounced pressure of the lower waters on the bag during contractions;
  3. the location of the head close to the membranes prevents the distribution of liquid to the lower and upper;
  4. insufficiency of labor activity, weak contractions.

In natural childbirth with a diagnosis of late rupture of the bladder, the doctor or obstetrician cuts the membranes while passing the head or the whole body. During a caesarean section, it is possible to preserve the integrity of the bladder. In this case, the adaptation of the newborn to the conditions of the outside world is milder than when the membranes are destroyed first during the operation.

You can understand that a child is born in a shirt by the absence of amniotic water. If the amniotomy was performed during attempts to expel the fetus, then the remains of the membranes will have to be removed from the baby's head. Since such moments are rare, the obstetrician will always inform the mother about the "shirt" on her child.

The course of childbirth

The main function of the amniotic sac is to protect the child from any negative external influence - infection, injury. In addition, the membranes are important for maintaining the optimal composition of the waters of their secretion and purification, excretion of metabolic products. The walls of the bladder are also involved in the synthesis of substances, including hormones, that ensure the existence of the child.

But the amniotic sac directly affects the course of childbirth. It plays the role of an additional tool for the mechanical expansion of the cervical canal, the opening of the uterus. Timely rupture of the membranes at the transition from contractions to attempts contributes to the normal passage of the fetus through the birth canal. But giving birth in a shirt is more dangerous and largely depends on the experience of the doctor.

How are born in a shirt:

  1. during a contraction, part of the amniotic fluid moves down, inflating the bladder, forcing it to push into the cervical canal;
  2. each contraction helps to move the bag deeper, fills it with fluid and expands the path more;
  3. opening the canal, dividing the water into anterior and posterior, the sac protrudes into the vagina, at this stage it should normally break and drain the water, and then the expulsion of the fetus begins;
  4. while maintaining the integrity of the membranes until the eruption of the head, their rupture can occur at the peak of the attempt, both simultaneously with the passage of the head, and even after that, or not occur at all.

If the baby was born in a bladder, there is a high chance that the air supply through the umbilical cord will stop. The tension of the membranes that does not weaken with attempts can literally tear the placenta out of the walls of the uterus, provoking its premature detachment. The collected water at the bottom of the pole, due to the non-bursting bag, makes it difficult for the head to pass, makes its progress especially painful for the mother, and generally slows down the attempts.

At this point, it is really important to perform an amniotomy in time, open the membranes and give the child access to air. The procedure at this point no longer affects the intensity of contractions, but it is vital for the fetus. This is where the expression "to be born in a shirt - to be happy" came from. Not all newborns managed to survive without the first sip of breath, since not every person taking birth thought to quickly clear the face of the film. Today you can visually look at a child born in a shirt, the video demonstrates its habitat.


Beliefs about the especially happy fate of a person who was born in a shirt exist among many peoples. They can be found in Russia, England, America, the Pacific Islands and even the Far North.

Everywhere, for the happiness of a child born in a shirt, they tried to keep the film for the rest of their lives as an amulet. Mothers sewed them into clothes for their sons, who were sent to war. The midwives did not disdain to take possession of the shirt, taking advantage of the inattention of the woman in labor, and then they sold the dried pieces for a lot of money.

It was believed that if a lawyer buys a cap, he will instantly acquire the gift of eloquence, which plays an important role in his work. The remains of the film were sometimes placed under the wig during the hearing of an important case or kept in the office in a special box.

In addition to the servants of the law, they also wanted to buy a newborn shirt just to guarantee good luck and happiness in the future. The sailors tried to take possession of it, because they believed that they would not drown in the voyage and would always be able to return home.

In addition to the fact that children in a shirt, fortune will become the main companion of life, there was a belief about the disclosure of their extrasensory abilities. It was believed that clairvoyants, healers - all were born in a shirt.

The shells themselves acted as an object, the appearance and condition of which determined the further fate of their owner. When the bonnet turned red when it dried, then the child will be destined for happiness, if it turned black, then grief. It was important to bury the shirt along with the person so that the soul of the deceased would not wander in the other world.

The rare birth of a baby in a shirt can be filmed, giving birth to a lot of people to see what is hard to imagine. But given the health risks associated with the birth of a newborn in a shirt - this is not the best way to start life.

Albert: Each of us has heard the phrase “Who was born in a shirt - to be lucky and happy”, but it turns out that not even every adult knows the true origin of this phraseological unit. Last night we were talking about a mutual friend, and my mother used this expression in relation to him. The youngest son, who is interested in everything he hears and sees, naturally pestered with the question: “How could a shirt get into mom’s stomach?” I had to delve into the anatomical details and tell what they mean by the word "shirt". In general, our today's story is about those who were "born in a shirt" and whether it really helped them in the future. To be lucky and happy.

Elena: A “shirt” or “shirt” is a name for fetal membranes that, for some reason, did not burst during childbirth. In the womb, the fetal bladder performs a protective function against all kinds of infections. During contractions, the bubble rushes down under the pressure of water and helps to open the cervix. But, there are cases when this does not happen, and the child is born surrounded by a fetal membrane, being in great danger of suffocating. It was believed that a child who survived in such a situation was not just, but also possessing great happiness. Nowadays, thanks to obstetrical manipulations, such troubles can be avoided, but the expression "to be born in a shirt" is still in use.

Albert: The history of the amniotic membrane, or afterbirth as it is also called, is shrouded in mystery. It has long been believed that the "shirt" has the ability to give success in business. In ancient Rome, lawyers bought a “shirt” to have in judicial cases. In Europe, even at the beginning of the last century, one could find newspaper advertisements for the sale of "afterbirth" for everyone. In Russia, children's shirts were even borrowed from acquaintances, if they didn't have their own, to start some complex and serious business. Midwives did not consider it shameful to steal someone else's afterbirth for their own children.

The remains of the hymen, gathered on the head of a newborn, had their own special name - a cap. They believed that the cap is an omen that the newborn, having become an adult, will become a bishop.

To To be lucky and happy throughout life, the children's shirt was carefully kept, and sometimes even sewn into everyday clothes as a talisman.

Elena: There are many cases when people, being on the verge of death, were saved thanks to some kind of happy accident. It is about such people now that they say: "Born in a shirt." Although, if you look from the other side, this “shirt” is an eternal reminder that death was nearby, but the strength and

“To be born in a shirt” means to be born a lucky, lucky person. This expression is familiar to everyone, but where did it come from? "Shirt", or "shirt" - an outdated name for fetal membranes that did not burst during childbirth. Indeed, the kid who managed to survive in such a situation could rightfully be considered "lucky." Today, in such cases, obstetric manipulation is performed, which is called "amniotomy". Thanks to these actions, you can protect both mother and baby from many health problems.

"Water bag" protects the baby

Thanks to the fetal bladder, the child is protected from ascending infection, that is, various viruses and bacteria that can enter from the vagina. Among other things, during contractions, the fetal bladder serves as a kind of "water sac". The uterus begins to contract, intrauterine pressure rises sharply, and amniotic fluid, the volume of which is 200 ml, rushes down. As a result of this, the lower pole of the fetal bladder is introduced into the internal pharynx, which contributes to the opening of the cervix.

"Born in a Shirt"- really luck?

Most often, the amniotic sac ruptures spontaneously. Amniotic fluid is poured out during the opening of the cervix. However, it happens that even the most complete opening of the cervix does not lead to rupture of the fetal bladder.

Why is this happening? There can be two reasons: the density and excessive elasticity of the bubble; a small amount of amniotic fluid.

With this turn of events, the following problems may arise:

1. The progress of the presenting part slows down.
2. The placenta exfoliates prematurely.
3. Asphyxia of the fetus occurs, that is, oxygen is not supplied. In such a situation, it is important to perform an amniotomy in time, that is, an opening of the fetal bladder, otherwise the child may be “born in a shirt”, that is, in the fetal bladder, which will create an additional threat to his health and life. That's why, if the baby was lucky to be "born in a shirt" and survive, he is truly lucky!

Interesting Facts

The fruit shirt is known not only for its attitude to luck. It can be used as a model for making cosmetic moisturizers!

An article was published in the American journal New Science, which cites the opinion of experts: if an artificial “fetal shirt” is used, this can significantly increase the vitality and protect the underdeveloped skin of premature babies.

The composition of the fetal shirt includes: 80% water, and the rest - proteins, fats and vitamin E. The shirt consists of foetal corneocytes skin cells, which have the ability to retain large amounts of water. If there is excess water in the body, these cells absorb it. And if there is a lack of moisture, they release it.

American scientists are trying to get the molecular structure of the fetal shirt artificially.

And the last thing I would like to say: - this is not what you can wish for a baby: why do you and your child need unnecessary complications? If the doctors decided to perform an amniotomy, then the newborn received an extra chance to be born healthy, strong and happy. Without any "shirts"!
